Diamond Educational Center-2
Diamond Educational Center-2
Diamond Educational Center-2
II. Modify True or False: In each number, Read and understand all the statements carefully.
Write “TRUE” if both statements are TRUE; “FALSE” if both statements are false; If either one of the
two statements are false, Shade the circle of the false statement. (2 points each)
o Altitude is the line parallel to the equator going above the sea level.
When the altitude rises, the temperature decreases; hence the climate of the place is cooler.
o Although the land is heated faster than ocean water during daytime; the land is hotter than the ocean water
because the ocean water cools down slower during nighttime.
Cool air from the sea is called sea breeze during daytime; while, cool air from the land is called land breeze
during nighttime.
o The Coriolis Force was named after Gaspard G. Coriolis who is a French mathematician.
o The force that brought about the deflection of the winds caused by the rotation of the earth on its orbit is called
Coriolis force.
o There are five wind systems on Earth such as doldrums, trade winds, horse latitudes, prevailing westerlies and
polar easterlies.
o The doldrums are found near the equator while the Polar easterlies are found at the north and south poles and
blow generally from the east.
o The Earth revolves around the sun and takes about 356 ¼ days or one year in order to complete one revolution;
while one complete rotation is exactly 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds or rounded off to 24 hours a day.
o We see the sun rising in the east and setting in the west due to the earth’s counterclockwise rotation and
o Neither the Northern hemisphere nor the southern hemisphere is tilted towards or away from the sun during
autumn and spring.
o That’s why during autumn and spring, there is almost the same length of day and night which is called equinox;
hence, Vernal equinox is called during spring while Autumnal equinox is called during autumn.
o The farthest distance of the earth to the sun is called Aphelion which makes sun to look smaller; while, its nearest
distance to the sun is called Perihelion which makes sun to look bigger.
o While the moon revolves around the sun, the earth also revolves; Hence, the phenomenon when moon is nearest
to the earth is called perigee makes moon to look bigger while it is farthest to the earth is called apogee makes
moon to look smaller.
o The Earth rotates on its axis in a counterclockwise direction or west to east direction; however, the revolution of
the earth is clockwise.
o Due to the clockwise revolution of the earth, the wind is curve sidewise instead of blowing straight from north to
______3. What latitude absorbs directly the heat and light of the sun?
a. 360 b. 180 c. 90 d. 0
______5. During what month easterly winds or trade winds can affect Philippines?
a. May to June b. March to May c. May to September d. November to February
______10. When the additional one day every leap year is added to the calendar?
a. February 28 b. February 29 c. February 30 d. February 31
______12. These are thermostat of Earth which controls the temperature of Earth by keeping the heat long
enough and distributing heat around Earth.
a. Ice b. Ocean c. Wind d. Rain
______13. The warm air gathers moisture. This moisture is also known as __________.
a. Water b. water vapor c. ice water d. icecaps
______14. The earth has an average distance of 150, 000, 000 km to the sun. It is about how many
astronomical unit?
a. 1 AU b. 1.5 AU c. 2 AU d. 2.5 AU
____________________1. It is the easiest way to handle extremely large and small numbers.
____________________2. It is the sum of the net proceeds and commission.
____________________3. It is a part of a whole which is not expressed with percent sign.
____________________4. It is the whole part in the Techan’s Triangle.
____________________5. It is the thing to be moved twice to the left in changing percent to decimal.
____________________6. The clue word to identify the base in “ 5 is the 5% of 100” is _______.
____________________7. It is the amount with which the marked price is reduced.
____________________8. It is the amount a person is paid for selling an item for another person.
____________________9. It is the thing added to the number being expressed into percent.
____________________10. The range of numbers in writing scientific notation.
____________________11. It is the amount charged or earned for the use of money.
____________________12. It is the number which is equal to 100%.
____________________13. It is the rate of the amount of the person received in selling an item.
____________________14. It is also known as the tag price or regular price.
____________________15. It is the money that is borrowed, lent or deposited in a bank.
_____1. 1/30 _____3. 7/8 _____5. 1 16/40 _____7. 14.14 _____9. 0.0066…
_____2. 1/400 _____4. 1 4/44 _____6. 0.5050 _____8. 10.01 _____10. 0.875
_____2. 66/100 _____4. 625/500 _____6. 87% _____8. 63 1/3% _____10. 1/3 %
VI. Analyze each problem and Solve. Write your solution at the back of your paper.(10pts #1)( 5 pts # 2)
1. Mr. Canilao asked his brother to sell his car worth P 9,000,900. The car was sold and his brother
received a commission rate of 3 1/3%. How much did his brother receive? How much did Mr.
Canilao receive?
2. If the net proceeds that Mr. Canilao received in # 1 was deposited in a bank, he was given an
interest rate of 10% for 3 months. How much will be his interest and the Amount?
4TH Unit Test in SCIENCE V
NAME:_____________________________________ SCORE: ___________________
I. Identify the kind and the characteristic of the following rocks/ stones.
1. Granite
2. Sandstone
3. Limestone
4. Obsidian
5. Gneiss
II. Modify True or False: In each number, Read and understand all the statements carefully.
Write “TRUE” if both statements are TRUE; “FALSE” if both statements are false; If either one of the
two statements are false, Shade the circle of the false statement. (2 points each)
o Tropical cyclone occurs with a large, whirling mass of strong winds with heavy rains
o These cyclones can affect the Philippines usually come from the Pacific Ocean between the Mariana
Island and the Caroline Island and more generally to an east- southeast direction.
o During a cyclone, you can play outdoor games and enjoy it with your family.
o After the typhoon, the surroundings become peaceful again; however, there are few depressing sights
like uprooted trees, roofless house and disconnected dangling electric lines.
o There are three kinds of cyclone like tropical convergence, tropical storm and typhoon.
o Tropical convergence has a maximum wind speed not more than 63 kph and Tropical storm has
ranging from 63 to 118 kph while typhoon has wind speed of greater than 118 kph.
o Philippines is located 20 to 25 north of equator; hence, it can experience two types of seasons: the
dry and the wet season, which brings the country a warm and cool weather.
o After a storm or a rain, tiny droplets are being refracted by the sunlight which can form a rainbow.
o Magellan is the name of the spacecraft who studied the planet, Mars; while Viking Lander and Path
Finder studied the planet, Venus.
o It was visualize the entire planet that the Venus has clouds which made of sulfuric acid and has major
highlands like Ishtar Terra which is about the size of Greenland and Aphrodite Terra which is about the
size of North America.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.___________________ 3. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 7. _______________
2. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 6. ___________________ 8. _______________