LC Agilent 1290 II
LC Agilent 1290 II
LC Agilent 1290 II
The new Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC System embodies the next generation
of UHPLC – with the exceptional reliability and robustness you expect from
Agilent, plus breakthrough technologies to maximize the efficiency of your
business in three dimensions.
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Lowest dispersion for highest resolution Lowest carryover for highest data quality
The entire flow path of the 1290 Infinity II LC is optimized for The 1290 Infinity II Multisampler reduces carryover to less
lowest extra-column band broadening. Specially designed than 9 ppm. Using the multi-wash feature you can flush the
components such as needle seats, heat exchangers, column inside and outside surfaces of the injection needle with up to
fittings and flow cells allow you to fully exploit the power three different solvents, as well as backflush the needle seat.
range of 1300 bar at 2 mL/min. Data rates up to 240 Hz deliver
uncompromised chromatographic resolution – even for your
fastest separations.
Chlorhexidine injection
1 µL (1200 ng/µL)
Blank run after
chlorhexidine injection
13,000 plates (3.0 mm id)
12,700 plates (2.1 mm id) 2000
14,000 Plates (3.0 mm id) 1500
800 13,500 Plates (2.1 mm id)
13,500 Plates (3.0 mm id)
13,200 Plates (2.1 mm id) 500
13,400 Plates (2.1 mm id) 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50
200 2 ppm carryover
(multiwash option with
needle-seat backflushing)
0.375 0.400 0.425 0.450 0.475
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 Time [min]
Thanks to lowest extra-column volume the 1290 Infinity II LC achieves highest Even with problematic samples the 1290 Infinity II Multisampler can keep
chromatographic efficiency in terms of plate numbers for both 2.1 mm and carryover down to less than 9 ppm.
larger inside diameter columns.
Highest peak capacity for 1D-LC 2D-LC
challenging separations
The 1290 Infinity II 2D-LC Solution allows you to match
separation performance with sample complexity. What’s more,
Agilent’s solution takes 2D-LC to a new dimension of ease-
Select your separation performance – match system power with sample
of-use for fast access to orthogonal data from heart-cutting, complexity at the flip of a switch between single-dimension UHPLC and
multiple heart-cutting or comprehensive 2D-LC analyses. the ultimate chromatographic power of 2D-LC.
Unique detection capabilities reveal more Highest retention time precision for reliable
The 60 mm path length of the Agilent Max-Light flow cell enables peak identification
the 1290 Infinity II Diode Array Detector to achieve typical noise The 1290 Infinity II High Speed Pump and the 1290 Infinity II
levels of less than ± 0.6 µAU/cm for highest detection sensitivity Flexible Pump deliver unmatched flow and composition precision
and lowest detection limits. for reproducible and robust results. The 1290 Infinity II Flexible
Pump is the only low-pressure mixing pump that combines the
For your samples with widely different concentration levels, the ultimate performance of a high-pressure mixing UHPLC pump
1290 Infinity II High Dynamic Range DAD Solution offers a 30x with the flexibility of a quaternary pump. This pump delivers
wider linear range and up to 30x higher sensitivity, allowing you superior gradient performance over the entire composition
to detect and quantify all components within a single run. range from 1 to 99 %.
5 100
0 1 2 3 4 Time [min] 0.61 0.62 0.63 Time [min]
The 1290 Infinity II DAD achieves 10x higher sensitivity than earlier 1200 Series This overlay of 10 chromatograms shows superior retention time precision of the
diode array or variable wavelength detectors. 1290 Infinity II High Speed Pump of 0.005 %RSD, even for ultrafast separations.
The 1290 Infinity II LC provides the capacity and speed you require to get your work done
as effectively and efficiently as possible. Highest sample capacity and fastest injection
cycles combine with new levels of usability – for highest throughput for any application.
The dual-needle design of the 1290 Infinity II Multisampler eliminates wait times by overlapping
injection cycles without compromising data quality by carryover or sample discrimination.
Flexibility for all applications
* Column lengths: 250, 150, 100 and 50 mm The 1290 Infinity II LC gives you the full flexibility you need for any
Elution: Water/Acetonitrile at 40 °C
analytical task.
1000 • Wide power range for optimum use of most analytical columns
ZORBAX RRHD Columns 1.8 µm independent of inner-diameter or particle technology
2.1 mm ID* 3.0 mm ID* 4.6 mm ID* • Gradient options for higher speed or higher flexibility
400 • Wide column temperature range from 20 degrees below ambient to
Poroshell 120 Columns 2.7 µm 110 °C to tune selectivity or speed
• Intelligent System Emulation Technology to run legacy methods – even
0 1 2 3 4 5 [mL/min] from other vendors LCs
The power range of the 1290 Infinity II LC gives you the flexibility to meet virtually • Dual-needle injection for automated scalable injection volumes from
any separation challenge. less than 1 µl up to 900 µL
The 1290 Infinity II LC integrates seamlessly in your laboratory’s current infrastructure and
facilitates smooth method transfer from legacy equipment – for non-disruptive transition
to highest productivity and lowest cost of ownership.
Seamless integration in your
Agilent OpenLAB CDS Agilent Masshunter chromatography data system
In the past, laboratories using non-Agilent
Waters Thermo/Dionex chromatography data systems were unable
Empower 2 Chromeleon 6.8
Empower 3 Chromeleon 7.1 to benefit from the advanced capabilities and
1290 Infinity II LC
features of Agilent 1290 Infinity LCs. Now,
Instrument Agilent’s Instrument Control Framework (ICF)
Bruker Daltronics Shimadzu
Control Framework LabSolutions gives you access to the advanced capabilities and
features of the 1290 Infinity II LC and ensures your
Agilent LC instrumentation runs smoother than
ever before when controlled through third-party
Using ICF, Agilent instrument features are easily available through a user interface that is integrated chromatography data systems such as Waters
in your third-party CDS such as Waters Empower. Empower or Thermo Scientific Dionex Chromeleon.
quality products, Agilent has been selected in several independent surveys as the
instrument vendor with the most reliable LC instrumentation.
Agilent offers software and informatics solutions to obtain all the benefits of the
1200 Infinity Series’ performance levels. Agilent OpenLAB CDS gives you the most
comprehensive and fully traceable management of any 1200 Infinity Series System. This
chromatography data system is fully scalable, and gives you instrument control, result
generation, data management and advanced reporting.
• Scale from a single instrument to a lab-wide network that centralizes system administration • Advanced data analysis and reporting drives
while allowing you to work from anywhere greater throughput and productivity.
• Overlay and compare hundreds of signals from both LC and GC instruments • A trusted upgrade path preserves
your investment in workflows, data,
• Work your preferred way with predefined or tailored user interface layouts and methods.
• Networked OpenLAB CDS allows you to
get your work done from anywhere in the
lab – and simplifies the administration of
methods, user roles, and permissions.
The 1200 Infinity Series Method Development The 1200 Infinity II HDR-DAD Impurity Analyzer 1290 Infinity II 2D-LC Solution – on one system
Solution comes ready-to-run and is designed for quantifies sample components with widely different you can perform single-dimension UHPLC as
automated access to more than 1000 sets of unique concentrations in a single assay. well as aspire to the ultimate chromatographic
LC separation conditions. power of heart-cutting, multiple heart-cutting
or comprehensive 2D-LC.
High-throughput screening High-sensitivity Untargeted analysis
LC/MS solutions LC/MS solutions LC/MS solutions
The 6200 Series Accurate-Mass Time- The 6490 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS Agilent LC/MS solutions for untargeted
of-Flight (TOF) LC/MS acquire data at 30 helps you achieve highest sensitivity. analysis allow you to screen and quantify
spectra per second to ensure excellent data Agilent’s iFunnel technology dramatically hundreds of compounds in a single
quality for fast UHPLC. Agilent proprietary increases ion sampling and transmission, analysis. Your laboratory can focus on
technologies in all system components enabling the lowest limits of detection and running samples rather than tedious
combine synergistically for shortest analysis quantification for your most demanding method development. The 6500 Series
times and highest throughput. applications. Data quality can be improved Accurate-Mass Quadrupole Time-of-
• Dual-needle injection for ultrafast injection further using the multi-wash capabilities Flight (Q-TOF) LC/MS is the ideal choice
cycles down to 5 seconds of the 1290 Infinity II Multisampler for for screening applications, delivering
• High sample capacity of up to 6144 samples sample carryover of less than 9 ppm. low femtogram-level sensitivity with
within footprint of Agilent LC stack high resolution and accurate mass. The
• Low pump delay volumes for fast gradients 6560 Ion Mobility Q-TOF LC/MS System
adds an extra dimension of ion mobility
• Quick-Change valve solution for alternating
column regeneration separation, revealing a greater detail
from complex samples.
Agilent high-throughput LC/MS solutions achieve Agilent high-sensitivity LC/MS solutions achieve Agilent LC/MS solutions for untargeted analysis
highest analysis speeds and shortest cycle times lowest limits of detection and quantification. feature reduced system dispersion for highest
without compromising robustness or data quality. chromatographic resolution and sensitivity.
×10 2
2.5 Noise (Peak-to-peak) 968
2.4 = 6.64
2.2 SNR (19.28 minutes)
2.1 = 28.1
1.2 3,514
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Acquisition [min]
Estrone at a concentration of 0.05 ng/L in drinking water with Agilent’s walkup software enables simplified access to the power and precision of high quality LC and
online SPE injection measured with an Agilent 6490 Triple LC/MS processes for multiple users.
Quadrupole LC/MS System.
Maximize system performance and reliability for all your separation needs by combining
your 1200 Infinity Series LC System with Agilent ZORBAX and Poroshell LC columns and
LC supplies. Backed by over 40 years of chromatography experience, you can count on
Agilent’s columns and supplies to deliver the high quality results you need and expect,
time after time.
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