Lawsuit Aims at Millbrae BART Development: Sessions Attack
Lawsuit Aims at Millbrae BART Development: Sessions Attack
Lawsuit Aims at Millbrae BART Development: Sessions Attack
Car break-ins
now a steady
Police say rates plateauing, but
name hot spots for local crimes
By Zachary Clark Carlos, said Detective Rosemerry
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF Blankswade, spokeswoman for the
San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office.
“These spots get hit weekly and
Although car break-ins in San likely because they’re so close to
Mateo County appear to have the highway on-ramp,” she said,
increased over the past few years, adding that burglaries often occur
the rates have plateaued in the last in the evenings near restaurants as
couple months. But broken win- criminals know the car’s owner
dows and stolen valuables are still will be away for an hour or two.
a regular occurrence and officials
She said those spots are likely
ANNA SCHUESSLER/DAILY JOURNAL warn that belongings should be
targeted partly because there is no
North Fair Oaks native Jose Castro designed a mural on a wall adjacent to the Second Avenue parking lot in the secured and kept out of sight, espe- video surveillance, and part of pre-
heart of his neighborhood. cially when parked in known hot
venting these crimes is convinc-
spots — shopping center and
ing business owners to install
Instilling pride in a community’s roots restaurant parking lots.
Two of those hot spots include
the In-N-Out Burger in Millbrae
In San Bruno, police Lt. Ryan
North Fair Oaks mural reflects neighborhood’s colorful history and Izzy’s steakhouse in San See CRIME, Page 18
By Anna Schuessler
Bay Area officials call
Drawn to art at an early age,
North Fair Oaks native Jose Castro
to curb trash on roads
knows how challenging it can be By Anna Schuessler As the oversight agency for free-
to pursue one’s passion from expe- DAILY JOURNAL STAFF ways such as Highway 101,
rience. Interstate 280 and State Route 92
The 26-year-old manager at a In an effort to curb the spread of as well as major road such as El
Menlo Park Trader Joe’s can still trash from state-run freeways and Camino Real and Woodside Road,
remember feeling set apart from streets, Bay Area officials are join- the state agency is coming under
his classmates as a middle school ing forces with the nonprofit Save scrutiny for allowing litter on
and high school student, feeling The Bay to hold Caltrans account- state freeways and roads to pile up
able for not doing enough to con-
See MURAL, Page 19 trol trash generated on its roads. See TRASH, Page 27
002 0904 tue:0904 tue 14 9/3/18 6:58 PM Page 1
4 0 7
Wednes day ni g ht: Mostly clear in the evening then
becoming cloudy. Patchy fog. Lows in the mid 50s.
CELDIS The Daily Derby race winners are Eurka, No. 7, in first Thurs day thro ug h Fri day : Partly cloudy. Patchy fog.
place; Gold Rush, No. 1, in second place; and Lucky Highs in the mid 50s to upper 60s. Lows in the mid 50s.
Star, No. 2, in third place. The race time was clocked Fri day ni g ht thro ug h Sunday : Partly cloudy. Lows in
at 1:42.12. the 50s. Highs in the mid 50s to upper 60s.
Now arrange the circled letters The San Mateo Daily Journal Phone:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 344-5200 Fax: (650) 344-5290
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003 0904 tue:0904 tue 14 9/3/18 6:48 PM Page 1
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006 0904 tue:0904 tue 14 9/3/18 6:49 PM Page 1
Trump attacks Sessions, suggests DOJ hurt GOP in midterms personal and political Collins ended his re-elec- tions began. Instead of commenting on
By Catherine Lucey
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS bidding. Still, investiga- tion bid days after his ongoing investigations and prosecutions,
tors are never supposed indictment. Both seats the job of the President of the United States
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump to take into account the appear likely to remain in is to defend the Constitution and protect the
escalated his attacks on Attorney General political affiliations of GOP hands, but the impartial administration of justice.”
Jeff Sessions on Monday, suggesting the the people they investi- charges have raised Trump has previously pressed Sessions to
Department of Justice put Republicans in gate. Democratic hopes. investigate his perceived enemies and has
midterm jeopardy with recent indictments Trump, who did not A spokeswoman for accused Sessions of failing to take control
of two GOP congressmen. address the specifics of Sessions declined com- of the Justice Department. Trump has also
In his latest broadside against the Justice the charges, did not name Jeff Sessions ment, and the White repeatedly complained publicly and private-
Donald Trump the Republicans. But he House did not immediate- ly over Sessions’ decision to recuse himself
Department’s traditional independence,
Trump tweeted that “Obama era investiga- was apparently referring to the first two ly respond to a request for comment. Trump from the federal investigation into possible
tions, of two very popular Republican Republicans to endorse him in the GOP did not have any public events Monday. He collusion between the Trump campaign and
Congressmen were brought to a well publi- presidential primaries. Both were indicted briefly exited the White House to a waiting Russia because he’d worked on Trump’s
cized charge, just ahead of the Mid-Terms, on separate charges last month: Rep. motorcade, but then went back inside with- campaign.
by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department.” Duncan Hunter of California on charges that out going anywhere. Some of the issues Trump has raised have
He added: “Two easy wins now in doubt included spending campaign funds for per- Trump’s tweet drew a scolding from Sen. either already been examined or are being
because there is not enough time. Good job sonal expenses and Rep. Chris Collins of Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican who sits investigated.
Jeff......” New York on insider trading. Both have pro- on the Senate Judiciary Committee. The tension between Trump and Sessions
The president’s striking suggestion that claimed their innocence. “The United States is not some banana boiled over recently with Sessions punch-
the Justice Department consider politics The Hunter investigation began in June republic with a two-tiered system of justice ing back, saying that he and his department
when making decisions showed his disre- 2016, according to the indictment. The — one for the majority party and one for the “will not be improperly influenced by polit-
gard for the agency’s independence. Trump indictment into Collins lays out behavior minority party,” Sasse said in a statement. ical considerations.” Still, Sessions has
has frequently suggested he views Justice from 2017. He was also under investigation “These two men have been charged with made clear to associates that he has no
less as a law enforcement agency and more by congressional ethics officials. crimes because of evidence, not because of intention of leaving his job voluntarily
as a department that is supposed to do his Hunter has not exited his race, while who the President was when the investiga- despite Trump’s constant criticism.
agreement for the project to be built on attempt to define conditions of the develop- the 1,439 signatures Friday, June 22, they
Continued from page 1
BART land currently used for parking adja-
cent to the station.
Better Millbrae members were some of the
ment deal, group members turned their focus
to the referendum process, with an eye on
slowing construction until their concerns
were rejected by Administrative Services
Director Angela Louis, who said the referen-
dum period passed.
most critical of the project throughout the were addressed. Better Millbrae members claimed in the
approval process, as dozens from the group According to court documents, Better lawsuit their uncertainty over the resolution
150, 000 square feet of offices, nearly would pack public meetings and call for Millbrae members asked in early May to be certification date is the fault of unrespon-
30,000 square feet of retail space, 400 new councilmembers to withhold approval until notified by City Hall staffers once the City sive city officials, and request the court
housing units and a hotel abutting the city’s a more favorable deal for the community Council’s decision was certified by the mandate their petition be accepted.
train station. Of the housing units, 80 are was struck. clerk, officially starting the referendum Johansson, meanwhile, believes city
proposed in a standalone project to be con- Among the conciliations sought, Better clock. officials acted appropriately in rejecting
structed nearby and reserved for military Millbrae members called for the project to Better Millbrae members received no such Better Millbrae’s efforts.
veterans. include more retail space reserved for high- notification, according to the lawsuit, then “The city clerk and city attorney made it
The decision came after years of delibera- end sellers as well as increased traffic con- followed up during a meeting with officials very clear to the other side that when they
tion, negotiation and community opposi- gestion mitigations and more money for in late May to find the resolution was certi- presented their petition that they were
tion, as city officials, residents and builders local schools financed by the builder. fied weeks earlier. untimely and that was the right thing to
grinded out details of the development Ultimately defeated in their initial When they finally attempted to present do,” she said. “They were clearly untimely.”
007 0904 tue:0904 tue 14 9/3/18 6:49 PM Page 1
. / " / $ 9 0 ! 9 3 - / 2 %
Photo: Lucy Yang
009 0904 tue:1030 FRI 64 9/3/18 8:00 PM Page 1
beautiful redwood trees in the middle of El resident Trump fired off an angry
gist Geoffrey Hinton was quoted saying of dollars in the last two years to defeat
Camino Real die? Why no water? Already Twitter broadside against Google
“Computers will understand sarcasm before measures in a handful of Bay Area cities.
many have been cut down. Why did they before the sun rose Tuesday, accusing
Americans do.” Sigh. Their tactics are notoriously divisive and
have a fool for a landscape architect who the search company of skewing its results in
brutal, and indeed two of CAA’s hired hands
insisted that those trees be planted on a favor of “fake news” outlets at the expense of
were indicted for forging voters’ signatures
mound so the little water they do receive John Dillon conservative ones. Relying on reporting from
on petitions in Pacifica. Their empty prom- the right-of-center PJ Media site, Trump assert-
runs off onto the street? San Bruno ises to help build affordable housing speak ed that Google had “rigged” its search results
for themselves. There’s just not enough to “shut out” stories about him from conserva-
Pro-choice support money to be made in protecting renters and tive and “fair media” outlets.
James Martin doesn’t come from guilt our cities. He went on to broaden his accusation:
Burlingame Editor, “Google & others are suppressing voices of
In his letter “Roe v. Wade should be over- Conservatives and hiding information and
The zero tolerance policy turned” in the Aug. 29 edition of the Daily
Cynthia Cornell
news that is good. They are controlling what
Journal, Ross Foti claims, without any evi- we can & cannot see. This is a very serious sit-
dence, that Roe v. Wade supporters have all Burlingame uation-will be addressed!”
Of the 2,551 children separated from their
had, or have been responsible for, abor- Not long thereafter, Larry Kudlow, Trump’s
families by Trump’s “zero-tolerance” poli- Caltrain bikes
tions themselves and are just trying to top economic advisor, told reporters that
cy, 78 percent have been reunited or
assuage their guilt. I present myself as a Editor, “we’re taking a look at it.”
released, according to a recent report by The
counter-example: I support abortion rights As a daily Caltrain commuter who brings It doesn’t take much of a look to recognize
Washington Post. This turnaround offered a
without ever having been associated with his bike on board the morning and evening what’s going on here. Famously thin-skinned,
sigh of relief for many, including students
an abortion. I’m sure this true of many oth- bullet, I see firsthand the stress that bike Trump doesn’t like the barrage of criticism he’s
like myself and others who called our legis-
ers who care about access to safe and legal cars at capacity causes. Caltrain should getting online, much of it delivered in the form
lators, donated to organizations that pro-
abortion procedures. ensure adequate space for bikes on new elec- of news and opinion pieces from the country’s
vide legal assistance to affected families, mainstream media. So in addition to trying to
and took the streets to protest this inhu- Ross also claims to know the mind of the tric trains and not underestimate the chaos
Creator who, of course, supports Ross’ that would ensue at each stop if people had discredit those outlets as “fake news,” he’s
mane policy. now trying to sow distrust in the search engine
A subtype of this population, however, position. Again, this seems to be a claim to shuffle between cars to deboard their
without any evidence. First, there is neither bikes. that leads people to them — and, worse yet,
has been largely neglected by news and threatening to take action against them.
media coverage — children with autism. prohibition nor even mention of abortion
Yet Trump has company on this issue. It’s
Several studies have shown that children in the Bible. Second, the Creator’s purport-
become an article of faith in some conserva-
with autism may react more severely to trau- ed concern with abortion seems completely Anthony Moor tive circles that tech companies are warping
matic experiences than those without. at odds to her indifference to the 20 percent Mountain View their products and services to discriminate
These children, therefore, likely suffer more of pregnancies terminated by miscarriage in
against conservatives. Among other pieces of
so than any other group from separation the United States and death of 11 million
evidence, these critics point to incidents on
from their parents. children worldwide each year. I guess one Thank you Foster City Facebook, YouTube and Twitter that, they
Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN), can never know the mind of the Creator after argue, show companies disproportionately
a disability rights organization for autistic all. Right Ross? Editor, downgrading or blocking content from con-
individuals, issued in a formal statement on The Foster City Public Works employees, servatives. ...
June 18 saying “abundant evidence shows and especially the maintenance workers, For its part, Google insists that its only
that undergoing severe trauma such as fami- out in the field deserve your thanks. goal is to deliver relevant search results, and
ly separation and incarceration can and does Adam Schwartz These people are on the streets rain or that its engineers “never rank search results to
cause disability in and of itself.” Redwood City shine sometimes risking their safety with manipulate political sentiment.” The compa-
Amongst the autism support community, the distracted drivers out there. I have seen ny won’t say exactly how its continually
it is widely acknowledged that parent Who is making these workers cleaning up after a sewer updated search technology does work, howev-
involvement serves as a crucial “best prac-
tice” in the education of children with ASD.
our housing policy? break in 90 degree weather! A couple of er — that’s a closely guarded trade secret.
recent occurrences prompted this letter: A Still, there’s an easy way to judge whether
For several years, I have worked with Editor, few weeks ago while slowing down for these Google has, in fact, cleverly rigged its search
autistic children and young adults. I am glad Regarding San Mateo City Council’s workers, I witnessed a driver almost plow- engine to elevate bad news about the president
the U. S. government is taking steps Study Session set for Tuesday, September 4, ing into a group of maintenance workers on over the hosannas of a grateful nation. Search
attempting to remediate the psychological it is essential for the public to understand Beach Park Boulevard. Then, Friday, at for Trump news on another site — Microsoft’s
harm that the zero-tolerance policy has the history and roles of the California about 2 p.m. while at the dog park, I flagged Bing, say, or DuckDuckGo — and compare the
caused. However, 572 children still remain Apartment Association and the San Mateo down a couple of people who I thought were results with Google’s. There will be differences
separated from their parents as of August 1. County Association of Realtors. with Parks and Rec to ask a question. The on the margins, but the thrust will be the same.
These children need their parents to grow For years, our politicians have turned to gentlemen stopped and let me know they Most of the results will come from mainstream
and develop wholesomely, not isolation in CAA and SAMCAR for guidance in writing couldn’t answer the question because they news outlets with large audiences.
a caged detention center. housing policy.These two entities are in were with Public Works, not Parks and Rec. Users have to dig a little deeper to unearth
fact lobbying groups and neither objective However, one of them actually took the links to smaller or more specialized sites. But
nor unbiased. In fact, their unfailing oppo- time and called the Parks and Rec will they bother? That’s one of the things that
sition to any effective solutions is largely Department to get the information for me. critics of the tech platforms assert: The vast
Kelsey Wu responsible for the displacement,evictions He didn't have to do that, but he did, thank majority of internet users rely on the shortcuts
Cupertino and loss of the working class in our region. you so very much. that these platforms provide, and won’t bother
They refuse to give an inch in negotiations to hunt for the stories and tweets — conserva-
Sarcasm and offer weak proposals that are then tive, liberal or otherwise — that don’t get pro-
Editor, adopted by our cities. Our elected officials moted.
I submitted a printed letter to editor fairly are wined and dined by them and fear their Phyllis McArthur Research bears that out, at least for Google,
dripping with sarcasm with “concern” about wrath when it comes time to raising cam- Foster City where 95 percent of users don’t look past the
Russian hacking of conservative websites paign money or making hard decisions that first page of links. Don’t blame Google for
and resulting angst for Republicans in con- will benefit our communities. that. If anything, it’s a sign of a worrisome
lack of curiosity among internet users and an
OUR MISSION: apparent disinterest in diverse information
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for those sources.
who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. Admittedly, Google’s search algorithm
By combining local news and sports coverage, analysis doesn’t rank sites purely on the basis of popu-
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: and insight with the latest business, lifestyle, state, larity and authenticity. European regulators
Michael Davis Charles Gould national and world news, we seek to provide our readers
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Paul Moisio Jeff Palter with the highest quality information resource in San fined the company more than $2.8 billion last
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Joy Uganiza Mateo County. Our pages belong to you, our readers, and year for favoring its own shopping service
Todd Waibel we choose to reflect the diverse character of this over competing comparison-shopping sites.
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: dynamic and ever-changing community. But the company doesn’t claim to be neutral —
Dave Newlands, Production Manager Robert Armstrong Charlie Chapman
Jim Clifford Talia Fine it claims to offer results that are relevant,
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events Brooke Hanshaw Robert Hutchinson SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM which tells users that it’s doing some kind of
Tom Jung Shavonne Lin filtering.
Austin Walsh, Senior Reporter Will Nacouzi Diego Emilio Perez Follow us on Twitter and Facebook:
Vishu Prathikanti Nick Rose Some conservatives are calling on the gov-
Terry Bernal, Zachary Clark, Anna Schuessler Joel Snyder Gary Whitman ernment to use antitrust law against Google and other tech giants that dominate their mar-
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events
Online edition at kets. But Trump seems to be calling for some-
thing different: Using the power of govern-
ment to change how Google’s technology
Letters to the Editor be accepted. those of the individual writer and do not necessarily represent
Should be no longer than 250 words. • Please include a city of residence and phone number where the views of the Daily Journal staff. works. Such a big-government solution, turn-
we can reach you. Correction Policy ing Washington into a manipulator of search
Perspective Columns • Emailed documents are preferred: The Daily Journal corrects its errors. If you question the results, would be worse than the supposed
Should be no longer than 600 words. • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a month. accuracy of any article in the Daily Journal, please contact problem it purports to solve. The president
• Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters will not Opinions expressed in letters, columns and perspectives are the editor at or by phone at:
344-5200, ext. 107 should stop Googling himself and pay more
attention to the duties of his office.
010 0904 tue:0904 tue 14 9/3/18 6:50 PM Page 1
Diseases & Disorders
of the Eye
GL AU C OM A E ve n i n g a nd S a tu rd ay ap pt s
STAT E B OARD C E RT a l so ava i l a bl e
6 50 -5 79 - 77 7 4
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in s u ran c e s i n c l u d i n g M e d i c a re a n d H P S M
011 0904 tue:0904 tue 14 9/3/18 9:42 PM Page 1
Building a dynasty
Reigning CCS champ Athletes of the Week
Notre Dame-Belmont
refuses to back down
By Terry Bernal
Notre Dame-Belmont’s volleyball elite The Raiders traded Pro Bowl rusher Khalil
doesn’t get any better than the dynamic duo Mack to the Bears Saturday for a package that
of the Class of 2017 — Katie Smoot and includes two first-round draft picks.
Tammy Byrne.
The four-year varsity tandem, each cur-
rently playing in the NCAA Division I Players left
ranks, led the Tigers to a state champi-
onship as seniors. That’s
a tough act to follow. But stunned by
an impossible one? That
remains to be seen.
NDB may posses just as
deep a well of talent this
Mack trade
By Michael Wagaman
season. Does anyone THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
bring the sheer terminat-
ing power of Smoot — ALAMEDA — Two days after the Oakland
Vanessa Pan now a sophomore at Raiders shipped Pro Bowl defensive end
University of Arizona — Khalil Mack to the Chicago Bears in a
who in 2016 led the Central Coast Section in blockbuster deal that sent shock waves
kills? Probably not, although senior Kendall throughout the NFL, many of Mack’s former
Peters has similar star quality as a beach vol- teammates were still trying to come to terms
leyball player, for which she is committed to with it.
play at Tulane University next season. Quarterback Derek Carr, who heard the
After Peters’ busy summer on the beach TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL
news while sitting down to eat breakfast,
circuit, however, the outside hitter is having Above: Notre Dame-Belmont was stunned. Defensive tackle Justin Ellis
her front-row play limited to start her senior sophomore Abby Miller fires called it a bittersweet moment. Others, like
season. a shot Monday during practice linebacker Bruce Irvin and offensive line-
The Tigers can afford the luxury of resting at Moore Pavilion, two days man Donald Penn, declined to talk about it.
Peters because of their depth up front, a after scoring 32 kills in five Carr, who developed a close bond with
depth that has earned the trio of senior matches to help the Tigers to
Vanessa Pan, and sophomores Abby Miller a third-place finish at the See RAIDERS, Page 14
and Kelly Schackel the honor of Daily Milpitas Spikefest tournament.
Journal Athletes of the Week. Left: Fellow sophomore Kelly
“I’ve got great options,” NDB head coach
Jen Agresti said. “I’ve got a deep bench. And
with Abby Miller, Kelly Schackel and
Schackel, at practice Monday,
also enjoyed a big week. Her
career-high 18 kills in the
DeChambeau on
Vanessa Pan, those three right there are
amazing. Throw Kendall Peters into the mix
and it’s quite a lot of talent.”
‘Battle of Belmont’ against
Carlmont paced the Tigers to a
five-set win. Schackel and
roll in FedEx Cup
Miller are in their second year By Doug Ferguson
The chemistry between Miller and
together at NDB, and have also THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Schackel has a chance to parallel that of the
played four seasons with the
See AOTW, Page 12 Red Rock Volleyball Club. NORTON, Mass. — Bryson DeChambeau
plays golf differently from everyone else
and is getting the results
i l l i am Bradfo rd, San Mateo Jared Jul i an, Terra No v a fo o tbal l . Meg Rei ns tra, Menl o g i rl s ’ water
fo o tbal l . While junior line- The senior quarterback went for 281 total po l o . Menlo opened the season with a grit-
backer Kevin Pelaez was anchor- yards in a 21-10 win over Carlmont, and did ty 9-7 victory over Palo Alto led by a hat
ing the defense in a 13-7 win over Santa a good amount of his damage with his legs. trick from Reinstra, a natural defender who
Teresa-San Jose, Bradford was tearing it up for Julian had a modest passing night, going found herself on the attack in the clutch.
the second straight week out of the Bearcats’ 17 of 26 for 142 yards and an INT. Rushing Jes s i ca Bi l s ey, Cry s tal Spri ng s
backfield. The senior saw a workload of 27 the ball, however, he carried 16 times for a Upl and g i rl s ’ tenni s . The freshman
carries for 138 yards and a touchdown, this career-high 139 yards and all three of the started her varsity career with a No. 1 sin-
after the week previous when he went for 30 Tigers’ touchdowns. gles ranking and two straight wins, includ-
carries and 221 yards in a loss to El Camino. Mo rg an McCl el l an, Carl mo nt v o l - ing 6-3, 6-4 victory in the Gryphons’ sweep
Grac e Ki n g , Me n l o v o l l e y b al l . l ey bal l . While the Scots dropped a five- of Mills.
What a showing for in consecutive losses set heartbreaker to Notre Dame-Belmont in Bro dy Cro wl ey, Wo o ds i de fo o tbal l .
for the Lady Knights. Last Thursday, Menlo the “Battle for Belmont,” McClellan deliv- The Wildcats, who didn’t win a game all last
lost a five-set heartbreaker against St. ered a double-double with 14 kills and 12 season, are off to a 2-0 start. Crowley led
Francis-Mountain View, with King going digs. Only freshman Grace Xu faired better the rivalry win over Sequoia with a thrilling
double-double with 19 kills, 15 digs while on defense, totaling 18 digs. 35-32 comeback. The junior was 24-of-33
adding four aces. Two days prior, in a sweep Jo s eph Nazzal , So uth Ci ty fo o t- passing for 362 yards and three touch-
PAM MCKENNEY at the hands of Menlo-Atherton, the senior bal l . The Warriors may have only had one downs, the most notable of which was an
Grace King totaled 20 kills and eight aces in outside hitter totaled 20 kills and a career- fourth-quarter touchdown to show for their 85-yard game-winning bomb to Trevor
Menlo’s three-set loss to Menlo-Atherton. high eight aces. 40-6 loss to Capuchino, but they made it a Cook with 49.6 seconds remaining.
014 0904 tue:0904 tue 14 9/3/18 9:21 PM Page 1
richest deal ever given to a defensive play- been mired in chaos for more than a decade. in March.
Singh to effectively wrap up the $10 mil- and wind to air pressure and adrenaline. in four shots of the lead, DeChambeau had a
015 0904 tue:0904 tue 14 9/3/18 11:29 PM Page 1
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016 0904 tue:0904 tue 14 9/3/18 10:56 PM Page 1
In South San Francisco, car break-ins employed by burglars evolve over the valuables in their trunks before arriving.
Continued from page 1
have become a common trend along the
hotel strip and off the Highway 101 corri-
dor, said police Sgt. Ken Chetcuti.
“Your typical vehicle burglar two years
ago was opportunistic and passing by and
It’s very difficult to catch auto burglars
because they’re usually in and out within 30
seconds. And even when police are fortu-
San Mateo police Sgt. Amanda Von Glahn now we see crews, paper plated license nate enough to have solid information or
said centers in her city are often targeted plates and more sophisticated operations,” happen to be at the right place at the right
Johansen said break-ins occur all over because of their proximity to Highway 101 he said. “It used to be transients and people time, thieves often escape.
town, but The Shops at Tanforan is the and State Route 92. She also said down- with a chemical dependency, but now we Johansen said the effort to apprehend
number one hot spot, and rental cars are town parking garages are popular with see guys engaged in other criminal activity almost always becomes a pursuit and the
also often hit. thieves. turning to this. We’re encountering more danger of a pursuit outweighs the crime so
Johansen said it’s not uncommon to see Just about everywhere, electronics, espe- of them armed and using more sophisticat- officers won’t “chase them to the end of the
four or five car burglaries at the mall in a cially laptops, are the item of choice for ed tactics than the old throw-the-brick- Earth.”
day. Citywide, there could be a dozen or robbers, but they’ll smash a window for through-the-window.” “Mostly we don’t catch them,” he said.
more in a week and sometimes as few as two just about anything, including spare He said burglars often work in groups of When a suspect is caught, they’re often
or three, but there’s almost always at least change and any kind of bag. two — one handles the driving and the from San Francisco or the East Bay, officers
one each week, he added. Johansen said he’s seen the tactics other the burglarizing — and these days said. Von Glahn said criminals are caught in
they often use a spring-loaded tool to shat- a variety of ways, including operations
ter windows that was originally developed with plain-clothes officers, and of course
for emergency personnel to save people. recording break-ins on video surveillance
“You can buy these tools anywhere,” he is always a help.
said. “But mostly it’s relying on the communi-
Von Glahn said thieves are often scan- ty to be our eyes and ears and inform us of
ning parking lots and advised people to put suspicious activity,” she said.
1>66;4 H>DA1
Mateo. For more information call Orange Ave., South San Francisco.
522-7490. For more information call 829-3860. ?>8=CB
B20;4 A0C8=6
Foster City 55+ Club. 11:30 a.m. Financial Literacy Work shop. 10:30
, _
_^X]c $ , 2WWP\_
Foster City Recreation Center, 650 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Belmont Library,
_^X]cb $ , 4 g_Tac
Shell Blvd., Foster City. Make new 1110 Alameda de las Pulgas, 1h3
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb % , ? a^
friends, see guest lectures, play Belmont. Event is free and intended %[[TccTab,
_^X]cb " % %,
, 66P\Ta
games, contribute to the potluck. For for ages 18 and over. For more infor- &[[TccTab,
_^X]cb ! " ",
F 2 ; 6
more information call 286-2585. mation call 591-8286.
, _
_^X]cb !
0 \PcTda
Peninsula Senior Care Options: A Burlingame Librar y Foundation’s ([[TccTab,
, $_
_^X]cb , ,
Caah PV
Panel Discussion. 5 p.m. South San B ook & Author Luncheon. 10:30
Francisco Library, 840 W. Orange a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Peninsula Golf &
5 > =3
Ave., South San Francisco. For more Country Club, 701 Madera Drive, San
information call 829-3860. Mateo. This event features boutique FT_ _dcb
vendors and a luncheon followed by ^U[[TccTab2
Clutterers Anonymous Meeting. 6 talks by three authors: Peter Rubin,
p.m. 1609 Valley View Ave., Belmont. author of ‘Future Presence: How 5X]S00C;;40BCB
B4E4=F F40C74A
If clutter is causing problems at Virtual Reality Is Changing Human A4;0C43F F>A3BXX]ccWTV
6 B D 8
home, work or in relationships, and Connection, Intimacy, and the Limits
organizing is a daunting task, CLA is of Ordinary Life’; Meg Waite Clayton,
a place to talk about it with no guilt author of ‘Beautiful Exiles’; and Matt
or shame. For more information call Richtel, author of ‘Dead on Arrival.’
348-2856. Cost is $145. To buy tickets and for
5 7
more information, visit
Third Ave., San Mateo. Meets in p.m., Shops at Tanforan, 1150 El
Cedar Room. For more information Camino Real, San Bruno. Free health
contact cmccarthy@cityofsanma- screenings and resource tables on family wellness, nutrition and fitness 1>66;4XXbPPccaPST\PaZ^^U7
7PbQa^88]R (# '
!! '7
safety information. For more infor- 0]bfTabcc^<
SUDOKU Want More Fun
ANSWERS and Games?
O Each row and each column must contain the
numbers 1 through 6 without repeating.
The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes,
O called cages, must combine using the given operation 5VOESB0WFSUIF)FEHF$PNJDT$MBTTJmFET
(in any order) to produce the target numbers in the
top-left corners. #PHHMF1V[[MF&WFSZEBZJO%BUF#PPL
O Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in
the top-left corner.
104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi- HOUSEKEEPER Wanted
Caregivers Wanted
fieds will not be responsible for more
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia-
Home are Jobs
bility shall be limited to the price of one for Daily Maintenance of our The Daily Journal is looking for in-
insertion. No allowance will be made for 2 years experience Family/Home Business (650) 600-8108 terns to do entry level reporting, re-
errors not materially affecting the value EEmail:
mail: jobs@starligh search, updates of our ongoing fea-
of the ad. All error claims must be sub- required. We're looking for a housekeeper for 5
tures and interviews. Photo interns al-
so welcome.
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis- days a week. The ideal candidate will
ing conditions, please ask for a Rate be reliable, detail-oriented, comforta- AApply
pply online or w
alk-in We expect a commitment of four to
Card. Immediate placement ble with pets, and experienced in
working in a busy family home!
4600 EEll Camino
Camino Real,
Real, # 211,, Los
Los Altos
Altos eight hours a week for at least four
on all assignments. months. The internship is unpaid, but
intelligent, aggressive and talented in-
**We are looking for an full-time Indi- terns have progressed in time into
110 Employment vidual and not a Company!** paid correspondents and full-time re-
Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Tundra Tundra Tundra
110 Employment 127 Elderly Care 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) teca de leyes de su condado o en la
Representative needed to sell newspa- FAMILY RESOURCE STATEMENT #278665 Notice of Public Lien Sale CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso): corte que le quede más cerca. Si no
per print and web advertising and event GUIDE The following person is doing business 18CIV02734 puede pagar la cuota de presentación,
marketing solutions. To apply, please call as Hands of Love, 1418 Bellevue Ave. pida al secretario de la corte que le dé
650-344-5200 and send resume to The San Mateo Daily Journal’s #104, BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Regis- Notice is hereby given that NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: un formulario de exención de pago de twice-a-week resource guide for tered Owner: Evangeline M. Batoy, same (AVISO AL DEMANDADO) cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a
children and families. pursuant to California Busi- tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum-
address. The business is conducted by
Every Tuesday & Weekend an Individual. The registrants com- ness and Professions Code, MELVIRDA PACHECO, an individual; plimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su su-
ing machine learning models, building in- menced to transact business under the Chapter 10, 21700-21716, JOHN D. PACHECO, an individual; eldo, dinero y bienes sin más adverten-
Look for it in today’s paper to FBN on 8/23/2018. FRED MICHAEL PACHECO, cia.
frastructure. the following will be sold at an individual; LISA BACHATA a/k/a Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco-
find information on family /s/Evangeline M. Batoy/
Personalized Beauty Discovery, Inc.,
resources in the local area, This statement was filed with the Asses- public auction. Sale will be LISA PACHECO, an individual; DARRIN mendable que llame a un abogado inme-
Attn: Megan/Recruiting Job ME032, 201 WADE PACHECO, an individual; diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado,
Baldwin Ave., 2nd Fl., San Mateo, CA including childcare. sor-County Clerk on 8/23/18. (Published conducted on September ANTHONY GLENN PACHECO, puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a
94401 in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 8/27/18, 17th at 1:30pm at Millbrae an individual; KAREN PACHECO a/k/a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo-
9/3/18, 9/10/18, 9/17/18). KARRIN PACHECO, an individual gado, es posible que cumpla con los
Station Self Storage, locat- requisitos para obtener servicios legales
TECHNOLOGY ed at 210 Adrian Road Mill-
YOU ARE BEING SUED BY gratuitos de un programa de servicios le-
GUIDEWIRE Software, Inc. has the fol- brae, CA 94030. All pur- PLAINTIFF: gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar
STATEMENT #278695 (LO ESTA DEMANDADO estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio
lowing openings in Foster City, CA: Inte- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
The following person is doing business chases are sold as is, where EL DEMANDANTE) web de California Legal Services,
gration Systems Architect: Ptnr w/ client STATEMENT #278624
The following person is doing business as Summit Auto Body and Painting, 317 is, and must be removed (, en el Centro
bus team to understand sys bus objec- Old County Road, BELMONT, CA DITECH FINANCIAL LLC de Ayuda de las Cortes de California,
tives & enterprise insurance SW prdct as Compete Every Day Training, 809 within 48 hours from the ( o poniéndose en
Morrell Ave., BURLINGAME, CA 94010. 94002. Registered Owner: Christopher
cnfgrtn reqs. Req: MS in CS, CE, Info Registered Owner: Anthony DeMartini, Zammit, 735 Laurelwood Rd., San Ma- close of sale. Sale is subject NOTICE! You have been sued. The court contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo-
Sys or rel & 3 yrs exp in client-facing same address. The business is conduct- teo, CA 94403. The business is conduct- to cancellation in the event may decide against you without your gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte
cnsltng role config/dev enterprise fi- ed by an Individual. The registrant com- ed by an Individual. The registrants being heard unless you respond within tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los
nance/insurance SW apps. (Alt: menced to transact business under the
of a settlement between 30 days. Read the information below. costos exentos por imponer un grava-
commenced to transact business under
BS+5yrs) Telecom ok if not at client site. FBN on 8/17/18. the FBN on 04/01/1979. owner and obligated party. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after men sobre cualquier recuperación de
Reqs travel up to 100% throughout U.S. this summons and legal papers are $10,000 ó más de valor recibida me-
/s/Anthony DeMartini/ /s/Christopher Zammit/ Unit 1083 Eric Schmitt, served on you to file a written response diante un acuerdo o una concesión de
Req#: JASD293. To apply, refer to req# This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
& email resume to: sor-County Clerk on 8/17/18. (Published sor-County Clerk on 8/27/18. (Published
Dishes, Approx. 2 medium at this court and have a copy served on arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil.
the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte in the San Mateo Daily 8/20, 8/27, 9/3, in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 9/4/18, boxes protect you. Your written response must antes de que la corte pueda desechar el
EOE. 9/11/18, 9/18/18, 9/25/18). Unit Y862 Thiago Winkerde- be in proper legal form if you want the caso.
siqueria, bike, hobby equip- court to hear your case. There may be a The name and address of the court is (El
court form that you can use for your nombre y dirección de la corte es):
ment, bedroom furniture, response. You can find these court forms SUPERIOR COURT OF SAN MATEO
collectibles, lamps, vacuum and more information at the California Hall of Justice
Courts Online Self-Help Center 400 County Center
(, your REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063
Published in the San Mateo county law library, or the courthouse The name, address, and telephone num-
nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing ber of plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff with-
Daily Journal, September 4, fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver out an attorney, is (El nombre, la direc-
2018 form. If you do not file your response on ción y el número de teléfono del aboga-
time, you may lose the case by default, do del demandante, o del demandante
and your wages, money, and property que no tiene abogado, es):
may be taken without further warning Deborah A. Boyd (SBN 136296)
from the court. Barrett Daffin Frappier Treder &
There are other legal requirements. You Weiss, LLP
may want to call an attorney right away. 20955 Pathfinder Rd, Suite 300
If you do not know an attorney, you may DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765
want to call an attorney referral service. If (626)915-5714
you cannot afford an attorney, you may FILED: 05/30/2018
be eligible for free legal services from a DATE (Fecha): 05/30/2018
nonprofit legal services program. You Clerk (Secretario) by Rodina M. Catalano
can locate these nonprofit groups at the Deputy (Adjunto)
California Legal Services Web site Mirna P. Rivera-Martinez
California Courts Online Self-Help Center You are served.
(, or by
contacting your local court or county bar (SEAL)
association. NOTE: The court has a
statutory lien for waived fees and costs (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour-
on any settlement or arbitration award of nal: 8/13/18, 8/20/18, 8/27/18, 9/4/18)
$10,000 or more in a civil case. The
court's lien must be paid before the court
will dismiss the case. ¡AVISO! Lo han
demandado. Si no responde dentro de
30 días, la corte puede decidir en su
contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea la in-
formación a continuación.
spués de que le entreguen esta citación
y papeles legales para presentar una re-
spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer
que se entregue una copia al deman-
dante. Una carta o una llamada telefóni-
ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es- SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL)
crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor- CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso):
recto si desea que procesen su caso en CGC-16-555174
la corte. Es posible que haya un formu-
lario que usted pueda usar para su re- NOTICE TO DEFENDANT:
spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu- (AVISO AL DEMANDADO)
larios de la corte y más información en el
Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali- RODNEY ANDRE TOSTADO, MYLES
fornia (, en la biblio- VOELLER, SCAFFOLD MASTERS, INC.
and DOES 1 TO 20 Inclusive
311 musical Instruments 316 Clothes 318 Sports Equipment 345 medical Equipment 620 Automobiles 630 Trucks & SuV’s
uPRIGhT PIANO. In tune. Fair condi- kAyANO mEN’S Running shoes size 11 GOLf CLubS, used set with Cart for AdJuSTAbLE bATh shower transfer 1994 mITSubIShI 3000 GT- VR4 Twin fORd 1994-PICkuP truck F-100,V6,
tion. FREE. (650) 533-4886. good condition $20 (650)520-7045 $50. (650)593-4490 bench with sidebar $15 (510)770-1976 Turbo Perfect Cont. Asking $30,000 140,000 original miles $6500, (650)589-
(650)315-2959 (650)558-8555 6940
VINTAGE LINGERIE Washboard circa LAdIES CLOThING, some w/tags. GuThy-RENkER POWER Rider,Ever- dRIVE 3-IN-1 commode with seat,buck-
1920’s The Zinc King #703. Suitable for $99.00 (650)589-0764. last 2 1/2 ankle weights, kegel thigh ex- et,cover,splash sheild,armrests $10 1999 CAdILLAC DeVille Contour-Paid
strumming $50 (650)369-2486
LAdIES SEquIN dress, blue, size XL,
erciser $20 (510)770-1976 (510)770-1976 $6,000 Sell $3,000 Good Condition 635 Vans
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208 (650)315-2954 or (650)558-8555
yAmAhA ACOuSTIC Guitar, model kNEE RIdER $ 50.00 joe (650)573-5269 TOyOTA ‘08 SIENNA LE, excellent con-
dRIVE dELuxE two button walker $10
FG830 electric. $400.00 (650)421-5469 (510)770-1976 dition, camera, bluetooth, trailer, 94K
mEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new,
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
mEN'S ROSSIGNOL Skis. $95.00, don’t lose money miles. $9,000. text (925)786-5545 See
good condition, (650)341-0282.
zILJIAN CymbALS with stands, 21” (650) 578-9208 hOmEdICS duAL Shiatsu Massage on a trade-in or craigslist for pics.
ride, 18” crash. Paistie 18” crash - $99 Cushion. 3 Zone. $45.00. (650)207-4162
ONE dOzEN Official League Diamond consignment!
NEW WITh tags Wool or cotton Men's
pullover sweaters (XL) $15/each
Baseballs. Brand New. $35. Call Roger
(650)771-6324. INVERSION ThERAPy table back
640 motorcycles/Scooters
312 Pets & Animals (650)952-3466
POP uP tent. Sleeps. 2-3. Like new. In-
stretcher w/ heat $99.00 joe (650)573-
Sell your vehicle in the bmW ‘03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call
daily Journal’s (650) 995-0003
AIRLINE CARRIER for cats, pur. from TuxEdO SIzE 40, black, including white flatable camping bed. Sleeping bag.
Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call shirt, excellent cond. $50 (650)355-5189 $50.00. (650)588-0842. OmT TAbLE, excellent condition, fold- Auto Classifieds. mOTORCyCLE SAddLEbAGS,
(505)228-1480 local. ing, $25, (650) 552-9556. with mounting hardware and other parts
WILSON LEAThER Lady Jacket. Small, PRINCE TENNIS 2 section nylon black
like new. $45. (808)863-1136. $35. Call (650)670-2888
Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket-
RAdIATION PROTECTION 1/2-apron Just $45
Pb free; .5mm Pb equivalent, xl, adjusta-
old, Vaccinated, Vet Checked, $2,000 WILSON LEAThER, burgundy lady jack-
et, Small, like new $45 (808)863-1136 ble buckle, gently used; $60; 607-227- We’ll run it 645 boats
(650)400-1144 TOTAL Gym XLS, excellent condition.
Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call
7742. ‘til you sell it!
WORk bOOTS. Iron Age, size 10-1/2, bOAT- 7 FT Livingston Fiber Glass., 2.5
ONE kENNEL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani- (650)588-0828 HP. NIssan Outboard Motor. $800.
brown, with steel metatarsal protection.
mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60..
In box, $45, OBO. (650)594-1494 Garage Sales Reach 83,450 drivers (650) 591-5404.
(650)593-2066 TOuREdGE REACTION ii uniflex sys-
tem 8 irons 3-9 and pitch irons from South Sf to bOAT-RACING C-CLASS, 40 hp
PARROT CAGE, Steel, Large - approx 318 Sports Equipment new $75. Call May (650)349-0430
Palo Alto Tohatsu Engine, Spare Parts included
4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best
offer. (650)245-4084 15 Sf Giants Posters -- Barry Bonds, TREAdmILL IN very good condition. Pic-
GARAGE SALES $2,000 obo Call Vince (650)515-6091
Call (650)344-5200
PET CARRIER for small dog or cat in ex-
Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4
each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno
ture available on request. $50 obo.
650 322 9598.
ESTATE SALES mALIbu 24 ft with tower. Completely re-
built and re-finished. Boat and Motor.
cellent condition $30. Claudia (650) 349- 20K obo. (650)851-0878.
6059 TREAdmILL-hORIzON LIkE New, limit- make money, make room!
bIG bERThA, Golfsmith Titanium Driver
,Mid Driver, Stinger 1 3 5 - $99 Rick ed use, Paid $750-Asking $450 OBO SEA RAy 16 fT . I/B. $1,200. Needs
PET TAxI Animal Carrier. Brand: Delux (415)999-4474 (650)508-8662 List your upcoming CAdILLAC ’90 El Dorado Runs Great,
128,000 miles, $2000 (650)922-9114 Upholstery. Call (650)898-5732.
Nature Miracle - Excellent Condition for
$25. Call (650)349-6059. bOW fLEx Max Trainer M-3-Very Good VINTAGE NASh Cruisers Mens/ Wom- garage sale,
Condition, Like New, Assembled, Paid ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz
moving sale, ChEVROLET ‘86 ASTROVAN, 84K 650 RVs
$1200 asking $800 Call Michael 6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439 miles, $3000 (650)481-5296
316 Clothes (650)784-1061. estate sale, GuLf STREAm, Sun Voyager ‘04.
WORkOuT bENCh, weights, bars, for ChEVy ‘08 hhR - Grey, spunky car 36 ft, Excellent Condition. $39,500.
5 bOxES male & female square dance bRANd NEW Golf bag with Stand. flat/incline bench and legs. $100. yard sale, loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500. 650-349-3087.
clothing. Excellent Condition. As a (650)861-2411
bunch $200 Maryann (650)574-4439.
Makes a great gift. $70. 415-867-6444. rummage sale, (408)807-6529.
RV TOW bar blue ox 2" ball model b330
bRANd NEW golf clubs: 1, 3 Woods; yAmAhA ROOf RACK, 58 inches $75.
clearance sale, or ChEVy ‘10 HHR . 68K. EXCELLENT $90 (650)948-4895
bOx Of used men's Levi's and misc. Irons: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 pw. Makes a great
jeans $99.00 or best offer fair condition gift $99. 415-867-6444. whatever sale you CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284.
670 Auto Service
EASTON ALumINum bat.33 inches, 30
340 Camera & Photo Equip. have... dOdGE ‘99 mAINTENANCE Van, ,
$2,500 OBO Good condition. Call
oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513
dAWGS bRANd Kaymann black and
white snake print loafers size 7 (9.3”) $25
NIkON 18-140 zoom lenses (3), excel-
lent condition. $200 each. (650)592-9044 Reach over 83,450 readers
Barely Used, Paid $600, Asking $300 from South San Francisco GOT AN OLdER Complete Repair & Service
obo. (650)235-0066. OmEGA b600 Condenser Enlarger, In- $39.75 plus certificate fee
fAux fuR Coat Woman's brown multi struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En- to Palo Alto. CAR, bOAT, OR RV? (most cars)
color in excellent condition 3/4 EVERLAST 80# MMA Heavy Bag and larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940 in your local newspaper. Do the humane thing. 869 California Drive .
length $50 (650)692-8012 Stand. Like New. $99 (650)654-9966
VIVITAR V 2000 W/35-70 zoom and Donate it to the Burlingame
GENuINE LAdIES Mink Fur Jacket, GOLf CLubS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all-- original manual. Like new. $99 SSF Call (650)344-5200 Humane Society.
$50.00 Call: (650)368-0748. $90.00 (650)341-8342 (650)583-6636 Call 1- 866-899-3051 (650) 340-0492
28 Funnyman Jay groovy VORALTO VILLAGE RImS-ChROmE, 17” Set of 4 with caps,
29 Supercharged 33 Antipollution org. AT mENLO PARk
CAdILLAC ‘85 Classic El Dorado
44,632 original miles. Needs body work
Off ’02 GMC Truck $200.00 (650)333-
engine, for short 34 Nintendo game and headliner $2,975 OBO (650)218-
32 Bit of gel console since
A welcoming and spa-like secured 4681. ThE CLub steering wheel locks 2 each
memory care community nestled in a new. $ 20.00 (650)871-8907
33 Flock female 2006 residential neighborhood just blocks
ChEVy ‘55 BEL AIR 2 door, Standard
36 Experiencing 35 Slithery swimmer from downtown Menlo Park WhITE STAR Tire Chains, never used.
Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000 P195/75R14. $25 obo. (650)745-6309.
some “sweet” 37 Pure joy Call today to Schedule a Visit
obo. (650)952-4036.
consequences 38 ’50s Red Scare (650)322-4100 ChEVy ‘86 CORVETTE. Automatic. 680 Autos Wanted
41 Gym shirt gp. 93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800
42 Car nut 39 Souvlaki meat
obo. (650) 952-4036.
moisturizers -VIRTuAL OffICES- mERCEdES ‘74 450 SEL, One owner, 650.315.3240
46 Half up front? $59 - $150 No Accidents, Needs engine work, Pale
48 See 22-Across
Yellow, $2,500 OBO (650)375-1350.
54 Photographer
*Business Internet *Phone Answering
*Conference Rooms *Offices mERCEdES ‘79 450 SL with hard top. Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
Adams *Complete IT Services * Mail Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851-
Novas, running or not
55 Yale student (650) 373-2000
Parts collection etc.
So clean out that garage
56 Soak (up), as bay Area Executive Offices mERCEdES ‘89 300E, Low Miles, Excel. Give me a call
sauce Condition, Good Engine, Needs paint,
$13,900 (650)355-0259 Leave msg.
Joe 650 342-2483
58 See 16-Across
63 Acapulco aunt
64 Enjoys a novel
65 Songs for two
66 Bargain bin abbr.
67 Thanksgiving
side dish
68 Daisy variety
1 Poet Angelou
2 Take home from
an animal shelter
3 Partly melted
snow Fictitious Business Name Statements,
4 Idiosyncrasy Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate,
5 Entrepreneur- Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons,
helping org. Notice of Public Sales and More.
6 “Yeah”
7 Pasture By Paul Coulter
8 Ariz. neighbor ©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
09/04/18 Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County.
Fax your request to: 650-344-5290
Email them to:
021-026 0904 tue:Class Master odd 8/31/18 4:07 PM Page 5
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Continued from page 1
100 percent of the trash on its roads before it flows into
Because daytime trash pick-up requires lane closures and
trash in their storm systems and waterways.
“That trash is being dispensed and it’s incumbent on
Caltrans to make sure that they follow the policies that are
crews working at night must contend with low visibility there for local government,” he said. “We need Caltrans to
and high-speed traffic, Weiss said the agency must weigh be held accountable just like our cities are.”
and flow into city storm drains and the San Francisco Bay. traffic congestion and the safety of its workers in coordi- Canepa wondered if the agency could do more to build
Penned by Save The Bay and signed by more than 50 Bay nating trash pick-up efforts. awareness about the effects of littering on roads, noting
Area officials, a letter to the San Francisco Bay Regional “It’s a conundrum that we’re trying to solve,” he said. the agency may be able to leverage billboards or other
Water Quality Control Board urging board members to take “We’re constantly caught between causing congestion and strategies aimed at reducing litter.
enforcement action against the state agency is aimed at working in less-than-optimal safety conditions.” Both Lewis and Weiss acknowledged homeless encamp-
inciting Caltrans to take steps to mitigate what they call a But Lewis said it’s time for the board to follow through ments near the border of Caltrans and city and county roads
growing trash problem in the region, said David Lewis, on its 2016 notice and develop more specific trash reduc- have been a continuous challenge for the jurisdictions
executive director of Save The Bay. tion requirements with deadlines for Caltrans to meet. involved.
Though the board issued a 2016 notice informing Installing capture devices on storm drains, screening trash Weiss said the agency has partnered with cities and the
Caltrans it violated requirements outlined in its stormwa- generated on Caltrans roads and freeways and drafting California Highway Patrol to coordinate trash clean-up at
ter permit, Lewis said the state agency has done little cooperative agreements with cities to implement storm or near homeless encampments, and have also mapped
about the problem since then. He added the agency’s fail- controls to keep trash from flowing to the Bay are among areas where high volumes of garbage accumulate to deter-
ure to implement trash control measures in a timely man- the requirements Lewis said the board could impose. mine how to best allocate the agency’s resources. He added
ner has been a burden to cities and counties, which are on Because cities and counties are obligated to meet their Caltrans is also testing capture devices in drainage inlets
the hook for collecting the trash once it moves from own trash reduction standards, Lewis noted Caltrans’ per- and exploring the possibility of funding effective strate-
Caltrans roads to creeks and storm drains in local jurisdic- mit violations only makes it more difficult for other juris- gies for capturing trash that cities and counties have
tions. dictions to achieve regional goals set by the board to developed.
“Caltrans has been in violation for letting too much eliminate the waste entering the Bay by stormwater by But as the agency ramps up its efforts to identify sources
trash flow from the roads for years,” he said. “It’s a big 2022. of trash and collect trash on its roads and freeways, Weiss
problem for the Bay, it’s a big problem for cities and it’s a Though San Mateo County Supervisor David Canepa said the challenges of finding staff and safe times to work
big problem for enforcing pollution laws that the state noted it’s up to those traveling on roads to do their part to remain.
agency is violating.” prevent litter from accumulating, he acknowledged the “We’ve always had the problem of finding safe times to
Citing challenges in finding time and staff to clean up unfortunate reality that trash is piling up and flowing into collect the trash that won’t cause undue congestion on the
trash on increasingly busy roads, Caltrans spokesman Jeff city waterways. Having signed the letter, Canepa is hop- freeway and there’s just not a lot of good times to do that,”
Weiss said the agency is doing its best to comply with the ing the effort will spark a conversation with Caltrans on he said.
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