M-IoT Cell Search Paper
M-IoT Cell Search Paper
M-IoT Cell Search Paper
ABSTRACT Machine-type communication (MTC) is the key technology to support data transfer among
devices (sensors and actuators) in Internet of Things (IoT). Although cellular communication technologies
are developed mainly for ‘‘human-type’’ communications, enabling MTC with cellular networks not only
improves the connectivity, accessibility, and availability of an MTC network but also has the potential to
further drive down the operation cost. However, cellular MTC, especially when applied to low-power massive
IoT (mIoT), poses some unique challenges due to the low-cost and low-power nature of an mIoT device.
One of the most challenging issues is providing a robust way for an mIoT device to acquire the network
under a large frequency offset due to the use of low-cost crystal oscillators and under extended coverage.
Although differentiation is a well-known technique for removing impairments caused by frequency offset,
its ‘‘noise amplification’’ effect limits its applications in cellular communications due to the fact that
cellular communication is typically interference limited. Matched-filter-based detection is, therefore, almost
unexceptionally used. We show that the differential technique can actually benefit system acquisition in
mIoT, where the use of low-cost crystals is a default. Although the existing system acquisition design in a
cellular mIoT system, i.e., NB-IoT, facilitates both techniques, there still remain issues that need to be solved
in order to take full advantage of the design. We provide a comprehensive analysis on the performance of two
most common techniques when applied in a typical NB-IoT environment based on two factors, the geometry
factor and the frequency offset factor. Finally, we derive the operating regions for matched-filter-based
detection and differentiation using these two factors, in which the system acquisition performance of the
two types of techniques is maximized for NB-IoT.
INDEX TERMS Cellular machine-type communications, system acquisition, NB-IoT, low-power massive
2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
VOLUME 5, 2017 Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. 13179
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W. Yang et al.: Enhanced System Acquisition for NB-IoT
FIGURE 1. Typical operations involved in device-originated (power up or in response to higher layer data transfer request) and
network-originated (paging) calls. (a) Device-originated calls. (b) Network-originated calls.
in the future [9]–[11]. The core specifications of NB-IoT factor. The contribution of this paper is thus to show that
were finished in June 2016, and the commercial launch is the matched-filter detector precedes the differential detector
expected to be initiated in 2017. Due to the extreme short in performance when geometry factor prevails and the dif-
time for development, NB-IoT reused most part of the LTE ferential detector becomes superior when frequency offset
air interface. factor dominates. According to the actual operating condi-
Nevertheless, the greatest challenge that cellular MTC tion, i.e., the dominance of the two factors, the device can
faces is the large discrepancy (in transceiver properties and thus select the right detector so that the immunity to both
applications) between the NB-IoT device and the LTE user frequency offset and low signal quality can be maximized.
equipment (UE) for human-type communications (HTC). Section II gives a brief description of the system acquisi-
Among those, low cost of production, deployment, and main- tion procedure and points out the challenges of the synchro-
tenance is one of the most important aspects of NB-IoT nization signal detection in NB-IoT. In Section III, we ana-
devices so that they can be deployed on a mass scale and even lyze the detection performance of two detection techniques,
in a disposable manner, contrasting the high-cost nature of the i.e., a traditional matched-filter based detection and a dif-
LTE UE. Consequently, the transceiver performance may be ferential detection. Section III also makes a comparison of
impaired, and certain cellular operations, like initial system these two techniques and addresses their limitations respec-
acquisition, designed for a regular LTE UE, may not function tively when applied to NB-IoT. Based on the analysis results,
well under certain circumstances. Section IV derives the operating regions for these two tech-
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of niques, thereby enabling a device to select a detector accord-
the frequency offset on the initial system acquisition caused ingly to increase the frequency offset immunity of a device in
by an inaccurate crystal oscillator with a focus on the low- an NB-IoT environment. Section V concludes this paper.
power mIoT system, in particular NB-IoT. We investigate
the behavior of different acquisition techniques, i.e., the II. SYSTEM ACQUISITION AND FREQUENCY
matched-filter technique and the differentiation technique, OFFSET IN NB-IoT
under NB-IoT operating conditions, and we show that the Fig. 1 shows typical operations performed by an NB-IoT
detection performance is governed by two factors introduced device during power-up or wake-up in response to a data
in this paper: the geometry factor and the frequency offset transfer request (e.g., meter reporting) or paging timer
FIGURE 3. Ilustration of the narrowband primary synchronization signal (NPSS) resource allocation in an NB-IoT system.
FIGURE 4. A simplified baseband model of a NPSS transceiver, where the transmitter is the base station, and the detector is the NB-IoT device.
between this device and the network (i.e., the base station) NPSS signal is corrupted by noise as shown in (5), the output
can be expressed as of the correlator becomes
(i+mK ) M −1 K −1
ym,i = hxm,i ej2π B + vm,i 1 XX
γ MF = ∗
1f ym,i · xm,i
(i+mK ) MK
= hcm si ej2π B + vm,i , 0 ≤ m ≤ M − 1, m=0 i=0
0 ≤ i ≤ K − 1, (5) M −1 K −1
1 X X 1f
(i+mK )
= hxm,i ej2π B + vm,i · xm,i
where B is the NPSS signal bandwidth, vm,i is the independent MK
m=0 i=0
zero-mean complex Gaussian noise with variance σ 2 , and = hγ (1f ) + υ, (7)
h is the complex channel gain, unknown but assumed to be
−1 KP
MP −1
constant over the NPSS transmission duration.
where υ , 1 ∗ ∼ CN 0, σ 2 , and
vm,i xm,i
The SNR of the received sample ym,i in (5), henceforth MK MK
m=0 i=0
referred to as the geometry of the device, is defined as
jπ 1f
B (MK −1)
hxm,i 2
|h|2 |h|2 γ (1f ) = e sinc , (8)
η, B/MK
2 o = n 2 o = 2 . (6)
E vm,i E vm,i where
Geometry is commonly used in the cellular community to 1 sin (π x)
sinc (x) , · , (9)
indicate the position of a device in a cell. A device located MK sin (π x/MK )
at the center of the cell, i.e., at a high geometry, typically
enjoys a high SNR and a device at the edge of the cell, i.e., indicating that the received
strength is attenuated by
a factor of |γ (1f )| = sinc B/MK thereby entailing a
at a low geometry, suffers from a low SNR. Geometry is ,
interchangeable with received signal SNR in the following reduction in the detected NPSS energy by |γ (1f )|2 , due to
discussion. the frequency offset 1f . For instance, a |1f | value about
Based on its unique structure, there are mainly 5 kHz causes a reduction by more than 20 dB (cf. Fig. 5).
two well-known baseline methods that are best suited for In order to keep the degradation manageable, |1f | must be
NPSS detection: the matched-filter detection [18]–[20] and well below 5 kHz (i.e., 1f 5 ppm at 1-GHz carrier
the differential detection [21], [22]. Although there are other frequency), which can be hard to achieve for low-cost NB-IoT
techniques, they can be considered as variants of these two devices. It is clear that the optimal matched-filter technique
fundamental techniques. for the synchronization signal detection in the absence of a
frequency offset/error, suffers signal energy attenuation in the
A. MATCHED-FILTER DETECTION presence of a high frequency offset between the transmitter
To detect the presence and timing of a system, a device and a receiver. Thus, the frequency offset has a profound
employs a detector that is essentially a correlator that per- effect on the performance of NPSS detection for a low-cost
forms correlation of the received signal at every sample point NB-IoT device that may have a large frequency offset, espe-
within a duration whose length equals the period of the NPSS cially during the initial system acquisition or after wakeup
(e.g., 10 ms) against a local copy/template of the NPSS wave- from a long sleep.
form. This correlator is the traditional matched-filter detector, It is worth mentioning that there is an important variant
as shown in Fig. 4. In the absence of a frequency error/offset, of the baseline matched-filter detector that, instead of using
the largest correlation happens when the local waveform is a single local template x [cf. (1)], this technique consists of
aligned with the received NPSS signal. When the received H template waveforms, each of which matches to the NPSS
FIGURE 5. Plot of |γ (1f )|2 in (8) as a function of frequency offset 1f ∈ (−20kHz, 20kHz) , i.e., ±20 ppm at 1-GHz carrier frequency,
to show how frequency offset changes the detection energy.
FIGURE 6. (a) Plot of geometry factor ϕ (η) in (25); and (b) plot of frequency offset factor ρ (1f ) in (26).
FIGURE 8. Plot of the combined detection SNR loss due to the timing and
frequency offset, where Ts is the Nyquist sampling interval.
FIGURE 10. Plot of detection SNR ζ against geometry η at different frequency offset 1f : (a) for both matched-filter and differential detectors; and (b) for
a selective detector which performs a selection between the two detectors according to the operating regions in Fig. 9.
B. OPERATING REGIONS larger than 0.9 kHz and geometry −5dB or higher. Similarly,
Based on the above analysis result, particularly the geom- (3 dB, 0.7 kHz) indicates a frequency offset of at least 0.7 kHz
etry factor and the frequency-offset factor that govern the for devices at geometry 3 dB or higher to benefit. In general,
detection performance, we are finally ready to derive the high geometry and/or high frequency offset favor differential
operation regions for a differential detector and a matched- detection.
filter detector. Fig. 10 plots the detection SNR ζ against geometry η at
Fig. 9 plots the ‘‘boundary’’ that separates the opera- different frequency offset 1f , for (a) a matched-filter detector
tion regions of the differential and matched-filter detectors, and a differential detector, and (b) a selective detector which
i.e., the set of device geometry and frequency offset pairs at applies a selection between the above two detectors according
which these two schemes share the same output SNRs, to the operating regions in Fig. 9.
{(η, 1f ) |ϕ (η) = ρ (1f ) } , (36)
with η in the range from −20 dB to 20 dB.
A straightforward implication from the above results is
From the previous analysis, we know for a fact that
that for a high-cost device (like the LTE UE for human-
1 M −1 type communications or HTC) equipped with a temperature-
ϕ (η) < · , ∀η. (37)
2 M compensated high-accuracy crystal, the geometry factor is
As such, the matched-filter detector is guaranteed to outper- typically a dominant factor, and a matched-filter detector is
form the differential detector as long as ρ (1f ) > 12 · MM−1 . undoubtedly a first choice (which is in fact the case in HTC).
It is thus expected to see that, For an NB-IoT device, neither the geometry factor nor the
frequency-offset factor dominates in all scenarios, so nei-
ϕ (η) < ρ (1f ) , ∀η, |1f | < 0.65kHz, (38)
ther matched-filter nor differential detector alone is the best
meaning that the matched-filter detector is superior at any solution. An NB-IoT device therefore needs the freedom in
device geometry for frequency offset less than 0.65 kHz. selecting the detector according to the frequency uncertainty
Hence, for a device with a quality oscillator or after frequency and the geometry that it experiences, as shown in Fig. 11 (a).
error has been compensated, the conventional matched-filter For devices with low crystal quality (large frequency uncer-
detector is more advantageous. tainty), the differential detector is a safer choice in the initial
For higher frequency offsets (i.e., |1f | 0.65kHz), how- system acquisition.
ever, which factor prevails or which detector is advantageous Indeed, including both detectors at the receiver will
depends on the device geometry. For example, the switch increase the complexity. However, this increase can be min-
point at (−5dB, 0.9 kHz) in Fig. 9 indicates that the differen- imized as both the detectors share one correlator, the local
tial detector is beneficial for devices with a frequency offset waveform/signal of which depends on the choice of the
In this paper, we study the detection performance of two
detection techniques, i.e., a traditional matched-filter based
detection and a differential detection. We introduce two fac-
tors: the geometry factor and the frequency offset factor.
We show that, in general, the NPSS detection performance
is governed by these two factors. That is, the performance of
these two types of detectors depends on (1) the device geom-
FIGURE 11. Schematic diagram to illustrate the implementation example
of the selective NPSS detection based on the system acquisition etry; and (2) its frequency offset from the network. When the
procedure in Fig. 2. geometry factor prevails, the matched-filter detector outper-
forms the differential detector; and when the frequency-offset
factor dominates, the differential detector becomes advanta-
geous. This indicates that the matched-filter technique (with a
detector. For the matched-filter detector, it is the NPSS wave-
single template waveform) is no longer the optimal technique
form, whereas for the differential detector, it is part of the
in the presence of a frequency offset between the transmitter
received signal.
and a receiver. To this end, a device requires having both
Although the frequency offset is difficult, if not impossi-
techniques at its disposal, and the flexibility of selecting the
ble, to be completely corrected since different crystals have
right one depending on the actual operating conditions, i.e.,
different stabilities and sensitivities to ambient temperature
the dominance of the two factors. This has the obvious advan-
and other factors, the frequency uncertainty is converging
tage of enabling the receiving device to change the detector
to a certain degree (e.g., 1 ppm or 1 kHz at 1-GHz carrier
as needed to increase its tolerance to frequency offset (due
frequency) each time when a device successfully acquires
to cost) and degraded SNR (due to coverage extension in
the system. In addition to making a frequency correction to
NB-IoT). Specifically, based on the geometry and frequency
the local crystal based on the acquired system frequency,
offset factors, the operating conditions are divided into sep-
the device collects and monitors the statistics on the crys-
arate regions in each of which one detector works better
tal, e.g., the deviation of the crystal frequency, σ1f ,
q than the other, such that the device can choose the detector
E |1f |2 . It is updated after each successful acquisition:
accordingly and the immunity to both frequency offset and
σ1f = α · 1f + (1 − α) · σ1f 0 , where 1f is the frequency
low signal quality is maximized, a challenging feat with
offset/error detected from the current acquisition, σ1f 0 is the low-cost crystals and extended coverage in NB-IoT. Finally,
deviation estimated from the previous acquisition, and 0 < in the current study, the rectangular pulse is assumed for
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JUN ZOU received the Ph.D. degree with the MAO WANG received the Ph.D. degree in elec-
Wireless Networking and Mobile Communica- trical engineering and computer science from the
tions Group, School of Electronic and Optical University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA. He
Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and is currently a Professor with the National Mobile
Technology, Nanjing, China. Since 2016, he has Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast
been with the Wireless Networking and Mobile University, Nanjing, China. He is also an Adjunct
Communications Group, Nanjing University of Professor with the School of Electronic and Opti-
Science and Technology, where he is currently a cal Engineering, Nanjing University of Science
Lecturer at the School of Electronic and Optical and Technology, where he is the Director of the
Engineering. He has over ten IEEE journal publi- Wireless Networking and Mobile Communica-
cations. His research interests are in the areas of wireless communications, tions Group. He holds over 90 U.S. patents and has over 30 IEEE journal
signal processing, and Internet of Things. publications. His research interests include communication theory and wire-
less networking.