Aluminium Adhesive Joint

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International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]

ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7, July-2017
PG Student, Mechanical Engineering department RSCOE, Pune -411033 Pune, India,


Assistant Professor, Mechanical departmentRSCOE, Pune -411033 Pune, India,

ABSTRACT: range from holding surfaces temporary to high strength

Adhesive bonding is widely used for sheet metal application in aircraft and cars
joining. Majority of automobile, aerospace parts, mainly Yi Huaet al.[1] thispaper investigated recessed
their body components are joined together by different single-lap joints with dissimilar adherendsi.e composite-
types of adhesives. So their growing demand needs the titanium adherends through the finite element method.
detailed study of strength analysis of adhesive joints. Recessed adhesive joints, is a gap in the center portion of
Investigation on single lap adhesive joint is to be done the adhesive within the overlap which is one of the
for various applications. bonding techniques. The results suggested that there is
Overlap length, load and Adhesive layer mitigation of stress concentration for that recess length
thickness has to be varied in the defined range & should be less than 50% of overlap length. Addition of
analysis is done by to see the nature of changes in the recess in between reduces the peak stress at the edge,
joint. FE analysis is done by using Ansys to observe the because the peak stress always occurred at the edges in
nature of changes in the joint. Validation by Mechanical this case the overlap length is considered as 12.5 mm so it
testing is done by using Universal Testing Machine up to occurs (x=0 and x=12.5) under tension, In addition to this
ultimate limit. Overall joint strength is related to stress at mid layer were less as compared to top and
maximum force that can be sustained by joint. The bottom interface between adhesive and adherends those
overlap at which the maximum force is required to may cause due out of plane bending or dissimilar
break the joint is the length which can considered as adhrends As compared to continuous adhesive joint there
optimum adhesive overlap length is 0.6% to 3.6% increase in maximum principle stress for
KEYWORDS: Adhesive bonded lap joint, UTM Testing, the case of 1.25 to 3.75 mm recess length respectively.
Ansys. Lucas F et al.[2] investigate the effect of adhesive
type and thickness on lap strength where they used three
1. INTRODUCTION: types of adhesive (brittle, intermediate and ductile ) are
Fastening between the plates such as structural work, selected and thickness taken for each adhesive is from
ship building, bridges, tanks and boiler shell are done by 0.2,0.5,1 mm where they found that failure occurs
riveting, welding, bolting as well as adhesive joint. cohesively close to the adherend-adhesive interfaces.
Adhesive bonding as an alternative method of joining Results predicted that thinner the bond line stronger the
materials together has many advantages over the more joint even for brittle adhesive. Depending upon toughness
conventional joining methods such as fusion and spot of adhesive its strength varies also with decrease in
welding, bolting and riveting. Demand for adhesive bonding adhesive thickness lap shear strength increases
is increasing day by day due to joining similar or dissimilar F.A. stuparu et al. [3]analyzed failures of
structural components and optimize its use in light weight dissimilar lap joint where overlap length and adhesive
structures. In adhesive bonding, the load is transmitted thickness is kept constant but the adherend thickness is
from one adherent to another adherent smoothly through varied. Alumimum and carbon fiberlap together to form a
the adhesive layer in the overlap region, i.e. the adhesive single lap joint. Al-Al joint with 3 and 5 mm thickness
serves as a medium for load transmission. shows that stiffness is increased for thicker
Adhesive bonding is a material joining process in which an aluminiumadherends. As stiffness decreases (3mm) the
adhesive, placed between the adhered surfaces, solidifies to peeling effect is greater and the joint fails at a smaller rate
produce a joint. When we bond components together the where it is same for carbon carbonadherends; however,
adhesive first thoroughly wets the surface and fills the gap the aluminium -carbon lap joint is stiffer but fails sooner.
between, then it solidifies. When solidification is completed Dissimilar joints (aluminium-carbon) with smaller
the bond can withstand the loads for their respective thickness adherends succeed to maintain the stiffness of
application. Adhesives come in several forms thin liquids, the assembly as compared to the aluminium joints, but
thick pastes, films, powders, pre applied on tapes, or solids their strength is diminished by the pull-out and
that must be melted. Adhesive can be designed with a wide delamination of carbon fibers.

73 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7, July-2017
Lijuan Liao et al. [6]he investigated Three join, an adhesive layer thickness, the pressure applied to
different adhesives AV 138 (brittle), Hysol EA 9321 adhesive and its holding time, and curing conditions of
(Intermediate),Hysol EA 9361 (Ductile) with scarf angles adhesive are substantial factors affecting the joint
θ=30˚,45˚,60˚ are used where they found loading drops strength).Adhesive strength is affected by the many
slow for the joint with intermediate and ductile adhesive physical and chemical factors. Here geometrical
that the complete separation occur at quite large configuration of the joint has been varied which is overlap
displacements comparing with the joint with the brittle length.
adhesive.Energy required for the failure of the DSJ with In the view of gap between recent literature this study
the brittle adhesive is smaller than that of the DSJ with focus onan analysis of strength of single lap adhesive
the intermediate and ductile ones. Furthermore, it can be joint by varying overlap length from 15 mm to 60 mm ,
concluded that the adhesive joint performance is where such joint use in aluminum frame by comparing
controlled both by the ultimate loading and by the adhesive joint strength with riveted and welded joint
ultimate displacement until complete failure.It can be under universal testing machine.
found that the load-bearing capacity of the DSJ decreases
as the scarf angle θ increases. 2. EXPERIMENTATION:
Kahraman et al. [12],studied the influence of Two aluminum plate of size (130 x 30 x 2) mm
adhesive thickness and aluminium filler contenton the are bonded over each other with Epoxy E 30 Cl by
mechanical performance of single lap jointbonded by varying overlap length.
aluminium powder filled with epoxy adhesive. This
investigation shows that decrease in adhesion strength 2.1 SPECIMEN PREPARATION:
with increase in adhesive thickness. The failure mode in The samples are cut to length with the help of
the joint is cohesive mode due to high stress level shearing machine. Then the samples surface is cleaned
generated in the adhesive, which indicates adhesion to after cleaning roughen the surface of overlap with emery
metal surface is stronger than the strength of adhesive paper then again cleaning is carried out. The resin and
itself. hardener mix in the ratio of 2:1; then the paste is applied
Borsellino et al. [13]used thin aluminiumsheet, over the lap region by placing weights on joint as shown
both non treated and mechanically treated aluminium in fig (1) and the adhesive layer thickness is 0.1 mm.The
sheet with abrasives surface, in a study of single lap joint. curing time for the joint is 56 hours at room temperature
They conclude that joint strength is significantly higher (25-26˚C)
with mechanical abrasion For riveted joint same size plates are riveted with
Zadpoor et al.[14], Investigated the mechanical the help of tucker pop rivet of diameter 2.5 mm, the
behavior of adhesively bonded blanks of similar and numbers of rivets are varied as the overlap length
dissimilar metals. For similar materials, it is found that increases as shown in fig. (2)
the straining is mainly parallel with transition line, where TIG aluminum welding is done by wire diameter
the formability is restricted by ductility of applied 2.4 for the samples by varying overlap as shown in figure
adhesive. If the straining is normal to transition line then (3)
the formality is controlled by fracture energy of
adhesive.For dissimilar material combination due to low
ductility of base sheet in comparison with upper sheet
there is competition between failure mechanism like
delamination and metal failure.Localization of strain
imperfections of base material is prominent reasons for
base metal failure occurring before delamination.


A lot of factors affect the load carrying capacity of Fig.1:Adhesive Fig 2: RivetedFig. 3: welded joint
an adhesive joint. The geometrical configuration of
bonded parts is essential to obtain enough structural 2.2TESTING ON UTM:
strength. Even joints having same geometrical Gauge length is mark on specimen
configuration may have different strength depending =50mm.Specimen is held between in clamps then it is
upon type of bond and its bonding characteristics. The loaded in tension using a 10 ton universal testing machine
adhering conditions are also important get the joint (UTM) with the cross-head speed of 1 mm/min
strength (e.g. the surface roughness surface of plates to be

74 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7, July-2017

Fig. 5: Geometryof lap joint for FEA

Two specimens according to standard dimensions
are created and 15 mm overlap is maintained between
the two plates to create lap joint. Adhesive E30 CI is
applied on the both faces and both components are help
Fig.4:The photograph of specimen loaded on the 10 ton together with force during the curing period of the joint in
load cell UTM. order to give joint time to gain its adhesive bonding
strength. Similarly in ANSYS material properties of the
2.3TEST RESULT: aluminum sample are used which are as follows:
For Adhesive, riveted, welded joint by varying Table 2: Material properties for Specimen
overlap length, following are the maximum force Properties Al 99.5
sustained by joint.
Young's Modulus, E 70 Gpa
Table 1: Maximum force carried by joints at different lap
Poisson's Ration , ν 0.3
Lap joint Adhesive Riveted Welded Density , ρ 2700 kg/m^3
overlap joint joint joint Max Bonded contact is created between the two
length Max Max force force (N)
overlapping surfaces and augmented LaGrange
(mm) force(N) (N)
15 3705.79 1738.52 7111.9 formulation is used for contact. 530 Element are used to
20 4605.37 3000 11828.4
mesh the module with 4200 nodes.

35 5167.56 4786.16 11194.4

45 6886.24 7801.96 11573.9
60 10681.8 8745.3 11344.2


Bonded joints are needed to be simulated for the
aluminum plate specimens; cohesive zone method is used
while performing FEA on the component. Cohesive zone
Fig. 6: Boundary conditions for the Bonded joint analysis
properties for the given join between adhesive and
A fixed boundary condition is applied on the one
aluminum are unknown;so different set of properties are
end of the specimen while the other end is applied with
guessed for the initial first case analysis. After getting the
single directional displacement with 0 displacements on
results for the maximum force taken by the joint within
other two planes. These boundary conditions simulate the
the error zone below 15 %; the cohesive zone properties
UTM fixed and moving jaw behavior. Forces taken by the
are finalized. Once the properties are finalized the same
joint before failure are noted.
are used to perform different bonded joint simulations
Same contact is applied with the cohesive zone
with varied conditions and same cohesive zone
material properties. Different cohesive zone material
properties. Results form them are compared with the
properties are applied to the contact with certain
testing results and error between FEA and practical
guesswork to simulate the joint created by the adhesive
testing is calculated. Thus we get to establish the method
correctly. Results for the different properties are tried
to perform FEA on the joint between a given set of
and at 4th trial load taken by the joint is 3662.7 N which is
adhesive and parent material joint. Also we get to validate
within the 1 % error zone of 3705 N and acceptable.
the testing data for different overlap settings with FEA.
Most common type of debonding method used in FEA is
Maximum acceptable error in the forces experienced is 15
separation distance-based debonding model which is
applied to model this bonded joint with 15mm overlap.

75 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7, July-2017
Table 3: Percentage deviation in maximum force values
Lap joint
overlap length Experimental ANSYS max. %
(mm) max. force(N) force(N) Deviation
15 3705.79 3662.7 1.2%
20 4605.37 4369.3 5.1%
35 5167.56 5101.6 1.3%
45 6886.24 6420.5 6.8%
60 10681.8 9350 12%
Fig.7: Load taken by the join in trial 4 with 15 mm overlap A regression analysis is performed to forecast the
values of load sustained by joint at any lap length
depending upon values obtained from experimentation:

Fig.8: Vonmises stress plot at 15 mm overlap

Maximum point stress in the bonded joint area at
the time of delamination goes much higher than the
Chart 1: Regression plot for adhesive joint
acceptable limit. It is shown in the von mises stress plot
which is 391.5 MPa.

Chart 2: Forecast at any adhesive lap length say 25 mm

Fig.9:Deformation plot just before bonded joint breaks at 15

mm overlap Chart 3: Forecast at any riveted lap length say 25 mm
Adhesive joint strength is compared with
aluminum welded and riveted joint the results are as

Fig.10: After delamination deformation plot at 15 mm

As shown in the fig. after delamination the plate
applied with motion slides away from the fixed plate. So
contact between the two plates is broken. With same
cohesive joint properties of 15 mm overlap we use for Chart 4: Comparison of adhesive, riveted, welded joints
other lap joints.
From graph it shows the strength of adhesive joint
4. RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION: increase with increase in overlap as well as for riveting
FEA and experimental analysis is done for with increase in number of rivets but increase in number
Adhesive joint, the error found is below permissible limit of rivets causes a stress concentration because of holes
which is acceptable; which means that czm properties in drilled in the plates. The riveted joint does not provide a
ansys are derived from experimental results on trial basis leak proof joint while riveting the plate may bend due to
provides a countable result. hammering effect. For the same overlap of 60 mm the
76 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7, July-2017
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