Fahmida Anjum Prova HR Practice

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Internship Report


HR Operation of BRAC Bank Limited

Prepared For
Raihana Mannan

BRAC Business School

BRAC University

Prepared By
Fahmida Anjum


Date of Submission

11th January , 2014



11th January , 2014

Raihana Mannan


BRAC Business School

BRAC University

Subject: Submission of Internship report.

Dear Sir,

Here is the Internship report on “HR Operation of BRAC Bank Ltd. ” with due
gratefulness and admiration. As per requirement for the BBA Degree, I have
completed the internship report under your supervision.

I am thankful to all the person who help me to gather valuable information. I have
prepared a report on the “HR Operation of BRAC Bank Ltd.”. I hope this report
reflects on the company‟s HR Operations that are being practiced in our country.

I would like to request you to accept my internship report for further assessment.


Fahmida Anjum


BRAC Business School

BRAC University

Executive Summary

This report presents the work experience on a Private Commercial Bank known as
BBL(BRAC Bank Limited)
This internship report is based on the three month long internship program that I had
successfully completed in BRAC Bank ltd from September 10,2014 to December 9,
2014 as a requirement of my BBA program in the Department of Business
Administration. My internship report topic is HR Operations in BRAC Bank
Limited.As being completely new to the practical and corporate world setting, every
spent in the HR Division of BRAC Bank ltd gave me some amount of experience
which is very precious for my career ahead. This report includes how an HR
Department works, what are the possible divisions and work distribution in an HRD,
recruitment process, training and development initiatives, how to keep employees
motivated as well as how to control insubordinations, compensation and benefits
planning, how to lead etc.

I have worked in Human Resource Division of BRAC Bank Limited with almost all
the wings of HR like Recruitment, Learning & Organization Development (Training),
Compensation, Pay and Benefits and HR Administration.

BRAC Bank has a rich Human Resource Department. It maintains the organizational
responsibilities successfully. The HR team of BRAC Bank is completely organized
and well reputed team.

My personal views about the HRD, my value addition to the HRD is also included in
the report. With limited knowledge and experience I tried my best to make this report
as much understandable as possible and translated the real world experience into a
document. The various boundaries to process improvement and maintaining ethical
standards in a corporate environment have also been experienced. But even so, how
those policies and practices are In-Line with the corporate strategy are discussed in
this report.

Before drawing any conclusion based on this report it may be noted that the report
was prepared in a very short term and there is lack in data. But still the report may be
useful for designing any further study to evaluate the HR facilities provided by the


First of all, I would like to Thank Almighty Allah for his grace for his grace in
accomplishment my internship report timely.

I would like to express my gratitude to my honorable academic instructor “Raihana

Mannan‟from the core of my heart for her kind support, supervision, instructions and
advice and for motivating me to do this report.

I am also thankful to the whole team of “BRAC Bank ” for giving me the opportunity
to work with them in HR department.

The experience I have gathered will be privilege for my future career planning. I
believe that this situation has prepared me for taking up new challenging opportunities
in future.

I have tried my best to complete such a big project in an efficient manner.


Table of Content

1.1 An overview of the organization 9-10
1.2 Scope of the report 10
1.3 Methodology 10-11
1.4 Limitation Of the report 11
2.1 History of BRAC Bank 13-15

2.2 Vision and Mission Statement of BRAC 15-16


2.3 Organogram 17-19

2.4 Subsidiaries of BRAC Bank and Logos 20-21
2.5 Business and Support Division Of BRAC 22-28

3.0 My Internship Experience

3.1 Job Description 30
3.2 Job responsibilities 30

3.3 Observation 31-33

Human Resource Department of BRAC

Bank Limited

4.1 Different types of employees 35-36

4.2 Function of HRD 36-52

Analysis and Recommendation

5.0 SWOT Analysis 54-55

5.1 Questionnaire Survey 55-58


5.2 Lesson Learned From the Internship 59-60

5.3 Concluding Statement 61

5.4 Suggestion for Improvement in Course of 62

Bibliography 63

Appendix 64-66

Chapter 1


 An overview of the organization

 Scope of the report
 Methodology of the report
 Limitations of the Report

1. Introduction

1.1 An overview of the organization

Over the last few years, the economy of Bangladesh has been passing through
transitional phase. Bank as vital institution of the economy is no exception to this. The
role of banking in the field of promotion of capital, encouragement of entrepreneur,
generation, of employment opportunities need hardly to be over emphasized.
Normally the term “default” refers the non-repayment of loans and advances within
prescribed time limit that subsequent default is termed as “defaulter”. But a very
precarious situation is now prevailing in the banking sector of the country specially
privatebanking sector. BRAC Bank one of the leading private commercialBank,
performs in addition to other than traditional type of business through expansion of
branches for expansion of its services into rural areas to mobilize rural savings more
effectively and extended credit facilities.

BRAC Bank has embarked with an avowed policy to promote broad based
participation in the Bangladesh economy through the provision of high quality
banking service based on latest information technology. The Bank will ensure this by
increasing access to economic opportunities for all individuals and businesses in
Bangladesh with a special focus on currently under served enterprises and households
across the rural-urban spectrum. By increasing the ability of under served individuals
and enterprises to build their asset base and access market opportunities will increase
the economic well being for all Bangladeshis.

BRAC Bank Limited, a scheduled commercial Bank, started its business operation in
Dhaka, Bangladesh on 4th July 2001. It is an affiliate of BRAC which is the largest
NGO in Bangladesh. The Bank has positioned itself as a new generation Bank with a
focus to meet diverse financial needs of a growing and developing economy. At

present BRAC Bank is one of the fastest growing banks in the country. Today, BRAC
has emerged as an independent, virtually self-financed paradigm in sustainable human

1.2 Scope of the report:

Human resources are very essential for any organization specially for the
development and growth. And obviously Human resource department is the heart of
any organization as they do all the important works of an organization. By the human
resource department an organization can easily gain a knowledge about their
employees condition means their satisfaction, dissatisfaction and so on.This report
will give a clear idea about the Human Resource Department of BRAC Bank Limited.
How effective BRAC Bank is towards its customers? What types of benefits they
offer towards their employee? Why employees turnover is high in BRAC Bank? What
are the aims to develop training program? To have answers of all these questions, I
have tried to get information during my entire internship period and discussed with
my supervisor.

1.3 Methodology:

Both the primary and secondary data are used to make the report more rich and

Primary data are collected through:

 Observation within the total internee period

 Information from my supervisor
 Discussions with internal employees
 Survey

Secondary data are collected through:

 Website browsing
 Annual report of BRAC Bank
1.4 Limitations of the Report:

Every task has some limitations. So, there have also some limitations of the study.
These are as follows-

 Limitation of time: I have to prepare this report within 3 months of my

internship period which is too short for this reason I could not able to collect
all the information‟s.

 Confidential information: As I am not a permanent employee here so they

did not discuss with me any of their valuable information.It was very difficult
to collect information on the client as it is very sensitive and secret issue for
the Bank.
 Busy Working Environment: As HR Have to maintain all the important
works in the organization so all the employees here remain busy all the time
for this reason I couldn‟t gather vast information.

Chapter 2

 History of BRAC Bank Ltd.

 Visions and Mission of BRAC Bank

 Organgram of BRAC Bank Ltd.

 Business and Support Division Of BRAC Bank


2. BRAC Bank

2.1 History of BRAC Bank:

BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee)founded by Fazle Hasan Abed in

1972 is an renowned Non-governmental organization which helps a lot of poor people
to become economically powerful and one of its affiliate is BRAC Bank. BRAC Bank
was founded on 4thJuly 2001 as a private commercial bank focused on SME means
Small and Medium Enterprise.BRAC Bank believes in sustainable banking
philosophy to uphold its 3P agenda: Planet, People and Profit. As part of the
sustainable banking initiative BRAC Bank has launched a green initiative quoted as
'Go Green with e-statement' for its valued. BRAC Bank pledges to return as much
green to the planet as possible against the tree fallen for paper-statements. BRAC
Bank established Green Banking Unit (GBU) under Risk Management Division for
designing, evaluating and administering related to green banking issues. The bank
also has Green Banking Policy to be followed by every employee so thatenvironment
friendly activities can be ensured throughout the bank.

Some of the bank‟s Green Banking initiatives are :

• Planet card

• E-statement

• Solar Powered Unit Offices

• Supporting Renewable Energy Sector by financing Bio-Gas Project

BRAC Bank carries a strong emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility-initiatives

that support the people and protect the planet. To expand social activities and carry
out them in a focused way, BRAC Bank has launched a CSR Desk with a dedicated
team assigned for the desk. The desk initiated in line with guidelines of Bangladesh
Bank, will help the bank put focus its on different CSR activities and ensure

Currently BRAC Bank‟s CSR activities are focused on:


• Environment

• Education

• Health

• Young leadership

• Culture and Heritage

• Community Development

It has 157 branches,435 SME Unit office,350+ ATM Booth,47 CDM. The
management of the Bank believes that this sector of the economy can contribute the
most to the rapid generation of employment in Bangladesh. It has 5 subsidiaries,
which are Bkash,BRAC EPL (Brokerage), Bits, EPL (Investment), BRAC Sajaan.It
achieved Global Brand Excellence Award for Sustainable Marketing Excellence in
2014,In 2011 it got the best Retail Bank in Bangladesh award, In 2013 it got The Best
Bank of Bangladesh award.

BRAC bank limited, with institutional shareholding by BRAC, International Finance

Corporation (IFC) and Shore Cap Exchange, has been the fastest growing bank for
last several years.

International Finance Corporation:

IFC is the subsidiary of World Bank. It helps to promote the development of private
sectors and also create opportunities for poor people to remove poverty and live a
standard life. IFC is a 9.5% shareholder of BRAC Bank limited.A new assistance
program signed in August 2005 aims to double the bank‟s number of small and
medium enterprise clients in 18 months through campaigns to target women
entrepreneurs and rural clients, introduce new products and train branch managers.

Shore cap International:

Shore Bank Corporation, America‟s first and leading community development and
environmental Banking Corporation launched shore Cap. Shore Cap International
(SCI) aims to provide socially responsible appreciation of capital through investments
that enhance the growth and capacity of financial institutions serving micro and small
enterprises in developing countries and transitional economies. Shore Cap
International is a 6.99% shareholder of BRAC Bank.

2.2 Visions and Mission of BRAC Bank:

 Bank Vision:
Building a profitable and socially responsible financial institution focused on Markets
and Businesses with growth Potential, thereby Assisting BRAC and stakeholders
build a just, enlightened, healthy, democratic and poverty free Bangladesh”
We exist to help our customers get the full benefit of banking services in their
economic sustainability.

 Company Mission:
 Sustained growth in „Small & Medium Enterprise‟ sector
 Continuous low cost deposit growth with controlled growth in retained assets
 Corporate assets to be funded through self-liability mobilization. Growth in
assets through syndications and investment in faster growing sectors.
 Continuous endeavor to increase fee based income
 Keep our Debt Charges at 2% to maintain a steady profitable growth
 Achieve efficient synergies between the bank‟s branches, SME Sales and
Service Center and SME Unit Offices and BRAC field officers for delivery of
remittance and bank‟s other products and services
 Manage various lines of business in a fully controlled environment with no
compromise on service quality
 Keep a diverse, far flung team fully motivated and driven towards
materializing the bank‟s vision into reality

 Core Values:
BRAC Bank Ltd. emanates Strength from their owner - BRAC. This means, BBL
hold the following values and will be guided by BRAC as they do their work.
 Value the fact that one is a member of the BRAC family
 Creating an honest, open and enabling environment
 Have a strong customer focus and build relationships based on integrity,
superior service and mutual benefit
 Strive for profit & sound growth
 Work as team to serve the best interest of our owners
 Relentless in pursuit of business innovation and improvement
 Value and respect people and make decisions based on merit
 Base recognition and reward on performance
 Responsible, trustworthy and law-abiding in all that we do.

 Company Values:
An employee must be CRYSTAL in every step she/he takes for the customers, other
employees and stakeholders.

C-Creative: Be a person of innovative ideas in solving issues, thinking different ideas

to reach one destination; do new associations between existing ideas or concepts for
the organization‟s overall growth.
R-Reliable: Be worthy of reliance or trust at work so everyone could depend on it
Y-Youthful: Be a person of freshness and vibrant characteristic at work. Feel young
at HEART and project enthusiasm during performing duties.
S-Strong: Be a person of willing to move forward and apply conscious choice,
willpower, discipline and passion at work.
T-Transparent: Be transparent at work at all level both internally and externally.
Show openness and honesty through communication to bring transparency.
A-Accountable: Be accountable for own actions and take responsibilities for the
outcome of the actions; be responsible and answerable towards customers,
organization, regulatory bodies as well as the society.

L-Loyal: Be loyal to the organization by being compliant at work, taking ownership

and create belongingness, which will carry your brand as your pride.

2.3 Organogram

Board Of Directors:

Sir Fazle Hasan

Abed, KCMG

Dr. Hafiz G.A.

Mr. Muhammad A. Ms. Nihad Kabir
(Rumee) Ali Director
Director (Independent)

Ms. Zahida
Mr. Shib Narayan Ms. Tamara Hasan
Kairy Abed
Director Director

 Management Comities:

Sir Fazle Hasan

Abed, KCMG

Ishtiaq Mohiuddin Mr.Mohammad

Deputy Managing Director Mamdudur Rashid
Deputy Managing Director

Mr. Rais Uddin Nabil Mustafizur Mr. Syed Faridul Mr. Firoz Ahmed
Ahmad Rahman Islam Khan
Head of Legal & Chief Credit Officer Head of Risk Head of Retail
Regulatory Management Banking

Mahmoodun Nabi Fatema Syed Abdul

Mr. Shah Alam Rezwana Momen
Head of Corporate Bhuiyan Head of Human Head of Small
Head of Operations Resources Business

Mahbub Alam Md. Shaheen Iqbal Parvez Sajjid Mr. Zeeshan

Head of Treasury Chief Financial Kingshuk Huq
Head of Learning &
and Financial Officer Head of
Institutions Communication
& Service Quality

 Organization Hierarchy of HR
Director/ CEO
Managing Deputy
Director Senior
Managing executive vice
Director president

Vice President

Assistance Vice
Senior Vice Executive Vice
Vice president President

President Directo

Senior Assistant First Assistant Assistant Vice
Vice President Vice President President

Assistant Vice President

Management Senior Vice

Principal Officer
Trainee Officer President

Senior Vice President

Senior Executive Vice President
Officer Grade II Officer Grade I
Principal Officer

2.4 Subsidiaries of BRAC Bank and Logos:

BRAC Bank Subsidiaries Logo

BRAC EPL Investment Limited

BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited

BRAC Saajan Exchange Limited

Bkash (a subsidiary of BRAC Bank)

BRAC IT Services Limited

bKash : is designed to provide financial services via mobile phones to both the
unbanked and the banked people of Bangladesh. The overall bKash value proposition
is simple: a safe, convenient place to store money; a safe, easy way to make payments
and money transfers.

BRAC EPL: BRAC Equity Partners Ltd (EPL) is a brokerage house and a merchant
bank, with 51% of its stake owned by BRAC Bank. BRAC EPL formally commenced
operation under a new management team on October 1, 2009.

 BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited: full-service brokerage company in

Bangladesh. Provides capital market services, including securities trading,
wealth management and corporate advisory services.
 BRAC EPL Investments Limited: conducts investment research.

BRAC SAAJAN: BRAC Saajan Exchange Limited, an Exchange Company

incorporated in England and Wales. The Company mainly provides remittance
services to the large Bangladeshi Communities living in UK.

Bits: BRAC IT Services Ltd. (bits has been formed in 2013 through the merger of a
subsidiary IT company owned by BRAC and the IT Division of BRAC Bank. bits is
an IT Solution and Services company and is a subsidiary jointly owned by BRAC
Bank Limited, BRAC and Ayesha Abed Foundation where BRAC Bank holds 51%
shares, BRAC 42% and Ayesha Abed Foundation 7%.
2.5Business and Support Division Of BRAC Bank:



Operations RMD
Finance CS
Cash Management
Technology, Communication
HR, Learning &Development

 SME Banking:

SME stands for Small and Medium Enterprise. For SME Loan operation BRAC Bank
has n total 900 unit offices,80 zonal office,12 territory and 1800 Customer
Relationship Officer. CRO‟S duty is to help clients in getting loans. When CROs get
the loan application and if it is less than 500,000 TK then zonal officers have the
authority to approve the loan. But if it is above 500,000 then the CROs send it to
Head Office for all necessary approval. After approving the loan then Asset Operation
Department starts its work.

Small Medium
Enterprise Enterprise

Fixed Fixed
Asset Asset

No of No of
staff staff
Under Small Enterprise in Fixed asset there are 5 lac to 10 core amounts are fixed
asset and within this amount they give service. And the amount of human resource is
10 to 25.On the other hand under the number of staff the trading or service amounts

are 50 lacs to 10 core. In Medium Enterprise the amount of fixed assets is 1 core to 15
core and the people are 50 to 100. Again under no of staff the amount of taka is above
10 cores and below 30 cores. Where the amount of people are 100 to 250. It
contribute 25% in GDP and employment generation percentage is 60%.The SME
Market share is 5.28%

 Importance of SME:

Enhanced Living
Employment Generate GDP Growth

Reduction in Urban
Poverty Reduction Women Empowerment

 Products of SME:

 Annonno
 Apurbo
 Prothoma
 Samriddhi
 Sakti
 Shamolima
 Shompod

Annonno: This loan is an unsecured loan and starts from 2 lacs to 15 lacs. Tenors get
12-36 months time to payback the loan and the new loan taker will get 18 months
time. Any kind of business having valid trade license, which has been operating at
least 2 or more years is eligible. Its rate of interest is 23.75%.

Prothoma: Prothoma is a term loan for small-scaled business operated by women

entrepreneur, Maximum BDT 1 million is offered to meet business needs. rate of
interest is 10%.Any kind of business having valid trade license, which is at least 2
years of old.

Apurbo: It is secured loan. It starts from 10 lac to 3.5 crore and can take more than
3.5 with exception. Rate of interest is 15%-18%. Any kind of business having valid
trade license, which has been operating at least 3 or more years is eligible to take loan.

Samriddhi:To meet import-export related expenses, post import expenses, tax/duty

payment, local bill purchase, working capital, and fixed asset finance, SHOMRIDDHI
loan is offering BDT 1 Lac to BDT 50 million. Loan payment facility up to 180 days.

Sakti:SHOMPOD is a business loan facility starting from BDT 1 million to BDT 35

million against home or business premise mortgage. SMEs having valid trade license
and has been operating for at least 3 years in Dhaka & Chittagong Metropolitan area.

Shompod:Business loan under which you can avail BDT 1 million to BDT 10 million
to meet your any kind of business needs. For this you have to need 1 year business

 Retail Banking:

Retail Banking is a banking process where bank do transaction directly with

consumers. Currently BRAC Bank has re-organized its retail business according to
customer profile. This segmentation has been done to deliver more standardized
services and reduce operating costs as well. The segments are as follows-

o Premium Banking
o Supreme Banking
o Excel Banking

o Easy Banking

Those who maintains at least BDT 50 lacs (6 month average) is called premium
customers. They are highly prioritized. They also enjoy different gift and discount
through BRAC Bank. Currently BRAC Bank has around 1000 premium customers.
Where who maintain a balance between BDT 10 lacs to below 50 lacs (6month
average) are treated as supreme clients. They enjoy separate service booth and cash
deposit booth in the branch along with many other services. Customer who maintains
a balance between BDT 50 thousand to below 10 lacs in an average of 6 months are
called excel group of guest. These are the general customers who do day-to-day and
traditional banking with the bank. They only require a minimum balance in the
account (up to BDT 50 thousand).

 Corporate Banking

Corporate Division provides full range of commercial banking products and services
to any potential corporate clients including multinationals, large or medium local
corporate, NGOs, institutional bodies.

Corporate Loan Products

 Overdraft – This is an on-demand credit facility designed to meet day-to-day

operational activities of the business, including purchase of raw materials and
 Term Loan – Short Term Loan/Revolving Loan: This scheme is to meet
different short- term fund requirements of the client. Payment of duty, Tax,
VAT and other expenses related to the release of goods from customs through
pay orders in the name of customs authority or Bangladesh Bank cheque is
payable through this scheme.

 Lease Finance – One of the more convenient long-term sources of acquiring
capital machinery and equipment. The client is given an opportunity to have
exclusive rights to use an asset, for an agreed period of time, against payment
of rent.
 Loan Against Trust Receipt (LATR) – This is advancement against a Trust
Receipt provided to the client when the documents covering an import
shipment are given without payment. Under this system, the client will hold
the goods of their sale proceeds in trust for the bank, until the loan allowed
against the Trust Receipt is fully paid.
 Work Order Finance – BRAC Bank provides Work Order finance facility for
its valued clients. Through this arrangement, clients can avail loan facilities
against valid Work Orders up to a certain proportion.
 Medium Enterprise - The products offered under this sort of financing are
versatile in nature and each product is tailored according to the need of the
borrower, under certain parameters. The range of organizations this sort of
financing caters to include proprietorship concerns, private limited companies,
educational institutions as well as NGOs.The purpose of this unit is to serve

medium enterprises having facility requirements like a large corporate in

nature, but smaller in volumes. The facilities may range from a single- funded
or non-funded limit to a composite credit facility that includes various
corporate products. The Bank believes that the emerging medium enterprise of
today is tomorrow‟s large corporate that will facilitate the true growth of the

Trade Finance:

 Letter of Credit (LC):This facility is related to import or local purchase of

different items. It is also provided for the import and export of goods (such as raw
materials, machinery, equipment, any trading item).

 Letter of Guarantee (LG): To meet different contractual requirement such as

participating in Bid, Performance Guarantee and Advance Payment guarantee for
different contractual requirements.

 Corporate Cash Management:

NCS –BRAC Bank will collect clients‟ bills through their Bills Pay Machines in the
strategic locations of the city and also at the correspondent branches, where the
BRAC Bank branches are not available and at the booths. NCS stands for Nationwide
Collection Service.

PTS – PTS will allow clients to disburse all kinds of payments anywhere in the
country through BRAC Bank‟s own branch network in Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet,
Savar, Feni and the partner bank branches all over the country. PTS for Payment
Transfer Service.

 Treasury

BRAC Bank has a strong presence in the Treasury Market in Bangladesh. The Money
Market Desk of the Treasury Division mainly deals in Bangladeshi Taka transactions.
The basic activities undertaken by the Money Market Desk are:

Daily Funds & Liquidity Management

Investment Management

Treasury Services

Call/Overnight Lending & Borrowing

Term Money Borrowing & Lending

Repurchase Agreement

Treasury Bills (T-Bills)


Chapter 3

My Internship Experience

 Job Description
 Job Responsibilities
 Observation
 Improvement need in some areas

3.0 My Internship Experience:

3.1 Job Description:

I got my internship at BRAC Bank in September 10, 2014. My interview was taken
by Faisal vai who is an internship coordinator. He advised me to do my internship in
HR Department.

3.2 Job Responsibilities:

During my 3 months long internship period I have learned a lot of things and I had
given lots of responsibilities.

Giving inputs of all employees education files in HRIS

Maintaining & updating database of the employees

CV data entry

Calling the candidates for interview

CV Screening

Maintenance of the external CVs in archive that come to the HR or collected from the
job fair and from different sources.

Giving congratulations over phone who are selected as an employee


3.3 Observation:

During my internship period I have worked with lots of people here. BRAC Bank
relies heavy on recruitment during my last 3 months BRAC Bank has recruited more
than 900 employees on the other hand during this period turnover rate was also high.
We know that in Human Resource Management, Recruitment is one of the key
activities of an HR Department where the quality of recruitment directly affects
organization‟s productivity thus success in the long run. So the performance of HR
Department in finding good candidates and selecting the best from the pool is vital for
an organization. In BRAC Bank, staff requisitions come in short interval every week
and Department Heads, Managers puts pressure on Recruitment to get the
requisitioned number of people as soon as possible. Ali vai and Benu apa played a
vital role in recruitment process. And they divide their work among other employees
if the pressure is very high. After recruiting they have to give a written test and after
that if they pass in test they are called for interview. In the interview board Fatema
Rezwana apa, Muntasir Newaz, Sukumar Datt and some other people takes interview.
References from superior levels are also entertained as those CVs are always given
priority in times of recruitment even if the candidate is unfit or unqualified for the
vacant post.

Percentage of employee’s resignation and joining:


During internship program, I have found some critical issues in the other wings of
Human resources Department of BRAC Bank Limited-

BRAC Bank is a big company now. Insufficient manpower in proportion to the

bank‟s total workforce. They should recruit sufficient people based on the demand of
different wings in HR as there is lots of pending work in HR admin & in Pay benefits
because of less manpower. Sometimes they keep a lot of work pending. If they check
the papers on regular basis then the work does not remain pending.

It has seen that BRAC Bank does not go for paper adds that much when they recruit
employees. Only when they recruit the Management Trainee Officers and higher
positioned employees like CEO, then they give ad in the newspaper. They should give
more paper ad so that many people can know about it.

Strong influence of external references in some cases. The external forces should be
reduced.HR software in use needs up gradation and modifications.
 BRAC Bank uses
VISTA Manager as software for different purposes. Sometimes it disturbs and gets

BBL staffs are not uses modified desktop version for that they are facing lots of
problem while they are performing on specific task. The salary structure is not good
enough according to the workload of employees for that they cannot perform well.
BBL has older promotion policy for that right people are not recognized on time. HR
service delivery desk is not giving proper services on time due to less manpower.

3.4 Improvement needs in some areas:

 BRAC Bank can go for paper advertisement also for the other vacancies rather
 Management Trainee Officers and higher positioned employees.
 Promotion structure should be changed because promotion can motivate an
employee more.
 Salary structure should be changed on the basis of work load
 Software should be upgraded and in every Computer Internet connection

should be given.

 A CVs‟ archive should be maintained in a computerized database to reduce

paper uses and space consumption. The CVs can be scanned as PDF files and
maintained in Compact Disks archive.

Chapter 4

Human Resource Department of BRAC Bank Limited

 Different types of employees

 Human Resource Division


4.1 Different types of employees:

The BRAC Bank Limited has in different employee‟s criteria. There are different
types of employees working in different places inside BRAC Bank. The types of
employees are-
1. HR Contractual: Contractual employees are taken for specific period like six
months basis. Along with their salary, they get attractive performance bonus if
they achieve their target which determined by organization. HR temporary
contract are for those categories whose Job description is such, where he/she
needs to be under the direct supervision of Bank‟s authority, whose
performance is monitored by the Bank Management. They might be specialist,
consultant, and specially assigned staff. Staff under HR contract are those
people who directly or indirectly deals with customer, has access to Bank‟s
confidential data‟s& valuable properties (car, etc.), deals with sensitive areas,
also where staff need to deal with customer as a representative of BRAC Bank

2. Regular/ Full time employee: In full time category, employees are joined as
probationary for six months or one year depending on job category. They also
have to sign a deed for 5 years a long with depositing taka 2 lacs refundable.
The regular employees are allowed to get the bonus, incentives and other
allowances with their basic salaries. And these types of employees also have
the benefit of getting extra facilities the BRAC Bank limited is providing for
their employees.

3. Outsource Staff: Other contractual employees are not entitled for any service
agreement. They will be recruited through outsource agencies. The
requirement of any support staff through outsource agency must come through
HR signed by the Division Head. HR will send the requirement to provide
staff by the Outsource Agency. Outsource Staff recruitment depends on the
budgeted requisition of the staff from the respective departments. However,

for non-budgeted requisition it will go through after the approval process of

MANCOM. The bank reserves the right to terminate the contract with the
Outsource Agency without assigning the reason whatsoever. The Outsource
Staffs salaries are fixed and they won‟t get any allowances with their salary.

4. Intern: To encourage and help human resource development in the financial

industry the Bank may decide to offer internship programs to individuals or
educational institutions. The decision to enter such an engagement will be
decided by the MD& CEO on the recommendation of the Department Head.
The HRD will prepare the proposal of such engagement with
individual/institution and forward it to the MD& CEO for consideration with
the recommendation of the Head of HR. Individuals engaged as Internees will
be paid a consolidated Honorarium of Tk. 5000/- per month, as decided by the
MD/MANCOM and will not be entitled to any other benefits. Managing
Directors & CEO will determine and analyze the necessity of intern on the
basis of yearly budget and also requirement of special projects. As per
requirements Department Head will make the intern requisition and after
receiving intern requisition HR will take 15 days for an intern to join. All
Internships program will be for a three months. Prior approval by MD& CEO
internship program can be extended for a maximum period of six months.

5. Management Trainee Officer (MTO): Management Trainee Officers highly

qualified students of BRAC Bank Limited. The MTO‟s are regular employee
but they have to learn as a student inside BRAC Bank for the period of one
year. After one year if they can complete their learning period successfully
they will become a senior officer directly from the MTO.

4.1 Functions of the HRD

According the HR discipline, they too have a recruitment division, training &
development division, compensation & benefits planning division and there are
performance measurement methods and rewards for good performance as a
motivational drive in BRAC Bank HRD‟s policy. The HR Administration division

and MIS & Strategic Planning division were out of the ordinary HR theory. The
Human Resources Department currently has 3 different wings. These are:

. HR Relationship , Process Management and Recruitment

. Compensation, Pay and Benefits

. HR Operation/ Administration

 HR Relationship , Process Management and Recruitment

The recruitment division is responsible for collection of CVs, Job Applications for
vacant posts, Internship Applications etc. The recruitment officers collect and store
these hard copies and also update, maintains computer databases regularly. The
recruitment officers‟ task is to organize CVs for potential candidates so that in time of
recruitment they can be found and short listed within a reasonable time. The very
general idea about the functions of recruitment division is that after CV short listing,
the short listed candidates are contacted (usually by telephone) for interviews. In case
of large number of candidates, letters are mailed to the applicants/candidates mailing
address. These are done according to the interview schedule made before contacting
the candidates. The interview or written test schedule is made prior to contacting with
the short listed candidates by communicating with respective departments who
submitted requisition for the needed workforce. The respective Department Heads
accompany the Head of HR in the interview board and cross Department Heads also
join the board. After the interview the recruitment division acquires the Interview
Score Sheet which is printed and handed to Interview Board before starting the
interviews. The filled out Interview Score Sheets are then used to list the finally
selected candidates for the respective posts. According to the Score Sheets, the
Recruitment Division issues Offer Letters/Appointment Letters to the finally selected
candidates and requests them to collect their Letters from the HRD. The new
employees are then greeted to finish all the official formalities (e.g. Bond

Signing, PIN number assignment etc.) and assigned a joining date in their respective
departments. Written tests are only arranged when necessary, usually in case of large
number of applicants. Before a recruitment process is completely finished, the
recruitment officers must communicate with the Learning & Organization
Development officers so that they can arrange orientation or initial training sessions
for the newly recruited employees on time. This is done frequently because most of
the time the posts getting filled up require an initial training or orientation.

BRAC Bank also provides a large number of internship opportunities for students all
over the country. Communicating with different departments and finding out open
internship scopes is one of the tasks for a recruitment officer. Departments, Branches
also communicate with Recruitment Team whenever there is an Internship
opportunity is available in their respective stations. Matching the subject studied by
the student and the open department enables the recruitment officer to make decision
in selecting an intern. BRAC Bank HRD gives priority to interns (who have
successfully completed their internship in any department or branch of BRAC Bank)
when they apply for a vacant post.

The steps involved in a recruitment process are as follows:

 A properly filled-out Staff-Requisition Form is submitted by the concerned

 Department Head or Manager.
 The Manpower Budget should support the Requisition for the year;

 otherwise, a Non-Budgeted Requisition must be signed and approved by the

 Managing Director upon stating valid reason for the recruitment.
 Determining the type of recruitment is the next step so that source of CVs can
be identified. For a Full-Time/Regular post an Internal Job Watch must be
circulated with details of the post throughout the bank using Lotus Mail.
External CVs are also accepted for a post offered through mail but in these
cases, internal source is preferred by the concerned department as some posts
require existing, experienced employees within the bank. For example, a
Regular post open in Unsecured Value Center usually prefers an HR Contract
working in Unsecured 
 Value Center for past two years with satisfactory

 Criteria for existing Regular employees to apply in an Internal Job Watch are:
a) the employee must have worked 1 Year after his/her confirmation and
completed 1 continuous year of service in his/her current department.
Must have minimum performance rating „P‟ (for Proficient) 
 c) Must have
completed 8 mandatory E-Learning courses.
 Condition for HR Contracts is 2 years of continuous service in the current

 For external CVs the Recruitment wing looks into the archive of CVs applying
 any suitable post and for large recruitments we publish circular in
 Usually in “”Prothom Alo” and “The Daily Star”.

4. On the day an Internal Job Watch closes or a Paper Ad reaches deadline for CV

 submission, the Recruitment wing checks all the CVs as an initial screening
and then sends the CVs for final short listing to the concerned departments
who submitted requisition. The finally selected applications are then called
(issued interview cards in case of large recruitments e.g. CRO's for SME
Banking) for an interview after setting an interview date and venue.

The recruitment wing manages Internal Job Postings, recruiting HR Temporary Staffs
and Outsourcing Staffs.

The Recruitment Policy:

 All regular employees will appointed by the Managing Director.

 All HR contract and outsource contract employees will be appointed by The
Head of 
 Human Resource Division.
 The schedule of recruitment will be created according to the Service Level
 The interview board will with The Head of Department of that post, The
 Department Head and The Head of HRD.
 Officer Grade I and Officer II can appoint directly after the interview.
 From Senior Officer and more there will be a second interview with the
Managing Director of BRAC Bank Limited after the first interview.

 For internal job posting the employee can only apply if he has the service time
in BRAC Bank is more than two years and also need to recommend the
candidate‟s application by the reporting supervisor of the employee.
 The HR Contract employee can apply for the regular post after servicing more
than two years in the BRAC Bank.
 Outsource Staff can apply for the regular post after servicing more than three
years in the BRAC Bank.
 The new recruited will get the probationary period of one year if the employee
has less than three years of working experience and will get the probationary
period of six months if he has more than three years working experience.

 Compensation, Pay & Benefits:

The remuneration policy of the bank will cover all persons engaged in permanent
service of the bank. Various job grades of HR are-

. Deputy Managing Director

. Executive Vice President

. Senior Vice President

. Vice President

. Senior Assistant Vice President

. First Assistant Vice President

. Assistant Vice President

. Senior Principal Officer

. Principal Officer

. Senior Officer

. Management Trainee Officer (Direct Recruit)

. Officer Grade II

. Officer Grade I

The salary are also structured by the above mentioned grade.

The remuneration of employees consists of:

Basic Salary,
 House Rent and
 Medical Allowance

Salaries are confidential between the employees concerned and the Management. The
salary ranges for these job grades are reviewed from time to time.
 HR Temporary &
outsource staff do not have any assigned job grade. The contracts get a consolidated
payment per month and there are no other entitlements applicable except commission
based on job criteria.

Basic Pay

Basic Salary Ranges (BSRs) is commensurate with the job grades and is determined
by the Board on the recommendation of the Managing Director. The Board reviews
the BSR at least once every two/three years.

House rent allowance:

House Rent Allowance may be paid to the employees at such rates and on such
conditions as may be prescribed by the Competent Authority from time to time.

Medical allowance:

Medical Allowances may be paid in accordance with the job grades and on such
conditions that may be prescribed by the Competent Authority from time to time.

Festival Bonus

All regular and confirmed employees get two bonuses each year. One in Eid-Ul-Fitr
and another during Eid-Ul-Azha only for Muslims and employees of different religion
gets that bonus during their respective religious festival.
 There is also a performance
bonus system maintained by the Compensation, Pay & Benefits wing. But final
evaluation is always decided by the MANCOM.

Other than the above benefit there is a Provident Fund System, a Gratuity System,
Group Hospitalization Insurance Policy, Employee Security and Welfare Fund
maintained by the Bank.
 Regular and confirmed employees can apply for House
Building Loan and Car Loan. Allowances are also available to only regular and
confirmed employees but Car Allowances are only for the grades above Senior
Principal Officer (SPO).

There is an annual increment for all regular and confirmed employees on their joining
anniversary.Festival Bonus will be paid to all confirmed officers/staff at one month
basic salary which will be reimbursed twice in each calendar year. All confirmed
employees would get one bonus during Eid-ul-Fitre and another one for Muslims
during Eid-ul-Azha and for others based on their respective religious festival.

Non-confirmed employees will be entitled to get Festival bonus as pro rata

basis depending on his/her BBL joining Date.

HR Contract & Outsource Staff would get 1 bonus, which is 50% of this
gross salary. 
 The Board of the Directors will decide the annual salary
revision and recommendation will be based on:

 Performance Bonus (PB) ;( once a year): 
 The Board of Directors at its

discretion, based on the Bank‟s profit will declare a certain percentage of the pre-tax
profit as Performance Bonus.The contribution measurement will be coming from the
Performance Matters. Performance Matters for such purpose shall be made on the
criteria set by the management from time to time.
 Amount of Performance Bonus
will be 3% based on net profit after tax and method of distribution will be based at
Management discretion

No bonus will be applicable to the employees rating marginal & unsatisfactory.
Evaluation will be decided by the MANCOM for the entire bank after going through a
„rating‟ process to ensure that a consensus is reached for the entire bank.

Leave Fare assistance (LFA); (once a year):

Leave Fare Assistance is a non-recurring benefit for all the permanent employees of
the Bank who have completed at least one year service. According to Bangladesh
Bank policy all the permanent employees have to take 15 days mandatory leave in one
go and LFA will give in this leave period, so that everyone will be encouraged to
avail the leave. The Board has approved the LFA in its 92nd Meeting.

BRAC Bank provides Leave Fare Assistance to its Employees to ensure that the
employees enjoy a sound mandatory leave of 15 days in one go. This will definitely
enhance the employees‟ satisfaction and it will enhance competitiveness with peer
organization in the industry.

Every Permanent employee of the bank is eligible to receive the LFA who have
completed at least one year service. This benefit is available at the time of mandatory
Leave. However, after completion of one year service and being confirmed, calendar
year must have the option to accommodate staff mandatory leave.

LFA will be given at the time when an employee will avail the 15 days mandatory
leave. LFA will be the one-month‟s basic salary of processing month for current and
future treatment. For previous treatment, the amount will be one month‟s basic salary
of Mandatory Leave Availing month.

Every Confirmed Employee is entitled to receive LFA only once in a year. If any staff
fails to go to mandatory leave his/her LFA will not be carried forward. That means in
a calendar year only one LFA will be given to the staff.

The Staff has to have enough leave balance to accommodate 15 days one go leave,
otherwise s/he will not be entitled to have the Leave with LFA.
 Staff can‟t claim the
mandatory leave after separation situation arise that means if an employee resigns
from the services or in the notice period s/he can‟t claim for mandatory leave with
LFA. The other hand if any staff is terminated/ dismissed s/he can‟t claim for

mandatory leave with LFA after receiving the letter.

Government rules and regulations will be followed regarding tax issue. LFA will be
included in the income certificate of staff for tax return purpose.
 After receiving
Mandatory Leave application HRD will produce the Pay Slip. Head of HR will
approve this slip and send to FAD (Funding Allowance Document) for payment and
FAD will pay accordingly.

It will be come into force from January 2008 according to approval of the board.

Telephone policy:

Employees from AVP and above are entitled to have mobile phone sets with all
facilities (T&T incoming, outgoing, and ISD connection)
 Employees of the bank
below AVP are requested to take up a post-paid mobile at their own expense
according to departmental need and also given a ceiling on the basis of their job

All others except SME will have to get their monthly bill approved by the
departmental/divisional head prior to submission for payment disbursement. Others
may avail a bank‟s mobile, provided they seek prior approval from the competent

Hospitalization Insurance:

In the event where hospitalization or surgery is required for a member of the officer‟s
(confirmed employee) dependent (Spouse and Children) including hospitalization on
account of maternity - the Bank will reimburse the officer (Group C) up to a
maximum of Tk.35,000/- per annum, for executives (Group B) Tk.100,000/- per
annum and 200,000/- per annum for MANCOM (Group A).

Travel allowance:

An employee of the Bank may be allowed to draw traveling allowance in respect of

journeys performed for the purposes authorized by the competent authority which

- On officially assigned tour

- To give evidence in a court of law

- On transfer

- On compulsory recall from leave

- To appear at a departmental/professional examination as authorized by the

 competent authority

- To attend a course of training sponsored by the Bank

- To bear the cost of travel of deceased employee 
 Types of allowances

under travel policy:

- Traveling Allowance (Mode of Transport)

- Accommodation Allowance (Hotel Rent)

- Daily Allowance 
 The Gratuity Fund is a terminal

benefit that an employee receives at the time of retirement/resignation.

 Regular confirmed employees who have completed at

least 5 Years continuous service are entitled to receive Gratuity Benefit.

Gratuity Calculation:
 Last month‟s basic Salary multiplied by the

year of service completed e.g., if an employee serves The Bank for 6 years and
then resigns/retires his Gratuity Calculation shall be (Let‟s assume his Basic
Salary is Taka 20,000.00):
 Taka 20,000.00 x 6 years = Taka 1,
 The custody, management, investment and control of the fund
shall be vested in the board of trustees.

Regular employees after confirmation need to fill up and submit the

“Application for Enrollment as Member” to become a member. There shall be
at least 6 trustees of the fund. The MD will nominate trustees. The MD shall
be an Ex-Officio Member and Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The Head

of Human Resources - Ex-Officio Member. The Head of Financial Admin -

Ex-Officio Member. At least three representatives from the members as
nominated by the Chairman. 
 If there is a shortage of member of the board of
trustees due to resignation then the Chairman can nominate trustee/s to reach
the minimum number.
 The Board of Trustees shall meet at least 4 times in a
calendar year. At least 7 days prior- notice should be given to the trustees
before a meeting. 
 All money of the fund shall be deposited in a Special
Account with any bank, This should be mentioned here that the Account is
maintained jointly by authorized members of the board of trustees. The
Trustees are authorized to invest the surplus money of the fund in accordance
with the provisions of Company Act 1994 and Income Tax Rules 1984.

Security Fund:

The objective of the fund is to provide predetermined monetary benefit against Death
and Permanent Disability of regular confirmed staff to his/her
Dependent/Heir/Nominee by the Bank. All Regular Confirmed employees are eligible
to avail this benefit. The fund for this benefit is created solely with The Bank‟s

The Bank will contribute Taka 5.00/Thousand on a yearly basis against the last basic
salary of each eligible employee. (The rate of contribution may be changed subject to
the approval of the board.) The Bank maintains a liability account to manage the
 The total amount of benefit will be equal to 36 times of the last basic salary of
the employee.

Two forms of benefits:

a) Death Benefit:

If an eligible employee dies within the term of employment.

b) Permanent and Total Disability (PTD):

Disability resulting from accidental means that is continued for at least Six months
and is certified by Bank‟s designated doctor as incurable.

For both cases the benefit shall be paid to the nominee upon receipt of necessary
proof. (In case of minor nominee, the benefit will be paid to the legal guardian of the

Exclusion from Employee Security Benefit:

Employees will not be eligible for the benefit, if Death or disability is caused by:

- For further injury of Employees with pre-existing degree of


- Attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury.

- Civil commotion, Assault, homicide or any war like operations.

- Making an arrest as an officer of law.

- Committing a felony.

- Racing on wheels.

- Alcohol/Drug affects accident.

 The Board of Directors reserves the power to close fund at

anytime. At such event the fund shall be refunded to the Bank. 


At the time of resignation or retirement, the employee is entitled to receive the

employer‟s contribution and the accumulated interest subject to his or her length of
membership in the contributory provident fund.
 If the employee has been a member
for less than or equal to year then he/she will not be eligible to receive any of the
above mentioned contributions. He/she will only be able to obtain his added
contributions over the period of his membership.

If the duration of membership has been equal to or less than three years then the
member will be entitled to receive 50% of the employer‟s contribution and
accumulated interest.

If the duration of membership has been more than 3 years then the member will be
entitled to receive 100% of the accumulated interest and employer‟s contribution.
case a member is dismissed due to negligence or incompetence, he or she will be
entitled to receive her/her own contribution along with the accrued interest thereon at
the settled interest rate. The bank‟s contribution however may be forfeited and
distributed among the members according to the individual balances of the members.

The same is applicable in case of an employee dismissed from the bank due to
misconduct or fraud. However, for such purposes, only the trustees shall be the sole
judge of whether the cause of dismissal or forced retirement is significant enough or

Welfare Fund:

The motive behind establishing the welfare fund is to be able to provide the regular
confirmed employees from JO to SPO with financial support for incidents or events
when the cost may not be affordable for the employees. These may include the

- Accidents on the job

- Extended illness

- Education for children

- Marriage of children 
 Employees of the grade JO to SPO may be

the members of this fund. The amount to be received by the employees under
such special circumstances would be settled on by the

Car Loan Scheme:

The car loan facility is extended to employees of or above the grade PO.
 loan that
these employees can take obviously varies according to their respective job
 Principal and Senior Principal Officers can take loan amounting to Tk.800,
 AVP, FAVP, SAVP can file for loan amounting to Tk.10, 00, 000
 VP and SVP
can file for loan extending up to Tk14, 00,000

Car Allowances:

Employees of or above the grade of AVP are also provided with car allowances that
incorporate expenses for Fuel, Driver and Maintenance.AVP, FAVP, SAVP can have
an amount of TK.29, 000 allocated as car allowance per month.

VP and SVP can have an amount of TK.37, 000 allocated as car allowance per month.

Staff Loan:

Staff loan is granted to regular confirmed employees of the bank. The duration of
service of the employee has to be at least a yearlong. The employee can apply for loan
extending up to 5 times of his/her gross salary at 10 % interest rate.

House Building loan:

Employees who have had a service length of 5 years and above are eligible to apply
for house building loan. A committee will oversee the loan application and monitor
the location for house building the debt burden ration of the employee and other
relevant issues. The debt burden ratio for the employee has to be 50% or below for the
loan to be approved. The repayment schedule for the loan has to be before the
retirement of the employee. The interest rate of the loan is 3%.

Termination Benefit:

In case a confirmed employee is asked to resign from his/her services by the relevant
authority without stating any reason, he/she is eligible to receive one month‟s notice
in writing or one month‟s gross salary as payment. If the employee is duly notified
with one month‟s notice, he/she will not be entitled to receive any form of
compensation for the termination of services.

Suspension Benefit:

In the event that a report/information about misconduct or fraud is received against an

employee, he/she has to undergo stages of disciplinary proceedings. The employee is
presented with charge sheet and is given 4 days to come up with an explanation. A
preliminary enquiry committee is formed and an enquiry notice is issued that marks

the beginning of a proper domestic enquiry. If, according to the committee‟s report,
the employee is found guilty he is duly punished. In case the employee is found not
guilty, he/she is retained with due respect. During the period of enquiry, the employee
may be suspended and will only receive 50% of his basic salary. In case he/she is
proven to be not guilty, then the full amount of salary must be refunded to the

 HR Administration:
The HR Operations or administration covers the following tasks:

Leave System:

The policies followed for employee leaves management based on the types of
leaves and their criteria are given below:

1.Annual Leave: All officers will become eligible for annual leave of 24 working
days after completion of one-calendar year. Of these 24 days 15 days must be taken as
consecutive leave each year. Any pending leave may be carried forward to the next
year. Annual leave encashment facilities may be allowed to the person for a maximum
of 90 days at the time of Employee‟s leaving the bank. Any leave taken in advance to
be adjusted during the final settlement period.

2. Casual/Sick Leave:

Casual leave up to 14 calendar days can be granted per year to an employee who may
be unable to attend duty due to sudden illness or urgent private affairs. Not more than
2 days casual leave can be taken at a time in a month. Casual Leave more than 3 days
will be considered as sick leave and has to be supported by medical reports. In case of
prolonged illness the Managing Director may grant medical leave in excess of
sick/casual leave with full pay and allowances for a period up to one month.

3.Maternity Leave:

Female (confirmed) employees will enjoy 4 months maternity leave. One employee

will be entitled to avail this leave for 2 times in her entire service period.
Leave: Study leave of maximum 2 years can only be granted to an employee without
pay and allowances provided he/she has put in at least three years of service. This
Leave is only granted to those employees who have achieved a minimum of 3 years of
service record with the bank and also to those who are due to retire within 5 years of
the date on which he/she is likely to return from the study leave. This leave shall,
however be allowed in the entire period.

4. Leave without Pay:

Leave without pay may be granted to an employee in special circumstances where no

other leave is admissible under these rules. In case of Leave without Pay, the period
does not exceed 60 days.

Under HR Operation promotion are also occur and also resignation process.
Resignation Process is as follow:
1. Resignation submitted to line manager
2. With the acceptance & recommendation line manager forwards it to
departmental/ divisional Head
3. Resignation letter forwarded to HR
4. HR will take final approval from Managing Director to start the process
5. Resigned staff will collect clearance form from HR which to be cleared by all
concerned Departments
6. The filled up clearance form will then sent to Finance for final settlement
7. After final settlement HR will take exit interview of the resigned staff
8. HR will prepare the release letter and a certificate

 Reward:

Reward and Recognition is a way to express appreciation for another employee's hard
work, dedication and contribution to the Bank. There are many levels of Reward and
Recognition, to ensure both small contributions as well as the larger ones is
 There are four levels of rewards and recognition:

LEVEL 1: Individual Contribution Award & SME Monthly Award

LEVEL 2: Departmental Committee Award

LEVEL 3: Organizational Competence Award

LEVEL 4: Chairman‟s Excellence Award


Chapter 5

Analysis and Recommendation

 SWOT Analysis
 Findings and Analysis
 Recommendation & Conclusion

5.0 SWOT Analysis:

 Well-organized team. While they work as a team they are supportive to each
other‟s, which are very helpful to fulfill their work.

 Well-maintained CV database. All the CVs are stored in monthly basis so it is

easy to find out the CVs when it is needed.

 Well-planned training schedule with sufficient time allotment. All the

trainings take place as scheduled before. The time prearranged for each
training is also based on the type of the training so that every necessary point
can be covered.

 Training opportunity provided to employees working in every level. For better

performance of every employee training is provided.

 Effectively Stringed with other departments of BRAC Bank. The

communication among each and every department is quite good and all of
them have better understanding. As a result they get effective output.


 Salary structure should be changed because the amount is not equal enough
with the worl load.
 Online recruitment system is not upgraded.
 References from superior levels are also entertained as those CVs are always
given priority in times of recruitment even if the candidate is unfit or
unqualified for the vacant post.

 BRAC Bank huge number of workforces helps this bank to get various ideas
and plans and increases its productivity.

 The Human Resource Division is always thinking to do something new with

their employees that can help to motivate the employees and can able to make
them better resources/assets for the BRAC Bank Limited. Very few
Bangladeshi organizations have this kind of opportunity to be used.

 The resignation rate is too high
 As this bank has a huge number of employee so it is really hard to maintain
this by HR.

5.1Questionnaire Survey:

To gather knowledge and information about The Employees Job Satisfaction of

BRAC Bank Ltd, I conducted a survey which is questionnaire based. I conduct this
survey for those employees across the bank including HRD and to question them on
various HR Grounds to assess the employee satisfaction level. I took 15 employees as
sample for this survey through which I can asked questions to the targeted sample and
I solely dependent on the results of responses.

The data for each question were used for analyzing the level of job satisfaction of
employees of BRAC bank Ltd. Level of job satisfaction measured through:

Highly Satisfied ,Satisfied,
 No comment ,Dissatisfied

I have selected manager, assistant manager, officer as sampling frame.

Question 1:
As employees how do u feel about the carrier growth of BBL?

Carrier of BBL

Highly satisfied
no comment

On the scale of 100 around 73% are satisfied and 15% are dissatisfied while 12%
didn‟t do any comment.

Question 2:
How do you define the salary structure?

From the below pie chart we could see that more of the employees are dissatisfied
with the salary structure

salary structure

no comment


Question 3:
“How do you define your level of satisfaction regarding HR Policy of BRAC bank

HR Policy

Highly satisfied
no comment

From the above pie chart we can see that 19% employees are highly satisfied, 20% are
satisfied,10% employee didn‟t do any comment, 60% employees are dissatisfied.

Question 4:
“How do you define your level of satisfaction regarding duration of leave?”

Leave satisfaction

Highly satisfied
no comment

We can see that 80% people were highly satisfied and 9% were dissatisfied.

Question 5:
“How do you define your level of satisfaction regarding performance appraisal?”

Performance appraisal
Highly satisfied
No comment

Here we can calculate that 60% didn‟t do any comment.


5.2 Lesson Learned From the Internship


Implication to Organization:Based on this affiliation program I learn so many

things which are not possible without affiliation program. They are given below:
 I learned the organization culture and behavior that how to act and how to
behave with coleuses and peers. I also learned about the organization culture
and working environment.
 Through this internship program I gather practical work knowledge in
professional field.
 I know about the work processes and functionalities of HRD in practical.
 Though the organizational database are processed in Microsoft Excel so that I
learned lots of function about Microsoft Excel.
 Internship program is for a limited time period, so I work for some projects
and the projects also have a target time period and I had to complete the
project in that time frame. So that I had to manage or scheduled my time with
my work. Through this I learn about Time Management.
 Through this internship program I got opportunity to meet and to work with
professional peoples and build a healthy relationship, that‟s how my
professional networking is increased.

Implications to University: University provides me a lot of knowledge through this

affiliation program. They are given below:
 Report writing process.
 Presentation skill.
 Microsoft Word.
 Learned how to prepare a power point presentation.
 Provides overall knowledge about Work life.

5.3Concluding Statement
BRAC Bank Limited intends to set standards as the market leader in Bangladesh. It
demonstrates that a locally owned institution can provide efficient, friendly and
modern banking service on a profitable basis. Human Resource Division is the most
confidential department for any organization as well as Human Resource Division in
BRAC Bank Limited. As an intern limited information was collected for preparing
this report because of too much confidentiality.
It was an honor to work as an intern in a reputed organization like BRAC Bank
Limited. The BRAC Bank Limited is a bank that confirms the best service to the
customers as well as to the employees by Human Recourse Division. BRAC Bank
Limited is the fastest growing bank in Bangladesh. By working in Human Recourse
Division the knowledge was learnt would be helpful enough to sustain with the real
organization environment.
Recommendations for University Strategic Actions: Though there is a big
difference between text books and real workplace scenario, BRAC Bank HRD‟s
functions does not differ much. But our university need to do lot of things to improve
the students. They are given below:
 Workshop on CV writing process.
 Provide different training for professional field.
 Student placement opportunity should be increased.
 More seminar should be organized for the students.

5.4Suggestion for Improvement in Course of Action

In this part of recommendation, some valuable issues of BRAC Bank Ltd. (BBL) are
discussed. These were the aspects that came out while working as an intern at BBL.
These were related to various parts of BRAC Bank Limited and thus are placed in the
list of general improvements.
 BRAC Bank has to make their salary structure attractive to their employees
through survey with the other related organizations in the market.
 BRAC Bank has to make proper succession planning to promote the eligible
employee to the higher level and it also work as motivational factor.
 Reduce the extra workload of the employees and for that BRAC Bank has to
increase their manpower to related field.
 They should improve their Performance Management system to track the
employees‟ performance to the point.
 The Human Resource Division‟s control must be structured through chain of
 There must implement rule, policy or guideline provided to the recruitment
officers for the CVs which are rejected after an interview.
 Need to maintain a CV archive to store the CVs.
 There must have transparency at the time of recruitment.
 Arrange co-curricular activities for employee‟s refreshment which is
motivational and reduce the turnover rate.
 Arrange proper training for the employee to increase the efficiency of the
potential employee.
 The training should be motivational to the employee.
 Upgrade online recruitment system to reduce the work load.
 Extra benefits should be provided like overtime, performance bonus,
increment and should be rational.
 Foreign Training should be provided to gain knowledge about international
work process.
 Finacle software should be upgraded.
 They should go for the newspaper advertisement whenever they need

1. http://bracbank.com/financialstatement/BRAC Bank Annual Report 2009.pdf

2. http://bracbank.com/company_profile.php

 3. www.bracbank.com/php/include_gen

4. Human Resource Manual of BRAC Bank Limited.

5. Some information about HR from Nazmul karim, Associate Manager, HR Policy,

Legal & Employee Relations.

6. Several Booklets & Newspapers from BRAC Bank Limited.

7. Different types of products of BRAC Bank Limited i.e. Leaflets,

Brochures,Synopsizes etc.

8. BBL. (2013, December). BBL Home. Retrieved january 14, 2014, from


Question Highly Satisfied No Dissatisfied
satisfied comment
As employees
how do u feel
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about the
growth of

Question Highly Satisfied No comment Dissatisfied
How do you
define the
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Question Highly Satisfied No comment Dissatisfied

HR Policyof
BRAC bank o o o o

Question Highly Satisfied No comment Dissatisfied
“How do
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duration of

Question Highly Satisfied No comment Dissatisfied
“How do
you define o o o o
your level of

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