Sistema de Proteccion

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Examiners Professor Jarmo Partanen

M.Sc. Tero Kaipia

Author Sergei Muzalev

Lappeenranta 08.03.2016
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Faculty of Technology
Electrical Engineering

Sergei Muzalev
Relay protection in active distribution networks
Master’s thesis
109 pages, 49 pictures, 5 tables and 1 appendix

Examiners: Professor Jarmo Partanen and M.Sc. Tero Kaipia

Keywords: Distribution networks, distribution grids, distributed energy re-

sources, distributed generation, steady-state short-circuit current, short-circuit
current contribution, relay protection, auto-reclosing, unintentional islanding.

Increasingly growing share of distributed generation in the whole electrical pow-

er system’s generating system is currently a worldwide tendency, driven by sev-
eral factors, encircling mainly difficulties in refinement of megalopolises’ distri-
bution networks and its maintenance; widening environmental concerns adding
to both energy efficiency approaches and installation of renewable sources based
generation, inherently distributed; increased power quality and reliability needs;
progress in IT field, making implementable harmonization of needs and interests
of different-energy-type generators and consumers. At this stage, the volume,
formed by system-interconnected distributed generation facilities, have reached
the level of causing broad impact toward system operation under emergency and
post-emergency conditions in several EU countries, and thus previously imple-
mentable approach of their preliminary tripping in case of a fault, preventing
generating equipment damage and disoperation of relay protection and automa-
tion, is not applicable any more. Adding to the preceding, withstand capability
and transient electromechanical stability of generating technologies, intercon-
necting in proximity of load nodes, enhanced significantly since the moment
Low Voltage Ride-Through regulations, followed by techniques, were intro-
duced in Grid Codes. Both aspects leads to relay protection and auto-reclosing
operation in presence of distributed generation generally connected after grid
planning and construction phases.

This paper proposes solutions to the emerging need to ensure correct operation
of the equipment in question with least possible grid refinements, distinctively
for every type of distributed generation technology achieved its technical maturi-
ty to date and network’s protection. New generating technologies are equivalent-
ed from the perspective of representation in calculation of initial steady-state
short-circuit current used to dimension current-sensing relay protection, and
widely adopted short-circuit calculation practices, as IEC 60909 and VDE 0102.
The phenomenon of unintentional islanding, influencing auto-reclosing, is ad-
dressed, and protection schemes used to eliminate an sustained island are listed
and characterized by reliability and implementation related factors, whereas also
forming a crucial aspect of realization of the proposed protection operation re-
lieving measures.
Table of content

1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 8

2 Scope ............................................................................................................. 10
2.1. Generating technologies span ........................................................................10
2.2. Protection approaches and DG penetration levels ......................................12

3 Representation of new generation types in SCC equivalent schemes.. .. 14

3.1. Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECs) .................................................15
Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG)............................................................15
Wind Turbine with Doubly-Fed Induction Generator ............................................18
Wound-rotor Induction Generator with Variable External Rotor Resistance .........26
Wind Turbine with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator ............................28
WTG with synchronous generator directly connected to a grid .............................32
3.2. Photovoltaic generation (PV) .........................................................................33
3.3. Fuel cells ..........................................................................................................35
3.4. Microturbines .................................................................................................35

4 DG classification by LVRT model ............................................................. 36

5 Distributed generation in MV grids .......................................................... 42

5.1. Phase-to-phase fault protection design with definite-time principle….. ...43
Impact caused by directly-connected asynchronous generators .............................44
Impact caused by directly-connected synchronous generators ...............................46
Impact caused by fully-decoupled generating sources............................................47
Impact caused by partly-decoupled generating sources ..........................................47
5.2. Phase-to-phase fault protection design with TCC .......................................48
Impact induced when adding DG ............................................................................49
5.3. Distance protection .........................................................................................52
5.4. Earth fault protection .....................................................................................52
Floating neutral .......................................................................................................53
Resonant grounding ................................................................................................54
Resistive grounding .................................................................................................55
Combined grounding ...............................................................................................56
5.5. Unintentional islanding and auto-reclosing .................................................59
5.5.1. Remote techniques .....................................................................................62
5.5.2. Utility level methods .................................................................................67
5.5.3. Fully-decoupled generating sources ..........................................................68
5.5.4. Directly-connected generating sources ......................................................88

6 Prevention MV grid’s protection and automation malfunctioning ........ 92

6.1. Fault current limiter .......................................................................................97

Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 101

References......................................................................................................... 103


Appendix 1 Grid protection parameterizing and DG impact numerical assess-

Abbreviations and symbols
ACS Automatic Control System
AFD Active Frequency Drift
AI Anti-islanding
AMR Automatic Meter Reading
AR Auto-Reclosing
BFP Breaker Failure Protection
CB Circuit Breaker
DEC Direct Energy Conversion
DFT Direct Fourier Transform
DFIG Doubly Fed Induction Generator
EPS Electrical Power System
FC Fuel Cell
FCL Fault Current Limiter
FRT Fault Ride-Through
IDMT Inverse Definite Minimum Time
LV Low Voltage
LVRT Low Voltage Ride-Through
MSD (ENS) Mains Monitoring Units with Allocated All-Pole Switching De-
vices connected in series
MV Medium Voltage
NDZ Non-Detection Zone
PV Photovoltaic System
OLTC On-Load Tap Changer
OF Overfrequency relay
OV Overvoltage relay
PCC Point of Common Coupling
PLL Phase Locked-Loop
PMSG Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition
SCC Short-Circuit Current
SCIG Squirrel Cage Induction Generator
SFS Sandia Frequency Shift
SMS Sliding Mode Frequency Shift
SVS Sandia Voltage Shift
TCC Time-Current Curve
UF Underfrequency relay
UV Undervoltage relay
WEC Wind Energy Conversion System
WRIG Wound-rotor induction generator
WTG Wind Turbine Generator

B flux density
E,e emf
f frequency
I,i current
L inductance
n rotational speed
p pole number
P active power
Q reactive power
R,r resistance
s slip
S apparent power
T time constant
U,u voltage
w angular frequency
X,x reactance
Z,z impedance

ψ magnetic flux linkage

ϕ phase angle
alt alternating condition
d d-axis in Park’s model
eq equivalent
HV high voltage
lock.rotor locked rotor value
LV low voltage
m mutual
main primary protection zone
nom nominal
PCC point of common coupling
q q-axis in Park’s model
r rotor winding related value
res1 backup protection zone 1
res2 backup protection zone 2
s stator winding related value
SC short circuit
self.acceler. motor self-acceleration or starting current
Th Thevenin generator related value
tr transformer
UG Utility Grid

σ leakage
Φ flux

I I>>> protection’s stage

II I>> protection’s stage
III I> protection’s stage

0 zero-sequence value
1 positive-sequence value
2 negative-sequence value
0− right before the change occurrence
0 the moment of change occurrence
0+ right after the change occurrence
I want to express my sincere gratitude to the Head of Relay protection and auto-
mation of electrical power systems faculty – Moscow Power Engineering Insti-
tute, Moscow – professor Alexander Voloshin, who inspired me to evolve in the
cutting edge field of contemporary electrical power engineering as distributed
generation, given a start to far-beyond-thesis-boundaries scientific research.
Moreover, to thank the Head of Energy Technology faculty, professor Jarmo
Partanen for trailblazing through highly dispersed issues appearing when distrib-
uted generation collide with grid’s relay protection and automation.

Not least, I am thankful to all folks I met throughout 2014-2015 studies at LUT,
forced me to balance between studying and having a blast, who, in the long run,
made those days a history.

Eventually, I want to give special thanks to Iulia, Andrey Coffee, Dmitry S.,
Pavel, Dmitry Sk., Milan, Anil, Onur, Alexander for generating this special Lap-
pa atmosphere.

Moscow, March 2016

Sergei Muzalev

1 Introduction
Back to early 1900s the contemporary bulk electrical power system was called
“the largest, most complex machine ever devised by man” by Charles Steinmetz,
German-born American electrical engineer brought a significant value to the
development of alternating current. The systems of those times incorporated ex-
ceptionally 3-phase AC grids of constant voltage level with centralized AC syn-
chronous generation running at constant frequency and feeding loads through
relatively long-distance transmission and distribution lines on simultaneity of
generation and consumption basis (Kundur et al. 1994). The aforementioned
characteristic pattern, entrenched over about a century, is no longer ubiquitously
implementable nowadays when girds are expected to integrate both centralized
and dispersed generation, based on synchronously, asynchronously rotating ma-
chines; moreover, sources of direct energy conversion (DEC) of various extent
of operation mode heterogeneity and control possibilities. The absolutely distin-
guished niche of carrier as DC current becomes inherent in every part of the sys-
tem in a form of generation, transformation, transmission, distribution, and con-
sumption appliances. Necessity of production and consumption balance in every
time instance is provided besides by active and reactive power flows all-type
regulation, but also by means of energy storage.

These changes in power system layout is a result of multiple factors encircling

mainly restrictions in design of distribution grids in megapolices due to inability
of transformer substation load surge; transfer and distribution costs reduction;
possibility of manufacturing efficiency growth due to utilizing side output for the
purpose of energy production (blast-furnance gas, copper-converter gas, APG
(Associated Petroleum Gas), colliery gas (methane), sawmill residues and etc.);
significant progress in IT area making implementable harmonization of needs
and interests of different-energy-type generators and consumers; ensuring relia-
ble supply for high-priority consumers with a view to minimize social and eco-
nomical risks; ensuring power quality; incentives to increase renewable genera-

tion installed capacity gaining its share because of climate change concerns.
(Илюшин 2014).

Distributed energy resources (DER) cause an impact toward relay protection and
automation functioning as they change overall power infeed and infeed coeffi-
cients in different parts of a distribution grid, whereas, conventionally organized
grid protection schemes are usually based on current sensors. In general, the ver-
satile influence may be expressed as follows:
i. Reverse power flow to a fault incepted within upstream zone (regarding
DG junction point);
ii. False tripping of a healthy feeder’s relay due to short-circuit current con-
tribution from DG connected to it;
iii. False tripping because of inrush current and transients induced by DG;
iv. Unintentional islanding – a part of the distribution network is isolated
from utility grid with DG/-s connected within;
v. Blinding of relay protection which can be caused in several instances,
such as high-power-capacity DG installation between two adjacent feed-
ers with sensitivity decreasing of the upper one (upstream feeder) and is-
land sustainable operation;
vi. Disturbance of AR due to contribution to arcing and preventing self-
extinguishing while isolated from the mains;
vii. Out-of-phase AR causing damage to DG units;
viii. Loss of protection device coordination.

As relay protection and vast majority of automation are meant to ensure reliable
power supply for end-customers (eliminate or reduce customer curtailment), re-
quired power quality at points of common coupling (PCCs), and useful lifetime
of primary equipment, the correct operation of both is a high priority issue.

2 Scope
2.1. Generating technologies span

There has been no any worldwide established definition of distributed (dispersed,

embedded, on-site) generation to date, which may be referred in order to outline
boundaries of generating installations considered as this cluster type. Taking the
preceding into account, initially, it should be stipulated to fix the latter term as
“distributed generation (DG)” within this paper, where the latter is interpreted as
generating units having their points of connection within distribution grids, as
elements of electrical power system distinguished rather by function assignment
than by voltage level. This definition is based on findings made in (Ackermann
et al. 2001), considering influencing characteristic criteria used to allocate dis-
tributed generation among entire generating system in EU. The definition is not
ubiquitously implementable everywhere around the world due to presence of
specific cases, such as CHP in Russian Federation, which should be treated as
distinguishably regulated units. Thereby, several criteria, as accumulated in-
stalled capacity at PCC, can come into play. Despite the mentioned restrictions,
the proposed definition is sufficient to outline the technologies used as distribut-
ed generation. Although the fact that numerical boundaries outlining voltage
levels of distribution grids vary significantly from one country to another, LV
and MV networks are steadily incorporated in process of power distribution, and
thus, generally, should be taken into the account. In this paper, only MV grids
will be evaluated from the standpoint of protection and automation operation in
presence of DG.

Based on made definition the next generating technologies, listed as primary

energy sources and prime movers, should be evaluated:
2.1.1 Generation based on conventional organic fuel:
− Steam turbines;
− Steam reciprocating engines;
− Traditional gas turbines;
− Low-inertia (high-speed) gas turbines (Microturbines);

− Internal combustion engines (Reciprocating engine based genera-

− External combustion engines (Stirling engine based generators and
− Combined systems (combined-cycle gas turbines (CCGT), recipro-
cating engine-turbine combined systems and etc.).
2.1.2 (Small) nuclear generation:
− Steam turbine;
− Gas turbine;
− Direct energy conversion (DEC) systems1.
2.1.3 Gas potential energy:
− Turbo-expander;
− Reciprocating type expander.
2.1.4 Recuperative braking sources:
− Mechanical load on a shaft of commutator or asynchronous motor.
2.1.5 Alternative and renewable energy sources: Wind energy conversion systems (WECs):
− Wind engine. Photovoltaic systems (PV):
− DEC. Solar thermal (STH) systems:
− Steam turbine. Biomass systems (generally, prime movers are identical to
those listed in 2.1.1); Geothermal (GTH):
− Steam turbine;
− Turbines with low-boiling-point working fluids. Hydrogen energetics:
− DEC;

Thermionic, thermoelectric converters, MHD generators.

− Gas turbine1. (Small) conventional hydraulic generation:
− Hydraulic turbine. Wave, tidal, ocean heat-based generation:
− Hydraulic turbine2;
− Air-driven turbine3;
− Steam turbine4;
− DEC. Low grade thermal energy based generation:
− Propeller5. Solid domestic waste based generation; Technological industry by-products based generation.
Conventional types of generation are extensively described in special literature
from the perspective of short-circuit current calculations, so only new types
achieved its technical maturity will be equivalented below.

2.2. Protection approaches and DG penetration levels

Depending on DG penetration level, the influence toward relay protection, and,

consequently, requirements and measures undertaken to meet the latter vary sub-
stantially. In this paper, the microgrid concept gaining its share mainly on LV
levels6 (Hatziargyriou 2014) is not considered due to assumption of encompass-
ing exceptionally MV grids made above. Thereby, all adaptive protection ap-
proaches, built by means of centralized or decentralized (multi-agent) control
systems, are out of scope. Besides, no comprehensive EPS protection moderniza-
tion, such as differential scheme, is taken into account as well.

Fuel cell hybrid (combined) system with gas turbine/energy storage system.
Except the conventional installations, this type of prime mover is implemented in Fetkovich’s
ocean thermal converter.
Pneumatic wave power plant’s prime mover.
Single-loop open/Claude cycle ocean thermal converter, double-loop thermodynamic Rankin
cycle with intermediary working fluid.
Updraft tower power station’s prime mover.
There is also multi-microgrid concept, which implies mutual control and coordination of elec-
trically connected, but separate LV microgrids and upline DERs.

For conventional distribution network protection schemes, two distinctive

benchmarks, reflecting the importance of aggregated DG capacity being con-
nected to a grid in emergency and post-emergency regimes, are introduced:
− low-penetration level:
− preferential usage of preinstalled protection devices in external
EPS with threshold characteristics adaption when the occasion re-
− anticipatory tripping (islanding to supply ancillary services or en-
trusted load) of all DGs by protection stages having sufficient
sensitivity to faults in remote backup protection zone (also at op-
posite ends of interconnection lines) and lowest tripping time
among grid protection devices. If unselectively parameterized, the
AR with synchrocheck should be implemented;
− unintentional islanding (AI) protection1 has to be provided in or-
der to ensure reliable DG facility tripping in case of mains loss –
either full fading out or ancillary/isolated load supply. The latter
is crucial as it determines the encapsulated zone size – besides
performing several other functions mentioned below – where pro-
tection has to operate correctly after significant decrease in short-
circuit current level. Assuming no microgrid’s data layers, made
above, it is beneficial to limit the thresholds switching zone with-
in facility’s internal electricity supply network – an entity with
distinguished operational responsibility.

− high-penetration level (units affecting active power balance in Area EPS

in case of disconnection, considered in general automatic load-frequency
control in post-emergency regime and dynamic network support under
LVRT conditions):

The need in AI protection implementation will be described below.

− preferential usage of preinstalled protection devices in external

EPS with threshold characteristics adaption when the occasion re-
− tripping (islanding to supply ancillary services or entrusted load)
DGs up to a moment of mains loss (here it is assumed that dis-
tributed generation units meet applicable LVRT requirements);
− AI protection has to be provided similarly to low-penetration lev-

Grids with high-penetration level are taken for analysis in this paper. As DG
units are not tripped with smallest time delay among grid protections, the impact
they cause toward protection functioning has to be properly mitigated if needed.

3 Representation of new generation types in SCC equivalent


The objective of this chapter is to establish equivalent models of the generating

units, considered previously as distributed generation, suitable for short-circuit
current calculations for the purposes of grid relay protection parameterizing. The
latter task incorporates determination of the threshold values and verification of
the sensitivity of individual stages, protections, which, eventually, simmer down
to evaluation of maximum and minimum initial values of the steady-state short-
circuit currents through the considered protection devices, whether based on cur-
rent sensors.

Keeping up with above-mentioned objective, all the technology features, influ-

encing the level of SCC infeed, will be considered below and equivalent circuit
values will be evaluated for positive and negative sequences, where applicable
and possible. Zero-sequence impedances of the machines are not necessarily
needed because of the individual step-up transformer’s winding circuits, general-
ly constituting yd (y0d) scheme and, thus, preventing zero-sequence components

passing to the generator and, in case of inverter utilizing (will be specified be-
low), vice versa.

Negative-sequence values are of interest for calculation of the current through

the considered protection under asymmetrical fault conditions, which, in some
cases, represents the minimum value needed for sensitivity assessment.

3.1. Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECs)

Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG)

The first type of utility-size wind turbine is a fixed speed turbine with a squirrel-
cage induction machine (Type 1 in wind-related applications), which generates
active power only in a case of rotation with speed higher than so-called synchro-
nous speed of electromagnetic grid-side (stator) flux, which determines the nega-
n1 − n
tive slip s = value in normal operating mode. A typical real power versus
slip characteristics profile is shown in Fig. 3.1.

Fig. 3.1. The relation between slip and active power output of Type 1 WTG.
(Muljadi et al. 2010).

By its nature, an induction generator consumes reactive power both in the motor-
ing and generating modes with significant surge of the latter when the power

output increases. This phenomenon determines the view of the phasor diagram in
pre-fault regime, which reflects the underexciting mode of the machine.

The connection diagram of Type 1 WTG is shown in Fig. 3.2. The capacitor
bank is implemented in order to regulate the power factor at the unit terminals.

Fig. 3.2. Type 1 WTG (Gevorgian et al. 2010).

Due to direct interconnection with the grid the voltage drop at the generator ter-
minals during short-circuit causes electromagnetic transients in the stator and
rotor windings, while the latter is rotating almost with the same speed (here and
in further evaluations it is assumed that inertia of rotating masses is high enough
to somehow change the speed during electromagnetic transients).

On the strength of magnetic flux linkage invariability law, a portion of the stator
emf formed by the magnetic flux linkage of the rotor and stator windings (so-
called d-axis flux in Park’s model) stays unchangeable in the first moment of
low-voltage inception, whence the next equations (3.1), (3.2) may be concluded
analogically to underexcited synchronous machine low-voltage mathematical
representation (Крючков 2008).

E ''(0) = (U(0) − x ''d I (0) sin ϕ (0) )2 + (x ''d I (0) cos ϕ (0) )2 (3.1)

x "= x = (3.2)
*d *2 I lock.rotor

Where I -locked rotor current of the induction machine [pu], x ''d - subtran-
* lock.rotor

sient reactance (Крючков 2008), x - negative sequence reactance.


As this machine type has no independent excitation, the resulting magnetic flux
collapses with the delay determined by time constants (3.4), (3.5) based on the
equivalent circuit of asynchronous machine (Fig. 3.3), where the value of the
former (3.5) influences the rate of decay of the DC component, whereas, (3.6)
determines the damping of periodic one.

Lrσ Lm
L' s = Lsσ + (3.3)
Lrσ + Lm

L' s
T 's = (3.4)
Lsσ Lm
L' r = Lrσ + (3.5)
Lsσ + Lm

L' r
T 'r = (3.6)

Fig. 3.3. Equivalent circuit of a Type 1 generator. (Gevorgian et al. 2010).

The above circuit is composed of stator Rs and rotor copper resistances Rr / s ,

where the second one is slip dependable, leakage reactances Lsσ and Lrσ , re-

spectively, and main magnetizing reactance Lm as a part of the stator winding

representation (Gevorgian et al. 2010).


In the light of the preceding, the SCC does not reach any steady-state value and
exponentially declines in case of no reactive power absorption – three-phase
short circuit at he machine terminals. It allows stating further protection-related
DG impact, as
ix. Variations of infeed coefficients in time domain while in fault regime
due inability of some sources to sustain short-circuit current (SCC).

Wind Turbine with Doubly-Fed Induction Generator

So-called Type 3 WTG1 comprises variable speed turbine bound by a shaft and
gearbox with doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). The latter is a wound rotor
machine providing full modulation capability of the rotor current by decoupled
junction of its three phase rotor windings through AC-DC-AC converter with the
electrical grid, whereas the stator ones are coupled directly (Fig. 3.4.).

Fig. 3.4. Connection diagram of a Type 3 WTG. (Gevorgian et al. 2010).

The application of variable frequency and reversible phase rotation AC excita-

tion causes an apparent rotation of the rotor’s emf keeping up with synchronous
frequency of the grid, allowing wider range variable speed operation of the tur-
bine in comparison with Type 1 and Type 2 (represented below) WTGs.

ws wr
= + wm (3.7)
ps pr

The initial consideration of the 3rd type of WEC instead of the consistent 2nd one here
is due to usage of equations derived in the following for the 2nd machine type equivalen-

Where wm , ws , wr , ps , pr – angular frequency of modulated rotor field, stator

field angular frequency, rotor field angular frequency, stator and rotor pole num-
bers, correspondingly (Fault current contributions from wind plants 2015).
Generally, the rotor speed of the wind turbine is allowed to vary within a slip
range of +/- 0.3 (+/- 0.4). Consequently, rotor side power converter can be sized
to approximately 30% (40%) of the machine rated power, which forms the eco-
nomical feasibility of the type (Gevorgian et al. 2010), but induces necessity to
protect electronic power switches against overload likely to appear during severe
faults in the grid. Thereby, distinctive protection approaches, reflecting the
crowbar functionality, have been elaborated for this particular purpose, including
(Fault current contributions from wind plants 2015):
1. Shortening device installed between rotor winding’s terminals and rotor-side
converter, which is used to divert high-value currents from rotor windings
bypass the AC-DC-AC converter. Depending on the manufacturer, it may in-
corporate some impedance in shorting path, converting the DFIG to the in-
duction generator with relatively high rotor winding’s impedance (in compar-
ison to SCIG) (Fig. 3.4);
2. Shortening the rotor windings by switching off rotor-side converter, which
leads to machine’s representation identical to SCIG.
3. А chopper circuit on the converter’s DC bus limiting the voltage rise by dis-
sipating the excessive energy, remaining the excitation current regulation cir-
cuit in operation.
The crowbar switching sensor’s signals, threshold values and time durations of
staying in engaged position vary widely from one ACS to another, contributing
to diversity of Type 3 machine representations and making impossible elabora-
tion of the generic model. In addition to the preceding, the distance from the
faulted point to the machine come into play significantly here by changing the
representation of the machine throughout SCC routine.

The inherent characteristics of the DFIG, incorporating fast response of the con-
verters and laminated rotor, result in very short rotor flux time constants similar
to STATCOM, which leads to probability of observance the considerable leeway
of current operating point right after fault detection by relay protection due to
reactive power injection as a LVRT requirement and/or in attempts of control
system to sustain the predefined active power input.

All preceding contributes to comprehensiveness of the SCC routine.

Non-engaged crowbar

Symmetrical faults
The general list of controllers consists of a pitch angle controller, rotor-side and
grid-side converter’s controllers. The operation of the former has no impact to-
ward SCC infeed value due to its use in order to keep turbine rotation speed
within allowed limits, whereas, assuming that voltage of DC link stays constant
in the moment of fault inception leads to neglection of the latter one.
The rotor-side controller generally operates in a stator-flux oriented reference
frame, which leads to possibility of fully decoupled regulation of active and reac-
tive power. The controller regulates the rotor current through altering the AC
voltage of the converter with respect to the present power references (Xiong et
al. 2011). This is the focal decisive aspect having the essential impact on the way
the machine can be represented as a part of SCC calculation scheme.

Considering that the standard wound rotor induction machine is used under
DFIG abbreviation, the Park model consistent with asynchronously rotating ma-
chine is used as fundamental base for all further reasoning.

The equations are written for the directions of the currents reflecting motoring
mode of the electrical drive: stator windings – from the terminals, rotor – from
the PWM converter.

dψ ds
U ds = rsids + − w0ψ qs (3.8)
dψ qs
U qs = rsiqs + + w0ψ ds (3.9)
dψ dr
U dr = rrids + − (w0 − w)ψ qr (3.10)
dψ qs
U qr = rr iqr + + (w0 − w)ψ ds (3.11)
ψ ds = Lsids + Lmidr (3.12)

ψ qs = Lsiqs + Lmiqr (3.13)

ψ ds = Lsids + Lmidr (3.14)

ψ qr = Lriqr + Lmiqs (3.15)

All the equations above are written based on the assumption that magnetic satu-
ration of the stator and rotor packs is neglected and rotation speed of the latter
stays unchangeable during transients (Крючков 2008), likewise rotor field fre-
quency. The preceding is justified due to relatively low-speed proceeding of the
electromechanical transients (in a light of rotating mass inertia) in comparison
with electromagnetic ones.

In a case of synchronous machine, d-/q-axis rotate with synchronous speed of the

rotor during steady-state regime, whereas equations of the external grid usually
written referring to complex axis which, in its turn, rotate keeping up with the
former. Need of further merged evaluation makes it necessary to link these two
referencing planes, which can be soled by various methods. Generally, q-axis is
simply superposed with real-valued axis of the complex plane, d-axis, conse-
quently, – with imaginary one (+j). Described principle is implemented on this
stage, taking into account stator flux-oriented vector control implemented within
stator convertor’s automatic control system (ACS), leading to the absence of q-
axis voltage component in this reference frame.

d(ψ qr + jψ dr )
Ur = (U qr + jU dr ) = rr (iqr + jidr ) + + (w0 − w)(ψ dr − jψ qr ) (3.16)
U! s = rs I!s + s + jwsψ! s (3.17)
Ur = rr I!r + r + j(ws − wr )ψ! r (3.18)
ψ! s = Ls I!s + Lm I!r (3.19)

ψ! r = Lr I!r + Lm I!s (3.20)

Where r, L, i, U – resistance, inductance, instantaneous current and voltage,

whereas indices s,r refer to belonging the value either to stator or rotor winding,

These equations correspond to the next equivalent scheme of induction machine

and are in line with current directions as drawn below (Fig. 3.5).

Fig. 3.5. Equivalent scheme of induction machine revealing the current directions submitted as
Park model basis.

Substituting (3.19) into (3.17) and determining ψ! s lead to the next equation.

Rs dψ! R
( + jws )ψ! s + s − (U! s + s Lm I!r ) = 0
Ls dt Ls

This differential equation can be solved by Laplace transform, resulting in


U! s + s Lm I!r
R Ls
( s + jws )ψ! s ( p) + pψ! s ( p) − − ψ! s (0) = 0
Ls p

U! s + s Lm I!r
Ls 1
ψ! s ( p) = − ψ! s (0) =0
Rs Rs
p( p + ( + jws )) p + ( + jws )
Ls Ls .
ψ! s = {} =
U! s + s Lm I!r R
−( s + jws )t
−( s + jws )t
= (1− e Ls ) + ψ! s (0)e Ls
+ jws

U! s + s Lm I!r U! s + s Lm I!r −( Rs + jw )t
Ls Ls s
ψ! s = +[ψ! s (0) − ]e Ls (3.21)
Rs Rs
+ jws + jws
Ls Ls

On the ground of the magnetically bound circuits flux linkage invariability

low, the following equation (3.22) can be obtained.

U! s (0 − ) + s Lm I!r (0 − )
ψ! s (0 − ) =
+ jws
U! s (0 + ) + s Lm I!r (0 + ) U! s (0 + ) + s Lm I!r (0 + ) −( Rs + jw )t
Ls Ls s
ψ! s (0 + ) = +[ψ! s (0 − ) − ]e Ls (3.22)
Rs Rs
+ jws + jws
Ls Ls
Where t=0 is the moment of short circuit occurrence in the network.

The stator current can be solved from (3.19) by substituting steady-state term of
the equation (3.22) into it.

U! s (0 + ) + s Lm I!r (0 + )
ψ! − Lm I!r Ls L I! (0 )
I!s = s = − m r +
Ls R Ls
Ls ( s + jws )
Ls (3.23)

Determining the rotor current takes almost the same mathematical path used pre-
viously: (3.19) → (3.20) → (3.18) , where the latter should be firstly covered by
Laplace transformation set, then transient part should be neglected as it was done
while conducting (3.23). All described, in the long run, results in (3.24).

U! (0 ) − I!r (0 + )rr
ψ! r (0 + ) = r +
j(ws − wr )

U! s (0 + )
U! r (0 + ) − j(ws − wr )Lm
(rs / Ls ) + jws
I!r = 2
L (r / L ) L2
j(ws − wr )[Lr + m s s − m + rr ]
(rs / Ls ) + jws Ls (3.24)

Finally, the SCC contributed by DFIG may be calculated from (3.23) by substi-
tuting the value of the rotor current, which is expressed as a function of PWM
converter voltage, which, in its turn, is calculated through closed-loop bandwidth
of rotor-side controller. In such a case, when converter has sufficient capacity
providing necessary voltage to damp transients of rotor current, neglecting
switching transients of the power electronic switches, considering much faster
response from converter in comparison with electromagnetic system of every
electrical rotating machine, the rotor current can be approximately evaluated as
reference predefined value (Xiong et al. 2011), determined by power curve.

As observed from equations (3.23) and (3.24), whether the terminal voltage is
fixed, the steady-state SCC, contributed by the machine with deactivated crow-
bar, will stay unchanged, justifying the representation of the latter as current

source for particular moment in time domain. As only initial value of steady-
state current is of interest in terms of relay protection parameterization, the find-
ing given above is sufficient.

Non-symmetrical faults
Due to rotor excitation current modulation capability, the negative-sequence cir-
cuit appears here as active one, where the negative-sequence machine source
regime is coupled with positive by converter variables, reflecting the AC-DC-AC
converter capacity (Fault current contributions from wind plants 2015). The lat-
ter calculations will not be conducted below.

Continuously engaged crowbar

Initially, the diversity of ways the crowbar function can be implemented contrib-
utes to impossibility of elaborating the generic model of DFIG in SCC calcula-
tion routine. Hereafter, only paradigms leading to shortening the rotor windings
will be considered, as the most widespread formation to these days.

Shortening of the rotor windings leads to fast-damping transients, resulting in

excitation current dying away, which means that the second part of (3.23) can be
omitted and the whole equation can be rewritten as (3.25).

U! s (0 + )
I!s = (3.25)
Rs + jws Ls

The assumption of the fast electromagnetic transients is justified by the laminat-

ed rotor inherent characteristics and resistance, frequently included in the crow-
bar short-circuit path. These aspects lead to fast damping of the excitation cur-
rent drawn from the AC-DC-AC circuit before crowbar is switched on.

Taking into consideration the assumptions made above, the crowbarred DFIG
can be represented as Type 2 WTG, whereas the low-voltage behavior of the
latter is described below. Whether the shortening resistance is not included, it is

still accurate enough to equivalent the machine as induction one (Fault current
contributions from wind plants 2015), thus equations introduced for Type 1
WTG can be used in this case.

Wound-rotor Induction Generator with Variable External Rotor Resistance

Another type of utility-size wind turbines is a variable-slip wind turbine with a

wound-rotor induction generator (WRIG) (aka Type 2 in wind related applica-
tions). It has phase terminals in the rotor windings suitable for connection of
external variable resistances, which by varying its value are capable of assigning
more or less active character to the rotor equivalent impedance with consequent
change in electromagnetic torque solely determined by active rotor currents.
(Fig . 3.6).

Fig. 3.6. Connection diagram for a Type 2 WTG (Gevorgian et al. 2010).

The previous vary with respect to high-frequency switching performed by exter-

nal rotor-resistance controller: below rated power the resistor control is inactive
making generator operates as the conventional one, while, if the rated regime is
exceeded, it allows resistance to damp speed deviations up to 10% of synchro-
nous speed. The control scheme used leads to excessive heat losses, therefore
additional pitch regulation is implemented to keep the slip as much close to the
rated one as possible (Fig. 3.7) (Gevorgian et al. 2010).

Fig. 3.7. The relation between slip and active power output of Type 2 WEC.
(Muljadi et al. 2010).

The electromagnetic air-gap flux has the same pole-oriented distribution as in

squirrel-cage generator with some differences in current inducing into the rotor
winding which does not somehow affect the equivalenting while faulted and re-
sults in identical-layout equivalent scheme (Fig. 3.8).

Fig. 3.8. Equivalent circuit for a Type 2 generator (Gevorgian et al. 2010).

Volatile external resistance value’s effect toward short-circuit current contribu-

tion of this generator type is purely observed from equations derived for asyn-
chronously rotating machine during short circuit in the external grid: (3.22) and
(3.23). Treating rr in (3.23) as a sum of rotor windings’ resistance and external

resistance connected in series and bearing in mind that U! r (0 + ) is zero for isolat-
ed rotor circuits, the substitution of the rotor current to (3.23) results in lower

stator current values, which means less contribution to the total short-circuit cur-
rent at the point of occurrence.

Generally, mathematical equations used for Type 1 WTG do not justify this ma-
chine type due to considerable values of rotor winding resistance at high slips,
which ruins the congeniality of equivalent schemes of the synchronous rotating
machine with two amortisseur windings and stopped asynchronous machine
(s=1), making possible using the locked rotor current to calculate subtransient
reactance. More generalized approach is given by the Thevenin impedance
(3.26) and pre-fault voltage behind it (3.27) (equation are depicted for symmet-
rical fault at the generator terminals, where the current direction is consistent
with Fig. 3.8).

jX m (Rr + jXrσ )
Z Th = jX sσ +
jX m + (Rr + jXrσ )
R + Rext
Rr = r
U! Th = U! s − I!s (RS + j(X sσ + m rσ )) (3.27)
X m + Xrσ

Wind Turbine with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator

A Type 4 WTG’s depiction is shown in Fig. 3.9.

Fig. 3.9. Connection diagram for a Type 4 WTG (Gevorgian et al. 2010).

This is a variable-speed wind turbine with permanent magnet synchro-

nous generator (PMSG) (electrical excitation and asynchronous machine as gen-
erator can also be utilized here) flexibly connected to the grid through full-scale
back-to-back power converter, comprised, mainly, a rectifier, a DC-link capaci-
tor and an inverter (also a DC/DC converter can be applied for the inverters, op-
erating in overmodulated mode) (Mohan et al. 1995) (Fig. 3.10).

Fig. 3.10. Full-scale back-to-back converter.

This design provides separation between the WTG and the network, allowing the
generator to induce voltages and currents of non-synchronous frequency and,
thus, the directly-interconnected (the designs based on utilizing asynchronous
generators may include gearbox) turbine to yield power on variable rotation
speeds, forming the efficiency of Type 4 installations. Besides, it also leads to
buffering the transients from both ends, i.e. mechanical transients from the gen-
eration unit side and dynamic ones from another do not transfer through the junc-
tion point.

Based on abovementioned properties, the inverter electrical power output is not

bound with the generator output electrical values (the latter is configured to op-
erate in aerodynamically optimal regime), while maintaining manufacture speci-
fied voltage range of the DC link (Fig. 3.10) and fully defined by inverter control
algorithm, likewise the value of the fault response does.

In most of the cases, inverter control algorithm maintains the specified active
output power with limited variation of current infeed. Whereas, the allowed cur-

rent vs. time duration curve is determined by thermal withstand capability and
thermal time constant of the electronic switches, which, in its turn, are depended
on cooling and the rating of the inverter. Generally, the value of maximum
steady-state current drawn from the DC link is set up as 1.1 p.u (up to 1.5 p.u.)
and the surge is detected during 1 to 2 cycles of nominal synchronous frequency.
From this point, the maximum value of the steady-state short-circuit current can
be fixed as 1.1 p.u. (up to 1.5 p.u.), regardless the voltage deep below the critical
value resulting in current limitation, and, thereby, allows to represent this ma-
chine type as current source.

As state-of-the-art technology, the inverters modulate only direct-sequence cur-

rent whether there is either symmetrical or non-symmetrical fault incepted. In
spite of mentioned above, there is a possibility of generating negative-sequence
values if required (Diedrichs et al. 2012), but these cases are out of the scope of
this paper, because contemporary grid codes do not require it. The stated current
components simmer down the symmetrical component sequence scheme to only
positive-sequence circuit (Fig. 3.11).

Fig. 3.11. Inverter-based generation representation in complex sequence

scheme ( U inver1,2,0 – residual voltage value of the positive, negative and zero

sequence, correspondingly; E DC1 – voltage of the internal source – DC-link


As one more influencing factor coming into play, the applicable grid code should
be considered, specifying so-called Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) (Fault
Ride-Through) reactive power droop and its dead band as grid dynamic support
remedy. The requirements can vary significantly depending on the established
grid code. Hereafter, the VDE Transmission Code (Berndt et al. 2007) is taken as
the basis, determining the reactive current injection capability of at least 100% of
the rated current and control response time no more than 20 ms.

Both listed factors forms the paradigm of rough calculation of the maximum
steady-state current as an iterative process depicted below.
Assuming exceptionally inductive current nature of the current source, initially,
voltage (3.29) and current (3.28) drawn from the mains are calculated at the
point of fault occurrence, omitting the Type 4 machine contribution (Fig. 3.12).

Fig. 3.12. Equivalent scheme of the grid.

1,1U grid1
I sc1 = (3.28)
Z external1 + Z grid1 + Z sc1

U sc1 = I sc1 Z sc1 (3.29)


As voltage at the faulted point is known, the virtual positive-sequence impedance

of the inverter is calculated from the perspective of fully inductive current nature

E DC1 − U sc1
I sc _ inver1 = = j1,1I Gnom (3.30)
Z external1 + Z inver1

Forming circuit of Thevenin generator equivalent, the first-iteration current in-

feed from the generator is obtained (3.31).

E eq1
I sc1(1) =
Z eq1

U sc1(1) = I sc1(1) Z sc1

E DC1 −U sc1(1)
I sc _ inver1(1) = (3.31)
Z external1 + Z inver1(1)

The routine continues till the error between current and previous iteration values
is eliminated I sc _ inver1(i−1) = I sc _ inver1(i) .

The accuracy of the described method can be risen by involving the exact reac-
tive power droop curve into the routine.

WTG with synchronous generator directly connected to a grid

The Type 5 WTG is a generating set comprising variable-speed wind turbine and
synchronous generator mechanically decoupled through torque-control module
(Fig. 3.13) (Gevorgian et al. 2010).

Fig. 3.13. Connection diagram for a Type 5 WTG. (Gevorgian et al. 2010).

Synchronous generator, as the short-circuit current source, is represented by sub-

transient E ''d or transient E 'd emf behind corresponding x ''d or x 'd reactance,

depending on the presence of d-axis damping winding, if the time duration con-
sidered is less or equal to 0,5 s, otherwise – transient values characterize the ma-
chine under LVRT conditions. The mentioned change in equivalent model char-
acteristics is due to dying away of leakage fluxes of the magnetically bound d-
axis excitation winding and damping winding, while magnetizing flux linkage of
considered magnetic circuit has higher time constant and, thus, maintained.

The equivalent impedance change in time dimension of a short-circuit presence

in the grid can be neglected, if generator’s excitation forcing ensures the steady-
state current value maintaining not lower than the initial one.

3.2. Photovoltaic generation (PV)

The SSC contributed by a photovoltaic solar cell is strongly determined by its IV

curve (Fig. 3.14) and limited by inverter withstand capability. Fig. 3.14, where
the mentioned characteristic is depicted for the particular sun intensity, high-
lights the main electrical-related factors, biasing the ideal red-line curve, as shunt
losses – leakage current to the ground and series losses – internal losses of the
conducting parts, forming the following equivalent scheme of the element (Fig.

Fig. 3.14. Photovoltaic IV curve.

Fig. 3.15 Photovoltaic cell equivalent scheme.

The maximum power, possible to be yield from the PV element for the given
insulation level, is the knee curve point (Fig. 3.14), denoted as Pmp, which, tak-
ing into account inherently unregulated nature of this DC power source, should
be maintained intermediary between the source and the grid connection point.
The mentioned Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is generally performed
by varying source output voltage, whereas the latter is assigned to a DC/ DC
converter preconnected before an output inverter, functionally identical to the
units used in other renewable energy converters, such as variable speed wind

Based on the preceding, the fault-current contribution is determined by pre-fault

DC/DC converter output voltage level, but not higher than upper limit value of

the inverter power electronics’ withstand capability. Therefore, to a proverb, the

paradigm described for Type 4 WTG can be implied here also.

3.3. Fuel cells

Fuel cell, as the electrochemical generating system, incorporates several reac-

tant-based aspects, which turns it into unregulated source from the perspective of
possible control actions toward the source itself, such as (CIGRE 2000):
1 the chemical reaction activation energy, leading to sharp drop in voltage at
low current densities (Region 1, Fig. 3.16);
2 the reactants diffusion away from the reaction medium, forming more grad-
ual voltage decrease in comparison with previously mentioned activation
energy phenomena (Region 3, Fig. 3.16).

Fig. 3.16. Electrical performance of a Fuel Cell (CIGRE 2000).

Therefore, as all aforementioned uncontrollable sources, this one requires inter-

mediary regime parameter’s conditioning to be interfaced with a grid. The output
converter circuit has the same structure as incorporated in PV systems, which
equals it in terms of representation in a SCC calculation scheme.

3.4. Microturbines

Microturbines based on their physical arrangement can be divided into high-

speed single-shaft generating sets and relatively low-speed two-shaft turbines,

where the second-shaft, holding the generator rotor, run at the speed, providing
synchronous frequency of the stator electrical field with given number of poles
(Farret et al. 2006).

The first microturbine type, due to its high-frequency electrical field, intercon-
nects with a grid only by means of AC-DC-AC converter, designed as that de-
scribed for Type 4 WTG. Consequently, the representation of this machine type
simmers down to similar, as was derived for Type 4 WTG, covering all the as-
sumptions for the latter.

The second type, running at synchronous grid frequency, utilizes direct junction,
which latches the equivalent model over the exact generator type, implemented
− conventional synchronous generator with the LVRT model described
above for Type 5 WTG;
− induction generator with similar LVRT behavior to Type 1 WTG.

4 DG classification by LVRT model

Classifying aforementioned in Scope DG technologies by type of the output cur-

rent results in two groups:
− sources utilizing prime mover (AC electrical power sources);
− direct energy conversion systems (DC electrical power sources).
Due to inherent intermittency of renewables, described above electrical parts of
wind-related generating sets assemble all technical design solutions referring to
variable-speed prime movers (with mechanical interconnection systems) of DG.
Likewise, omitting rotating electrical DC generators, not incorporated by DG,
PV’s and FC’s interfacing with a grid encircles all direct energy conversion sys-
tems related to DG.

Based on this reasoning, the generic classification branches assigning the behav-
ior and the models of electrical power sources under LVRT conditions is elabo-
rated and depicted in Table 1.1.

From the perspective of relay protection parameterization, only mathematical

models for calculation maximum and minimum values of the positive-/negative-
sequence currents and voltages are under spotlight (see chapter 2) Thereby, fur-
ther classification should be added, splitting intermittent and non-intermittent
generation, as the first one’s minimal regime parameters substantially constitut-
ing zero power generation, and, likewise, zero contribution to the SCC by the
matter of principle, e.g. WTG yields no wind, PV – no sun radiation and etc.
Reasoning for non-including zero-sequence values is winding circuit scheme of
the individual step up transformers, generally including d-connection.

Table 4.1. DG classification by LVRT model.

Generating Prime mover Generator type Interconnection Phase-to-phase fault LVRT model
source type speed regime type
Without variable resistance connected in series with
wound-rotor windings:

E ''(0) = (U(0) − x ''d I (0) sin ϕ (o) )2 + (x ''d I (0) cosϕ (0) )2

x "= x =
*d *2 I lock.rotor
AC generat- Induction genera- With variable resistance connected in series with wound-
speed Direct coupling
ing source tor rotor windings1:
with a grid
U! Th = U! s − I!s (RS + j(X sσ + m rσ ))
X m + Xrσ

jX m (Rr + jXrσ )
Z Th = jX sσ +
jX m + (Rr + jXrσ )
Rr + Rext
Rr =

Depicted equations refer to Thevenin’s equivalent generator.

Maximum value of the current infeed is achieved in case

of zero external rotor resistance – LVRT model can be
treated identically to that used for machines without var-
iable resistance in rotor windings.
Synchronous generator (only d-axis excitation winding)
with damping windings along d-axis:
E ''(0) = (U (0) ± x '' d I (0) sin ϕ (o) )2 + (x '' d I (0) cosϕ (0) )2

x '' , x
Synchronous gen- * d *2

erator Synchronous generator (only d-axis excitation winding)

without damping windings along d-axis
E ''(0) = (U (0) ± x ' d I (0) sin ϕ (o) )2 + (x ' d I (0) cosϕ (0) )2

x' , x
* d *2

Summing pre-fault terminal voltage with d-axis voltage drop in internal impedance reflects the overexcited pre-fault regime of the synchronous machine, whereas
subtracting reveals the underexcited mode.
Summing pre-fault terminal voltage with d-axis voltage drop in internal impedance reflects the overexcited pre-fault regime of the synchronous machine, whereas
subtracting reveals the underexcited mode.

Induction genera- Stiff reactive-current source, consisting of only positive-

tor Full decoupling
sequence component, for each value of residual voltage
through the AC-
Synchronous gen- at faulted point1
DC-AC converter
erator I sc _ inver1 = j1,1I Gnom

Partial decoupling

Variable-speed through the AC- Non-engaged crowbar, symmetrical faults:

DC-AC converter R
Asynchronized U! s (0 + ) + s Lm I!r (0 + )
ψ! − Lm I!r Ls L I! (0 )
(decoupling one of I!s = s = − m r +
doubly-fed gen- Ls R Ls
Ls ( s + jws )
grid interface cir- Ls
cuits out of two
I!r = I!r.reference.value 2
(the rotor wind-
Non-engaged crowbar, non-symmetrical faults:
ings), where the

The proposed model is justified only in case of inverter protection threshold value excess, full generating current substitution by reactive consistent and presence
of exceptionally positive-sequence in infeed current (see subsection “Wind Turbine with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator”).
Reference predefined value of the rotor current reflects the operating point location on configured power curve (for instance, wind speed vs. generated power), as
a parametric part of the AC-DC-AC converter ACS. The equality is justified only when all the assumptions made in subsection “Wind Turbine with Doubly-Fed
Induction Generator” are justified.

second one is di- Phenomenon of active and positive-sequence-dependable

rectly connected) negative-sequence LVRT model of the machine for un-
balanced faults1 leads to impossibility of elaborating ge-
neric mathematical description for phase-to-phase fault
Continuously engaged crowbar, symmetrical/non-
symmetrical faults:
U! s (0 + )
I!s =
Rs + jws Ls

Stiff reactive-current source, consisting of only positive-

DC generat- Full decoupling sequence component, for each value of residual voltage
–2 DECs
ing source through an inverter at faulted point3:
I sc _ inver1 = j1,1I Gnom

See subsection Wind Turbine with Doubly-Fed Induction Generator.
As rotating electrical DC generators are out of the boundary, encircling distributed generation technologies; only DEC systems are considered here, i.e. PVs, FCs,
thermionic, thermoelectric converters, MHD generators.
The proposed model is justified only in case of inverter protection threshold value excess, full generating current substitution by reactive consistent and presence
of exceptionally positive-sequence in infeed current (see subsection “Wind Turbine with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator”).

5 Distributed generation in MV grids

As generic scheme to assess the impact distribution generation causes toward

relay protection, a 35 kV radially-structured one-source electrical power network
was chosen. The grid layout with CB depicted only on one end of each line is
interpreted as reflecting the current feed-in regime. Generally, taking into ac-
count the existence of back-up lines, especially in cities’ distribution grids, there
are CBs on both ends. The need of reserve feed-in is reasoned by essential loads
electrical power supply, incorporating, mainly, central heating and water facili-
ties in cities.

Scheme layout should include upstream and relatively prolonged by at least one
more electric power element downstream part (with regard to DG junction point)
to evaluate both surplus short-circuit current influence toward selectivity opera-
tion of downstream protections and opposite impact on the boundary between
upstream and downstream bays. Meeting these requirements may lead to suffi-
ciency of coupling DG in only one point.

All the features described lead to the following one-of-several applicable scheme
(Fig. 3.1).

Fig. 5.1. Testing scheme layout.

The parameters of elements are listed in Appendix 1.


5.1. Phase-to-phase fault protection design with definite-time principle

The protection design is elaborated, based on Russian established methodology

determined by Electrical Installation Code (ПУЭ 7 2004) (ПУЭ 6 1998) and
Corporate Standard of Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System of
Russia (UES FGS) (Стандарт Организации ПАО “ФСК ЕЭС” 2009).

First approach comprises overcurrent multistage relays with instantaneous and

two delayed stages, initially assumed to operate with definite time delay and
earth fault protection following up network’s grounding type. The second one is
distance multistage relay protection opted in case of insufficient sensitivity of
current-based approach and identically chosen earth fault protection type. It is
assumed that both approaches incorporate fault direction distinguishing – by
means of direction elements and directed tripping characteristics, respectively.

Under first approach, on the grounds of calculations listed in Appendix 1.1, fol-
lowing results are gained:
I p1 = 9,162kA, t p1
= 0,1s
I p1 = 2, 99kA, t p1
= 0, 7s
I p1 = 0, 768kA, t p1
= 1, 3s
I p2 = 6, 915kA, t p1
= 0,1s
I p2 = 2, 718kA, t p1
= 0, 4s
I p2 = 0, 475kA, t p1
= 1s

Where I, II and III here and in further pages are related to instantaneous (I>>>),
slightly time-delayed (I>>), and stage with significant time delay (I>), respec-

Slight time delay of instantaneous stage are needed to offset protection from “ar-
tificial” short-circuits induced by tubular arrester operation principle (if one is
installed as overvoltage protection within observed grid).

Higher time delay implemented to I>> stage of the first protection is determined
due to its low sensitivity while coordinated with I> stage of adjacent one and,
thus, second stage of latter protection is used for this purpose with necessary
increasing in time delay of first protection I>> stage by selective time interval.
Evaluated lengths of protected zones revealed that instantaneous relays do not
cover critical distances, which are of high importance due to the fact that every
three-phase short circuiting within this zone leads to decreasing of voltage on the
feeding substation busbar lower than 0,5 [p.u.] . The latter has crucial impact
toward transient stability of rotating motors (synchronous and asynchronous)
connected to low-voltage busbar of feeding substation. Consequently, one of
possible solutions of posed issue can be an acceleration of I>>> stage performed
by relay of minimal voltage connected though positive-sequence filter (Шабад
2012) with threshold value of U III1acceler = 0, 5U nom = 17, 5kV .

Taking into account all the previous, the network protection can be considered as
one fully met all the requirements.

The further analysis of protection possible incoordination will be carried out by

adding DG, mathematically represented in accordance with Table 4.1, with pa-
rameters listed in Appendix 1, at the Bus 3.

Impact caused by directly-connected asynchronous generators

Under this heading fixed-speed asynchronous generators regardless its primary

mover type are assessed in terms of possible mismatch they cause upon selective
operation of relay protection.

The revealed impact toward instantaneous stages (I>>>) constitutes occurrence

of swing currents, possibility of tripping “behind-back” faults and prolongation
of instantaneous stage upstream-located protection’s tripping zone with possibil-
ity of covering a part of adjacent element (Fig. 5.2). The latter can cause simul-
taneous tripping of faulted element’s high-speed protection (instantaneous or
differential-based) and following one (where inherited numeration constitutes

from the farthest from utility grid voltage source to the closest one) in cases there
is a reason for this, i.e. short circuit.

Stages with small time delay (I>>) are not exposed to DG current contribution in
considered case, but sensitivity of next-to-integration-point protection can be
reduced, which undergoes in direct ration to infeed coefficient and, thus, to DG
rated power. The latter phenomenon is partly damped by field collapsing inher-
ent to asynchronous generators under LVRT conditions before the moment of
I>> tripping ( ≥ 0, 5s ) (based on rotor electromagnetic time constant depicted in
(Gevorgian et al. 2010), e.g. it results in current infeed declining to zero value
for thee-phase fault at the machine terminals.

ithrough.p1 ( x)

ithrough.p2 ( x)

iwithoutDG ( x) 4


II2plot ( x)

III2plot ( x)

IIII2plot ( x)
Imaxoper( x)

0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 5.2. Impact caused by asynchronously rotating machine ((x – SC placement in km, which
limited by both cable lengths constituting 10 km in overall).

As delayed stages (I>) offset is performed based on load-flow, re-acceleration

and reclosing regimes and disruption or prolongation of auto reclosing (AR) by

DGs are prohibited by IEEE 1547 (IEEE Std. 2003) referred in this paper as ap-
plicable grid code, only asynchronously rotating load re-acceleration current
flows have to be reevaluated in terms of exceeding respective protections’
threshold values.

Impact caused by directly-connected synchronous generators

The way these generators in question affects the grid protection is almost the
same as in induction machines’ case, by which it is meant that alike stages are
influenced, but in another extent with regard to the same nominal power and
point of coupling of integrated DG. As clearly seen from the Fig. 5.3 the full loss
of selectivity by I>>>stage of downstream protection took place here as well,
likewise similar findings for time-delayed stages can be stated, except the ma-
chine’s field collapsing not related to independently excited synchronous ma-

ithrough.p1 ( x)

ithrough.p2 ( x)

iwithoutDG ( x) 4


II2plot ( x)

III2plot ( x)

IIII2plot ( x)
Imaxoper( x)

0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 5.3. Impact caused by DG with full-flexible grid coupling (x – SC placement in km, which
limited of both cable lengths constituting 10 km in overall)

Impact caused by fully-decoupled generating sources

This heading incorporates all generating units interconnected through an invert-

er1. According to Fig. 5.4, effects observed throughout two previous topics have
a mere significance here, leading to neglecting these units contribution to short-
circuit infeed.

ithrough.p1 ( x)

ithrough.p2 ( x)

iwithoutDG ( x) 4


II2plot ( x)
III2plot ( x)

IIII2plot ( x)
Imaxoper( x) 3

0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 5.4. Impact caused by DG with full-flexible grid coupling (x – SC placement in km, which
limited of both cable lengths constituting 10 km in overall).

Impact caused by partly-decoupled generating sources

Theoretical basis provided in Table 4.1 for asynchronized doubly-fed generator

cannot be adapted directly, because of lack of prefault regime parameters, char-
acterizing operating point on rotor-side converter’s ACS power curve. An ap-

AC-DC-AC converter incorporates an inverter, thereby meets stated conditions.

proximate evaluation can be performed by using subtransient reactance of induc-

tion machine (Fault current contributions from wind plants 2015), which re-
sponds imaginary maximum influence. This paradigm leads to overlapping of
this type generator SCC curve and that depicted for directly-connected asyn-
chronous generator (Fig. 5.2).

5.2. Phase-to-phase fault protection design with TCC

The TCC are common decision for systems characterized by large variations of
short-circuit currents in different fault locations on the grounds of better utiliza-
tion of protected object overload capability and shorter back-up tripping times.
Here the current dependable time characteristics are evaluated as one of the pos-
sible network protection design approaches, where I >> stages are inhibited and,
consequently, only instantaneous and I> are in operation.

Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) of protection is determined by following equa-

tion (5.1) in compliance with IEC 60255-3 (BS 142).

k ⋅ TMS
t(s) = (5.1)
( )α −1

Where k , α are coefficients referring to the type of applied inversion extent

(Table 6.1).

Table 6.1. IDMT equation coefficients in compliance with IEC 60255-3 (BS 142).
k α
Normal inverse 0,14 0,02
Very inverse 13,5 1
Extremely inverse 80 2
Long-time inverse 120 1
Every curve under this standard is applied in its particular network conditions,
i.e. very inverse is steeper in comparison with normal inverse, thus it is more
suitable when needed to achieve time selectivity between incoming and outgoing
bays of a mere short-circuit current difference, extreme inverse – when coordi-

nating with fuses and in tough cold-load pick-up/energizing transient currents

circumstances, long-time inverse – similar to very inverse one but with longer
time delays.

Assembly assessment of all comprised in standard is not needed due to easily

revealed from equation-coefficient dependence increasingly growing deteriora-
tion of selectivity when inducing external disturbance as DG and increasing α

Impact induced when adding DG

Based on previous findings regarding current infeed changes when adding vari-
ous types of DG, it can be concluded that somehow notable disturbances here
appear in cases of direct connection of either asynchronous or synchronous gen-

Assuming transformers’ T2 and T3 overcurrent relays to have definite time delay

of 0,7s upstream and downstream with regard to DG coupling bus I>stages trip-
ping times are assessed (Fig. 5.5).
Precise look at the figure above reveals that time margin between I> stages of
upstream and downstream protections increased with regard to the type of inte-
grated DG and its pre-fault operating regime, whereas quite opposite situation
takes place in the second and third protection coordination where time interval
reduced. For both disturbances highest changes occur when synchronous distrib-
uted generation (overexcited) is connected.
The situation getting worse when shifting from normal to extremely inverse
curve, which is easily observed from Fig. 5.6.
The increasing of first protection tripping time does not lead to selectivity viola-
tion, while there is a possibility of the second protection unnecessary tripping in
case of fault inception in the transformer since its time margin with respect to
transformer I> protection is lower than allowed selective time interval now.

t III1( x)

t III2( x)

t III1.asynch ( x)

t III2.asynch ( x) 1.5

t III1.synch ( x)

t III2.synch ( x)

t diff.asynch( x)

t diff.synch ( x) 1

t III3( x)

t diff23.asynch( x)

t diff23.synch( x)

1 0.5


0 5 10 15

Fig.5.5. Normal inverse curves in presence of DG (x – SC placement in km, which limited of

both cable lengths constituting 10 km in overall; 10-15 sector refers to adjacent transformer im-
pedance share).

Although, the increased tripping time can lead to low-inertia DGs going out-step
(power electronics interfaced generation could be involved as well, where crucial
aspects in question are DC-link capacitance, its nominal voltage and severity of
the fault) (Xiong et al. 2015).
Overall, the threat of selectivity loss here occurs in upline area when connecting
DG, also, the probability of latter is increasing in direct ratio with α coefficient,
i.e. when shifting from normal inverse to extremely inverse.

t III1( x)

t III2( x)

t III1.asynch ( x)

t III2.asynch ( x) 1.5

t III1.synch ( x)

t III2.synch ( x)

t diff12.asynch ( x)

t diff12.synch( x) 1

t III3( x)

t diff23.asynch ( x)

t diff23.synch( x)

1 0.5


0 5 10 15
Fig. 5.6. Extremely inverse curves in presence of DG (x – SC placement in km, which limited of
both cable lengths constituting 10 km in overall; 10-15 sector refers to adjacent transformer im-
pedance share).

At this stage, the additional influence toward relay protection (in scope of this
paper – also out-of-step automation (if any) is affected) should be established, as
x. Low-inertia generation transient stability loss due to change in grid pro-
tection tripping time (including power electronics interfaced generation)
(TCC, shift from instantaneous to current-dependent part of a curve in
combined tripping characteristics), violating given LVRT profile of the
interconnection node.

5.3. Distance protection

Utilizing distance relays connected to phase-to-phase loops of possible short-

circuits (i.e. AB, BC, AC) complies with following equation (drawn for AB
loop) (5.1).
U r U A − U B U AB 3I (3)
sc zl 3I (2)
scAB zl
Zr = = = = = = zl (5.2)
Ir IA − IB I AB (3)
3I sc 3I (2)

It reveals the proportionality of the operating value to the distance from the pro-
tection placement point to faulted one for all types of short-circuits (except sin-
gle-phase, where polarization is needed (5.2)) in case fault resistance is not in-
cluded ( R = 0 ).

z 0 − z1
kI 0 = I0 (5.3)

Single-phase earth faults are under spotlight in terms of distance protection if

low-resistance grounding is set in considered grid, which is out of this paper
scope, otherwise, the phase-to-phase protection should have blocking signal
drawn from earth fault protection.
As seen from the equation, employing directed tripping characteristics provides
solutions for adjacent (placed downline to DG interfacing point) instantaneous
stages’ incoordination issue and offsetting from “behind back” faults in case of
directional tripping characteristics. Swing blocking has to be implemented in
order to ensure appropriate operation, because the latter phenomenon is present-
ed in active distribution grids likewise it is in transmission ones. Moreover, ar-
ranging blocking in case of measuring voltage circuits’ faults is also necessary.

5.4. Earth fault protection

According to the definition of DG proposed in Scope, the connection criteria

encircles distribution grids regardless the voltage level, thereby, all types of neu-
tral point regimes should be considered, i.e floating, resonantly - earthed, resis-

tively - earthed, combined resonantly and resistively earthed, solidly- earthed

neutral points1. Depending on the exact type implemented, the relay protection
principles can vary in terms of operating values (Шабад М. 2007):
− zero-sequence voltage 3Uo 2 is used with all types of neutral point
grounding, except the solidly earthed one;
− zero-sequence current 3I 0 (synchronous frequency component)– grids
with resistively earthed neutral point and, if the capacitive current level is
high enough, also in floating neutral point networks;
− individual components intensity of the current harmonic spectrum (abso-
lute and relative principles) – resonant grounding;
− zero-sequence power (synchronous frequency component) – networks
with floating neutral point;
− transient components of zero-sequence currents and voltages – floating
and resonant earthed regimes.
The integration of DG grounding with interfaced EPS is preformed in compli-
ance with the applicable grid code. Hereafter, IEEE 1547 (IEEE Std. 2003) is
taken as the basis for further reasoning, restricting the possible neutral point re-
gimes, as the latter do not lead to overvoltages exceeding the ratings of the
equipment connected to the interfacing EPS and do not cause earth protection
malfunctioning of the latter.

From the perspective of relay protection, depending on the implemented protec-

tion approach, this requirement can be achieved differently.

Floating neutral

As stated above, zero-sequence voltage 3Uo , zero-sequence current 3I 0 (in case

of high capacitive leakage current), zero-sequence power can be sensed in order

Regimes of distribution network’s neutral point vary significantly depending on the applicable
grid code and are determined by insulation level of electrical power grid’s elements, circuit
breaker’s interrupting capacity, costs of power/energy not supplied and capacitive current level.
Insulation monitoring device.

to realize earth-fault protection in grids with floating neutral point. Due to possi-
bility of capacitive leakage current increase, determined by own capacitances of
lumped and distributed elements of the interconnecting DG facility, there is a
probability of necessity to shift to the resonant grounding with an eye to fault
current limiting. The latter requires protection principles reconsideration, which
will not be conducted below.

As one more variance in grounding, DG facility’s network can be operated with

resistively earthed neutral point, providing several advantages considered below,
In aforementioned case it is strict to utilize a step-up interconnection transformer
incorporating delta-winding or ungrounded wye on HV side (assuming for both
that LV side is grounded) in order to create galvanic gap in zero-sequence

Based on above reasoning, there is no possible influence toward earth-fault pro-

tection operation.

Resonant grounding

Individual components of a current spectrum, transient components of zero-

sequence currents/voltages are under spotlight, when the network is operated
with resonantly - earthed neutral point, as the impact toward insulation monitor-
ing device ( 3Uo ), by shortening the DG neutral point (generator busbar) with the

ground, is assessed above. From the perspective of zero-sequence voltage distri-

bution, the resonantly earthed grids are equal to these, having floating neutral

Protection algorithms, based on current harmonic spectrum, utilize high-order

frequency components, which have virtually infinite impedance of arc-
suppression coil (resonant conditions is fulfilled only for synchronous frequency
components by initial coil inductance setup). Thereby, the high-frequency cur-

rent path is lined almost bypass the resonant grounding branches, which, in its
turn, means no infeed change and no influence toward this earth protection type.
Protection type, measuring wave transient components of the faulted phase ca-
pacitance discharge and the charge of healthy ones, operates identically whether
the DG neutral point is resonantly grounded or not. The reason for this is high-
order frequency of the both abovementioned processes (several kHz and hun-
dreds Hz, respectively) and low-speed voltage rise around the coil (Шабад М.

Based on the preceding, using arc-suppression coil in DG interconnection grid

suits the requirements of IEEE 1547 (IEEE 1547 Std.) here.

Resistive grounding

There are two distinguished types of resistively earthed neutral point regimes:
high-resistive and low-resistive grounding, which determines the target protec-
tion tripping time and allows to meet requirements of electrical safety and
equipment withstand capability.
There is a disturbance of earth-fault protection functioning in every case, regard-
less the exact implemented grounding type, when the protection principles are
based on current sensing:
− zero-sequence one for high-resistive grounding, where the fault current is
maintained on the level of 2 capacitive current, providing enough sens-
ing and tripping durability and capability of postponing breaking of the
circuit to change-over loads to another source and fault localization.
− 50 Hz current fundamental harmonic component in case of low-resistant
grounding, where the fault sensing is assigned to phase-to-phase fault
protection of the grid.
If insulation-monitoring device ( 3Uo ) is used, the protection malfunctioning as-

pect is out of concern.


To sum up, zero-sequence current-based protection operation latches over

grounding type of the DG interconnection network and step-up transformer’s
vector group. If low-resistive grounding is utilized and phase-to-phase grid pro-
tection is assigned to trip earth short-circuits, the following situations are possi-
ble to occur:
− floating neutral point
No zero-sequence current path through DG interconnection network, irrespec-
tively to step-up transformer vector group; positive -/negative - sequence cur-
rents decrease the current value through considered grid protection, thus the crit-
ical aspect is the step-up transformer’s impedance (the highest value has the low-
voltage windings);
− resistively earthed neutral point
The step-up transformer’s impedance is always the concern from the perspective
of positive -/negative – sequence current infeed limitation, whereas circuit-
impedance dependence of zero-sequence current value varies with regard to
transformer’s vector group, where incorporating delta winding or ungrounded
wye on DG network side corresponds to no influence of the latter.

Combined grounding

This regime is a merged of two: resonant and high-resistive grounding, orga-

nized to adapt zero-sequence current-based protection principle for networks
grounded through arc-suppression coils. Schematically, it is formed as parallel
connection of Petersen’s coil and resistance.

The findings made for high-resistant grounding relates to this subclause as well.

Table 5.1. Justification of IEEE 1547 requirements in terms of interconnecting network’s grounding regime

Grounding type Protection principle (operating values) Compliance with IEEE 1547
2.1.6 Floating Zero-sequence voltage 3U 0 Interconnection transformer’s vector group
Zero-sequence current 3I 0 has to incorporate delta/ungrounded wye, if

Zero-sequence power the LV winding is grounded in resonantly -

earthed DG facilities.
2.1.7 Resonant Individual components intensity of the cur- Resonantly – earthed/floating neutral DG
rent harmonic spectrum facility: unconditional;
Transient components of zero-sequence Resistively – grounded DG facility: treated
currents and voltages identically to abovementioned 5.4.1.
2.1.8 Resistance Zero-sequence current 3I 0 Identical to 5.4.1 High-resistive
2.1.9 Resistance 50 Hz current sensed by protection against Floating neutral DG facility: positive- Low-resistive phase-to-phase faults /negative-sequence current-limiting func-
tion has to be realized, e.g. by means of
interconnecting transformer impedance or
fault-current limiter.
Resistively - earthed DG facility: in addi-

tion to the requirements listed above, deal-

ing with positive -/negative - sequence,
those fixed for 5.4.1
2.1.10 Combined (resonant + re- Zero-sequence current 3I 0 Identical to 5.4.1

5.5. Unintentional islanding and auto-reclosing

The possibility of encountering of such a phenomenon as unintentional islanding,

characterized by loss of mains causing isolating of a part of network loads with
balanced dispersed single/three - phase/-s intermittent generation coming into
step, is still a cornerstone without clear consensus. By the recent investigations
in this field, it is been concluded that likelihood of occurrence and persistence of
islands energized by such sources as PV or WTG is not negligible under real
circumstances. The measurements campaign carried out within the framework of
the European project DISPOWER, where probability of unintentional islanding
to occur was directly correlated to the number and duration of balanced load-
generation conditions in a certain part of Austrian LV distribution network
broadly penetrated with PV panels, revealed that the crucial factors affecting the
probability of islands’ sustainable existing and its duration are threshold settings
of over/under - voltage/frequency protections (OV/UV/OF/UF) forming a stand-
ard protection list of every DG and penetration level of latter (Fig. 5.7, and Fig.
5.8, consequently).

Fig. 5.7. Island balanced conditions attributes as a function of DG penetration level (where pene-
tration factor = 1 reflects the level of DG providing maximum active load-to-generation ratio, the

other factors 0,5 and 2 were set for relatively lower and higher penetration levels, respectively)
(Brundlinger et al. 2005).

Fig. 5.8. Island balanced conditions attributes as a function of over/under – voltage/frequency

protections threshold values (Qr = 0.5, penetration level 2) (where V/f windows’ values are de-
termined in accordance with the table 5.2) (Brundlinger et al. 2005).

Table 5.2 Voltage/frequency windows of DG allowed operation and load quality factors
(Brundlinger et al. 2005).

Voltage win- Frequency win-

Case dow dow Reference standard
A 0.9 to 1.10 UN 0.99 to 1.01 fN IEEE P1547
VDE0126, OVE E2750 (part-
B 0.8 to 1.15 UN 0.94 to 1.02 fN ly)
C 0.8 to 1.20 UN 0.994 to 1.006 fN DK5950
Case Quality factor Qr Reference standard
Qr1 0,5 ER G83
Qr2 1 Draft IEEE P1547.1
Qr3 2 OVE E2750, UL 1741 (2.5)

According to the figures above the probability of occurrence and persistence of

an island for more than 2s has an upward trend, keeping up with volt-
age/frequency windows widening and increasing of DG penetration level,
whereas the most notable affecting factor among protection settings is the size of

frequency window. Furthermore, the ability of DG to inject reactive power is a

compulsory requirement to make the situation in question possible to presence (if
DG operating at unity or lagging power factor and no other reactive power sup-
ply present, balanced conditions never occur) (Brundlinger et al. 2005).

On the other hand, when it comes to synchronous machines, it goes without say-
ing that sustainable island occurrence has to be taken into consideration (Fig.
5.9), as well as neglecting of asynchronous ones operating without reactive pow-
er injecting sources connected within hypothetically possible-to-occur island.

Fig. 5.9. Frequency/voltage operating points during islanding of synchronous generator.

Implications for the safe operation of an islanded network part are the following:
− exceeding of acceptable limits by power quality parameters, which may
cause malfunction or damage of network and end-customers equipment1;
− uncleared faults in low SCC level conditions formed by loss of substan-
tial infeed, such as mains, or unearthing of neutral points, while protec-
tion threshold values are remained unchanged;

Generally, this threat is overcome by DG protection schemes.

− out-of-phase re-closing leading to high values inrush currents, which may

exceed generators withstand capacities in terms of current and torque;
− electric shock as a consequence of touching of conductors alive assumed
to be dead by living beings, especially by field crew entrusted to elimi-
nate the fault.
For the reasons mentioned above it is compulsory to disconnect all generation
nodes while operating under island conditions.

The problem of performing latter requirement by means of protection imple-

mented conventionally on generator side is determined by voltage and frequency
windows’ sizes constituting so-called non-detection zone (NDZ), the sizes of
which are coined by number of various standards (Table 5.2) with some diversity
of exact boundary values, but wide enough in every instant to make island oper-
ating possible to incept and be self-maintainable as it was proved above for sin-
gle-phase inverter-based installations and axiomatically admitted for either three-
phase flexible and direct connection due to broad reporting in related literature.
Regarding this, implementing of additional protection targeted to detection of
this particular regime is necessary.

Only MV grids oriented AI schemes achieved technical maturity will be provid-

ed below, which means no 4-/5- conductors grids and solidly earthed grids are

5.5.1. Remote techniques

Power Line Carrier Communication

This approach of detecting islanding consists in continuous broadcasting modu-
lated signal from primary substation to downstream DGs using power lines as
communication medium (Fig.5.10).

Fig. 5.10. Single line diagram of a distributed grid with power line carrier AI
protection (Wilsun et al. 2007).

The proposed scheme incorporates two mutually bound devices: a signal genera-
tor (SG) – entrusted to form a signal with regard to preset protocol and a signal
detector (SD) – targeted to recognize it. The reasoning for tripping is formed by
commutation devices installed between considered DG and primary substation
busbar, where signal generator is connected, by interrupting signal for certain
time duration. This particular placement extends the capabilities of this scheme
to detect also continuous voltage unavailability at busbar, which is another type
of mains’ loss. Moreover, SG’s auxiliary inputs (Fig. 5.10) imply manual con-
trol, which can be implemented in case of forming upstream (higher voltage lev-
el) islands or in other circumstances leading to such necessity.

To facilitate detection, the anti-islanding signal can be assigned certain patterns,

i.e. broadcasting frequency (every 2, 3 or 4 cycles) and carrier loop (phase
A/B/C to ground (A-G, B-G, C-G) or line-line A-B, A-C, B-C). As example,
modulated signal is proceed via A-G loop here created by means of signal trans-

former with secondary winding earthed through anti-parallel thyristors connec-

tion (Fig. 5.11).

Fig. 5.11. Signaling implementation and waveforms (Wilsun et al. 2007).

To minimize electromagnetic influence resulting in voltage background distor-

tion, which can lead to spurious tripping, the floating deducting window is used
in the recognition algorithm resulting in following curves (Fig. 5.12).

Fig. 5.12. Floating deduction window algorithm resulting waveforms (Wilsun et al.

The method adapts several ways to recognize the continuously formed signal:
1. RMS value as operating variable - constituting in direct comparison with
preset threshold value over certain period (Fig. 5.13).

Fig. 5.13. Segmenting waveform with regard to thyristors’ firing angel ( 30° here)
(Wilsun et al. 2007).

The segmentation point here is placed with regard to thyristors’ firing angle. If
the latter is equal or less than 30°, so 30° degrees ahead the curve can be divided
to insure that signal consists only in II segment.

The signal flagged as present if threshold value is exceeded by vsignal RMS with-

in II segment and opposite situation takes place for the another threshold over I
sector, otherwise – protection trips. Two distinctive setup values are meant to
detect abnormal conditions by being exceeded simultaneously.

2. Spectrum-based algorithm utilizing oscillatory patterns of the signal by

means of Direct Fourier Transform (DFT).
Implementing the latter causes several difficulties in revealing the exact harmon-
ics to being analyzed in terms of its RMS comparison with the threshold, be-
cause oscillation frequencies of the signal depends on a range of different fac-
tors, such as type of loop used and conductivity of its elements. It leads to need
of place-oriented parameterization.

3. Template-oriented algorithm adopts analysis of congruence (match) ex-

tent of vsignal curve with preset of templates (each referred to correspond-

ing oscillation frequency of chosen similarly as in previous algorithm

spectrum). The equation reflecting matching is determined as (5.4).

CR = ∑v signal _ i ⋅ vtemplate _ i (5.4)


where index i refers to sampled point of real and template curves (Fig. 5.14).

Fig. 5.14. Waveform of a windowed sinusoidal template adjusted to thyristors’ firing angle of

A higher index (5.4) implies a higher matching extent between the real signal
and template (Wilsun et al. 2007).

On the grounds of field test oscillation pattern based (spectrum-based and tem-
plate-oriented) algorithms are marked as more reliable due to alleviation of high
noise and low signal level influence on eventual analysis. Furthermore, no volt-
age quality deterioration was measured while implementing techno-economically
feasible signal level of 4% of nominal voltage

As a possible drawback, the impact toward AMR is not identified clearly, but is
still under spotlight and critical due to intersecting principles constituting simul-
taneous overlapping of AI signal and AMR one (Wencong et al. 2007).

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)

The paradigm under heading consists in usage of SCADA branched till the load
nodes for the purpose of CB’s auxiliary/signal contacts signaling. The main
drawbacks are non-ubiquitous realization due to limitation of SCADA’s network

generally by HV busbar of feeding substation, high branching reflecting high

number of DGs, involving distribution company into the interconnection process
increasing commercial component.

Furthermore, method combining power line carrier and SCADA signaling is

proposed in (Artale et al. 2013).

Transfer-trip technique
Using telephone lines, optical cables and etc. for the purpose in question. In or-
der to achieve sufficient reliability, a continuously presented signal has to be
implemented, whereas it requires allocated data volume, which forms the main
drawbacks in addition with those listed for SCADA.

5.5.2. Utility level methods

Impedance insertion (Reactance insertion, Resistance insertion)

The paradigm consists in toggling impedance at the utility level inside the ex-
pected island. Depending on its type the detection method can vary, i.e. if large
resistance is introduced, voltage change can be considered as an indicator. Gen-
erally, generally, capacitor bank is used for this purpose rather than a resistance
or a coil, because it is exactly the same as those commonly implemented for re-
active power compensation and, so, practical experience of using it is broad

The delayed switching is realized here as response to opening of the utility CB to

prevent the probable compensation of lagging current (inductive nature) resulting
in creation of balanced conditions and as consequence an undetectable island.
Making use of time delay provides enough time to observe transients in a form
of frequency deviations caused by highly inductive load and for UF/OF protec-
tion to trip.

NDZ: none.
Parameterization: narrowed down to choosing the time delay

Power quality deterioration: none.

Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: full.
Other drawbacks: method loses its feasibility if multiple commutation equipment
connected in series are installed and an island can be formed by every of them or
if there are several infeeds, because of increasing in number of needed capaci-
tors (Bower et al. 2002).

5.5.3. Fully-decoupled generating sources

Passive methods

Under/Over Voltage and Under/Over Frequency

The listed protections are entrusted to ensure necessary power quality at delivery
point and acquired anti-islanding detection function due to nature of transients
occurring while island is incepted. Load flow calculations of steady state preced-
ing to islanding are fully determined by following equations (5.5), (5.6) (Bower
et al. 2002).

ΔP = PDG − Pload (5.5)

ΔQ = QDG − Qload (5.6)

Where ΔP , ΔQ - power gaps which are bridged by mains.

With regard to power flow content supplied from utility grid, three situations are
possible with corresponding consequences when the latter is disconnected:
1. ΔP ≠ 0 - sudden voltage jump occurs;
2. ΔQ ≠ 0 - instantaneous phase shift occurs, which makes PLL to adjust the
frequency in accordance with preset template, whereas it causes further
change in reactive power. The iterative process stops when load resonant
frequency is met, so steady state is fixed.
3. ΔP ≠ 0, ΔQ ≠ 0 - the initial steady state.

Regarding previous one can conduct that unless steady state occurs within al-
lowed frequency interval and voltage operating point strays inside of prescribed
limits the island is detected.

NDZ: determined by too low active power imbalance to cause OV/UV relay trip-
ping and possibility of reaching load resonant frequency within threshold
boundaries (5.7, 5.8 respectively).

U 2 ΔP U 2
( ) −1 ≤ ≤( ) −1 (5.7)
U max P U min
Q f (1 − ( f f )2 ) ≤ ≤ Q f (1 − ( f f )2 ) (5.8)
min P max

This results in NDZ form depicted in Fig. 5.15.

Fig. 5.15 Non-detection zone of UV/OV/UF/OF (Bower et al. 2002).

Parameterization: utilized in accordance with Table 5.2; reducing these zones

with an eye to corresponding decreasing of NDZ can lead to spurious tripping
caused by non-related to islanding transients.
Power quality deterioration; none.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: full.

Voltage Phase Jump Detection (Power Factor Detection, Transient

Phase Detection)

The technique consists in monitoring of voltage curve shape at PCC. Tripping

conditions appear when loss of mains drives the voltage curve to meet the phase
angle of the load (Fig. 5.16), what determines by sufficient power mismatch.
To provide output power control, either terminal voltage in case of voltage-
source inverter or current while current-source inverter is implemented is adjust-
ed to grid voltage curve by phase locked-loop (PLL) with an eye to rigidly fix
power factor. The PLL scheme is capable of carrying out input signal synchro-
nization only at zero-crossing points, which means open-loop operation in-

If islanding of non-perfect power match happens it cause sudden phase jump

within first cycle of nominal frequency due to inability of instantaneous frequen-
cy change (the rate of frequency change depends on inertia of rotating masses
within islanded network), but an error induced is identified at the point of next
zero crossing and, in case it exceeds the preset threshold, the inverter is de-
energized or fully off.

Fig. 5.16. Voltage Phase Jump Detection. (Singam et al. 2006).

NDZ: comparable to those OV/UV/OF/UF have while operating with resistive

load or RLC-type in resonance.
Parameterization: suffers challenges of choosing thresholds due significant af-
fection by motor inrush currents having similar curve patterns.

Power quality deterioration: none.

Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: full.

Detection of Voltage Harmonics and Detection of Harmonics (Detection

of Impedance at a Specific Frequency)
The method is based on direct monitoring of voltage curve THD (5.9) or voltage
magnitude/RMS at frequencies different from the nominal at PCC.

∑U 2

THD = i=2

Generally, grid has low impedance forcing low-distorted voltage to PCC with
exceptions for so-called “weak grids”, which possess quite opposite attributes
regarding the question, but are encountered rarely. Likewise, harmonic distortion
injected by switching-mode inverters cannot exceed value of 5% in compliance
with DG interconnecting standards (IEEE 1547, EN 50438 and etc.). By summa-
tion of previous aspects neither THD nor voltage harmonics magnitude/RMS
cannot provide significant values at PCC while mains are connected, which are
laid as fundamental of detection mechanism here.

At the moment an island is incepted, impedance surges from insignificant utility

grid value to load-related one with consequent increasing in either voltage THD
and voltage harmonics magnitude/RMS at PCC, which if threshold value is ex-
ceeded, trips the protection.

Other interpretation based on same principle is bound with transformer used to

connect DG with mains and is suitable only for current-source inverters and CB
placement at primary side (Bower et al. 2002). Inverter output current exciting
low-voltage winding of the transformer – which also happens in utility grid dis-
connection mode produces significant voltage distortion due to hysteresis and

other nonlinearities, which reduces, chiefly, to the third harmonic. The latter
ends up with high THD and harmonic magnitude/RMS itself.

NDZ: the proposed detection mechanism is prone to fail while high-order har-
monics are filtrated or non-induced, thus when load content possess low-pass
characteristics, such as that high-Q loads have or when low distortion is pro-
duced initially, e.g low distortion outputs of implemented inverters.
Parameterization: suffers challenges of choosing thresholds due to convergence
of its determinants having opposite effect, i.e. the presence of high-value “weak”
grid’s impedance and filtrating characteristics of the RLC load, which can lead
to voltage harmonics of lower intensity than contains in inverter output current
with allowed 5% distortion.
Power quality deterioration: none.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: full.
(Bower 2002).

Wavelet based islanding detection

Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is a linear transformation breaking the ini-
tial signal into frequency-based samples associated with exact moment of time.
Acquisition of frequency and time domains correlation makes it suitable for ana-
lyzing signals of non-stationary nature, which in its turn can be applied when
time-varying harmonics need to be evaluated.

The justification of wavelet transformation for identification of unintentional

islanding among other close principles, such as Short Time Fourier Transform,
consists in high accuracy in time pinning for moments of high-order harmonics
inception in a grid, which inherent for every electromagnetic environment
change. The latter is based on Heisenberg uncertainty principle, establishing im-
possibility of simultaneous evaluation of two non-commuting operators as fre-
quency and time.

DWT is computed with a cascade of filtering followed by a factor 2 subsampling

(Fig. 5.17).

Fig. 5.17. Wavelet tree.

L and H refer to low and high pass filtering, respectively and ↓ 2 denotes sub-
sampling1.Outputs are determined in accordance with following equations (5.10),

a j+1[ p] = ∑ l[n − 2 p]a [n]
j (5.10)

d j+1[ p] = ∑ h[n − 2 p]a [n]
j (5.11)

Elements a j are used to declare the next step (scaling), d j – so-called wavelet

coefficients determining the output of the transform, l[n] and h[n] are coeffi-
cients of low and high pass filters, respectively.

The change of electromagnetic environment resulting in transients with wide

harmonic content is reflected in corresponding wavelet transform coefficients
deviations, as it shown in Fig. 5.18 for islanding incepted at 0,31s.

The decimation in two is justified due to sampling theorem as half-band pass filter is applied.

Fig. 5.18. Deviations of DWT coefficients reflecting the intensity of various harmonic orders.

NDZ: none.
Parametrization: reveal islanding pattern of high-order harmonics’ intensity
change and distinguish among other electromagnetic transients.
Power quality deterioration: none.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: full.

Artificial Neural Networks

The proposed and broadly tested by Salman S. K. (The Robert Gordon Universi-
ty, UK), King D. J. (University of Abertay, U.K.) and Weller G. method, consist-
ing in implementation of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) inherited 3 voltage
inputs, 3 current inputs and backpropagation algorithm as the main training tool,
gives encouraging results in terms of regime classification. In accordance with
gained results it is possible to ensure more than 99% of correct islanding detec-

This methodology suffers necessity of comprehensive offline training and test-

ing, which takes a significant amount of time to cover all eventualities likely to
happen in a grid. Nevertheless, using it as backup remedy aimed to handle only
those particular situations, which other main algorithms principles find difficult
to recognize, may reduce the training difficulties (Salman et al. 2004).

NDZ: eliminated if trained for all versatile islanding conditions.

Parametrization: long-lasting off-line training to perform all possible islanding
transients and, furthermore, those having similar high-order harmonics’ intensi-
ty deviation patterns1.
Power quality deterioration: none.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: full.
Other drawbacks: network-oriented principle.

Active methods

Impedance Measurement & Output Power Variation (Power Shift, Cur-

rent Notching, Output Variation)
Shaping output current curve in magnitude and frequency is a feature of inverter-
based DG, i.e. three terms in i = I mDG sin(ω DG t + ϕ DG ) equation can be adjusted

with a view to “swing” (upset) steady-state regime parameters. These methods

incorporate current magnitude variation and can be implemented exceptionally in
current-source inverters (CSI).

Noticeable difference in impedances of local load and utility power grid covered
by kirchhoff’s law reveals that current flow through at most grid impedance path
is fully forced to the load in case of disconnection from utility with all conse-
quents regarding impedance and power changes.

As an alternative paradigm can be used for enclave of difficult-to-identify islanding conditions.

If the mains are disconnected, the impedance determined as reaches sig-

nificant value, likewise dvPCC by itself. Voltage change in case of active power

dP R
imbalance can be calculated as dV = (Bower et al. 2002), whereas, in
2 P
case of precise balance, variations of CSI current is entrusted to eliminate steady-
sate conditions.

NDZ: as long as grid impedance is lower than the local load one, whereas, it is
fully met while the grid is strong, the NDZ is extremely small for single consid-
ered DG.
As integration density increases the contribution of each individual unit, keeping
up with reverse dependence, goes down. The latter results in need of mutual syn-
chronization in perturbations. This phenomenon is depicted in Fig. 5.19, where
the number of generating units is 50 times increased while stay unsynchronized
in perturbations.
Parameterization: the thresholds values are determined by grid-load impedance
window, which in some cases is far small, such as “weak” grid and extremely
high-power loads (assuming short circuit).
Power quality deterioration: significant reduction when either high-impedance
grid is connected or perturbations are synchronized.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: full inability due to inducing of in-
stability even when the perturbations are not synchronized and directly propor-
tional voltage quality degradation, accelerated when mentioned above synchro-
nization is used.

Fig. 5.19 Unsynchronized perturbations for case of 50 DGs (Bower et al. 2002).

Sliding Mode Frequency Shift (SMS) (Slip Mode Frequency Shift,

Phase Lock Loop Shift)
Regarding possibility to shape output current in frequency by switch-mode in-
verters its phase angle is permanently deviated with positive feedback to the ref-
erence voltage curve at PCC, which induces classical instability by its nature.
This perturbation does not lead to changes in steady-state regime if utility grid is
connected, because of operating within steady-state stable conditions provided
by mains of almost infinite power (so-called stability in small); otherwise phase
angle between voltage and current starts varying till meeting new better-to-be
abnormal regime outside the allowed frequency window, while magnitude of
changes depends on the inverter mode depicted as S – phase response curve be-
low and load type – linear dependence is drawn under simplicity assumption that
the load has exceptionally resistive nature (Fig. 5.20).

Fig. 5.20. Phase-shift-frequency curve of an inverter and resistive load (Lopes et al.

The error occurred is entrusted to make operating value to go beyond the al-
lowed frequency window.

As it can be revealed from the figure above, the proposed method fails, when
dϕ load
rate of load frequency response excess idem of the inverter, which results
in steepness increasing of the load curve and, also, A and C points are contained
within the normal frequency range (Lopes et al. 2006) (Table 5.2).

NDZ: high-Q loads with resonant frequency close to nominal

Parameterization: narrow down to choosing positive feedback link’s gain coeffi-
cient simultaneously leading to infinitesimal impact while grid-connected, but
significantly affecting stability when loss of mains takes place here is easily per-
formed in case of low penetration levels.
Power quality deterioration: increasing with penetration level.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: at high penetration levels there is a
threat of causing system-level power deterioration and noticeable transients re-
sponse (Lopes et al. 2006).

Active Frequency Drift (AFD) (Frequency bias, Frequency Shift

The method is close to the described above SMS except that controlled value
here is a dead or zero time tz (Fig. 5.21, PV instance), which fixed and set up by
positive feedback link to reference voltage curve at PCC in accordance with so-
called “chopping fraction” (5.12) (Bower et al. 2002).

cf = (5.12)

When an island is incepted, assuming for simplicity that load has resistive na-
ture, the voltage curve is kept up with distorted current leading to zero crossing
by former in advance and, so to reduction of tz . This consequence reflects the

reasoning for further increasing in frequency deviations by positive feedback

mechanism implemented, which, ultimately, aimed to move out operating point
beyond the allowed window.

Fig. 5.21. Inverter current frequency shift by means of positive feedback link to voltage curve at
PCC (Bower et al. 2002).

The described operating principle is significantly simplified due to considering

the load, incorporating exceptionally active elements. More general situation
comprising RLC-load provides phase angle – frequency dependence (5.13),
which makes possible to encounter abnormal steady-sate regime within allowed
frequency window with no mismatch processed by feedback link. As consequent
sustainable island is undetectably exist.

φ = −arctg(R(wC − )) (5.13)

Moreover, this method needs synchronization in perturbations when multiple

DGs are connected and slightly degrades power quality indicators.

NDZ: chopping fraction dependable, i.e. when the implemented value is small –
the same as inherent to SMS algorithm, whereas increasing in cf leads to NDZ
shifting to capacitive loads’ zone: providing precise detection for low-Q loads,
albeit high-Q loads still interfere the islanding detection even here.
Parameterization: same as in SMS.
Power quality deterioration: slight, increasing with penetration level.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: needs synchronization in perturba-

Sandia Frequency Shift (SFS) (Accelerated Frequency Drift, Active

Frequency Drift with Positive Feedback) and Sandia Voltage Shift
(SVS) (Voltage Shift, Positive Feedback on Voltage)
These methods are generally used as mutually complementing therefore they will
be described under one heading.

Sandia Frequency Shift (SFS) is an extension of AFS method, where the imple-
mented positive feedback link has voltage frequency at PCC as the reference.
Small deviations from rated one, which are likely to occur when the utility grid is

disconnected are amplified and used to shape inverter output current in accord-
ance with assembled equations (5.14).

cf = cf0 + k f ( fPCC − futility )

cft = cf ⋅ Tutility / 2 (5.14)

finverter = 1 / (Tutility − 2cft )

Where W0 -initial length of the truncation/dead time [%] (Fig. 5.22), K F - SFS

gain [%/Hz], fPCC , fgrid - PCC and nominal frequencies respectively, Tgrid - volt-

age’s period related to fgrid nominal frequency.

Fig. 5.22 Opposite-directional inverter current biasing by means of frequency change (Robitaille
et al. 2005).

It continues by increasing amplitude with respect to every previously measured

error till operating point is out of allowed window.

In case there is ideal match of generated and consumed power in every time in-
stant, the permanent perturbation f0 incorporated in (5.14) will “swing out” the
operating point to deviate from steady state. Regarding preceding the proposed
method almost eliminates the NDZ.

Sandia Voltage Shift (SVS) has similar pathway as SFS, but the latter is applied
to voltage magnitude at PCC as (5.15).

I inverter = kV (U PCC −Uutility ) (5.15)

Where kV - the feedback gain expressed in A/V. Here it is more preferable to

operate in direction of downward trend, which is due to possibility of load
equipment damage.

With an eye to speed up the procedure an acceleration concept was proposed in

addition consisting in augmenting of k coefficient by exponential principle while
continuous and unidirectional power variation is pinned (Robitaille et al. 2005).

Standalone SFS: depends on , where the increase of latter shifts the NDZ for-
ward to capacitive loads’ region.
Standalone SVS: has similar nature of NDZ as UV/OV relays, but the values are
marginally low.
SFS+SVS: infinitesimal NDZ, especially for Q-component.
Parameterization: similar to SMS.
Power quality deterioration: increasing with penetration level.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: at high penetration levels there is a
threat of causing system-level power deterioration and noticeable transients re-

Zebra method (Frequency Jump)

The principle inherent to Active Frequency Drift was taken as a fundamental for
this mechanism. The distinction is that dead times are placed here in accordance
with prescribed modulating pattern, which provides addition indicator of island-
ing inception – relative voltage distortion observed in expected points. Whereas,
the main one is the same as in Active Frequency Drift.

NDZ: almost absent

Parameterization: includes cf and pattern determining, evaluation pathways of
both are out of obstacles.
Power quality deterioration: increasing with penetration level.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: inability of implementing unless syn-
chronization or coded frequency jump is used.
(Bower et al. 2002)

Automatic Phase-Shift Method

Introduced as a solution to tackle drawbacks of SMS and AFD algorithms com-
prising, chiefly, probability of operating point stabilizing and, consequently, cre-
ation of abnormal steady-state regime within allowed frequency boundaries. Fre-
quency dependence of loads inducing such possibility is eliminated in this algo-
rithm by means of maintaining frequency unchanged while phase angle is adjust-
ed (5.16) (Hung et al. 2003).

1 f [k −1]− 50Hz
θ APS [k] = ⋅ 2π ( ) + θ 0 [k] (5.16)
α 50Hz
θ 0 [k] = θ 0 [k −1]+ Δθ ⋅ sgn(ΔfSS ) (5.17)

1, ΔfSS > 0
sgn(ΔfSS ) = 0, ΔfSS = 0 (5.18)
−1, ΔfSS < 0

Where α - frequency gain coefficient related frequency of the inverter output

current fundamental component; Δθ -constant related to the starting angle of the
inverter output current fundamental component, ΔfSS - change of steady-state


Adopted additional phase shift θ 0 [k] , which is dependable on frequency change,

is entrusted to break stead-state “freezes” in proper direction. The changes in
phase is accomplished each zero crossing of the voltage curve.

The paradigm entirely overcomes NDZ cornerstones of SMS and AFD, which is
best understandable from the Fig. 5.23 for RLC load, where angle compensation
(opposite signs) possibility is highlighted at 55,7 Hz for load and S-shaped in-
verter response curve, as well as reaching resonant frequency by RLC-circuit at
57 Hz, which mean stabilizing and forming of NDZ.

Fig. 5.23. Comparative depiction of three frequency-based active AI algorithms from the per-
spective of their NDZs (Hung et al. 2003).

NDZ: induction motors with large inertia.

Parameterization: choosing α and Δθ is out of obstacles.
Power quality deterioration: comparable to SMS and AFD
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: full, besides the synchronization is
not a crucial aspect here, because of current superposition resulting in equiv-
alenting phase but not frequency, whereas the latter stays essentially unchanged.
(Hung et al. 2003).

Reactive Power Export Error

Further improvement of phase shift methods is output reactive power periodical
variations of small magnitude (Fig. 5.24).

Fig. 5.24. Voltage curves for opposite power deviations (Jeong et al. 2006).

The phase-frequency mutual changes for resistive load are represented in Fig.

Fig. 5.25. Phase-frequency dependence for section maintaining (a) positive Q deviation, (b)
negative Q deviation (Jeong et al. 2006).

The current is adjusted in accordance with equality of voltage phase differences

Δt of every two adjacent periods (previous period of voltage is treated as virtual
for the next one and superimposed on it for the purpose of insight in Fig. 5.25
( T1 , T2 and etc.)

The phase difference raises the increasing frequency deviation while operating in
islanded mode, which makes UF/OF relay to trip, but due to perturbation limita-
tion of a mere 2,5% of rated active power output the power factor is not some-
how significantly affected in grid-connected mode. (Jeong et al. 2006).

NDZ: none.

Parameterization: none: ΔQ = 2, 5% fixed.

Power quality deterioration: the lowest among frequency-based methodologies
(Jeong et al. 2006)
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: limited due to need of synchroniza-
tion leading to quality degradation.

Mains Monitoring Units with Allocated All-Pole Switching Devices con-

nected in series (MSD)
This is cumulative principle based on merging various techniques listed below
and integrating them into two independent monitoring devices with allocated
switching equipment connected in series (Fig. 5.26) Nowadays, impedance de-
tection and additional OV/UV/OF/UF trips are commonly used here with an eye
to detect unintentional islanding.

All units monitor voltage, frequency and impedance, where for accomplishing
impedance measurements small current is injected to a grid on a permanent ba-
sis. It makes possible from protection perspective to react on rapid changes of
impedance value, i.e. happening within small decrement of time.

Fig. 5.26 Parallel-operation monitoring by means of two series-connected commutation devices

(Bower et al. 2002).

NDZ: inherited from impedance detection and corresponding UV/OV/UF/OF

Parameterization: instantaneous impedance change depends on grid configura-
tion and rated power of the inverter and does not cause any inadequacies.
Power quality deterioration: fully reflects impedance detection method impact.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: again as main affecting factor here
the impedance detection method attributes determine the adequacy of using the
proposed scheme with multiple units installed in proximity of each other.
Considering it as compound scheme, encircling several methods listed above, it
is worth mentioning that all benefits and drawbacks of incorporated schemes are
extended here, on the one hand, by redundant design and automatic self-test be-
fore each connection to the grid and, on another one, by additional equipment
costs (Bower et al. 2002).

Harmonics injection (Detection of Impedance at Specific Frequency,

Harmonic Amplitude Jump)
This algorithm is a special case of harmonic detection described above and is
based on the same principle of measuring distorted voltage at PCC. Contrary to

the harmonics injection by inverter-based installations determined by its operat-

ing principle, here it is done intentionally using one specified harmonic. Previous
is intended to narrow down monitoring spectrum with a view to use the phase
locked-loop (PLL) scheme synchronized with injected distortion frequency for
voltage measurement (Bower et al. 2002).

When the utility having low impedance at the harmonic frequency is connected,
the injected current flows almost bypass the load directly to the grid non-causing
abnormal voltage level at PCC. Upon disconnection from utility, the harmonic
current is forced to load, which leads to high voltage level of this particular fre-
quency, which in its turn can be detected and treated as islanding.

The drawbacks of this method are voltage quality decrement due to direct de-
pendence of harmonics’ intensity on load impedance and inability of implement-
ing in multiple DGs’ case. The latter is due to possibility of false tripping while
injecting the same frequency oscillation simultaneously.

NDZ: the same as inherent to Voltage Harmonic Detection

Parameterization: suffers challenges of choosing thresholds due significant af-
fection by motor inrush currents having similar curve patterns.
Power quality deterioration: none.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: full.

5.5.4. Directly-connected generating sources

Passive methods

Rate of change of frequency (ROCOF), rate of change of frequency over

power (ROCOFOP), rate of change of power
All these principles are based on active power imbalance generally occurring in
occasion of islanding. Only first listed method will be described here due to its
comparative wide-spreading over others.

The ROCOF sensing is targeted on change in rotating mass inertia of intercon-

nected network, determining the speed of frequency deviation in addition with
active power imbalance induced. An implemented mathematical algorithm con-
sists in frequency derivative calculation, realized as finite decrement by
floating window in hardware. Undervoltage relay is compulsory here to ensure
algorithm blocking under asynchronous machines’ re-acceleration regime.

NDZ: widening is kept up with threshold value and isolated network rotation
masses increase; inverse relationship with load power factor.
Parameterization: threshold value calculation (5.19) and ensuring the condition
(5.18), the same must be conducted for local generation/load commutation.
t tP k
df ΔPgen f0 − τ f ΔPgen − load load
τ gen (Pload− ΔPgen )+τ load Pload
=− e =− e (5.19)
dt Pload kloadτ f τ gen (Pload − ΔPgen ) + τ load Pload
where f0 – nominal frequency , ΔPgen - induced active power imbalance, Pload -

summarized active power of islanded grid’s load, τ f , τ gen , τ load - time constants

of frequency change, the same separately for generation and load, respectively.
The target value should be set in accordance with (5.20).
df dfutility _ grid
dt dt , (5.20)
dfutility _ grid
where dt is referred to system-wide power imbalances.
Power quality deterioration: none.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: full whether ranged threshold values
are set for DGs interconnected in one distribution grid.
As an enhancement of described algorithm partial derivative ∂P can be used to
increase small-imbalance sensitivity (Pai et al. 2002).
Rate of change of power dt (Redfern et al. 1993) was substituted by abovemen-
tioned algorithms and is not currently used.

Vector surge
Steady-state regime of a synchronous generator is characterized by voltage phas-
or diagram depicted in Fig. 5.27 (a), whereas every change in active power sup-
ply is reflected in vector shifting (Fig. 5.27 (b)) due to slowing/acceleration of a
rotor, caring excitation windings.

Fig. 6.35. Synchronous generator (a) steady-state and (b) change-in-supply regime (Freitas et al.

The relative respond in waveforms is drawn in Fig. 5.36.

Fig. 6.36. Generator’s terminal voltage waveform deviation in case of active power supply
change (Freitas et al. 2005).

Vector surge relays compare the duration of adjacent periods, starting at zero-
crossing point with positive waveform derivative, and form tripping signal in
case of threshold value excess. Undervoltage relays’ signals are involved into
considered algorithm similarly to ROCOF protection.

NDZ: increasing proportionally to the threshold value.

Parameterization: offsetting from local load/generation commutation-related
phase angle deviations and operating range of automatic speed regulator (if
Power quality deterioration: none.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: identical to ROCOF.

Comparison of rate of change of frequency protection (COROCOF)

Paradigm is based on comparative analysis of outputs of ROCOF relays installed
in different part of a network interconnected by links provided with live-line
reclosing. Whether relay-transmitter is tripped by system-wide active power im-
balance it sends modulated or coded measured value to a relay-receiver at gener-
ator side, whereas the latter compares it to its own. If there is a mismatch or sig-
nal absence, receiver forms tripping signal.
NDZ: none.
Parameterization: offsetting from local generation/load commutation disturb-
ances; ensuring higher thresholds for relay-receivers than for relay-transmitters
(time delay can be induced instead)1.
Power quality deterioration: none.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: full.
Similar can be applied to vector surge relays suffering the same coarsening.

Active methods
Active AI schemes for synchronous machines are implemented as positive feed-
back links to frequency and voltage deviations integrated into speed and excita-
tion ACS as series connected washout and first-order filters with inertialess gain
(Fig. 6.37 and Fig. 6.38).

Switch to higher threshold value, calculated identically to ROCOF, can be implemented for
relay-receivers in case of relay-transmitters malfunction (Bright 2001).

Fig. 6.37. Transfer function of the frequency deviation positive feed-

back link.

Fig. 6.38. Transfer function of the voltage deviation positive feedback


Such filter connection provides scheme operation only during transients exclud-
ing steady-state regulation and attenuating high-order frequency noise.

The settings contain following parameters (Ye Z. 2006):

− the corner frequency of the washout filter, TW ;

− the low-pass filter corner frequency, Tl ;

− the fain, K.

NDZ: none.
Parameterization: compromise K value to simultaneously ensure speed-enough
tripping under islanding conditions and infinitesimal impact under grid-
Power quality deterioration: none.
Ability of implementing with multiple DGs: conceptually full but still needs vali-
dation (Ye Z. 2006).

6 Prevention MV grid’s protection and automation malfunc-


Based on findings acquired throughout literature review, and the protection and
auto-reclosing behavior analysis, various in principle remedies are proposed here

in order to prevent malfunctioning of the equipment in question. For conven-

ience purposes, all observed DG impact is gathered below:
i. Reverse power flow to a fault incepted within upstream zone (regarding
DG junction point);
ii. False tripping of a healthy feeder’s relay due to short-circuit current con-
tribution from DG connected to it;
iii. False tripping because of inrush current and transients induced by DG;
iv. Unintentional islanding – a part of the distribution network is isolated
from utility grid with DG/-s connected within;
v. Blinding of relay protection which can be caused in several instances,
such as high-power-capacity DG installation between two adjacent feed-
ers with sensitivity decreasing of the upper one (upstream feeder) and is-
land sustainable operation;
vi. Disturbance of AR due to contribution to arcing and preventing self-
extinguishing while isolated from the mains;
vii. Out-of-phase AR causing damage to DG units;
viii. Loss of protection device coordination;
ix. Variations of infeed coefficients in time domain while in fault regime
due inability of some sources to sustain short-circuit current (SCC);
xi. Low-inertia generation transient stability loss due to change in grid pro-
tection tripping time (including power electronics interfaced generation)
(TCC, shift from instantaneous to current-dependent part of a curve in
combined tripping characteristics), violating given LVRT profile of the
interconnection node.
Initially, the issues of protection coordination disturbance (viii) and protection
blinding (v) will be addressed in detail since it has the most exhaustive nature.

Protection re-parameterization process, supplemented by hardware solutions, is

depicted in Table 6.1 as iterative sequence for overcurrent and distance multi-
stage protections, respectively. Protections with TCC are treated similarly (xi
issue is addressed here). The routines contain application of fault current limiter

(FCL), which appears as another cornerstone encompassing separate subchapter

(see “Fault Current Limiter”).

Earth fault protection incoordination exposure was in-depth evaluated in sub-

chapter “Earth fault protection” with all solutions proposed there (Table 5.1).

Application of directional principle solves protection issues related to healthy

feeder tripping and reverse power flow (denoted as i and ii, respectively) on its
own. Combination of FCL and threshold coarsening can be used to tackle newly
induced inrush currents (iii) on the assumption of current-based grid protection;
whereas, the latter can be substituted by characteristic clipping for distance one.

Other issues are related to unintentional islanding and DG tripping coordination

with AR, which can be solved by AI scheme application. All methods in ques-
tion, achieved technical maturity to date, are listed in subchapter “Unintentional
islanding and auto-reclosing” (not repeated here).

Table 6.1. Incoordination elimination iterative sequences for various types of grid protection – DG groups

Protection type Directly-connected DG Partially-decoupled DG Fully-decoupled

Current multistage 1. Application of directional element in DG in- Identical to these imple- None.
terconnection circuit/-s1; mented for directly-
2. assessment of I>>>, I>> stages whether they connected DG.
sufficiently offset from synchronous swing
3. installation of fault-current limiter if prelimi-
nary analysis yielded adjacent I>>> protec-
tion incoordination occurrence;
4. recalculation of I>> stages sensitivity coeffi-
cients of upper protections;
5. arrival at a decision if fault current limiting
impedance should be increased in order to
meet sensitivity requirements of upper pro-

Hereafter, mentioning application of directional element is included for originally non-directional protections.

6. recalculation of reclosing (if any) and re-

acceleration inrush currents in order to
roughened I> stages or increase fault current
limiting impedance.
Distance multistage 1. Application of direct tripping characteristics; Identical to these imple- None.
2. recalculation of Z>> stages sensitivity coeffi- mented for directly-
cients of upper protections; connected DG (DFIG does
3. arrival at a decision if fault-current limiter not operate under syn-
should be installed in order to meet sensitivi- chronous swinging due to
ty requirements of upper protection; applied AC-DC-AC’s pro-
4. recalculation of reclosing (if any) and re- tection principle, thus no
acceleration inrush currents in order to swing blocking is needed
roughened I> stages or increase fault current here as well).
limiting impedance;
5. application of swing blocking device (omit-
ted in case of exceptionally asynchronous
distributed generation).

6.1. Fault current limiter

Currently available and widespread passive current limiters have substantial

voltage drops, narrowing their application and appearing as the main disad-
vantage. Adoption of mutually coupled reactors, related to passive solutions,
having in load-flow regime insignificant voltage losses occurring mainly on coil
resistances, require two interconnection bays separated on other ends and, thus,
On the contrary, there are several active approaches, both currently available and
at R&D stage, that eliminate the mentioned drawbacks by realized operational
principles. To outline the most optimal solutions for the purpose in question, the
list of requirements – based on CIGRE WG A3.10 formed list (Hatziargyriou
2014) for the ideal (from the equipment withstand standpoint) FCL – is depicted
− negligible impedance under normal operating conditions with no related
need for cooling;
− fast response – in scale, sufficient to limit instantaneous protection stage
influence (tripping normally within 0,1 s);
− selectivity – the let-through current should be selectable: motor start and
capacitor switching currents should not be damped.
− multiple operation, which means no each-operating-cycle changeable el-
ements are incorporated;
− high reliability – correct functioning under any magnitude and phase an-
gle fault current; correct response after long idling;
− compact size, long lifetime, maintenance free and low cost (omitted be-
low due to evaluation difficulties)

In compliance with the above list, one of the possible approaches, proposed in
(Muljadi et al. 2011) for wind power farms, for facilities with applied motor and
generation (if asynchronous) soft starters, the saturable core FCL can be consid-

ered. It consist of several coils wound across two or more ferromagnetic cores
(Fig. 6.1).

Fig. 6.1. Magnetic and electrical circuits of saturable FCL (Muljadi et al. 2011).

A coil depicted in the center is fed by direct current, which magnetizes and bias-
es a hysteresis loop with respect to the origin (Fig. 6.2), in such a way, that load-
flow currents induce fluxes oscillating within green zone. The fluxes in both
cores is lined up with implemented coil interconnection, thereby oppositely vary-
− load-flow current – within green area referring to low-impedance of the
− SCC – with partial oscillation beyond the green zone due to current mag-
nitude increase and, consequently, proportional change in flux value and,
in the long run, in emf (6.3)
Φ = Li (6.3)

Fig. 6.2. Hysteresis loop of saturable FCL (Muljadi et al. 2011).

Fig. 6.3. FCL emf change under LVRT conditions (Muljadi et al. 2011).

In light of coils series connection, the equation (6.4) can be depicted.

etotal = ebuck + eboost (6.4)
Where e = −
Δt .

Corresponding to the latter, resulting emf curves are depicted in Fig. 7.4
for load-flow and LVRT from left to right, respectively.

Fig. 6.4. Resulting emf of the FCL under load-flow and LVRT conditions ((Muljadi et
al. 2011).

Based on physical model described above, nonlinear mathematical expression of

instantaneous magnetic induction vs. AC current value can be derived as (6.5)
(Muljadi et al. 2011)
−2Bsat π π
B(iac ) = [1 + tan −1 (K (I max − iac ) − ] + 2Bsat (6.5)
π I max 2
1 + tan (K π − )

Where iac - instantaneous value of AC-current through the FCL, I max - current of

the full saturation of the magnetic cores, corresponding to average magnetic in-
ductance Bsat , K – current interval of active change from unsaturated to saturated
state and vice versa.

The expression above is scaled in such a way that while iac = 0 the value of
magnetic induction is equal to induced biasing induction B = Bdc _ bias , which cor-

responds to virtual line O 'O '' in Fig. 6.2. Moreover, it is assumed, that maximum
instantaneous current value through the FCL does not exceed the maximum pre-
defined value I max ( iac ≤ I max ). The mentioned maximum current value is estab-

lished for every FCL and derived from the value of magnetic core’s coercitive

The coil inductance equation can be drawn as (6.6).

∂B(iac )
L = nac Acore , (6.6)

Where nac is a number of windings, Acore – a cross section of the magnetic core.
To sum up, the following parameters have to be evaluated under load-flow and
fault regimes in order to opt a FCL: I max , Bsat , K and Lair−core , representing air-

core coil inductance L ≥ Lair−core induced with a view of calculation simplifying

(Muljadi et al. 2011).

In addition to selectivity constraints, the broad cooling has to be provided, which

appears as another drawback.

In cases where the selectivity becomes a significant issue, I s -limiter in combina-

tion with connected in parallel reactor can be implemented. Under normal oper-
ating conditions, the current is passed through low-impedance path of closed fast
controllable switch; whereas, when switch is triggered it is forced to the fuse and
normally interrupted. As a continuous operation is of concern here, a reactor is
needed to conduct a portion of current, not causing the fuse to blow.

This solution is deprived from all highlighted drawbacks, technically matured,

and can be used with all types of DG facilities without constraints.


In this paper, the meaning of the term “distributed generation” is addressed from
the scope-encircling standpoint, and generating technologies encompassed by the
latter are listed as primary energy source-prime mover combinations.

In chapter 3, all sources appearing as new generation types are equivalented un-
der LVRT conditions, with models adapted for manual calculations of the initial
values of the steady-state short-circuit currents of symmetrical and unsymmet-
rical faults for positive and negative sequences separately (where possible). The
preceding essentially excludes a software simulation intermediary for vast major-
ity of considered sources, adding to simplicity of protection-specific routines.
Moreover, the paradigm of Type 4 ENERCONE WECs’ representation are ex-
tended and adapted for inverter-based generation in order to achieve ubiquitous
application of existing short-circuit calculation practices.
In chapter 4, the preceding, with the addition of conventional generation phase-
to-phase fault LVRT models, is classified by characteristics determining their
behavior when faulted, namely generating source type, generator type, and inter-
connection type – where the latter is dependable on prime mover (with mechani-
cal power transmission system) speed regime.

The distribution grid layout is suggested in Chapter 5 with a view to comprehen-

sively address all DG influence toward phase-to-phase fault relay protection re-
lated to incoordination and partly blinding. The grid protection is designed and
parameterized, based on Russian established practices, and disturbances are
evaluated for all sources in compliance with preliminary grouping mentioned
above. Qualitative remedial analysis is provided for earth fault protection and
unintentional islanding as the separate adverse phenomenon, and in combination
with automatic reclosing. To shed lights on the two latter aspects, all AI schemes
achieved its technical maturity to date are listed with crucial characteristics high-
lighting, namely non-detection zone sizes, parameterization difficulties, power
quality deterioration and possibility of application with multiple DGs intercon-
nected within one distribution network.

To sum up all findings made through, the issues and remedies are collected in
Chapter 6 with referring to previous sections and subordinate problem descrip-
tion of current limiting.


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Appendix 1.1

Grid protection parameterizing and DG impact numerical as-


Equivalent scheme parameters

Utility grid:
U nom = 110kV
SSC min = 2500MVA
SSC max = 5000MVA
Str1 = Snom = 80MVA
U SC 01 = U SC(0tap) = 10, 5%
U SC min1 = U SC(−9tap/−16%) = 10, 44%
U SC max1 = U SC(+9tap/+16%) = 10, 91%
U HVnom1 = 115kV
U LVnom1 = 38, 5kV
OLTC: ±16%, ±9
T2, T3:
Str 2 = Snom = 16MVA
U SC 02 = 7, 5%
U HVnom2 = 38, 5kV
U LVnom2 = 6, 3kV
U nom = 35kV
Phases conductors made of Al 240 square mm in cross section cabled in a row
in the ground
r = 0,125Ω / km
x = 0,193Ω / km
Length between adjacent busbars, i.e. A and B< B and C
l = 5km
Load 1 (industrial type):
Industrial generalized load approximated to include 25% synchronous, 10% in-
duction, 40% low-voltage induction motors, 10% of converters, 11% and 4%
of electrothermal and lighting loads (РД 153-34.0-20.527-98).
Appendix 1.2

xload1[ p.u.]35kV = 0, 04 + j0, 54

Load 2 (domestic type):
Domestic generalized load comprises 35% low-voltage induction motors and the
rest 65% of lighting loads.
xload 2 [ p.u.]35kV = 0,15 + j0, 43
Asynchronous generator (scaled up):
Snom = 40MW
U nom = 35kV
cosϕ = 0.8
K locked.rotor = 6

Adopted assumptions of SCC routine

The general assumptions used throughout further calculations’ routines (РД 153-
1. neglecting emf phase shift of different synchronous machines and varia-
tions of their rotating speeds for fault duration less than 0,5s;
2. neglecting DC ties;
3. neglecting magnetic saturation of electrical machine’s steel;
4. neglecting magnetizing currents of transformers and autotransformers;
5. neglecting resistances of electrical power equivalent scheme’s elements if
the resulting one, determined with regard to a short-circuit point, consti-
tutes less than 30% of resulting inductance;
6. approximate consideration of electric loads connected in various nodes of
initial scheme;
7. considering electrical power elements’ resistances as DC based.

Protection design

Multistage overcurrent protection

Calculation is conducted in absolute units excluding transformation links using
PTC Mathcad.
U110 ULVnom1
EUGmax:= 1.1
3 UHVnom1⋅ ( 1 − 0.16)
Appendix 1.3

U110 ULVnom1
3 UHVnom1⋅ ( 1 + 0.16)

Eload1 := 0.865⋅

Eload2 := 0.788⋅
Referring utility grid impedance to 35 kV voltage level:
2 2

U110 ULVnom1 ⎤
xUGmax:= ⎢ ⎥ = 0.384Ω
SSCmax UHVnom1⋅ ( 1 − 0.16)
⎣ ⎦
2 2

U110 ULVnom1 ⎤
xUGmin:= ⎢ ⎥ = 0.403Ω
SSCmin UHVnom1⋅ ( 1 + 0.16)
⎣ ⎦

Mains’ transformer impedance at two opposite edge taps:

uSCmin1 ⎡UHVnom1⋅ ( 1 − 0.16)⎤
⎣ ⎦ ⋅
ULVnom1( )2
xtr1min:= ⋅ = 1.934Ω
100 Str1 2
⎡⎣UHVnom1⋅ ( 1 − 0.16)⎤⎦

uSCmax1 ⎡UHVnom1⋅ ( 1 + 0.16)⎤

⎣ ⎦ ⋅
xtr1max:= ⋅ = 2.021Ω
100 Str1 2
⎡⎣UHVnom1⋅ ( 1 + 0.16)⎤⎦

Impedances of the load nodes’ transformers:

u SC02 UHVnom2 )2
xtr2 := ⋅ = 6.948Ω
100 Str2

xtr3 := xtr2 = 6.948Ω

Cable impedance (АВ и BC):

( )
zcable := +⋅ i ⋅ l = ( 0.625 + 0.965i) Ω

Generalized domestic and industrial load impedances (load 1 and load 2, respec-
Appendix 1.4

zload1 := ( 0.04 + 0.54i) ⋅ = ( 3.706 + 50.026i) Ω

zload2 := ( 0.15 + 0.43i) ⋅ = ( 13.896 + 39.835i) Ω

Asynchronous rotating load re-acceleration currents:

( )(
zload2 + zcable + ztr3 ⋅ zload1 + ztr2 )
zeqload2 := = ( 5.006 + 26.335i) Ω
zload2 + ztr3 + zcable + zload1 + ztr2

Iself.acceler1 := = ( 125.186 − 658.446i) A
3⋅ zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable + zeqload2 )

zload1 + ztr2 )
Iself.acceler2 := Iself.acceler1⋅ = ( 104.754 − 344.423i) A
zload2 + zcable + ztr3 + zload1 + ztr2

Ensuring I> relay return to initial position:

IIII1 := koffset ⋅ = 767.985A

IIII2 := koffset ⋅ = 412.502A ,

Where koffset - offset coefficient taken into the equation to consider possible inac-

curacy of SCC calculations, current transformer saturation and presence of an

aperiodic current component.
Imax.oper := 432A

IIII2alt := koffset ⋅ Imax.oper = 475.2A

2 protection I> current threshold value:

( )
IIII2 := max IIII2, IIII2alt = 475.2A

1 protection I> current threshold value:

Appendix 1.5

IIII1alt1:= koffset ⋅ IIII2 = 522.72A

IIII1alt2:= koffset ⋅ Imax.oper = 475.2A

( )
IIII1 := max IIII1, IIII1alt1, IIII1alt2 = 767.985A

In the absence of 6 kV grid’s protection threshold map it is assumed that trans-

former’s backup protection I > stage has time delay of 0,7 s:

tIII2 := 1s
tIII1 := tIII2 + Δt = 1.3s

Where Δt - selectivity time interval considering the following: positive inaccura-

cy of time measuring element of the relay under observation, total breaking time
of an adjacent element CB, additional BFP operation time if applicable, negative
inaccuracy of time measuring element of an adjacent relay, and some surplus.
For microprocessor-based relays the value in question constitutes 0,2 -0,3s if
similar types of CB and relays are used within coordinating elements and BFP is
not applied (Шабад 2012).

SCCs in case of three-phase fault at Bus 3:

EUGmax 3
ISC2max:= = 6.287× 10 A
zUGmax+ ztr1min + 2zcable

Considering possibility of load current neglect:

( ) (
EUGmax⋅ zload1 + ztr2 + Eload1 ⋅ zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable )
zload1 + ztr2 + zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable )

( )(
zload1 + ztr2 ⋅ zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable )
xeqSC2max:= + zcable
zload1 + ztr2 + zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable

EeqSC2max 3
ISC2max.with.load:= = 6.426 × 10 A
Appendix 1.6

ISC2max.with.load − ISC2max
kportion.of.load.contrib := ⋅ 100 = 2.175

As the portion constitutes less than 5 % load neglecting is justified in compliance

with applicable practice (РД 153-34.0-20.527-98 2002).

2 protection I>>> current threshold value:

EUGmax− ISC2max.with.load⋅ zcable 3

ISC2max.trough.p1 := = 7.365 × 10 A
zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable

II2 := koffset ⋅ ISC2max = 6.915 × 10 A

1 protection I>>> current threshold value:

EUGmax 3
ISC1max:= = 8.329× 10 A
zcable + zUGmax+ ztr1min

II1 := koffset ⋅ ISC1max = 9.162 × 10 A

2 protection I>> current threshold value:

EUGmax 3
ISC3max:= = 2.471× 10 A
2zcable + zUGmax+ ztr1min + ztr3

III2 := koffset ⋅ ISC3max = 2.718 × 10 A

1 protection I>> current threshold value:

III1 := koffset ⋅ II2 = 7.607 × 10 A

tII2 := 0.4s
EUGmax 3
ISC4max:= = 2.716 × 10 A
zcable + zUGmax+ ztr1min + ztr2

III1alt := koffset ⋅ ISC4max = 2.988 × 10 A
Appendix 1.7

( )
III1 := max III1, III1alt = 7.607 × 10 A

tII1 := 0.4s

Sensitivity assessment of the corresponding relays

3 EUGmin 3
ISC1min:= ⋅ = 4.605× 10 A
2 zcable + zUGmin+ ztr1max

Ithrough.relay.1.min := ISC1min = 4.605 × 10 A

ksII1 := = 0.605

ksIII1main := = 5.997

3 EUGmin 3
ISC2min := ⋅ = 3.504 × 10 A
2 2zcable + zUGmin+ ztr1max

Ithrough.relay.2.min := ISC2min = 3.504 × 10 A

ksII2 := = 1.289
ksIII2main := = 7.373
Ithrough.relay.1.min := ISC2min = 3.504 × 10 A

ksIII1reser.2 := = 4.562

EUGmin 3
ISC4 := = 1.77 × 10 A
zcable + zUGmin+ ztr1max + ztr2

Ithrough.relay.1 := ISC4 = 1.77 × 10 A
Appendix 1.8

ksIII1reser.1 := = 2.304

EUGmin 3
ISC3 := = 1.612× 10 A
2zcable + zUGmin+ ztr1max+ ztr3

Ithrough.relay.2 := ISC3 = 1.612 × 10 A

Sensitivity coefficients (main – main protection zone, reser1,2 - backup zones 1

and 2, respectively):

ksIII2reser.1 := = 2.099

ksII1 = 0.605

ksIII1main = 5.997

ksIII1reser.1 = 2.304

ksIII1reser.2 = 4.562

ksII2 = 1.289

ksIII2main = 7.373

ksIII2reser.1 = 2.099

Feasibility of coordinating the I>> stage of the first protection with I>> stage of
the second one:

III1 := koffset ⋅ III2 = 2.99 × 10 A

tII1 := tII2 + Δt = 0.6s

Ithrough.relay.1.min := ISC1min = 4.605 × 10 A
Appendix 1.9

Sensitivity coefficient recalculation of the 1 protection I>>:

ksII1 := = 1.54

Evaluation of a critical length within which all the synchronously rotating ma-
chines, assumed to be connected to feeding substation 35 kV busbar, are unac-
ceptably speeded down and on the edge of loosing their transient stability:
U35 4 := 0.5⋅ = 1.01 × 10 V
Maximal regime:
EUGmax ⋅ a⋅
a⋅ + zUGmax+ ztr1min

lcritical.I1scmax:= Find( a) = 5.415

Minimal regime:
EUGmin ⋅ b⋅
b⋅ + zUGmax+ ztr1min

lcritical.I1scmin:= Find( b) = 11.313

1 protection I> protected zone under maximal regime:

c⋅ + zUGmax+ ztr1min

lI1scmax:= Find( c) = 3.561

The same for minimal one:
d⋅ + zUGmin + ztr1max

lI1scmin := Find( d) = −2.305

Likewise for the second protection:
f ⋅ + zUGmax + ztr1min

lI2scmax := Find( f ) − l = 3.165

Appendix 1.10

As it is seen from the equation determining critical length of instantaneous trip-

ping, the entrusted stages of protection 1 does not provide sufficient elimination
time of the fault occurring within end part of the first cable.
A possible solution for elements with prohibited AR, as cable lines, is I> stage
acceleration, which is applied here by means of positive-sequence undervoltage
relay signaling (Шабад 2012).

Asynchronous generation interconnection1

In compliance with chosen analysis method, the asynchronous generator with

parameters depicted above is interconnected at Bus 3.

Short-circuit current vs. fault distance curve:

( )
E''AG⋅ zcable + zUGmax+ ztrmin1 + EUGmax⋅ x''AG⋅ i
( 4 )
ETh := = 2.494 × 10 + 331.715i V
zcable + zUGmax+ ztrmin1 + x''AG⋅ i

( )
zcable + zUGmax+ ztrmin1 ⋅ x''AG⋅ i
zeq := = ( 0.23 + 2.015i) Ω
zcable + zUGmax+ ztrmin1 + x''AG⋅ i

ithrough.p1 ( x) := if x ≤ l⋅ x + zUGmax+ ztrmin1

EUGmax− ⋅ ⎡z ⋅ ( x − l)⎤
zeq +⋅ ( x − l) ⎣ ⎦
zcable + zUGmax+ ztrmin1

ithrough.p2 ( x) :=
zeq +⋅ x

Power electronics interfaced generation interconnection

Disturbed current curves quantitative dependencies are depicted here only for asynchronous
generator among all directly-coupled generating sources due to identical mathematical pathway,
except the subtransient/transient impedance calculation, which is inherent to synchronous one.
Appendix 1.11

IDGnom := = 329.914A
3⋅ U35

IDGnom := IDGnom⋅ i = 329.914iA

35 4
EDC := kV = 2.021× 10 V
i( x) :=
zUGmax+ ztr1min +⋅ x

Short-circuit current vs. fault distance curve:

( )
ubus3 ( x) := EUGmax − i( x) ⋅ zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable

Ubus3 := for x ∈ 5 .. 10
B ← u bus3 ( x)
Appendix 1.12

( )
I Ubus3 := for x ∈ 5 .. 10
U ← Ubus3
while 1
i←i+ 1
Z ←
i 1.1IDGnom

EUGmax⋅ Z + EDC⋅ zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable
i )
Eth ←
i (zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable) + Zi
⎡⎣Zi⋅ ( zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable)⎤⎦
Zth ←
i ⎡⎣Zi + ( zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable)⎤⎦
Ith ←
i Zth +⋅ ( x − l )
U ← Ith ⋅⋅ ( x − l)
break if Z − Z < 0.0001Ω
i i −1
EUGmax⋅ Z + EDC⋅ zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable
i )
Eitr ←
(zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable) + Zi
⎡⎣Zi⋅ ( zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable)⎤⎦
Zitr ←
⎡⎣Zi + ( zUGmax+ ztr1min + zcable)⎤⎦
I ←
x Zitr +⋅ ( x − l )

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