Case 1: Tidcorp vs. Aspac

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CASE 1: TIDCORP vs. ASPAC consent.

This is because Article 2079 of the Civil Code refers to a payment extension
G.R. No. 187403 February 12, 2014 granted by the creditor to the principal debtor without the consent of the guarantor or surety.
TRADE AND INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF THE PHILIPPINES In this case, the Surety Bonds are suretyship contracts which secure the debt of ASPAC,
(Formerly PHILIPPINE EXPORT AND FOREIGN LOAN GUARANTEE CORPORATION.) the principal debtor, under the Deeds of Undertaking to pay TIDCORP, the creditor, the
vs. damages and liabilities it may incur under the Letters of Guarantee, within the bounds of the
ASIA PACES CORPORATION bonds’ respective coverage periods and amounts. No payment extension was, however,
, TIDCORP irrevocably and unconditionally guaranteed full payment of ASPAC’s loan granted by TIDCORP in favor of ASPAC in this regard; hence, Article 2079 of the Civil
obligations to Banque Indosuez and PCI Capital in the event of default by the latter. Code should not be applied with respect to the bonding companies’ liabilities to
TIDCORP under the Surety Bonds.
As a condition precedent to the issuance by TIDCORP of the Letters of Guarantee, ASPAC,
PICO, and ASPAC’s President, Nicolas C. Balderrama (Balderrama) had to execute several The payment extensions granted by Banque Indosuez and PCI Capital pertain to
Deeds of Undertaking, binding themselves to jointly and severally pay TIDCORP for TIDCORP’s own debt under the Letters of Guarantee wherein it (TIDCORP) irrevocably and
whatever damages or liabilities it may incur under the aforementioned letters. In the same unconditionally guaranteed full payment of ASPAC’s loan obligations to the banks in the
light, ASPAC, as principal debtor, entered into surety agreements (Surety Bonds) with event of its (ASPAC) default. In other words, the Letters of Guarantee secured ASPAC’s
Paramount, Phoenix, Mega Pacific and Fortune (bonding companies), as sureties, also loan agreements to the banks. Under this arrangement, TIDCORP therefore acted as a
holding themselves solidarily liable to TIDCORP, as creditor, for whatever damages or guarantor, with ASPAC as the principal debtor, and the banks as creditors.
liabilities the latter may incur under the Letters of Guarantee.
Proceeding from the foregoing discussion, it is quite clear that there are two sets of
ASPAC eventually defaulted on its loan obligations to Banque Indosuez and PCI Capital. transactions that should be treated separately and distinctly from one another
Demand letters to the bonding companies were sent but to no avail. Taking into account the following the civil law principle of relativity of contracts "which provides that contracts
moratorium request issued by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of the Philippines, can only bind the parties who entered into it, and it cannot favor or prejudice a third person,
TIDCORP and its various creditor banks, such as Banque Indosuez and PCI Capital, forged even if he is aware of such contract and has acted with knowledge thereof." Verily, as the
a Restructuring Agreement extending the maturity dates of the Letters of Guarantee. The Surety Bonds concern ASPAC’s debt to TIDCORP and not TIDCORP’s debt to the banks,
bonding companies were not privy to the Restructuring Agreement and, hence, did not give the payments extensions would not deprive the bonding companies of their right to
their consent to the payment extensions. Nevertheless, following new payment schedules, pay their creditor (TIDCORP) and to be immediately subrogated to the latter’s
TIDCORP fully settled its obligations. Seeking payment for the damages and liabilities it had remedies against the principal debtor (ASPAC) upon the maturity date. It must be
incurred under the Letters of Guarantee and with its previous demands therefor left stressed that these payment extensions did not modify the terms of the Letters of
unheeded, TIIDCORP filed a collection case against: (a) ASPAC, PICO, and Balderrama on Guarantee but only provided for a new payment scheme covering TIDCORP’s liability to the
account of their obligations under the deeds of undertaking; and (b) the bonding companies banks. In fine, considering the inoperability of Article 2079 of the Civil Code in this
on account of their obligations under the Surety Bonds. case, the bonding companies’ liabilities to TIDCORP under the Surety Bonds –
except those issued by Paramount and covered by its Compromise Agreement with
The RTC partially granted TIDCORP’s complaint and thereby found ASPAC, PICO, and TIDCORP – have not been extinguished.
Balderrama jointly and severally liable to TIDCORP but absolved the bonding companies
from liability on the ground that the moratorium request and the consequent payment CASE 2: BUCTON vs. RURAL BANK OF EL SALVADOR, INC.
extensions granted by Banque Indosuez and PCI Capital in TIDCORP’s favor without their G.R. No. 179625 February 24, 2014
consent extinguished their obligations under the Surety Bonds. On appeal, the CA upheld NICANORA G. BUCTON (deceased), substituted by REQUILDA B. YRAY, Petitioner,
the ruling of RTC. Hence, this appeal filed by TIDCORP. vs. RURAL BANK OF EL SALVADOR, INC., MISAMIS ORIENTAL, and REYNALDO
ISSUE: Whether or not the bonding companies’ liabilities to TIDCORP under the AGNES BUCTON LUGOD, Third Party Defendants.
Surety Bonds have been extinguished by the payment extensions granted by Banque
Indosuez and PCI Capital to TIDCORP under the Restructuring Agreement. Doctrine: A mortgage executed by an authorized agent who signed in his own name without
indicating that he acted for and on behalf of his principal binds only the agent and not the
HELD: NO. The Court finds that the payment extensions granted by Banque Indosuez principal.
and PCI Capital to TIDCORP under the Restructuring Agreement did not have the
effect of extinguishing the bonding companies’ obligations to TIDCORP under the FACTS: Bucton is the owner of a parcel of land covered by a TCT. Concepcion borrowed
Surety Bonds, notwithstanding the fact that said extensions were made without their the title on the pretext that she was going to show it to an interested buyer; when in fact,
she obtained a loan in the amount of P30,000.00 from Rural Bank. As security for the loan,
Concepcion mortgaged Bucton’s house and lot to Rural bank using a SPA allegedly ISSUE: Whether or not Bucton is liable to pay the real estate mortgage entered into
executed by Bucton in favor of Concepcion. Concepcion failed to pay the loan, thus, the by Concepcion with the Rural Bank of El Salvador.
house and lot were foreclosed by respondent sheriff without a Notice of Extra-Judicial
Foreclosure or Notice of Auction Sale; and Bucton’s house and lot were sold in an auction HELD: NO, Bucton is not liable.
sale in favor of Rural Bank.
The Real Estate Mortgage was entered into by Concepcion in her own personal
During the trial, petitioner testified that a representative of respondent bank went to her capacity.
house to inform her that the loan secured by her house and lot was long overdue. 26 Since
she did not mortgage any of her properties nor did she obtain a loan from respondent bank, In this case, the authorized agent failed to indicate in the mortgage that she was acting for
she decided to go to respondent bank on June 22, 1987 to inquire about the matter. 27 It was and on behalf of her principal. The Real Estate Mortgage, explicitly shows on its face, that it
only then that she discovered that her house and lot was mortgaged by virtue of a forged was signed by Concepcion in her own name and in her own personal capacity. In fact, there
SPA.28 She insisted that her signature and her husband’s signature on the SPA were is nothing in the document to show that she was acting or signing as an agent of petitioner.
forged29 and that ever since she got married, she no longer used her maiden name, Thus, consistent with the law on agency and established jurisprudence, petitioner cannot be
Nicanora Gabar, in signing documents.30 Petitioner also denied appearing before the notary bound by the acts of Concepcion.
public, who notarized the SPA.31 She also testified that the property referred to in the SPA,
TCT No. 3838, is a vacant lot and that the house, which was mortgaged and foreclosed, is In light of the foregoing, there is no need to delve on the issues of forgery of the SPA and
covered by a different title, TCT No. 3839.32 the nullity of the foreclosure sale. For even if the SPA was valid, the Real Estate Mortgage
would still not bind petitioner as it was signed by Concepcion in her personal capacity and
To support her claim of forgery, petitioner presented Emma Nagac who testified that when not as an agent of petitioner. Simply put, the Real Estate Mortgage is void and
she was at Concepcion’s boutique, she was asked by the latter to sign as a witness to the unenforceable against petitioner.
SPA;33 that when she signed the SPA, the signatures of petitioner and her husband had
already been affixed;34 and that Lugod instructed her not to tell petitioner about the SPA. 35 Respondent bank was negligent.

Respondent bank, on the other hand, presented the testimonies of its employees36 and At this point, we find it significant to mention that respondent bank has no one to blame but
respondent sheriff. Based on their testimonies, it appears that on June 8, 1982, Concepcion itself. Not only did it act with undue haste when it granted and released the loan in less than
applied for a loan for her coconut productionbusiness37 in the amount of P40,000.00 but three days, it also acted negligently in preparing the Real Estate Mortgage as it failed to
only the amount of P30,000.00 was approved;38 that she offered as collateral petitioner’s indicate that Concepcion was signing it for and on behalf of petitioner. We need not belabor
house and lot using the SPA;39 and that the proceeds of the loan were released to that the words "as attorney-in-fact of," "as agent of," or "for and on behalf of," are vital in
Concepcion and Lugod on June 11, 1982.40 order for the principal to be bound by the acts of his agent. Without these words, any
mortgage, although signed by the agent, cannot bind the principal as it is considered to
The RTC decreed the SPA, real estate mortagage, sheriff’s sale and certificate of title null have been signed by the agent in his personal capacity.
and void. On appeal, the CA reversed the findings of the RTC. The CA found no cogent
reason to invalidate the SPA, the Real Estate Mortgage, and Foreclosure Sale as it was not
convinced that the SPA was forged. Hence, this appeal. CASE 3: PNB vs. SPS. MANALO
stipulation on interest unilaterally imposed and increased by them shall be struck down as
violative of the principle of mutuality of contracts.

FACTS: Spouses Manalo applied for an All-Purpose Credit Facility in the amount
G.R. No. 174433 February 24, 2014 of P1,000,000.00 with Philippine National Bank (PNB) to finance the construction of their
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Petitioner, vs. SPOUSES ENRIQUE MANALO & house. After PNB granted their application, they executed a Real Estate Mortgage in favor of
ROSALINDA JACINTO, ARNOLD J. MANALO, ARNEL J. MANALO, and ARMA J. PNB over their property covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) as security for the
MANALO, Respondents. loan. The credit facility was renewed and increased several times over the years. As a
Doctrine: Although banks are free to determine the rate of interest they could impose on their consequence, the parties executed a Supplement to and Amendment of Existing Real
borrowers, they can do so only reasonably, not arbitrarily. They may not take advantage of Estate Mortgage whereby another property was added as security for the loan. It was
the ordinary borrowers' lack of familiarity with banking procedures and jargon. Hence, any
registered in the names of respondents Arnold, Arnel, Anthony, and Arma, all surnamed itself the sole prerogative to determine and increase the interest rates imposed on the
Manalo, who were their children. Spouses Manalo. Such a unilateral determination of the interest rates contravened the
principle of mutuality of contracts embodied in Article 1308 of the Civil Code.
It was agreed upon that the Spouses Manalo would make monthly payments on the interest.
However, PNB claimed that their last recorded payment was made on December, 1997. The Court has declared that a contract where there is no mutuality between the parties
Thus, PNB sent a demand letter to them on their overdue account and required them to partakes of the nature of a contract of adhesion, and any obscurity will be construed against
settle the account. PNB sent another demand letter because they failed to heed the first the party who prepared the contract, the latter being presumed the stronger party to the
demand. agreement, and who caused the obscurity. PNB should then suffer the consequences of its
failure to specifically indicate the rates of interest in the credit agreement.
After the Spouses Manalo still failed to settle their unpaid account despite the two demand
letters, PNB foreclose the mortgage. During the foreclosure sale, PNB was the highest PNB could not also justify the increases it had effected on the interest rates by citing the fact
bidder for P15,127,000.00 of the mortgaged properties of the Spouses Manalo. The sheriff that the Spouses Manalo had paid the interests without protest, and had renewed the loan
issued to PNB the Certificate of Sale dated November 13, 2000. several times. We rule that the CA, citing Philippine National Bank v. Court of
Appeals, rightly concluded that "a borrower is not estopped from assailing the unilateral
After more than a year after the Certificate of Sale had been issued to PNB, the Spouses increase in the interest made by the lender since no one who receives a proposal to change
Manalo instituted this action for the nullification of the foreclosure proceedings and damages. a contract, to which he is a party, is obliged to answer the same and said party’s silence
They alleged that they had obtained a loan for P1,000,000.00 from a certain Benito Tan cannot be construed as an acceptance thereof."
upon arrangements made by Antoninus Yuvienco, then the General Manager of PNB’s
Bangkal Branch where they had transacted; that they had been made to understand Lastly, the CA observed, and properly so, that the credit agreements had explicitly provided
and had been assured that the P1,000,000.00 would be used to update their account, that prior notice would be necessary before PNB could increase the interest rates. In failing
and that their loan would be restructured and converted into a long-term loan; that to notify the Spouses Manalo before imposing the increased rates of interest, therefore, PNB
they had been surprised to learn, therefore, that had been declared in default of their violated the stipulations of the very contract that it had prepared. Hence, the varying interest
obligations, and that the mortgage on their property had been foreclosed and their property rates imposed by PNB have to be vacated and declared null and void, and in their place an
had been sold; and that PNB did not comply with Section 3 of Act No. 3135, as amended. In interest rate of 12% per annum computed from their default is fixed pursuant to the ruling in
reply, PNB and Antoninus Yuvienco denied the allegations of the Spouses Manalo. Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals.

After trial, the RTC rendered its decision in favor of PNB. On appeal, the CA affirmed the
decision of the RTC insofar as it upheld the validity of the foreclosure proceedings initiated CASE 4: HOMEOWNERS SAVINGS AND LOAN BANK vs. FELONIA
by PNB, but modified the Spouses Manalo’s liability for interest. The CA further held that G.R. No. 189477 February 26, 2014
PNB could not unilaterally increase the rate of interest considering that the credit HOMEOWNERS SAVINGS AND LOAN BANK, Petitioner-Appellant, vs. ASUNCION P.
agreements specifically provided that prior notice was required before an increase in FELONIA and LYDIA C. DE GUZMAN, represented by MARIBEL FRIAS, Respondents-
interest rate could be effected. It found that PNB did not adduce proof showing that the Appellees.
Spouses Manalo had been notified before the increased interest rates were imposed; and
that PNB’s unilateral imposition of the increased interest rate was null and void for being FACTS: Felonia and De Guzman were the registered owners of a parcel of land consisting
violative of the principle of mutuality of contracts enshrined in Article 1308 of the Civil Code. of 532 square meters with a five-bedroom house, covered by Transfer of Certificate of Title
Reinforcing its "contract of adhesion" conclusion, it added that the Spouses Manalo’s being (TCT) No. T-402 issued by the register of deeds of Las Piñas City. They mortgaged the
in dire need of money rendered them to be not on an equal footing with PNB. Thus, thi property to Delgado to secure the loan in the amount of P1,655,000.00. However, instead of
appeal filed by PNB. a real estate mortgage, the parties executed a Deed of Absolute Sale with an Option to
Repurchase. Felonia and De Guzman filed an action for Reformation of Contract
ISSUE: Whether or not the stipulation on interest unilaterally imposed and increased (Reformation case). The RTC rendered a judgment favorable to Felonia and De Guzman.
by PNB is violative of the principle of mutuality of contracts
Aggrieved, Delgado elevated the case to the CA where the latter affirmed the trial court
HELD: YES. The credit agreement executed succinctly stipulated that the loan would decision. Inspite of the pendency of the Reformation case in which she was the defendant,
be subjected to interest at a rate "determined by the Bank to be its prime rate plus Delgado filed a "Petition for Consolidation of Ownership of Property Sold with an Option to
applicable spread, prevailing at the current month." This stipulation was carried over to Repurchase and Issuance of a New Certificate of Title" (Consolidation case). After an ex-
or adopted by the subsequent renewals of the credit agreement. PNB thereby arrogated unto parte hearing, the RTC ordered the issuance of a new title under Delgado’s name. By virtue
of the RTC decision, Delgado transferred the title to her name. Hence, TCT No. T-402, A purchaser in good faith is defined as one who buys a property without notice that some
registered in the names of Felonia and De Guzman, was canceled and TCT No. 44848 in the other person has a right to, or interest in, the property and pays full and fair price at the time
name of Delgado, was issued. of purchase or before he has notice of the claim or interest of other persons in the property. 19
When a prospective buyer is faced with facts and circumstances as to arouse his suspicion,
Aggrieved, Felonia and De Guzman elevated the case to the CA through a Petition for he must take precautionary steps to qualify as a purchaser in good faith.
Annulment of Judgment. Meanwhile, Delgado mortgaged the subject property
to Homeowners Savings and Loan Bank (HSLB) using her newly registered title. Three (3) In the case at bar, HSLB utterly failed to take the necessary precautions. At the time the
days later, HSLB caused the annotation of the mortgage. subject property was mortgaged, there was yet no annotated Notice of Lis Pendens.
However, at the time HSLB purchased the subject property, the Notice of Lis Pendens was
Felonia and De Guzman caused the annotation of a Notice of Lis Pendens on Delgado’s title, already annotated on the title.
TCT No. 44848. On 20 November1997, HSLB foreclosed the subject property and later
consolidated ownership in its favor, causing the issuance of a new title in its name, TCT No. Lis pendens is a Latin term which literally means, "a pending suit or a pending litigation"
64668. while a notice of lis pendens is an announcement to the whole world that a real property is in
litigation, serving as a warning that anyone who acquires an interest over the property does
On 27 October 2000, the CA annulled and set aside the decision of the RTC in the so at his/her own risk, or that he/she gambles on the result of the litigation over the
Consolidation case. The decision of the CA, declaring Felonia and De Guzman as the property. It is a warning to prospective buyers to take precautions and investigate the
absolute owners of the subject property and ordering the cancellation of Delgado’s title. pending litigation.

On 29 April 2003, Felonia and De Guzman, represented by Maribel Frias (Frias), claiming to Indeed, at the time HSLB bought the subject property, HSLB had actual knowledge of the
be the absolute owners of the subject property, instituted the instant complaint against annotated Notice of Lis Pendens. Instead of heeding the same, HSLB continued with the
Delgado, HSLB, Register of Deeds of Las Piñas City and Rhandolfo B. Amansec before the purchase knowing the legal repercussions a notice of lis pendens entails. HSLB took upon
RTC of Las Piñas City for Nullity of Mortgage and Foreclosure Sale, Annulment of Titles of itself the risk that the Notice of Lis Pendens leads to. As correctly found by the CA, "the
Delgado and HSLB, and finally, Reconveyance of Possession and Ownership of the subject notice of lis pendens was annotated on 14 September 1995, whereas the foreclosure sale,
property in their favor. where the appellant was declared as the highest bidder, took place sometime in 1997. There
is no doubt that at the time appellant purchased the subject property, it was aware of the
After trial, the RTC ruled in favor of Felonia and De Guzman as the absolute owners of the pending litigation concerning the same property and thus, the title issued in its favor was
subject property. On appeal, the CA affirmed with modifications the trial court decision. subject to the outcome of said litigation.”
Hence, this petition.
The subject of the lis pendens on the title of HSLB’s vendor, Delgado, is the "Reformation
ISSUE: Whether or not the doctrine of mortgagee in good faith applies in the instant case" filed against Delgado by the herein respondents. The case was decided with finality by
case. the CA in favor of herein respondents. The contract of sale in favor of Delgado was ordered
reformed into a contract of mortgage. By final decision of the CA, HSLB’s vendor, Delgado,
HELD: NO, it does not apply. (HSLB is not a “purchaser in good faith”.) is not the property owner but only a mortgagee. As it turned out, Delgado could not have
constituted a valid mortgage on the property. That the mortgagor be the absolute owner of
When the property was mortgaged to HSLB, the registered owner of the subject the thing mortgaged is an essential requisite of a contract of mortgage. Article 2085 (2) of the
property was Delgado who had in her name TCT No. 44848. Thus, HSLB cannot be Civil Code specifically says so:
faulted in relying on the face of Delgado’s title. The records indicate that Delgado was at Art. 2085. The following requisites are essential to the contracts of pledge and
the time of the mortgage in possession of the subject property and Delgado’s title did not mortgage:
contain any annotation that would arouse HSLB’s suspicion. HSLB, as a mortgagee, had a xxxx
right to rely in good faith on Delgado’s title, and in the absence of any sign that might arouse (2) That the pledgor or mortagagor be the absolute owner of the thing pledged or
suspicion, HSLB had no obligation to undertake further investigation. mortgaged.

However, the rights of the parties to the present case are defined not by the determination of Insofar as the HSLB is concerned, there is no longer any public interest in upholding the
whether or not HSLB is a mortgagee in good faith, but of whether or not HSLB is a purchaser indefeasibility of the certificate of title of its mortgagor, Delgado. Such title has been nullified
in good faith. And, HSLB is not such a purchaser. in a decision that had become final and executory. Its own title, derived from the foreclosure
of Delgado's mortgage in its favor, has likewise been nullified in the very same decision that
restored the certificate of title in respondents' name. There is absolutely no reason that can However, DBP moved for the dismissal of the complaint, stating that the mortgaged
support the prayer of HSLB to have its mortgage lien carried over and into the restored properties had already been sold to satisfy the obligation of Guariña Corporation at a public
certificate of title of respondents. auction. Due to this, Guariña Corporation amended the complaint to seek the nullification of
the foreclosure proceedings and the cancellation of the certificate of sale.
G.R. No. 160758 January 15, 2014 In the meantime, DBP applied for the issuance of a writ of possession by the RTC. At first,
DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Petitioner, vs. GUARIÑA the RTC denied the application but later granted it upon DBP's motion for reconsideration.
AGRICULTURAL AND REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, Respondent. Aggrieved, Guariña Corporation assailed the granting of the application before the CA on
certiorari. After the CA dismissed the petition for certiorari, DBP sought the implementation of
Doctrine: The foreclosure of a mortgage prior to the mortgagor's default on the principal the order for the issuance of the writ of possession. Over Guariña Corporation's opposition,
obligation is premature, and should be undone for being void and ineffectual. The mortgagee the RTC issued the writ of possession on June 16, 1982. Both the RTC and CA ruled that the
who has been meanwhile given possession of the mortgaged property by virtue of a writ of extrajudicial sale of the mortgaged properties is null and void. Hence, this appeal by DBP.
possession issued to it as the purchaser at the foreclosure sale may be required to restore
the possession of the property to the mortgagor and to pay reasonable rent for the use of the ISSUE: Whether or not the foreclosure of a mortgage prior to the mortgagor’s default
property during the intervening period. on the principal obligation is valid.

FACTS: Guariña Corporation applied for a loan from DBP to finance the development of its HELD: NO, the foreclosure of the mortgage is premature and should be nullified.
resort complex situated in Trapiche, Oton, Iloilo. The loan of P3,387,000.00, was approved
on August 5, 1976. Guariña Corporation executed a promissory note that would be due on The agreement between DBP and Guariña Corporation was a loan. Under the law, a
November 3, 1988. On October 5, 1976, Guariña Corporation executed a real estate loan requires the delivery of money or any other consumable object by one party to another
mortgage over several real properties in favor of DBP as security for the repayment of the who acquires ownership thereof, on the condition that the same amount or quality shall be
loan. On May 17, 1977, Guariña Corporation executed a chattel mortgage over the personal paid. Loan is a reciprocal obligation, as it arises from the same cause where one party is the
properties existing at the resort complex and those yet to be acquired out of the proceeds of creditor, and the other the debtor. The obligation of one party in a reciprocal obligation is
the loan, also to secure the performance of the obligation. Prior to the release of the loan, dependent upon the obligation of the other, and the performance should ideally be
DBP required Guariña Corporation to put up a cash equity of P1,470,951.00 for the simultaneous. This means that in a loan, the creditor should release the full loan amount and
construction of the buildings and other improvements on the resort complex. the debtor repays it when it becomes due and demandable.

The loan was released in several instalments, and Guariña Corporation used the proceeds to By its failure to release the proceeds of the loan in their entirety, DBP had no right yet to
defray the cost of additional improvements in the resort complex. In all, the amount released exact on Guariña Corporation the latter's compliance with its own obligation under the loan.
totalled P3,003,617.49, from which DBP withheld P148,102.98 as interest. Indeed, if a party in a reciprocal contract like a loan does not perform its obligation, the other
party cannot be obliged to perform what is expected of it while the other's obligation remains
Guariña Corporation demanded the release of the balance of the loan, but DBP refused. unfulfilled. In other words, the latter party does not incur delay.
Instead, DBP directly paid some suppliers of Guariña Corporation over the latter's objection.
DBP found upon inspection of the resort project, its developments and improvements that Still, DBP called upon Guariña Corporation to make good on the construction works pursuant
Guariña Corporation had not completed the construction works. DBP thus demanded that to the acceleration clause written in the mortgage contract (i.e., Stipulation No. 26), or else it
Guariña Corporation expedite the completion of the project, and warned that it would initiate would foreclose the mortgages.
foreclosure proceedings should Guariña Corporation not do so.
DBP's actuations were legally unfounded. It is true that loans are often secured by a
Unsatisfied with the non-action and objection of Guariña Corporation, DBP initiated mortgage constituted on real or personal property to protect the creditor's interest in case of
extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings. A notice of foreclosure sale was sent to Guariña the default of the debtor. By its nature, however, a mortgage remains an accessory
Corporation. The notice was eventually published, leading the clients and patrons of Guariña contract dependent on the principal obligation, such that enforcement of the
Corporation to think that its business operation had slowed down, and that its resort had mortgage contract will depend on whether or not there has been a violation of the
already closed. principal obligation. While a creditor and a debtor could regulate the order in which they
should comply with their reciprocal obligations, it is presupposed that in a loan the lender
Guariña Corporation sued DBP in the RTC to demand specific performance of the latter's should perform its obligation - the release of the full loan amount - before it could demand
obligations under the loan agreement, and to stop the foreclosure of the mortgages.
that the borrower repay the loaned amount. In other words, Guariña Corporation would
not incur in delay before DBP fully performed its reciprocal obligation.

Considering that it had yet to release the entire proceeds of the loan, DBP could not yet
make an effective demand for payment upon Guariña Corporation to perform its obligation
under the loan. Hence, Guariña Corporation would not be in default without the demand.

Under the circumstances, DBP's foreclosure of the mortgage and the sale of the
mortgaged properties at its instance were premature, and, therefore, void and

Being a banking institution, DBP owed it to Guariña Corporation to exercise the highest
degree of diligence, as well as to observe the high standards of integrity and performance in
all its transactions because its business was imbued with public interest. Thus, DBP had to
act with great care in applying the stipulations of its agreement with Guariña Corporation, lest
it erodes such public confidence. Yet, DBP failed in its duty to exercise the highest
degree of diligence by prematurely foreclosing the mortgages and unwarrantedly
causing the foreclosure sale of the mortgaged properties despite Guariña Corporation
not being yet in default. DBP wrongly relied on Stipulation No. 26 as its basis to accelerate
the obligation of Guariña Corporation, for the stipulation was relevant to an Omnibus
Agricultural Loan, to Guariña Corporation's loan which was intended for a project other than
agricultural in nature.

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