Comparative Study of Geopolymer Ferrocement With Conventional Ferrocement

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International Journal Of Research Publications In Engineering And Technology [IJRPET]

ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 12, Dec. -2016
PG Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering
Padmashri Dr.Vithalrao Vilke Patil College of Engineering
Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
PG Guide & Head, Department of Civil Engineering
Padmashri Dr.Vithalrao Vilke Patil College of Engineering Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India

ABSTRACT: energy exhaustive and consumes major quantity of

Production of cement generates large natural resources, leading to its depletion in due course
quantity of carbon dioxide nearly 6 to 7 in of time.
percentage of total 9.795 Gigatonnes of CO 2 Construction industry is the one where bulk
emission. There is a need to extend sustainable utilization of waste materials can be effectively done
substitute to Portland cement utilizing the industrial without any compromise on quality and performance.
by-products such as fly ash, ground granulated blast Scientists have been doing research and development for
furnace slag which are Pozzolanic in nature. An more than 20 years on a new material called Geopolymer
experimental analysis on the Compressive, flexural to replace the use of cement .The amorphous to
and split tensile behavior of Geopolymer mortar as crystalline reaction products resulting from the
well as Conventional mortar reinforced with synthesis of alkali Alumino- silicates and high alkaline
rectangular welded with varying number of mesh. solution is generically known as Geo-Polymer. This
Specimen are casted using cement mortar and material is made basically with the mixture of sodium
Geopolymer mortar separately. The specimens are hydroxide and sodium silicate solution and when it is
tested under flexural, compressive and Split tensile combined with certain base material such as fly ash
loading. 750 x125 x 35 in mm size of the mould is results in a material with cementitious properties similar
prepared for flexural specimens. Samples are to Portland cement paste. The three components i.e.
prepared like panels for flexural testing and solution to fly ash ratio, Sio2/Na2O and Na2Sio3/NaOH
cylinders for Compressive and Split tensile testing. ratio can have great impact on results obtained.
The sample specimens from the mould will be
demoulded and kept for curing. Then the samples LITERATURE REVIEW:
tested on UTM and CTM and observations were Davidovit1 proposed that binders could be
recorded to draw results and conclusions. produced by a polymeric reaction of alkaline liquids with
KEYWORDS: Ferrocemnt, welded meshes, the silicon and the aluminium in source materials of
Geopolymer, Flyash, Flexural Strength,Compressive geological origin or by-product materials such as fly ash
strength, Split tensile strength and rice husk ash. He termed these binders as
INTRODUCTION: Gourley2 carried out research on Low-calcium
The production of cement generates large amount of fly ash is preferred as a source material to High fly ash.
carbon dioxide. Emission of carbon dioxide in The presence of calcium in high amount may interfere
atmosphere can be reduced with the reduction of with the polymerisation process and alter the
production of cement. Concrete is the most adaptable microstructure.
and extensively used construction substance in view of Noor Ahmed Memon et al3 investigated the
its extensive ranging recital, aptness, applicability and performance of high workability mortar mix, applicable
cost effectiveness. Normally, conventional concrete is for the casting of thin Ferrocement elements by using
manufactured with Portland cement, which acts as a slag as cement replacement and super plasticizer as
binder. The manufacturing of cement discharges about water reducing agent.
an equal amount of C02 into the atmosphere. It is also
66 | P a g e
International Journal Of Research Publications In Engineering And Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 12, Dec. -2016
Md. Zakaria Hossain et al4 in his research, flakes. In this investigation the sodium hydroxide
sixteen specimens were prepared and tested. From the pellets of 13 molar concentrations were used.
flexural behavior in the form of load-deflection 5. Fly ash: Class F fly ash is used in dry powder form
relationships, and first crack and ultimate loads provided by DIRK India Pvt. Ltd
B.Sivagurunathan, Dr.B.Vidivelli5 were 6. Sodium Silicate (Na2SiO3) Sodium silicate also
investigates the flexural behaviour of reinforced known as water glass or liquid glass, available in
concrete beams strengthened by ferrocement laminates. liquid (gel) form. In present investigation sodium
The aim of this project is to bond ferrocement laminates silicate in gel form is used.
to reinforced concrete beams and strengthen it against 7. Wire meshes: Square welded meshes are used.
flexure. Specimen 1, 2 & 3 consist of mesh with opening sizes
V.Sreevidya, R.Anuradha et al6, studied to assess 13x13, 19 x19 and 25 x 25 for mortar ratio 1:2. The
the Acid resistance of fly ash based Geopolymer mortar welded meshes are used for the ferrocement
with a ratio of fly ash to sand as 1:3.The various ratio construction was tested as per the Guide for Design,
between NaOH and Na2SiO3 solution to fly ash were Construction and Repair of Ferrocement Reported
used. Study indicates that Geopolymers are highly by ACI Committee 549 (ACI 549.1R-88).
resistance to sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid. 8. Sample mould: Sample mould for specimen casting
Bhalsing S., Sayyed Shoaib, Autade P7., was prepared having dimensions 750mm X 125mm
investigated the increase in tension due to increase in with 35mm thickness. Sample mould is shown in
contact area between wire meshes and mortar, i.e. figure
increase in specific surface of ferrocement. For achieving
higher values of specific surface, No. of Layers of meshes
needs to be increased.
Dr. A. S. Kasnale. S. Yedshikar8 studied the effect
of different volume fraction percentage of steel mesh on
compressive strength and split tensile strength of
Ferrocement and Geopolymer mortar. Activated liquid to
fly ash ratio of 0.6 by mass was maintained in the
experimental work on the basis of past research. Sodium
silicate solution with Na2O = 16.37%, SiO2 = 34.35% and
H2O = 49.28% and sodium hydroxide solution having
13M concentration were maintained throughout the
experiment. Geopolymer mortar cylinders of 150 x 300 Figure 1-Prepared Specimen Moulds for Flexural
mm size were cast. The temperature of heating was Strength
maintained at 900C for 8 hours’ duration after
demoulding. Test results show that compressive EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME AND RESULTS:
strength and split tensile strength of Geopolymer mortar Geopolymer concrete is a new material that does not
increases with increase in volume fraction percentage need the presence of Portland cement as a binder.
and specific surface of steel mesh as compare to Instead, the source of materials such as fly ash, that are
ferrocement mortar. rich in Silicon (Si) and Aluminium (Al), are activated by
alkaline liquids to produce the binder. Hence, concrete
In this present study following materials are used 1. Mix the Water and the sodium hydroxide solution
for casting the specimen. together at least one day before adding the liquid to
1. Cement: The cement used in this experimental work the solid constituents to avoid hazards caused due to
is tested by referring IS 8112 - 1989 Specification for excessive heat generated.
43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement. Cement is used 2. Mix sodium hydroxide solution and sodium silicate
only for conventional Specimen. solution together at least 2 hours before adding to
2. Fine aggregate: Locally available river sand the dry materials. Mix all dry materials in the pan
conforming to Grading zone II of IS: 383–1970 mixer for about three minutes.
3. Water: Potable water. 3. Add the liquid component of the mixture at the end
4. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH): The sodium hydroxides of dry mixing, and continue the wet mixing for
are available in solid state by means of pellets and another four minutes.
4. Ratio of sodium silicate solution to sodium
67 | P a g e
International Journal Of Research Publications In Engineering And Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 12, Dec. -2016
hydroxide solution, by mass, is fixed at 1 in this
research because sodium silicate solution is
considerably cheaper than the sodium hydroxide. 12
5. In this research, molarity of Alkaline Solution is 13M 10
 Specimen Preparation

Flexural Strength (N/mm2 )

The size of mould which we have utilized in this
project is 750 x 125 x 35 mm. 6
For Compressive and split tensile test standard moulds 4
of dimensions 300 x Ф150 in mm are used. As shown in
figure 2

Graph 1-Single Layer Mesh Flexural Strength

Table 2-Double Layer Mesh Flexural Strength

Size of Flexural
Sr. Mortar
Specimens Mesh Strength
Figure 2-Specimen Moulds for Compressive and Split No Material
(mm x (N/mm2 )
tensile Strength mm)
2 Sample 1 13 x 13 15.98
FLEXURAL STRENGTH TEST- IS 516(1959): 3 Sample 2 19 x 19 CCM 15.51
The panels were tested under flexural testing 4 Sample 3 25 x 25 14.85
machine with loading cell of 100 KN capacity. The 6 Sample 1 13 x 13 17.12
specimen was placed for uniform loading. The load was 7 Sample 2 19 x 19 GM 16.04
applied to uppermost part of specimen along with two 8 Sample 3 25 x 25 15.47
loading points. For applying loads two steel rollers were
used in the assembly. In Bar Charts Blue Colour
represents Conventional Cement Mortar and Green
Flexural Strength (N/mm2 )

Colour represent Geopolymer Mortar. 18


Figure 3-Flexural testing of specimen Graph 2-Double Layer Mesh Flexural Strength

Table 1- Single Layer Mesh Flexural Strength COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST: (IS 516:1959):
Opening For compressive strength test, Cylindrical
Sr Size of Mortar specimens of dimensions 300 x Ф150 mm were cast for
Specimens Strength
No Mesh Material 1:2 mortar for 13 molarity of solution & Na2SiO3/NAOH
(N/mm2 )
(mm x mm) ratio is 1 & Vibration was given to the molds using table
1 Sample X No Mesh 1.371 vibrator. The top surface of the specimen was leveled
2 Sample 1 13 x 13 CCM 10.38 and finished. After 24 hours the specimens were de-
3 Sample 2 19 x 19 9.36 molded and were transferred to curing tank wherein
4 Sample 3 25 x 25 8.46
they were allowed to cure for 28 days. After the age 3 rd,
5 Sample X No Mesh 1.606
7th& 28th days curing, these cubes were tested on
6 Sample 1 13 x 13 GM 10.57
Universal testing machine. The failure load was noted.
7 Sample 2 19 x 19 9.6
The compressive strength was calculated as follows.
8 Sample 3 25 x 25 9.01

68 | P a g e
International Journal Of Research Publications In Engineering And Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 12, Dec. -2016
In Bar Charts Blue Colour represents Conventional SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH TEST: (IS 5816:1999)
Cement Mortar and Green Colour represent Geopolymer For Split tensile strength test, cylinder
Mortar. specimens of dimension 150 mm diameter and 300 mm
Compressive strength (MPa) = Failure load / cross length were cast. The specimens with Conventional
sectional area Mortar were de-molded after 24 hours of casting and
Table 3- Single Layer Mesh Compressive Strength were transferred to curing tank wherein they were
Opening Size Comp. allowed to cure for 28 days and specimens with
Sr Mortar
Specimens of Mesh
Strength Geopolymer Mortar were de-molded after 24 hours of
(mm x mm) (N/mm2 ) casting and were transferred to Oven for 1 day. These
1 Sample X No Mesh 14.88 specimens were tested under compression testing
2 Sample 1 13 x 13 CCM 23.72
machine. In each category three cylinders were tested
3 Sample 2 19 x 19 23.20
4 Sample 3 25 x 25 22.80
and their average value is reported. In Bar Charts Blue
5 Sample X No Mesh 17.52 Colour represents Conventional Cement Mortar and
6 Sample 1 13 x 13 GM 29.44 Green Colour represent Geopolymer Mortar.
7 Sample 2 19 x 19 24.89 Table 5-Single Layer Mesh Split Tensile Strength
8 Sample 3 25 x 25 25.58
Opening Size
Sr Mortar Tensile
Specimens of Mesh
No Material Strength
40 (mm x mm)
(N/mm2 )
Compressive Strength

1 Sample X No Mesh 1.70

2 Sample 1 13 x 13 CCM 1.26
(N/mm2 )

20 3 Sample 2 19 x 19 1.08
4 Sample 3 25 x 25 1.03
5 Sample X No Mesh 2.20
6 Sample 1 13 x 13 GM 2.21
SAMPLE X SAMPLE 1 SAMPLE 2 SAMPLE 3 7 Sample 2 19 x 19 2.18
8 Sample 3 25 x 25 2.05
Graph 3-Single Layer Mesh Compressive Strength

Table 4-Double Layer Mesh Compressive Strength

Opening Comp.
Split tensile Strength (N/mm2 )

Sr Mortar 2.5
Specimens Size of Mesh Strength
No Material
(mm x mm) (N/mm2 ) 2
2 Sample 1 13 x 13 23.72
3 Sample 2 19 x 19 CCM 23.20 1.5
4 Sample 3 25 x 25 22.80
6 Sample 1 13 x 13 29.44
7 Sample 2 19 x 19 GM 24.89 0.5
8 Sample 3 25 x 25 25.58

Graph 5-Single Layer Mesh Split Tensile Strength

Compressive Strength (N/mm2 )

35 Table 6-Double Layer Mesh Split Tensile Strength
25 Opening Split
15 Sr Size of Mortar Tensile
10 Specimens
5 No Mesh Material Strength
0 (mm x mm) (N/mm2 )
SAMPLE 1 SAMPLE 2 SAMPLE 3 2 Sample 1 13 x 13 1.90
3 Sample 2 19 x 19 CCM 1.64
4 Sample 3 25 x 25 1.57
6 Sample 1 13 x 13 3.77
7 Sample 2 19 x 19 GM 2.96
Graph 4-Double Layer Mesh Compressive Strength
8 Sample 3 25 x 25 2.88

69 | P a g e
International Journal Of Research Publications In Engineering And Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 12, Dec. -2016
staff for their help and support during experimental
Double Layer Mesh Split tensile Strength work.
Split Tensile Strength (N/mm2 )

3 1) Davidovits, J., 1994, ’Properties of Geopolymer
Cements’, in First International Conference on
2 Alkaline Cements and Concretes, SRIBM,
Kiev,StateTechnical University, Kiev, Ukraine, 1994
2) Gourley, J.T. “Geopolymers; Opportunities for
0 Environmentally Construction Materials”,
SAMPLE 1 SAMPLE 2 SAMPLE 3 Conference: Adaptive Materials for a Modern
Society, Sydney, Institute of Materials Engineering
Graph 6-Double Layer Mesh Split Tensile Strength Australia, 2003.
3) A Mohamad N., Mahmood Sura, A. Majeed “Flexural
CONCLUSION: behaviour of flat and folded Ferrocement panels” [Al-
Increasing the number of welded mesh layers Rafidain Engineering, Vol.17, No.4, August 2009]
from 1 to 2 caused a substantial increase in flexural 4) MD. Zakaria Hossain, A Comparison of the
strength, compressive strength as well as Split tensile. Mechanical Properties of Ferrocement in Flexure for
This is because of the increased percentage of steel Square and Hexagonal Meshes, Journal of
meshes in the specimens and the increased depth of Ferrocement, International Ferrocement Information
mesh layers from the neutral axis. For the same number Center.ISSN: 0125-1759 28(2) 111-134 1998
of mesh layers, it was found that the strongest 5) Sivagurunathan.B, Vidivelli.B, ‘Strengthening of
configuration in both elastic and inelastic ranges results Predamaged Reinforced Concrete Beams by
from the smallest spacing because of the increase in Ferrocement Plates’ “International Journal of Current
volume fraction of the mesh in longitudinal and Engineering and Technology’ Vol.2-2012, pp 340 –
transverse direction of the specimens. The use of weld 344
mesh in the ferrocement structure gives more strength 6) V. Sreevidya, R. Anuradha, R.Venkatasubramani and
and significant improvement to the ferrocement. S. Yuvaraj, “Flexural Behavior of Geopolymer
Geopolymer Mortar specimen, it was found that there is Ferrocement Elements”, asian journal of civil
sight increase in flexural strength that conventional engineering (bhrc) vol. 15, no. 4 (2014)PAGES 563-
cement mortar. 574
Compressive strength of single mesh layer in 7) Swayambhu Bhalsing, Sayyed Shoaib, Pankaj Autade
Geopolymer mortar is greater than single mesh layer in “ Tensile Strength of Ferrocement with respect to
conventional cement mortar by approximately 15 %. For Specific Surface”
double layer mesh, specimens with Geopolymer mortar 8) Swapna S. Yedshikar.,Prof. Dr. A. S. Kasnale,”
shows greater strength than specimens with Comparison of geopolymer & Ferrocement mortar
conventional cement mortar by 16 %. with varying volume”, International Journal of
Split tensile strength of single mesh layer in Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3,
Geopolymer mortar is greater than single mesh layer in Issue 4, Part-2, July-August, 2015 ISSN 2091-2730
conventional cement mortar by approximately 46 %. For 9) Dr.T.Ch.Madhavi, Shanmukha Kavya .V, Siddhartha
double layer mesh, specimens with Geopolymer mortar Das, Sri Prashanth .V, “composite action of
shows greater strength than specimens with ferrocement slabs under static And cyclic loading”
conventional cement mortar by nearly 57 %. It was also [IJCIET, Volume 4, Issue 3, May - June (2013), pp. 57-
observed that by using Geopolymer mortar cost can be 62]
reduced up to 15-20% 10) State of The Art report on Ferrocement, Reported by
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT: 11) IS: 516-1959 Indian Standard code of practice for
Experimental work was carried out using the Methods of Tests for Strength of Concrete, Bureau of
facilities in Civil Engineering Department laboratory of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
P.D.V.V.P.COE, Ahmednagar. I wish to thanks HOD and 12) Dr. B.N. Divekar, “Ferrocement Technology”, A
my guide Prof. U.R. Kawade, ME Co-ordinator Prof. P.B. Construction Manual.
Autade, for their valuable Suggestions and authorities for
their kind support. I also wish to thank the laboratory
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