The Ground-Based Stage-IV BAO Experiment
Submitted by LBNL and NOAO
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
This Response to the Decadal Survey
is submitted by:
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
We propose a ground-based survey to measure the expansion rate of the Universe and the
growth of structure to sub-percent accuracies between 0 < z < 3.5. We achieve these constraints
by using both the baryon acoustic oscillations and redshift space distortions traced by the large
scale galaxy and gas distribution. Such measurements would strongly constrain the
phenomenology of dark energy, providing a dark energy FoM ~300 equal to the proposed JDEM
mission and substantially exceeding current efforts. A summary of experiment goals is shown in
Table 1.
The instrument proposed here for the KPNO 4-m Mayall telescope is capable of
simultaneously measuring 4000 redshifts over a 3-degree diameter field of view by employing
4000 individually-actuated fibers feeding spectrographs with wavelength coverage from 340 nm
to 1130 nm. The design draws heavily from existing instruments and completed R&D programs,
such that no further technology development is required. Over a period of 6 years, we will
measure the redshifts of 30 million emission line galaxies in the redshift range 0.2<z<2.0,
covering 14000 deg2. The blue channels of the spectrographs will enable a measurement of the
BAO signal in the Ly-α forest for 1.8<z<3.5 along the lines of sight to a million QSOs. The
BigBOSS survey can be extended to the southern hemisphere by moving the instrument to the
CTIO 4m Blanco telescope, covering a total of 24000 deg2. Such a survey would be a
spectroscopic counterpart to planned wide-field imaging surveys, redressing the current
imbalance between imaging and spectroscopy. Such a survey would be transformative in our
understanding of the evolution of the galaxy population between z~2 and today, much as the
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) did for the local Universe.
This project enables an unprecedented multi-object spectroscopic capability for the US
community, on a telescope platform that resides within the US ground-based OIR system. The
US community would have direct access to this instrument and telescope combination, as well as
access to the legacy archives that will be created by the BAO key project.
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
expected to be 286 (176 for just BigBOSS-North); this is to be compared to a JDEM-BAO FoM
of 250. If we include Planck plus Stage III supernova and weak lensing experiments as
described by FoMSWG, then the FoM is 338 for BigBOSS (240 for BigBOSS-North) as
compared to 313 for JDEM-BAO.
BigBOSS comes close to achieving the cosmic variance limit throughout its broad redshift
range (see Figure 1a). BigBOSS-South, in particular, will fill-in the z<1 regime not covered by
BOSS and JDEM. In Figure 1b, we use the FoMSWG principal component analysis to show
that BigBOSS will be comparable in performance to JDEM.
In addition to measuring the expansion rate of the Universe, BigBOSS will also measure the
rate at which structure forms by mapping the velocity field of galaxies with significantly higher
precision and much higher redshift than has been previously possible. This would provide an
independent probe of the dark energy, enabling BigBOSS to disentangle whether the acceleration
was due to a new field or a breakdown of General Relativity.
Figure 1a: Distance accuracies in Δz=0.1 bins for Figure 1b: The inverse variance on the first 30
BigBOSS (red) and JDEM (blue) normalized to principal components of the evolution of the dark
the cosmic variance limits. These forecasts were energy, as defined by the Figure of Merit Science
based on the Seo & Eisenstein (2007) Fisher Working Group (FoMSWG). The variances have
matrix formalism and assume a 50% been normalized to the pre-JDEM Stage III
reconstruction of the acoustic feature. forecasts made by the FoMSWG.
Target Selection
The BigBOSS BAO survey targets three classes of objects in progressive redshift ranges –
luminous red galaxies for z<1, star-forming galaxies for 1<z<2, and QSOs for 2<z<3.5.
Luminous Red Galaxies: LRGs are a well-studied tracer population of massive dark matter
halos, used for BAO measurements in SDSS-I and BOSS. For the BOSS redshift range
0.1<z<0.6, these are easily selected from SDSS ugri photometry. For BigBOSS, the redshift
range 0.2<z<1.0 is easily accessed with the addition of z-band photometry. Below z=0.6
BigBOSS will target only the LRGs outside the original BOSS footprint. Three years of Pan-
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
STARRS-1 photometry is sufficient to select these objects to the requisite depth with 5%
photometric redshift errors. As with BOSS, a sparse sampling of this biased population of
objects with a volume density of 3x10-4 h3/Mpc3 is sufficient to reach the BAO sample variance
Emission-Line Galaxies: The high-resolution channel of BigBOSS is designed to detect either
the [OII] doublet in the redshift range 1<z<2. These emission line fluxes are well-understood to
z=1.5 from the DEEP2 galaxy survey (Zhu et al, 2008) and the VVDS spectroscopic survey of
the COSMOS field (Ilbert et al, 2008). For z>1.5, there is agreement of the line fluxes from
extrapolation of the [OII] luminosity function and models correlating the rest-frame UV flux
(Kennicutt, 1998). The resulting minimal detectable line fluxes for the BigBOSS spectrograph
are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: [O II] line fluxes derived from the DEEP2 luminosity function (black) and the VVDS
catalog (red). Both data sources are in agreement over the redshift range 1<z<2, using different
extrapolations at z>1.5. BigBOSS is designed for 8-sigma detection of lines at a flux limit of
2.5x10-17 ergs s-1 cm-2 at z=2.
Efficient target selection of emission-line galaxies is possible from optical imaging surveys.
Adelberger et al (2004) showed that the SEDs of these galaxies can be identified with a signature
Balmer absorption, and can be separated in color space from late-type galaxies. The color
discrimination from the Balmer absorption is accessed through grz colors out to z=1.5. The
expected color cuts and resulting redshift distribution from Pan-STARRS are shown in Figure 3.
This color cut achieves >70% efficiency in target selection and an averaged source density dn/dz
of 2000 deg-2.
Target selection in the redshift range 1.5<z<2.0 is more difficult since the Balmer break is
redshifted into the near-infrared. Although it is possible to continue selecting on this feature in y-
band out to z=1.7, NIR measurements become increasingly difficult. Alternatively, the Lyman-
break feature of these high-redshift galaxies can be utilized using ugr colors out to z=2. This will
require substantially deeper u-band photometry than SDSS.
QSOs: The selection of QSOs is straightforward from either color selection or variability.
BOSS selects QSOs in the redshift range 2<z<3.5 with an efficiency of 40% using SDSS colors
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
to g=22. This efficiency can be increased with u-band data deeper than SDSS. However,
variability from Pan-STARRS and other imaging surveys will allow the selection of QSOs with a
completeness exceeding 85%.
Figure 3: (left) grz colors of galaxies using the zCOSMOS fit galaxy SED templates using magnitude
errors expected from the PS2 survey. The color cut box selects a sample of strong [OII] emission
line galaxies at 1<z<1.5. (right) Surface density of selected galaxies (gray) and the number of
galaxies with [OII] flux above the BigBOSS detection threshold.
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
The survey will enable investigations of the star formation history of the Universe during the
last 8 Gyr. This “recent” period in the history of the universe has witnessed a rapid decline in the
global star formation density and in the luminosity density emitted by accretion onto black holes.
Many mechanisms have been suggested for explaining these perhaps related phenomena, but
observational data are currently limited to studies in small volumes (especially at z>0.2).
BigBOSS will revolutionize our investigations of galaxy evolution at higher redshift by
providing spectra covering the same diagnostic emission lines for millions of galaxies over 1/3 of
the sky. In addition, these diagnostics would enable studies of chemical abundances in the star-
forming galaxies, the mass metallicity relation, and constraints on the chemical evolution over a
large range in redshift and environment. BigBOSS will allow accurate identification of group
and cluster environments (a difficult prospect with only photometric redshifts), and can provide
constraints on the galaxy merger rate through accurate identification of galaxy pairs.
QSOs and Ly-α forest: In addition to the dark energy constraints, the BigBOSS QSO sample
will probe the small-scale density fluctuations of the IGM at high redshifts, the ionization
background of the Universe, temperature profiles and ionization states of the IGM. A five-fold
increase from BOSS QSO survey, BigBOSS will allow precision study of evolution of QSOs by
constraining the faint end of the QSO luminosity function at high redshifts. This will provide
unparalleled constraints on the lifetimes and hosts of these rare objects and help discriminate
among different models of AGN feedback in galaxy formation.
Galactic Archaeology: The BigBOSS instrument will be an extraordinary tool to probe the
formation and assembly history of the Milky Way. The rich structure revealed by deep imaging
surveys of the Milky Way halo (e.g. Newberg et al. 2002; Belokurov et al. 2006; Bell et al. 2008)
is widely interpreted to confirm the idea of hierarchical formation of structure in a ΛCDM
cosmology, one of the pillars of modern astronomy. As shown by Johnston et al. (2008),
prominent structure seen in coordinate space alone is almost certainly due to very recent satellite
accretion, and thus poorly representative of the Milky Way’s full accretion history. For a much
deeper understanding of the role of accretion in forming the Milky Way, what we need is a large
set of data on halo and thick disk stars that includes line-of-sight velocities, Fe abundances, and
α-element abundances. This is a task at which BigBOSS will excel.
As demonstrated by the SDSS SEGUE team (Yanny et al. 2009), R~2000 spectroscopy with
S/N~30 per resolution element at λ=8000Å is sufficient to determine vr to ~4 km/s and [Fe/H]
and [α/Fe] with precision of ~0.2 dex, all of which are excellent for study of the Milky Way halo
and thick disk. BigBOSS will be able to take spectra of such high quality for stars with V=20 in
~2 hours of exposure. A candidate survey containing ~450 fields would yield ~1.5 million
stellar spectra down to V=20. For comparison, SEGUE is collecting spectra of 240,000 total
stars, a factor of 6 fewer than BigBOSS can collect in ~6 months of observing. SEGUE-2 aims
to double SEGUE’s outer halo sample, but this will still fall far short of the capabilities of
BigBOSS. For identifying accreted satellites in a halo that may be filled with them, large
samples are critical. In their simulation of the halo, Sharma & Johnston (in prep.) found that
samples of ~100,000 halo stars were needed to identify 5-10% of the accreted satellites.
BigBOSS is one of the few proposed instruments capable of readily delivering such samples.
NOAO PI-led programs: In addition to the BAO survey, the BigBOSS instrument will lend
itself to various smaller scale (i.e., PI-driven) projects. Highly multiplexed spectroscopy will
enable studies of galaxy cluster environments, intra-cluster planetary nebulae to map cluster
dynamics, the kinematics and binarity in star forming regions within our galaxy, giant stars in the
halo of our galaxy and its nearest neighbors, kinematics of open clusters and stellar streams, and
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
constrain bulk flows in the local universe. Spectroscopic monitoring programs with the stable
panchromatic spectrographs of BigBOSS can measure stellar masses in binaries, the spatial
density variations in the intervening ISM through absorption line monitoring, stellar activity,
supernova rates in distant galaxies, AGN reverberation mapping. If coupled with ongoing (e.g.,
PanSTARRS) or planned (LSST) imaging surveys, BigBOSS will provide invaluable
spectroscopic follow-up of targets, especially providing the critical redshift information required
for calibrating the photometric redshifts in these surveys. Accurate photometric redshifts are a
key component of the weak lensing studies that will provide an independent constraint on dark
energy, and of the larger statistical studies of the clustering of faint populations. The resolution
of the BigBOSS spectrographs is also sufficient to constrain the evolution of the fine structure
constant over the redshift range zero to one.
BigBOSS in Context
Several other planned and proposed ground-based studies aim to use BAO to constrain dark
energy (BOSS, HETDEX, LAMOST, WFMOS), but BigBOSS is in a class of its own (c.f.,
Table 1). The nearest competition would come from the WFMOS instrument proposed for the
Subaru telescope, providing a comparable A·Ω with an 8-m aperture. BigBOSS is designed for
superior BAO performance, with its high throughput in the optical (for z<1 LRGs) and R=5000
near-infrared channel to detect [OII] emission line galaxies to z=2.
BigBOSS provides a necessary resource for other dark energy experiments. The Dark Energy
Survey and LSST will provide independent constraints on dark energy using weak lensing and
supernovae. BigBOSS can provide the calibration spectroscopic redshifts to calibrate massive
numbers of photo-z's for weak lensing. BigBOSS also has the capability of measuring redshifts
for large numbers of supernovae or their host galaxies in its 7 deg2 field
The BigBOSS concept is to reconfigure the KPNO 4-m Mayall telescope with a new f/5
secondary to deliver a (nearly) 3-degree field of view at a forward cassegrain focus. The focal
plane will be populated with 4000 fibers which can be rapidly deployed using a new positioner
developed by LBNL. The fibers feed eight 3-armed spectrographs (developed by JHU, and
building on the successful heritage of SDSS) that cover a simultaneous wavelength range from
340 nm to 1130 nm at a resolution R=5000. BigBOSS uses existing technology and does not
require significant further development; nevertheless, various trades are currently being
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
(4-term) rear BK7 surface. The interface between the silica and BK7 surface is flat. The
average geometric blur is 32 micron (0.3”) rms with a maximum of 56 micron (0.5”) rms at the
field edge. Vignetting (due to the undersized 1.5-m diameter M2) approaches 20% at the edge of
the field.
The spectrographs are a modification of the John Hopkins fiber spectrograph design for SDSS,
BOSS, and WFMOS (Smee, Barkhouser, & Glazebrook 2006, SPIE 6269). This is a reverse
Schmidt design with a reflective collimator. A dichroic splits the light between two cameras.
The BigBOSS design adds a second dichroic, splitting the light between three cameras: blue
optimized, visible optimized, and near-IR optimized. Each spectrograph accepts 500 fibers.
Therefore, a total of 8 spectrographs are necessary for 4000 fibers.
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
The BOSS experiment upgraded the SDSS spectrographs with VPH grisms. The use of prisms
bonded to the VPH gratings allowed BOSS to re-use existing optical benches. BigBOSS would
simplify this design and improve throughput by using VPH gratings without the prisms. The
spectrographs will be bench-mounted in the vibration-isolated FTS control room of the Mayall
telescope. This will allow significantly improved stability as compared to the Nasmyth-mounted
LRIS instrument on Keck, or the telescope-mounted BOSS instrument on the Sloan Telescope.
Figure 5. Image to the left is a CAD drawing showing a few fiber positioners on the focal plane. The image to
the right shows a working prototype positioner based upon a servo motor technology. The fiber can be
positioned outside of the radius of the positioner itself allowing for full access to any location even outside the
circular footprint.
The red channels cover the wavelength range 800−1130 nm at resolution 5000, and are used
to map emission-line galaxies over the redshift range 0.2 <z< 2.0 using [OII], [OIII] and Hα lines.
The resolution is sufficient to place at least one of the [OII] doublet lines or other available
emission lines between bright terrestrial sky lines 96% of the time. The BigBOSS spectral
measurement is limited by OH sky continuum. The blue channels cover the wavelength range
340−550 nm at resolution 3000, and are used to map the Ly-α forest over the redshift range 1.8
<z< 3.5.
Despite the use of HgCdTe devices in the reddest channel, the instruments are essentially
optical spectrographs. The cutoff wavelength of 1130 nm means the optics can operate at room
temperature with no significant thermal contribution to the noise. A bandpass filter inside the
dewar blocks light at wavelengths beyond 1200 nm.
Focal Planes
The implementation of the three focal planes per spectrograph builds on components
developed under the DOE SNAP R&D programs – CCDs, NIR arrays, electronics, and
packaging. The blue focal plane contains a single e2v CCD231-84 40962 device. These are
identical to the BOSS blue-channel devices, with the e2v Astro Broadband coating. At the design
dispersion of 0.59 Å per pix, these devices are not the read-noise limited (2 e- demonstrated by
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
Figure 6. Shown is a demonstration of the the red arm focal plane built on a SiC cold plate (this
prototype was for a 3⋅3 detector array). The detectors are two LBNL CCDs on SiC mounts (upper
right) and two 1.7 μm cut-off HgCdTe NIR detectors, also on SiC mounts (lower left). The
protruding boxes at the bottom are the control and digitization electronics for one of CCD and one
NIR array.
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
physical interface. All the detectors in the three arms can be controlled and readout by one copy
of the data acquisition system developed for SNAP. A broadcast convert command generates
parallel data streams from the detectors that are buffered and then formatted in a CompactPCI
processor. The same processor can configure the detectors and perform local housekeeping
chores such a temperature regulation and monitoring. A system simultaneously operating CCD
and SIDECAR ASICs has been demonstrated.
The cold plate of each arm is made of SiC. Since all three detector types (LBNL, e2v, and
Teledyne) are mounted on SiC (see Figure 6), there is a perfect thermal and mechanical match of
materials. A prototype demonstrator was built for the SNAP program. Dimensionally it is very
accurate and stable as demonstrated by mechanical vibration studies with detector models in
place and thermal measurements with heat injected at appropriate points. Note that in the red
arm, the LBNL CCDs and NIR detectors can operate at the same temperature, around 140K,
which gives the required low dark currents.
Survey Strategy
BigBOSS is a dark-time survey that simultaneously observes LRGs, emission-line galaxies
and QSOs. Highly-efficient observing strategies are possible with fast reconfigurable fibers.
The LBNL fiber positioners in survey mode would split each exposure into sub-exposures, where
the tile positioner is moved a fraction of the field size. For example, the telescope would be
offset by 1/3 of 3-degree field size in right ascension for each sub-exposure and by √2/3 of the
field size in declination. Any target is then visible in 9 exposures, and assigned to a different
fiber in each of those exposures. A strategy like this can be used to achieve very high
completeness, and even recover objects otherwise lost to fiber collisions by alternating between
observing each of a pair of close neighbors. The largest efficiency gain may come from
allocating exposures to each object only until a redshift is successfully measured. Finally, our
experience with SDSS indicates there is no need for extensive calibration exposures for the
bench-mounted spectrographs.
Data Reduction
Data reduction from the BigBOSS spectrograph consists of two largely independent steps:
extraction and classification. The extraction step from the raw images results in wavelength-
calibrated and flux-calibrated spectra. The BigBOSS data reduction builds directly upon
SDSS/BOSS pipelines (idlspec2d and idlutils). These are flexible and modular, employing
sophisticated algorithms where necessary, and have proven quite successful for SDSS. Due to
the transparency and good documentation of these codes, they have comprised the critical
elements of analysis pipelines of other surveys, including the Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary
Probe (DEEP) at Keck and Hectospec at the MMT.
The BigBOSS conceptual design intentionally makes use of existing technologies. The current
technology drivers are (1) enabling a very wide-field survey capability on a 4m aperture; (2) the
LBNL fiber positioner technology; (3) the fully-depleted LBNL CCD technology; and (4) the
high-throughput spectrographs developed by JHU.
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
Trade studies may also identify possible cost savings with alternative technology choices.
Other considerations may allow somewhat increased wavelength coverage, enabling other
science. These trade studies include:
1. The secondary mirror polishes an existing Zerodur blank. A Hextek mirror could be
considered as a lower-cost option, although it may well result in unacceptable image quality.
2. Cost comparison of the WFMOS and LBNL fiber positioning designs.
3. Modifications to the spectrograph design could be considered to allow larger beam angles, and
therefore larger wavelength coverage at the design resolution. This could increase the science
return by measuring Hα to higher redshift.
4. The size of the focal plane presents some challenges to the telescope baffling. A thorough
trade study of vignetting may suggest that the field size be reduced somewhat below the
current design of 3 degrees. A more thorough trade study may suggest a somewhat smaller
field-of-view would be preferred.
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
operated by NOAO. In addition, since the BAO key project aims to cover a very significant
fraction of the extragalactic sky, many projects could be proposed to “piggy-back” on the BAO
survey, either through dedicating some fraction of the fibers, or to change the cadence and
pointing of the survey observations. Lastly, since there is significant synergy between various
galaxy evolution and large scale structure studies and the BAO survey, as well as significant
overlap in the targeting strategies, the BAO surveys can be designed in consultation with
community-led teams to define the optimal survey with a broad and rich science yield.
The BAO survey will result in a dataset of significant legacy value. A database consisting of
spectroscopic redshifts and emission line measurements of over 50 million galaxies will be the
spectroscopic equivalent of the digital sky survey and, in concert with various imaging databases
(SDSS, PanSTARRS, LSST, etc.) will be revolutionary for studying galaxy evolution and
structure formation between redshifts of 1 and the present. In addition, other survey data
resulting from the BigBOSS spectrographs (e.g., surveys of the Milky Way thick disk and halo,
M31, clusters of galaxies, etc.) will also be archived and available for public use. Hence, it is
envisioned that the US community will obtain significant benefit from this collaboration and be a
integral partner in its execution.
Status: BigBOSS is currently at a pre-proposal stage. The substantial community interest in
this project is expected to lead to a distributed multi-institutional collaboration, modeled after the
successful SDSS/BOSS collaboration. Details of this partnership have not been finalized, and
will require DOE and NSF review.
Prototype Testing Concept Design Prelim. Design Final Design Fabrication, Assembly and Test Operations
and detailed cost
Optics Procurement
(Continues ...)
Detector Procurement
Positioner Procurement
Figure 7. BigBOSS Top-Level Schedule showing key decision points and major procurements.
Figure 7 shows the proposed schedule for the BigBOSS project. We start with an initial
R&D Program extending through the first quarter of FY11 and funded by the DOE. During this
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
time prototypes of critical portions of the spectrograph will be constructed and evaluated and the
existing prototype of the positioner will be refined and additional testing done. Optical designs
will also be refined and more detailed costs obtained for all elements. This will put the project in
a strong position for a CD-0 at the beginning of FY11 Q2 and allow development of a reliable
cost range for a CD-1 at the beginning of FY12 Q1. As a result of prototyping completed in the
R&D period we will have a solid preliminary design and a final cost in time for a CD-2 at the
beginning of FY12 Q4.
We propose that CD-2 be combined with a CD-3a to start the optics fabrication due to the
long lead time required to manufacture the 1.5 meter secondary mirror. Further schedule risk
reduction will be achieved by also beginning the detector and positioner procurement at that
time. Three more quarters will provide time to complete the final design of all elements to
support a CD-3 and start of construction at the beginning of FY13 Q3. An additional 18 months
is required to complete the fabrication, assembly, test and installation of all elements to support a
CD-4 and start of operations at the beginning of FY15 Q1.
The operations phase consists of a six year period of instrument operations at KPNO. The
instrument is then dismounted and shipped to CTIO for installation and a potential four year
period of operations there. For the latter, no changes to the optics, secondary or instrument are
The total project costs have been estimated using a bottoms-up approach relying on recent
quotes and labor estimates from similar systems. These include the BOSS spectrograph upgrade,
recent budget estimates for the WFMOS spectrograph, and budget estimates for detectors,
electronics and ground support equipment for DES and other LBNL instrument programs.
Table 3 below shows the cost break down for the project.
R&D Phase: During the approximately 2-year R&D phase, the optics design will be refined
and optimized, a prototype of the 3-arm spectrograph will be fabricated and tested, and the
existing fiber positioner prototype will undergo further testing and cost optimization. Project
costs for the R&D period include non-base funded engineering support along with parts and
Table 3 -- BigBOSS Cost Breakdown.*
Cost Phase ($M FY09)
WBS # Description R&D Construction
1.0 Project Management & System Engineering
2.0 Spectrographs and Instrument Elect.
3.0 Fiber System with Positioners
4.0 Optics
5.0 Data Pipeline
6.0 R&D Phase
7.0 Contingency
Grand Total
* Cost data will be available through the NAS/Astro 2010 website.
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
The cost for CCD front-end electronics is based on the use of existing CCD readout
electronics with minor engineering modifications to accommodate the two types of CCDs. Also
included is engineering for parts mounting and assembly testing. Costs for the NIR front-end
electronics include engineering for parts packaging and assembly testing as well as procurement
of SIDECAR ASICs based on recent quotes from Teledyne.
Cost for the detector interface and spectrograph control electronics is based on a similar
electronics system that was developed, fabricated and tested for LBNL current projects.
Spectrograph readout and control software is also included in this WBS, modeled on a similar
system for BOSS.
Fiber System: The fiber system consists of an assembly of the 4000 robotically positioned
optical fibers including the positioners, fibers, and electrical control. The cost of the optical
fibers is based on an assumed length of 15 meters for all fibers to accommodate the worst case
run from a positioner to its corresponding spectrograph, along with the purchase of 12.5%
spares. The total cost for the fibers includes labor to attach a ferrule to the positioner end and to
construct the linear arrays of 500 fibers which are mated to each spectrograph. Fiber harnesses
that are being built for BOSS provided an accurate cost model for this assembly. Cost for the
tray support system is based on an LBNL engineering estimate to design and build a system
meeting the special requirements on the support of the optical fibers. To reduce cost and
schedule uncertainty of the positioner elements, a prototype system was designed, fabricated and
extensively tested. Positioner costing is based on invoice costs of the purchased components and
machined parts of the prototype assembly.
Optics: All instrument-specific optics installed into the telescope structure are grouped here.
This includes an upper optics assembly comprised of a new secondary mirror with its associated
support structure and fiber position camera mounted above the secondary mirror, and a lower
optics assembly comprised of the cassegrain cell assembly, the atmospheric dispersion corrector
assembly, and the focal plane plate on which the 4000 fiber positioners are mounted. The guider
and auto focus modules mounted on the focal plane are also included. Cost of the secondary
mirror is based on a quote from Sagem/REOSC. The proposed vendor has extensive experience
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
with a highly aspheric and convex mirror such as this which presents special challenges for
testing and which are reflected in the cost estimate. The fiber positioner camera is a Fairchild
product developed around a 9kx9k CCD produced for a military customer (a large format room-
temperature camera). Costing for the cassegrain cell assembly and the atmospheric distortion
corrector assembly was done by using costs for similarly sized optics element of similar
precision developed by KPNO. Cost of the focal plane plate is an LBNL engineering estimate
based on the size of the part, the number of machined features required to mount the plate and
the 4000 positioners, and the tolerances required.
LBNL engineering estimates, in consultation with KPNO, were also made for the structures
for both the upper and the lower optic assemblies and are based on the size of the structure
needed to attach the various elements to the existing telescope structure, the number of mounting
features required, and the tolerances needed. The guider and auto focus modules are costed
assuming a semi-custom design tailored to the requirements on the project and built around a
standard CCD. They will use the same front-end electronics modules used for the CCDs on the
Data Pipeline: We have estimated the Construction Phase costs for setting up the
spectrographic pipeline. It includes pre-operations software infrastructure development cost, but
does not include operations cost or other costs post CD-4. Data reduction from the BigBOSS
spectrographs consists of two largely independent steps: extraction and classification. These
build directly upon the BOSS pipeline currently in development. Pipeline operations costs are
included in the Operations budget.
Operations: The operations budget includes only the labor cost directly attributable to the
instrument operation and the incremental costs incurred at KPNO for the new instrument.
KPNO estimates that additional personnel above that required for current telescope operations
will be required for support of the BigBOSS instrument. We also estimate maintenance costs for
parts and repairs. LBNL technical and computing support of the instrument operation and
computing pipeline is estimated to require an additional support. We currently estimate shipping
and reinstallation of the instrument at CTIO to be small including some minor mechanical
modifications required. The estimates are based in part on the experience of running the KPNO
telescopes (WIYN, Mayall, 2.1-m) and the SOAR telescope.
The submitted manuscript has been authored by a contractor of the U.S.Government under
contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. Accordingly, the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive
royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the published form of this contribution, or allow
others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes.
BigBOSS: The Ground-Based Stage IV BAO Experiment
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