Offshore Wind Brochure

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Offshore wind

Local knowledge, global expertise

Developers of offshore wind projects need to build a
dedicated team of collaborative and creative consultants
who can identify all potential opportunities to increase the
performance of their asset.

Acceptable consents and grid connections are the first step

in the process. Looking forward, reducing the levelised
cost of energy from its current level will be central to
achieving economically viable projects. It will be achieved
by challenging and innovating at all stages of project
design and procurement. In the delivery phase projects
must produce power on programme, with no cost overruns.
During operation on-going maintenance must be minimised.

Arup’s technical, financial, business planning Future wind farms will need to innovate
and project management support helps clients to reduce costs, whilst managing the
realise viable offshore wind schemes. overall risk of bringing an improved or
new concept into the industry. We have a
Arup works on projects from feasibility proven track record of developing viable
through to a sale of an operating wind farm. innovative ideas with our clients from
At each stage of a project we listen and the ‘lightbulb’ moment to an installed
respond to our client’s requirements, product. This includes our award-winning
proactively reducing project risks and costs. steel-jacket substation platform concept
We use our experience gained since 2001 and our work developing concrete gravity
in the offshore wind industry to provide foundations as a viable solution for UK
a coordinated, team-working approach to Round 3 offshore wind farms.
deliver projects.

We are flexible in our approach to projects

and can provide a team that is tailored to
each project’s needs, at any stage of the
development cycle.

UK Offshore wind farm zones
Working with our clients
to reduce costs of UK
offshore wind.

Round 1 Wind farm Lease

Round 2 Wind farm Lease
Round 3 Zone & Northern Ireland
Scottish Wind farm agreement
Demonstration Wind farm site
Arup offices

Indicative only:
Refer to © Crown Estate for the
status and layout of all windfarms

Offshore wind capability

Programme Management Marine Operations

We work with our clients to turn their vision and strategy into To achieve the lowest overall cost potential installation
operational reality. We identify logical delineation of project methods must be an integral part of the project development.
boundaries and outputs, define inter-project dependencies, and Our work with traditional offshore steel structures, concrete
outline clear understanding of programme expectations against gravity structures and our innovative self-installing platforms
responsibilities. has enabled us to have a unique and thorough understanding
of the drivers on projects during transportation and installation
From planning to execution to the close of the programme, we phases. Our naval architects develop installation programmes
drive and manage all project stakeholders to remain aligned to minimise weather downtime and develop efficient tow and
with the project strategy. We revisit the project vision and installation methodologies backed up by scaled modelling
strategy throughout the programme to ensure it produces the best in wave tanks. We have worked in partnership with marine
project outcome. Arup is experienced in both multi-projects and contractors and installers to develop different methods of
standalone projects for local and international clients. working that can reduce costs and risks.

Marine Geoengineering Risk Management

We have developed a local, highly skilled and experienced team of Safety is of paramount concern in all our work, prominent in
engineering supervisors who not only ensure the clients technical our management of all types of risk. Arup project managers are
requirements are achieved, but who are also commercially aware fully experienced in project risk management integrated with
and act as the vital expert link between the client and the contractor. project management and engineering capabilities. We encourage
As a result, overall site productivity and the quality of the stakeholder participation in the risk management process and
information obtained is maximised and unproductive ‘down time’ is consequently improve the reliability and admissibility of its
minimised by working closely with contractors in a non-adversarial output. By engaging stakeholders, consultants and contractors
and collaborative manner. We offer a full range of geotechnical, at an early stage and throughout the project lifecycle, we are
geophysical and geoenvironmental design and interpretative able to achieve optimum safety and value without jeopardising
reporting services which aim to provide maximum value to the performance targets. We provide fully traceable, auditable and
client, to inform and guide the design development process. The transparent risk reporting, risk registers and risk response planning
key to our success in this field is our relationship management with depending on project size, complexity and duration. Skilled
clients, stakeholders, licensing authorities and specialist contractors. risk management workshops, facilitated by our qualified and
We have a strong team of people who are qualified to work offshore experienced project managers, ensure comprehensive lists of risks
with the investigation team to represent our clients and provide and the best responses are identified with defined actions.
sound practical advice and decisions in the field.
Collaboration Transmission & Distribution
Collaboration can save money and time for everyone on the At Arup we recognise the complexities and variations
project. Offshore wind projects have been largely carried out surrounding the engineering of offshore wind projects including
using a multi-lot contracting approach. This places a significant offshore structures and subsea power cabling. We offer clients
interface and schedule management burden on the developer who a range of technical services to deliver robust and cost effective
inevitably attracts higher costs when marine works cannot follow solutions. Being at the forefront of high-end offshore technical
the intended sequence. The wind industry has acknowledged consultancy services we provide expertise and analysis on all
that a more collaborative approach would reap cost and aspects including array optimisation and design, cable selection
schedule benefits. Arup is well-versed in assembling teams with and installation, offshore AC and DC platform design, grid-code
complementary skills or contributing in collaborative working compliance studies, and technical due-diligence. We are engaged
arrangements such as alliancing or forming a joint venture across at all stages of the project lifecycle of offshore projects from
a wide range of infrastructure projects. design, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance,
and decommissioning.

Management Systems Transaction Advice

Organisations performing at their best are swift to respond to Arup provides an unrivalled, integrated advisory service to our
opportunities and challenges. To make the right decisions, they clients in the offshore wind sector, using the combination of our
require sharp insight into trends. To be ready, they must see their established technical and operational expertise with our financial,
resources and risks clearly. At Arup, we help businesses improve economic and commercial skills. Our insight into the technical
performance by giving them the complete picture. To do so we and operating issues within the sector enable our teams to provide
combine strategic commercial thinking with precise, hands-on focused advice, using a combination of industry-leading skills. We
experience of processes, assets and people. We connect and advise investors, regulators, governments and major corporations.
decipher the information businesses need to thrive. For a client Our offering includes; Strategy development; Energy modelling;
exploring opportunities in the energy sector, for instance, we Market reviews; Economic impact; Commercial due diligence;
deliver practical advice by integrating world-class transactions Policy and regulatory analysis; Financial advisory services;
advice and corporate finance consultancy and energy strategy. Financial modelling; Business case development; Commercial
Behind our strategic advice is the technical depth of Arup structuring; Fundraising; Bid evaluation and support; Technical
specialists who have delivered major projects for the offshore & operational advice; Equity technical and operational; Vendor
energy industry. due diligence; Lenders technical advisor; Environmental due
diligence; Health & safety due diligence; Post-deal support.
Offshore Wind development:
challenges and opportunities

The offshore wind industry has developed from small One of Arup’s strengths is our openness to communicate
beginnings at the start of the 21st century to a larger with each other and our project teams between
but still rapidly evolving sector. Methods of financing, physical and technological regions. We can draw on
procurement and engineering are continually updated the knowledge of our renowned experts through our
as each project learns from the lessons of earlier established global skills network. We have an extensive
wind farms. As with all major infrastructure projects range of skills that enable us to understand most facets
a developer needs a team with a wide range of skills of wind farm development. We can provide large work
and knowledge to deliver their project on time and to packages covering many disciplines or can also provide
budget. Each company working with the developer focussed, specialised advice to help our client decrease
needs to understand the overall project and the drivers the levelised cost of energy.
of all stakeholders, to ensure that they act in the best
interest of the project.
Product Design

Consenting &
EIA Co-ordination Environmental
- Offshore &
Technical Onshore

Levelised Cost

Port Upgrades
Onshore and Buildings
Substations Engineering

& Distribution Health &

Operations Soils Electrical
Management CDM
Management Contracts

Systems Steel

Procurement Transmission
Governance & Distribution



Delivery Installation

Wind Farms Operations

OFTO Infrastructure Operation &

Grid Maintenance Asset


Asset Retrofit
Ports &

Due Diligence
Funding OFTO

Business Structure
A selection of Arup’s Wind Projects

Met Mast foundation, Hong Kong

Arup designed innovative suction
caissons to mitigate the specific
site risks. We obtained government
consent for the development, and
then produced the detailed design of
the foundation.The foundation was
installed in 30m of water over soft
marine clays and dense alluvial sands,
presenting a technical challenge for
the foundations which was overcome
through the use of suction caissons
supporting a tripod substructure. Arup
specified centrifuge modelling and
field trials of the suction caissons to
verify their performance under both
static and cyclic load conditions to
demonstrate their suitability for use.

© Element Power

Round 1 Offshore Wind Farms, Remedial Works Design, UK Greenwire HVAC and HVDC Cable Project, Ireland
Arup examined various remedial works to ensure the long-term Our environmental, planning and technical expertise enables us
integrity of the foundations and guarantee the long term return on to deliver this complex infrastructure project involving multiple
investment from the wind farm. We undertook a concept screening jurisdictions. Arup manages planning, environmental and
exercise to identify remedial works solutions that met the client’s engineering disciplines as well as offshore partners to input to a
requirements. We then examined a range of remedial works concepts single deliverable or team, in order to present to the consenting
for ease of fabrication and installation before detailing the preferred authority. We are managing the following services for the planning
arrangement. Working in partnership with the client we ranked design and consenting of the cable network: Project management; Route
concepts against a range of criteria. This included the ease of handling design and selection (Corridor studies, Detailed routing and
the components, health and safety, and anticipated future maintenance. Landowner liaison); Onshore environmental impact statements;
To confirm adequate strength and fatigue performance, we analysed Planning consents and permits; and Civil/Structural engineering.
the designs in detail. We are also part of the public and stakeholder consultation.

Port of Leith Masterplan and Technical
Feasibility Study, Edinburgh, UK
The Port of Leith is an impounded multi-functional
port with industrial, cruise and residential
developments located within the main port basin. In
an effort to reinvigorate the port for the 21st century
our client expressed an interest to attract new wind
manufacturing businesses and larger cruise ships.
Arup was initially engaged to provide technical
engineering services to investigate the feasibility of
providing marine access solutions for larger vessels
to Leith. Subsequent services now being provided
include the development of designs for new berths,
strengthening of existing structures, and civil
engineering services to enable the port to attract new
businesses whilst retaining existing customers.

Floating Concrete Foundation Research &

Development Programme, UK
We launched an in-house research and development
programme into floating foundations for wind turbines.
A conical floating foundation to support a wind turbine
emerged from an evaluation of spar-type structures. The
foundation was targeted at intermediate water depths of 60-
100m that would be likely to feature in future UK licensing
rounds. The foundation showed good motion characteristics
and was configured for quayside mass-production to give
an efficient cost-effective turbine support solution. The
design was entered in the Carbon Trust’s Offshore Wind AC Substation Jacket
Accelerator competition and for the Energy Technology Our client needed a team to be quickly
Institute’s floating wind demonstrator programme. Both the mobilised to address a concern that a
Carbon Trust and ETI considered the solution to have merit jacket design from an EPCI contractor
and that further development and scale model testing is the was not as efficient as expected. We
next step towards commercial application. were able, in a very short period
of time, to review the incumbent
design and compare it against our
independent model of the jacket and
piled foundations. Our review included
OFTO Offshore Transmission Due Diligence, Irish Sea key fatigue details and pile designs with
Key risks were identified including the availability, reliability, cyclic loading, with state of the art design
installation and on-going monitoring of submarine cables. procedures from our academic partners.
In order to translate our technical findings into financial We were also able to review the design
consequences we had to develop a full understanding of basis against our in-depth knowledge
the OFTO licences and financial incentive mechanisms. of other sites in the North Sea. Arup
Another key issue which was identified was that the wind identified key areas of potential savings,
farm and transmission assets were originally designed as enabling our client to have constructive
one and splitting the transmission element out created a talks with their EPCI contractor.
number of new technical and contractual interfaces on the
offshore platforms. This required careful definition of asset
split and responsibility, together with clarity where the OFTO
provided secondary services to the windfarm and vice-versa.

Offshore Wind Foundations
Strengthening, Life Extension and Asset Management
© Arup

Arup has a proven track record in realising minimum intervention monopile grouted connection strengthening
solutions and the use of constant monitoring to accurately predict and extend the life of foundations.

Our engineers have gained extensive experience through the assessment, monitoring, analysis and strengthening of wind
turbine foundations on eight offshore wind farms. We offer the following services individually or in combination.
Assessment and strengthening of monopile to transition piece grouted connections
• Development of minimum intervention schemes for axial and torsional strengthening of grouted connections
• Detailed non-linear finite element analysis to optimise strengthening design to minimise offshore work
• Liaison with certification authority to gain acceptance of strengthening designs
Fatigue and fracture assessment
• Conventional S-N based fatigue assessment
• Non-destructive testing expertise to determine existence and size of existing flaws
• Fracture mechanics assessments to determine future life of pre-damaged details, inspection intervals and repair
Life extension
• Constant monitoring of foundation loads (strain gauges) to predict actual fatigue damage
• Development of method for coupling monitored loads, monitored wind data and original design loads to predict
future life without over-conservatism. Demonstrated to more than double predicted life for certain foundations
Materials advice
• Fatigue assessment of concrete and grouted connections
• Material selection to enable robust realisation of novel strengthening solutions
• Review and development of onshore and offshore welding methods
• Corrosion protection advice including coating selection and internal and external cathodic protection design
Review of non-standard/novel strengthening methods and cable configurations
• Material and geometrically non-linear finite element simulation of complex cable configurations of strength and
• Dynamic non-linear finite element analysis to predict driving stresses in flanged monopiles
• Detailed non-linear finite element analysis to predict performance of non-conventional grouted connections e.g.
tapered conical
Computational fluid dynamics assessments
• Detailed simulation of flow around foundations to optimise scour protection
• Simulation of highly non-linear wave loading effects including wave slam and ringing
Technical project management
• Acting as owners engineer to manage foundation assessment and/or strengthening design works
• Develop industry best practice using in-house expertise, research and management of bespoke test programmes
Expert advice
• Provide independent advice to investors
• Provide technical input into court cases and/or arbitrations
• Act as expert witnesses

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Selected Projects
Round 1 Offshore Wind Farm, UK
Completing a detailed design of foundation strengthening, we increased
both axial and torsional capacity of grouted connections and designed a
vibration suppression system for J-tubes for more than 50 monopiles. Work
included detailed non-linear finite element analysis and fatigue and
fracture mechanics assessment of components to develop a minimum
intervention design. All modifications were designed to be implementable
offshore and successfully installed in 2012.
In addition to strengthening works Arup was responsible for developing a
fatigue assessment methodology for the existing structure which combined
monitored data, strains on a sample of the foundations, and wind
information across the wind farm with design information to determine
more realistic/less conservative fatigue life predictions, which in this case
© Centrica

led to more than a twofold life extension.

Round 2 Offshore Wind Farm, UK

Working as owner’s engineers we developed a strategy for dealing with the transition piece to monopile interface slip,
including a detailed engineering assessment of the consequences of the slip. We also developed an extensive campaign
of offshore inspection to baseline the condition of more than 100 offshore wind turbine foundations.
We provided expert witness in an arbitration case on behalf of our client, on the subjects of vibration and fatigue in

nkt Cable Reburial, Germany

Through use of in-depth non-linear finite element modelling, validation
against trial lifts and controlled factory tests our engineers were able to
quantify the risks associated with excavating and re-burying an in-situ
wind farm export cable.
Taking into account the sea-bed environment, the influences of factors
including lay-tension alignment, lift height, cable length, burial depth, lift
rate, backfill properties and cable to soil friction were all considered.
We quantified cable tension, lift contact forces and cable bend radius for a
number of scenarios, demonstrating the risk factor to cable integrity for
© Arup

the client.

Nordsee 1 Pile Driving Assessment, Germany

Our structural experts assessed the dynamic performance and fatigue strength of flange connections between large
diameter monopiles and transition pieces for offshore wind turbine generator foundations. We took into consideration
the stress, fatigue and permanent deformation factors associated with driving flanged monopiles, and used a
combination of explicit non-linear finite element analysis and implicit linear finite element analysis to assess
structural integrity.

Leading this joint industry project in terms of technical management
we have the objective of justifying guidelines for the design of grouted
connections for jackets supporting offshore wind turbines.
To ensure the thoroughness of this investigation we are managing a
variety of project tasks: ensuring coordination of input from industry
experts and stakeholders; developing a specified test program; design of
realistic test specimens; review of testing data; and interpretation of
results. These tasks will allow us to verify suitable design guidance
© Arup

for our client.

Non-linear FE modelling of grouted connections

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Arup is the creative force at the heart of
many of the world’s most prominent projects
in the built environment and across industry.
We are an independent firm of designers, Founded in 1946 with an enduring set of values,
planners, engineers, consultants and technical our unique trust ownership fosters a distinctive
specialists offering a broad range of professional culture and an intellectual independence that
services. Through our work, we make a positive encourages collaborative working. This is
difference in the world. reflected in everything we do, allowing us to
develop meaningful ideas, help shape agendas
We are a global collective with a strong UK and deliver results that frequently surpass the
presence. Our 15 UK based offices comprise of expectations of our clients.
approximately 4,000 people. From 100 offices in
38 countries our 11,000 consultants, designers, The people at Arup are driven to find a better
engineers and planners deliver innovative way and to deliver better solutions for our clients.
projects across the world with creativity
and passion. We shape a better world.

Arup office locations worldwide


Clare Lavelle Ben Francis

Offshore Development Transaction Advice
Clare has extensive experience Ben has built up an
in the energy industry in experienced team providing
the UK and Scotland at all transaction advice, business
phases of a project lifecycle, planning and due diligence
with a proven track record advice to investors,
for successfully delivering developers and the public
ambitious projects. She sector in the development of
supplies a variety of technical, renewable energy projects.
environmental and policy His experience covers a broad
services in generation and range of renewable energy
transmission and distribution sectors and projects with
projects. Her focus in transaction values of over
recent years has been in £1bn. He appraises project
offshore wind, wave and financial options and works
tidal renewables, including with clients to reduce the
management of consents of levelised cost of energy on
2.5GW worth of offshore wind their projects.
projects in Scottish waters.

Gordon Jackson Kamal Siriwardhana Colin McCreath Henrietta Ridgeon

Offshore Structures Transmission & Distribution Geo-engineering Structural Design
Gordon has specialised in Kamal is a chartered electrical Colin delivers to time and Henrietta is an effective
the design, construction engineer with an extensive budget, for a variety of manager and designer on
and installation of offshore track record of providing marine infrastructure geo- a variety of offshore wind
structures, from concept to innovative design solutions engineering services. Colin infrastructure projects,
delivery stages of projects. and implementing them in has managed projects in the including offshore gravity
The emphasis of his work has UK and global power and offshore renewables sector foundations and steel jacket
been the application of value transmission & distribution for government organisations substructures for offshore
engineering to problems and projects. He has been involved and numerous ports on the wind. Her skills lie in
development of innovative in the UK Round 1 and Round UK coast. His extensive her ability to programme
construction and installation 2 OFTO licencing process by knowledge in the area of projects, to manage budgets
methods, with the aim of undertaking technical due offshore geo-engineering and to advise clients on their
reducing capital expenditure diligence of offshore windfarm enables him to minimise risk management strategy,
or schedule. Gordon is the assets. His work includes project risks from the sea bed thereby saving costs and
inventor of Arup’s self- High Voltage Direct Current with efficient and effective site increasing project certainty.
installing ACE platform range. (HVDC) transmission both investigations.
for interconnectors and
offshore wind.

Alan Thomson Rob Duffin Borbala Trifunovics Andrew Gromadzki
Energy Naval Architecture Marine Engineering Cost Management
Alan has over 25 years Rob has over 20 years of Borbala manages multi- Andrew is a quantity surveyor
experience leading diverse experience working on disciplinary design teams and chartered construction
multi-organisation teams in offshore infrastructure and gives specialist maritime manager with over thirty
the delivery of on schedule, projects, both for contractors engineering advice to clients years of experience. His
on budget critical energy and consultants. Prior throughout the UK, Europe, background leans heavily
projects worldwide. As Arup’s to joining Arup Rob led Asia and Oceania. Her areas towards industrial projects,
Energy expert, Alan manages the Marine Technology of expertise include: ports, and has provided strategic
teams delivering a range of Group at Crondall Energy harbours and marinas; wave contract and cost advice,
energy projects ranging across Consultants, focusing on processes; navigation and contract administration,
thermal, nuclear, renewable, deep water floating solutions. channel design; scour and cost consultancy and general
oil & gas, transmission & He also worked on business ship impact; mooring and commercial advice on global
distribution, distributed development for a subsea fendering; coastal protection projects working with a broad
energy and energy strategy. cable installation contractor. design (revetments and range of cultures.
seawalls) and dredging and
reclamation schemes.

David Twine James Tunney Daniel Powell Rob Davies

Project Management Project Finance Advanced Technology Risk Management
David delivers high James specialises in Daniel is experienced in Rob leads our project risk
value solutions to client’s commercial and financial completing and managing management team. He
programme and project advice to public and private a broad range of complex draws on his considerable
management challenges, sector clients. He advises engineering projects. His experience of applying risk
combining his strong on the full spectrum of the areas of particular expertise management techniques in
technical background with a infrastructure financing are: design and analysis of numerous industry sectors
proactive and collaborative cycle, ranging from concept offshore structures; structural to help enable our clients
management approach. He initiation and business case dynamics; vibration to successfully manage
specialises in the programme preparation to financial mitigation and damper their project risks including
and project management of modelling, fund raising and design; wind sensitive cost, revenue, programme
complex major infrastructure risk mitigation. James has structures and heat transfer. and reputation. His key
works; from concept through significant experience advising He is our lead jacket specialist strengths are tailoring risk
to construction and onwards, private sector sponsors and has designed flexible classification schemes to suit
ensuring sustainable whole and understands how to masts and towers subject to our clients’ predisposition
life-cycle performance. structure a commercially wind excitation. to risk, chairmanship
deliverable project, guiding of risk workshops, and
several bidders to a successful applying the ‘management
financial close. systems’ approach to risk

13 Fitzroy Street
London W1T 4BQ
United Kingdom
t +44 20 7636 1531

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