L70 Gunreplacenent OnFFG 2241
L70 Gunreplacenent OnFFG 2241
L70 Gunreplacenent OnFFG 2241
1. lntrodr"rction. BNS BANGABANDHU is fitted with 02 X 40L70 'Fast Forty' Gun. These existing
02 X 40L70 'Fast Forty' gurn to be replaced with new gun system with minimum modification of the
auxiliary/ supporting systems.
2. Purpose. To replace existing 2X4OL7O 'Fast Forty'Gun with suitable 40 mm Twin Barrel
Gun System with minlmum modification of existing structural system.
f. Necessary modification for maintaining ship's stability due to difference in weight (if
7. Proven lnformation. The proposed gun is to be in use by 03 or more Navies. The fitted
platform of gun to be a Firgate/Corvette or any other type of combat ship. Gun fitted on board auxiliary
or OPVs or similar naval vessels would not be considered. Proposed gun (model) has to be in use by
naval forces for at least 05 years. The supplier is to mention the name of Navy, platform and year of
e. Fower Requirement. Main power supply is 415V, 3ph, 50Hz and maximum
consumption is 18.4 KW.
9. - Site Suryev. Suppliers may carryout site survey at their own expense before submitting the
quotation. Supplier is to ensure minimum modification in the existing structure and layout of the ship.
a. Caliber :40.mm
b. Type of Ammunition to be used : HE/TP/To be mentioned
c. Weight
Gun : Overall dimensions, Weight of the mount, Different
Component weight needs to be mentioned.
Length of Barrel : To be mentioned
Method of Operation :Automatic and Manual
Muzzle Velocity : To be mentioned
Magazine Capacity : To be mentioned
Maximum effective Range : To be mentioned
Barrel Life : To be mentioned
Feed System : To be mentioned
Accuracy : To be mentioned
. m. Continuous Fire : To be mentioned
n. Firing System : To be mentioned
p. Operated by : Remote
q. Power Supply : To be mentioned
r. Aiming Sight : To be mentioned
s. System Configuration :To be mentioned
t. type of Mounting : To be mentioned.
u. Rifling : To be mentioned.
v. Pressures . Actual service pressure & muzzle pressure
to be mentioned.
w. Projectile velocity : To be mentioned.
x. Muzzle Brake : To be mentioned.
y. Evacuator
Bore : To be mentioned.
z. Stabilization : Details to be mentioned.
aa. Cooling. Details to be mentioned. Temperature indication facility to be there.
ab. Firing Mechanism. Details to be mentioned,
ac. Recoil. To be mentioned.
ad. Recoil and Counter Recoil Brake Svstem.
(1) Recoil Brake : To be mentioned.
(2) Gas Recuperator : To be mentioned.
(3) Buffers : Type and details to be mentioned.
(4) RecoilThrust : To be mentioned.
d. Ranqg
g Firing Mode. Remote.
12' Environm.entat. Condltion. Equipment under the complete
naval warship and must compry with appropriat" system will be fitted on board
mirilary standards for:
a' Vibration and shock withstand capacity :
b' lqmiditv
T:.1:!": :
Details to be mentioned.
Detairs to be mentioned.
c. EMI & EMC : Details to be mentioned.
d. Blast and undenryater shock : Details to be mentioned
e. Temperature : Operating temperature above and
below deck and storage
temperature range to be mentionec1
i\ f. Maximum Wind Speed : Details to be mentioned.
\\ e
g Ship's Stability for Gun Operation : Maximum roll, pitch and yaw for
stable operation of the guns are
be mentioned.
h. NBC Protection : To be mentioned.
a. Remote Operation: For remote operation guns are to be interfaced with CMS through
existing GlC. All the operation including firing of the guns will be performed from Combat
lnformation Center(ClC). The Supplier is to have third party agreement with Thales Nederland
(OEM of CMS) for interfacing works.
b. Qlhe,r Interface. Requirement of other interfaces, (Gyro, Log, GPS etc) with the
guns are to be mentioned.
b. lV!.flnuals. ,06 (six) copies each of following original documents in English for the
whole system is to be supplied during delivery of the system:
(3) lnstatlation Manual. lt will cover detailed mechanical and electrical installation
install and operate Gun whether those are mentioned in the specification oi not. A list of
such essential accessories with item wise price must be included in the quotaiion.
17. Baqk:up$oftware. The supplier will pr:ovide,',backup copy of software to be used in the
system in CDs along with instruction for installation and related passworO it neeOeO ior inu r,rt";.
18. Iqols,IlestEquipmept. Specialized toolsl test eouipment is to be supplied with gun
system. List and item wise price of suc'h tools/ test equipment is io'U" prorio"O *itr, t["",Itf".
t? SEres .Adequate number of recommended spares for S years to be quoted with item
wise price for gun system. Buyer may select whoie or partial spares from ihe list.
b. On return.!|o1n the country-of supplier, the FAT team will submit the.report to NHe
(concerned Dte). NHQ (concerned Dte) will, in turn, fonruard final decision
atonj *it'h FAireport
with in a week, basing,on,which DGD-p,will,,render clearance,for shipment of stores io tn"
supplier concerned._Ill_e_supplier will not make any shipment of any iteri, oflfil .oniir.i*itrrort
clearance from the DGDP.
specification of the Gun. Relevant FAT procedures will be worked out and ton rrO"Ji"; I
approval 03 months before FAT. Following inspection and tests may be ciir:ieO out
Jurlng Fnf.
(1) Various Test
(2) lnspections
(a) lnspection on the connecting parts of gun mount, joint barrel
condition, visual and mechanical test of chamber of the gun barrel.
(b) Joint of breech and bar:rel assembly; recoil,brake,'and preloading oil tank.
(c) lnspection of runout system/mechanism.
(d) lnspection on the oonditions pf all mechanisms.lubiication.
(e) lnspection of all hydraulic system
(0 lnspection of ammunition loading system.
(g) lnspgction of ammunition feeding system. I
(h) lnspection of empty cartr:idge ejection and extracti$n system.
(3) Test Firinq. Test firing of the gun at OEM firing range to be carried out.
Necessary ammunition for test firing will be provided by OEM free of cost. Detail firing
proposalto be mentioned with the offer"
21. lnEt4llatioT Drawinq. Following drawings are to be submitted for Buyer's approval 03
month before starting the installation work on board..After approval, 03 copies of each in original are to
be submitted to the Buyer:
a. Drawing of the layout of all equipment in differenl plaees showing the spaces behind and
all other sides of the equipment for working and maintenance.
d. Position of bulkhead glands for cable passing, which are to be made watertight after
lying of cables.
22. lnstall4tlonMaterialandAccessoires.
a. lnstallatipn
Fg+qpnsiFllitv. 'lnstallation of the , gun will be done in Chittagong,
Bangladesh under: full,responsibilitylsupervision of manufacturer's engineers., The supplier will
be responsible to ensure all safety requirements relevant to the ship;s stability, gun'firing arc
and other associated activities. A detailed work schedule will be provided by the-supplier at least
three months before the commencement of the gun installation on board, the ship. The
purchaser will examine and confirm the schedule within one month of its receipt. Manufacturer,s
will carry out all
'with interconnecting cableswiring connections of the equipmenUsystem including connections
and interfacing with:all equipment ahd sensors. tiany difficulty
arises to inter-face with the-existing equipment, the suppiier will solve the problem. The supplier
will not claim any additional expenditure for, any modification required for installation work"
Number of manufacturer experts, personnel and required duration for the installation jobs are to
' be mentione.d in the offer, BN Dockyard will provide rmen power, and equipment,facilities for
cutting, welding, installation, cleaning, pulling cable etc. Ail these works will be done under
supervision of supplier engineers. All special tools, equipment, rigs, ,slipgs, adapters, etc
required for installation will arrange by supplier. BN Dockyard will, however asiist with.available
b' lnstallation M3terials' , ',,All.kinds of special .tools, test equip-ment,.alignment
equipment, ,facility et'creqmed for instaflition, tools,
,rignrtilnt, catibration, system integration test,
HAT and sAT etc.9re. tg be provideo ov suBpri*i
rni"r their fuil responsibility ,and cost. All
' instattation materiat inctudins iabtes, **;i;iUI'i.l.i"t;
box and joints etc are to be iupptied by tne jubpfi.i.----
,ritj;;;,lunction box, switch
c. Labels,qr?d:Tpilies., OJ,,equipment? ar.e to. be identified
with appr:opriate labels and
talties in Engrish engrav6-'on brasi-,ir rginrgrceo prrrti. piri;.
and cable connectors etc are arso to be crearry r"udr"J.'
d*iilHffi;'ilto,il, ff;;
d. Shock Mountinq. All units/subunits are to be supplied with military standard shock
and vibration mounting.
23' settinq to work' As soon as the installations of the systems have been
supplier will immediately perform the setting to work on completed the
the ship wit'hin the schedule. After installation,
required alignment will be done under the filt responsibility
of supptier. t,lecessary test equipment is to
be brought by the supplier for alignment. BN will provide
.riip'. docking facilities with prior notification.
24. HAT and SAT.
will be operated at harbour t'o cheffi@-ration of ,tt
.orponuntr. b"triled HAT procedures are
to be forwarded for buyer's approval dltnree; months 'before the
start of HAT. HAT wilt be
conducted by the manufacturer's representatives and in
the presence of BN personnel.
" b. Sea Acceptance Trial (SAT)
(3) ..
surface Target for test firing during sAr will be provided
by BN as per supplier,s
(1). ,lnllAir (AA) target (suitabte drone or any other suitable target) for
test firing
during SAT to be.provided by supplier. Type tf target
and target features to be
mentioned in the offer
.- The supplier will provide all necessary
25' user's List' The offered model and its user list information
to be furnished in support of the
performance of the products. while furnishing
tne usei risi, tn" typ" of platform and purpose are to be
clearly mentioned. I
26. Warrantv. Two (02) years warranty after satisfactory acceptance by BN. lf any defect arises'
within this two years, supplier will rectify the defect by replacing the respective module. lf ihe equiprnent
remains non-operational for a certain period due to defect in any sub unit/component during the
warranty period, the warranty period will furlher be extended for that period.
27. Gua.r3ntee. The supplier is to give guaraRtee of continued supply of :spare and ammunition
for at least 10 years at a reasonable price.
29. Traininq.
a. The supplier will arrange shipment of all items by sea to Chittagong within 12 months
after signing the contract to the following address:
b. All items are to be delivered in sea worthy packing to ensure safe transit by sea.
All packages are to have packing notes showing their contents in detail and all packages
shall be marked with the name and address of the consignee and gross weight.
d. BN will assist in completing custom formalities. The supplier will arrange transportation
of all supplied items from Chittagong port to NSD Chittagong.
;, .; ,g'i'; RESTRICTED
accessories and scope of supply. etc are not provideo. guvei$
may"prrcr,ase part or whole of the
con s u m a,bles/accessoriesltest eq u ipm ent
^ TEC(M)