MN - 2018 09 11
MN - 2018 09 11
MN - 2018 09 11
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EMAIL: Your Local News WEB:
Tuesday 11 September, 2018 Serving Ballan and district since 1872 Phone 5368 1966 Vol 12 No 36
TIGERS TAKE FLAG – The Under 18 Springbank football team with the 2018 Premiership Shield, after downing Buninyong by 56-points in the Central Highlands League. Photo Tim Saultry
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Page 2 The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 Email -
Email - The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 Page 3
ing, and now the grounds
for the proposed Moorabool
Wind Farm have been bro-
ken in an official ceremony.
The event, which took place
Although serving one of the fastest growing areas in
on Friday 24 August, marked
Victoria, Moorabool Shire Council has shared their
the beginning of construc-
“seething” disappointment of its lower level of state and
tion for the 11,000-hectare
federal government grants compared to other municipalities. project.
Figures from the ‘Know Your Council’ government website Notable figures involved
demonstrated that a low level of recurrent grants end up in the project spoke at
costing Moorabool Shire up to $4.1 million a year, according the event, including Lily
to figures published from the 2015/16 reporting year. D’Ambrosio, Victorian Min-
This follows Moorabool’s attendance at the 2018 National ister for Energy, Environ-
General Assembly of Local Government in Canberra back ment and Climate Change.
in June, where local council representatives took part in The windfarm, located on
discussions with various MPs and ministers regarding local properties in the south-
federal involvement and funding for local areas. western outskirts of Ballan,
In a press release, Council states that the “inadequate grants is set to become one of the
largest in both Australia and
coupled with a comparatively low revenue base from rates
the Southern Hemisphere.
and other municipal charges is putting enormous financial
A focus on community
pressure on the Council”.
involvement, local employ-
Mayor Paul Tatchell said it was “frustrating and ment, and creating a sus-
disheartening” that other municipalities were given a greater tainable environment in
proportion of government revenue, due to their locations in regional Victoria were recur-
marginal electorates. ring themes throughout the Shovel ready wind farm (L-R) Moorabool Mayor Paul Tatchell, Mr Sun Xintian (Vice
“Here we are with a population growth…the second highest event. President from China Suntien Green Energy Corp Ltd) and Minister for Energy, Environment
& Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio. Photo – Helen Tatchell
of any shire in regional Victoria, yet we are receiving millions Minister D’Ambrosio said
of dollars less in government grants than slower growing she was “really pleased” various sectors of the local rounding districts”. Mayor Paul Tatchell said the
centres (with) a bigger and more densely settled population” for the project’s official community. Local landowners, whose windfarm will bring renew-
The Council says it has identified an “urgent need” to rectify go-ahead. “It is an annual fund that properties will be used for able energy to regional areas
the existing funding gap and for increased funding, to “This proposal has stood continues to make various windfarm installation, were in an important way.
provide infrastructure to meet the needs and expectations of the test of time and has gone contributions to the commu- also acknowledged at the “(Renewable energy) is
the growing population. through a number of policy nity”, he said. event.
our future; we need to get
changes…now coming out “We welcome ideas from Fiskville farmer Scott
“Moorabool matters, and we want and deserve our share used to it…I know our rural
at the end with a much- the community as to what Young spoke on behalf of
of the State and Federal Government revenue…just because reshaped project; one that is landscape is changing, and
we can do…this is some- landowners, touching on
we are not in a marginal seat does not mean we should miss bigger”, she said. the improved infrastructure we need to change with it.
thing where we can really
out”, said Cr Tatchell. “At the same time, we’ve got give back to the community, and financial security given Because if we don’t, we’ll be
“If we do not receive our fair share of government grants, the clean energy that’s great for as well as creating economic to farmers. left behind”, said Cr Tatchell.
Shire will either fall further into debt or will simply not be the planet, our communities, activity.” “…The project will ensure It is expected the Moorabool
able to provide the infrastructure required by our residents our environment, and the The project is expected to that the properties impact- Wind Farm will produce
today and into the future”, he said. fantastic jobs that have come have up to 300 jobs on site ed by the turbines remain 321 megawatts of power for
The Council’s current priority projects, such as the Bacchus out of that; especially in re- during construction peaks farming…and we will not around 200,000 Victorian
Marsh Regional Community Sports Hub and the Parwan gional Victoria.” and employ up to 20 per- be under pressure from the
homes and is set for comple-
Employment Precinct, will still have to rely on external John Titchen, Managing manent maintenance staff ever-encroaching urban de-
tion by early 2020.
Director of Goldwind Aus- once the wind farm is fully velopment”, said Mr. Young.
government funding to become a reality. The first wind turbines to be
tralia, spoke of the impor- operational. “There is also the financial
“We are advocating hard for these projects in the lead up to completed in Moorabool are
tance of the community’s Zenviron General Manager security we will receive in
both (the upcoming State and Federal) elections. Experience the case of adverse weather, at the Pacific Hydro Yaloak
involvement in the project. Carl Keating said majority of
has shown that politicians rarely come to us, so we are going Mr Titchen highlighted the where last year crops were South project, which has 14
employees hired by Zenvi-
to them and have initiated meetings with relevant MPs and importance of the $200,000 ron “will be local residents wiped out by frost”. turbines currently complet-
candidates in a bid to have these projects delivered”. annual fund that is given to and people from the sur- Moorabool Shire Council ed and operational.
Wanting tags
from bags
By Carol Saffer
Australian costume designer Lizzy Gardiner wore a dress made of 254 American Express Gold
cards when she won her Oscar for Best Costume Design.
Greendale resident and fashion student Emma Beard is designing a more unique fashion range,
using tea bag tags.
Ms Beard, a second-year fashion-design student at Box Hill Institute, on a quest for just the tags, not
the bags, is asking for help from local tea drinkers.
In order to complete a unit of her degree focusing on sustainability and production next year, Ms
Beard will address the unnecessary use of excess packaging in the food industry.
“I’m going to use the tea tags as a representation of the problem,” says Ms Beard.
“The metaphor being the big impact that a small piece of packaging can make when multiplied by
many people.”
Ms Beard, 20 years-old, is planning on making a small clothing range using the tags as
embellishment and possible fabric.
“Therefore, I need as many as possible. I don’t mind what brand, size or colour, the more variety
the better,” says Ms Beard.
She is hoping to collect a vast amount of tags before March 2019 to allow her to experiment by
creating papier mache, make a garland by sewing the tags together, and possibly use some as
jewellery, accessories and applique.
If you are a Lipton’s jiggler or dangler, a Twinings tea drinker or prefer a Bushells bag in your
cuppa, then snip off the tags and drop them off at the CWA stall at the Ballan Farmers’ Market on
the second Saturday of each month.
The tags can also be dropped off at the Ballan RSL Club in Inglis Street during the Ballan and
District CWA meetings at 7.30pm – 9.00pm held on the second and third Thursdays of each month.
LEFT: Emma Beard with some of the tea bag tags she is collecting
Photo – Helen Tatchell
This is a free service provided by the Rotary Club of Bacchus Marsh to assist in ensuring the
fire safety of our senior citizens.
I N T H E B I S T R O A friendly Bacchus Marsh Rotarian, with assistance from a member of the Bacchus Marsh Fire
Brigade (CFA), will visit your home on
MONDAY& TUESDAYNIGHT Sunday 7th October between either 10.00am – 12.30pm or 12.30pm – 3.30pm
2 course $25 3 course $30
and take a few minutes to change your smoke alarm batteries.
If you wish to take advantage of this offer, please phone the friendly staff at the
WEDNESDAYNIGHT Bendigo Bank-Bacchus Marsh on 5367 4660.
$25 $30
with your address, contact details, preferred time slot and ceiling height (above or below 10’)
Adult: $25
Children under 16 FREE
Tickets Available at the Door
from 1pm or .. Pre-Sales
Bacchus Marsh Florist Featuring
Bacchus Marsh
Rhiannon Delpero (1 Violin)
CAMPBELL Millie Koenders (2 Violin)
(Mezzo Soprano) Kate Both (Viola)
John Dods (Cello)
Jeff Moran (Guest Pianist)
Page 6 The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 Email -
Police body cameras are proposed to be rolled out at Ballan and Bacchus Marsh stations.
Photo by Jason Edwards.
Cameras to project
the real picture
By Carol Saffer “It [the camera] shows to determine any areas for
the anguish of the victim improvement.
In a bid to help strengthen and the aggressions of the “Footage captured by the
community safety and po- offender.” cameras within a six-week
lice interactions with the Across September and Oc- period was instrumental in
public, body-worn cameras tober, the new small, battery- securing guilty pleas in at
will be introduced at Ballan powered cameras will be least four court cases, which
and Bacchus Marsh police worn by general duties and is a great result for us,” Mr
stations over the next two highway patrol police offic- McCrory said.
months. ers of the rank of sergeant. The state Government re-
Police will turn the cameras They will be used to capture cently passed legislation
on whenever they are ex- audio and video interactions to enact recommendations
ercising police powers, col- between police officers and from the Royal Commis-
lecting evidence or when it members of the public, as sion into Family Violence for
would provide transparency well as real-time capture of body worn cameras to col-
to a police interaction. video evidence at the scene lect statements from victims
Moorabool Local Area of a crime. to use as evidence in court.
Commander, Inspector Training on the discre- Ballarat based WRISC Fam-
Brendon McCrory says the tionary use of the cameras, ily Violence Support execu-
impact at local level of the based on the extensive trials tive officer Elizabeth Jewson
body-worn cameras will be undertaken in Ballarat and says the use of body worn The Peace Pole at Eddie Toole Park. Photo – Lisa Comerford
Peace of Mind
significant. Epping, is provided to police cameras in family violence
“The cameras allow police officers. incidents “provides an ac-
officers to capture the raw “Officers with cameras not curate record [of an incident]
view of emotions and in- turned on during specific holding the perpetrator to
juries that can then be pre- events would be investigat- account and helps prioritise
sented at court or used for ed,” Mr McCrory said. the safety of women and
It can sometimes seem that the current state of the world is full of “fake news”, violence and
further investigation. Victoria Police assistant children.” distraught. If you’re needing a bit of reassurance, The Bacchus Marsh Interfaith Group will
“This is paramount so as commissioner Russell Bar- WRISC Family Violence be holding a gathering this month in celebration of the United Nations Day of Peace, as a
not to give a sanitised scene rett said the trials returned Support in partnership with reminder of the strive towards peace for all.
of an event in court from al- positive results. Moorabool Shire Council A half-hour peace vigil will take place at the Peace Pole in Eddie Toole Park, Main Street,
leged offenders dressed in “We evaluated the initial provide Van Go Moorabool - Bacchus Marsh at 7.45am on Sunday 23 September. The vigil will include a discussion of
suits that doesn’t do justice roll out of cameras to test a mobile therapeutic service positive moves, ideas and actions to strive towards peace in the world and reach across the
to what actually occurred”, whether the technology was for children who have expe- divides.
says Mr McCrory. being used correctly and rienced family violence. For more information, contact Moira Smith at
Farmers to
network locally
By Carol Saffer the skills and confidence to
meaningfully connect with
Farming Moorabool is a people around them to sup-
community driven group port anyone struggling with
run by Moorabool Shire food life.
Messy crash
producers, whose aim is to The Buy a Bale campaign is
provide a platform for farm- part of the Rural Aid char-
ers that encourages them to ity formed by Charles and
communicate, support and veteran and expert in emerg- Tracy Alder in 2013 to ex-
show leadership. ing technologies, will share pand services and support to
A semi-trailer style road train with two shipping containers full of grain jack-knifed and
rolled near the Western Freeway interchange on the Ballan-Daylesford Rd on Tuesday, 4 Farming Moorabool is his insights on how drones rural communities, not only
September around 2.15pm. holding a networking social and technology are chang- suffering through natural
Emergency services were quick on the scene with paramedics treating the driver, a male night this Thursday 13th ing agribusiness and the disasters, but communities
alleged to be in his late 50s, for non-life-threating injuries to his arm and shoulder. September that offers the way food is grown. that need help remaining in
Ballan police and Moorabool Highway patrol members diverted traffic and collected opportunity for local farm- Supporters of Farming existence.
information whilst the Ballan fire brigade volunteers assisted in the clean-up of oil and debris
from the road.
Heavy vehicle haulage arrived on the scene with a crane also brought in to lift the damaged
Karndean LooseLay
ers across all commodities to Moorabool, the Bacchus
come together.
Ms Sharkey says it is a night
Marsh and Ballan Commu- for farmers and friends of
Balliang East farmer Kate nity Banks, will underwrite the farming community run
prime mover, trailers and containers.
The area was believed to have been clear around midnight. collection
Sharkey, one of the founders the cost of the two-hour pre- by Farming Moorabool.
of the organisation, said the dinner function, with Ms While currently not a mem-
Police are still investigating the cause of the incident. Photos: Helen Tatchell
Karndean LooseLay
event is not focussed on any Sharkey saying a raffle on bership organisation Farm-
one specific part or type of the night will see all money ing Moorabool have been
Our latest innovation. Quick and easy to
farming. raised used to do some incorporated and “down the
“It is just trying to encour- good work for the wider track we may look at mak-
fit over most existing hard floors. Quieter
age all food producers to community. ing it a membership group.
than laminate and 100% recyclable.
come along and be support- “We are supporting two At this stage we are trying
ive of one
Our another.” charitableQuick
latest innovation. organisations
and –easyR totogarner interest from the
Ms Sharkey is excited to U OK and Buy a Bale,” she farming community more
have ABCfit over
Rural most existing
journalist said. hard floors. Quieter generally,” says Ms Sharkey.
Jess Davis, who is donating
than laminate and The100%
night recyclable.
is being held Tickets to the event are
her time, as the event’s MC on the same day as R U limited. RSVP is necessary
with XM2 Industrial CEO OK, a national Conversa- to attend. Call Kate Sharkey
Steve Taitoko also giving his tion Movement started by on 0422 945 793 or email con-
Our most innova
time as guest speaker.
Gavin Larkin in 2009 that is nect@farmingmoorabool.
backin g ever!
Mr Taitoko, a tech industry equipping Australians with com.
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Karndean LooseLay is available from your5368 2962 Email:
local Karndean retailer:
Central Highlands Flooring
Suppliers and installers of
124 Inglis Street,
newspaper in4.1the
last four
aCT, people 14+ for the 12 months ending November 2015. Newspaper contact details here
emma ™ 12 months to February 2017. Readership based on last four weeks.
Survey conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, people 14+ ; Nielsen DRM February 2017, People 14+ only. Phone: (03) 5368 1966 EMAIL:
emma 12 months to February 2017. Readership based on last four weeks.
Survey conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, people 14+ ; Nielsen DRM February 2017, People 14+ only.
Email - The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 Page 9
Dining in Style
Advertising Feature
The Plough
MAGICAL stables
Tuesday- $25
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Full Dinner Menu Available Friday- 5pm-7pm
THURSDAY Live Music: (Most Sundays)
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$12 BURGERS facebook page.
General Store, Large Beer Garden Sunday-
NOW Open: Monday 10am–3pm,
Tuesday to Saturday 10am–1am,
$19.90 Roast
FRESH Sunday 10am–11pm
200 Main Street,
3 Greendale-Myrniong Rd Bacchus Marsh
59 Grant Street, Bacchus Marsh
COURTHOUSE HOTEL 116 Main St, Bacchus Marsh
Greendale Phone: 03 5367 2031 Phone 5367 6601
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Email - The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 Page 11
to the
Extensive Tasty Menu
Dine in or Takeaway
Come in and try
our Special Meals:
Dear Editor,
- Flat Rice Noodles The recent death of Rose-
mary Holmes marks the
- Peking Duck passing of an outstanding
achiever, who, along with
- San Choy Bao her business partner Edythe
Anderson, both of whom
*All Meals and were accredited nursing sis-
ters, established the Yuulong
Sauces Home Made Lavender Estate
at Mt Egerton west of Bal-
lan. Their outstanding work
complemented the sprawl-
ing fields of lavender, at-
Nurse Unit Manager Jacqui Tarrant with Grant Lodge resident Joan Sheehan and Aged Care Nurse Kathryn tracting tourists both locally
Brett. Photo - DjHS and from overseas, especial-
Celebrating carers
ly with the enjoyable family
picnic days. As the found-
ing president of the Aus-
tralian Lavender Growers
Mon-Sat 5.00–10.00pm As part of Celebrating Aged Care Week 2018 from health, diversional therapy, and volunteers carry out Association, Rosemary cre-
10-16 September, Djerriwarrh Health Services will ated additional work writing
Sunday 5.00–9.30pm this week recognise the positive impact health
at the home every day.
books and papers with her
“It is so important for Grant Lodge to have a team
Closed Tuesdays workers and volunteers have on the residents of its of staff who are passionate about aged care and who
research, together with lec-
aged care home, Grant Lodge. turing on growing and the
129 Main Street, demonstrate enduring compassion and respect to all many benefits of Lavender.
To celebrate the commitment of its staff to delivering of our residents”, she said.
Bacchus Marsh Her passing can be summed
high quality, heartfelt aged care to the residents of
Grant Lodge allows residents to remain engaged and up with the words “When a
Ph: 5367 1365 Grant Lodge, employee profiles and photos will be
connected at the home and in the community through person grows old and sums
on display in the Health Service’s foyer throughout
or 5367 2090 many lifestyle programs, such as partnerships with up their days, they should
Celebrating Aged Care Week. be able to stand tall and feel
The 30 residents of Grant Lodge will also host a Melton Kindergarten and Bacchus Marsh Grammar,
pride in the life they have
celebratory pizza lunch in honour of all its staff and and animal therapy and gardening programs.
lived”; Rosemary Holmes &
volunteers. Celebrating Aged Care Week was established in business partner were equal-
Djerriwarrh Health Services residential care nursing 2012 by the Public Sector Residential Aged Care ly such wonderful people.
unit manager, Jacqui Tarrant, said Celebrating Leadership Committee (PSRAC) to celebrate the Kevin Spencer
Aged Care Week was an opportunity to formally crucial work carried out by those caring for older Brighton
recognise the incredible work the nurses, allied people in public sector residential care. (Formally Mt Egerton)
Thursday Nights
Bookings 5368 9203 ( E ssential )
Parma Night
The What’s On section is for non-profit community organisations. All free events submitted will be considered for FREE publication at the
Editors discretion. Advertising of AGMs in this section will only appear if a paid public notice also appears in the classifieds section, as per
the constitution of Business & Consumer Affairs for incorporated groups.
Ballan Playgroup
ADULT EDUCATION Every Tuesday of school Term. St John’s Anglican Church CHURCH
Ballan & District Community House Hall - 9:30-11:30am. Enquiries - 0409 681 138 Anna or 0421 Anglican Parish of West Moorabool
For class enrolment information, venue hire and costs; please 905 558 Tamsin. Service Times - St John’s Ballan 1st & 3rd Sundays -
call 5368 1934 or email Bacchus Marsh & District Garden Club 9:30am; 2nd & 4th Sundays – 11am Family Service. Service
Darley Neighbourhood House & Learning Centre Meeting 2nd Tuesday of each month, 7.30pm at The Laurels, Times - St Mark’s in the Gordon Pub 2nd & 4th Sundays –
Short courses and classes. 33-35 Jonathan Drive, Darley. BM & 229 Main St, Bacchus Marsh. Guest Speakers. Supper after 5pm. Enq to Rev’d Glen Wesley - 5368 2730.
District Photography Club - Meetings 2nd & 4th Wednesday each meeting. All Welcome. Enquiries - Wendy 5367 4170. Ballan Uniting Church
of month, 7.30pm. Enquiries welcome. Phone 5367 4390. Ballan Anglers Inc (St Paul’s) - Services 11.15am every Sunday.
The Laurels – Bacchus Marsh Community College Meeting second Wednesday every month. Hudsons Hotel, B3 Community
Courses and classes. 229 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh. 7.30pm. More anglers and families needed and welcome – Focused, family friendly church with a difference. Services
Enquiries & enrolments - 5367 1061. 0400 003 936. every 2nd & 4th Sundays at Avenue Bowling Club, Main St,
U3A Bacchus Marsh - Active seniors social learning, for Rose-Carers of Maddingley Park Bacchus Marsh.
daily activities contact 5367 5341 or visit our website - www. Working bees every 3rd Sunday of each month. All welcome. Bacchus Marsh Christian Church Enquiries - 0400 052 857. Sunday Services 10am with kids program. 222 Main St,
Bacchus Marsh Family Drug Support Group Bacchus Marsh. Enquiries 9028 2622.
MEETINGS For Family Members who have a loved one affected by drugs. Bacchus Marsh Uniting Church Parish
Enquiries - 1300 660 068. Services - St Andrew’s 9.30am every Sunday. Pentland Hills
CWA - The Marshians Night Branch Bacchus Marsh - Meet Alanon Support Group - for families of alcoholics
first Tuesday of month - The Hub, Wittick St, Darley,7pm. 2pm 1st Sunday of month. Enquiries - 5367 2543 (office).
Meets at 10.30am on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month
Enquiries - Gay Hooper 0413 350 012 Holy Trinity Anglican Church - Bacchus Marsh
at the Uniting Church Hall, Gisborne Road, Bacchus Marsh.
Ballan & District CWA - Branch meetings – 2nd Thursday Service Times - Bacchus Marsh - Sunday 9am and 5pm;
Enq - 0421 222 717.
each month. RSL Hall, Inglis St, Ballan, 7.30pm. All welcome Balliang - 2nd Sunday 11am, 4th Sunday 9am; Myrniong – 1st
Lal Lal Moorabool Photographic Group Inc
- enquiries to 0407 992 767 or email ballandistrictcwa@gmail. & 3rd Sunday 11am. Enquiries – 5367 5362.
Meeting 3rd Wednesday each month, 7pm. Soldiers Memorial
com Church of the Living God
Hall, Lal Lal. Enquiries 5341 7535.
Ballan District Vintage Machinery & Vehicle Club Christian youth ministry and bible teaching. 2nd Sunday
Footscray Poultry Club (at Bacchus Marsh)
Meetings - second Monday each month, 8pm. Tom Mullane Meetings held 2nd Sunday of month, 2pm. Poultry Pavilion. of every month, 5pm. Open to all ages. At 14 Darcy St,
Pavilion, Ballan Racecourse Reserve. Enquiries – Brian 5368 Racecourse Rec. Reserve, Balliang-Bacchus Marsh Rd, Maddingley. Enq – 0408 260 727.
2255 or Ray 5368 1177. Bacchus Marsh. All welcome – Kerry 9741 9705. Bacchus Marsh Baptist Church
The Pottery Group Sundays, 10:30am, Worship Service and Children’s Program.
Tuesday and Saturday 1pm-3pm, at the Public Park Hall MARKETS Phone 5367 6550 for more details.
(next to Tennis Courts), Stanley St, Gordon. All welcome. Ballan Lions Club Market Our Lady Help of Christians Korobeit
Enquiries to Maureen 0447173031. Next market – Saturday 6 October 2018 Mass every Saturday 6.30pm.
Bacchus Marsh Playgroup First Saturday each month - Inglis St, Ballan – 9am-1pm. Golden Harvest Christian Fellowship
(Behind St Andrew’s Church) Cnr Gisborne Rd & Lerderderg Enquiries – 0402 390 080 (Wayne). Non-denominational - Prayer every Sunday 10am, Men’s
Street, Bacchus Marsh. Monday-Friday 9am, 11am, 1pm & Darley Market KYB Monday evenings 6pm (0429 681 566.) Ladies KYB
3pm. Enquiries – Cindy 0433 651 066. Saturday 15 September, 8am - 1pm. 1st & 3rd Saturday each Wednesday 1pm (5367 6834).
Moorabool Mission Recovery Group month at Darley Park Football Reserve. Enquiries – 0488 345 Bacchus Marsh Life Church
Struggling with addiction; Pain from the past; family member 145 (Alan). Meeting 10am every Sunday at the BM College Drama Room,
out of control? Meeting weekly - Wednesday, 12.30pm – Ballan Farmers Market - Next Market – Saturday 13 October, in Grant Street. Enquiries Pastor Merv - 0412 290 036.
Jean Oomes Room, Lerderderg Library, Bacchus Marsh. 9am-1pm. 2nd Saturday each month, Mill Cottage car park. St Bernard’s Bacchus Marsh Catholic Church
Enq- Pastor Merv Patton – 0412 290 036. Enq – 0498 361 291 or 0490 114 130. Mass Times – Saturday- 5pm; Sunday – 8.30am & 10am.
24/07/18 6-7.30pm Bacchus Marsh HR – Managing staff and all things HR Key Business Advisors
Bacchus marsh
Bacchus Marsh POST
Bacchus Marsh
Retail Maths – what figures should your business know?
Google what they INITIATIVE
want – optimizingTRAINING
your ‘Google MyPROGRAM
Business’ Account
Government Incentives for Employers looking to take the next step in growing their business
Retail Fundamentals
30/8/18 6-7.30pm Bacchus Marsh BUSINESSPolicyEXCELLENCE
& Procedure Manuals
6/9/18 6-7.30pm Ballan Budgeting for small business Accountable
13/9/18 6-7pm Bacchus Marsh Government
Using pics and Incentives
videos asfor partEmployers looking to take the next step in growing their business Webyte
of your business Matchworks Web Design
20/9/18 6-7pm
6-7.30pm Bacchus Marsh
Ballan Cloud Automation
Business Plans for Business Marmoset Connections
25/9/18 6-7pm
6-7.30pm Ballan Marsh
Bacchus DIY digitalService
Customer Marketing Strategies
for every for Small Business
business Webyte
Key Web Design
Business Advisors
2/10/18 6-7pm
6-8pm Bacchus
Ballan Marsh How to crush
Tender writing your ‘to do’ list Eccountability
Federation University
11/10/18 6-7pm
6-8pm Ballan Marsh
Bacchus Give Google
Preparing yourwhat they want – optimizing
retail/hospitality your
business for ‘Google My Business’ Account
Xmas Marmoset
William Angliss
18/10/18 6-7.30pm
6-8pm Bacchus Marsh
Ballan Part 1 inbusiness
Making series The Ultimate Behavioural Profiling System– Intro to the 4 types of
presentations Ultimate Leadership
Federation University
25/10/18 6-7PM Ballan clients/customers
Government Incentives that youforhave
Employers looking to take the next step in growing their business Matchworks
1/11/18 6-7pm
6-7.30pm Ballan
Bacchus Marsh Government Incentives
Building a business – theforimportance
Employersoflooking to take
customer the next step in growing their business
loyalty Matchworks
Retail Fundamentals
8/11/18 6-7.30pm
6-7pm Bacchus Marsh
Ballan Part 2 inlicencing
Liquor series The RSA’s Behavioural Profiling System – Getting to know the type who
andUltimate UltimateLiquor
OnTap Leadership
wants to win Consulting
14/11/18 6-7.30pm
6-8pm Ballan Financial
101 for small business Accountable
Federation University
22/11/18 6-7PM Bacchus Marsh SMSF – the basics Accountants
16/5/18 6-7.30pm Ballan Part 3 in series The Ultimate Behavioural Profiling System – Getting to know the type who Ultimate
Accountants Leadership
29/11/18 6-7.30pm Bacchus Marsh wants to be liked
Promoting your retail/hospitality business in 2019 William Angliss
24/5/18 6-7pm Bacchus Marsh Government Incentives for Employers looking to take the next step in growing their business Matchworks
Note: Sessions
30/5/18 willwill
be held
6-7.30pm at: at Ballan
be held
Bacchus Marsh
& District Community House – 76 Steiglitz Street Ballan
Part 4 in series The Ultimate Behavioural Profiling System – Getting to know the type who Ultimate Leadership
- Bacchus Marsh – 183 the Moorabool
or Halletts Way DarleyLibrary
wants the –comfortable
215 Main
beMoorabool Street.– 215 Main Street Bacchus Marsh
- Ballan6-7.00pm
5/6/18 & District
Light Community
food House – 76
and refreshments
Bacchus Marsh EndSteiglitz
will beStreet
of financial Ballan
year at each session.
planning Accountable
Light food and is required prior
refreshments to each
will be session
provided at each– session
please contact Angie Colliver on 0409 996 393 BUSINESS
AWARDS sponsored
2017 by
AWARDS 2017 2017
7/6/18 6-7pm or emailBallan DIY digital Marketing Strategies for Small Business Webyte Moorabool
Web Design News
Member of
Tuesday 21 February, 2017 Serving Ballan and district since 1872 Phone 5368 1966 Fax 5368 2764 Vol 11 No 7
All sessions
Registration are FREE
is required to to
prior business owners
each session and
– please theirAngie
contact staff Colliver
within the Moorabool
on 0409 996 393 orShire area.
details TIMETIME
wants to be right DATE LOCATION
6-7pm 6-7pm
Bacchus Bacchus
Marsh Marsh
for Employers
Tuesday 21 February, 2017
for Employers
looking to
take the
to next
take step
the next
in growing
Your Local News
Serving Ballan and district since 1872
step in growing
their bu
Phone 5368 1966 Fax 5368 2764 Vol 11 No 7
Inspect By appointment
Photo ID required
Contact Shane O’Brien 0431 766 082
Lucas Ekerbicer 0418 465 892
Thinking of Selling? Call Vickie Ramon 0403 194 621 or Shane O’Brien 0431 766 082
INTRODUCING OUR NEW OFFICE! Grand & Modern Family Home in a Cosy Location!
Sleek design, classy décor and plenty of space for the growing family is what
this beautiful property presents. Set in a quiet court location this spacious
family home offers four bedrooms master with ensuite and his/hers walk in
Inspect Saturday 15th September 11.00-11.30am
Photo ID required
Contact Alannah Shea 0412 856 347
Shane Spiteri 0488 980 115
4 2 4 4 2 1
Coimadai 195 Camerons Road Bed Bath Car
Bacchus Marsh 15 Madden Drive Bed Bath Car
Views Galore & Character Home on Private Sale Beautifully Renovated Home with Private Sale
14.85 Acres Superb Indoor/Outdoor Liveability
Price $1,199,000 - $1,225,000 Price $665,000 - $695,000
Escape the hustle and bustle and arrive Classic built home in a peaceful yet
home to this haven where privacy and Office 2/137 Main Street, convenient setting within walking Office 2/137 Main Street,
serenity go hand in hand. This grand Bacchus Marsh 5367 8128 distance to schools, village shopping Bacchus Marsh 5367 8128
blue stone built home strikes a balance centre and parkland. Four bedrooms
Contact Len Smith 0418 343 754 Contact Len Smith 0418 343 754
between elegance and character. and two lavish bathrooms and a raft
Situated on approx. 14.85 acres of Kelvin Gaffiero 0481 991 828 of modern features including ducted Kelvin Gaffiero 0481 991 828
predominantly cleared land with a little Web central heating, gas fireplace, split Web
light bush and with amazing view to the system AC and smeg SS appliances.
Wombat State Forest. Established front & rear gardens and
auto-remote to garage/workshop.
Saturday Saturday
11.00-11.30am 11.45-12.15pm
Photo ID required Photo ID required
3 2 3 4 2 1
Bacchus Marsh 6 O’Hagan Place Bed Bath Car
Bacchus Marsh 3 Kerr Street Bed Bath Car
Quiet Retreat in Neighbourly Court Private Sale Future Potential in a Convenient Location Private Sale
Set on a super sized 1200 sqm parcel This home offers a great opportunity
Price $575,000 – $610,000 Price $385,000 - $410,000
of land is this family home surrounded whether you’re looking for an
by lush greenery and positioned in Office 2/137 Main Street, investment property, or entry into the Office 2/137 Main Street,
quiet court only minutes from Bacchus Bacchus Marsh 5367 8128 market in a handy location. This cement Bacchus Marsh 5367 8128
Marsh’s thriving main street shopping sheet clad home features 4 bedrooms
Contact Len Smith 0418 343 754 Contact Len Smith 0418 343 754
precinct & popular zoned primary master with ensuite, 2 separate living
Kelvin Gaffiero 0481 991 828 zones, large kitchen with ample Kelvin Gaffiero 0481 991 828
schools. The home reveals immense
open plan living zones, updated Web cupboard space. A level rear backyard Web
kitchen with SS appliances extending on approx. 600 sqm. This one will be
to a beautiful covered outdoor hard to beat for convenience.
entertainment area.
Saturday Saturday
1.15-1.45pm 3.15-3.45pm
Photo ID required Photo ID required
3 2 1 3 2 4
Maddingley 3/1 McCrae Street Bed Bath Car
Toolern Vale 212 Andersons Road Bed Bath Car
Maddingley Side Private Sale Unique Home with Mesmerising Views Private Sale
Perfectly located just minutes from This instantly engaging home is
Price $490,000 - $520,000 Price $680,000 - $720,000
Train station, Maddingley Park destined to impress with it’s beautiful
and popular Schools is this quality Office 2/137 Main Street, views, long list of features and versatile Office 2/137 Main Street,
townhouse in a complex of 3. Light Bacchus Marsh 5367 8128 floor plan. A stunning renovation is Bacchus Marsh 5367 8128
and bright interiors features polished all complete offering 2 living zones,
Contact Len Smith 0418 343 754 Contact Len Smith 0418 343 754
timber flooring, high ceilings, gas 2 bathrooms, a gorgerous kitchen
central heating & evaporative cooling. Kelvin Gaffiero 0481 991 828 with quality appliances, alfresco Kelvin Gaffiero 0481 991 828
3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, quality Web entertainment area, double garage and Web
appliances to kitchen, great outdoor 13m x 7m colourbond workshop, land
entertainment area, single garage plus size is nearly 1 acre (3292sqm) with
workshop. Perfect in every way. town water connected.
Email - The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 Page 17
FOR SALE 180 Masons Lane, Bacchus Marsh FOR SALE 17 Leila Court, Bacchus Marsh
4 2 4 4 4 2
FOR SALE 2 Simpson Street, Bacchus Marsh FOR SALE 62 Halletts Way, Bacchus Marsh
4 2 16 3 1 2
For a renewed approach
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Trade & Business
Page 18 The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 Email -
■ Automotive service and repair
• Qualified and experienced mechanics
■ Vehicle hoist install, maintenance & repair
■ Mobile Service available
“Food fit for a King”
• Log book servicing ■ Batteries ■ Tyres ■ 4x4 specialist
■ Material handling repairs & maintenance Corporate functions,
• Tyre supply & puncture repairs AFTER HOURS 24/7 SERVICING Engineering Weddings, Birthdays,
• Brake replacement including inhouse machining & REPAIRS (by appointment) • Automatic Gates and Doors. Dinner Parties, Funerals,
• Oils, filters, coolants available for purchase Call Simon 0419 750 753 • Security Bars and Grills • CCTV Engagements, Christenings
• VACC accredited COURTESY CAR AVAILABLE • All Security needs • On-site welding Phone Dianne
• 24/7 breakdown towing available 11 Kennedy Place, Maddingley Located in Wallace Qualified Chef
115 Inglis Street Ballan Phone 0418 379 265 0428 682 366
Ph 5368 1968
Excavator, Bobcat & Tipper
■ Industrial/Automation ■ Solar Power/Solar Hot Water ✸ All types of fencing ✸ Retaining walls
• Split systems ■ Commercial ■ Energy Management ✸ Driveways ✸ Tree/Waste Removal
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• Pat Testing 2 Osborne Street, Bacchus Marsh ✸ Rock Walls ✸ Trenching
• Wallpaper • Minor Plastering Repairs
• Renovations • Bathroom • Kitchens Mark Reddish SERVICES
• Graffiti Removal • New Homes • General Carpentry • Pergolas • Decks 0418 343 547 Servicing Ballarat,
• Restoration & Repainting of Bacchus Marsh, Ballan
Residential Properties • Roofing • Retaining Walls • Tiling • Painting • Plaster • General Plumbing
• Decking Specialists • Bobcat & Tipper Hire • Programmed property maintenance • New Homes & Alterations and Daylesford
• Dishwasher Installations PH: 0427 502 760
Big or small jobs - Guaranteed and Insured • Maintenance E:
Ray 0419 544 332 • Surrounding Areas W: Reg. 24148 PO Box 250 Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340 Email: reg 20152
Cleaning Ivers
The Bacch Shed Self Storage
(Rear of SuperCheap Auto)
Specialising in Waste Water Treatment Systems
• General Plumbing • Brand new • Alarmed and secure
• Grease Traps Waste • Various sizes • Commercial and Domestic
• Pump sales and service WE’RE LOCAL
• Septic Tanks • Central • Access 7 days a week
• Hot water sales and installation PH 0418 145 316
Come visit us at our retail shop
• Triple Interceptors Enter from either Main Street or Young Street
155 Inglis Street BALLAN • Industrial Waste (New Phone) Ph 0477 440 551
Phone: 03 5368 1036 MELTON, BACCHUS MARSH Hayden Ivers
Mob: 0419 400 025
& SURROUNDING SUBURBS Ph: (03) 5367 3016
Funeral Notice BAITI -
Mrs Gwendoline Deighton
Funeral Prayers for the late Mrs Angelina Baiti will be FUNERALS
held at Michael Crawford Funerals Chapel, 226 Main
Street, Bacchus Marsh on Thursday September 13, 2018
Moorabool News
commencing at 2.00pm.
Tuesday 7th August 2018
A Private Cremation will follow.
DEIGHTON - (nee Barber)
No flowers by request.
West Division – Central Highlands Area (Ararat, Bacchus Marsh & Ballarat)
BACCHUS MARSH BALLAN We are seeking committed Disability Support Workers for casual positions in the Specialist Disability
53676733 Accommodation (SDA) facilities and Short Term Accommodation & Assistance (STAA – facility based respite) across the West Division of the Department of Health and Human Services.
About the Role
DEATH NOTICE MUSIC Our residents have various support needs and the role of a Casual Disability Support Worker involves :
• supporting the individual’s participation within the community
WIDGER • providing personal care and companionship manual handling
Leslie Robert • transportation
17.01.1929 ~ 01/09/2018
The work includes support to residents 24 hours a day - including mornings, evenings, weekends, active
Dearly loved husband of Mollie for 62 wonderful years.
nights and sleep overs.
Much loved father and father-in-law of Leanne and Jim, and Sharyn.
Adored Pa of Alice and David, Leigh and Kellie, Glenn,
Jayne and David.
Piano Lessons Is this you?
• Reliable and Empathetic?
Great Pa of thirteen and Joshua (dec). piano & keyboard • Wanting to add value to the lives of individuals living with a disability
Forever in our hearts beginner guitar • Dedicated and passionate about providing care and improving the lives of those living with a disability
May you rest in peace double bass You will also play an active role in facilitating the development and enhancement of independent living
A special thank you to Dr Sadhai, the palliative care nurses (Gordon)
and other skills including the individual’s participation in the community.
and all the staff at the Bacchus Marsh Hospital for the Tim Nelson Must haves!
wonderful care given to Les 0450 904 464 In order for your application to be considered you will already have met the following requirements :
• Australian Work Rights
FUNERALS FOR SALE • Working with Children Check (Employee)
• First Aid Certificate – Level 2 (including CPR)
• Reliable and flexible
Iron Bark, Desirable
• Cert III or IV in Disability/Mental Health/Individual Support/Aged Care
Box, • Current full driver’s Licence
Common This role requires work-related travel across metropolitan and regional Victoria, on occasion at very short
notice. The department will consider all reasonable adjustments for candidates with a disability.
1114 Doveton St. Nth, Ready to burn The department promotes diversity and equal opportunity in employment and is committed to a
Ballarat 5368 9066 more diverse workforce. If you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander applicant, or if you have a
disability, and require advice and support with the recruitment process, contact our Diversity Unit on
All Hours OFFICE Please contact Simon Brennan on 03 5333 6033 regarding queries on the role, or Jackie Allada on
02 9275 7575 if you have issues applying for the role.
Full seartveicceost
15 Haddon Drive, Ballan, 3342
Job Reference number: DHHS/WWD/10761
PHONE (03) 5368 1966
at moder
For more information about the Department of Health and Human Services visit To
Advertising apply online and for other DHHS and Victorian Government job opportunities please visit
Police Checks form part of the Department of Health and Human Services recruitment process.
Ad copy
The department promotes diversity and equal opportunity in employment and is committed to a more
graphics@themooraboolnews. diverse workforce. If you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander applicant,or if you have a disability, and require advice and
EDITOR Helen Tatchell support with the recruitment process, please
The PCC Sub Junior Team and Coaches with their Reserve Aggregate Trophy.
Photo - submitted
Secret Stone Wine
750ml Varieties
$ 20 EA
$ 30 Be sure to ‘LIKE’ our Facebook page Darley Football Netball Club for regular updates
ard Cider
$6 In a game not to be watched by
faint-hearted, Darley held off a deter-
$ the 30 have had a great year and are well de-
served of their achievement in playing
mined North Ballarat team on Sunday, finals in 2018. They came up against a ROVER RAIDER
to progress to the Preliminary final. strong Sunbury team and even though
On the court our C-Grade ladies bowed
out to finish their year after giving it a
we kept right in the match the Lions put
in a superior 2nd half to finish the Dev-
1-9 Bennett Street,
ONE DAY ONLY!! - THURS APRIL 12TH red-hot go over a fantastic season.
specials available thursday 12th ils’ year.
Amy and Megan Jackson were stand-
with a FREE trailer!
Bacchus Marsh
*terms & conditions apply, valid until 31/11/18 only while stocks last
APRIL 2018 only - while Stocks Last
1st Semi-Final, Sunday 9th September, outs in a great team effort with everyone BACCHUS MARSH
Phone: 5367 3388
Breast Fillets
Rear/134 Main St
SENIORS tre work was relentless and Megan was Ph: 5367 6699
25 $
5 15
$ 99 $ 99
In a see-sawing game with both teams
busy and dominating in defence. Jas-
sh Rockling Fillets
Australian Beef Scotch
Fillet Portions applying immense pressure, Darley min Dearing, Sasha Chaszcziwsky and
scraped through for a 2-point win to Rylee Gogeff worked tirelessly through-
progress through to the Preliminary out the game with Maegan Taylor and
Final. This was a hard, busy game that Tayler Drevensek doing their utmost
saw $ the
lead change time and again in front of goal to keep us in it against
3 with neither side capitalising on the ad- the competition’s top team. Illness kept
or Kent Pumpkin
or Whole
Hass Avocadoes
$ 5
Imperial Mandarins
Iced Cupcakes
4 Pack
The Devils, however, did not yield to Marika Barnes heaved a little sigh of
6 $
7 $
4 $
the immense forward pressure and Dar- relief in finishing her stellar career in
70 Tom Evans, Jacob Zees-
netball operations management but VISIT US TODAY
hopefully she won’t have hung up her
Virginian Ham Fresh Ricotta Cheese Large Custard Tart
1 South Maddingley Rd, Bacchus Marsh traten and Jackson Carrick continually
½ ½ ½
Steven Kennedy dominated the centre BEST: Amy Jackson, Megan Jackson
1 4 4
$ 97 $ 25 $
GOALS: Maegan Taylor 21, Tayler
Secret Wine
Harley Inglis were relentless with their Darley will play East Point in the
750ml Varieties
(Excludes Pinot Noir)
3 FOR pressure. Dane Grenfell was Preliminary Final next Saturday 15th
$86 $20 $30 and worked tirelessly to keep us
strong September.
in it with a fantastic bag of four goals. The game will commence at 2.15pm at We Load & Remove your rubbish for you
lton Draught Stubbies or $20
powerful in the air and Brian Graham Final game at Mars Stadium on 22nd Site Clean Up, Bin Hire, Bobcat
Bin Hire
& Tippers available
1-9 Bennett Street, Bobcat & Tippers available
APRIL 2018 only - whileran
Stocks aLastmarathon during the game to put September against Melton Bloods.
specials available thursday 12th
Bacchus Marsh
Phone: 5367 3388
Call us & weCallwill us &fiwend a waste
will find solution
a waste solution for you for you
Email: 1st Semi-Final, Sunday 9th September, We Manufacture and market landcape &
2018 Sunbury V Darley
All good things must come to an end garden products throughout Australia
66 Grant Street, Bacchus Marsh 3340
Phone (03) 5366 1021 and the season we’ve witnessed by this
champion C-Grade team has certainly Suite 1 & 3/137 Main St, Bacchus Marsh
Email: BacchusMarshMarsh Community
Bank® Branch Bank® Branch
been a good thing. The Devil ladies
Bacchus Community
Ph: (03) 5367 3222
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited, ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 237879. S52766-10 (372143_v3) (27/09/2017)
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited, ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 237879. S52766-10 (372143_v3) (27/09/2017)
Email - The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 Page 23
By Todd Whelan
Devils in Nail-Biter
free kick of the afternoon Brian Graham was out- portance to the team cannot sway with Darren Leonard office for the whistleblowers,
(yes, I did say 45th) would standing in his fifth game be underestimated. Often pivotal in the end result. where a near record 73 free
REIGNING Premiers Darley be enough to overcome the back after missing a large lauded for his work at the Jacob Zeestraten wore his kicks were paid (North Bal-
have booked themselves a Devils. Unfortunately for chunk of the season with a coalface and as a reliable in- small forwards like a glove larat City 45 - Darley 28).
Preliminary Final date with City it was a straight sets knee problem. Graham’s ef- side player, Baker has added and was ably assisted by the North Ballarat City maybe
East Point after a thrilling finals exit of heartbreak pro- ficiency by foot, especially in outside run, carry and finish run of Luke Delahey and rueing their decision to leave
two-point win over North portions, their two losses the back half, gave the Dev- to his bag of tricks in more Tom Evans. While it wasn’t out brothers Sam and Na-
Ballarat City last Sunday. coming from a combined ils every chance to negotiate recent times. The 25-year the complete four quarter than Dunstan. Sam booted
The win was set up in the total of three points. their way out of trouble as old doesn’t fumble below performance by any stretch five goals in City’s 31-point
third term as the Devils Darley playing Coach he, Shane Page, Jackson Car- his knees, his clean hands it was testament to the Dev- win over Darley back in
booted seven goals to two, Heath Scotland said there rick, and Luke Delahey often at ground level in and out ils’ character that they were Round 17 including four in
flipping a 15-point half time was no magic wand waved combined on the rebound of congestion are a sure sign able to fight back against the the first term and went on
deficit on its head to lead or life changing motivation- with telling effect. of a player brimming with odds and win a final that had to finish the season with 34
by 15 at the final change. al speech made at half time Darley midfielder Steven confidence. season ending ramifications goals.
City kicked with the aid of to inspire the boys. Kennedy’s contribution in Dane Grenfell (four goals) for the loser. Darley will en- DARLEY 3.1-19 5.1-31
enough breeze to make a dif- “We just needed to take the second half of the sea- and Harley Inglis (two goals) deavour to overcome the mi- 12.3-75 13.3-81 def
ference in the final term but stock, ensure our mental at- son has been as good as looked dangerous forward nor premiers East Point for
were unable to reel in the titude was in the right place anyone’s in the competition. for most parts of the day. a spot in this year’s Grand
CITY 1.5-11 6.10-46 8.12-
margin. City’s Mitch Johns and make some necessary His importance to the side Grenfell booted three of his Final when they travel back
60 11.13-79
missed out on a golden op- positional changes,” he said. was heightened earlier in the four goals from set shots to City Oval this Saturday.
portunity to put his team in year with the absence of Bri- close to the boundary with The Devils won’t be the only DARLEY (GOALS) D.
“We backed ourselves in to Grenfell 4, S. Kennedy 3,
front by failing to convert a an Graham, and boy has he his accuracy keeping the party that has to make the
get the job done, it really was delivered. Kennedy’s over- Devils within reach early. H. Inglis 2. M. Young, J.
very gettable set shot from big selections at match com-
a win for effort.” head marking and forward Inglis was a live wire inside Ancrum, S. McDonald, J.
35 metres out, with just two mittee this week. East Point
minutes remaining on the Scotland was quick to praise half influence has witnessed the Devils’ forward 50m and were exposed for leg speed Carrick.
clock. Nonetheless, the win the reliability of his defence. a spike in recent weeks. Ken- became just as important in their second Semi Final DARLEY (BEST) S. Ken-
for Darley was deserved de- “Our backline has been a nedy has played a major role with the footy as he was loss to Melton and will face nedy, H.Inglis, J. Carrick,
spite the narrow margin, a rock for us all season, we in the Devils’ resurgence without it. His forward pres- a degree of scrutiny of their D. Leonard, B. Graham, D.
loss would have been a steal have a group of hard-nosed this year with the club hav- sure complimented the mes- own kind. Even the boys in Grenfell.
in the end for City. The Dev- defenders that are always up ing won seven of their last sage that has been handed green who officiate this great Saturday’s Preliminary Fi-
ils defence stood up under for the fight.” eight matches. down by Coach Scotland all game of ours will be lucky to nal between East Point and
the finals pressure. Not even The Devils were not short of Luther Baker is becoming year. survive the axe this week in Darley at City Oval will be
a 24th minute final term winning contributors espe- a more and more rounded After a scratchy first half, what was widely acknowl- broadcast LIVE from 2pm on
goal to City from their 45th cially in the second half. player each week, his im- the Devils defence held edged as a poor day at the Apple 98.5FM.
U/12 Reserves
Darley 0-0-0 lost Redan 3-1-19
Awards – Rohan Champness (BOG)
U/13 Reserves
Darley 21 def Redan 12
Goals – Charlotte Drevensek 15, Ella Closter 6
Awards – Sienna Dugan (BOC)
Page 24 The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 Email -
D Grade
Lake Wendouree (27) lost East Point (32)
Bacchus Marsh (35) def Melton (24)
E Grade
Melton South (32) def Ballarat (15)
Bacchus Marsh (28) def Sebastopol (13)
U16.5 Seniors
East Point 10.10 (70) def Lake Wendouree 6.8 (44)
U16.5 Reserves
Ballarat 9.11 (65) def Redan 3.5 (23)
U14 Seniors
North Ballarat 12.5 (77) def Mount Clear 6.2 (38)
U14 Reserves
Redan 7.4 (46) def Mount Clear 5.2 (32)
U12 Seniors
Ballarat 3.3 (21) def Mount Clear 1.5 (11)
U12 Reserves
Redan 3.1 (19) def Darley 0.0 (0)
Email - The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 Page 25
Saturday 8 September, Tabcorp Park Melton Race 5, The Gemmalite (M2 to M4). Winner: Saturday 8 September, Tabcorp Park Melton Race 9, Allied Express Pace (M0). Winner:
My Kiwi Mate (5). Trainer: Craig Demmler. Driver: Craig Demmler. Photo: Stuart Shes Magnetic (5). Trainer: Emma Stewart. Driver: Chris Alford. Photo: Stuart McCormick
McCormick HRV. HRV.
SELL YOUR ITEMS $100 & UNDER FOR FREE Email: Phone: 5368 1966
*Ads must be emailed by Friday 12 noon. Ads by phone must be between 9.30am–12pm Tuesday–Thursday. MAXIMUM 3 ADS PER PERSON.
ALLOY Rims (4) Fits a Holden BOOKS Cross Stitch books, $5 COSTUMES kids – various, size FRIDGE Westinghouse freestyle PERFUME Lovely by Sarah
Rodeo, GC. $100. Ph: 0414 763 557 each - 5367 5023 5-10 yrs. GC $5 - $30 - 0405 650 177 270 litres: (Freezer below): EC $90 Jessica Parker, still in wrapping,
BABY Jolly Jumper $40 - 0455 480 BOOKS, The World of Science full – 0409 034 210 Brand New $15- 04788 33 091
196 set volumes 1-24 new. FREE - 0419 FRIDGE Consul LPG/electric REVITIVE circulation booster,
12 different themes, $30 each. Ph
899 990 fridge 280litres. Needs servicing. perfect condition, $100 Ph 0418
BABY Porta-chair. Attaches to 5315 2773
BOOTS, black, ladies, size 9, new $50 - 0401 934 000 302 463
table $30 - 0455 480 196 DESK computer, black / grey
in box, cost $70 sell $35 never GARDEN arches (2), light damage, SINK Kitchen sink with 1 tub
BABY Avent electric bottle shelves, 1 drawer $20 – 0402 929 1300 mm, Mixer & flexible hoses
steriliser $50 - 0455 480 196 worn Ph 0417 110 261 need painting $25 lot - 0407 999
664 749 included $80 ono - 5367 1319
BUNK beds Double lower bed
BAR STOOLS, with backs (2), DESK 1.5 x 0.75x0.75, 3 drawers. SOCCER table, brand new $100 –
with single upper. EC $100 - 0400 GARDEN EDGE concrete blocks
green quality vinyl, $20 each Ph 5368 6643
367 288 Some assembly required. $50 - (30), various lengths, $100 the lot.
0418 519 025 SOFA 2 seater VGC $100 – 5367
CAR filters (3) to suit Fiat Decato 5367 0432 Ph 0402 954 491
BED single (2) bream and brass, 8351
3L from 12-16 model $100 lot – DOORS (10) all sizes, interior & HAIR STRAIGHTER GHD, VGC
porcelain $10ea - 0428 579 388 SOFA divan unmarked, rarely
0413 000 289 exterior $100 lot – 0414 785 366 $100 - 04788 33 091
BEDHEAD wooden (double) with used. Brushed tan, timber trim.
CHILDS stroller GC $10. Ph: 5367 DOOR frames (10) all sizes MASSAGER Doctor Feelgood EC FREE - 0421 193 549
brackets $10 – 5348 6540 8933 infra red heat therapy massager,
hardwood $100 lot - 0414 785 366 TABLES – dining (2) oval
BEDSPREADS, girls, single COUCHES 1 x 2 seater & 1 x 3 three settings, as new, $35 Ph 0418
DRYER Tumble Clothes dryer, blackwood antique GC $50ea –
size, pretty pink floral, excellent seater, rustic deed red/ orange 302 463
$30 - 0434 997 292 0428 579 388
condition, $10 each Ph 0417 110 261 colour GC Hand made in OLD BALLARAT pottery TV CABINET with glass doors 710
BICYCLE jackets (2 x mens, sml) Australia. $95 lot. - 0411 046 205 DRYER, Samsung, good working stoneware, wine decanter, 5 litre mm x 450 mm $60 - 0418 127 040
$12 each. Ph: 5367 8933 COUCHES (2) 3 seater couches, order, $60. Ph 0402 954 491 with tap, $40 Ph 0418 519 025 WOOD HEATER Coonara Works
BOOKS Di Morrissey (8), $5 each Navy blue, velvet $100 lot - 5348 DVDS Charmed season 1 & 2 $25 PANDORA silver ring, VGC, $20 well, suit holiday home. $100 -
- 5367 5023 6725 lot - 0409 173 769 - 04788 33 091 0400 367 288
Sell it Local for Less Sell with a photo - $20 per edition or $50 for 3 months. Simply email
your photo and details of item to
Ph: 5368 1966 Phone 5368 1966 All vehicles must supply registration numbers if registered and dealers to supply LMCT number.
Advertise your
Car / Boat /
Float / Tractor
1978, 3 metre mask,
6255 hours, good tyres,
20ft, full annexe, double bed,
3 way fridge, gas hot plate & 1994 JAYCO EAGLE
115hp Mercury, 6 cyl 2 stroke,
just serviced, CB radio, safety
6x3m, lights, power points, Motorcycle /
SOLD Caravan
good condition, grill, new microwave, AC, Canvas annexe, 90L fridge, gear, fish finder, mooring ropes, A/C, heavy duty door, bars on
Registered until 6/19 plenty of storage, 12V battery, 82L water tank, tare 760kg, ski ropes, anchor, cover, trailer windows, delivery at cost, many
gas stove and grill, 12 months more sizes available. $6990
3 months $50
(1BZ7TX) BBQ, 2 gas bottles, electric in excellent cond. (Reg GE-182).
$10,000 ONO brakes, $16,000 ONO, Vic Reg (E68900), $7900 ono. MUST BE SOLD, MAKE AN 9399 Western Highway, East
Ph 0438 347 235 Contact Alan 0488 345 145. Ph 0403 756 509 OFFER. Ph 0418 311 040 Ballarat. Ph: 0428 860 345
Page 26 The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 portant
Emailto speak from your heart to a close friend or rela-
LEO—July 23-August 22
★★★★★★★★ A friend is easier to pin down than you may think. The
week offers good companionship and time for plotting
your long term objectives. Be sure that your advice is
not misunderstood.
★★★★★★★★ SCORPIO—October 23-November 21
Humour is the current keyword. A lighthearted approach
helps you put professional disagreements in a proper per-
ARIES—March 21-April 20 spective. A loved one is more supportive than you may
Watch out for that sarcasic streak - it may backfire. realize.
Renewed friendships and important family reconciliations
SAGITTARIUS—November 22-December 22
are focused.
Conflicting stories come your way. Each may have some
TAURUS—April 21-May 22 element of truth. Watch a tendency to make light of situ-
This will be a good week for examining family history ations that require thorough consideration. Romance is
and perhaps preparing a family tree. Friends share some on a steadier course.
exciting news. Job responsibilities may increase quickly.
CAPRICORN—December 23-January 20
GEMINI—May 23-June 21 Your down to earth approach earns you the respect of
Bit by bit you are catching up. The key is give each project someone in an executive position. The weekend accents
the attention it earns. Neighbours are buzzing with news. travel blended with educational activities. Financial news
Romantic times are on the horizon. may hold some promise.
other? (6,2,5). 8. Charming ending to a meal (5). 9. Go your long term objectives. Be sure that your advice is
on from the overure (7). 10. Be sadder than, at the up- not misunderstood.
roar (6). 11. Going up to get a bouquet (6). 12. Notes the
ratio (5). 14. Not true performing fleas (5). 18. Walk in SCORPIO—October 23-November 21
the rose garden? (6). 20. Kick up a racket on getting
about an English pound less than (6). 23. As he un- NUMBER GAME
Humour is the current keyword. A lighthearted approach
helps you put professional disagreements in a proper per-
wrapped the cover (7). 24. Burning to go to jail? (5). 25. spective. A loved one is more supportive than you may
A parting shot (3,3,3,4).
1. Give the most reliable ballpoint to (6). 2. Minister to SAGITTARIUS—November 22-December 22
as though it were a great pleasure (5). 3. Dead right: the Conflicting stories come your way. Each may have some
name is on the side (7). 4. Name of the man standing element of truth. Watch a tendency to make light of situ-
inside (4). 5. Bids farewell to Marcel? (5). 6. Quick sell- ations that require thorough consideration. Romance is
ers at the greengrocer’s? (7). 7. The bed linen he puts on a steadier course.
outside (6). 13. Come through inside and he’ll introduce
you (7). 15. Like most people, you say, requiring time CAPRICORN—December 23-January 20
(7). 16. Expressly for the musician (6). 17. Wound Edwin
treated the time before (6). 19. Left the boy with some- Your down to earth approach earns you the respect of
thing to play (5). 21. Collar round the neck (5). 22. Bowed, someone in an executive position. The weekend accents
producing a gift (4). travel blended with educational activities. Financial news
may hold some promise.
AQUARIUS—January 21-February 19
age . 16, Presto. 17, T-wined. 19, L-Otto. 21, Lasso. 22,
Waves. 6, Runners. 7, S-he-ets. 13, Com-per-e. 15, Aver- Variety makes this a potentially successful week. The key
is to remain highly organized and recognize opportuni-
Down - 1, Best-O-W. 2, Treat. 3, Late-R-Al. 4, A-lA-f. 5,
Across - 1, Football. 6, Slur. 8, Oslo. 9, Corvette. 10,
for the road. ties as they arise. Sentimental sessions are highlighted.
State. 11, Cheque. 13, Hebrew. 15, Seethe. 17, Sprawl.
Ramble. 20, Be-L-low. 23, Shea-the. 24, Arson. 25, One
PISCES—February 20-March 20
19, Brute. 22, Prodigal. 23, Teal. 24, Brie. 25, Tenacity.
Out-cry. 11, A-scent. 12, Scale. 14, False (anag.). 18,
Down - 2, Onset. 3, Trotter. 4, Arch. 5, Lyricist. 6, Sieve.
Across - 1, Battle of words. 8, Sweet. 9, Advance. 10, Luck seems to be on your side - but leave nothing to
7, Untruth. 12, Twilight. 14, Emperor. 16, Erratic. 18,
CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS chance. An unhappy friend may respond positively to your
Addle. 20, Trait. 21, Flan. upbeat example. Partnership arrangements generally are
Crutch. 17, Recess. 19, Staid. 21, Evade. 22, Copy. spotlighted this week.
ist. 6, Implore. 7, Gather. 13, Imperil. 15, Paprika. 16,
Across - 1,Scrapped. 6, Wood (would). 8, Co-O-p. 9,
Down - 1, Finish. 2, Liner. 3, Omnibus. 4, Fawn. 5, Ex- BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK
Overseen (anag.). 10, He-a-Rd. 11, See f-it. 13, S-to-
20, Sphere. 23, Tornado. 24, Irate. 25, Holidaymakers. Your mysterious qualities have a special appeal for many
Len. 15, Resign. 17, Treble. 19, D’I-van. 22, Take a tip.
Scribe. 11, Strode. 12, Tipsy. 14, Speed. 18, Repast. people. Your deep sense of commitment makes you a good
23, Lo-p(urpl)e. 24 ,Good. 25, Res-I-den-t.
Across - 1, Fellow-feeling. 8, Ninon. 9, Whippet. 10, friend to a lucky few. This year you could cram in writing,
Down - 2, C-L-ove. 3, A-ppare-L. 4, P-lot. 5, Dressers.
QUICK SOLUTIONS travelling to an exotic destination and enter into a
6, W-a-St-e. 7, Opening. 12, Ancestor. 14, Torn-ado. 16, partnership arrangement.
Spi-L-L-ed. 18, Bleed. 20, Asp-(m)en. 21, Spas (rev.).
Email - The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 Page 27
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Page 28 The Moorabool News – 11 September, 2018 Email -
Cavendish Crisp Royal
Bananas Gala Apples
2 $
3 18
$ 39 49 $ 99
Porterhouse Portions (Bulk Pack)
18 22 $
99 99
$ 99 $ EA
KG South Australian KG
Medium Cooked Prawns
Lamb Cutlets (Plain) 13/15 Bacchus High Bread 680g
Ice Cream
1L vars
$ 90
16 18 4
99 50
$ 99
$ EA
Banana Bread $ Gouda Cheese Don Salami
400g Plain or Spiced Hot or Mild
½ ½
$ 22
Nanna’s Apple Pie 600g
or 4pk Snack Pies 450g
24pk x 375ml vars
Frantelle Spring Water
24 pk x 600ml
6 EA
$ 88 $ 37 EA
$ 12 EA