Letter - Students
Letter - Students
Letter - Students
Dear Year 12 Students,
As you are aware, you will be graduating on Thursday 27 September 2018. The ceremony will begin at
9.30am and will be held in our college auditorium – it is our most formal occasion.
Students will be required to be at school by 8.30am at the latest in order to prepare for the ceremony and
your official entrance.
The purchasing cost for the academic gown is $25. These gowns are for students to keep and will be
distributed to students during Graduation rehearsal.
You must finalise the payment of this $25 by the week before Graduation.
Should any student feel that they are genuinely unable to meet this cost please see Kellie Boyd, Classa
Martinuzzi or any of your Year Advisors immediately so that we may assist you. We don’t want anyone to
absent themselves from Graduation because of this
All students are required to be in full school uniform and academic dress on arrival to school on
Graduation morning.
Graduation 2018 will include the presentation of Academic, Sporting and Service Awards, as well as your
portfolio. At the conclusion of the ceremony, you are invited to join with staff and your parents / guests for
light refreshments which we anticipate will be served around midday.
In order for the ceremony to run smoothly, ALL students will be required to attend a rehearsal on
Wednesday 26 September 2018 during Sessions 1 and 2.
Tickets for Graduation will be distributed during the Graduation rehearsal on Wednesday 26 September
Trivia fun is scheduled for Session 3, followed by a teachers v students sporting event in the afternoon.
Students are invited to dress in theme from session 2 onwards ( bring clothes to change into following the
graduation rehearsal in session 1 ) . The theme for the dress up is “ Fictional Characters “.
It is imperative that all students attend for the whole day on Wednesday September 26th 2018.
Kindest regards