Wheatstone Bridge
Wheatstone Bridge
Wheatstone Bridge
Table of Contents
Introduction to Wheatstone Bridge
What is Wheatstone Bridge?
Wheatstone Bridge Working Principle
Example of Wheatstone Bridge
Wheatstone Bridge for Strain Measurement
Wheatstone Bridge Applications:
If we consider the resistance, most of the industrial sensors like temperature, strain,
humidity, displacement, liquid level, etc. produces the change in value of the
resistance for a variable change. Therefore, there is a need for a signal conditioning
for every resistance sensor.
Generally the resistance measurement is divided into three types, low resistance
measurement, medium resistance measurement and the high resistance
measurement. If the resistance measurement is possibly from a few milliohms to
micro ohms, then it is considered as a low resistance measurement.
This measurement is actually used for research purpose. If the measurement is from
1 ohm to 100 k is generally referred as a medium resistance measurement.
Potentiometer, thermistors, etc. measurement comes under this category.
And very high resistance measurement is considered from 100 kilo ohm to greater
than 100 mega ohms. For finding the medium value of the resistance different
methods are used, but mostly Wheatstone bridge is used.
For this bridge balanced condition voltage at points C and D must be equal. Hence,
no current flows through the galvanometer. For getting the balanced condition one of
the resistors must be variable.
R1RX= R2R3
R2/R1= RX/R3
This is the condition to balance the bridge. And for finding the unknown value of
RX = R3 × (R2 / R1)
From the above equation R4 or Rx can be computed from the known value of
resistance R3 and the ratio of R2/R1. Therefore, most of the cases R2 and R1
values are fixed and the R3 value is variable so that null value is achieved and the
bridge gets balanced.
I1 = V/ (R1+R2)
I1 = 12V/ (20+40)
I1 = 0.2 A
Similarly the voltage across R1 is 4V (0.2 × 20). Due to the same resistance values,
voltages at R4 and R3 will be same as that of R1 and R2 respectively. Hence at the
points A and B voltages are same, therefore the galvanometer shows zero reading
as the potential difference is zero. In this case the bridge is said to be in balanced
Suppose if we reverse the resistors in the second arm, current flow is same due to
the series circuit. But the voltage across the resistor R4 changes, i.e., 0.2 * 20 = 4V.
So at this condition voltage across the points A and B are different and exists a
potential difference of 8 – 4 = 4V. This is the unbalanced condition of the bridge.
R4 = R3 × R2 / R1
Here in this case, the Wheatstone bridge is balanced by adjusting the decade
resistance box until the voltmeter reads zero value. And the corresponding
resistance value in the box is equal to the unknown resistance. Suppose if the
voltage null condition occurs at 250 ohms of the resistance decade box, then the
unknown resistance is also 250 ohms.
If the strain gauge is either tensed or compressed, then the resistance can increase
or decrease. Therefore, this causes unbalancing of the bridge. This produces a
voltage indication on voltmeter corresponds to the strain change. If the strain applied
on a strain gauge is more, then the voltage difference across the meter terminals is
more. If the strain is zero, then the bridge balances and meter shows zero reading.
This is about the resistance measurement using a Wheatstone bridge for precise
measurement. Due to the fractional measurement of resistance, Wheatstone bridges
are mostly used in strain gauge and thermometer measurements.