The Customer Is Not Always Right: Customer Aggression and Emotion Regulation of Service Employees Meaning
The Customer Is Not Always Right: Customer Aggression and Emotion Regulation of Service Employees Meaning
The Customer Is Not Always Right: Customer Aggression and Emotion Regulation of Service Employees Meaning
service employees
The trading policy that states a company's keenness to be seen to put the customer first.
Several retail concerns used this as a slogan from the early 20th
century onward. In the USA it is particularly associated with Marshall Field's department
store, Chicago (established in the late 19th century). The store is an icon of the city,
although it is set to lose its name in 2006 when, following a takeover, it becomes
renamed as Macy's. In the UK, Harry Gordon Self ridge (1857-1947) the founder of
London's Selfridges store (opened in 1909), is credited with championing its use. The
Wisconsin born Self ridge worked for Field from 1879 to 1901. Both men were dynamic
and creative businessmen and it's highly likely that one of them coined the phrase,
although we don't know which. Of course, these entrepreneurs didn't intend to be taken
literally. What they were attempting to do was to make the customer feel special by
inculcating into their staff the disposition to behave as if the customer was right, even
when they weren’t. The trading policy and the phrase were well-known by the early 20th
century. From the Kansas City Star, January 1911 we have a piece about a local country
store that was modeled on Field's/Selfridges:[George E.] "Scott has done in the country
what Marshall Field did in Chicago; Wannamaker did in New York and Self ridge in
London. In his store he follows the Field rule and assumes that the customer is always
right. “Whether the phrase was coined by Field or Self ridge it is fair to call it American.
What we can't do is credit them with the idea behind it. In 1908 Cesar Ritz (1850-1918),
the celebrated French hotelier is credited with saying 'Le client n'a jam is tort' - 'The
customer is never wrong'. That's not the phrase that people now remember, but it can
hardly be said to be any different in meaning to 'the customer is always right'.
According to recent researchers and the popular press, people are less able to treat each
other in a courteous and respectful way at work (Andersson & Pearson, 1999; Daw, 2001;
Grimsley, 1998; Marks, 1996). In the study of this phenomenon, work behaviors such as
yelling, rudeness, and threats have been studied under multiple labels, including
interactional injustice (Bies & Moag, 1986), work aggression (LeBlanc & Kelloway,
2002), workplace bullying (Leyman, 1996), incivility (Andersson & Pearson, 1999), and
interpersonal conflict (Spector & Jex, 1998). In general, these behaviors are related to
deleterious work reactions such as stress and health problems, retaliatory behaviors, and
turnover, making it a critical topic for study. The theory, research, and scale development
on these forms of work aggression has generally focused on intra-organizational
members as the source and targets of these behaviors (e.g., Andersson & Pearson, 1999;
Donovan, Drasgow, & Munson, 1998; Frone, 2000; Spector & Jex, 1998). A missing
piece from the existing literature is the recognition that such antisocial behaviors may
come from the very people the organization is trying to help, namely, the customers.
Furthermore, researchers have been more likely to study rare violent episodes from ex
employees or the public (e.g., Barling, Rogers, & Kelloway, 2001) than the effects of the
more common verbally abusive customer. In fact, aggression from customers is critical to
understand due to the potential frequency and challenge of responding to aggression from
this source (Grandey & Brauburger, 2002; Maslach, 1978). In this paper we extend the
literature on work aggression by: (1) outlining reasons why customer aggression should
be studied in its own right; (2) examining psychological and behavioral consequences
of employees’ experiences with customer aggression; and (3) exploring how employees
regregulate emotions when dealing with aggressive customers.
Research on work aggression or anger has typically focused on supervisors and co-
workers as the instigators of aggression; however, aggressive customers are also likely
and may have unique consequences for the employee. We explore this phenomenon with
a sample of 198 call center employees at two work sites. The employees reported that
customer verbal aggression occurred 10 times a day, on average, though this varied by
race and negative affectivity. Using LISREL, our data indicated that both the frequency
and stress appraisal of customer aggression positively related to emotional exhaustion,
and this burnout dimension mediated the relationship of stress appraisal with absences.
Stress appraisal also influenced employees ‘emotion regulation strategies with their most
recent hostile caller. Employees who felt more teatened by customer aggression used
surface acting or vented emotions, while those who events more stressful, and
implications of these results are discussed.
Verbal aggression
We wanted to focus on behaviors that occur frequently, rather than extreme or rare
situations. Though intense events like physical violence are certainly highly stressful, the
more mundane daily hassles have also been implicated as causes of stress and health
symptoms by themselves (Lazarus, 1984).Since verbal forms of aggression (e.g., yelling,
insults, and cursing) are the most frequently experienced forms of aggressive behaviors
(Barling et al., 2001; Diaz & McMillin, 1991; Glomb, 2002),we were particularly
interested in these types of behavior. Several terms are related to our behaviors of
interest, though none are a perfect fit. Interactionaljustice (Bies & Moag, 1986) refers to
perceptions about how one is treated during decision-making or allocation processes,
typically in terms of rudeness from intra-organizational members (Donovanetal., 1998).
The term interpersonal conflict refers to negative treatment that may be verbal or
behavioral (e.g., being rude or ‘nasty;’ Spector & Jex, 1998). Workplace bullying is
defined as persistent and long-term exposure to psychologically aggressive behaviors in
which the targets have difficulty defending themselves (Leyman, 1996; Rayner, Hoel, &
Cooper, 2002), typically referring to repeated interactions with the same people. Incivility
refers to behaviors that violate interpersonal norms with ambiguous intentions, such as
rudeness or ignoring someone (Andersson & Pearson, 1999), and its uniqueness revolves
around its ambiguous intentions. In this study, we focus on a behavioral term that refers
to verbal communications of anger that violate social norms: verbal aggression, or
hostility (Glomb, 2002; Neuman & Baron, 1998). This term is clear about the behaviors
of interest, avoids the fuzzy boundaries associated with the different terms noted
previously, and is not necessarily associated with intra-organizational members as the
previous terms have been. Consistent with this variable of interest, in the current study
we focus on call center employees who only engage in voice-to-voice service
interactions, allowing verbal aggression to be the primary method of communicating
anger or hostility.
Organizational Context
Service Industry
With the continued growth of the service sector in the United States, it has become
increasingly important for for-profit organizations to differentiate themselves from the
competition by going to great lengths to accommodate customer demands and maximize
service efficiency. The rise of Internet technology has enabled self-service in many
sectors of the economy, while also exacerbating the demands for efficient and customer-
centric exchanges of information during face-to-face and telephone service encounters.
Providers of service in the United States are expected to be swift, thorough, and
accommodating. Customers, however, are frequently impatient, angry, and
Study participants were customer service associates who worked full-time and had long
tenures with the organization. They spent all of their working time on the phone with
customers, while finding and recording account information at a computer in a small
space surrounded by other employees. The employees were union-represented and could
bring issues or concerns to a local union representative. Employees answer inbound
telephone inquiries about account services and billing, working atone of two large call
centers in a large, successful for-profit services organization. High accountability for
customer service quality is the norm. Supervising managers can monitor any call, lengths
and numbers of calls are generally tracked and monitored, and continued customer
satisfaction with service representatives is essential to the company’s brand.
The study took place in mid 2001, during a fairly strong economy with low
unemployment and many job opportunities in the U.S. labor market. The study was
completed prior to the decline of corporate revenues in the technology sector, the Internet
sector and elsewhere, and prior to concerns about corporate health associated with
accounting practices and terrorism. There were no substantial changes in the company
workforce (e.g., lay-offs, promotions) prior to the study.
All 12 interviewees said that yelling, threatening, and insulting behaviors from callers
occurred daily, and their description of events was used in the content of the survey. The
frequency varied by interviewee from one a day, to 20 a day, to ‘a majority of our calls’
(50–60 calls per day is typical).When asked about the most stressful part of their job, half
(six) of the interviewees said hostile, difficult, or angry customers. In fact, one female
employee told us that she was quitting that day because she ‘just can’t take it anymore.’
Low autonomy was another commonly mentioned stressor. When asked how they
responded to an aggressive caller, they had a variety of responses, including distracting
themselves with pictures or desk toys, putting the caller on mute and talking to co-
workers, and just recognizing that the caller is mad at the company and not the employee.
Two admitted to ‘losing it’ and yelling at a customer. Four mentioned that the only
training was being told ‘Don’t TIP,’ meaning’ Don’t Take It Personal.’ Three stated that
there was a need for training sessions for handling aggressive callers.
Future researchers who are examining aggression from supervisors and co-workers
should measure its occurrence from customers as well and examine the comparative
stress of aggression from intra- and extra-organizational sources. Helping boundary-
spanners feel like they have control in their jobs may aid in decreasing the stress of
abusive customers. This may be as simple as telling employees they have the freedom to
take a break if they need one after a rough customer or to tell customers when they have
crossed the line. When customer aggression was viewed as less stressful, emotional
exhaustion was lower, and there were subsequently fewer absences, thus related to call
centers’ bottom line. Furthermore, engaging in deep acting was also associated with
lower stress appraisal. The results of this study demonstrate that hostile customers are
part of work life for boundary-spanners. Management is encouraged to enhance the sense
of job autonomy for service representatives so that such events are less stressful, and
provide employees with training in emotion regulation for responding to customers who
are not always right.