52 Cards With Language Patterns From NLP & Milton Erickson
52 Cards With Language Patterns From NLP & Milton Erickson
52 Cards With Language Patterns From NLP & Milton Erickson
lanuguage patterns
Language is one of our most powerful filters and often beyond our conscious awareness. Words
communicate much more than we can process consciously. When we accept the presupposition, “The
meaning of communication is in the response you get,” we are able to take 100% responsibility for all of
our communication. You cannot not communicate.
Remember that whatever you say will affect the receiver’s communication. So, knowing that you are
responsible for the response you get from your communication, it makes sense to use language that
produces the most effective results.
Language is such an integral part of our everyday life that we usually take for granted the expressions we
use. When you pay attention to language at the level of structure and patterns, you will discover how it is
that the language you use creates your world. When you become masterful in your use of language, you
can create the results you want in others and for yourself.
Let’s return to our original definition of NLP, “How we use the language of the mind to consistently achieve
our specific and desired outcomes.” If the language we currently use has created a world that does
not serve us, how, by changing the structure of the language we use, can we create more choices for
ourselves and others.
Language is not only a means of communication, it is an organ of perception. Perception shapes language
and language shapes perception. By mastering the art of language, we can become very skilful ‘change
agents’ in assisting others to discover their hidden resources.
overview of language topics
Presuppositions are what is assumed in a sentence. The power of linguistic change presupposes that the
unconscious mind has to accept the presuppositions inherent in the sentence in order for the unconscious
mind to make sense of the sentence.
Hierarchy of Ideas is the order of thinking. By being flexible in our language, we can pace a client’s model
of the world and influence them to higher or lower levels of abstraction or specificity.
Hypnotic Language Patterns are the language of ambiguity, using the Milton Model. By being artfully
vague in our language we can induce trance states enabling individuals to overcome their problems and
discover new resources.
Language of Specificity is the use of the Meta Model. The Meta Model was developed to recover
information about how the client has created their Model of Reality. By gaining more specificity, new
choices become actualised.
Metaphors are stories with many levels of meaning. The power of metaphor is to distract the conscious
mind and to mobilise the resources of the unconscious mind through suggestion and symbology.
linguistic presupostions
Presuppositions are the linguistic equivalent of assumptions and are useful for both recognising what
is assumed by the client’s speech (their model of the world) and assisting in creating new internal
representations for the client. Presuppositions are assumptions made in advance. They have implied
meaning within sentences. They imply that a condition is already existing to be true or make sense.
Every sentence that we say has a presupposition in it. Most of the time we presuppose what we do not
want rather than what we do want. We can make the greatest alterations in our lives by presupposing
what we want and avoiding presupposing what we don’t want. You may suggest to yourself and to the
client that changes can be made easily, effortlessly, and quickly or that changes will be slow and painful.
Which will the client pick as their solution? Which would be more fun?
In NLP it is important to begin noticing the inherent qualities and concepts in the speech of the client and
what is assumed in their model of the world. What’s the purpose of noticing someone else’s presuppositions
within their speech? The purpose is two fold. First, you can notice the way that someone structures their
communication. Secondly, you can begin to use presuppositions to re-structure their internal thought
processes through their internal representations. Knowing someone else’s presuppositions enables you
to structure their internal processing toward change.
The most important thing to remember about presuppositions is that you can assist the client in structuring
the order and sequence of their internal representations. Presuppositions work because the client must
accept certain things in the concept of the sentence in order for the sentence to work. This displaces
resistance by the conscious mind. The unconscious mind can then accept the presupposition while the
conscious mind is distracted.
EXISTENCE - Whether positive or negative, the effect of the presupposition is still the same. This is
usually a noun, a person, place or thing, in a person’s language based on their memories, decisions or
Dave realised there was an apple tree in the garden.
Jane didn’t realise there were people in the café.
POSSIBILITY - Whether or not the client believes something is possible. Cue words like can, could,
will, would, possible are examples of Modal Operators of Possibility.
Dave realised that he could prune the apple tree in the garden.
Jane thought she could ignore the noise of the people in the café.
CAUSE - EFFECT (C>E) - Something that causes a specific effect; an implied connection. Cue words
like because, in order to, makes, as you . . . then you . . . , if . . . then.”
It was the conversation with his Dad that made Dave realise there was a tree in the garden.
Because the gardener did such a thorough job, Dave realised there was an apple tree in the garden.
It was the laughter of the people in the café that made Jane smile.
COMPLEX EQUIVALENT (A=B) - Occurs when you attach meaning to something specific. Cue words
like derivatives of the verb to be, means, like that ascribe meaning to something.
Having an apple tree in the garden means that Dave can prune it whenever he wants to.
The apple tree in the garden is incredibly beautiful.
All those smiling people in the café means that Jane is in the right place.
AWARENESS - Verbs that imply perception of some sort. Cue words such as know, realise, aware of,
and any of the senses.
Dave saw/heard/felt the apple tree in the garden.
Jane became aware of the smiling faces of the people in the café.
TIME - Verbs and verb tenses that move the client through time,
-ing implies ongoing; -ed implies in the past. Cue words like, stop, now, yet, before.
Dave, could you imagine how good you’ll be feeling when you have pruned the tree?
Now that Jane had finished her work, she could enjoy being with the people in the café.
ORDINAL - Signifies numeric order or a list, and can use a word like Firstly, Secondly, Lastly, next, then.
The second thing that Dave had to do to prune the tree was buy a ladder.
Firstly Jane went into the café, then she started noticing all the happy people.
presupposition exercise 1
In the following sentences, please distinguish between a presupposition and a mind read. Put a ‘P’ or
an ‘MR’ next to each one:
1. “I’m not sure whether I should stop talking about my car to my wife.”
____ A. He has a car.
____ B. He loves his car.
____ C. He currently talks about his car.
____ D. His wife should divorce him for being so boring!
2. “I don’t see why I can’t do it. All my colleagues are given the chance to!”
____ A. He feels that he is treated unfairly.
____ B. He wants to be treated like his colleagues.
____ C. This person’s colleagues are given the chance to do something that he isn’t.
____ D. All his colleagues are forging ahead with their career!
5. “I’m more successful now! I can see how some of the things I was doing just held me back.”
____ A. He was a failure.
____ B. He is a success.
____ C. Something has changed in his life now.
____ D. He fixed himself so he should be congratulated.
presupposition exercise 2
1. “If the dog barks again, I’ll have take him to the vet.”
2. “It was the glint in his eye that made me walk up and say ‘Hello’.”
3. “If only he had phoned us, the meeting wouldn’t have gotten out of control.”
It is possible for you to accept many learnings . . .
Cause – Effect:
Because you are learning, you are understanding . . .
Complex Equivalence:
Understanding language patterns means we can become excellent communicators.
As you become more aware of your learning, you will realise the assistance you can offer
Before you came here, did you know you would be fascinated by language?
Learning easily enables greater understanding . . .
Inclusive/Exclusive Or:
Will you realise now or after the next exercise how much you have learned?
First I want you to do an exercise, and then I want you to be aware of how much you already know.
hierarchy of ideas
The Order of Thinking
Language, by the nature of its abstraction, can cause trance to occur in a person or can be used to
bring someone out of trance. By changing our language, we can affect the client’s state and their be-
Moving a “chunk”, or a group of bits of information, in the direction of a deductive or inductive conclu-
sion through the use of language.
(Chunking Down) Reasoning from the general to the specific. To chunk down, ask the question, “What
specifically . . .?” or “What are examples of this?” This leads to distinctions.
(Chunking Up) Drawing a general conclusion (abstract) from specific facts. To chunk up ask the ques-
tions, “What’s the purpose of . . .?” or “What is this an example of . . .?” or “What’s the intention of...?”
This also leads to agreement.
A noun describing a state of being which exists in name only. Not a tangible item (i.e., Fulfilment,
Peace, Oneness, Existence, Divinity). Can be a verb or another process word that has been formed into
a noun (i.e., Decision, Realisation, Thought). Chunking up tends to result in nominalisations.
Lateral Thinking was a term used by Edward DeBono to describe how he was able to get his clients to
expand their thinking. He would ask his client to chunk up one level and then ask the client what else
this would relate to. So have your client chunk up to find connections and relationships and then chunk
down to relate these new learnings to the current situation.
There is more power in abstract ideas because they control the concrete ideas. Since all change takes
place at the unconscious level and this requires trance, chunk up!
George Miller introduced the concept of the ‘magic number’ 7+/-2. Essentially, people can normally
only deal with between 5 and 9 ‘chunks’ of information before becoming overloaded. One of the keys
to successful learning is to be able to ‘chunk’ information appropriately.
the milton model
John Grinder and Richard Bandler worked with Milton Erickson in 1974 when he was widely regarded
as the foremost practitioner of hypnotherapy. He was the founding president of the American Society
for Clinical Hypnosis and travelled extensively giving seminars and lectures as well as working in private
practice. He had a worldwide reputation as a sensitive and successful therapist and was famous for his
acute observation of non-verbal behaviour.
Erickson used language in artfully vague ways so that his clients could take the meaning that was most
appropriate for them. He induced and utilised trance states, enabling individuals to overcome problems
and discover their resources. After studying the techniques of Milton Erickson, John and Richard wrote
up the Milton Model in The Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, I & II.
Erickson’s work was based on a number of ideas shared by many successful therapists. He respected
the client’s unconscious mind. He assumed there was a positive intention behind even the most bizarre
behaviour, and that individuals make the best choices available to them at the time. He worked to give
them more choices. He also assumed that at some level, individuals already have all the resources they
need to make changes.
Milton Erickson was masterful at gaining rapport. He respected and accepted his client’s reality. He as-
sumed that resistance was due to lack of rapport. To him, all responses were valid and could be used.
To Erickson, there were no resistant clients, only inflexible therapists.
So the Milton Model is a way of constructing sentences which are artfully vague and deliberately ambig-
uous. The client must fill in the details and actively search for the meaning of what they hear from their
own experience. In other words, the practitioner provides the context with as little content as possible.
You give them the frame and leave them to choose the picture to put in it. When the client provides the
content, this ensures they make the most relevant and immediate meaning from what you say.
Claiming to know the thoughts or feelings of another without specifying the process by which you came
to know the information.
I know that you are wondering...
I knew you were curious...
With a forced mind read, you “start a sentence and not quite...” Your client will gladly fill it in for you.
milton model patterns continued
Value judgements where the performer of the value judgement is left out.
And it’s a good thing to wonder...
And that’s a good example...
That’s right...
Where two things are equated; their meanings become equivalent. Complex equivalents include the verb
‘to mean’ and ‘to be’
The more you study, the more you learn.
Gaining more understanding means gaining more learning.
The linguistic equivalent of assumptions. Virtually everything presupposes something else.
You are learning many things...
And you are absorbing all the learnings.
Have you noticed how easily you learn language patterns?
A set of words having: a. universal generalisations
b. no referential index
c. all, every, never, always, nobody
And all the things...
Every single one of us...
We always...
Words which implies possibility or necessity, and which form our rules in life such as will, can, may, must,
should, need.
That you can learn...
You could begin the process.
It is possible for you to absorb all of the learnings now.
milton model patterns continued
Process words (verbs) which have been frozen in time by making them into nouns that delete a great deal
of information.
Provide you with new insights, and new understandings.
Accessing your own inner knowledge will give you unlimited wisdom and understanding.
A sentence with a question included to which an overt response is not expected.
I wonder whether you know which hand will rise first.
If you were to know when... are you going into trance...
b. Syntactic:
Where the function (syntax) of a word cannot be immediately determined from the immediate context.
Hypnotising hypnotists can be tricky.
They are visiting relatives.
c. Scope:
Where it cannot be determined by linguistic context how much is applied to that sentence by some other
portion of the sentence.
Your deep breathing and trance...
Speaking to you as a child...
The happy men and women...
The weight of your hands and feet...
The comfort of the couch and floor...
d. Punctuation:
I want you to notice your... hand... me the glass.
I was looking for my... tie... into this thought.
Utilise all that happens or is said, using the client’s language.
Client: I am not sold. Response: That’s right you are not sold, yet, because you haven’t asked the one
question that will have you totally and completely sold.
As we’re speaking, you may be noticing… that you’re looking at what you want from your life. And you
may even find that that you’re listening to my questions about what you want, you’re becoming more
aware, your becoming more aware that you know what you want. And as you sit here and listen to me
now, you may even feel that all, all of your life experiences, every single one of them, are helping you to
know right now what you want. All those thoughts you’ve had, all those thoughts you’ve had about your
life could inform you, couldn’t they? Now I know you’re wondering which of the many roads you could
travel would be better. You can know whichever road you choose will be perfect for you, and that you
already know all the answers, don’t you? And I’m wondering if you could begin now to consider what
you’d love to happen next. What would leave you feeling really, really happy and having lots and lots of
presupposition exercise 1 - answers
1. “I’m not sure whether I should stop talking about my car to my wife.”
P A. He has a car.
M/R B. He loves his car.
P C. He currently talks about his car.
M/R D. His wife should divorce him for being so boring!
2. “I don’t see why I can’t do it. All my colleagues are given the chance to!”
M/R A. He feels that he is treated unfairly.
M/R B. He wants to be treated like his colleagues.
P C. This person’s colleagues are given the chance to do something that he isn’t.
M/R D. All his colleagues are forging ahead with their career.
5. “I’m more successful now! I can see how some of the things I was doing just held me back.”
M/R A. He was a failure.
M/R B. He is a success.
P C. Something has changed in his life now.
M/R D. He fixed himself so he should be congratulated.
presupposition exercise 2 - answers
The main pre-suppositions are as follows (NB existence has been ignored apart from Q1 – just about all
sentences pre-suppose the existence of something or someone).
1. “If the dog barks again, I’ll have take him to the vet.”
C>E (If… then,), Time (dog has barked before), M O Necessity (have to),
Possibility (able to take him to the vet, dog is able to bark), Existence (dog, vet, there is a
male (‘him’))
2. “It was the glint in his eye that made me walk up and say ‘Hello’.”
C>E (made me), Possibility (of walking & saying ‘Hello’)
3. “If only he had phoned us, the meeting wouldn’t have gotten out of control.”
C>E (If…(implied) then), Possibility (of phoning),
To describe the rich sensory experiences, past and present, we use language to attempt
to convey it in words. Our language becomes a “map” of the “territory” of our constructed
Distortion – we change the input to make it fit our model of the world through the filters
of our perception.
Meta means above or beyond. The meta model is a model of language used on language itself to clarify
Deep Structure is our pure experience, and exists at an unconscious level. We transform that deep
structure or pure experience into a form that we can communicate, our verbal and non-verbal behaviours,
our Surface Structure.
The Meta Model language patterns were modelled by Richard Bandler and John Grinder from the
questioning style of two prominent psychotherapists, Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir, who used these
patterns to gain information.
When we ask clients to become more specific, we are assisting them to recover from their deep structure,
the deletions, distortions and generalisations that have created the perception of the problem as a
problem. In short, we use the Meta Model to assist individuals to come out of a problem state with the
intention of increasing choice.
meta model
Pattern Response Prediction
1. Mind Reading: Claiming to know “How do you know I don’t like you?” Recovers source of the information.
somone’s internal state. Ex: “You don’t
like me.”
2. Lost Performative: Value judgements “Who says it’s bad?” “According to Gathers evidence. Recovers the source
where the person doing the judging is left whom?” “How do you know it’s bad?” of the belief, the performative, strategy
out. Ex: “It’s bad to be inconsistent. for the belief.
3. Cause - Effect: Where cause is “How does what Im doing cause you to Recovers the choice.
wrongly put outside of self. Ex: “You feel sad?” “How specifically?”
make me sad.”
4. Complex Equivalence: Where two “How does her yelling mean she doesn’t Recovers Complex Equivalence. Counter
experiences are interpreted as being like you?” “Have you ever yelled at example.
synonymous. Ex: “She’s always yelling at someone you liked?”
me, she doesn’t like me.”
5. Presuppositions: Ex: “If my husband 1) “How do you choose to suffer?” 2) Specify the choice & verb & what he
knew how much I suffered, he wouldn’t “How is he (re)acting?” 3) “How do you does.
do that.” know he doesn’t know?”
There are 3 presuppositions in this Recovers the internal representation &
sentence: 1) I suffer, 2) My husband acts the complex equivalence.
in some way, and 3) My husband doesn’t
know I suffer.
6. Universal Quantifiers: Universal Find counter examples. “Never?” “What Recovers the counter examples, effects
generalisations like all, every, never, would happen is she did?” & outcomes.
everyone, no-one. Ex: “She’ll never listen
to me.”
7. Modal Operators a) of Necessitry: As “What would happen if you did?” (“What Recovers the effects and outcomes.
in should/shouldn’t, must/must not, have would happen if you didn’t?”) and “or...”
to, need to. Ex: “I have to care.”
b) Modal operators of Possibility (or “What prevents you?” (“What would Recovers causes.
impossibility): As in can/can’t, will/won’t, happen if you did?”)
may/may not, possible/impossible. Ex: “I
can’t tell my boss the truth.”
8. Nomilisations: Process words that “Who’s not communicating what Turns it back into a process, recovers
have been frozen in time, making them to whom?” “How would you like to deletion & Ref.Index.
nouns. Ex: “There is no communication communicate?”
9. Unspecified Verbs: Ex: “He rejected “How specifically?” Specifies the verb.
10. Simple Deletions: Ex: “I am very “About what/whom specifically?” Recovers the deletion.
11. Lack of Referential Index: Fails to “Who specifically doesn’t listen to you?” Recovers Ref.Index.
specify a person or thing. Ex: “They don’t
listen to me.”
12. Comparative Deletions: As “Better than whom?” “Better at Recovers comparative deletion.
in good, better, best, worst, more, what?” “Compared to whom/what?”
less, most, least. Ex: “She’s a better
person.” “That’s too expensive.”