IMO Polar Code 2016 PDF
IMO Polar Code 2016 PDF
IMO Polar Code 2016 PDF
Annex 10, page 3
PREAMBLE ............................................................................................................................................ 5
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1 Goal ...........................................................................................................................5
2 Definitions ...........................................................................................................................5
3 Sources of hazards ......................................................................................................................6
4 Structure of the Code...................................................................................................................7
5 Figures illustrating the Antarctic area and Arctic waters ........................................................8
PART I-A ............................................................................................................................................... 10
SAFETY MEASURES ........................................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 1 – GENERAL..................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Structure of this part ..................................................................................................................10
1.2 Definitions .........................................................................................................................10
1.3 Certificate and survey ................................................................................................................11
1.4 Performance standards .............................................................................................................12
1.5 Operational assessment ............................................................................................................12
CHAPTER 2 – POLAR WATER OPERATIONAL MANUAL (PWOM) ................................................ 12
2.1 Goal .........................................................................................................................12
2.2 Functional requirements ...........................................................................................................12
2.3 Regulations .........................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER 3 – SHIP STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Goal .........................................................................................................................14
3.2 Functional requirements ...........................................................................................................14
3.3 Regulations .........................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 4 –SUBDIVISION AND STABILITY ................................................................................... 15
4.1 Goal .........................................................................................................................15
4.2 Functional requirements ...........................................................................................................15
4.3 Regulations .........................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER 5 – WATERTIGHT AND WEATHERTIGHT INTEGRITY ................................................... 16
5.1 Goal .........................................................................................................................16
5.2 Functional requirements ...........................................................................................................16
5.3 Regulations .........................................................................................................................16
CHAPTER 6 – MACHINERY INSTALLATIONS .................................................................................. 17
6.1 Goal .........................................................................................................................17
6.2 Functional requirements ...........................................................................................................17
6.3 Regulations .........................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER 7 – FIRE SAFETY/PROTECTION ...................................................................................... 19
7.1 Goal .........................................................................................................................19
7.2 Functional requirements ...........................................................................................................19
7.3 Regulations .........................................................................................................................19
CHAPTER 8 – LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES AND ARRANGEMENTS .............................................. 20
8.1 Goal .........................................................................................................................20
8.2 Functional requirements ...........................................................................................................20
8.3 Regulations .........................................................................................................................21
CHAPTER 9 – SAFETY OF NAVIGATION .......................................................................................... 23
9.1 Goal .........................................................................................................................23
9.2 Functional requirements ...........................................................................................................23
9.3 Regulations .........................................................................................................................23
CHAPTER 10 – COMMUNICATION ..................................................................................................... 24
10.1 Goal .........................................................................................................................24
10.2 Functional requirements ...........................................................................................................25
10.3 Regulations .........................................................................................................................25
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1 The International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters has been developed to
supplement existing IMO instruments in order to increase the safety of ships' operation and
mitigate the impact on the people and environment in the remote, vulnerable and potentially
harsh polar waters.
2 The Code acknowledges that polar water operation may impose additional demands
on ships, their systems and operation beyond the existing requirements of the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto
as amended by the 1997 Protocol, and other relevant binding IMO instruments.
3 The Code acknowledges that the polar waters impose additional navigational
demands beyond those normally encountered. In many areas, the chart coverage may not
currently be adequate for coastal navigation. It is recognized even existing charts may be
subject to unsurveyed and uncharted shoals.
4 The Code also acknowledges that coastal communities in the Arctic could be, and
that polar ecosystems are, vulnerable to human activities, such as ship operation.
5 The relationship between the additional safety measures and the protection of the
environment is acknowledged as any safety measure taken to reduce the probability of an
accident, will largely benefit the environment.
6 While Arctic and Antarctic waters have similarities, there are also significant
differences. Hence, although the Code is intended to apply as a whole to both Arctic and
Antarctic, the legal and geographical differences between the two areas have been taken
into account.
7 The key principles for developing the Polar Code have been to use a risk-based
approach in determining scope and to adopt a holistic approach in reducing identified risks.
1 Goal
The goal of this Code is to provide for safe ship operation and the protection of the polar
environment by addressing risks present in polar waters and not adequately mitigated by
other instruments of the Organization.
2 Definitions
For the purpose of this Code, the terms used have the meanings defined in the following
paragraphs. Terms used in part I-A, but not defined in this section shall have the same
meaning as defined in SOLAS. Terms used in part II-A, but not defined in this section shall
have the same meaning as defined in article 2 of MARPOL and the relevant MARPOL
2.1 Category A ship means a ship designed for operation in polar waters in at least
medium first-year ice, which may include old ice inclusions.
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2.2 Category B ship means a ship not included in category A, designed for operation in
polar waters in at least thin first-year ice, which may include old ice inclusions.
2.3 Category C ship means a ship designed to operate in open water or in ice conditions
less severe than those included in categories A and B.
2.4 First-year ice means sea ice of not more than one winter growth developing from
young ice with thickness from 0.3 m to 2.0 m1.
2.5 Ice free waters means no ice present. If ice of any kind is present this term shall not
be used1.
2.6 Ice of land origin means ice formed on land or in an ice shelf, found floating in
water .
2.7 MARPOL means the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto as amended by the 1997
2.9 Old ice means sea ice which has survived at least one summer's melt; typical
thickness up to 3 m or more. It is subdivided into residual first-year ice, second-year ice and
multi-year ice1.
2.10 Open water means a large area of freely navigable water in which sea ice is present
in concentrations less than 1/10. No ice of land origin is present1.
2.12 Sea ice means any form of ice found at sea which has originated from the freezing
of sea water1.
2.13 SOLAS means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974,
as amended.
3 Sources of hazards
3.1 The Polar Code considers hazards which may lead to elevated levels of risk due to
increased probability of occurrence, more severe consequences, or both:
Refer to the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature.
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.7 potential lack of ship crew experience in polar operations, with potential for
human error;
.9 rapidly changing and severe weather conditions, with the potential for
escalation of incidents; and
.10 the environment with respect to sensitivity to harmful substances and other
environmental impacts and its need for longer restoration.
3.2 The risk level within polar waters may differ depending on the geographical location,
time of the year with respect to daylight, ice-coverage, etc. Thus, the mitigating measures
required to address the above specific hazards may vary within polar waters and may be
different in Arctic and Antarctic waters.
This Code consists of Introduction, parts I and II. The Introduction contains mandatory
provisions applicable to both parts I and II. Part I is subdivided into part I-A, which contains
mandatory provisions on safety measures, and part I-B containing recommendations on
safety. Part II is subdivided into part II-A, which contains mandatory provisions on pollution
prevention, and part II-B containing recommendations on pollution prevention.
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Figures illustrating the Antarctic area and Arctic waters, as defined in SOLAS
regulations XIV/1.2 and XIV/1.3, respectively, and MARPOL Annex I, regulations 1.11.7
and 46.2; Annex II, regulations 13.8.1 and 21.2; Annex IV, regulations 17.2 and 17.3;
and Annex V, regulations 1.14.7 and 13.2
It should be noted that this figure is for illustrative purposes only.
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It should be noted that this figure is for illustrative purposes only.
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Each chapter in this part consists of the overall goal of the chapter, functional requirements
to fulfil the goal, and regulations. A ship shall be considered to meet a functional requirement
set out in this part when either:
.1 the ship's design and arrangements comply with all the regulations
associated with that functional requirement; or
.2 part(s) or all of the ship's relevant design and arrangements have been
reviewed and approved in accordance with regulation 4 of SOLAS
chapter XIV, and any remaining parts of the ship comply with the relevant
1.2 Definitions
In addition to the definitions included in the relevant SOLAS chapters and the introduction of
this Code, the following definitions are applicable to this part.
1.2.1 Bergy waters mean an area of freely navigable water in which ice of land origin is
present in concentrations less than 1/10. There may be sea ice present, although the total
concentration of all ice shall not exceed 1/10.
1.2.2 Escort means any ship with superior ice capability in transit with another ship.
1.2.3 Escorted operation means any operation in which a ship's movement is facilitated
through the intervention of an escort.
1.2.4 Habitable environment means a ventilated environment that will protect against
1.2.5 Icebreaker means any ship whose operational profile may include escort or ice
management functions, whose powering and dimensions allow it to undertake aggressive
operations in ice-covered waters.
1.2.6 Ice Class means the notation assigned to the ship by the Administration or by an
organization recognized by the Administration showing that the ship has been designed for
navigation in sea-ice conditions.
1.2.7 Maximum expected time of rescue means the time adopted for the design of
equipment and system that provide survival support. It shall never be less than 5 days.
1.2.8 Machinery Installations means equipment and machinery and its associated piping
and cabling, which is necessary for the safe operation of the ship.
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1.2.9 Mean Daily Low Temperature (MDLT) means the mean value of the daily low
temperature for each day of the year over a minimum 10 year period. A data set acceptable
to the Administration may be used if 10 years of data is not available4.
1.2.10 Polar Class (PC) means the ice class assigned to the ship by the Administration or
by an organization recognized by the Administration based upon IACS Unified
1.2.11 Polar Service Temperature (PST) means a temperature specified for a ship which is
intended to operate in low air temperature, which shall be set at least 100C below the lowest
MDLT for the intended area and season of operation in polar waters.
1.2.12 Ship intended to operate in low air temperature means a ship which is intended to
undertake voyages to or through areas where the lowest Mean Daily Low Temperature
(MDLT) is below -100C.
1.2.13 Tankers mean oil tankers as defined in SOLAS regulation II-1/2.22, chemical
tankers as defined in SOLAS regulation II-1/3.19 and gas carriers as defined in SOLAS
regulation VII/11.2.
1.2.14 Upper ice waterline means the waterline defined by the maximum draughts forward
and aft for operation in ice.
1.3.1 Every ship to which this Code applies shall have on board a valid Polar Ship
1.3.2 Except as provided for in paragraph 1.3.3, the Polar Ship Certificate shall be issued
after an initial or renewal survey to a ship which complies with the relevant requirements of
this Code.
1.3.3 For category C cargo ships, if the result of the assessment in paragraph 1.5 is that
no additional equipment or structural modification is required to comply with the Polar Code,
the Polar Ship Certificate may be issued based upon documented verification that the ship
complies with all relevant requirements of the Polar Code. In this case, for continued validity
of the certificate, an onboard survey should be undertaken at the next scheduled survey.
1.3.4 The certificate referred to in this regulation shall be issued either by the
Administration or by any person or organization recognized by it in accordance with SOLAS
regulation XI-1/1. In every case, that Administration assumes full responsibility for the
1.3.5 The Polar Ship Certificate shall be drawn up in the form corresponding to the model
given in appendix 1 to this Code. If the language used is neither English, nor French nor
Spanish, the text shall include a translation into one of these languages.
1.3.6 Polar Ship Certificate validity, survey dates and endorsements shall be harmonized
with the relevant SOLAS certificates in accordance with the provisions of regulation I/14 of
the SOLAS Convention. The certificate shall include a supplement recording equipment
required by the Code.
Refer also to additional guidance in part I-B.
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1.4.1 Unless expressly provided otherwise, ship systems and equipment addressed in this
Code shall satisfy at least the same performance standards referred to in SOLAS.
1.4 2 For ships operating in low air temperature, a polar service temperature (PST) shall
be specified and shall be at least 100C below the lowest MDLT for the intended area and
season of operation in polar waters. Systems and equipment required by this Code shall be
fully functional at the polar service temperature.
1.4.3 For ships operating in low air temperature, survival systems and equipment shall be
fully operational at the polar service temperature during the maximum expected rescue time.
In order to establish procedures or operational limitations, an assessment of the ship and its
equipment shall be carried out, taking into consideration the following:
.2 operation in ice;
2.1 Goal
The goal of this chapter is to provide the owner, operator, master and crew with sufficient
information regarding the ship's operational capabilities and limitations in order to support
their decision-making process.
2.2.1 In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 2.1 above, the following functional
requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter.
2.2.2 The Manual shall include information on the ship-specific capabilities and limitations
in relation to the assessment required under paragraph 1.5.
Refer to guidance to be developed by the Organization.
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2.2.3 The Manual shall include or refer to specific procedures to be followed in normal
operations and in order to avoid encountering conditions that exceed the ship's capabilities.
2.2.4 The Manual shall include or refer to specific procedures to be followed in the event
of incidents in polar waters.
2.2.5 The Manual shall include or refer to specific procedures to be followed in the event
that conditions are encountered which exceed the ship's specific capabilities and limitations
in paragraph 2.2.2.
2.2.6 The Manual shall include or refer to procedures to be followed when using
icebreaker assistance, as applicable.
2.3 Regulations
2.3.1 In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraphs 2.2.1 to 2.2.6, the
Manual shall be carried on board.
2.3.2 In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 2.2.2, the Manual
shall contain, where applicable, the methodology used to determine capabilities and limitations
in ice.
2.3.3 In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 2.2.3, the Manual
shall include risk-based procedures for the following:
.1 voyage planning to avoid ice and/or temperatures that exceed the ship's
design capabilities or limitations;
2.3.4 In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 2.2.4, the Manual
shall include risk-based procedures to be followed for:
2.3.5 In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 2.2.5, the Manual
shall include risk-based procedures to be followed for measures to be taken in the event of
encountering ice and/or temperatures which exceed the ship's design capabilities or limitations.
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2.3.6 In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 2.2.6, the Manual
shall include risk-based procedures for monitoring and maintaining safety during operations
in ice, as applicable, including any requirements for escort operations or icebreaker
assistance. Different operational limitations may apply depending on whether the ship is
operating independently or with icebreaker escort. Where appropriate, the PWOM should
specify both options.
3.1 Goal
The goal of this chapter is to provide that the material and scantlings of the structure retain
their structural integrity based on global and local response due to environmental loads and
In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 3.1 above, the following functional
requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter:
.1 for ships intended to operate in low air temperature, materials used shall be
suitable for operation at the ships polar service temperature; and
3.3 Regulations
3.3.1 In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 3.2.1 above,
materials of exposed structures in ships shall be approved by the Administration, or a
recognized organization accepted by it, taking into account standards acceptable to the
Organization6 or other standards offering an equivalent level of safety based on the polar
service temperature.
3.3.2 In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 3.2.2 above, the
following apply:
Refer to IACS UR S6 Use of Steel Grades for Various Hull Members – Ships of 90 m in Length and Above
(latest version) or IACS URI Requirements concerning Polar Class (latest version), as applicable.
Refer to Polar Class 1-5 of IACS URI Requirements concerning Polar Class (latest version).
Refer to Polar Class 6-7 of IACS URI Requirements concerning Polar Class (latest version).
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.4 a category C ship need not be ice strengthened if, in the opinion of the
Administration, the ship's structure is adequate for its intended operation.
4.1 Goal
The goal of this chapter is to ensure adequate subdivision and stability in both intact and
damaged conditions.
In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 4.1 above, the following functional
requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter:
.1 ships shall have sufficient stability in intact conditions when subject to ice
accretion; and
.2 ships of category A and B, constructed on or after 1 January 2017, shall
have sufficient residual stability to sustain ice-related damages.
4.3 Regulations In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph 4.2.1, for ships
operating in areas and during periods where ice accretion is likely to occur, the following
icing allowance shall be made in the stability calculations:
.2 7.5 kg/m2 for the projected lateral area of each side of the ship above the
water plane; and Ships operating in areas and during periods where ice accretion is likely to occur
shall be:
.2 equipped with such means for removing ice as the Administration may
require; for example, electrical and pneumatic devices, and/or special tools
such as axes or wooden clubs for removing ice from bulwarks, rails and
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Annex 10, page 16 Information on the icing allowance included in the stability calculations shall be given
in the PWOM. Ice accretion shall be monitored and appropriate measures taken to ensure that the
ice accretion does not exceed the values given in the PWOM. In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 4.2.2, ships of
categories A and B, constructed on or after 1 January 2017, shall be able to withstand flooding
resulting from hull penetration due to ice impact. The residual stability following ice damage shall be
such that the factor si, as defined in SOLAS regulations II-1/7-2.2 and II-1/7-2.3, is equal to one for
all loading conditions used to calculate the attained subdivision index in SOLAS regulation II-1/7.
However, for cargo ships that comply with subdivision and damage stability regulations in another
instrument developed by the Organization, as provided by SOLAS regulation II-1/4.1, the residual
stability criteria of that instrument shall be met for each loading condition. The ice damage extents to be assumed when demonstrating compliance with
paragraph shall be such that:
.1 the longitudinal extent is 4.5% of the upper ice waterline length if centred
forward of the maximum breadth on the upper ice waterline, and 1.5% of
upper ice waterline length otherwise, and shall be assumed at any
longitudinal position along the ship's length;
.2 the transverse penetration extent is 760 mm, measured normal to the shell
over the full extent of the damage; and
.3 the vertical extent is the lesser of 20% of the upper ice waterline draught or
the longitudinal extent, and shall be assumed at any vertical position
between the keel and 120% of the upper ice waterline draught.
5.1 Goal
The goal of this chapter is to provide measures to maintain watertight and weathertight
In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 5.1 above, all closing appliances and doors
relevant to watertight and weathertight integrity of the ship shall be operable.
5.3 Regulations
In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 5.2 above, the following apply:
.1 for ships operating in areas and during periods where ice accretion is likely
to occur, means shall be provided to remove or prevent ice and snow
accretion around hatches and doors; and
.2 in addition, for ships intended to operate in low air temperature the following
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6.1 Goal
The goal of this chapter is to ensure that, machinery installations are capable of delivering
the required functionality necessary for safe operation of ships.
6.2.1 In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 6.1 above, the following functional
requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter.
.5 snow ingestion.
.2 materials used shall be suitable for operation at the ships polar service
temperature. In addition, for ships ice strengthened in accordance with chapter 3, machinery
installations shall provide functionality under the anticipated environmental conditions, taking
into account loads imposed directly by ice interaction.
6.3 Regulations
6.3.1 In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph above,
taking into account the anticipated environmental conditions, the following apply:
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6.3.2 In addition, for ships intended to operate in low air temperatures, the following apply:
6.3.3 In addition, for ships ice strengthened in accordance with chapter 3, in order to
comply with the functional requirements of paragraph above, the following apply:
Refer to MSC/Circ.504, Guidance on design and construction of sea inlets under slush ice conditions.
Refer to Polar Class 1–5 of IACS URI Requirements concerning Polar Class (2011).
Refer to Polar Class 6–7 of IACS URI Requirements concerning Polar Class (2011).
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7.1 Goal
The goal of this chapter is to ensure that fire safety systems and appliances are effective and
operable, and that means of escape remain available so that persons on board can safely and
swiftly escape to the lifeboat and liferaft embarkation deck under the expected environmental
7.2.1 In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 7.1 above, the following functional
requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter:
.3 the design of fire safety systems and appliances shall take into
consideration the need for persons to wear bulky and cumbersome cold
weather gear, where appropriate;
.4 means shall be provided to remove or prevent ice and snow accretion from
accesses; and
7.2.2 In addition, for ships intended to operate in low air temperature, the following apply:
7.3 Regulations
7.3.1 In order to comply with the requirement of paragraph, the following apply:
7.3.2 In order to comply with the requirement of paragraph, the following apply:
.1 fire pumps including emergency fire pumps, water mist and water spray
pumps shall be located in compartments maintained above freezing;
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7.3.3 In addition, for ships intended to operate in low air temperature, the following apply:
8.1 Goal
The goal of this chapter is to provide for safe escape, evacuation and survival.
In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 8.1 above, the following functional
requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter:
8.2.1 Escape Exposed escape routes shall remain accessible and safe, taking into consideration
the potential icing of structures and snow accumulation. Survival craft and muster and embarkation arrangements shall provide safe
abandonment of ship, taking into consideration the possible adverse environmental
conditions during an emergency.
8.2.2 Evacuation
All life-saving appliances and associated equipment shall provide safe evacuation and be
functional under the possible adverse environmental conditions during the maximum
expected time of rescue.
8.2.3 Survival Adequate thermal protection shall be provided for all persons on board, taking into
account the intended voyage, the anticipated weather conditions (cold and wind), and the
potential for immersion in polar water, where applicable.
Refer to IACS UR S6 Use of Steel Grades for Various Hull Members – Ships of 90 m in Length and Above
(2013) or IACS URI Requirements concerning Polar Class (2011).
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Annex 10, page 21 Life-saving appliances and associated equipment shall take account of the potential
of operation in long periods of darkness, taking into consideration the intended voyage. Taking into account the presence of any hazards, as identified in the assessment in
chapter 1, resources shall be provided to support survival following abandoning ship,
whether to the water, to ice or to land, for the maximum expected time of rescue. These
resources shall provide:
.1 a habitable environment;
8.3 Regulations
8.3.1 Escape
In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraphs and above,
the following apply:
8.3.2 Evacuation
In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph 8.2.2 above, the following
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8.3.3 Survival In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph above, the
following apply:
.2 where immersion suits are required, they shall be of the insulated type. In addition, for ships intended to operate in extended periods of darkness, in order to
comply with the functional requirements of paragraph above, searchlights suitable for
continuous use to facilitate identification of ice shall be provided for each lifeboat. In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph above, the
following apply:
.1 no lifeboat shall be of any type other than partially or totally enclosed type;
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Annex 10, page 23 In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph above,
adequate emergency rations shall be provided, for the maximum expected time of rescue.
9.1 Goal
In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 9.1 above, the following functional
requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter.
Ships shall have the ability to receive up-to-date information including ice information for safe
navigation. The navigational equipment and systems shall be designed, constructed, and installed
to retain their functionality under the expected environmental conditions in the area of operation. Systems for providing reference headings and position fixing shall be suitable for the
intended areas. Ships shall have the ability to visually detect ice when operating in darkness. Ships involved in operations with an icebreaker escort shall have suitable means to
indicate when the ship is stopped.
9.3 Regulations
In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph 9.2.1 above, ships shall have
means of receiving and displaying current information on ice conditions in the area of
9.3.2 Navigational equipment functionality In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph above, the
following apply:
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.3 for ships operating in areas, and during periods, where ice accretion is
likely to occur, means to prevent the accumulation of ice on antennas
required for navigation and communication shall be provided; and In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph above, the
following apply:
.1 ships shall have two non-magnetic means to determine and display their
heading. Both means shall be independent and shall be connected to the
ship's main and emergency source of power; and In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph ships, with
the exception of those solely operating in areas with 24 hours daylight, shall be equipped
with two remotely rotatable, narrow-beam search lights controllable from the bridge to
provide lighting over an arc of 360 degrees, or other means to visually detect ice. In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph, ships
involved in operations with an icebreaker escort shall be equipped with a manually initiated
flashing red light visible from astern to indicate when the ship is stopped. This light shall have
a range of visibility of at least two nautical miles, and the horizontal and vertical arcs of
visibility shall conform to the stern light specifications required by the International
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
10.1 Goal
The goal of this chapter is to provide for effective communication for ships and survival craft
during normal operation and in emergency situations.
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In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 10.1 above, the following functional
requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter. Two-way voice and/or data communications ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore shall be
available at all points along the intended operating routes. Suitable means of communications shall be provided where escort and convoy
operations are expected. Means for two-way on-scene and SAR coordination communications for search and
rescue purposes including aeronautical frequencies shall be provided. For ships intended to operate in low air temperature, all rescue boats and lifeboats,
whenever released for evacuation, shall maintain capability for distress alerting, locating and
on-scene communications. For ships intended to operate in low air temperature, all other survival craft,
whenever released, shall maintain capability for transmitting signals for location and for
communication. Mandatory communication equipment for use in survival craft, including liferafts, and
rescue boats shall be capable of operation during the maximum expected time of rescue.
10.3 Regulations In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph above,
communication equipment on board shall have the capabilities for ship-to-ship
and ship-to-shore communication, taking into account the limitations of communications
systems in high latitudes and the anticipated low temperature. In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph above,
ships intended to provide icebreaking escort shall be equipped with a sound signaling system
mounted to face astern to indicate escort and emergency manoeuvres to following ships as
described in the International Code of Signals. In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph above,
two-way on-scene and SAR coordination communication capability in ships shall include:
.2 equipment for voice communications with aircraft on 121.5 and 123.1 MHz.
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Annex 10, page 26 In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph above, the
communication equipment shall provide for two-way voice and data communication with a
Telemedical Assistance Service (TMAS). For ships intended to operate in low air temperature, in order to comply with the
functional requirements of paragraph above, all rescue boats and lifeboats,
whenever released for evacuation, shall:
.1 for distress alerting, carry one device for transmitting ship to shore alerts;
.2 in order to be located, carry one device for transmitting signals for location;
and For ships intended to operate in low air temperature, in order to comply with the
functional requirements of paragraph above, all other survival craft shall:
.1 in order to be located, carry one device for transmitting signals for location;
and In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph above,
recognizing the limitations arising from battery life, procedures shall be developed and
implemented such that mandatory communication equipment for use in survival craft,
including liferafts, and rescue boats are available for operation during the maximum expected
time of rescue.
11.1 Goal
The goal of this chapter is to ensure that the Company, master and crew are provided with
sufficient information to enable operations to be conducted with due consideration to safety
of ship and persons on board and, as appropriate, environmental protection.
In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 11.1 above, the voyage plan shall take into
account the potential hazards of the intended voyage.
11.3 Requirements
In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph 11.2 above, the master shall
consider a route through polar waters, taking into account the following:
.1 the procedures required by the PWOM;
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.3 current information on the extent and type of ice and icebergs in the vicinity
of the intended route;
.4 statistical information on ice and temperatures from former years;
.5 places of refuge;
.8 national and international designated protected areas along the route; and
12.1 Goal
The goal of this chapter is to ensure that ships operating in polar waters are appropriately
manned by adequately qualified, trained and experienced personnel.
In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 12.1 above, companies shall ensure that
masters, chief mates and officers in charge of a navigational watch on board ships operating
in polar waters shall have completed training to attain the abilities that are appropriate to the
capacity to be filled and duties and responsibilities to be taken up, taking into account the
provisions of the STCW Convention and the STCW Code, as amended.
12.3 Regulations
12.3.1 In order to meet the functional requirement of paragraph 12.2 above while operating
in polar waters, masters, chief mates and officers in charge of a navigational watch shall be
qualified in accordance with chapter V of the STCW Convention and the STCW Code, as
amended, as follows:
Refer to MEPC/Circ.674 on Guidance document for minimizing the risk of ship strikes with cetaceans.
Refer to MEPC/Circ.674 on Guidance document for minimizing the risk of ship strikes with cetaceans.
Refer to MSC.1/Circ.1184 on Enhanced contingency planning guidance for passenger ships operating in
areas remote from SAR facilities and resolution A.999(25) on Guidelines on voyage planning for
passenger ships operating in remote areas.
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12.3.2 The Administration may allow the use of a person(s) other than the master, chief
mate or officers of the navigational watch to satisfy the requirements for training, as required
by paragraph 12.3.1, provided that:
.2 while operating in polar waters the ship has sufficient number of persons
meeting the appropriate training requirements for polar waters to cover all
.4 when operating in waters other than open waters or bergy waters, the
master, chief mate and officers in charge of a navigational watch on
passenger ships and tankers shall meet the applicable basic training
requirements noted in the above table; and
.5 when operating in waters with ice concentration of more than 2/10, the
master, chief mate and officers in charge of a navigational watch on cargo
ships other than tankers shall meet the applicable basic training
requirements noted in the above table.
12.3.3 The use of a person other than the officer of the navigational watch to satisfy the
requirements for training does not relieve the master or officer of the navigational watch from
their duties and obligations for the safety of the ship.
12.3.4 Every crew member shall be made familiar with the procedures and equipment
contained or referenced in the PWOM relevant to their assigned duties.
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1 Determine the daily low temperature for each day for a 10 year period.
2 Determine the average of the values over the 10 year period for each day.
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1.1 Limitations for operation in ice can be determined using systems, tools or analysis
that evaluate the risks posed by the anticipated ice conditions to the ship, taking into account
factors such as its ice class, seasonal changing of ice strength, icebreaker support, ice type,
thickness and concentration. The ship's structural capacity to resist ice load and the ship's
planned operations should be considered. The limitations should be incorporated into an ice
operational decision support system.
1.3 Operation in ice should take into account any operational limitations of the ship;
extended information on the ice operational methodology contained in the PWOM; the
condition of the ship and ship's systems, historical weather/ice data and weather/ice
forecasts for the intended area of operation, current conditions including visual ice
observations, sea state, visibility and the judgment of qualified personnel.
2 Operational assessment
2.1 This guidance is intended to support shipowners carrying out, and Administrations
reviewing, the assessment required in part I-A, section 1.5, for operational limitations and
procedures for the Polar Ship Certificate.
Reference is made to the techniques in appendix 3 of the Revised guidelines for Formal Safety Assessment
(FSA) for use in the IMO Rule-Making Process (MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.12) and standard IEC/ISO 31010 "Risk
management – Risk assessment techniques".
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3 Performance standards
The Polar Water Operational Manual (PWOM) is intended to address all aspects of
operations addressed by chapter 2 of part I-A. When appropriate information, procedures or
plans exist elsewhere in a ship's documentation, the PWOM itself does not need to replicate
this material, but may instead cross-reference the relevant reference document.
The model follows the general structure of chapter 2. Not every section outlined below will be
applicable to every polar ship. Many category C ships that undertake occasional or limit polar
voyages will not need to have procedures for situations with a very low probability of
occurrence. However, it may still be advisable to retain a common structure for the PWOM
as a reminder that if assumptions change then the contents of the manual may also need to
be updated. Noting an aspect as "not applicable" also indicates to the Administration that this
aspect has been considered and not merely omitted.
With respect to navigation with icebreaker assistance, the following should be considered:
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.4 ship within the ice convoy, in accordance with the instructions of the
icebreaker rendering the assistance, should establish communication with
the icebreaker by VHF channel indicated by the icebreaker;
.5 the ship, while navigating in the ice convoy, should ensure compliance with
the instructions of the icebreaker;
.6 position in the ice convoy, speed and distance to a ship ahead should be as
instructed by the icebreaker;
In developing the ship's contingency plans ships should consider damage control measures
arrangements for emergency transfer of liquids and access to tanks and spaces during
salvage operations.
2 The basic approach for considering equivalency for categories A and B ships can be
the same for both new and existing ships. It involves comparing other ice classes to the IACS
Polar Classes. For ice classes under category C, additional information on comparisons of
strengthening levels is available for the guidance of owners and Administrations.18 The
responsibility for generating the equivalency request and supporting information required
should rest with the owner/operator. Review/approval of any equivalency request should be
undertaken by the flag State Administration, or by a recognized organization acting on its
behalf under the provisions of the Code for Recognized Organizations (RO Code). Several
classification societies have developed easy-to-use tools for determination of compliance
with the IACS Polar Class structural requirements, as have some Administrations and other
third parties.
Refer to the Guidelines for the approval of alternatives and equivalents as provided for in various IMO
instruments (MSC.1/Circ.1455).
Refer to the annex to HELCOM Recommendation 25/7, Safety of Winter Navigation in the Baltic Sea Area,
available at
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4 If there is not full and direct compliance, then an equivalent level of risk can be
accepted in accordance with guidance provided by the Organization. An increase in the
probability of an event can be balanced by a reduction in its consequences. Alternatively, a
reduction in probability could potentially allow acceptance of more serious consequences.
Using a hull area example, a local shortfall in strength level or material grade could be
accepted if the internal compartment is a void space, for which local damage will not put the
overall safety of the ship at risk or lead to any release of pollutants.
5 For existing ships, service experience can assist in risk assessment. As an example,
for an existing ship with a record of polar ice operations a shortfall in the extent of the ice belt
(hull areas) may be acceptable if there is no record of damage to the deficient area; i.e. a
ship that would generally meet PC 5 requirements but in limited areas is only PC 7 could still
be considered as a category A, PC 5 ship. In all such cases, the ship's documentation should
make clear the nature and scope of any deficiencies.
.4 identify any risk mitigation measures incorporated in the design of the ship
(over and above the requirements of the Code and IACS URs);
9 Where a ship in categories A or B is provided with an equivalency for ice class by its
flag State, this should be noted in its Polar Ship Certificate.
No additional guidance
No additional guidance.
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No additional guidance.
When considering resources to be included with the personal survival equipment, the
following should be taken into account:
Suggested equipment
When considering resources to be included in the group survival equipment, the following
should be taken into account:
Suggested equipment
Foam sleeping mats or similar – sufficient for at least one between two persons
Shovels – at least 2
Stove and fuel – sufficient for maximum number of persons ashore and
maximum anticipated time of rescue
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Suggested equipment
Signal mirror
10.1 Radars equipped with enhanced ice detection capability should be promoted used, in
particular, in shallow waters.
10.2 As the chart coverage of polar waters in many areas may not currently be adequate
for coastal navigation, navigational officers should:
.1 exercise care to plan and monitor their voyage accordingly, taking due
account of the information and guidance in the appropriate nautical
.2 be familiar with the status of hydrographic surveys and the availability and
quality of chart information for the areas in which they intend to operate;
.4 aim to plan their route through charted areas and well clear of known shoal
depths, following established routes whenever possible.
10.3 Any deviations from the planned route should be undertaken with particular caution.
For example, and when operating on the continental shelf:
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.2 an efficient means of clearing melted ice, freezing rain, snow, mist and
spray from outside and accumulated condensation from inside.
A mechanical means to clear moisture from the outside face of a window
should have operating mechanisms protected from freezing or the
accumulation of ice that would impair effective operation.
11.1.1 Current maritime digital communication systems were not designed to cover Polar
11.1.2 VHF is still largely used for communication at sea, but only over short distances (line
of sight) and normally only for voice communication. HF and MF are also used for
emergency situations. Digital VHF, mobile phone systems and other types of wireless
technology offer enough digital capacity for many maritime applications, but only to ships
within sight of shore-based stations, and are, therefore, not generally available in polar
waters. AIS could also be used for low data-rate communication, but there are very few base
stations, and the satellite-based AIS system is designed for data reception only.
11.1.3 The theoretical limit of coverage for GEO systems is 81.3° north or south, but
instability and signal dropouts can occur at latitudes as low as 70° north or south under
certain conditions. Many factors influence the quality of service offered by GEO systems, and
they have different effects depending on the system design.
11.1.4 Non-GMDSS systems may be available and may be effective for communication in
polar waters.
11.2 Advice for the operation of multiple alerting and communication devices in the
event of an incident
A procedure should be developed to ensure that when survival craft are in close proximity,
not more than two alerting or locating devices are activated (as required by regulation 10.3.2)
at the same time. This is to:
11.3 For satellite distress beacons, although multiple beacon transmissions can be
detected successfully by the satellite system, it is not recommended to activate multiple
beacons, unless the survival craft operating the beacons are widely dispersed, as this can
cause interference on direction-finding equipment.
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In determining the equipment to be carried for transmitting signals for location, the
capabilities of the search and rescue resources likely to respond should be borne in mind.
Responding ships and aircraft may not be able to home to 406/121.5 MHz, in which case
other locating devices (e.g. AIS-SART) should be considered.
In developing and executing a voyage plan ships should consider the following:
.1 in the event that marine mammals are encountered, any existing best
practices should be considered to minimize unnecessary disturbance; and
.2 planning to minimize the impact of the ship's voyage where ships are
trafficking near areas of cultural heritage and cultural significance.
No additional guidance.
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1.1.1 In Arctic waters any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixtures from any ship shall
be prohibited.
1.1.2 The provisions of paragraph 1.1.1 shall not apply to the discharge of clean or
segregated ballast.
1.1.4 Operation in polar waters shall be taken into account, as appropriate, in the
Oil Record Books, manuals and the shipboard oil pollution emergency plan or the shipboard
marine pollution emergency plan as required by MARPOL Annex I.
1.2.1 For category A and B ships constructed on or after 1 January 2017 with an
aggregate oil fuel capacity of less than 600 m3, all oil fuel tanks shall be separated from the
outer shell by a distance of not less than 0.76 m. This provision does not apply to small oil
fuel tanks with a maximum individual capacity not greater than 30 m3.
1.2.2 For category A and B ships other than oil tankers constructed on or after
1 January 2017, all cargo tanks constructed and utilized to carry oil shall be separated from the
outer shell by a distance of not less than 0.76 m.
1.2.3 For category A and B oil tankers of less than 5,000 tonnes deadweight constructed
on or after 1 January 2017, the entire cargo tank length shall be protected with:
1.2.4 For category A and B ships constructed on or after 1 January 2017 all oil residue
(sludge) tanks and oily bilge water holding tanks shall be separated from the outer shell by a
distance of not less than 0.76 m. This provision does not apply to small tanks with a
maximum individual capacity not greater than 30 m3.
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2.1.1 In Arctic waters any discharge into the sea of noxious liquid substances (NLS), or
mixtures containing such substances, shall be prohibited.
2.1.2 Operation in polar waters shall be taken into account, as appropriate, in the
Cargo Record Book, the Manual and the shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for
noxious liquid substances or the shipboard marine pollution emergency plan as required by
2.1.3 For category A and B ships constructed on or after 1 January 2017, the carriage of
NLS identified in chapter 17, column e, as ship type 3 or identified as NLS in chapter 18 of
the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk in cargo tanks of type 3 ships shall be subject to the approval of the
Administration. The results shall be reflected on the International Pollution Prevention
Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk or Certificate of Fitness
identifying the operation in polar waters.
4.1 Definitions
4.1.1 Constructed means a ship the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar stage of
4.1.3 Fast ice means sea ice which forms and remains fast along the coast, where it is
attached to the shore, to an ice wall, to an ice front, between shoals or grounded icebergs.19
4.2.1 Discharges of sewage within polar waters are prohibited except when performed in
accordance with MARPOL Annex IV and the following requirements:
Refer to the WMO Sea-Ice Nomenclature.
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4.2.2 Discharge of sewage into the sea is prohibited from category A and B ships
constructed on or after 1 January 2017 and all passenger ships constructed on or
after 1 January 2017, except when such discharges are in compliance with paragraph
of this chapter.
4.2.3 Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 4.2.1, category A and B ships that
operate in areas of ice concentrations exceeding 1/10 for extended periods of time, may only
discharge sewage using an approved sewage treatment plant certified by the Administration
to meet the operational requirements in either regulation 9.1.1 or 9.2.1 of MARPOL
Annex IV. Such discharges shall be subject to the approval by the Administration.
5.1 Definitions
5.1.2 Fast ice means sea ice which forms and remains fast along the coast, where it is
attached to the shore, to an ice wall, to an ice front, between shoals or grounded icebergs21
5.2.1 In Arctic waters, discharge of garbage into the sea permitted in accordance with
regulation 4 of MARPOL Annex V, shall meet the following additional requirements:
.1 discharge into the sea of food wastes is only permitted when the ship is as
far as practicable from areas of ice concentration exceeding 1/10, but in
any case not less than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land, nearest
ice-shelf, or nearest fast ice;
.2 food wastes shall be comminuted or ground and shall be capable of
passing through a screen with openings no greater than 25 mm. Food
wastes shall not be contaminated by any other garbage type;
.3 food wastes shall not be discharged onto the ice;
.4 discharge of animal carcasses is prohibited; and
.5 discharge of cargo residues that cannot be recovered using commonly
available methods for unloading shall only be permitted while the ship is
en route and where all the following conditions are satisfied:
.1 cargo residues, cleaning agents or additives, contained in hold
washing water do not include any substances classified as harmful
to the marine environment, taking into account guidelines
developed by the Organization;
Refer to resolution MEPC.2(VI), resolution MEPC.159(55) or resolution MEPC.227(64) as applicable.
Refer to the WMO Sea-Ice Nomenclature.
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.2 both the port of departure and the next port of destination are
within Arctic waters and the ship will not transit outside Arctic
waters between those ports;
5.2.2 In the Antarctic area, discharge of garbage into the sea permitted in accordance with
regulation 6 of MARPOL Annex V, shall meet the following additional requirements:
5.2.3 Operation in polar waters shall be taken into account, as appropriate, in the
Garbage Record Book, Garbage Management Plan and the placards as required by
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1.1 Ships are encouraged to apply regulation 43 of MARPOL Annex I when operating in
Arctic waters.
Category A and B ships, constructed on or after 1 January 2017 and certified to carry
noxious liquid substances (NLS), are encouraged to carry NLS identified in chapter 17,
column e, as ship type 3 or identified as NLS in chapter 18 of the International Code for the
Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, in tanks
separated from the outer shell by a distance of not less than 760 mm.
In order to minimize the risks associated with animal cargo mortalities, consideration should
be given to how animal carcasses will be managed, treated, and stored on board when ships
carrying such cargo are operating in polar waters. Reference is made in particular to the
2012 Guidelines for the implementation of MARPOL Annex V (resolution MEPC.219(63), as
amended by resolution MEPC.239(65)) and the 2012 Guidelines for the development of
garbage management plans (resolution MEPC.220(63)).
4.1 Until the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast
Water and Sediments enters into force, the ballast water management provisions of the
ballast water exchange standard, set out in regulation D-1, or the ballast water performance
standard, set out in regulation D-2 of the Convention should be considered as appropriate.
The provisions of the Guidelines for ballast water exchange in the Antarctic treaty area
(resolution MEPC.163(56)) should be taken into consideration along with other relevant
guidelines developed by the Organization.
4.2 In selecting the ballast water management system, attention should be paid to limiting
conditions specified in the appendix of the Type Approval Certificate and the temperature under
which the system has been tested, in order to ensure its suitability and effectiveness in polar
4.3 In order to minimize the risk of invasive aquatic species transfers via biofouling,
measures should be considered to minimize the risk of more rapid degradation of anti-fouling
coatings associated with polar ice operations. Reference is made in particular to the
2011 Guidelines for the control and management of ships' biofouling to minimize the transfer
of invasive aquatic species (resolution MEPC.207(62)).
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(Official seal)
by ____________________________________________________________
(person or organization authorized)
Particulars of ship22
Name of ship…………………………………………………………………………………
Distinctive number or letters………………………………………………………………..
Port of registry………………………………………………………………………………..
Gross tonnage………………………………………………………………………………..
IMO Number23.….........................................................................................................
Alternatively, the particulars of the ship may be placed horizontally in boxes.
In accordance with IMO ship identification number scheme adopted by the Organization by
resolution A.1078(28).
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1 That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with the applicable safety-related
provisions of the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters.
2 That the survey24 showed that the structure, equipment, fittings, radio station
arrangements, and materials of the ship and the condition thereof are in all respects
satisfactory and that the ship complies with the relevant provisions of the Code.
The ship has been assigned the following limitations for operation in polar waters:
Subject to regulation 1.3 of the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters.
Delete as appropriate.
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........................ .........................
(Date of issue) (Signature of authorized official
issuing the certificate)
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, at a survey required by regulation 1.3 of the Code, the ship was
found to comply with the relevant requirements of the Code.
Place: …………………………………………….
Date: …………………………………………….
(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)
Place: …………………………………………….
Date: …………………………………………….
(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)
Place: …………………………………………….
Date: …………………………………………….
(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)
Delete as applicable.
Delete as appropriate.
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Place: …………………………………………….
Date: …………………………………………….
(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)
Endorsement to extend the certificate if valid for less than 5 years where
regulation I/14(c) of the Convention applies28
The ship complies with the relevant requirements of the Convention, and this certificate shall,
in accordance with regulation I/14(c) of the Convention, be accepted as valid until.................
Signed: .................................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ...................................................................
Date: .....................................................................
(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)
Endorsement where the renewal survey has been completed and regulation I/14(d) of
the Convention applies7
The ship complies with the relevant requirements of the Convention, and this certificate shall,
in accordance with regulation I/14(d) of the Convention, be accepted as valid until.................
Signed: .................................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ...................................................................
Date: .....................................................................
(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)
Endorsement to extend the validity of the certificate until reaching the port of survey
or for a period of grace where regulation I/14(e) or I/14(f) of the Convention applies7
This certificate shall, in accordance with regulation I/14(e)/l/14(f)7of the Convention, be accepted
as valid until............................
Signed: .................................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ...................................................................
Date: .....................................................................
(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)
Delete as appropriate.
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In accordance with regulation I/14(h) of the Convention, the new anniversary date is ..............
Signed: .................................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ...................................................................
Date: .....................................................................
(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)
In accordance with regulation I/14(h) of the Convention, the new anniversary date is ..............
Signed: .................................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ...................................................................
Date: .....................................................................
(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)
Delete as appropriate.
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1 Particulars of ship:
Name of ship:……………………………………………………
Distinctive number or letters:…………………………………..
2 Record of equipment
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Issued at………………………………………………………………………………
(Place of issue of the Record)
………………………………. …………………………………………………….
(Date of issue) (Signature of duly authorized official issuing the Record)
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Model table of contents for the Polar Water Operational Manual (PWOM)
Guidance: The PWOM should establish the means by which decisions as to whether ice
conditions exceed the ship's design limits should be made, taking into account the
operational limitations on the Polar Ship Certificate. An appropriate decision support system,
such as the Canada's Arctic Ice Regime Shipping System, and/or the Russian Ice Certificate
as described in the Rules of Navigation on the water area of the Northern Sea Route, can be
used... Bridge personnel should be trained in the proper use of the system to be utilized. For
ships that will operate only in ice-free waters, procedures to ensure that will keep the ship
from encountering ice should be established.
Guidance: The PWOM should provide information on the ice conditions in which the ship
can be expected to make continuous progress. This may be drawn, for example from
numerical analysis, model test or from ice trials. Information on the influence of ice strength
for new or decayed ice and of snow cover may be included.
Guidance: Where applicable, the PWOM should include the results of any equivalency
analyses made to determine Polar Ship category/ice class. The manual should also provide
information on the use of any specialized systems fitted to assist in ice operations.
Guidance: The PWOM should list all ship systems susceptible to damage or loss of
functionality by exposure to low temperatures, and the measures to be adopted to avoid
Guidance: The PWOM should provide information on any limitations on ship endurance such as
fuel tankage, fresh water capacity, provision stores, etc. This will normally only be a significant
consideration for smaller ships, or for ships planning to spend extended periods in ice.
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Assumptions used in conducting the analyses referred to below should be included in the
Guidance: For ships operating frequently in polar waters, the PWOM should provide
information with respect to periods during which the ship should be able to operate for
intended areas of operation. Areas that pose particular problems, e.g. chokepoints, ridging,
as well as worst recorded ice conditions should be noted. Where the available information is
limited or of uncertain quality, this should be recognized and noted as a risk for voyage
Guidance: For ships operating frequently in polar waters, the PWOM should provide
information with respect to, the daily mean daily low temperature as well as the minimum
recorded temperature for each of the days during the intended operating period. Where the
available information is limited or of uncertain quality, this should be recognized as a risk for
voyage planning.
Guidance: The PWOM should provide guidance for the human resources management,
taking into account the anticipated ice conditions and requirements for ice navigation,
increased levels of watch keeping, hours of rest, fatigue and a process that ensures that
these requirements will be met.
Guidance: The PWOM should set out the means and frequency for provision of ice and
weather information. Where a ship is intended to operate in or in the presence of ice, the
manual should set out when weather and ice information is required and the format for the
When available, the information should include both global and localized forecasts that will
identify weather and ice patterns/regimes that could expose the ship to adverse conditions.
The frequency of updates should provide enough advance notice that the ship can take
refuge or use other methods of avoiding the hazard if the conditions are forecast to exceed
its capabilities.
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MEPC 68/21/Add.1
Annex 10, page 53
The PWOM may include use of a land-based support information provider an effective
method of sorting through available information, thereby providing the ship only with
information that is relevant, reducing demands on the ship's communications systems. The
manual may also indicate instances in which additional images should be obtained and
analysed, as well as where such additional information may be obtained.
Guidance: The PWOM should include or refer to guidance on how radar should be used to
identify ice floes, how to tune the radar to be most effective, instructions on how to interpret
radar images, etc. If other technologies are to be used to provide ice information, their use
should also be described.
Guidance: The PWOM should provide guidance on the use of hydrographic information as
further described in the additional guidance to chapter 10.
Guidance: The PWOM should provide guidance on how to prevent or mitigate icing by
operational means, how to monitor and assess ice accretion, how to conduct de-icing using
equipment available on the ship, and how to maintain the safety of the ship and its crew
during all of these aspects of the operation.
Guidance: The PWOM should provide guidance on how to monitor, prevent or mitigate ice
ingestion by seawater systems when operating in ice or in low water temperatures. This may
include recirculation, use of low rather than high suctions, etc.
Guidance: The PWOM should provide guidance on maintaining and monitoring any systems
and equipment that are required to be kept active in order to ensure functionality; e.g. by
trace heating or continuous working fluid circulation.
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MEPC 68/21/Add.1
Annex 10, page 54
Guidance: The PWOM should contain guidance for the use of low speeds in the presence of
hazardous ice. Procedures should also be set for enhanced watchkeeping and lookout
manning in situations with high risks from ice, e.g. in proximity to icebergs, operation at night,
and other situations of low visibility. When possibilities for contact with hazardous ice exist,
procedures should address regular monitoring, e.g. soundings/inspections of compartments
and tanks below the waterline.
Guidance: The PWOM should contain guidance on operational restrictions in the event that
temperatures below the ships polar service temperature are encountered or forecast. These
may include delaying the ship, postponing the conduct of certain types of operation, using
temporary heating, and other risk mitigation measures.
Guidance: In general, where the possibility of encountering low air temperatures, sea ice,
and other hazards is present, the PWOM should provide guidance on procedures that will
increase the effectiveness of emergency response measures.
Guidance: the PWOM should consider damage control measures arrangements for
emergency transfer of liquids and access to tanks and spaces during salvage operations.
2.2 Firefighting
Guidance: The PWOM should include procedures to be followed in preparing for a voyage
and in the event of an incident arising.
3.2 Salvage
Guidance: The PWOM should include procedures to be followed in preparing for a voyage
and in the event of an incident arising.
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MEPC 68/21/Add.1
Annex 10, page 55
Chapter 4 Procedures for maintaining life support and ship integrity in the event of
prolonged entrapment by ice.
Guidance: Where any ship incorporates special features to mitigate safety or environmental
risks due to prolonged entrapment by ice, the PWOM should provide information on how
these are to be set up and operated. This may include, for example, adding additional
equipment to be run from emergency switchboards, draining systems at risk of damage
through freezing, isolating parts of HVAC systems, etc.
Guidance: The PWOM should contain or reference information on the rules and procedures
set out by coastal States who require or offer icebreaking escort services. The manual
should also emphasize the need for the master to take account of the ship's limitations in
agreeing on the conduct of escort operations.
This document, and more, is available for download from Martin's Marine Engineering Page -
This document, and more, is available for download from Martin's Marine Engineering Page -