Specialized Coal and Pet Coke Firing Pipe Design
Specialized Coal and Pet Coke Firing Pipe Design
Specialized Coal and Pet Coke Firing Pipe Design
Prof. Dr. Clemente Greco
Professor at Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo
CEO of C.Greco Térmica e Fluidos Consultoria Ltda.
This paper discusses the specialized coal and pet-coke-firing viewing the design of customized combus-
tion systems in order to meet client’s specific requirements. This is an approach to combustion subject
that is becoming well known and widely accepted all over the world, fitting particularly well when the com-
bustion takes place inside a clinker rotary kiln. The best way to do this approach is by means of dimen-
sionless indexes, which characterize macroscopically the result of a wide variety of simultaneous chemi-
cal reactions, and phenomena of heat, mass and momentum transfer. The most significant dimensionless
indexes, which help tremendously in the combustion system design, are presented and discussed.