Niti Duggal
Niti Duggal
Niti Duggal
A Case Study of Burger King & McDonald’s in Portage & Summit Counties, Ohio
Niti Duggal
December, 2007
Thesis written by
Niti Duggal
Approved by
____________________________________, Advisor
Dr. Jay Lee
____________________________________, Chair, Department of Geography
Dr. Jay Lee
____________________________________, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Jerry Feezel
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments ……………………………………………………………… ix
1: Introduction …………………………………………………………..…… 1
4: Data and Research Methodology ………………………………….. 35
6: Conclusion …………………………………………………………. 90
List of Maps and Figures:
Figure: 1 Burger Kings and McDonalds’ QSR: Portage and Summit Counties ……. 41
Figure 4: Distance of Burger King & McDonald’s Restaurants from Major Roads 46
Figure 14: Burger King & McDonald’s-Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 1-mile) 55
Figure 15: Burger King & McDonald’s Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 2 miles) 56
Figure 16: Burger King & McDonald’s Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 5 miles) 57
Figure: 7 Burger King and McDonald’s in Summit County (Thiessen Polygon) ……. 99
Figure: 10 Burger King in Portage and Summit Counties(Thiessen Polygons) .….… 102
Figure 13: McDonald’s in Portage and Summit Counties (Thiessen Polygons) ….… 105
Figure 17: Burger King & McDonald’s in Portage County (Buffer 1 mile) ………... 106
Figure 18: Burger King & McDonald’s in Portage County (Buffer 2 miles) ………. 107
Figure 19: Burger King & McDonald’s in Portage County (Buffer 5 miles) ………. 108
Figure 20: Burger King & McDonald’s in Summit County (Buffer 1 mile) ……….. 109
Figure 21: Burger King & McDonald’s in Summit County (Buffer 2 miles) ………. 110
Figure 22: Burger King & McDonald’s in Summit County (Buffer 5 miles) ………. 111
Figure 23: Burger King in Portage County (Buffer 1 mile) ………………………… 112
Figure 24: Burger Kings in Portage County (Buffer 2 miles) ……………………… 113
Figure 25: Burger Kings in Portage County (Buffer 5 miles) ………………………. 114
Figure 26: Burger Kings in Summit County (Buffer 1 mile) ……………………….. 115
Figure 27: Burger Kings in Summit County (Buffer 2 miles) ………………………. 116
Figure 28: Burger Kings in Summit County (Buffer 5 miles) ………………………. 117
Figure 29: Burger Kings in Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 1 mile) ………….. 118
Figure 30: Burger Kings in Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 2 miles) …………. 119
Figure 31: Burger Kings in Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 5 miles) …………. 120
Figure 38: McDonalds’ in Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 1 mile) …………... 127
Figure 39: McDonalds’ in Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 2 miles) ………….. 128
Figure 40: McDonalds’ in Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 5 miles) ………….. 129
List of Tables:
Table 1: Distance of Burger King & McDonald’s QSR from Major Roads ……….. 45
Table 13: Restaurant wise and County wise (Stepwise Regression) ………………. 87
I would like to gratefully acknowledge the enthusiastic supervision of Dr. Jay Lee during
this work. His seemingly endless enthusiasm and constant support helped me thru-out my
program at Kent State University. I thank my other committee members Dr. Shawn
Banasick and Dr. Chuanrong Zhang for their valuable comments and suggestions. I thank
Dr. Milton Harvey and Mrs. Mary Lou Church for their affection and concerns. I am
grateful to them and all my friends at McGilvrey Hall, for being the surrogate family
during my years at Kent and their continued moral support thereafter. I thank Dr. Munro-
Stasiuk, Dr. Schmidlin, Dr. Sheridan, Dr. Kaplan, Dr. Haley, Dr. Dymon, Dr. Bhardwaj
and other faculty members in the Department of Geography for making the atmosphere in
The Kent State University Library staffs are acknowledged for their efficiency
and availability. A particular thanks to Edith Scarletto, Head of the Map Library, who
helped me, gather the initial data required for the research.
I would like to thank my friend Sathy for his help in formatting the entire text.
I am forever indebted to my family, for their blessings and love and who have
my husband, Harsha, for his tireless support, love and affection and without whom I
would have struggled to find the inspiration and motivation needed to complete this
Last but not the least, I dedicate my thesis to my Grandmother “Jhaiji” who’s
Blessings and loving support has encouraged me throughout my academic career and life.
Sadly, Jhaiji left for her heavenly abode just a few days before the thesis was submitted.
Chapter 1
There has been a growing interest among the academia and the private sector for the use
of GIS techniques in the analysis and planning of retail store network. Almost without
exceptions, various retail organizations need to plan for complex consumer markets and
keep up with competitions. Over the past few decades the methodologies used for
applicable modeling procedures being developed with GIS. This study conducts a retail
McDonald’s and Burger King and the various spatial and socio-economic factors of
carry out the analysis in this study. In particular, study areas have been partitioned into
a set of Thiessen polygons and into various spatial configurations using variable buffer
polygons to emulate various spatial configurations of catchment areas (i.e., trade areas)
associated with each fast food store. The socio-economic profiles in the partitioned
polygons have been analyzed with a series of regression models. The result of the study
brought out a better understanding of how location factors influence the performance of
the stores as well as how the socio-economic attributes of the catchment areas affect the
store revenues.
The main objective of this retail location analysis is to develop and apply methodology
for analyzing the relationship between fast food store performance and the various
flow, competitor locations, etc. and to search for an optimal location for a new retail
outlet or to close retail outlets in over crowded markets. Knowing the geographical
using GIS analytical tools. GIS can overlay different data sets onto one another in an
integrated environment. GIS analytical tools have been widely applied for exploring the
relationships between demand and supply in many types of business practices, including
However, perhaps due to relatively low real estate costs and flexible rentals or
perhaps due to the all too often time lag in adopting newly emerging technology, many
retailers do not make use of sophisticated location analysis methods that are now
available. Many a times, retailers follow the location decisions previously made by
anchor retailers. The choice of a store location has a profound effect on the entire
data of the demographics of that area (income, family size, age, ethnic composition, etc
of the population), traffic patterns, and similar kind of retail outlets or competition in
the area. These factors are basic to all retail location analysis. GIS tools can help to find
the right site along with market penetration, market share and trade areas by combining
GIS market analysis tools can also help to determine whether the products match
the lifestyle and buying patterns of the customers. In this study- Retail Location
Analysis: A Case Study of Burger King & McDonald’s in Portage & Summit Counties,
Ohio, an analysis of catchment areas of the analyzed restaurants has been done using a
various spatial configurations of the study area. The study area has been partitioned to a
set of Thiessen Polygons and also to sets of spatial configurations by using different
buffering zones surrounding the retail outlets to create different proximity polygons for
further analysis.
center, or in this case each fast food restaurant, in a set of points/locations of fast food
outlets geocoded in such a way that any locations within a Thiessen polygon are closer
to the polygon’s centroid (the retail outlet used to make up the polygon) than to any
other retail outlet. Buffer polygons have been constructed around the fast food locations
based on various assumptions of how far the distances consumers may be willing to
polygons as defined by the locations of retail outlets, regression models have been
geodemographic factors. The different regression models that use different independent
variables as structured by both the Thiessen polygons and Buffer polygons have been
done to see how well or poorly either of the two approaches capture the variations in the
imperative that retailers must make use of spatial analytical technology to acquire new
clientele, retain the existing/current customers, to enable market expansion, and to stay
abreast with changing consumer tastes and requirements. Advances in GIS technology
reiterates the fact that the future success of retail, real estate and restaurants will be
1.2 Summary:
Many successful businesses in the United States make use of GIS software to integrate,
view and analyze data using geography. Use of GIS techniques enables retailers to
effectiveness of the business processes. The use of multiple regressions modeling in this
study has been done to identify how the ethnic composition of population and median
household income in the service areas of Burger King and McDonald’s restaurants
Problem Statements
Retail location analysis is an important part in site selection of a retail store. “A trade area
of a retail store is the geographical area from which it draws most of its customers and
within which its market penetration is the highest”(Ghosh and McLafferty, 1987). Retail
location analysis also helps to determine the focus areas for marketing promotional
activities, highlights geographic weaknesses in the customer base and projecting future
growth and expansion of the retail services (Berman and Evans, 2001).
The size of the retail trade area often depends on the nature of goods and services
rendered at the retail outlets, along with the geographical distribution of other competing
retail outlets. For instance, fast food restaurants like Burger King and McDonald’s sell
goods and services that are popular, easily substituted and affordable by the majority of
Usually, retail trade zones are not geometrically regular, i.e., a circle, a square or a
polygon. Rather, the shape of the trade zone is based on road networks, geology and
When examining the way customers travel to make retail purchases, it is always
necessary to take into consideration the distance that a customer has to travel. The
distances that customers may be willing to travel are different, depending upon the type
of object to be purchased. The number of trips undertaken by consumers and the travel
time will be different based on specialty or commodity product (Salvaneschi, 1996). For
purchasing a specialty product, which is generally expensive, unique or long lasting, the
consumer is willing to travel over a longer distance. This tends to expand the trading area
of that good or service. On the other hand, to purchase everyday supplies or common
items consumers often prefer convenience, as the trips for such goods are frequent,
distances are short and travel time is brief. For instance, people typically will not drive to
another town for fast food, unless they are on way to or back from other destinations.
important variable in the convenience and fast food market. Therefore, it should be an
important part of market strategy (Darian and Cohen, 1995). In this thesis research, the
study area is partitioned into polygons representing trade areas for further analysis.
Several different approaches to creating trade areas are used. These include trade areas
defined as buffer polygons surrounding fast food restaurants with widths of 1, 2 and 5
miles. In addition, partitioning the study area into a set of collectively inclusive but
mutually exclusive Thiessen polygons with the restaurants as polygon centroid also
GIS. Most buffering methods create simple-distance bound geometric buffers around the
also known as service areas, hinterlands or market areas and have useful in many
geographical applications (Shaw, 1991; Sierra et al., 1999; Van Wee et al., 2001). A
buffer delineates the area within a specified distance of a feature. It can be created from
points, lines or polygons. The output buffers may be lines or polygons depending upon
the features and their distance are specified in map units (Price, 2004).
example, different distances of 1 mile, 2 miles and 5 miles from the store can be used to
generate buffer polygons around retail outlets. This type of concentric buffers may
reveal patterns of market penetration in which the inner buffers often account for the
largest proportion of customers while the density of customers decreases as one moves
away from the outlet to the subsequent buffers. This distance-decay effect reflects the
impact of geographic accessibility on store patronage. The actual size of the trade area
for each store varies, depending on the location of the store. The sharper the distance-
decay effect, the smaller would be the trade area for each of the fast food store.
For this study a regression models are applied that relates sales outcomes
(dependent variable) to many factors such as ethnic composition and median household
income (independent variable) of population in the retail trade zones of the Burger King
and McDonald’s in Portage and Summit Counties. These regression models show that
Burger King’s annual sales are better explained by the included independent variables for
buffers with widths of 1 and 2 miles than those of McDonald’s sales by the same set of
variables. For a 5-mile buffer and Thiessen polygons, sales are better explained for
McDonald’s. Ethnic population and median household income for buffer polygons of 1
and 2 miles around the restaurants better explain annual sales for Burger King and
2.2 Summary:
Retail location analysis helps in site selection for a business outlet and in determining the
performance of retail outlets in the trade area of the store. The trade area of the store
determining the marketing strategies. The size and the shape of a retail trade area are
Since fast food restaurants sell goods that can be easily substituted, majority of
consumers form a small retail trade area. Ethnic composition of population and the
median household income within the buffer polygons constructed around the fast food
restaurants indicate how much time and distance consumers drive or travel to patronize
these restaurants.
Chapter 3
Literature Review
During the past three decades, several important advancements have taken place in
Systems have been very useful in tackling spatial analytic approaches and in forming an
interface with the field of location science (Church, 2002). Several studies give an
overview of the major impacts of GIS on works done in the field of location science in
terms of model application, development and various methods that can be used for land-
use suitability modeling (Malczewski, 2004). For example: GIS is now the most widely
used software for analyzing, visualizing and mapping spatial data such as retail location
Since GIS can be used to assemble large volumes of data from various sources with
tool in location analysis. GIS can combine and simultaneously use several databases by
transforming them into a common set of database (Pettit and Pullar, 1999). However, the
use of GIS in location analysis involves the aspect of accuracy of representing real world
environment within which location analysis is done (Church, 2002). Not only is GIS used
as the source of input data for a location model, it has also been used as a means to
The growing consumer orientation in business and service planning along with
advances in GIS and spatial analysis techniques, have led to the promotion of the use of
GIS in the area of business and service planning (Longley and Clark, 1995). Several
books and articles assess the use of GIS for supporting business and service planning at
the level of tactical and strategic decision-making (for example: Davies and Clarke,
1994; Benoit and Clarke, 1997; Clarke, 1998; Birkin, et al., 2002). These studies aim to
further explore and promote the use of GIS in the area of business and service planning
in GIS applications and spatial models in GIS. Business planning requires a critical
By linking GIS and spatial analysis software, proprietary GIS can be applied to
marketing, etc. This involves the integration of spatial models and GIS customized to
the specific information needs of retail organizations for specific localities. Thus spatial
modeling is used in the explanation and prediction of interaction between demand and
supply for retail facilities and the search for suitable locations for retail outlets in an
area. The major theme of these studies is the evolution of GIS towards a more flexible
and powerful spatial decision support system (DSS) or intelligent GIS (IGIS), applied in
several service sectors, including retailing, financial services and health care. Marketing
specific decisions (Birkin, Clark and Clark, 1996). There is a realizable benefit in
integrating GIS with MKIS because of its ability to provide map-based data
needing to plan for the complex consumer markets, while anticipating and reacting to
competitions. This competitive nature of retail environment and the large number of
techniques made use of by the retailers in locational planning, has led GIS to be used as
an aid in strategic retail decision making and applications (Davies and Clark, 1994).
GIS is used not just for location and catchments analysis but also for other retail sector
involved in retail network planning. GIS has contributed immensely in improving the
efficiency and precision of retail planning and marketing. Since the 1960s
methodologies used for retail outlet location research have become more sophisticated
as a result of modeling procedures brought about by GIS (Birkin, Clark and Clark,
source of competitive advantage for retailers over those without. Some retailers further
practices. Rather than relying on customer information alone, they are now combining
data from several sources simultaneously in a bid to better support their process of
For analyzing the spatial structure of retail activities with location data at micro scale, a
number of technologies are now widely available and utilized. These include
Systems (DSS), Spatial Interaction Models, Network Huff Model, Analysis of Variance
Industrial Site Selection and Evaluation”), and RASTT (Retail Aggregate Space Time
The Probability Density Function (PDF) of the retail stores is a function of how
densities of the subject matters vary over specified dimension. If the specified
dimension is time, the probability density function describes how such matter changes
their frequencies and distribution over time. Alternatively, if the specified dimension is
locations (or space), the probability density function then describes how such matters
vary in their spatial patterns. The PDF has been used to analyze the spatial structure of
retailing (Sadahiro, 2001). Sadahiro tested the validity of this method by applying this
method to the locational data of retail stores in Yokohama. This approach helps to
measure the degree of agglomeration, spatial patterns, the relationship between the size
and function of retail agglomerations and analyzes the spatial structure of retail
are increasingly developing GIS as DSS. GIS merges endogenous database by retailers
and the exogenous databases sources to introduce retail decision- making and systems
location analysis shows a highly organized series of process management that has
distance as an extension of the ordinary Huff (based on Euclidean distance) (Okabe and
Okunuki, 2001). This computational method can be used for estimating the demand of
retail stores on a street network in a GIS environment. Extending from the gravity
model, the original and network Huff models use distances (Euclidean or shortest
distance over a network) between retail outlets as inverse weights to estimate divisions
of the entire market area into individual trade areas of the retail outlets. The benefits of
these models are the ability to meaningfully divide the studied space into a set of trade
decision tables that can be used by industrial decision-makers and planners to assess the
suitability of potential sites (Witlox, 2003). Witlox explains how a relational approach
to the modeling of the site suitability concept can be implemented and tried to find all
possible locations that meet the spatial production requirements based on the
and economic geographers in applying KBS, DSS and integrated system has been
largely attributed to the development of computer systems. Computers are able to store,
organize and process enormous amount of data as well as make possible the availability
Witlox has identified three major categories of location factors at the highest
level of decision-making. These three conditions are site conditions, investment and
operating considerations and make up MATISSE’S head decision table. He points out
that the experience with the construction of the system indicates that the developed
procedure of knowledge in acquisition worked quite well, however, there are some
during consultation sessions and the system can identify and satisfy these requirements.
on a set of focal points, Thiessen trade area models have been used to generate
theoretical trade areas based upon stored characteristics and consumer behavior
assumptions. Thiessen diagram models are used for delimiting trade areas for a set of
similar and competing facilities in an area (Jones and Simmons, 1993). This method is
also useful in those studies where detailed consumer patronage data is unavailable or
difficult to acquire. Thiessen polygons can be used to identify the impact and changes
of the existing set of facilities, as well as identify potential sites for new facilities
(Ghosh and McLafferty, 1987). Thiessen models do not require complex statistical
calculations and provide a quick and inexpensive appropriation of real trade areas
Two kinds of Thiessen diagrams can be used to model retail trade areas (Boots
and South, 1997). The ordinary Thiessen or Voronoi diagrams (OVD), takes into
consideration the location of the stores and assumes that the consumers patronize the
nearest store (Ghosh and McLafferty, 1987). The second method is the multiplicatively
weighted Thiessen.
approach, the consumers select stores on the basis of distance (time) and attractions of
stores (Boots, 1980). Boots and South used this approach to delineate the trade areas
and project sales estimates of supermarkets owned by the Zehrs chain in the twin cities
mutually exclusive. They cover all of the available area and are collectively exhaustive.
They have been used to estimate individual breeding densities for great tits in Wytham
Woods, United Kingdom (Wilkin, et al, 2006). The concept of Voronoi diagram has
been in use since antiquity. Voronoi-like diagrams were used to show cosmic
fragmentation and disposition of matter in the solar system and its environs in the works
context, sets of points was considered to be regularly placed in the space generated by
contains many points and the Voronoi diagram generated by these points partitions the
space into congruent polyhedra (Delone, 1961). Since the initial concept of Voronoi
diagram involved sets of regularly placed points in space, it was first applied in
crystallography (Nowacki, 1933, 1976). At this time Voronoi diagram was also applied
estimates of regional rainfall averages (Thiessen, 1911). Horton also developed the
then this application has been widely used in geography, meteorology and other social
science disciplines (Whitney, 1912). By 1960s, the knowledge of Voronoi diagram was
being applied in various studies of natural and social sciences. Somehow, the empirical
application of the concept was limited as it lacked a simple and efficient means of
construction. The researcher had to rely on methods that involved tools such as the
compass and the ruler (Kopec, 1963). Gradually with the developments in the field of
Thiessen polygons have been extensively used in a wide variety of studies. For
example, Thiessen polygons have been applied to calculate mean areal precipitation
(Ladak and Martinez, 1996), distribution of health services (Taylor and Carmichael,
(, hydrodynamics
Voronoi diagrams are useful for spatial analysis and also for spatial optimization
(Okabe, et al., 2000). They are used to discuss the locational optimization of points in a
plane or space where points represent certain facilities or services. These points are
located in a continuous plane where demand arises at any point in a plane and the
feasible locations of these facilities are these points in the place. Computational
number of points in a continuous plane or space with the help of Voronoi diagram
Okabe and Suzuki, 1997). Voronoi diagram have also been used to minimize the total
travel time and average travel cost to the nearest point facilities and locational
optimization of lines.
According to the available literature, some other methods have also been used for
delineating retail areas. These methods have been classified into the following
William Applebaum pioneered the analog method in 1932, for developing systematic
retail forecasting model based on empirical data. This method is commonly used by
retail and consulting firms to quantify the performance characteristics of existing stores
in order to forecast sales at new sites (Rogers and Green, 1979). The analog method is
Proximal Area Method is a geographic approach for delineating trade areas. This
method assumes that consumers choose the nearest store to visit among the similar kind
of outlets (Ghosh and McLafferty, 1987). This method also assumes that customers also
consider travel distance and time while choosing a store. Once the trade area is defined,
the store sales can be projected by analyzing demographic variables and spending habits
of the perspective customers (Wang, 2006). By using GIS techniques, proximal area
method can be studied by two approaches. The first approach is the consumer based and
The consumer based approach looks for the nearest store location in relation to the
consumers. The store based approach constructs Thiessen polygons around each store in
order to define the proximal area. The Thiessen polygon layer can be overlaid by
demographic variables in order to obtain consumer information. This method takes into
consideration distance and time traveled to delineate trade areas. Other sales-forecast
methodologies have been developed and applied that consider distances (or time) and
attraction of stores (Reilly, 1931 and Converse, 1949). One of these techniques that
have been used for many years to delineate retail-trading areas is based on the law of
retail gravitation. This law establishes the relationship between two cities on the basis of
their relative populations and distances between them (Reilly, 1929). The statistical
The Dist. from B to the breaking po int of the retail trade area between two cities
Dist. from A to B
= 1 + Population of A / Population of B
Α = first city
Β = second city
The law of retail gravitation has been used for marking off the areas/ zones from which
D. Huff, T.R. Lakshmanan and W.G. Hansen later improved a more general
stores. This model is based on the assumption that the probability of a customer offered
perceived utility of each alternative. This model can be used for predicting consumer
spatial behavior, delineating trade areas, locating retail and service facilities, analyzing
Retailers always seek growth and expansion of their revenues and profits. In order to
achieve this, they adopt various strategies like opening up new outlets, diversification of
goods and products, increasing marketing efforts, etc. The scope for increasing the
revenues of existing outlets also depends upon the size and economic potential of the
geographic area served by the outlets. An essential feature of retail outlets is the spatial
orientation of their markets (Ghosh and McLafferty, 1987). Each store may have a
geographic area from where most of its customers originate. Market potential of any
store is determined by the expenditure pattern of residents in the trade area. The market
potentials are however, not static and may change over time due to changes in economic
trends, population size, age and ethnic composition and other socio-economic indicators
customers is the basis on which the retail outlets should make their target market
The level and quality of direct competition is an important assessment that has to be
competition levels by including stores per capita, square footage per capita as well as
A retail chain develops its store location strategy keeping in view the future
retail setting of the market. The population numbers, demographic set-up and the
expenditure potential of the catchment area are important factors of the competitive
environment (Davies and Rogers, 1984). Knowledge of the regional shopping area and
Sales forecasts/ projections can be made for future store locations. A gravity
model uses three key factors such as: size of the store, distance traveled to get to the
store and the retail image of the store based on its products, easy accessibility, visibility,
parking, etc. (Mercurio, 1984). One of the prominent features of retail revolution over
the past few decades has been the transformation from independent, family-run firms to
most developed countries large multiples (i.e. with ten or more retail outlets) account
for a major part of the total retail sales (Burt and Dawson, 1990).
The extent of chain store dominance may vary from sector to sector, but the
food retailing exhibits the greatest degree of concentration. The retail trade market is
number of small-scale outlets (Brown, 1992). Therefore, it becomes imperative for the
fast-food retail outlets to not ignore their competitors when taking locational decisions.
Micro-scale retail location cannot be studied in complete isolation. Hence, the broader
locational literatures like Central Place theory, Spatial Interaction theory, bid-rent
theory, etc. that has been applied at the macro level can be adapted to the micro-scale
Retail site selection is the most important aspect of any business. An accurate
projection of sales often helps to determine the right amount to invest in order to get
maximum returns. For opening retail business hard costs, such as real estate,
construction, equipment, interior decoration and furniture and soft costs such as zoning,
professional fees, training and personnel relocation are taken into consideration
(Salvaneschi, 1996). Many a times for estimating the sales projection figures of a future
store, similar kinds of stores or outlets offering similar kind of goods and services are
store’s future sales. Regional and trade related data can be used as inputs for these
models for sales forecasting. Three major statistical methods used are:
3. Reilly’s Law
Many real estate consultants prefer regression model. Volume Shoe Corporation
uses four types of multiple regression models to predict new stores based on
demographic data from new store location: population density, median household
A regression model can be applied in retail location decisions, that relates sales
or negatively related to sales. The results can be compared to existing similar stores for
Regression models have also been used to identify location variables related to
store sales performance. For state-owned liquor stores in Charlotte, North Carolina, the
regression model related annual sales volume for each existing store (dependent
variable) and population within 1.5 miles of the store site, mean household income,
distance from subject store to next nearest liquor store, daily traffic volume,
employment within 1.5 miles of the store, etc. (independent variables) (Lord and Lynds,
Regression analysis can be used to determine the factors that influence the
may depend upon a number of factors and regression analysis can help to identify the
factor that has the greatest impact for a particular retail outlet. The development of
There are many empirical studies done that have used regression models on retail
(Hise et al., 1983; Jones and Mock, 1984), hospitals and health services (Erickson and
Finkler, 1985), grocery stores (Cottrell, 1973), banks and financial institutions (Martin,
1967; Clawson, 1974; Olsen and Lord, 1979; Lynge and Shin, 1981), etc. Most of these
studies infer that the population numbers and demographic composition of an outlet’s
trade area affect performance to a great extent. Composition has a complex influence on
store performance but merchandizing, promotion, customer services and sales also have
a positive relationship.
Every retailer seeks growth and expansion of the business. This growth can be
and expansion by adding more establishments. For physical expansion into new or
existing markets, an analysis and selection of the broad geographical region should be
done. This process of site selection for a new retail outlet follows a hierarchy from a
macro-analysis at the regional and market levels, to trade area analysis and finally down
trading areas encompassing metropolitan regions, cities and towns. Within each trade
area there might be a number of potential sites for establishing retail outlets. According
to the United States Census Bureau, there are nine census regions in the country, which
were established in 1910 for the presentation of census data. These regions are: New
England, Mid-Atlantic, South Atlantic, East North Central, East South Central, West
North Central, West South Central, Mountain and Pacific (US Census Bureau, 2002).
This Census Bureau classification has been used by a number of data sources for
reporting statistics on retailing, manufacturing and other economic analysis. Many large
chains like JC Penny, have divided the United States into regions based on their
operations (JC Penny, 1987). These nine regions of the United States can also be
conceptualized as the nine nations within North American. Each of these divisions
depicts a distinct cultural and anthropological entity rather than mere political divisions
(Garreau, 1981). Each regional market may exhibit varying retailing opportunities.
Large retailing chains adapt their marketing strategies to fit the requirements of the
individual regional market based on its physical, geographical, consumer, economic and
diverse geographic markets like a metropolitan region, city or town. Retailers have to be
constantly aware of the changing boundaries of market area and conduct market
analysis as an ongoing process. The changes in the boundary of the market areas may be
arteries and entry of a new competition in the market, etc. (Huff and Rust, 1984).
Market areas are further subdivided into trade areas that contain target market
populations from which a particular retail outlet draws its customers. The point, at
service (Anderson, 1993). While carrying out this trade area analysis, customer
destinations and nature of outlets bypassed on their way to the destination store, must be
evaluated. The trade area analysis is carried out on the basis of geography,
Although there have been different interpretations for the concept of a retail
trading area, generally it refers to a geographical area from where retail patronage or
clientele is derived. But the question arises as to how much clientele contribute from an
area should be included within a retail trade zone of a retail outlet. Theoretically it has
been accepted that if there are any customers of a retail outlet living in the study area,
then it should be included as a part of the retail trade zone (Fine, 1954).
A retail trade area surrounds the retail outlets and within which 75 to 80% of
customers more from one point to another (Salvaneschi, 1996). The retail trade area is
formed by people who live, work and move there and also a percentage of customers
who come from outside. According Salvaneschi, a retail-trading zone has three main
sections of customers. The core area that accounts for about 50% of customers, the
secondary area that accounts for up to 25% of customers and the tertiary area that
accounts for 10-15% of customers (including those from beyond 4-5 miles). The
customers who come from beyond the tertiary area are sometimes referred to as the off-
map customers. These customers vary in frequency and numbers according to the type
of goods or services offered, the type of road and the topography of the area.
A retail outlet’s retail trade zone can fall into one or a combination of areas such
as: downtown, urban, rural or suburban. Each of these categories can reflect different
recreational. The profile of the customers will differ according to the zone in which they
are located.
The retail marketing strategy is greatly dependent upon the firm’s value platform. The
value platform deals with the manner in which a firm distinguished itself from its
outlets. Creating and maintaining this value platform will allow the store to achieve a
etc. have to be kept consistent with the value platform (Ghosh and McLafferty, 1987;
Mercurio, 1984). The store management has to understand the customer needs and
wants and also be aware of competitions faced by the outlet. Customers may have
varying needs and wants and how they perceive the value of eating at a fast-food joint.
These differences may create the potential for segmenting the trade area based on
The fast food stores can select the segment of consumers it can serve best and
orient its services to meet the needs of that group. In delimiting its trade market, the
store must also take into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of the potential
competitors as well as its own resource base (Ghosh and McLafferty, 1987). In any
market area, there may be a variety of stores offering similar products and services.
Under such circumstances, the value platform of each store will determine where it
stands in the extent of competition. And if the value platform of two competing stores is
competitive clusters based on how similar their value platforms are. Firms belonging to
each of these groups follow similar marketing strategies, target the same segment of
consumers and compete directly with each other. The competitive edge of the store can
thus be maintained by price of goods and services as well as the outlet location.
likely to choose the store that is more conveniently located. Price of products and
services and store location are the most important factors at this stage of competition
within strategic groups, when consumers have to make a choice (Ghosh and
McLafferty, 1987).
Fast food restaurants like Burger King and McDonald’s generally have three types of
eating facilities like: Dine-in, Carryout and Drive-thru. The types of customers for each
of these facilities are different and therefore, their expectations are also based
accordingly. In today’s fast-paced life, where customers are looking for convenience,
the Drive-thru concept has become very popular. Customers on the move generally
A substantial part of any quick service restaurant’s (QSR) revenue comes from
plays an indispensable role in quick-serve. From consumer applications that enhance the
diner experience to operational applications that improve the restaurants’ day to day
functioning, experts say quick-serves that do not embrace technology are missing both
revenue-boosting and cost cutting opportunities that could put them at a competitive
Drive-thru facilities have existed since the late 1920s and until 1970s most QSR
customer orders were taken inside the restaurants. Over the last twenty-five years there
has been a spurt in drive-thru sales. Some newer QSR chains have reported a 50-75%
share of their revenues from the drive-thru restaurant facilities (USA Today, 2002). In
1975, McDonald’s opened its first drive-thru window in Sierra Vista, Arizona. This
service gave the fast food consumers a convenient way to get a quick meal. The
eventually accounted for about half of all McDonald’s restaurant sales in the United
concept originated in the QSR history, today we can find drive-thru video-stores, banks,
Although both McDonald’s and Burger King were established in the same year (1954)
and by the 21st century, McDonald’s has been considered as the undisputed hamburger
king especially in terms of sheer size. By 2000, more than 43 million people visited one
of McDonald’s 26,000 restaurants in 120 countries every single day. Which is about
more than 15 billion customers a year with system-wide sales of over $40 billion.
Burger King, by comparison, served nearly 15 million customers daily. Burger King
Corporation and its franchisees operated over 11,000 restaurants in the U.S. and 57
countries and international territories around the world, producing 2000 system wide
While both companies sold burgers and fries, their nearly 50-year battle had
been waged around two competing concepts. McDonald’s aimed to be the world’s best
‘quick service restaurant experience’. Being the best meant providing outstanding
quality, service, cleanliness and value. Burger King based its strategy around customer
satisfaction through flexibility. Since the company’s founding in Miami, the Burger
King brand had become recognized for its flame-broiled taste and ‘Have it Your Way
Most fast food restaurants offer discounted prices on their products in order to
attract more customers. McDonald’s has a $1 Billion marketing budget, almost twice
that of Burger King Corp. But in order to compete on the basis of price discounts,
(Bremner and DeGeorge, 1989). Even though McDonald’s is continuously fighting for
market share, it is also worried about the negative effect of price slashing of its products
McDonald’s have been introducing new products on its menu (pizzas, low-fat
milkshakes) and also opening up outlets in diverse markets like hospitals, airports and
museums. McDonald’s have also extended their menu choices by including healthier
platter like salads, soups and yogurts. But they still maintain discounted burgers on their
menu in order retain their clientele and win new customers (Gibson, 1990).
3.10 Summary:
Much technological advancement has taken place in the field of GIS over the past few
years and it is widely used software for spatial data analysis. The review of available
literature related to the study topic in this chapter provides the necessary background
understanding for the interplays between retail outlets and various location and socio-
economic factors. This literature review has helped to identify a set of useful articles
and books by accredited scholars and researchers, which have applied GIS principles of
GIS has been helpful in accurately representing real world situations and has
therefore been used for business and service planning. GIS offers a large number of
techniques that have been successfully made use of by the retail businesses in location
planning and strategic retail decision-making and applications. Over the past few
decades, the methodologies used for retail outlet location research have become more
Retailers are always trying to grow and expand their business. This is done by
increasing sales revenues of the existing stores and by adding more establishments.
Looking into the size and economic potential of the trade area often does this. The
market potential of a store is determined by the ethnic composition and the expenditure
pattern of residents in the trade area. Selecting site for a new retail outlet requires an
accurate projection of sales in order to determine the right amount of investments for
maximum returns.
policies and goals. Retail marketing strategies can allow the businesses to concentrate
their resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and at the same time
The concept of Trade Area analysis has always been quite appealing and popular with
retailers because it helps them to gain much needed understanding of the business
potential and the competition with other retailers. In its simplest form, a circle of certain
radius around a retail outlet can function as the outlet’s trade area. In the circle around a
retail outlet, it is possible to analyze certain geodemographic factors and other variables
GIS can easily calculate the size and the potential of the market based on the
socio-economic profile of the area in the identified trade area, for example, the circle
around a store. However, Trade Area analysis in the past was limited to rough estimates
and mental arithmetic because of the time consuming manual calculations involved. With
laborious manual calculation required, analysts often assumed that people travel in
straight lines, instead of using actual distance or traveling time. They also had to work
with the notion that those residing within the radius of the circle are the customers and
nobody outside the circle shops at that store, ignoring traffic patterns and the additional
attracting factors by any nearby attractions. Moreover, they often assumed away
competition because of the extensive time and labor involved in including all these in
their calculation and analysis. With GIS, however, it is now possible to handle larger
volumes of data, with higher levels of precision/details, and shorter turn around time
frontiers of location science to identify the very best sites in a multi-store market. It is
retail location software developed by a GIS consulting firm Digital Geographic Research
analyses have tried to improve upon the aforementioned limitations by considering non-
circular trade areas; by detailing trade areas into primary or secondary trade areas and
even by constructing Thiessen polygons to partition the space with a given pattern of
retailers. In today’s consumer society, shopping behavior and store choices depend upon
In this study, GIS and statistical analysis techniques have been applied as an applicable
tool for retail business. This study examines the spatial patterns, and the dynamics of the
fast food restaurant chains of Burger King and McDonald’s in Portage and Summit
The data used in this study include data layers of Block Groups 2000 –
TIGER/Line® Shapefiles for Portage and Summit Counties provided by U.S. Census
Bureau. The data layers were in Geographic Coordinates NAD83 and re-projected to
composition of population and median household income has been taken from Census
2000 Summary Files (SF 3) and joined with the Block group layer. The annual sales data
for midyear 2004, for Burger King and McDonald’s QSR (Quick Service Restaurants) in
Portage and Summit Counties of Ohio, has been obtained from Restaurant TrendsTM, a
research company in the United States that tracks the performance of the chain restaurant
TIGER files
Data Layers Census Data
Preparation Restaurant Data
Geocoding of
Restaurants Buffers
Proximity Analysis
Geoprocessing Miles
Research methodology includes the following GIS techniques and statistical analysis.
The analytical procedures are outlined in Chart 4.1 as well as in the discussion below.
4.2.1 Geocoding:
This is the method that converts addresses to specific point locations on the street
network based on locations of the addresses as defined in a reference data layer of street
information. Taking into consideration the various types of address parameters one can
do Geocoding by matching the house number and street number against those in the
referenced street database. In this study the fast food stores have been geocoded using
Geocoding combines map information with street address so that a point can be
located uniquely on a base map for each corresponding address. The process of address
restaurants, a reference database of streets for Portage and Summit Counties and a
In ArcCatalog, a new Address Locator was created by choosing the style of the
Geocoding service as US Streets. The US Streets address locator style helps to create
address locators for common addresses. Another advantage of using this style is that it
provides a range of house or property number values for both sides of a street segment.
This style also provides a location along the street and the side of the road segment where
the address is located (Crosier, 2004). The US Census Bureau maintains a database of
streets with address ranges that have been enhanced in the various commercial
Geocoding products/ software. This database, referred to as the TIGER/Line files, can be
Moreover, private data vendors also make this database available for downloads. For
example, ERSI’s website has the TIGER/Line files formatted to shapefiles so that their
software can work with them directly. TIGER/Line files in shapefile format can be
Since each of the Burger King and McDonald’s restaurants in Portage and
Summit Counties has a properly formed address, ArcGIS estimated the position of each
address as a point location and stored them in a point data layer that has the same
geographic projection as that of the street reference data layer. This estimation is done
with the linear interpolation between the two endpoints of the street segment that contains
the house number of the matched address. Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the
Fig: 1 Burger Kings and McDonalds’ QSR: Portage and Summit Counties
Sixty-five of the studied restaurants fall under the Urbanized areas of Cleveland
(66.98 square miles), Akron (273.43 square miles), Windham (1.69 square miles) and
Youngstown (0.12 square mile). The other four restaurants that are situated outside of these
in Portage County) and Richfield (Burger King and McDonald’s in Summit County).
Figure 4 shows the distance of the studied restaurants from four types of roads as
classified by the US Census Bureau has been taken into consideration. According to the
Census Feature Class Codes (CFCC) these roads are A1- Interstate Highways and Toll
Highways, A2- nationally & regionally important highways, A3- State Highways and
Table 1: Distance of Burger King & McDonald’s QSR from Major Roads
A2 3 3
A3 23 24
A2 2 4
A3 41 44
Above table shows that about 36 restaurants are situated within one mile of the interstate
highways and toll highways. Out of these 12 are the Burger King restaurants and 24 are
the McDonald’s restaurants. About 49 of the restaurants are situated within two miles of
the interstate highways. Out of these, 16 are the Burger King and 33 are McDonald’s
Fig 4: Distance of Burger King & McDonald’s Restaurants from Major Roads
Five fast food restaurants are situated within a mile of the A2 roads. Three of
these are Burger King and 2 are McDonald’s QSR. And within 2 miles of the A2 roads,
seven fast food restaurants are situated. Three are the Burger King and four are the
McDonald’s restaurants.
restaurants are situated within 2 miles of the state highways (Burger Kings 24 and
McDonalds’ 44 restaurants).
All the sixty-nine studied restaurants are accessible by local (A4) roads.
Thiessen polygons, also known as Voronoi polygons, represent areas of influence around
a set of focal points (or retail outlets as in this study). They can be generated based on a
set of points as centroid for the polygons. Thiessen polygons have been so constructed
that each polygon contains exactly one of the outlets and that any location with a
Thiessen polygon is closer to that point outlet (centroid) than to any other point outlets.
neighboring points (in this case, retail outlets) as the boundaries of the resulting Thiessen
In this study, GIS techniques have been used to predict the catchment boundary
along a direct transact between each pair of neighboring fast food outlet in the sample set
based on customer choice patterns. Once the location of a catchment area boundary has
been established along a given transact, this has been compared to that predicted by the
theoretical polygon boundary. This process helps to assess the validity of the Thiessen
boundary, and if its position is found to be inappropriate, the position of a more realistic
boundary can be identified (Gething et. al, 2004). Many commercially available GIS
software packages now offer such functions at only a few keystrokes to produce Thiessen
The Thiessen tool in ArcGIS can proportionally divide and distribute point
network (TIN).
b.) The perpendicular bisectors of each triangle edge are generated that form
the edges of the Thiessen polygons. The locations at which the bisectors
Each Thiessen polygon contains only one input point (geocoded restaurant) and
any location within the polygon is closer to its point than to the point of any other
polygon. Thiessen polygons have been generated for Burger King and McDonald’s
Restaurants in Portage and Summit Counties, Burger King and McDonald’s in Portage
County, Burger King and McDonald’s in Summit County, Burger King in Portage
County, Burger King in Summit County, Burger King in Portage and Summit Counties,
Portage and Summit Counties. Figure 5 to Figure 13 show the spatial structures of the
Thiessen polygons calculated using different subsets of the fast food restaurants included
in this study. Figure 5, shows the Thiessen polygons around the geocoded Burger King
and McDonald’s restaurants in Portage and Summit Counties. (Please refer to Figure 6 to
can evaluate the retail outlets in terms of socio-economic and/or demographic attributes
of each outlet’s trade area. For example, census data can be summarized by Thiessen
polygons to provide hints to business planners the size of the market, the potential
customer base, the demographic composition of the population in a particular trade area,
or the estimated purchasing power or consumption patterns of the population in the trade
(Thiessen Polygons)
Rather than simply being interested in the locations of a retail store, an analyst may be
interested in the locations within a pre-defined distance from a store. For instance,
wanting to know about geodemographics of all areas within or outside of 1 mile from a
urban area. Where information of this type is required, a buffering technique is made use
of. Buffers may be generated around a point, a line segment, or a polygon, with a
specified width. Following the establishment of buffer polygons, analytic steps similar to
those used in analyzing Thiessen polygons have been taken to examine how buffer
polygons behave similarly or differently from those of Thiessen polygons in this study.
to produce new information. The ArcINFO Geoprocessing environment has many tools
for processing all types of data. Some of these tools that have been used for this study
are: Overlay analysis (Union tool) and Proximity analysis (Buffer tool).
Buffer analysis tool creates a new feature class of buffer polygons around the
geocoded fast food restaurants. Buffers work in Euclidean space and use a two-
a.) Fixed distance - when a constant distance is specified and applied to the
Input Features.
b.) From Field- when the name of a numeric distance is chosen from the
specified feature class and each feature is buffered according to the chosen
These buffer polygons allow us to see how they are related to the performance of
the fast food restaurants. The buffering function generates polygons by encircling a point
with a specified distance, or the buffer width. Geometric buffers (sometimes also referred
to as geometric outlines, geodesic offsets, or geodesic parallel) are applied for various
spatial analyses in GIS (Gombosi and Zalik, 2005). Theoretically, geometric buffer is
Α+Β= {x + y / x ∈ A, y ∈ B}
In order to calculate store revenue and optimum locations of retail outlets, GIS
literature often suggest the techniques of buffer and overlay analysis (Beaumont, 1991;
Elliot, 1991; Howe, 1991; Reid, 1993; and others). These studies first estimate how far
customers are willing to travel to a store and the result will be either a travel time or
distance. The next stage delimits an area around the store with the help of a buffer to
mark the limit of that time or distance from the store. The revenue generated from that
store can be estimated by overlaying the consumer spending power that resides within
Three buffer zones generated around each fast food restaurant with the widths of
1-mile, 2-mile and 5-mile, are chosen to emulate consumers’ willingness to walk over to
a fast-food restaurant for a quick lunch in a congested area (1-mile), in a less congested
area (2-mile), or with a car they can drive to the restaurant (5-Mile). Demographic data
and median household income data of each polygon serves as the independent variable
for regression analysis and store sales volume as the dependent variable.
However, when the buffers around the fast-food outlets overlap one another, it
may become difficult to distribute the attributes of the population between different
buffers. This problem would be more apparent when there are two or more stores located
closer together and have very similar catchment areas. When it becomes difficult to
estimate how much revenue exists for each store in such a situation, the fair-share method
can be employed (Beaumont, 1991). According to this method the number of stores in the
buffer divides the total amount of revenue generated within the buffer.
In this study, fixed distance method of Buffering has been applied to generate
buffers of 1 mile, 2 miles and 5 miles around each of the Burger King and McDonald’s
fast food restaurants in Portage & Summit Counties. Figure 14 to Figure 40 provide the
layout of the buffer polygons with various subsets of the fast food restaurants included in
this study. Among these maps, I wish to point out that Figure 14, Figure 15 and Figure 16
show the Buffers with radii of 1mile, 2 miles and 5 miles around the geocoded Burger
King and McDonald’s restaurants in Portage and Summit Counties (Please refer to Figure
Fig 14: Burger King & McDonald’s-Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 1-mile)
Fig 15: Burger King & McDonald’s Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 2 miles)
Fig 16: Burger King & McDonald’s Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 5 miles)
Map overlay is one of the fundamental operations of GIS (Sadahiro, 2004). Overlay
Analysis tools allow the user to apply weights to several inputs and combine them into a
single output. In other words, it applies a common scale of values to diverse and
dissimilar input to create an integrated analysis (ArcGIS Desktop Help 9.2). Overlay
operation not only merges all line work, but also the attributes of the features taking part
Thiessen polygon and Buffer polygons (1, 2 and 5 miles) layers are overlaid on
the data layer of Census Block groups. The Block group level data layer is associated
Islanders, Other Races, Two Plus Races and Average Median Household Income. The
Union tool has been used to carry out an overlay of generated Thiessen polygons and
buffer polygons over the Census block group map (reporting demographic and household
income data).
Union calculates the geometric intersection of any number of feature class and
layers. For doing a union analysis, all inputs must be of a common geometry type and the
output will be of that same geometry type. The output features have the attributes of all
the input features that are ‘unioned’ together (ArcGIS Desktop Help 9.2).
(i.) It determines the spatial reference of the output. All the input feature
(ii.) Union cracks and clusters the features. The cracking process inserts
trade areas, it is then possible to summarize the socio-economic and other demographic
attributes for the fast-food restaurants available in the study over Thiessen polygons and
Buffer polygons.
Regression is a statistical technique that has been used to quantify the level of
change in the outcome of dependent variable that would be expected based upon a given
level of change in one or more independent variables (Skrepnek, 2005). Linear regression
with respect to one or more independent variables. Simple linear regression refers to a
case where in a linear relationship is analyzed between one dependent variable and one
independent variable, whereas multiple regressions involve more than one explanatory
(independent) variable.
Multi-variate Regression models the degree to which the variation within values
of a dependent variable measured at ratio scale (for example, Annual Sales of Burger
Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Others, Two Plus races and median household
income. The multivariate linear regression model assumes that there is a direct linear
relationship between the dependent variable and each predictor. This relationship is
described as:
Y = b0 + b1 x1 + b2 x 2 + ... + b p x p + e
Where: -
p = no. of predictors
e = error term
This regression model is referred to as linear because increasing the value of the
ith predictor by one unit increases the value of the dependent by bi units. The intercept, b0 ,
variation among values in the dependent variable explained by the combined variation of
the predictor variables (independent variables). For example, if R 2 = 0.53 , the regression
model is said to have 53% of the variability in the dependent variable being explained by
In terms of statistical testing, regression models are often tested with a hypothesis
Ho : R2 = 0
Which means that the variation among values of the dependent variable does not have a
statistically significant relationship with the variation among values in the predictor
significance of the model parameters. These would include the regression coefficients
and the error term. The concepts of this statistical testing would also follow the same
For the purpose of testing hypotheses about the values of model parameters, the
a.) The error term has a normal distribution with a mean of zero.
b.) The variance of the error term is constant across cases and independent of the
c.) The value of the error term for a given case is independent of the values of the
variables in the model and of the values of the error term for other cases.
by regression models, it should be noted that regression models could take one of many
forms. For this study, both Enter and stepwise regression models are used. The stepwise
variable will be assumed or used. This is to avoid any bias that may be
b.) That the stepwise regression model reveals the importance of each
The statistical analysis in this thesis research uses the SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Science) of SPSS Inc. (233 S. Wacher Dr, Chicago, IL 60606). SPSS is widely
used among academic and professional analysts for its robustness and accuracy of
statistical calculations. Furthermore, Kent State University holds a site license of SPSS
that enables faculty and students to access the package for academic studies. The
paragraphs below discuss the output from multivariate regression analysis by SPSS. For
the purpose of illustration, a sample output is included here to facilitate the discussion.
The following tables of the statistical output from SPSS are considered for this study:
Model Summary(b)
In the model summary R gives the strength of correlation among included variables. As
mentioned earlier, R-squared, or R 2 is R that has been squared. It represents the total
amount of variance in the dependent variable accounted for by the independent variables.
The value of R 2 can be interpreted as the proportion of variance explained by moving the
decimal point two places to the right and expressing this value as a percentage. The
the independent variables are in predicting the dependent variable. The larger the value
the better the regression line describes the data. Adjusted R square is computed using the
(1 − R )(N − 1)
N − K −1
When the number of observations is small and the number of predictors (k) is
large, there will be a much greater difference between R Square and Adjusted R Square
(because the ratio of (N-1)/ (N-k-1) and will be much less than 1). By contrast, when the
number of observations is very large as compared to the number of predictors, the value
of R square and adjusted R square will be much closer as the ratio of (N-1)/ (N-k-1) will
approach 1.
Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 2174266.862 7 310609.552 1.131 .356(a)
Residual 16474463.770 60 274574.396
Total 18648730.632 67
a Predictors: (Constant), Ave_MEDHHI, PerASIAN, PerPACIF, PerNATIVE, PerBLACK,
b Dependent Variable: ANN_SALE
ANOVA is a multivariate regression output that examines the variability, which can be
applied to look at the total amount of variance in the variance among the dependent
variables. It also gives clues to how much of that variance is accounted for by the
independent variables. The significance of the value F (called Sig. In the table) is the
value for the whole model or a significant value of R 2 (Miles and Shevlin, 2001).
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
In the Coefficient Tables the following parameters have been used for the study:
t and Sig.:
These columns provide the t-value and 2-tailed p-value used in testing the null hypothesis
that the coefficient/ parameter is 0. The p-value is the calculated probability level of the
tested parameter. If using a 2-tailed test, each p-value is compared to the pre-selected
less than the pre-defined α are statistically significant. Following a conventional level of
statistical significance, this study also uses α = 0.05 . Therefore, regression coefficients
having a p-value of 0.05 or less are said to be statistically significantly different from 0
(i.e., the null hypothesis can be rejected and it can be said that the coefficient is
A comparative analysis of the R 2 of the Thiessen polygons and Buffer polygons with
three different buffering limits has been done to see how well or poorly either of the two
approaches captures the variations in the sales volumes of fast food stores in the study
In addition a comparative analysis of the R2 of three buffer limits has also been
performed to determine a near ideal buffering limit for each of the fast food retail stores
A total of 65 fast-food restaurants in Summit County and Portage County of Ohio are
included in this study. These 65 restaurants are all the McDonalds and the Burger King
restaurants in these two counties. These two brands are chosen because they are the top
two leaders in fast food industry in the region and the food items they serve are similar
and, to a great extent, substituted easily. There have been various reasons why this
particular set of counties has been chosen to apply the retail location analysis model. A
those of the state as well as those of the national averages. These counties also represent a
good mix of urban, rural as well as suburban lifestyles (Joseph, 2005). Hence, a retail
location analysis done for these counties can also be applied to several other retail
The use of McDonalds and Burger Kings as study subjects is based on the assumption
that quality of food at both the chains is expected to be standard at each of their stores
(McDonalds’ Burger will be the same quality at all McDonalds outlets and similarly for
Burger King as well). With the quality of products controlled, the comparative studies of
how socio-economic and demographic factors have led us to understand how markets
with different location factors perform. These results can be applied to other types of
4.4 Summary
Trade area analysis has been an important and popular concept with retail businesses.
GIS tools and statistical analysis can be used to calculate the size and potential of the
market based on the geodemographic profile of the trade area. This study aims at
developing a methodology for analyzing the relationship between fast food store
performance and the demographic and socio-economic variables in the outlets’ catchment
areas in Portage and Summit Counties, Ohio. These counties represent a good mix of
urban, rural as well as suburban lifestyles and therefore, the location analysis can be
The locations of Burger King and McDonald’s QSR have been geocoded and a
catchment area analysis has been done for these restaurants by constructing Thiessen and
buffer polygons around the locations. Geoprocessing environment including overlay and
proximity analysis has been made use of to see how the ethnic composition of population
and the median household income in trade areas are related to the performance of the
QSR. The statistical technique of regression analysis has been used to quantify the level
of change in the outcome of Annual Sales of the restaurants that would be based upon a
given level of change in percentage of ethnic populations and the median household
income of the trade areas. In the end, a comparative analysis of the coefficient of
how well or poorly either of these two catchment analysis approaches capture variations
in sales volumes of the QSR. This comparative analysis also helps to determine an ideal
denominator is fixed and the numerator can only increase. Each additional variable used
in the equation, increases the numerator at least slightly, resulting in a higher R even
when the new variable causes the equation to become less efficient.
The adjusted R represents the result of adjusting both the numerator and
denominator by their respective degrees of freedom. Adjusted R can decline in value if
the contribution to the explained deviation by the additional variable is less than the
impact on the degrees of freedom. The adjusted R will react to alternative equations for
the same dependent variable in a manner similar to the Standard Error of the estimate, i.e.
the equation with the smallest Standard Error of the Estimate will most likely also have
2 2 2
the highest adjusted R . Unlike R , adjusted R is referred to as an index value and
not a percept (Jensen, 2006). The statistical models have been tabulated based on spatial
Table 2: Spatial Configuration (Regression Analysis: Enter Method: S-Summit, P-Portage, M-McDonald’s,
B-Burger King)
(. – Excluded Variables)
Buffe r 1 m ile
M ode l Buffe r N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Cons tant %White %Black %Native %As ian %Pacific %Othe rs %Tw opl Avg_M e dInc
BP 1-mile 5 1.00 . . . 785.85 . -9.81 . . . 564.77 -149.34 0.01
BS 1-mi l e 19 0.75 0.59 4.70 0.01 1020.52 . 2.90 412.86 58.52 1196.38 75.21 72.13 0.00
BPS 1-mi l e 24 0.58 0.39 3.10 0.03 583.42 . 6.22 131.59 -49.98 1285.68 271.74 105.85 0.01
BMP 1-mile 14 0.67 0.29 1.76 0.25 12.69 . -43.62 -690.53 172.77 5406.49 -1142.84 645.68 0.02
MP 1-mile 9 0.89 0.08 1.10 1.10 1003.46 . -171.09 1793.71 -37.19 5446.70 910.34 434.63 0.01
MPS 1-mile 41 0.11 -0.08 0.56 0.78 1498.37 . 3.34 -309.47 -106.25 134.18 166.64 23.17 0.01
BMPS 1-mile 64 0.15 0.04 1.38 0.23 1059.84 . 1.39 -105.10 -119.13 1064.29 9.52 135.64 0.01
BMS 1-mile 51 0.05 -0.10 0.36 0.92 1307.01 . 4.20 -41.33 -54.41 1452.19 6.62 47.71 0.00
MS 1-mile 32 0.10 -0.16 0.37 0.91 1840.61 . 5.97 -270.08 -35.69 265.56 -1.82 -79.29 0.00
Buffe r 2 m ile s
M ode l Buffe r N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Cons tant %White %Black %Native %As ian %Pacific %Othe rs %Tw opl Avg_M e dInc
BP 2-mile 5 1.00 . . . -340.33 . -5.28 790.08 . . 465.54 0.02
BS 2-mi l e 19 0.78 0.64 5.55 0.01 1805.82 -5.18 . 352.26 77.62 1041.00 -427.44 105.27 -0.01
BPS 2-mi l e 24 0.65 0.50 4.34 0.01 1390.14 -6.01 . -469.05 -4.70 1852.82 -301.94 207.40 0.00
MP 2-mile 9 0.93 0.46 1.99 0.50 1902.26 . -227.38 3460.77 -856.14 -20051.19 4209.38 80.15 0.00
MPS 2-mile 41 0.12 -0.06 0.67 0.70 1907.97 -4.99 . -285.72 -155.52 -145.62 275.00 -5.90 0.01
BMP 2-mile 14 0.73 0.41 2.31 0.16 -1172.98 . 5.97 -1293.89 -284.92 14240.75 237.58 877.64 0.04
BMS 2-mile 51 0.07 -0.08 0.46 0.86 2487.62 -8.32 -203.00 -50.69 -184.05 -399.43 -32.10 0.00
BMPS 2-mile 64 0.17 0.07 1.68 0.13 1586.19 -6.33 -182.40 -176.96 1553.99 -399.05 161.59 0.01
MS 2-mile 32 0.14 -0.11 0.57 0.78 1819.46 7.46 -420.01 -76.28 209.04 27.71 -111.01 0.00
Buffe r 5 m ile s
M ode l Buffe r N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Cons tant %White %Black %Native %As ian %Pacific %Othe rs %Tw opl Avg_M e dInc
BP 5-mile 5 1.00 . . . 33.19 . . -816.71 . . -1251.61 1077.02 0.00
MP 5-mile 9 0.99 0.95 25.17 0.15 10683.60 . -2130.85 20024.62 2905.38 -116642.80 -3407.87 -3040.52 -0.08
MPS 5-mile 41 0.18 0.01 1.03 0.43 -27.03 . -5.13 1266.09 -202.24 1309.98 -702.16 485.61 0.03
BPS 5-mile 24 0.43 0.18 1.73 0.17 416.40 . -5.25 178.55 116.92 933.62 107.62 278.30 0.00
BS 5-mile 19 0.42 0.05 1.12 0.41 400.44 . -5.43 9.22 158.08 470.97 904.65 145.20 0.00
MS 5-mile 32 0.25 0.03 1.15 0.36 842.03 . 5.13 1494.91 13.74 1701.17 -2476.06 503.33 0.01
BMPS 5-mile 64 0.10 -0.01 0.91 0.51 2524.21 . 3.05 -566.60 173.71 38.91 -1393.99 27.93 -0.02
BMS 5-mile 51 0.11 -0.04 0.76 0.63 2287.86 . 4.54 -242.55 225.52 1036.14 -1799.99 115.35 -0.01
BMP 5-mile 14 0.48 -0.13 0.79 0.62 -866.07 . 374.09 -3673.27 -666.50 69201.60 -2242.17 456.17 0.04
Thie s s e n
M ode l Buffe r N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Cons tant %White %Black %Native %As ian %Pacific %Othe rs %Tw opl Avg_M e dInc
BP Theissen 5 1.00 . . . 559.51 . . . . -8595.10 -157.85 55.24 0.01
MP Theissen 9 0.95 0.60 2.72 0.44 2065.87 . -716.37 -1316.26 1327.26 -51145.21 1789.96 1387.65 -0.01
MPS Theissen 41 0.16 -0.02 0.86 0.55 2232.98 . 5.93 -622.88 19.19 727.01 -436.58 -126.28 -0.01
BS Thei ssen 19 0.72 0.54 4.02 0.02 842.65 . 8.87 482.39 1.08 1251.79 -305.08 81.89 0.00
BPS Thei ssen 24 0.66 0.52 4.50 0.01 750.27 . 10.94 295.41 -20.82 1517.22 -192.28 71.05 0.00
BMP Theissen 14 0.76 0.47 2.65 0.13 3752.01 . -36.51 -3067.44 175.59 -36458.61 -1082.73 -270.41 -0.02
BMPS Theissen 64 0.17 0.06 1.59 0.16 1503.71 . 5.63 -579.09 -99.25 1037.93 -191.28 51.56 0.00
BMS Theissen 51 0.10 -0.05 0.69 0.68 1417.84 . 7.42 -414.44 -85.96 832.62 -124.20 39.75 0.00
MS Theissen 32 0.19 -0.05 0.78 0.61 1918.09 . 6.55 -634.38 -77.36 759.64 -222.54 -62.37 0.00
Table 3: Restaurant wise (Regression Analysis: Enter Method: S-Summit, P-Portage, M-McDonald’s, B-Burger King)
Burger King & McDonald's
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant %White %Black %Native %Asian %Pacific %Others %Twoplvg_MedInc
BMP 1-mile 14 0.67 0.29 1.76 0.25 12.69 . -43.62 -690.53 172.77 5406.49 -1142.84 645.68 0.02
BMP 2-mile 14 0.73 0.41 2.31 0.16 -1172.98 . 5.97 -1293.89 -284.92 14240.75 237.58 877.64 0.04
BMP 5-mile 14 0.48 -0.13 0.79 0.62 -866.07 . 374.09 -3673.27 -666.50 69201.60 -2242.17 456.17 0.04
BMP Theissen 14 0.76 0.47 2.65 0.13 3752.01 . -36.51 -3067.44 175.59 -36458.61 -1082.73 -270.41 -0.02
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant %White %Black %Native %Asian %Pacific %Others %Twoplvg_MedInc
BMPS 1-mile 64 0.15 0.04 1.38 0.23 1059.84 . 1.39 -105.10 -119.13 1064.29 9.52 135.64 0.01
BMPS 2-mile 64 0.17 0.07 1.68 0.13 1586.19 -6.33 -182.40 -176.96 1553.99 -399.05 161.59 0.01
BMPS 5-mile 64 0.10 -0.01 0.91 0.51 2524.21 . 3.05 -566.60 173.71 38.91 -1393.99 27.93 -0.02
BMPS Theissen 64 0.17 0.06 1.59 0.16 1503.71 . 5.63 -579.09 -99.25 1037.93 -191.28 51.56 0.00
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant %White %Black %Native %Asian %Pacific %Others %Twoplvg_MedInc
BMS 1-mile 51 0.05 -0.10 0.36 0.92 1307.01 . 4.20 -41.33 -54.41 1452.19 6.62 47.71 0.00
BMS 2-mile 51 0.07 -0.08 0.46 0.86 2487.62 -8.32 -203.00 -50.69 -184.05 -399.43 -32.10 0.00
BMS 5-mile 51 0.11 -0.04 0.76 0.63 2287.86 . 4.54 -242.55 225.52 1036.14 -1799.99 115.35 -0.01
BMS Theissen 51 0.10 -0.05 0.69 0.68 1417.84 . 7.42 -414.44 -85.96 832.62 -124.20 39.75 0.00
Burger King
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant %White %Black %Native %Asian %Pacific %Others %Twoplvg_MedInc
BP 1-mile 5 1.00 . . . 785.85 . -9.81 . . . 564.77 -149.34 0.01
BP 2-mile 5 1.00 . . . -340.33 . -5.28 790.08 . . 465.54 0.02
BP 5-mile 5 1.00 . . . 33.19 . . -816.71 . . -1251.61 1077.02 0.00
BP Theissen 5 1.00 . . . 559.51 . . . . -8595.10 -157.85 55.24 0.01
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant %White %Black %Native %Asian %Pacific %Others %Twoplvg_MedInc
BPS 1-mile 24 0.58 0.39 3.10 0.03 583.42 . 6.22 131.59 -49.98 1285.68 271.74 105.85 0.01
BPS 2-mile 24 0.65 0.50 4.34 0.01 1390.14 -6.01 . -469.05 -4.70 1852.82 -301.94 207.40 0.00
BPS 5-mile 24 0.43 0.18 1.73 0.17 416.40 . -5.25 178.55 116.92 933.62 107.62 278.30 0.00
BPS Theissen 24 0.66 0.52 4.50 0.01 750.27 . 10.94 295.41 -20.82 1517.22 -192.28 71.05 0.00
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant %White %Black %Native %Asian %Pacific %Others %Twoplvg_MedInc
BS 1-mile 19 0.75 0.59 4.70 0.01 1020.52 . 2.90 412.86 58.52 1196.38 75.21 72.13 0.00
BS 2-mile 19 0.78 0.64 5.55 0.01 1805.82 -5.18 . 352.26 77.62 1041.00 -427.44 105.27 -0.01
BS 5-mile 19 0.42 0.05 1.12 0.41 400.44 . -5.43 9.22 158.08 470.97 904.65 145.20 0.00
BS Theissen 19 0.72 0.54 4.02 0.02 842.65 . 8.87 482.39 1.08 1251.79 -305.08 81.89 0.00
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant %White %Black %Native %Asian %Pacific %Others %Twoplvg_MedInc
MP 1-mile 9 0.89 0.08 1.10 1.10 1003.46 . -171.09 1793.71 -37.19 5446.70 910.34 434.63 0.01
MP 2-mile 9 0.93 0.46 1.99 0.50 1902.26 . -227.38 3460.77 -856.14 -20051.19 4209.38 80.15 0.00
MP 5-mile 9 0.99 0.95 25.17 0.15 10683.60 . -2130.85 20024.62 2905.38 -116642.80 -3407.87 -3040.52 -0.08
MP Theissen 9 0.95 0.60 2.72 0.44 2065.87 . -716.37 -1316.26 1327.26 -51145.21 1789.96 1387.65 -0.01
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant %White %Black %Native %Asian %Pacific %Others %Twoplvg_MedInc
MPS 1-mile 41 0.11 -0.08 0.56 0.78 1498.37 . 3.34 -309.47 -106.25 134.18 166.64 23.17 0.01
MPS 2-mile 41 0.12 -0.06 0.67 0.70 1907.97 -4.99 . -285.72 -155.52 -145.62 275.00 -5.90 0.01
MPS 5-mile 41 0.18 0.01 1.03 0.43 -27.03 . -5.13 1266.09 -202.24 1309.98 -702.16 485.61 0.03
MPS Theissen 41 0.16 -0.02 0.86 0.55 2232.98 . 5.93 -622.88 19.19 727.01 -436.58 -126.28 -0.01
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant %White %Black %Native %Asian %Pacific %Others %Twoplvg_MedInc
MS 1-mile 32 0.10 -0.16 0.37 0.91 1840.61 . 5.97 -270.08 -35.69 265.56 -1.82 -79.29 0.00
MS 2-mile 32 0.14 -0.11 0.57 0.78 1819.46 7.46 -420.01 -76.28 209.04 27.71 -111.01 0.00
MS 5-mile 32 0.25 0.03 1.15 0.36 842.03 . 5.13 1494.91 13.74 1701.17 -2476.06 503.33 0.01
MS Theissen 32 0.19 -0.05 0.78 0.61 1918.09 . 6.55 -634.38 -77.36 759.64 -222.54 -62.37 0.00
Table 4: County wise (Regression Analysis: Enter Method: S-Summit, P-Portage, M-McDonald’s, B-Burger King)
Portage County
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant %White %Black %Native %Asian %Pacific %Others %Twoplvg_MedInc
BMP 1-mile 14 0.67 0.29 1.76 0.25 12.69 . -43.62 -690.53 172.77 5406.49 -1142.84 645.68 0.02
BMP 2-mile 14 0.73 0.41 2.31 0.16 -1172.98 . 5.97 -1293.89 -284.92 14240.75 237.58 877.64 0.04
BMP 5-mile 14 0.48 -0.13 0.79 0.62 -866.07 . 374.09 -3673.27 -666.50 69201.60 -2242.17 456.17 0.04
BMP Theissen 14 0.76 0.47 2.65 0.13 3752.01 . -36.51 -3067.44 175.59 -36458.61 -1082.73 -270.41 -0.02
BP 1-mile 5 1.00 . . . 785.85 . -9.81 . . . 564.77 -149.34 0.01
BP 2-mile 5 1.00 . . . -340.33 . -5.28 790.08 . . 465.54 0.02
BP 5-mile 5 1.00 . . . 33.19 . . -816.71 . . -1251.61 1077.02 0.00
BP Theissen 5 1.00 . . . 559.51 . . . . -8595.10 -157.85 55.24 0.01
MP 1-mile 9 0.89 0.08 1.10 1.10 1003.46 . -171.09 1793.71 -37.19 5446.70 910.34 434.63 0.01
MP 2-mile 9 0.93 0.46 1.99 0.50 1902.26 . -227.38 3460.77 -856.14 -20051.19 4209.38 80.15 0.00
MP 5-mile 9 0.99 0.95 25.17 0.15 10683.60 . -2130.85 20024.62 2905.38 -116642.80 -3407.87 -3040.52 -0.08
MP Theissen 9 0.95 0.60 2.72 0.44 2065.87 . -716.37 -1316.26 1327.26 -51145.21 1789.96 1387.65 -0.01
Summit County
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant %White %Black %Native %Asian %Pacific %Others %Twoplvg_MedInc
BMS 1-mile 51 0.05 -0.10 0.36 0.92 1307.01 . 4.20 -41.33 -54.41 1452.19 6.62 47.71 0.00
BMS 2-mile 51 0.07 -0.08 0.46 0.86 2487.62 -8.32 -203.00 -50.69 -184.05 -399.43 -32.10 0.00
BMS 5-mile 51 0.11 -0.04 0.76 0.63 2287.86 . 4.54 -242.55 225.52 1036.14 -1799.99 115.35 -0.01
BMS Theissen 51 0.10 -0.05 0.69 0.68 1417.84 . 7.42 -414.44 -85.96 832.62 -124.20 39.75 0.00
BS 1-mile 19 0.75 0.59 4.70 0.01 1020.52 . 2.90 412.86 58.52 1196.38 75.21 72.13 0.00
BS 2-mile 19 0.78 0.64 5.55 0.01 1805.82 -5.18 . 352.26 77.62 1041.00 -427.44 105.27 -0.01
BS 5-mile 19 0.42 0.05 1.12 0.41 400.44 . -5.43 9.22 158.08 470.97 904.65 145.20 0.00
BS Theissen 19 0.72 0.54 4.02 0.02 842.65 . 8.87 482.39 1.08 1251.79 -305.08 81.89 0.00
MS 1-mile 32 0.10 -0.16 0.37 0.91 1840.61 . 5.97 -270.08 -35.69 265.56 -1.82 -79.29 0.00
MS 2-mile 32 0.14 -0.11 0.57 0.78 1819.46 7.46 -420.01 -76.28 209.04 27.71 -111.01 0.00
MS 5-mile 32 0.25 0.03 1.15 0.36 842.03 . 5.13 1494.91 13.74 1701.17 -2476.06 503.33 0.01
MS Theissen 32 0.19 -0.05 0.78 0.61 1918.09 . 6.55 -634.38 -77.36 759.64 -222.54 -62.37 0.00
Portage & Summit Counties
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant %White %Black %Native %Asian %Pacific %Others %Twoplvg_MedInc
BMPS 1-mile 64 0.15 0.04 1.38 0.23 1059.84 . 1.39 -105.10 -119.13 1064.29 9.52 135.64 0.01
BMPS 2-mile 64 0.17 0.07 1.68 0.13 1586.19 -6.33 -182.40 -176.96 1553.99 -399.05 161.59 0.01
BMPS 5-mile 64 0.10 -0.01 0.91 0.51 2524.21 . 3.05 -566.60 173.71 38.91 -1393.99 27.93 -0.02
BMPS Theissen 64 0.17 0.06 1.59 0.16 1503.71 . 5.63 -579.09 -99.25 1037.93 -191.28 51.56 0.00
BPS 1-mile 24 0.58 0.39 3.10 0.03 583.42 . 6.22 131.59 -49.98 1285.68 271.74 105.85 0.01
BPS 2-mile 24 0.65 0.50 4.34 0.01 1390.14 -6.01 . -469.05 -4.70 1852.82 -301.94 207.40 0.00
BPS 5-mile 24 0.43 0.18 1.73 0.17 416.40 . -5.25 178.55 116.92 933.62 107.62 278.30 0.00
BPS Theissen 24 0.66 0.52 4.50 0.01 750.27 . 10.94 295.41 -20.82 1517.22 -192.28 71.05 0.00
MPS 1-mile 41 0.11 -0.08 0.56 0.78 1498.37 . 3.34 -309.47 -106.25 134.18 166.64 23.17 0.01
MPS 2-mile 41 0.12 -0.06 0.67 0.70 1907.97 -4.99 . -285.72 -155.52 -145.62 275.00 -5.90 0.01
MPS 5-mile 41 0.18 0.01 1.03 0.43 -27.03 . -5.13 1266.09 -202.24 1309.98 -702.16 485.61 0.03
MPS Theissen 41 0.16 -0.02 0.86 0.55 2232.98 . 5.93 -622.88 19.19 727.01 -436.58 -126.28 -0.01
Table 5: Restaurant wise and County wise (Regression Analysis: Enter Method: S-Summit, P-Portage,
M-McDonald’s, B-Burger King)
Portage County
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant % White % Black % Native % Asian % Pacific % Others % Tw opl Avg_MedInc
BMP 1-mile 14 0.67 0.29 1.76 0.25 12.69 . -43.62 -690.53 172.77 5406.49 -1142.84 645.68 0.02
BMP 2-mile 14 0.73 0.41 2.31 0.16 -1172.98 . 5.97 -1293.89 -284.92 14240.75 237.58 877.64 0.04
BMP 5-mile 14 0.48 -0.13 0.79 0.62 -866.07 . 374.09 -3673.27 -666.50 69201.60 -2242.17 456.17 0.04
BMP Theissen 14 0.76 0.47 2.65 0.13 3752.01 . -36.51 -3067.44 175.59 -36458.61 -1082.73 -270.41 -0.02
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant % White % Black % Native % Asian % Pacific % Others % Tw opl Avg_MedInc
BP 1-mile 5 1.00 . . . 785.85 . -9.81 . . . 564.77 -149.34 0.01
BP 2-mile 5 1.00 . . . -340.33 . -5.28 790.08 . . 465.54 0.02
BP 5-mile 5 1.00 . . . 33.19 . . -816.71 . . -1251.61 1077.02 0.00
BP Theissen 5 1.00 . . . 559.51 . . . . -8595.10 -157.85 55.24 0.01
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant % White % Black % Native % Asian % Pacific % Others % Tw opl Avg_MedInc
MP 1-mile 9 0.89 0.08 1.10 1.10 1003.46 . -171.09 1793.71 -37.19 5446.70 910.34 434.63 0.01
MP 2-mile 9 0.93 0.46 1.99 0.50 1902.26 . -227.38 3460.77 -856.14 -20051.19 4209.38 80.15 0.00
MP 5-mile 9 0.99 0.95 25.17 0.15 10683.60 . -2130.85 20024.62 2905.38 -116642.80 -3407.87 -3040.52 -0.08
MP Theissen 9 0.95 0.60 2.72 0.44 2065.87 . -716.37 -1316.26 1327.26 -51145.21 1789.96 1387.65 -0.01
Summit County
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant % White % Black % Native % Asian % Pacific % Others % Tw opl Avg_MedInc
BMS 1-mile 51 0.05 -0.10 0.36 0.92 1307.01 . 4.20 -41.33 -54.41 1452.19 6.62 47.71 0.00
BMS 2-mile 51 0.07 -0.08 0.46 0.86 2487.62 -8.32 -203.00 -50.69 -184.05 -399.43 -32.10 0.00
BMS 5-mile 51 0.11 -0.04 0.76 0.63 2287.86 . 4.54 -242.55 225.52 1036.14 -1799.99 115.35 -0.01
BMS Theissen 51 0.10 -0.05 0.69 0.68 1417.84 . 7.42 -414.44 -85.96 832.62 -124.20 39.75 0.00
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant % White % Black % Native % Asian % Pacific % Others % Tw opl Avg_MedInc
BS 1-mile 19 0.75 0.59 4.70 0.01 1020.52 . 2.90 412.86 58.52 1196.38 75.21 72.13 0.00
BS 2-mile 19 0.78 0.64 5.55 0.01 1805.82 -5.18 . 352.26 77.62 1041.00 -427.44 105.27 -0.01
BS 5-mile 19 0.42 0.05 1.12 0.41 400.44 . -5.43 9.22 158.08 470.97 904.65 145.20 0.00
BS Theissen 19 0.72 0.54 4.02 0.02 842.65 . 8.87 482.39 1.08 1251.79 -305.08 81.89 0.00
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant % White % Black % Native % Asian % Pacific % Others % Tw opl Avg_MedInc
MS 1-mile 32 0.10 -0.16 0.37 0.91 1840.61 . 5.97 -270.08 -35.69 265.56 -1.82 -79.29 0.00
MS 2-mile 32 0.14 -0.11 0.57 0.78 1819.46 7.46 -420.01 -76.28 209.04 27.71 -111.01 0.00
MS 5-mile 32 0.25 0.03 1.15 0.36 842.03 . 5.13 1494.91 13.74 1701.17 -2476.06 503.33 0.01
MS Theissen 32 0.19 -0.05 0.78 0.61 1918.09 . 6.55 -634.38 -77.36 759.64 -222.54 -62.37 0.00
Portage & Summit Counties
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant % White % Black % Native % Asian % Pacific % Others % Tw opl Avg_MedInc
BMPS 1-mile 64 0.15 0.04 1.38 0.23 1059.84 . 1.39 -105.10 -119.13 1064.29 9.52 135.64 0.01
BMPS 2-mile 64 0.17 0.07 1.68 0.13 1586.19 -6.33 -182.40 -176.96 1553.99 -399.05 161.59 0.01
BMPS 5-mile 64 0.10 -0.01 0.91 0.51 2524.21 . 3.05 -566.60 173.71 38.91 -1393.99 27.93 -0.02
BMPS Theissen 64 0.17 0.06 1.59 0.16 1503.71 . 5.63 -579.09 -99.25 1037.93 -191.28 51.56 0.00
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant % White % Black % Native % Asian % Pacific % Others % Tw opl Avg_MedInc
BPS 1-mile 24 0.58 0.39 3.10 0.03 583.42 . 6.22 131.59 -49.98 1285.68 271.74 105.85 0.01
BPS 2-mile 24 0.65 0.50 4.34 0.01 1390.14 -6.01 . -469.05 -4.70 1852.82 -301.94 207.40 0.00
BPS 5-mile 24 0.43 0.18 1.73 0.17 416.40 . -5.25 178.55 116.92 933.62 107.62 278.30 0.00
BPS Theissen 24 0.66 0.52 4.50 0.01 750.27 . 10.94 295.41 -20.82 1517.22 -192.28 71.05 0.00
Model Buffer N R2 Adj_R2 F Prob(F) Constant % White % Black % Native % Asian % Pacific % Others % Tw opl Avg_MedInc
MPS 1-mile 41 0.11 -0.08 0.56 0.78 1498.37 . 3.34 -309.47 -106.25 134.18 166.64 23.17 0.01
MPS 2-mile 41 0.12 -0.06 0.67 0.70 1907.97 -4.99 . -285.72 -155.52 -145.62 275.00 -5.90 0.01
MPS 5-mile 41 0.18 0.01 1.03 0.43 -27.03 . -5.13 1266.09 -202.24 1309.98 -702.16 485.61 0.03
MPS Theissen 41 0.16 -0.02 0.86 0.55 2232.98 . 5.93 -622.88 19.19 727.01 -436.58 -126.28 -0.01
Examining the adjusted R 2 of the models (Tables 2-5) show that Burger King’s
annual sales revenues are better explained by the included independent variables than
those of McDonald’s sales by the same set of variables. This is apparent by looking at the
adjusted R 2 of the models for Buffer-1 mile for Burger King in Summit County and
Burger King in Portage and Summit Counties, Buffer-2 miles for Burger King in Summit
However, this trend is not apparent for the Buffer-5 mile around Burger King
restaurants but sales are better explained by the variables for McDonald’s restaurants in
Portage and McDonald’s in Portage and Summit Counties. For the Thiessen buffers,
annual sales figures for McDonald’s in Portage and McDonald’s taken together for both
counties are better explained by the independent variables than those for Burger King.
The models for Burger King in Portage County have a very small sample size; hence
most of the cases, for every unit decrease in the percentage of Black population, there has
been a relative increase in Annual Sales of the fast food restaurants. This trend is more
higher mean of average median household income ($ 47,176) than Portage County ($
46,138) (US Census Bureau, 2001). One can infer that the black population is not
necessarily the largest clientele for these fast food restaurants. This could also point
towards the economic status of the black population as well as their eating preferences.
Taking a look at both Burger King and McDonald’s together, a decrease in the
percentage of black population and an increase in the sales revenues of these restaurants
are recorded for Portage County Buffer-1 mile and Thiessen. For the Native American
population a decrease in their numbers reflect an increase in the sales revenues of the
restaurants. However, looking at the percentage of their population to the total population
of both the counties shows that they are less than 1% in numbers for each buffer around
the restaurants.
revenues of the restaurants are recorded for both Burger King and McDonald’s in Portage
and Summit Counties within Buffers-1, 2, 5 miles and Thiessen. The percentage of Asian
population in these counties varies from less than 1% to 3% for the different blocks. An
increase in sales revenues as a result of decrease in Asian population reflects that either
their numbers are very small to reflect any significant impact over the sales revenues or
the other possible reason could be that the Asian population prefers to eat out at other
With a decrease in the population of all other races (including Hispanics), there is
an increase in sales revenues for both Burger King and McDonald’s in Buffer-1, 2, 5
miles and Thiessen. But for Burger King and McDonald’s (Portage and Summit
Counties) Buffer-1 mile, Burger King and McDonald’s (Summit County alone) Buffer-1
mile show an increase in sales revenues along with an increase in the percentage of
population of all other races (including Hispanics). The percentage of all the other races
Figures for Burger King Restaurants in Portage County with Buffer-1, 2 and 5
miles and Burger King in Portage and Summit County Buffer-5 miles show that a
decrease in percentage of Black population reflects an increase in sales revenue. Since the
number of Burger King stores in Portage County is only five, it does not give a very clear
picture of the actual trend prevailing in the region. However, an increase in sales
revenues for Burger King in both Portage as well as Summit County could possibly mean
that these restaurants draw clientele from mainly 1 to 2 miles around the restaurants.
Customers either walk to the restaurants or drive for a distance of 1~2 miles.
Burger King in Summit County and Burger King and McDonald’s for Portage and
Summit County for Buffer-2 miles show an increase in sales revenues with a decrease in
Native Americans, Asians and all other races (including Hispanics). Such a trend
suggests that most of these stores are probably located away from the residential areas, in
County for Buffer-1, 2, 5 miles and Thiessen. For McDonald’s in Summit County a
decrease in Asians, Native Americans and all other races, an increase in annual sales is
• Ethnic population and median household income for Buffers-1 and 2 miles around
• Ethnic population and median income for Buffer-5 miles better explain Annual
Sales for McDonald’s. This could mean that either these restaurants are located at
highway exits or are more accessible to commuters on their way to or from work
or even that the consumers are more willing to travel a longer distance to eat at a
• White population is the largest clientele for Burger King and McDonald’s
• The other minority races (besides the Black population) in these predominantly
white counties are too less in numbers to reflect any significant effect on the sales
• The ethnic minorities have other food preferences and prefer to eat out at other
• The ethnic minorities are either economically weaker or more health conscious
and prefer to not eat at the fast food restaurants very often.
Analyzing the Probability (F) values for these models show that the coefficients
for Burger King (Summit County) Buffer-1 and -2 miles and Thiessen, Burger King
(Portage and Summit Counties) Buffer-1 and -2 miles and Thiessen, are statistically
significant using alpha value of 0.05 as their p-values are less than 0.05. The statistically
Stepwise is one of the most frequently used regression analysis methods. It includes
regression models in which the choice of predictive variables is carried out by how much
variable contributes to increasing the explained variation in the dependent variable. The
statistical software without manual intervention normally does this automatically. The
statistical software program determines which variables among the specified set of
independent variables will actually be used for the regression, and in which order they
will be introduced, beginning with the forced variables and continuing with the other
After each step the algorithm selects from the remaining predictor variables the
variable, which yields the largest reduction in the residual (unexplained) variance of the
dependent variable, unless its contribution to the total F-ratio for the regression remains
below a specified threshold. Similarly, the program evaluates after each step whether the
contribution of any variable already included falls below a specified threshold, in which
Stepwise regression was also run for each of these models. However, results were
obtained for only few of them. Statistical results were not yielded for McDonald’s
restaurants unless there were taken with Burger King. These tables show that a decrease
in which ethnic population group has yielded the largest reduction in annual sales of fast
food restaurant.
Buffer 1 mile
Model Buffer N Var(1) Adj R2(1) Var(2) Adj R2(2)
BMP 1 mile 14 PerBlack 0.273 .. ..
BS 1 mile 19 PerWhite 0.476 .. ..
BPS 1 mile 24 PerBlack 0.428 .. ..
Buffer 2 miles
Model Buffer N Var(1) Adj R2(1) Var(2) Adj R2(2)
BS 2 miles 19 PerTwoPl 0.474 PerPacific 0.565
BPS 2 miles 24 PerWhite 0.368 PerPacific 0.487
Buffer 5 miles
Model Buffer N Var(1) Adj R2(1) Var(2) Adj R2(2)
BMP 5 miles 14 PerNative 0.238 .. ..
BP 5 miles 5 AvMedHH 0.799 .. ..
BS 5 miles 19 PerOthers 0.246 .. ..
BPS 5 miles 24 PerTwoPl 0.271 .. ..
Model Buffer N Var(1) Adj R2(1) Var(2) Adj R2(2)
BMP Thiessen 14 PerNative 0.468 PerPacific 0.634
BS Thiessen 19 PerWhite 0.528 .. ..
BPS Thiessen 24 PerBlack 0.521 PerPacific 0.595
BMPS Thiessen 64 PerAsian 0.066 .. ..
yielded the largest effect on sales revenues of Burger King Restaurants within Buffer-2
miles and Thiessen. Black population shows the largest effect on annual sales of Burger
King restaurants within Buffer-1 mile. Percentage of Whites shows the largest effect on
sales revenues of Burger King Restaurants in Summit County for Buffer-1, 2 miles and
Thiessen. This could be due to that most of these stores are situated away from the
residential areas and are near office areas, commercial establishments or along highways.
Native Americans reflect the largest effect on sales revenues in Portage County for both
Burger King
Model Buffer N Var(1) Adj R2(1) Var(2) Adj R2(2)
BPS 1 mile 24 PerBlack 0.428
BS 1 mile 19 PerWhite 0.476
BPS 2 miles 24 PerWhite 0.368 PerPacific 0.487
BS 2 miles 19 PerTwoPl 0.474 PerPacific 0.565
BP 5 miles 5 AvMedHH 0.799
BPS 5 miles 24 PerTwoPl 0.271
BS 5 miles 19 PerOthers 0.246
BPS Thiessen 24 PerBlack 0.521 PerPacific 0.595
BS Thiessen 19 PerWhite 0.528
Burger King and McDonald's
Model Buffer N Var(1) Adj R2(1) Var(2) Adj R2(2)
BMP 1 mile 14 PerBlack 0.273
BMP 5 miles 14 PerNative 0.238
BMP Thiessen 14 PerNative 0.468 PerPacific 0.634
BMPS Thiessen 64 PerAsian 0.066
Table 7 shows that, Pacific Islanders is the most common ethnic minority group
that has shown the largest effect on sales revenues of Burger King due to a decrease in
their numbers. The White populations and the Blacks follow them. For both Burger
County wise
Portage County
Model Buffer N Var(1) Adj R2(1) Var(2) Adj R2(2)
BMP 1 mile 14 PerBlack 0.273 .. ..
BMP 5 miles 14 PerNative 0.238 .. ..
BMP Thiessen 14 PerNative 0.468 PerPacific 0.634
BP 5 miles 5 AvMedHH 0.799 .. ..
Summit County
Model Buffer N Var(1) Adj R2(1) Var(2) Adj R2(2)
BS 1 mile 19 PerWhite 0.476 .. ..
BS 2 miles 19 PerTwoPl 0.474 PerPacific 0.565
BS 5 miles 19 PerOthers 0.246 .. ..
BS Thiessen 19 PerWhite 0.528 .. ..
Portage and Summit County
Model Buffer N Var(1) Adj R2(1) Var(2) Adj R2(2)
BPS 1 mile 24 PerBlack 0.428 .. ..
BPS 2 miles 24 PerWhite 0.368 PerPacific 0.487
BPS 5 miles 24 PerTwoPl 0.271 .. ..
BPS Thiessen 24 PerBlack 0.521 PerPacific 0.595
BMPS Thiessen 64 PerAsian 0.066 .. ..
American population in Portage County yields the largest effect on sales revenues of
Burger King and McDonald’s. For Summit County a decrease in percentage of White
population has yielded the largest effect on sales revenues of Burger King and
McDonald’s. For both Portage and Summit Counties, a decrease in percentage of Pacific
Islanders and Blacks reflects an increase in annual sales of Burger King Restaurants.
Data tabulated in Table 9 shows that, Burger Kings in Summit County shows an
decrease in percentage of Pacific Islanders and Blacks. Native Americans yield the
largest effect on sales for Burger Kings and McDonalds’ in Portage, and Asian
population shows an increase in sales revenues of both Burger Kings and McDonalds’ for
Another set of Stepwise Regression analysis is run for the models. This regression
is run excluding the percentage of Pacific Islanders. The other ethnic groups show the
same pattern of exerting effect on sales revenues of restaurants when the regression
Table 10 shows that a variation in Black population yields the largest changes in
sales revenues of Burger Kings and McDonalds’ in Portage County and Burger Kings in
Portage and Summit County for Buffer-1 mile. For Buffer-5 miles and Thiessen, no
single ethnic group shows a consistency in terms of yielding changes in sales in sales
revenues of the Burger Kings Restaurants. The White population exerts changes in sales
Data in Table 11 shows that sales revenues of Burger King Restaurants in Summit
County are affected by the changes in percentage of White population in the Buffer
zones. Burger King Restaurants combined for Portage and Summit Counties experience
on sales revenues of Burger King and McDonald’s Restaurants for Buffer-5 miles and
Thiessen. A decrease in Black population shows an increase in annual sales for within 1-
population that causes an increase in sales revenues of Burger King within 1-mile from
the restaurants and White population within 2-miles. For a much larger service area of 5-
miles, it’s the percentage of population comprised of two or more races that have an
Races and Other Races (including Hispanics). Burger King restaurants in both Portage
and Summit Counties considered together (Table 13), show a variation in sales revenues
Sales revenues for both Burger King and McDonald’s in Portage and Summit Counties
5.3 Summary:
variables. In this study, the fast-food annual sales revenue has been taken as the
dependent variable and the demographic data and median household income as the
multiple determinations, R , and considers whether the overall regression equation was
statistically significant via a F statistic. The R 2 indicates the extent to which the
variations as shown by values in the dependent variable being explained by the variations
There are two methods for entering variables into the regression equation that are
used in this study. First the Enter method is used, which is the option of using forced
entry of the independent variables into the model. The SPSS software enters at one time
all specified variables regardless of significance levels. The second method is the
stepwise method that enters or removes one variable at a time based on a preset
significance value. The process comes to an end when there are no additional variables
for addition or removal. In this method the variance explained by certain variables will
The analysis models show that the White population is the largest clientele for the
QS Restaurants in Portage and Summit Counties. The other ethnic minorities seem to
have other food preferences rather than eating at the fast food restaurants. These
of Black population in Portage County for Thiessen and buffer polygons of varying
distance around the restaurants. This also indicates an economically weaker condition of
the Black population, which makes them eat out less and a preference to cook at home.
Ethnic population and median household income better explain annual sales variations
for Burger King within buffers of 1 and 2 miles around the restaurants.
For McDonald’s, ethnic population and median household income for 5-mile
buffers better explain the annual sales variations. This suggests that the consumers are
King. McDonald’s Restaurants are more in number and are located at highway exits and
show that the buffer polygons of 1, 2 and 5 miles are able to better explain the variations
Geographic Information System is rapidly becoming a popular tool in retail industry for
the site location analysis. The main advantage of using GIS in solving location problem is
that the spatial as well as attribute data can be integrated and applied to a variety of fields.
There are many companies in the United States that have invested in GIS for site location
analysis and achieved considerable retail benefits and cost savings. For the retailers that
make use of retail location methods, the most frequently applied techniques are analog
Retail location analysis has also been used in determining the size and shape of
the retail trade area. The trade area of a retail store is the geographical area from which it
draws most of its clientele and has the highest market penetration. GIS helps in not only
processing the data and retail information, but also provides the presentation of processed
data. A retail location analysis of relationship between the annual sales performance of
McDonald’s and Burger King QRS and various spatial and socio-economic factors of
their trade areas has been done. The results of this study show how location factors
influence the performance of the stores as well as how the socio-economic attributes of
the trade areas affect the annual sales revenues. This retail location analysis has been
done by partitioning the study area into a set of Thiessen polygons and buffers of
The distance customers are willing to travel to make retail purchases depends
upon the type of goods or services to be purchased. The type of fast food offered by
Burger King and McDonald’s are inexpensive and easily substituted, hence creating a
smaller retail trade zones as compared to other specialty restaurants. Concentric buffers
of varying distances generated around these restaurants show distinct market penetration
patterns. The innermost buffer of 1-mile width accounts for the largest proportion of
customers who can walk or drive to the restaurants. Ethnic composition of the population
and the median household income within these buffer polygons also give an idea
regarding how much time and distance consumers are willing to travel to patronize these
Retail businesses are constantly working towards growing and expanding their
sales revenues and market shares. Market potential of the retail stores is often determined
by the expenditure pattern of the population in the respective trade zones. The market
potential is however not static. It may change due to variations in demographics, ethnic
composition and socio-economic indicators over time. A retail chain’s store location
strategy can be developed not only by keeping in view the future retail setting of the
market, but also getting fully acquainted with the regional shopping areas and consumer
A small number of very large retail organizations and a large number of small-
scale outlets characterize the retail market. This retail environment makes it necessary
that the QRS outlets do not ignore their competitors when selecting sites for the store
outlets. Their retail marketing strategy should be greatly dependent upon the store’s value
value platform, QRS retailers also follow functional strategies like customer service,
merchandising, advertising, store accessibility and parking, etc. The retailers can select
the segment of its consumers and can orient its services to meet the requirements of that
group. The competitive edge of the fast-food restaurants can be maintained by prices of
goods offered and the location of the outlet. Consumers are likely to patronize a
Besides using GIS tools for retail location analysis, statistical and mathematical
models of analysis have also been used widely by researchers to forecast a retail store’s
future sales and site selection. GIS tools can help in calculating the size and potential of
the market based on the socio-economic profile of the trade area. With GIS software, it is
possible to handle large volumes of data and generate results with higher levels of
precision and details in a short time. In this study, GIS and statistical analysis techniques
have been applied to examine the spatial patterns and dynamics of the QSR chains of
Burger King and McDonald’s in Portage and Summit Counties in Northeastern Ohio.
The research methodology includes the GIS techniques and statistical analysis of
Geocoding, geoprocessing and regression analysis. Each of the studied Burger King and
McDonald’s restaurants has been converted to specific point location on the street
network using the technique of Geocoding. A catchment area analysis has been done for
these restaurants by using Thiessen polygons, buffer polygons and overlay analysis.
Thiessen polygons have been constructed around the geocoded restaurants to represent
areas of influence. Thiessen polygons have been used to evaluate the restaurants in terms
Geoprocessing has been made use of in this study to apply geographic analysis
analysis (Buffer tool) and Overlay analysis (Union tool) have been used for this study.
Buffer analysis tool has been used to create a new feature class of buffer polygons of
varying widths around the geocoded QSR. These polygons allow us to analyse how they
are related to the performance of the fast food restaurants. The Buffer polygons of width
1-mile, 2-miles and 5-miles help to estimate customer willingness to travel to a store.
Overlay analysis tool has been used to apply weights to several inputs and
combining them into a single output in order to create an integrated analysis. Thiessen
polygons and Buffer polygons of varying widths have been overlaid on the data layer of
Census Block groups associated with ethnic information and median household income.
It has been assumed that both Thiessen polygons and Buffer polygons reasonably
Statistical techniques of Regression analysis has been used to quantify the level of
change in the outcome of dependent variable based upon given level of change in one or
the degree to which the variation within values of the dependent variable (Annual Sales
populations and median household incomes). The regression analysis gives the degree to
which variation among values in the dependent variable is explained by the combined
variation of the predictor variables. Regression models are tested with a hypothesis of no
statistical significance, which means that the variation among the values of the dependent
variables do not have a statistically significant relationship with the variation among
values in the predictor variables. There are two methods of entering variables into
Regression analysis used in this study. The Enter method is the forced entry option and
the Stepwise method enters or removes one variable at a time based on a preset
significance value.
A comparative analysis of the coefficient of determination ( R ) of the Thiessen
polygons and Buffer polygons with varying buffering limits of a total of 68 fast food
restaurants show how well or poorly either of these two approaches capture the variations
in the annual sales figures. A comparative analysis of R of three Buffer limits around
these restaurants determine a near ideal buffering limit for each of the fast food retail
The analysis of regression models show that Burger King’s annual sales revenues
are better explained by the ethnic population and median house-hold incomes for 1-mile
& 2-miles buffers than those of McDonald’s by the same set of variables. Annual sales
are better explained by the variables for McDonald’s for a 5-miles buffer in Portage and
Summit Counties. This suggests that consumers are more willing to travel a longer
distance to eat at/from McDonald’s as compared to Burger King. The ethnic population
and median household income better explain annual sales figures for McDonald’s than
those for Burger King, within the Thiessen polygons generated around each restaurant.
Further analysis of ethnic data suggests that white population is the largest clientele for
both Burger King & McDonald’s and other minorities (except the Black population) are
too few in numbers to reflect any significant effect on annual sales figures. This could
also suggest that the ethnic minorities have other preferences and eat at other specialty
consistency in the quality of their food served at other outlets nation-wide. The socio-
economic and demographic attributes found in the study area are consistent with those of
Ohio state as well as national averages. The study area also represents a good mix of
demographic factors can help us to understand the performance of markets with different
location factors. The results from this study can be applied to other fast-food chains as
This study can be further developed to improve upon site selection location
research tools for successful site selection of retail outlets. In order to make informed site
location and retail location decisions, a more efficient approach of on-site assessment and
evaluation of customers and markets can be undertaken. This would help in a more
accurate analysis of the market, sites and trade areas and also help in uncovering
detailed business data, market surveys, demographic data, and household consumer data
can be used to uncover new marketing opportunities and identify profitable consumers.
By analyzing and combining the data layers formed in this study and benchmarking the
current sales performance of the stores, we can also find an optimal store location and
Fig 17: Burger King & McDonald’s in Portage County (Buffer 1 mile)
Fig 18: Burger King & McDonald’s in Portage County (Buffer 2 miles)
Fig 19: Burger King & McDonald’s in Portage County (Buffer 5 miles)
Fig 20: Burger King & McDonald’s in Summit County (Buffer 1 mile)
Fig 21: Burger King & McDonald’s in Summit County (Buffer 2 miles)
Fig 22: Burger King & McDonald’s in Summit County (Buffer 5 miles)
Fig 29: Burger Kings in Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 1 mile)
Fig 30: Burger Kings in Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 2 miles)
Fig 31: Burger Kings in Portage & Summit Counties (Buffer 5 miles)
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