Emerging Infectious Diseases
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases
Emerging Infections:
Getting Ahead of the Curve David Satcher
Factors in the Emergence of
Infectious Diseases Stephen S. Morse
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of CDC or the
institutions with which the authors are affiliated.
All material published in Emerging Infectious Diseases is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted
without special permission; proper citation, however, is appreciated.
Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by the Public Health Service or by the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Editorial Policy and Call for Articles
The goals of Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) are to promote the recognition of new and reemerging infectious
diseases and to improve the understanding of factors involved in disease emergence, prevention, and elimination. EID
has an international scope and is intended for professionals in infectious diseases and related sciences. We welcome
contributions from infectious disease specialists in academia, industry, clinical practice, and public health as well as
from specialists in economics, demography, sociology, and other disciplines whose study elucidates the factors
influencing the emergence of infectious diseases.
EID will be published in English and will feature three types of articles: Perspectives, Synopses, and Dispatches. The
purpose and requirements of each type of article are described in detail below.
Instructions to Authors
Editorial Material: Manuscripts should be prepared to reviews of new and emerging diseases; however, timely
according to the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts updates of other diseases or topics are also welcome.
Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (JAMA 1993:269[17]: Synopses should be approximately 3,500 words and
2282-6). should include references, not to exceed 40. The section
Begin each of the following sections on a new page and should begin with an introduction outlining the
in this order: title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, relationship of the issues discussed in the paper to the
references, each table, figure legends, and figures. On the emergence of infectious diseases. Use of additional
title page, give complete information about each author subheadings in the main body of the text is
(full names and highest degree). Give current mailing recommended. If detailed methods are included, a
address for correspondence (include fax number and separate section on experimental procedures should
e-mail address). Follow Uniform Requirements style for immediately follow the body of the text. Selective use of
references. Consult List of Journals Indexed in Index illustrations is encouraged. Provide a short abstract of no
Medicus for accepted journal abbreviations. Tables and more than 150 words and a brief biographical sketch.
figures should be numbered separately (each beginning Dispatches: Provide brief updates on trends in
with 1) in the order of mention in the text. Double-space infectious diseases or infectious disease research.
everything, including the title page, abstract, references, Dispatches (1,000 to 1,500 words of text) should be in a
tables, and figure legends. Italicize scientific names of “letter to the editor” format and should not be divided
organisms from species name all the way up, except for into sections. Dispatches should begin with a brief
vernacular names (viruses that have not really been introductory statement about the relationship of the topic
speciated, such as coxsackievirus and hepatitis B; to the emergence of infectious diseases. Include methods
bacterial organisms, such as pseudomonads, development; references, not to exceed five; and figures
salmonellae, and brucellae). or illustrations, not to exceed two.
Perspectives: Contributions to the Perspectives All articles will be reviewed by independent reviewers.
section are welcome from scientists and professionals in The Editor reserves the right to edit articles for clarity
all disciplines and should address factors known to and to modify the format to fit the publication style of
contribute to the emergence of infectious diseases, Emerging Infectious Diseases.
including microbial adaption and change; human Send documents in hardcopy (Courier 10-point font),
demographics and behavior; technology and industry; on diskette, or by e-mail. Acceptable electronic formats
economic development and land use; international travel for text are ASCII, WordPerfect, AmiPro, DisplayWrite, MS
and commerce; and the breakdown of public health Word, MultiMate, Office Writer, WordStar, or Xywrite.
measures. Articles should be approximately 3,500 words Send graphics documents in Corel Draw, Harvard
and should include references, not to exceed 40. The Graphics, Freelance, .TIF (TIFF), .GIF (CompuServe),
section should begin with an introduction outlining the .WMF (Windows Metafile), .EPS (Encapsulated
relationship of the issues discussed in the paper to the Postscript), or .CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile). The
emergence of infectious diseases. Use of additional preferred font for graphics files is Helvetica. If possible,
subheadings in the main body of the text is convert Macintosh files into one of the suggested formats.
recommended. If detailed methods are included, a Submit photographs in camera-ready hardcopy.
separate section on experimental procedures should
Send all manuscripts and correspondence to the
immediately follow the body of the text. Photographs and
Editor, Emerging Infectious Diseases, National Center for
illustrations are optional. Provide a short abstract (150
Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and
words) and a brief biographical sketch.
Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop C-12, Atlanta,
Synopses: Submit concise reviews of infectious GA 30333, USA or by e-mail on the Internet to
diseases or closely related topics. Preference will be given EIDEDITOR@CIDOD1.EM.CDC.GOV.
Emerging Infections: Getting Ahead of the Curve 1 David Satcher
Factors in the Emergence of Infectious Diseases 7 Stephen S. Morse
Unraveling Mysteries Associated with Cat-Scratch Disease, 16 Russell Regnery and
Bacillary Angiomatosis, and Related Syndromes Jordan Tappero
Emergence of Barmah Forest Virus in Western Australia 22 Michael D.A. Lindsay, Cheryl A.
Johansen, Annette K. Broom,
David W. Smith, and John S.
An Outbreak of Shigella sonnei Infection Associated with 26 J.A. Frost, M.B. McEvoy, C.A.
Consumption of Iceberg Lettuce Bentley, Y. Andersson, and B. Rowe
?Lyme Disease in Australia—Still To Be Proven! 29 Richard C. Russell
A Novel Morbillivirus Pneumonia of Horses and its 31 Keith Murray, Russell Rogers, Linda
Transmission to Humans Selvey, Paul Selleck, Alex Hyatt,
Allan Gould, Laurie Gleeson, Peter
Hooper, and Harvey Westbury
Electronic Communication and the Future of 34 T. Demetri Vacalis,
International Public Health Surveillance Christopher L. R. Bartlett, and
Cheryl G. Shapiro
News and Notes
Communicable Diseases Intelligence 36 Helen Longbottom
DxMONITOR: Compiling Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Results 36 William Hueston
WHO Scientific Working Group on Monitoring and Management of 37 Fred C. Tenover and
Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobial Agents James M. Hughes
Emerging Infections:
Getting Ahead of the Curve
David Satcher, M.D., Ph.D.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Early History of Infectious Diseases water were additional sources of infectious microor-
Infectious diseases have plagued humans since ganisms.
the dawn of civilization (1-5). The history of these Dissemination of infectious diseases intensified
diseases provides a valuable perspective for evalu- as civilizations progressed. Caravans of traders car-
ating current trends. Humans are presumed to have ried new pathogens to unsuspecting and susceptible
originated in tropical climates and to have been populations. Explorers and later conquering armies
affected by the same parasitic diseases as other brought infectious microorganisms to new conti-
primates in these areas. As available supplies of nents. Stowaway rats and other vermin in the holds
game diminished, early hunters migrated into tem- of ships traveled down the moorings when the ships
perate zones which were free of tropical parasites. docked, bringing fleas, lice, and deadly pathogens to
Historians speculate that humans were relatively a new world. Sporadic epidemics of plague, small-
safe from infectious diseases during that period. pox, typhus, and measles ravaged cities, decimated
Later, however, as agriculture began to provide a armies, and altered the course of history.
substantial portion of the human diet, populations
stabilized and grew. Eventually, populations
reached a size that would support persistent person- 19th Century Discoveries Lead to
to-person spread of infectious microorganisms. With Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
this newly established mode of transmission, infec- Control of many infectious diseases became pos-
tious diseases soon became widespread. The exact sible with the pioneering work of Robert Koch and
origins of many infectious agents remain obscure, Louis Pasteur and the introduction of the germ
but with the advent of large populations, humans theory of disease. With bacteriologic cultivation
eventually became the established reservoir of many techniques came the first isolation and identifica-
agents. Infected animals and contaminated food and tion of etiologic agents; virus cultivation and identi-
fication became available some decades later.
Reservoirs of microorganisms and their life cycles
Address for correspondence: David Satcher, Centers for were identified; the epidemiology and natural his-
Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, tory of many infectious diseases were described, and
Atlanta, GA 30333, USA, fax 404-639-3039, e-mail successful control measures were initiated. Water
treatment, vector control, and rodent reduction pro- 600,000 cases of pneumonia occur in the United
grams followed. By the beginning of the 20th cen- States each year and cause 25,000 to 50,000 deaths
tury, the principles of vaccination, established (11). More than 10,000 cases of diphtheria have
empirically by Edward Jenner more than 100 years occurred in Russia since 1993 because of inadequate
earlier, began to be realized in earnest. Antibiotics levels of immunization (12). Despite a century of
were discovered, and disinfectants were developed. scientific progress, infectious diseases still cause
Collectively, these control measures dramatically enormous human suffering, deplete scarce re-
decreased the incidence and prevalence of many sources, impede social and economic development,
infectious diseases and their fatality rates. The early and contribute to global instability. The potential for
part of this century is appropriately regarded as a even greater dissemination looms as a continuous
golden age in public health. threat.
Recent outbreaks underscore the potential for the
sudden appearance of infectious diseases in cur-
New and Reemerging Infectious rently unaffected populations. In the United States,
Diseases—A Contemporary Problem contamination of the municipal water supply in Mil-
Compared with earlier generations, we possess waukee, Wisconsin, in 1993 resulted in an outbreak
an enormous scientific base, and the rate of acquisi- of cryptosporidiosis that affected an estimated
tion of new information about infectious diseases is 400,000 people; approximately 4,400 persons re-
at a historic high. Moreover, thanks in large measure quired hospitalization (13). In the 1990s, epidemic
to effective childhood immunization programs, in- cholera reappeared in the Americas, after being ab-
cluding the President’s Childhood Immunization In- sent for nearly a century; from 1991 through June
itiative, many infectious diseases are under control, of 1994 more than one million cases and nearly
particularly in the industrialized world. The elimi- 10,000 deaths were reported (14). During the 1980s,
nation of smallpox in 1977 stands as a towering tuberculosis reemerged in the United States after
achievement in the fight against infectious diseases. decades of decline, and drug-resistant strains have
However, many infectious diseases have persisted made its control more difficult (15,16). The increas-
and have displayed a remarkable ability to re- ing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant strains of
emerge after lengthy periods of stability. Therefore, gonococci, pneumococci, enterococci, and staphylo-
we must be ever mindful of the cyclical nature of cocci portend of other serious treatment and control
disease trends. failures. Many other examples of emerging infec-
A careful review of infectious disease trends tions could be given (17,18).
shows a fragile equilibrium between humans and New infectious diseases, often with unknown
infectious microorganisms. Infectious diseases are long-term public health impact, continue to be iden-
still broadly endemic and maintain a large reservoir tified. Table 1 lists major diseases or etiologic agents
of agents that have the potential for rapid and wide- identified just within the last 20 years (19-41). New
spread dissemination. Infectious diseases remain agents are regularly added to the list, particularly
the leading cause of death worldwide, even as the with the availability of nucleic acid amplification
International Code of Diseases places many infec- techniques for detecting and identifying otherwise
tious diseases in other categories. For example, men- noncultivable microorganisms (40, 42).
ingitis and cirrhosis are classified as diseases of the In some cases, etiologic agents have been identi-
nervous system and liver, respectively, and only 17% fied as the causes of known diseases or syndromes
of deaths attributable to infections are actually in- (e.g., rotavirus, parvovirus, human T-cell lympho-
cluded in the codes for parasitic and infectious dis- tropic viruses I and II (HTLV I/II), and human her-
eases (6). In the United States, each year, pesvirus type 6, (HHV-6); in other cases, diseases
approximately 25% of physician visits are attribut- became better recognized or defined (e.g., Legion-
able to infectious diseases, with direct and indirect naires’ disease, Lyme disease, human ehrlichiosis).
costs, including those for human immunodeficiency Still others are entirely new: with some parallels to
virus (HIV) infection and related illnesses, esti- medieval times, a previously unknown and deadly
mated at more than $120 billion (7). disease, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Persons living in tropical climates are still as (AIDS), originated from uncertain sources in one
vulnerable to infectious diseases as their early an- part of the world and became globally disseminated;
cestors were. Each year more than one million chil- this time the disease spread at a rate that would
dren die of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa alone (8); have been unthinkable in medieval times. Clearly,
worldwide, approximately 200 million people have the complete history of infectious diseases remains
schistosomiasis (9), and each year 35-60 million peo- to be written.
ple contract dengue (10). Moreover, infectious dis-
eases and their attendant problems are not confined
to tropical climates. For example, an estimated
surveillance. Within this context, current discover- risk for drug-resistant tuberculosis in the commu-
ies of etiologic agents and diseases (Table 1) are nity.
reasons for optimism. The potential for improve- Microbiologists, infectious disease specialists,
ments in assessment and prevention of these and and other basic and clinical scientists must collabo-
other newly discovered diseases is reminiscent of the rate with behavioral scientists in an interdiscipli-
watershed years of Koch and Pasteur. nary effort to prevent and control emerging
We cannot overstate the role of behavioral science infections.
in our effort to “get ahead of the curve” with emerg- The Future of Public Health emphasizes the rela-
ing infections. Having the science or laboratory tech- tionship between a sound public health infrastruc-
nology to control infectious diseases is not enough, ture and infectious disease prevention programs.
unless we can influence people to behave in ways Infrastructure improvements must become a na-
that minimize the transmission of infections and tional priority: certainly they are among CDC’s top
maximize the efforts of medical interventions. For priorities. Improvements in infectious disease sur-
example, even though HIV/AIDS does not have a veillance are particularly needed (44). Enriching the
vaccine or cure, it is almost entirely preventable. For capacity to respond to urgent threats to health and
many people, however, reducing the risk for HIV developing nationwide prevention strategies are
infection and AIDS requires important changes in also CDC priorities. To combat new and reemerging
lifestyle or behavior. We must use our knowledge of infectious diseases, CDC, in collaboration with other
human behavior to help people make lifestyle federal agencies, state and local health depart-
changes and prevent disease. ments, academic institutions, professional societies,
Another illustration of the need to use behavior international organizations, and experts in public
science is the problem of antibiotic resistance. To a health infectious diseases and medical microbiology
great extent, this problem is related to the behavior developed a plan—Addressing Emerging Infectious
of both physicians and patients. Physicians continue Disease Threats: A Prevention Strategy for the
to use antibiotics inappropriately, and patients con- United States (7). The plan has four major goals:
tinue to demand antibiotic treatment when it is not • Surveillance and Response—detect, promptly
indicated, for example, for the common cold. As soci- investigate, and monitor emerging pathogens,
ety changes and institutions such as day care centers the diseases they cause, and the factors influenc-
and prisons become more crowded, the spread of ing their emergence
infectious diseases is exacerbated. For homeless and • Applied research—integrate laboratory sci-
drug-dependent populations, completing a 6- to 9- ence and epidemiology to optimize public health
month course of therapy for tuberculosis is difficult, practice
and the failure to complete the therapy increases the • Prevention and control—enhance communi-
cation of public health information about emerg-
ing diseases and ensure prompt implementation
of prevention strategies
• Infrastructure—strengthen local, state, and
federal public health infrastructures to support
surveillance and implement prevention and con-
trol programs
CDC’s plan provides a framework for the agency
to work collaboratively with its many partners to
identify and reverse worrisome trends in infectious
The need for implementing CDC’s plan is urgent,
given the extremely dynamic nature of disease
Figure 1. Race-adjusted incidence rate* of trends and the complexity of factors contributing to
Haemophilus influenzae type b and non-type b disease disease emergence; these were outlined in detail in
detected through laboratory-based surveillance†
the 1992 IOM report—Emerging Infections: Micro-
among children aged <5 years — United States,
1989–1993 bial Threats to Health in the United States (45) and
are discussed in a companion article by Stephen S.
* Per 100,000 children aged <5 years.
† Morse, Ph.D., in this issue. The IOM report concludes
The surveillance area population was 10.4 million in four
states (three counties in the San Francisco Bay Area, eight that infectious diseases must be viewed as but one
counties in metropolitan Atlanta, four counties in Tennessee, component of a dynamic and complex global ecology,
and the state of Oklahoma. which is shaped and buffeted by technologic, socie-
Source: CDC. Progress toward elimination of Haemophilus tal, economic, environmental, and demographic
influenzae type b disease among infants and children
— United States, MMWR 1994;43:144-8.
changes, not to mention microbial change and adap- 5. McNeill WH. Plagues and peoples. Garden City, New
tation. York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1976.
Clearly, broader coalitions are needed, and com- 6. Bennett JV, Holmberg SD, Rogers MF, Solomon SL.
Infectious and parasitic diseases. In: Amler RW, Dull
munication must improve if we are to “get ahead of
HB, editors. Closing the gap: the burden of unneces-
the curve.” This new periodical is part of the overall sary illness. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
strategy to draw worldwide attention to emerging 7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Address-
infections and improve communication. Given the ing emerging infectious disease threats: a prevention
multiplicity of factors contributing to disease emer- strategy for the United States. Atlanta, Georgia: U.S.
gence, Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) will pre- Department of Health and Human Services, Public
sent relevant concepts from professionals in Health Service, 1994.
multiple disciplines and disseminate information 8. World Health Organization. Severe and complicated
about emerging infectious diseases in order to de- malaria. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1990; 84:Supp
velop and apply ecologically acceptable interven- 2:1-65.
tions that will benefit humankind. Prevention and 9. World Health Organization. Tropical disease re-
search: progress 1991-92—Eleventh Programme Re-
control of new and emerging infectious diseases de- port of the UNDP/World Bank, WHO Special
pend on the participation of scientists and other Programme for Research and Training in Tropical
professionals in the public and private sectors. Diseases (TDR). Geneva: World Health Organization,
CDC will make EID available by print and elec- 1993.
tronically to facilitate rapid communication. We 10. Gubler DJ. Vector-borne diseases. In: Encyclopedia of
hope that in the process EID will promote the ex- the environment. New York: Houghton Mifflin Co.,
change of infectious disease information through 1994.
global electronic networks and bulletin boards. 11. Marston BJ, Plouffe JF, Breiman RF, et al. Prelimi-
nary findings of a community-based pneumonia inci-
Although there are many similarities between dence study. In: Barbaree JM, Breiman RF, Dufour AP,
our vulnerability to infectious diseases and that of editors. Legionella: current status and emerging per-
our ancestors, there is one distinct difference: we spectives. Washington, D.C.; American Society for Mi-
have the benefit of extensive scientific knowledge. crobiology, 1993.
Ultimately, our success in combatting infectious dis- 12. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diphthe-
eases will depend on how well we use available ria outbreak—Russian Federation, 1990-1993.
information. A recent report by the Carnegie Com- MMWR 1993; 42:840-1, 847.
mission “Science, Technology, and Government for a 13. MacKenzie WR, Hoxie NJ, Proctor ME, et al. A mas-
Changing World,” provides valuable insight in this sive outbreak in Milwaukee of Cryptosporidium infec-
tion transmitted through the public water supply. N
regard (46). Commenting on the Earth Summit in
Engl J Med 1994; 331:161-7.
Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the report emphasizes the
14. Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud. El colera en
need to shift from the “manifestations of environ- las Americas. Informe No. 10; Junio 1994.
mental changes in the air, land, water, and plant and 15. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ex-
animal kingdoms to the causes of those changes.” panded tuberculosis surveillance and tuberculosis
Indeed, the advice of that report challenges us all— morbidity—United States, 1993. MMWR 1994;
"our capacity to generate, integrate, disseminate, 43:361-6.
and apply knowledge will determine the human 16. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Multi-
prospect in the 21st century." drug-resistant tuberculosis in a hospital—Jersey City,
New Jersey, 1990-1992. MMWR 1994; 43:417-9.
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Table 1. Recent examples of emerging infections and probable factors in their emergence
Infection or Agent Factor(s) contributing to emergence
Argentine, Bolivian hemorrhagic Changes in agriculture favoring rodent host
Bovine spongiform Changes in rendering processes
encephalopathy (cattle)
Dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fever Transportation, travel, and migration; urbanization
Ebola, Marburg Unknown (in Europe and the United States, importation of monkeys)
Hantaviruses Ecological or environmental changes increasing contact with rodent hosts
Hepatitis B, C Transfusions, organ transplants, contaminated hypodermic apparatus,
sexual transmission, vertical spread from infected mother to child
HIV Migration to cities and travel; after introduction, sexual transmission,
vertical spread from infected mother to child, contaminated hypodermic
apparatus (including during intravenous drug use), transfusions, organ
HTLV Contaminated hypodermic apparatus, other
Influenza (pandemic) Possibly pig-duck agriculture, facilitating reassortment of avian and
mammalian influenza viruses*
Lassa fever Urbanization favoring rodent host, increasing exposure (usually in homes)
Rift Valley fever Dam building, agriculture, irrigation; possibly change in virulence or
pathogenicity of virus
Yellow fever (in “new” areas) Conditions favoring mosquito vector
Brazilian purpuric fever Probably new strain
(Haemophilus influenzae,
biotype aegyptius)
Cholera In recent epidemic in South America, probably introduced from Asia by ship,
with spread facilitated by reduced water chlorination; a new strain (type
O139) from Asia recently disseminated by travel (similarly to past
introductions of classic cholera)
Helicobacter pylori Probably long widespread, now recognized (associated with gastric ulcers,
possibly other gastrointestinal disease)
Hemolytic uremic syndrome Mass food processing technology allowing contamination of meat
(Escherichia coli O157:H7)
Legionella (Legionnaires’ disease) Cooling and plumbing systems (organism grows in biofilms that form on
water storage tanks and in stagnant plumbing)
Lyme borreliosis (Borrelia Reforestation around homes and other conditions favoring tick vector and
burgdorferi) deer (a secondary reservoir host)
Streptococcus, group A (invasive; Uncertain
Toxic shock syndrome Ultra-absorbency tampons
(Staphylococcus aureus)
Cryptosporidium, other Contaminated surface water, faulty water purification
waterborne pathogens
Malaria (in “new” areas) Travel or migration
Schistosomiasis Dam building
* Reappearances of influenza are due to two distinct mechanisms: Annual or biennial epidemics involving new variants due to
antigenic drift (point mutations, primarily in the gene for the surface protein, hemagglutinin) and pandemic strains, arising
from antigenic shift (genetic reassortment, generally between avian and mammalian influenza strains).
Bubonic plague transmitted by rodent fleas and natural host carrying the virus that was the precur-
ratborne hantavirus infections are examples. sor to HIV-1 were, therefore, instrumental in the
Most emerging infections appear to be caused by introduction of the virus into humans. This probably
pathogens already present in the environment, occurred in a rural area. A plausible scenario is
brought out of obscurity or given a selective advan- suggested by the identification of an HIV-2-infected
tage by changing conditions and afforded an oppor- man in a rural area of Liberia whose virus strain
tunity to infect new host populations (on rare resembled viruses isolated from the sooty mangabey
occasions, a new variant may also evolve and cause monkey (an animal widely hunted for food in rural
a new disease) (2,4). The process by which infectious areas and the putative source of HIV-2) more closely
agents may transfer from animals to humans or than it did strains circulating in the city (11). Such
disseminate from isolated groups into new popula- findings suggest that zoonotic introductions of this
tions can be called “microbial traffic” (3,4). A number sort may occur on occasion in isolated populations
of activities increase microbial traffic and as a result but may well go unnoticed so long as the recipients
promote emergence and epidemics. In some cases, remain isolated. But with increasing movement
including many of the most novel infections, the from rural areas to cities, such isolation is increas-
agents are zoonotic, crossing from their natural ingly rare. After its likely first move from a rural
hosts into the human population; because of the area into a city, HIV-1 spread regionally along high-
many similarities, I include here vector-borne dis- ways, then by long distance routes, including air
eases. In other cases, pathogens already present in travel, to more distant places. This last step was
geographically isolated populations are given an critical for HIV and facilitated today’s global pan-
opportunity to disseminate further. Surprisingly demic. Social changes that allowed the virus to reach
often, disease emergence is caused by human ac- a larger population and to be transmitted despite its
tions, however inadvertently; natural causes, such relatively low natural transmissibility were instru-
as changes in climate, can also at times be respon- mental in the success of the virus in its newfound
sible (6). Although this discussion is confined largely human host. For HIV, the long duration of infectivity
to human disease, similar considerations apply to allowed this normally poorly transmissible virus
emerging pathogens in other species. many opportunities to be transmitted and to take
Table 2 summarizes the underlying factors re- advantage of such factors as human behavior (sex-
sponsible for emergence. Any categorization of the ual transmission, intravenous drug use) and chang-
factors is, of course, somewhat arbitrary but should ing technology (early spread through blood
be representative of the underlying processes that transfusions and blood products) (Table 1).
cause emergence. I have essentially adopted the
categories developed in the Institute of Medicine
Ecological Changes and Agricultural
report on emerging infections (12), with additional
definitions from the CDC emerging infections plan Development
(13). Responsible factors include ecological changes, Ecological changes, including those due to agri-
such as those due to agricultural or economic devel- cultural or economic development, are among the
opment or to anomalies in climate; human demo- most frequently identified factors in emergence.
graphic changes and behavior; travel and commerce; They are especially frequent as factors in outbreaks
technology and industry; microbial adaptation and of previously unrecognized diseases with high case-
change; and breakdown of public health measures. fatality rates, which often turn out to be zoonotic
Each of these will be considered in turn. introductions. Ecological factors usually precipitate
Ecological interactions can be complex, with sev- emergence by placing people in contact with a natu-
eral factors often working together or in sequence. ral reservoir or host for an infection hitherto unfa-
For example, population movement from rural areas miliar but usually already present (often a zoonotic
to cities can spread a once-localized infection. The or arthropod-borne infection), either by increasing
strain on infrastructure in the overcrowded and proximity or, often, also by changing conditions so
rapidly growing cities may disrupt or slow public as to favor an increased population of the microbe or
health measures, perhaps allowing establishment of its natural host (2,4). The emergence of Lyme dis-
the newly introduced infection. Finally, the city may ease in the United States and Europe was probably
also provide a gateway for further dissemination of due largely to reforestation (14), which increased the
the infection. Most successful emerging infections, population of deer and the deer tick, the vector of
including HIV, cholera, and dengue, have followed Lyme disease. The movement of people into these
this route. areas placed a larger population in close proximity
to the vector.
Consider HIV as an example. Although the pre-
cise ancestry of HIV-1 is still uncertain, it appears Agricultural development, one of the most com-
to have had a zoonotic origin (9,10). Ecological fac- mon ways in which people alter and interpose them-
tors that would have allowed human exposure to a selves into the environment, is often a factor
(Table 2). Hantaan virus, the cause of Korean hem- Perhaps most surprisingly, pandemic influenza
orrhagic fever, causes over 100,000 cases a year in appears to have an agricultural origin, integrated
China and has been known in Asia for centuries. The pig-duck farming in China. Strains causing the fre-
virus is a natural infection of the field mouse Apode- quent annual or biennial epidemics generally result
mus agrarius. The rodent flourishes in rice fields; from mutation (“antigenic drift”), but pandemic in-
people usually contract the disease during the rice fluenza viruses do not generally arise by this proc-
harvest from contact with infected rodents. Junin ess. Instead, gene segments from two influenza
virus, the cause of Argentine hemorrhagic fever, is strains reassort to produce a new virus that can
an unrelated virus with a history remarkably simi- infect humans (16). Evidence amassed by Webster,
lar to that of Hantaan virus. Conversion of grass- Scholtissek, and others, indicates that waterfowl,
land to maize cultivation favored a rodent that was such as ducks, are major reservoirs of influenza and
the natural host for this virus, and human cases that pigs can serve as “mixing vessels” for new
increased in proportion with expansion of maize mammalian influenza strains (16). Pandemic influ-
agriculture (15). Other examples, in addition to enza viruses have generally come from China.
those already known (2,15), are likely to appear as Scholtissek and Naylor suggested that integrated
new areas are placed under cultivation. pig-duck agriculture, an extremely efficient food
behavior remains one of the weakest links in our seminated rapidly along routes of trade and travel,
scientific knowledge. as have antibiotic-resistant bacteria (5,36).
their cause. Recognition of the agent is often advan- reemerge if there are breakdowns in preventive
tageous, offering new promise of controlling a pre- measures.
viously intractable disease, such as treating gastric Reemerging diseases are those, like cholera, that
ulcers with specific antimicrobial therapy. were once decreasing but are now rapidly increasing
again. These are often conventionally understood
and well recognized public health threats for which
Microbial Adaptation and Change (in most cases) previously active public health meas-
Microbes, like all other living things, are con- ures had been allowed to lapse, a situation that
stantly evolving. The emergence of antibiotic-resis- unfortunately now applies all too often in both de-
tant bacteria as a result of the ubiquity of veloping countries and the inner cities of the indus-
antimicrobials in the environment is an evolution- trialized world. The appearance of reemerging
ary lesson on microbial adaptation, as well as a diseases may, therefore, often be a sign of the break-
demonstration of the power of natural selection. down of public health measures and should be a
Selection for antibiotic-resistant bacteria (5,36) and warning against complacency in the war against
drug-resistant parasites has become frequent, infectious diseases.
driven by the wide and sometimes inappropriate use Cholera, for example, has recently been raging in
of antimicrobial drugs in a variety of applications South America (for the first time in this century) (50)
(27,45,46). Pathogens can also acquire new antibi- and Africa. The rapid spread of cholera in South
otic resistance genes from other, often nonpatho- America may have been abetted by recent reduc-
genic, species in the environment (36), selected or tions in chlorine levels used to treat water supplies
perhaps even driven by the selection pressure of (34). The success of cholera and other enteric dis-
antibiotics. eases is often due to the lack of a reliable water
Many viruses show a high mutation rate and can supply. These problems are more severe in develop-
rapidly evolve to yield new variants (47). A classic ing countries, but are not confined to these areas.
example is influenza (48). Regular annual epidemics The U.S. outbreak of waterborne Cryptosporidium
are caused by “antigenic drift” in a previously circu- infection in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the spring of
lating influenza strain. A change in an antigenic site 1993, with over 400,000 estimated cases, was in part
of a surface protein, usually the hemagglutinin (H) due to a nonfunctioning water filtration plant (51);
protein, allows the new variant to reinfect pre- similar deficiencies in water purification have been
viously infected persons because the altered antigen found in other cities in the United States (52).
is not immediately recognized by the immune
On rare occasions, perhaps more often with non- For our Future
viral pathogens than with viruses (49), the evolution In his accompanying article, Dr. David Satcher
of a new variant may result in a new expression of discusses the history of infectious diseases and the
disease. The epidemic of Brazilian purpuric fever in many infections that, from the dawn of history to the
1990, associated with a newly emerged clonal vari- present, have traveled with the caravans and fol-
ant of Hemophilus influenzae, biogroup aegyptius, lowed the invading armies. The history of infectious
may fall into this category. It is possible, but not yet diseases has been a history of microbes on the
clear, that some recently described manifestations march, often in our wake, and of microbes that have
of disease by group A Streptococcus, such as rapidly taken advantage of the rich opportunities offered
invasive infection or necrotizing fasciitis, may also them to thrive, prosper, and spread. And yet the
fall into this category. historical processes that have given rise to the emer-
gence of “new” infections throughout history con-
tinue today with unabated force; in fact, they are
Breakdown of Public Health Measures accelerating, because the conditions of modern life
and Deficiencies in Public Health ensure that the factors responsible for disease emer-
Infrastructure gence are more prevalent than ever before. Speed of
Classical public health and sanitation measures travel and global reach are further borne out by
have long served to minimize dissemination and studies modeling the spread of influenza epidemics
human exposure to many pathogens spread by tra- (53) and HIV (54,55).
ditional routes such as water or preventable by Humans are not powerless, however, against this
immunization or vector control. The pathogens relentless march of microbes. Knowledge of the fac-
themselves often still remain, albeit in reduced tors underlying disease emergence can help focus
numbers, in reservoir hosts or in the environment, resources on the key situations and areas worldwide
or in small pockets of infection and, therefore, are (3,4) and develop more effective prevention strate-
often able to take advantage of the opportunity to gies. If we are to protect ourselves against emerging
diseases, the essential first step is effective global
disease surveillance to give early warning of emerg- 2. Morse SS. Examining the origins of emerging viruses.
ing infections (3,12,13,56). This must be tied to in- In: Morse SS, ed. Emerging viruses. New York: Oxford
centives, such as national development, and University Press, 1993:10-28.
eventually be backed by a system for an appropriate 3. Morse SS. Regulating viral traffic. Issues Sci Technol
rapid response. World surveillance capabilities are
4. Morse SS. Emerging viruses: defining the rules for
critically deficient (12,56,57). Efforts, such as the viral traffic. Perspect Biol Med 1991;34:387-409.
CDC plan (13), now under way in the United States 5. Soares S, Kristinsson KG, Musser JM, Tomasz A.
and internationally to remedy this situation are the Evidence for the introduction of a multiresistant clone
essential first steps and deserve strong support. of serotype 6B Streptococcus pneumoniae from Spain
Research, both basic and applied, will also be vital. to Iceland in the late 1980s. J Infect Dis 1993;168:158-
6. Rogers DJ, Packer MJ. Vector-borne diseases, models,
This Journal and the “Perspectives” and global change. Lancet 1993;342:1282-4.
Section 7. Fiennes RW. Zoonoses and the origins and ecology of
Early warning of emerging and reemerging infec- human disease. London: Academic Press, 1978.
tions depends on the ability to identify the unusual 8. McNeill WH. Plagues and peoples. New York: Anchor
as early as possible. Information is, therefore, essen- Press/ Doubleday, 1976.
tial. Hence this journal, which is intended as a 9. Myers G, MacInnes K, Korber B. The emergence of
simian/human immunodeficiency viruses. AIDS Res
peer-reviewed forum for the discussion of concepts Hum Retroviruses 1992;8:373-86.
and examples relevant to emerging infectious dis- 10. Allan JS, Short M, Taylor ME, et al. Species-specific
eases and their causes, and to provide a channel for diversity among simian immunodeficiency viruses
field reports and observations on emerging infec- from African green monkeys. J Virol 1991;65:2816-28.
tions. The “Perspectives” section will provide gen- 11. Gao F, Yue L, White AT, et al. Human infection by
eral overviews dealing with factors in disease genetically diverse SIVSM-related HIV-2 in West Af-
emergence, conceptual syntheses of information, ap- rica. Nature 1992;358:495-9.
proaches for studying or predicting emerging infec- 12. Institute of Medicine. Emerging infections: Microbial
tions, and analyses that shed light on how and why threats to health in the United States (Lederberg J,
infections emerge, and how they may be anticipated Shope RE, Oaks SC Jr, eds). Washington, DC: Na-
tional Academy Press, 1992.
and prevented. Submissions for this section are
13. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Address-
warmly invited. In coming issues, Perspectives will
ing emerging infectious disease threats: a prevention
deal in greater detail with many of the factors dis- strategy for the United States. Atlanta, Georgia: US
cussed in this overview article, and with ways to Dept of Health and Human Services, Public Health
dissect steps in the emergence process. Discussion Service, 1994.
of technologies that are broadly applicable to the 14. Barbour AG, Fish D. The biological and social phe-
identification or control of emerging diseases are nomenon of Lyme disease. Science 1993;260:1610-6.
also appropriate for this section. Case studies are 15. Johnson KM. Emerging viruses in context: an over-
welcome if they are used to develop broader lessons. view of viral hemorrhagic fevers. In: Morse SS, ed.
Emerging viruses. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1993:46-7.
Acknowledgments 16. Webster RG, Bean WJ, Gorman OT, Chambers TM,
I thank Dr. John La Montagne, NIAID, for helpful Kawaoka Y. Evolution and ecology of influenza A
viruses. Microbiol Rev 1992;56:152-79.
discussions. Supported by NIH grant RR 03121
17. Scholtissek C, Naylor E. Fish farming and influenza
(from CMP), US DHHS. pandemics. Nature 1988;331:215.
18. World Health Organization. Geographical distribu-
Dr. Morse, “Perspectives” section editor of this tion of arthropod-borne diseases and their principal
journal, is assistant professor of virology at The vectors. Gene va : World Health Organization
Rockefeller University, New York, N.Y. He chaired the (WHO/VBC/89.967), 1989:138-48.
NIH Conference on Emerging Viruses (May 1989) and 19. Monath TP. Arthropod-borne viruses. In: Morse SS,
was a member of the committee on Emerging Microbial ed. Emerging viruses. New York: Oxford University
Threats to Health (and chaired its Task Force on Press, 1993.
Viruses), convened by the Institute of Medicine, 20. Levins R, Epstein PR, Wilson ME, Morse SS, Slooff R,
National Academy of Sciences (ref. 12). Eckardt I. Hantavirus disease emerging. Lancet
21. Le Guenno B, Camprasse MA, Guilbaut JC, Lanoux
References P, Hoen B. Hantavirus epidemic in Europe, 1993.
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ease 1993;26:383-93. tion and gastric carcinoma among Japanese Ameri-
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The search for the infectious agents responsible for cat-scratch disease, bacillary
angiomatosis, and related syndromes has a long and often circuitous history. Recog-
nition of the etiologic agents and a new understanding of the fundamental features
of the epidemiology and natural history of modern day Bartonella (formerly Rochali-
maea)-associated diseases culminate a multipartite story that combines clinical
medicine, traditional microbiology, and novel technological approaches to solve a
long-standing enigma.
The quest for the etiologic agent of cat-scratch nopathy in up to 50% of patients; headache, ano-
disease (CSD) has frequently been described as a rexia, weight loss, nausea and vomiting, sore throat,
mystery (1,2). Indeed, the search has many qualities and splenomegaly may develop. In addition, short-
of a mystery novel; the pursuit has spanned several lived, non-specific maculopapular eruptions,
decades and recently taken several unexpected erythema nodosum, figurate erythemas, and throm-
turns. During this period of important discovery, bocytopenic purpura have been observed (8).
major microbial suspects have undergone name Unusual manifestations of CSD, which occur in
changes, novel microbial culprits have been intro- up to 14% of patients, include Perinaud’s oculoglan-
duced, new groups of affected patients have been dular syndrome (6%), encephalopathy (2%), hepatic
recognized, and yet significant questions remain to granulomas (0.3%), osteomyelitis (0.3%), and pulmo-
be answered. Scientific and medical interest has nary disease (0.2%) (4,5,8). In general, these compli-
been high; approximately 900 publications have cations resolve without sequelae. Perinaud’s
dealt with CSD since the first good clinical descrip- oculoglandular syndrome is manifested by conjuncti-
tion of the disease in 1950 (3). val granuloma, periauricular lymphadenopathy, and
nonsuppurative conjunctivitis. Encephalopathy,
manifested as fever and coma that progress to con-
Clinical Features of CSD vulsions, may last for days to weeks; cerebrospinal
Throughout the life of this evolving mystery, the fluid is unremarkable. Optic neuritis with transient
clinical descriptions of “classical” CSD have re- blindness may also occur.
mained remarkably consistent (Dalton MJ, et al. For many years, CSD has been clinically diag-
Rochalimaea antibody; a new era in the diagnosis of nosed when three of the following four criteria are
cat-scratch disease, submitted for publication; 4-6). met in a patient: 1) history of traumatic cat contact;
CSD is typically a benign and self-limited illness 2) positive skin-test response to CSD skin-test anti-
lasting 6 to 12 weeks in the absence of antibiotic gen; 3) characteristic lymph node lesions; and 4)
therapy. Regional lymphadenopathy (axillary, head negative laboratory investigation for unexplained
and neck, inguinal) is the predominant clinical fea- lymphadenopathy (8). Although biopsy confirmation
ture of CSD; affected nodes are often tender and of CSD has been rarely required (especially in lieu
occasionally suppurate (4-7). Between 25% and 60% of a reliable serologic test—see below), a constant
of patients report a primary cutaneous inoculation pathologic hallmark of CSD-affected tissues has
lesion (0.5- to 1-cm papule or pustule) at the site of been granuloma formation. With hematoxylin and
a cat scratch or bite (5,7). The skin lesions typically eosin stains, the primary inoculation lesion of CSD
develop 3 to 10 days after injury and precede the reveals small areas of frank necrosis surrounded by
onset of lymphadenopathy by 1 to 2 weeks. Low- concentric layers of histiocytes, lymphocytes, and
grade fever and malaise accompany lymphade- nucleated giant cells (9). Affected lymph nodes are
characterized by necrotizing granulomas ringed by
Address for correspondence: Russell Regnery, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, MS lymphocytic infiltrates and multinucleated giant
G13, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA; fax 404-639-1058; e-mail cells.
come to a similar conclusion by using DNA related- Data further substantiating the role of R. hense-
ness data (26); most of their isolates also consisted lae in the etiology of CSD soon followed. The newly
of the novel species, R. henselae. The new species developed serologic test was used to help investigate
designation, first officially used to describe the a possible cluster of CSD cases in Connecticut; 38
Houston-1 isolate, was coined in recognition of the (84%) of 45 suspected CSD cases had elevated Ro-
contribution of Diane Hensel, a microbiologist who chalimaea antibody titers, whereas 4 (3.6%) of 112
had isolated several of the initial organisms in Okla- age-matched controls had detectable antibody titers
homa (18,25,26). Subsequently, Koehler et al. iso- (7). In another investigation, serum samples ob-
lated bacilli directly from cutaneous lesions of tained from 600 prospectively evaluated patients
persons with BA (27); surprisingly, either R. henselae with well-characterized CSD (i.e., persons with his-
or R. quintana was isolated from BA lesions from tory of cat scratch, papule at site of inoculation, and
different HIV-infected patients. enlarged regional lymph node) had a 95% correla-
At this juncture, R. henselae infections had been tion with positive Rochalimaea serology.
described predominantly among immunocom- In 1993, R. henselae was isolated directly from the
promised patients with either BA or fever with bac- lymph nodes of two CSD patients and was identified
teremia. The availability of isolates made it possible by genotypic means; both patients had strong sero-
to develop a test for serologic evidence of Rochali- logic responses to Rochalimaea antigen (30). Evi-
maea infection and to refine PCR methods for iden- dence of R. henselae-specific nucleic acid sequences
tification of Rochalimaea organisms in tissues and were found in 21 (84%) of 25 CSD lymph node tissues
other samples. These methods, together with new submitted to CDC for evaluation (31).
techniques for recovering Rochalimaea species iso- Additional supporting evidence for a Rochali-
lates, were crucial to obtaining a more detailed ac- maea as the cause of CSD came from archival
count not only of BA but also of CSD. sources. Skin-test antigen, used rather extensively
in the past to help diagnose examples of CSD (4,8),
consisted of pasteurized exudate collected from sup-
The Cat-scratch Connection: A Synthesis purative CSD lymph nodes. Among a cohort of CSD
A Rochalimaea genus-specific, indirect fluores- patients who were skin-test positive, 52 (93%) of 56
cence antibody (IFA) test using irradiated whole cell had positive IFA antibody titers to the defined Ro-
antigen from the Houston-1 isolate of R. henselae chalimaea reagents (32). Furthermore, various lots
was developed by the Centers for Disease Control of skin-test antigen were shown by PCR analysis to
and Prevention (CDC) to help identify risk factors contain Rochalimaea nucleic acid sequences (33),
for Rochalimaea-associated disease. Several blinded and R. henselae sequences in particular (34). No
serum samples from both HIV-infected BA patients A. felis DNA sequences could be detected by PCR.
and HIV-infected controls residing in San Francisco These data strongly indicated that microbiologically
were sent to CDC for serologic testing. High-titered undefined skin-test reagents, which had been used
antibodies were identified in serum samples from for many years for the diagnosis and clinical charac-
several of the BA patients (28). Similar high-titered terization of CSD, were in fact R. henselae reagents.
antibodies were not detected for any of non-BA con- Collectively, these data supported a Rochalimaea
trol patients with one exception; a serum sample species etiology for both CSD and BA. Despite nu-
from an HIV-infected patient with CSD also demon- merous attempts, recent efforts to implicate A. felis
strated strong serologic reactivity to R. henselae as a cause of either of these two clinical entities have
antigen. repeatedly failed.
Shortly thereafter, single sera collected from pa-
tients with suspected CSD to look for A. felis anti-
bodies were evaluated with the new R. henselae Felis domesticus: A Reservoir for
serologic test; 36 (88%) of 41 sera were positive (29). Rochalimaea henselae
None of the sera had significantly elevated titers to In addition to epidemiologic data, serologic evi-
A. felis antigen. The same set of sera were coded and dence also implicated domestic cats with Rochali-
resubmitted along with sera taken from other well- maea-associated disease. Rochalimaea-specific IFA
characterized bacterial and viral diseases and tested antibodies were demonstrated in 6 (46%) of 13 pet
again in a blinded manner. The IFA test accurately cats not associated with human disease and among
identified sera of case-patients with suspected CSD. 39 (81%) of 48 cats living in households reporting
In addition, 6 (6%) of 107 sera from ostensibly healthy human CSD in Connecticut (7). Microbiologic evi-
persons, obtained from a commercial vendor, showed dence for the domestic cat as a reservoir for R.
antibody by IFA testing (29). These serologic data were henselae soon followed. R. henselae was isolated over
the first laboratory evidence suggesting that R. hense- a 3-week period from the blood of a single cat not
lae was associated with CSD. linked to human illness (35). Investigations by Koe-
hler et al. established the cat as a reservoir for
R. henselae infection (36). R. henselae was established tal laboratories discard their bacteriological plates
as the cause of cutaneous BA in three or four patients before primary isolates of B. henselae would be ex-
with the disease. R. henselae was isolated from the pected to appear (9-40 days). Extreme sensitivity to
blood of all seven asymptomatic pet cats with which a wide variety of antibiotics, at least in vitro, sug-
these four BA patients had prolonged contact. The gests that residual levels of antibiotics in patients’
prevalence of infection among cats in the greater blood or other tissues (such as lymph node biopsy)
San Francisco Bay region was also studied; 25 (41%) might inhibit Bartonella growth during primary iso-
of 61 pet or impounded cats had asymptomatic R. lation attempts in vitro. Selective medium has yet
henselae bacteremia (36). R. henselae was also de- to be developed. Novel genotypic methods were cru-
tected by both direct culture and PCR from several cial for identification of B. henselae; thus, isolates
cat fleas combed from these bacteremic cats (36). may well have been made in the past but remained
The human body louse (Pediculus humanus) was unidentified.
established as a vector for human-to-human trench As mentioned above, it has become apparent that
fever R. quintana transmission during the First in addition to B. henselae, B. quintana can also be
World War (37). Likewise, B. bacilliformis, a closely another significant cause of BA disease, at least
related organism (see below) found in the mountains among immunocompromised patients in San Fran-
of South America, can be transmitted by another cisco (27). Another focus of B. quintana infections
arthropod, the Phlebotomus sand fly (38). The obser- (“urban trench fever”) has been identified among
vation that related microbes are vectored between homeless alcoholics in Seattle (43,44). How common
humans by arthropods adds credence to the pro- are B. quintana infections; are they louseborne and
posed role of arthropod vectors of CSD. Despite sev- vectored strictly between humans, as was believed
eral suggestions that fleas or possibly ticks (7,36,39) during World War I (37)? B. quintana-associated
are associated with R. henselae disease, no experi- disease has no known link with an alternative ver-
mental data exist to clearly demonstrate that ar- tebrate vector (such as cats).
thropods act as direct vectors. Bartonella elizabethae is known only from a sin-
gle isolate from a man surviving endocarditis follow-
ing aortic valve-replacement surgery (45). Is there
Changes in Nomenclature: Rochalimaea further public health significance to this organism?
becomes Bartonella What additional Bartonella species have yet to be
Genotypic evaluation of members of the genus identified and what diseases may they cause?
Rochalimaea has led to the conclusion that members Members of the genus Bartonella are exquisitely
of the genus are closely related to Bartonella bacil- sensitive to antibiotics in vitro (30,46). Why then do
liformis, the agent of Carrión disease, Oroya fever, CSD patients not respond as rapidly and consis-
and verruga peruana (40). Because of historical tently to antibiotic therapy as BA patients do? One
precedence, the genus designation Bartonella is now hypothesis is that immunocompetent patients some-
applied to all species of the old genus Rochalimaea how sequester infectious organisms beyond the
and replaces the Rochalimaea designation (species reach of antibiotics, whereas immunocompromised
names remain unchanged). patients do not. An alternative hypothesis regarding
Physicians and researchers need to exercise care differential antibiotic responsiveness recognizes
in using the term “bartonellosis.” This term has that many of the signs of CSD are immune mediated;
classically been used to describe the frequently fatal antibiotics, even if effective in neutralizing or killing
syndromes caused by B. bacilliformis. To date, bacteria, may not immediately alleviate long-dura-
B. bacilliformis and its associated syndrome (bar- tion immunologic tissue manifestations of antigen
tonellosis) have been identified exclusively in South stimulation. Conversely, in the absence of the immu-
America (38,41). nologic capability to react to bacterial infection by
forming granulomas, as in the case of severely im-
munocompromised persons with BA, antibiotics are
Remaining Questions for Ongoing and generally effective in alleviating the symptoms and
Future Research signs of infection. Does this suggest that possible
Although B. henselae is now regarded as the etio- non-granulomatous manifestations of CSD (for ex-
logic agent of CSD, as well as a cause of BA, endo- ample, neuroretinitis and encephalopathy) should
carditis (42), and fever with bacteremia, many respond well to the appropriate antibiotic therapy?
questions remain unanswered. For example, why Although BA has been described in immunocom-
did it take so long to isolate and identify B. henselae? petent patients (15), the vast majority of BA patients
Part of the answer probably stems from the require- are immunocompromised (14). What are the factors
ments necessary for growth in vitro, including en- explaining why B. henselae and B. quintana induce
riched, non-selective blood agar incubated over a vascular proliferative lesions, such as BA and
prolonged period in a CO2 atmosphere. Most hospi-
parenchymal bacillary peliosis, almost exclusively 7. Zangwill KM, Hamilton DH, Perkins BA, et al.
in severely immunocompromised patients? Epidemiology, risk factors, and evaluation of a new
diagnostic test. N Engl J Med 1993;329:8-13.
What percentage of the relatively large numbers
8. Warwick WJ. The cat-scratch syndrome, many dis-
of undiagnosed febrile disease among HIV-infected
eases or one disease? Prog Med Virol 1967;9:256-301.
persons is in fact due to Bartonella species infec- 9. Johnson WT, Helwig EB. Cat-scratch disease (his-
tions? The answer to this important question may topathologic changes in the skin). Arch Dermatol
help alleviate significant morbidity among HIV-in- 1969;100:148-54.
fected patients. The potential for selection for drug- 10. Wear DJ, Margileth AM, Hadfield TL, Fisher GW,
resistance during long-term antimicrobial therapy Schlagel CJ, King FM. Cat scratch disease: a bacterial
deserves scrutiny. infection. Science 1983;221:1403-5.
Does the 4%-6% of IFA antibody-positive, ostensi- 11. English CK, Wear DJ, Margileth AM, Lissner CR,
bly healthy “control” study populations suggest a Walsh GP. Cat scratch disease: isolation and culture
relatively common undercurrent of undiagnosed, of the bacterial agent. JAMA 1988;259:1347-52.
subclinical Bartonella-associated disease? 12. Brenner DJ, Hollis DG, Moss CW, English CK, et al.
Proposal to Afipia gen. nov., with Afipia felis sp. nov.
Is it possible to immunize cats and thereby inter- (Formerly the Cat Scratch Bacillus), Afipia clevelan-
rupt B. henselae transmission to humans? Prelimi- denis sp. nov. (Formerly the Cleveland Clinic Strain),
nary data suggest that asymptomatic bacteremia in Afipia broomeae sp. nov., and three unnamed genospe-
cats can be successfully treated with antimicrobial cies. J Clin Micro 1991;29:2450-60.
therapy (36). Once cleared of bacteremia, are these 13. Stoler MH, Bonfiglio TA, Steigbigel RT, Pereira M. An
cats routinely susceptible to reinfection? atypical subcutaneous infection associated with ac-
quired immune deficiency syndrome. Am J Clin
Are the complications occasionally associated
Pathol 1983;80:714-8.
with CSD and BA associated with different strains
14. Koehler JE, Tappero JW. AIDS Commentary: bacil-
of Bartonella species or are the variations in clinical lary angiomatosis and bacillary peliosis in patients
presentation strictly functions of dose, route of in- infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Clin
oculation, and immune status? Infect Dis 1993;17:612-24.
And finally, in what role, if any, will A. felis reap- 15. Tappero JW, Koehler JE, Berger TG, Cockerell CJ, Lee
pear as an agent of human disease? Is A. felis respon- T-H, Busch MP, Stites DP, Mohle-Boetani J, Reingold
sible for the relatively small number of cases of AL, LeBoit PE. Bacillary angiomatosis and bacillary
CSD-like lymphadenopathy that have no evidence of splenitis in immunocompetent adults. Ann Intern
Med 1993;118:363-5.
antibody to B. henselae? Or is there another expla-
16. Perkocha LA, Geaghan SM, Yen TS, et al. Clinical and
nation for the originally proposed association be-
pathological features of bacillary peliosis hepatis in
tween A. felis and CSD that has not yet come to light? association with human immunodeficiency virus in-
The new recognition of the importance of Bar- fection. N Engl J Med 1990;323:1581-6.
tonella-associated diseases will continue to spawn a 17. Kemper CA, Lombard CM, Dersinski SC, Tompkins
host of unanswered related questions. Whereas LS. Visceral bacillary epithelioid angiomatosis: possi-
novel subplots will continue to unfold, the new puz- ble manifestations of disseminated cat scratch disease
zles are no longer totally shapeless, and answers to in the immunocompromised host: a report of two
questions of natural history and epidemiology, en- cases. Am J Med 1990;89:216-22.
hanced diagnosis and treatment, and methods for 18. Slater LN, Welch DF, Hensel D, Coody DW. A new
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2. Goldsmith MF. Has AFIP debugged the cat scratch neous vascular lesions and disseminated cat scratch
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Table 1. Mosquito species from which BF virus was isolated in Western Australia by region and
date, 1989–1993*
Region† Locality† Species Date Isolates
East Kimberley Billiluna Ae. bancroftianus 22 Apr 1989 1
East Kimberley Billiluna Ae. eidsvoldensis 22 Apr 1989 3
East Kimberley Billiluna Ae. pseudonormanensis 22 Apr 1989 1
East Kimberley Billiluna An. amictus 22 Apr 1989 2
East Kimberley Billiluna An. annulipes s.l. 22 Apr 1989 1
East Kimberley Halls Creek Cx. annulirostris 11 Feb 1993 1
West Kimberley Broome Ae. vigilax 10-16 Feb 1993 9
West Kimberley Fitzroy Crossing Cx. annulirostris 13 Feb 1993 1
West Kimberley Willare Ae. normanensis 16 Mar 1993 1
Pilbara (Fortescue) Onslow Ae. EN Marks’ sp. #85 13-14 Jun 1992 3
Pilbara (Fortescue) Onslow Cx. annulirostris 13 Jun 1992 1
Pilbara (Fortescue) Onslow An. amictus 13-14 Jun 1992 2
Pilbara (Fortescue) Exmouth Ae. vigilax 16 Jun-11 Jul 1992 7
Gascoyne (West) Minilya Ae. eidsvoldensis 7 Jul 1992 5
Gascoyne (West) Minilya Ae. eidsvoldensis (bloodfed) 7 Jul 1992 1
Gascoyne (West) Minilya Ae. EN Marks’ sp. #85 7 Jul 1992 1
Gascoyne (West) Carnarvon Ae. eidsvoldensis 12 Jul 1992 3
Gascoyne (West) Carnarvon Ae. EN Marks’ sp. #85 12 Jul 1992 1
Gascoyne (West) Carnarvon Cx. quinquefasciatus 12 Jul 1992 1
Gascoyne (West) Carnarvon Unidentifiable mosquitoes 12 Jul 1992 1
Central Coastal Karnup Cx. annulirostris 4 Jan 1993 1
Central Coastal Karnup Cq. species near linealis 4 Jan 1993 4
Central Coastal Perth Cx. annulirostris 6 Jan 1993 1
South Coastal Australind Ae. camptorhynchus 6 Jul 1993 1
South Coastal Mandurah (Peel) Ae. camptorhynchus 5 Aug-5 Oct 1993 10
South Coastal Busselton Ae. camptorhynchus 1 Sep-15 Nov 1993 9
South Coastal Busselton Cx. globocoxitus 1 Nov 1993 1
Total 73
* Numbers of mosquitoes trapped and processed and estimated minimum field infection rates for each region will be published in
detail elsewhere.
Refer to Figure 1 for location of regions and towns from which isolates of BF virus were obtained.
tions also suggested that both BF and Ross River locations, Table 1 for isolation details). A twelfth
virus can co-circulate. Both viruses were isolated isolate was obtained from Ae. normanensis collected
from different mosquitoes of the same species col- 5 weeks after the first rains at Willare in the West
lected in the same trap on several occasions. Kimberley. The timing of the collections was such
A further six cases of BF virus disease were re- that all three mosquito species could have transmit-
ported after record wet season rains in the Kimber- ted BF virus to the infected persons in the region.
ley region in early 1993. The cases occurred just after Vector competence studies are required to determine
mosquitoes in the Kimberley region had been col- if one or more species were likely to have been the
lected by personnel from this laboratory. These col- main vectors.
lections yielded 12 isolates of BF virus. Eleven of A single case was reported from the metropolitan
these were from Ae. vigilax and Cx. annulirostris area of Perth, the state’s capital, in August 1992.
mosquitoes trapped less than 2 weeks after the first This was the first evidence of BF virus activity in the
heavy wet season rains near the West Kimberley temperate and populous southwestern region of
towns of Broome and Fitzroy Crossing and the East Western Australia. However, the travel history of
Kimberley town of Halls Creek (see Figure 1 for the patient was not obtained. Then, in early January
the 1993-94 southwest outbreak (Health [Infectious particularly whether the strain of virus responsible
Diseases] Amendment Order 1994, Government Ga- for the Western Australia outbreaks was introduced
zette, Western Australia, 24 June 1994). The out- from Eastern Australia or was a local, hitherto un-
break was also the first report of a substantial detected, strain.
number of cases in the absence of Ross River virus
activity anywhere in Australia. Ross River virus is
endemic in the Mandurah (Peel) region but only one Acknowledgments
case of Ross River virus disease was reported from The authors thank Tony Wright, (Health Depart-
the area during spring-summer (September-Febru- ment of Western Australia) for assistance with col-
ary) 1993-94. This is the lowest recorded number of lection of mosquitoes, Margaret Wallace, Rosa
cases for that period in the region since record keep- Egerton-Warburton, Roger Clifton, and Dora Li for
ing began in 1984. Environmental conditions and assistance with laboratory processing of mosquito
vector mosquito populations in the southwest were and virus samples, and staff in the Virology Section,
unfavorable for Ross River virus transmission dur- State Health Laboratory Service, the Health De-
ing the BF outbreak. In particular, populations of Ae. partment of Western Australia, for carrying out the
camptorhynchus from October onwards were much serologic testing of human sera. This work was
smaller than in years when larger numbers of cases funded by a grant from the Health Department of
of Ross River virus disease were reported (M.D. Western Australia.
Lindsay, C.A. Johansen, J.S. Mackenzie, unpub-
Michael D.A. Lindsay, Cheryl A. Johansen,
lished observations). It is not known whether the BF Annette K. Broom, David W. Smith,* and
virus outbreak occurred because BF virus can circu- John S. Mackenzie
late under conditions that are not suitable for Ross Department of Microbiology, The University of Western
River virus activity or whether extremely low levels Australia, Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre,
of immunity in “virgin” vertebrate host and human Nedlands, WA
populations in the southwest may have enhanced *State Health Laboratory Services, Queen Elizabeth II
transmission cycles. Medical Centre, Nedlands, WA
Surveillance and epidemiologic studies carried
out by this laboratory in the north of Western Aus- References
tralia since 1972 and in the southwest since 1987 1. Lindsay MD, Smith DW, Johansen C, Mackenzie JS.
have found no convincing evidence of BF virus activ- Barmah Forest virus disease in Western Australia.
ity in these regions prior to the events described in Western Australian Notifiable Diseases Bulletin 1994;
this report. No BF virus was isolated from the north 4: 1-4.
of Western Australia before 1989, despite large-scale 2. Lindsay MD, Johansen C, Smith DW, Wallace MJ,
processing of field-caught mosquitoes over a 17-year Mackenzie JS. An outbreak of Barmah Forest virus
period that yielded hundreds of isolates of other disease in the south-west of Western Australia. Med J
arboviruses. Similarly, no BF virus isolate was ob- Aust. In press.
tained from more than 400,000 mosquitoes collected 3. Mackenzie JS, Lindsay MD, Coelen RJ, Hall RA,
Broom AK, Smith DW. Arboviruses causing human
throughout the southwest between 1987 and 1992
disease in the Australian zoogeographic region. Arch
and processed for virus isolation. Furthermore, an Virol 1994;136:447-7.
ongoing serosurvey has found no evidence of infec- 4. Marshall ID, Woodroofe GM, Hirsch S. Viruses recov-
tion with BF virus in more than 1,000 individuals of ered from mosquitoes and wildlife serum collected in
18 vertebrate species collected in the southwest be- the Murray Valley of south-eastern Australia, Febru-
fore 1992 (C.A. Johansen, unpublished results). This ary 1974, during an outbreak of encephalitis. Aust J
suggests that the virus responsible for the recent Exp Biol Med Sci 1982;60:457-70.
outbreaks was recently introduced to Western Aus- 5. Vale TG, Carter IW, McPhie KA, James GS, Cloonan
tralia. The means of introduction, initially to the MJ. Human arbovirus infections along the south coast
northwest and more recently to the southwest of of New South Wales. Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci
Western Australia, is not known. In view of the
6. Boughton CR, Hawkes RA, Naim HM. Illness caused
activity at Nhulunbuy in the Northern Territory,
by a Barmah Forest-like virus in New South Wales.
before the first Western Australia cases in 1992, it Med J Aust 1988;148:146-7.
is possible that the virus may have been introduced 7. Phillips DA, Murray JR, Aaskov JG, Weimers MA.
from that region in a viremic human or in livestock. Clinical and subclinical Barmah Forest virus infection
However, little is known about the duration and in Queensland. Med J Aust 1990;152:463-6.
height of viremia in infected humans or other ani- 8. Hawkes RA, Boughton CR, Naim HM, Myrick BA,
mals, and it is not known whether person-to-person Ramsay LG. Barmah Forest virus infections in hu-
vector-mediated transmission of Barmah Forest vi- mans in New South Wales. Med J Aust 1988;146:569-
rus can occur. Our laboratory has begun a study to 73.
investigate the molecular epidemiology of BF virus,
9. Merianos A, Farland AM, Patel M, Currie B, Whelan 11. Lindsay MD, Johansen C, Wright AE, Condon R, D’Er-
P, Dentith H, Smith D. A concurrent outbreak of Bar- cole M, Smith D, Mackenzie JS. The epidemiology of
mah Forest and Ross River disease in Nhulunbuy, outbreaks of Ross River virus infection in Western
Northern Te rritory. Comm Dis Intell (Aust) Australia in 1991-1992. Arbovirus Research in Austra-
1992;16:110-1. lia 1992;6:72-6. CSIRO and Queensland Institute of
10. Broom AK, Mackenzie JS, Lindsay MD, Wright AE. Medical Research.
Epidemiology of Murray Valley encephalitis and Kun- 12. Lindsay MD, Broom AK, Wright AE, Johansen CA,
jin viruses in Western Australia, 1980-89. Arbovirus Mackenzie JS. Ross River virus isolations from mos-
Research in Australia 1989;5:14-8. CSIRO and quitoes in arid regions of Western Australia: implica-
Queensland Institute of Medical Research. tion of vertical transmission as a means of persistence
of the virus. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1993;49:686-96.
trol study. A case was defined as a person aged 14 or porters supplying wholesale markets in England.
more years who became ill after May 1, 1994, and The wholesalers were supplied by packers in Spain.
had microbiologic evidence (fecal isolation) of Sh. This was consistent with the findings of the investi-
sonnei infection, no recent history of overseas travel, gators in the Norwegian outbreak. Iceberg lettuce
and no identifiable contact with other case-patients investigated by the Public Health Laboratory serv-
in the 3 days before onset. Controls were nominated ice during the second week of June 1994 did not grow
by case-patients and matched by sex, age (within a Sh. sonnei. However, the iceberg lettuce season in
10-year age band), and area of residence (within a Spain, which began in October, ended early in June,
10-mile radius of the case). For each case three and the source of lettuce available for testing could
matched controls were sought. A questionnaire was not be traced.
administered by telephone by three interviewers
from CDSC. Clinical and demographic details and
details of exposure to food items, including iceberg Laboratory studies
lettuce, mentioned in trawling questionnaires were All Sh. sonnei isolates referred to LEP after the
sought. Epinet message were phage typed by using the
Twenty-eight case-patients and 49 matched con- scheme described by Hammerstrom (3) and Kallings
trols were interviewed and, after excluding those and Sjoberg (4), according to a protocol supplied by
who had recently traveled abroad and controls who Dr. R. Wollin, Swedish Institute of Infectious Dis-
had been ill, results from 27 cases and 44 controls ease Control, Sweden. Isolates were also tested for
were analyzed. The median age of case-patients was resistance to a range of antibiotics by an agar dilu-
47 years, and the range was 19 to 79 years. Eight tion technique (5).
cases were among men and 19 among women. All A total of 495 isolates were referred to LEP be-
case-patients had diarrhea (i.e., three or more loose tween June 14 and July 31, from 51 laboratories in
stools in a 24-hour period), although only four of the England and Wales. Most isolates were from spo-
27 reported blood in the stools, 25 of the 27 had radic infections, but in a number of local outbreaks,
abdominal pain, and 11 reported vomiting. The me- there was a strong epidemiologic association be-
dian duration of symptoms was 9 days, and the tween illness and consumption of iceberg lettuce.
range was 4 to 25 days. Taking into account the Two phage types predominated among the 19 types
matching inherent in the study design, a matched identified during this period, PT 2 (42.6% of isolates)
analysis was performed. In any analysis 27 matched and a variant of PT65 provisionally designated PT
sets were possible. For 13 sets there was one control L (15.9%). In contrast, although a small number of
per case, for 11 sets there were 2 per case, and for 3 isolates of PT 65 and PT L were identified among
sets there were 3 controls per case. Single variable strains of Sh. sonnei isolated in England and Wales
analysis of the different foods consumed revealed the in 1991 and 1992, no isolates of PT 2 were seen
possible risk factors (p < 0.2) (Table 2). A multivari- before May 1994. Towards the end of the outbreak
able model was fitted with all those variables in- PT 3 and PT 6 were becoming reestablished in Eng-
cluded. This procedure was repeated, removing land and Wales as the predominant types, as they had
nonsignificant items at each stage. In the third been in previous years.
model, the only remaining significant item was ice- An exception to the recent pattern was an out-
berg lettuce (p = 0.0172). The estimated odds ratio break in North Wales, involving several children and
for iceberg lettuce was 13.8 (95% confidence interval adults, in which infection was associated either with
1.26 to 150.5). eating ice cream at a particular establishment or
In sporadic cases associated with consumption of having contact with children who had done so. All 73
lettuce from particular restaurants or public houses, of the isolates of PT 62 were associated with this
it was possible to compare the date of onset with the outbreak.
date of delivery of iceberg lettuce by the wholesalers. A total of 357 Sh. sonnei isolated during this
The distribution chain was traced back through im- period (72.1%) were fully sensitive to all drugs
tested. Phage types 2 (87% fully sensitive) and PT L infections in Norway and Sweden (6). A plausible
(99%) were predominantly sensitive, as were all explanation would be that fecally contaminated
isolates of PT 62; usually one would expect more water was used to irrigate the lettuce or to cool it
than 70% of Sh. sonnei isolates to be resistant to one after packing. If iceberg lettuce is not washed thor-
or more drugs. The use of the same phage-typing oughly before consumption, contamination could be
scheme across several European countries has facili- retained in the leaves.
tated cross-referencing between the British, Ger- This study demonstrates both the importance of
man, and Swedish outbreaks. Phage types 2 and 65 coordinating laboratory results and epidemiologic
(or the closely related variant PT L) were identified investigations and the value of rapid communica-
in several countries. tions and common typing techniques in various
From the epidemiologic studies, it was concluded European countries.
that the strong statistical evidence (p = 0.0172) that
consumption of iceberg lettuce was associated with J.A. Frost, M.B. McEvoy,* C.A. Bentley,
Y. Andersson,** and B. Rowe
the risk of becoming ill together with reports from Laboratory of Enteric Pathogens,
other European countries, including Scotland, Swe- Central Public Health Laboratory, London, England
den, and Norway, and the temporal association of the *Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre,
outbreak with the iceberg lettuce season in Spain London, England
implicated iceberg lettuce as the vehicle of infection. **Swedish Institute for Infectious Diseases Control,
This was corroborated by the laboratory studies, Stockholm, Sweden
which showed a change in predominant phage types
during the period of the outbreak. The predomi-
nance of the same phage types in lettuce-associated References
Sh. sonnei infections in a number of countries added 1. Newman CPS. Surveillance and control of Shigella
sonnei infection. Communicable Disease Report 1993;
further weight to this conclusion. 3: R63-8.
In England, there were several anecdotal ac- 2. Anonymous. A foodborne outbreak of Shigella sonnei
counts of dual infection with salmonellae and vi- infection in Europe. Communicable Disease Report
ruses as well as Sh. sonnei. This was also true of 1994; 4 No. 25.
3. Hammerstrom E. Phage typing of Shigella sonnei. Acta 5. Frost JA. Testing for resistance to antimicrobial drugs.
Med Scand 1949. 133 (Suppl 223). In: Chart H, ed. Methods in practical laboratory bacte-
4. Kallings LO, Lindberg AA, Sjoberg L. Phage typing of riology. Boca Raton Fla.: CRC Press; 1994.
Shigella sonnei. Arch Immun Ther Exp 1968; 16: 280-7. 6. Kapperud G, Rorvik LM, Hasseltvedt V, et al. Out-
break of Shigella sonnei infection traced to imported
iceberg lettuce. J Clin Microbiol, in press.
specific bands to either antigen, they would be con- taminants. Molecular characterization indicated
sidered negative by the criteria of Dressler et al (3). that the SLOs were not related to B. burgdorferi.
Fewer than 1% of all referred patients conformed A small number of native vertebrate animals (13
with the national surveillance case definition used native rats Rattus fuscipes, 3 bandicoots Perameles
in the United States by the Centers for Disease nasuta, and 1 marsupial mouse Antechinus stuartii)
Control and Prevention. Problems of specificity and trapped on the south coast of NSW were sampled by
sensitivity associated with serologic testing for ear-punch biopsy (6) for culture and PCR investiga-
Lyme disease are well recognized, particularly in tion, but no evidence of borreliae was found. The
Australia where no local spirochete has been iso- animal sample was clearly inadequate, and the PCR
lated for use as a reference antigen. primers used for the tick and animal studies may
Seroprevalence rates for B. burgdorferi infection have been inappropriate and unable to identify na-
in humans have been compared between 200 high tive Australian spirochetes; however the extensive
(rural residents) and 200 low (urban residents) tick investigations of tick gut contents by culturing and
exposure groups in coastal NSW, by using the IgG dark field microscopy were also negative for borre-
ELISA. No significant difference was found between liae.
the two groups, and the overall seropositivity rate There are some major differences between Austra-
was 2.2% (9/400). A parallel survey of dogs in NSW lia and the Lyme-disease-endemic areas of the North-
has shown a similar result with an overall seroposi- ern Hemisphere with respect to the natural history of
tivity rate of 2.5% (6/239). These results contrast borreliosis. No ticks of the I. persulcatus complex, the
with those reported from known endemic-disease principal vectors to humans in the northern hemi-
areas outside Australia that have rural populations sphere, occur in Australia. In eastern Australia, the
with considerably higher seropositive rates. The low logical candidate vector would be I. holocyclus,
rate found by our surveys is similar to that found by which has a wide host range and is the most common
other studies undertaken in areas where Lyme dis- tick biting humans. I. holocyclus cannot transmit a
ease is not endemic, and humans have 1%-3% posi- North American strain of B. burgdorferi (7) but the
tive serologic results cause by cross-reacting association with any possible Australian spirochetes
antibodies (4). remains unresolved. Likewise, none of the mammal
From January 1990 to December 1992, ticks were species identified as reservoir hosts in the Northern
collected in areas associated with putative Lyme Hemisphere are present in Australia. There are
disease cases and were examined for spirochetes to reports of spirochetes in Australian native animals,
detect a possible causative agent in potential vec- and a local mammal could be a reservoir host for an
tors. Ticks were collected along the east coast of indigenous spirochete that occasionally infects hu-
Australia, from southern Queensland through NSW mans through a tick vector and produces a clinical
into northern Victoria, by flagging in natural habi- syndrome similar to Lyme disease; however, no spi-
tats, and from domestic and other native animals. rochete was detected in the ticks or animals studied.
Detection of spirochetes was attempted by dark-field The diagnosis of Lyme disease outside known
microscopy and culturing of gut contents and by disease-endemic areas should not be based solely on
direct testing of ticks using polymerase chain reac- serology because unrelated syndromes, such as
tion (PCR) to detect the Borrelia-specific flagellin autoimmune diseases and cross reactions with other
gene (5). bacteria, can produce false-positive results. Like-
In total, more than 12,000 (>1,000 by PCR) ticks wise, a definitive diagnosis on clinical grounds alone
were processed, including 7,922 I. holocyclus (1). No in a nonendemic-disease area is difficult to justify
spirochetes were detected by dark-field microscopy without adequate scientific support based on isola-
or by PCR. Spirochete-like objects (SLOs), were ob- tion of the causative agent from the patient or from
served in 94 cultures from bloodfed ticks and only in another patient or known vector from the region. In
cultures with bacterial contaminants, presumably Australia, disagreement as to what constitutes a
from the bloodmeal. Some SLOs yielded positive positive serologic result has additionally contrib-
fluorescence results when tested with Borrelia-spe- uted to overdiagnosis of Lyme disease. Until an
cific polyclonal antibodies, but tests with monoclonal organism is isolated from a local patient and is
antibodies (anti-flagellin H9724, anti-OspA H5332, characterized, the presence of Lyme disease in Aus-
anti-OspB H6831) were negative. Electron mi- tralia will remain controversial.
crographs showed that the SLOs were not typical of
Borrelia, were composed of fibers, and probably were
not spirochetes. The electron micrographs were Acknowledgments
similar to micrographs of SLOs recovered from con- My colleagues Rosemary Munro (clinical microbi-
taminated cultures from ticks in the United States ology), Department of Microbiology, Liverpool Hos-
and Europe and thought to be composed of aggrega- pital, and Stephen Doggett (entomology), David
tions of bacterial flagella, probably from the con- Dickeson (serology), Danielle Avery (molecular biol-
September 1994
7 9 13 14 15 16 17 19-26
Cannon Hill 2 horses
(Paddock) moved
Hendra Mare died 2 horses 10 horses dead
(Stables) moved 4 recovered
Hendra 1 horse 1 horse dead
(Neighboring moved 1 recovered
Kenilworth 1 horse dead
(150 km distant) 1 recovered
Samford 1 recovered
New South Wales
Stablehand Becomes Slow recovery
Trainer Becomes Hospitalized Died
Figure 1. A chronology of the development of cases of acute equine respiratory disease and associated illness in
chain reaction (PCR), or electronmicroscopy. Tests PCR primers were synthesized from consensus
for Pasteurella, Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia, Le- Paramyxoviridae matrix protein sequences and
gionella, Pseudomonas, and Streptobacillus monili- tested against the horse virus. Those specific for
formis were negative, and poisons consistent with paramyxoviruses and pneumoviruses did not bind,
the clinical and gross pathology, such as paraquat, but one pair of morbillivirus primers gave a 400 bp
were excluded by specific testing. product. Determination of the sequence of this prod-
However, within 3 days, a syncytial forming virus uct enabled the synthesis of horse virus-specific
was detected in vero-cell cultures inoculated with primers. Phylogenetic analyses of the matrix protein
diseased horse tissues and shortly thereafter was sequence indicates that the virus is unique and
seen to grow in a wide range of cells. These included distantly related to other known members of the
MDBK, BHK, and RK13 cells. Subsequently, a group. A comparison of translated M protein se-
syncytial forming virus also was isolated in LLK- quence shows that it has a 50% homology with the
MK2 cells that had been inoculated with tissue from morbillivirus group (80% if conservative amino acid
the deceased trainer’s kidney. The isolation of these substitutions are used). This distant relatedness is
viruses and their preliminary characterization by emphasized by our observations that neutralizing
electron microscopy, immunoelectromicroscopy, se- antisera to measles virus, canine distemper, and
rology, and genetic analyses are described elsewhere rinperest virus failed to neutralize the virus.
(Murray PK, et al. A new morbillivirus which caused The viruses isolated from the horses and the
fatal disease in horses and man, submitted). trainer are ultrastructurally identical. Serum from
In summary, ultrastructural analysis showed the horses and the two human cases specifically
that the virus is a member of the Paramyxoviridae cross-neutralize the virus, and the horse virus-spe-
family. It is enveloped, pleomorphic (varies in size cific PCR primers provide a positive reaction with
from 38 nm to more than 600 nm), and is covered the human virus isolate. Therefore, the horses and
with 10 nm and 18 nm surface projections. It con- the trainer were infected with the same virus.
tains herringbone nucleocapsids that are 18 nm At the beginning of the diagnostic investigation,
wide with a 5 nm periodicity. The presence of ‘dou- tissues from the lungs and spleens of diseased horses
ble-fringed’ surface projections on this virus is con- were injected into two recipient horses. After 6 and
sidered unique. Immunoelectronmicroscopy showed 10 days, the recipient horses became ill with high
that both the horse and the human virus react with fever and severe respiratory signs, demonstrating
convalescent-phase horse sera and with sera from that the disease was transmissible. Two days later
the two human cases. the horses were destroyed. The equine morbillivirus
was isolated from tissues from both of these horses. sick horses, mostly stable workers, veterinary pa-
To document that the isolated horse virus was patho- thologists, animal health field staff, or people who
genic, experimental transmission tests were also lived in the vicinity of the affected stables, was
conducted. Two additional horses received a total of negative (Selvey L, et al, submitted).
2 x 107 TCID50 of tissue culture virus by intravenous Serologic testing of all horses on quarantined
inoculation and by intranasal aerosol. Both horses properties and within 1 km of the Hendra stable, and
became seriously ill, and after a short, severe clinical a sample of horses from the rest of Queensland was
episode, were destroyed 4 and 5 days after exposure. undertaken (Table 1). A total of 1,964 horses were
At necropsy, they showed gross and histopathologic tested from more than 630 premises. The negative
lesions that were primarily respiratory and consis- results from this testing also indicate that the infec-
tent with the natural disease. Virus was reisolated tion has not spread. In the entire horse survey, only
from their lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, lymph nodes, seven horses, all from the Hendra property and the
and blood. adjoining stables, were positive. Four of these ani-
The pathology of this infection is interesting. In mals had been clinically affected, but three were
horses, the dominant gross pathology is lesions in asymptomatic. Because of the potential risk and the
the lungs. These are congested and edematous with difficulty in establishing freedom from infection,
prominent lymphatic dilation in the ventral mar- these seven recovered horses were later destroyed.
gins. In natural cases, the airways were usually Although persistent virus excretion or carrier
filled with thick, fine, stable foam which was occa- states are not known to occur in other morbillivirus
sionally blood-tinged; this was not seen in the experi- infections, this equine virus is unique and it cannot
mental cases. Histologically, in horses, there is be presumed to behave similarly. Australian veteri-
interstitial pneumonia, proteinaceous edema with nary authorities are now satisfied that the incident
pneumocyte, and capillary degeneration. Virus can is over.
be located in endothelial cells by immunofluores- We have described a newly recorded disease of
cence and syncytial cells also could be seen in blood horses with an obvious zoonotic potential; moreover,
vessel walls, confirming the vascular of trophism of the causative agent was previously unrecorded and
this virus (Murray PK, et al, submitted). The is significantly different from other members of its
trainer’s post-mortem findings showed similarities genus, morbillivirus. Infection seems to have spread
to those of the horses (Selvey L, et al, submitted). from the mare that first showed the now charac-
No further clinical cases of disease have been seen teristic clinical signs, to other horses in the same
in horses or humans since this outbreak. Serologic stables, to a horse in close contact from an adjacent
surveillance of people who had close contact with the stable, and also to two human attendants. Clearly,
this outbreak was not highly contagious and it rap-
Table 1. The premises and horses surveyed idly resolved. However, the virus is highly patho-
by serologic testing for equine genic with 65% of naturally infected horses and all
morbillivirus, after the disease outbreak four experimental horses dying.
Further investigations of the virus and the dis-
Premises Horses
ease are now warranted since it could reemerge in
Quarantine Premises* 13 107 Australia or elsewhere. Investigations of its origin,
1 (within 100 m of 7 54 its replication, its pathogenesis, and its possible
Hendra stables) occurrence elsewhere in connection with equine res-
2 (100 m to 200 m of 21 122 piratory disease are merited.
Hendra stables)
Keith Murray, Russell Rogers,* Linda Selvey,**
3 (200 m to 1 km of 93 730 Paul Selleck, Alex Hyatt, Allan Gould, Laurie
Hendra stables) Gleeson, Peter Hooper, and Harvey Westbury
4/5 (remainder of >500 963 CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Ryrie
Queensland) Street, East Geelong, Victoria 3220, Australia
Total >630 1,964 *Animal Health Bureau, Queensland Department of
Primary Industries, 80 Ann Street, Brisbane, Australia
* Quarantine premises included those with clinical cases, hold-
**Communicable Diseases, Queensland Health, 160
ing properties associated with the Hendra stables, and other
premises where horses under investigation were kept.
Mary Street, Brisbane 4000, Queensland, Australia
T. Demetri Vacalis
Epidemiology Program Office
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Christopher L. R. Bartlett
PHLS Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre
London, England
Cheryl G. Shapiro
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
WHO Scientific Working Group and strategies to strengthen local, national, and
global surveillance. Participants included repre-
on Monitoring and Management sentatives from clinical medicine, public health, the
clinical laboratory, and the biomedical research
of Bacterial Resistance to arenas and from the pharmaceutical industry.
Antimicrobial Agents The Working Group formulated a series of recom-
mendations to address these issues at local, national,
Antibacterial resistance is a global clinical and and international levels. The recommendations
public health problem that has emerged with alarm- placed emphasis on enhanced surveillance of drug
ing rapidity in recent years and undoubtedly will resistance through usage of WHONET software, in-
increase in the near future. Resistant bacteria do not creased monitoring and improved usage of antimi-
respect national borders, and developments in the crobial drugs in human, veterinary, and animal
remote locations can have an impact throughout the husbandry settings, improved laboratory diagnostic
world. Resistance is a problem in the community as capacity, standardization and quality control of labo-
well as in health care settings, where transmission ratory methodology, professional and public educa-
of bacteria is greatly amplified, in both developed tion, development of new drugs and assessment of
and developing countries. Because multiple drug alternative therapeutic modalities, assessment of
resistance is a growing problem, physicians are now vaccine development and delivery priorities related
confronted with infections for which there is no effec- to antimicrobial resistance, better implementation
tive therapy. The morbidity, mortality, and financial of infection control measures, and evaluation of pre-
costs of such infections pose an increasing burden for vention strategies.
health care systems worldwide, but especially in
The Working Group plans to release its final re-
countries with limited resources.
port in the spring.
The Division of Communicable Diseases at the
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, Fred C. Tenover
recently convened a Scientific Working Group to National Center for Infectious Diseases
address the problem of drug-resistant bacterial in- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
fections. From November 29 to December 2, 1994, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
participants from 23 countries reviewed and dis- James M. Hughes
cussed scientific data on the nature and costs of drug National Center for Infectious Diseases
resistance; recent national and global trends; ap- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
proaches to limiting the emergence and spread of Atlanta, Georgia, USA
resistance in community and institutional settings;