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Driven by

Passion, 2007/08
Inspired by The HIGHLIGHTS
Human Spirit
DSO NAtional LAboratories
01 Vision & Mission

22 Chairman’s Message

24 Corporate Structure

26 Board of Directors

30 Management Team

32 Building Indigenous Capabilities

50 Forging Stronger Partnerships

62 Awards & Accolades

68 Calendar of Events
Core Values Mission
To develop technologies and solutions that
Our knowledge base is an asset we want to develop and exploit. We will seek, create, share and build upon our know-how so
that collectively, we can learn and grow as an organisation. can provide technological surprises to
INTEGRITY sharpen the cutting edge of Singapore’s
national security.
We uphold the highest standards of professionalism, fairness and impartiality in our work, without compromising on integrity,
acceptable standards of probity or safety. We will have the courage of our convictions to stand up for what is right, say what we
mean and deliver what we promise.

We take pride in our work carried out according to the highest standards of professionalism. Excellence is the hallmark of our
people, process, products and services.

TEAMWORK To be a wellspring of technological knowledge,

We harness the full potential of our staff and exploit synergies by working together as a team with a shared vision and by
working towards a common goal to ensure collective learning, economy of effort and greater job satisfaction. a fountain of innovation and an inspiration to
INNOVATIVENESS the R&D community in Singapore.
We strive to be resourceful, creative and innovative in our work to create additional value for our customers.

We seek to understand the concerns, needs and requirements of our customers, add value to them, strive to exceed their
expectations, and so delight them.

These values are encapsulated in the acronym KINETIC, which also connotes an organisation that is dynamic, energetic and
constantly on the move.
Driven by
Passion, 2007/08
Inspired by The HIGHLIGHTS
Human Spirit
The Human Spirit is an indomitable ally.
It resides in every one of us.
But it takes
a special breed
with vision and
courage to cultivate
it, to make the
impossible of today,
the future of
It is this very spirit that has seen mankind
take a giant leap of faith,
Travel faster than the speed of sound,
Explore the depths of our oceans,
Reach the heights of the world.
And conquer challenges in the pursuit of triumph.
Knowing that the
impossible of
...The Human Spirit.
today is merely an
opportunity waiting
to be brought to
life by the power
that is within us...
Since our inception, the people who have
walked through our doors, though unique
in their own ways, are bound together
by a common spirit. A great desire, an
unquenchable thirst in generating ideas
and unfolding those ideas – from fragile
notions to robust reality that stirs the
emotion and quickens the pulse. It is a
spirit that never falters when confronted
with challenges and a commitment to
turn big ideas into bigger opportunities
– transforming revelations into results.

On the following pages, we take a look at

these DSO individuals who are driven by
passion and inspired by the human spirit,
while being committed to the cause of our
nation’s well-being.

The uncertain political and security climate in today’s global Indeed, as the global security landscape evolves, Singapore
landscape is a stark reminder that Singapore’s social stability faces new challenges in protecting her sovereignty and
and economic prosperity cannot be taken for granted. her people. The recent heightened security on our national
infrastructure is an example of DSO’s contributing role as
It underscores Singapore’s a strategic R&D partner in the area of both defence and
vulnerabilities as a small national security. Likewise, our close collaborations with

nation and reinforces both local and overseas education and research institutes
continues to demonstrate our strong commitment in

the importance for As Singapore’s national defence R&D organisation, DSO

is entrusted with a national responsibility to innovate
supporting the cross fertilisation of creative ideas and

a strong National
capability build-up of our R&D talent.
technological surprises to sharpen the cutting-edge of

Singapore’s defence capabilities. The use of technology as a As a strategic and indispensable national resource, I am
force multiplier will ensure Singapore gains an asymmetrical pleased we have continued to deliver operational capabilities
edge over its potential adversaries. for the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) over the past year.
DSO will endeavour in our utmost efforts to develop the next
For DSO to succeed in its mission, we need to set ourselves generation of key enabling technologies that will contribute

apart from our global competitors and establish DSO as a to the realisation of the SAF’s 3rd Generation transformation.
leader in its field. Our engineers and scientists must continue
to push the boundaries of research and effectively exploit I take this opportunity to thank our customers and partners
advances in science and technology to create disruptive for their unstinting support, and convey my appreciation to
capabilities that will change the rules of the game. the DSO board, management and staff for their dedication
and contributions.
I am proud to say that our continuous strive and unceasing
pursuit for excellence is core to the DSO spirit. This is
characterised by the ingenuity, dedication and passion of our
people. It is a powerful reflection of DSO’s evolution over the
years, into a distinctive organisation capable of harnessing Dr Tan Kim Siew
its collective strength, to provide unique defence systems Chairman
and solutions for future challenges. DSO National Laboratories


defence medical
Our Research Divisions & environmental
We organise our R&D competencies into seven R&D divisions research institute
that undertake the indigenous development of advanced
defence technologies and systems to ensure technological
superiority in the battlefield.

* Guided Systems – Harnesses autonomous unmanned

Electronic Systems GUIDED Systems
technologies to achieve comprehensive situation
Who We Are Division Division
As Singapore’s national defence R&D organisation, emerging systems
* Electronic Systems – Researches into advanced DIVISION
DSO has built up proven electronics as key enabling technologies for electronic

world-class warfare to accomplish critical mission success

* Information – Superior exploitation of information to

R&D capabilities. build up a knowledge-based and network-enabled

fighting force
With more than 1,000 multi-disciplinary research scientists * Emerging Systems – Focuses on the next wave of networks Division information
and engineers, we invest over $250 million in R&D each year, technologies to provide quantum improvement to SENSORS Division DIVISION
and have established close collaborations with organisations present and future defence systems
in more than six countries.
* Sensors – Researches into key areas such as radar, to
DSO plays a key role in the defence ecosystem, and our sharpen the senses of our defence forces for quick and
key customers include the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF), adaptable responses to ever-changing threats
Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the Defence Science &
Technology Agency (DSTA). We also provide R&D services to * Networks – Focuses on achieving assured connectivity
other ministries and statutory boards, especially in homeland for robust communications in defence operations CORPORATE Divisions
security matters.
* Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute
As the SAF evolves into a 3rd Generation, knowledge-based, – Combats chemical, biological and radiological threats,
integrated fighting force, DSO will continue to innovate the as well as researches into advanced human sciences to
superior technological edge in defence capabilities to change enhance the performance, protection and survivability of
the rules of the game. our soldiers

Of Directors
Prof Seeram Prof Shang Huai Min Mr Soh Kong Pheng
Dr Tan Kim Siew Prof Seeram Ramakrishna
Chairman Vice-President
Permanent Secretary (Research Strategy),
(Defence Development), National University
Ministry of Defence of Singapore

Mr Chua Teck Huat, Bill Prof Shang Huai Min

Executive Vice President Director,
& Global Head for Delivery Temasek Laboratories @
Channels & Operations, Nanyang Technological
United Overseas Banking Group University

Mr Quek Tong Boon Mr Soh Kong Pheng*

Chief Defence Scientist, Chief Executive,
Deputy Secretary Defence Science & Technology
(Technology & Transformation) Agency
and Chief Research &
Technology Officer,
Ministry of Defence * We thank Mr Soh Kong Pheng who
served on the DSO Board of Directors
BG Ravinder Singh from 1 April 2008 - 28 October 2008.
Chief of Staff, Joint Staff,
Singapore Armed Forces

Dr Tan Kim Siew Mr Chua Teck Huat, Bill Mr Quek Tong Boon BG Ravinder Singh

Of Directors

Mr Tan Peng Yam Mr Wee Siew Kim Mr Quek Gim Pew

Deputy Chief Executive Deputy CEO, Chief Executive Officer,
(Operations), Aerospace and Marine DSO National Laboratories
Defence Science & President,
Technology Agency Defence Business,
ST Engineering
Prof Tan Eng Chye BG Tan Yih San BG (NS)
Deputy President Future Systems Architect, Tay Lim Heng
(Academic Affairs) and Future Systems Directorate, Chief Executive,
Provost, Ministry of Defence Maritime and
National University of Port Authority of Singapore

Back Row Standing Mr Chan Hian Lim Mr Chia Chung Hong Dr How Khee Yin BG (Ret) A/Prof Lionel Dr Chan Yew Wing Dr Tan Kok Tin
(L-R): Deputy Director, Director, Director, Lee Deputy Director, Director,
Sensors Division Organisation Development Information Division Director, Guided Systems Division Guided Systems Division
Defence Medical & Environmental
Research Institute
Front Row Seated Mr Joseph Ting Dr Tan Guan Leng Mr Tan Chee Seng Mr Andrew Leong Mr Tan Soo Kee Mr Quek Gim Pew Mr Yeo Kee Kong
(L-R): Director, Deputy Director, Director, Director, Deputy Director, Chief Executive Officer Director,
Electronic Systems Division Electronic Systems Division Emerging Systems Division Finance & Admin Division People Division Networks Division

Building Indigenous Capabilites

In 1972, three young elite engineers were specially Radio Frequency Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems RF-MEMS switch is a tiny mechanical on/off switch that is In this area, we collaborated with our US partners to
handpicked to work under the innocuous name of (RF-MEMS) commonly actuated with an electrostatic force. Compared assess and demonstrate the technology on RF-MEMS and
the Electronics Test Centre. Shrouded in secrecy, to solid state and electromagnetic relay switches, RF-MEMS tunable filters. Since 2007, we have demonstrated a locally
The Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum in the modern battlefield
their mission was to research into Electronic switches offer several advantages such as ultra-high linearity fabricated version of the surface micro-machined RF-MEMS
is dense, dynamic and complex.
Warfare and build up other critical-enabling (IP3 > 70dBm), ultra-low power consumption (μW), integrated switch. This 70 μm × 240 μm RF-MEMS varactor has a
technologies that will strengthen the defence Cognitive radio front ends need to sense the spectrum and (small and low cost), low loss and wide inherent bandwidth. capacitive contrast ratio > 20:1, which directly relates to
of Singapore. dynamically adapt its RF system to optimally utilise the the tuning range achievable by our designs. Coupled with
An example of an agile RF electronic circuit is our 8 - 16 a TTL charge pump, the 40 V pull-down is easily catered
spectrum available, while intelligent RF sensors need to tune
Today, this three-men outfit its front-end frequency and performance specification to
GHz tunable filter. This 5 mm × 3 mm miniature tunable filter for through the TTL digital control. In parallel, we have also
has grown into a national changing real world requirements. Likewise, multi-role RF
is able to dynamically change its frequency and bandwidth
response using a series of digital configuration signals.
developed a bulk micro-machined power RF-MEMS ohmic

front ends need to be miniature, low power and dynamically contact switch. This switch has a much higher pull-down
laboratory with more than reconfigurable to different roles, given the constraints of size,
In order to develop this tunable filter, about twenty highly voltage of 80 V, increasing the RF self-actuation power,
linear RF-MEMS switches were needed to ensure that the thus improving the RF power performance. While continuing
weight and power in an air-borne environment.
final filter is still a linear component and not distorted by our efforts to improve the reliability of this technology and
Unlike digital electronics with its computational adaptability, inter-modulation. For a fully agile RF system, it is conceivable exploit its full potential, we are aiming to integrate RF-MEMS
current RF electronics are all customised to a particular that all the components will need to be tunable. Thus in this switches with Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits
frequency and performance specification. The RF-MEMS case, not only are the technical specifications important, (MMIC) for greater functional capabilities.
switch is the fundamental component to actualise these power consumption of each of these switching elements is
agile, tunable RF systems and change the way RF electronics of great significance. Currently, there is no other electronic
are designed and used. switch able to fulfil these requirements.

scientists and engineers.

Their mission remains unchanged, as DSO continues
to explore new frontiers and seek emerging
technologies that will achieve a quantum leap
for the combat capabilities of our 3rd Generation
Singapore Armed Forces.

A measured transmission response of a single tunable filter A locally fabricated surface micro-machined RF-MEMS switch. A locally fabricated bulk micro-machined RF-MEMS switch.
showing three different response configurations.

Building Indigenous Capabilites

Dr Lee Kok Yan, Kok Yan credits his achievements to his While failure is part and parcel of R&D work,
Senior Member of Technical Staff colleagues, who have given him opportunities Kok Yan feels that his PhD training, sponsored
(Micro-Systems Laboratory), Electronic Systems Division
to explore this area wholeheartedly, while by DSO, has taught him how to creatively learn
wanted to make sure that encouraging him to believe in the possibilities from mistakes. It has enhanced his critical
he made a difference in his research area. thinking which he believes, is an important
by doing something worthwhile element in achieving his aim of producing
in his career. Little did advanced RF-MEMS that can radically change
the designs of RF Systems.
he realise it would be
in the area of national

His MMIC fabrication process has been
adopted by the MMIC Design Centre (MDC),
a collaboration between DSO and Temasek
Laboratories@Nanyang Technological
University (TL@NTU).

Kok Yan continues to push for technological

enablers such as micro-filters and disruptive
manufacturing technologies. He is also aiming
to lead in the research of RF Microsystems,
which will include the packaging as a thrust

Building Indigenous Capabilites

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Capability Build-up

EMC plays a crucial role in defence systems development

We continue to invest
our resources in advanced equipment
and facilities, so as to
and platform integration by ensuring optimal performance

in their intended operating Electromagnetic Environment.

DSO’s EMC build-up capability started as early as 1982,

when we collaborated with Singapore Technologies to set
up the Mil-Std 461C testing facility in Paya Lebar Air Base.
One of our earliest projects is to resolve all Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI) / EMC issues related to the Missile Gun our EMC build-up capability.
Boat upgrade. An example is our 32 processors 128GB memory computer
cluster, capable of performing a full wave EM simulation
Since then, DSO has continued to support numerous projects up to a fighter aircraft size at several GHz. In partnership
ranging from in-house full scale development projects, with NTU, we have also developed and commissioned the
DSTA acquisition projects, to system / platform upgrades. Electromagnetic Effects Research Laboratory (EMERL)
In the area of EMC design, our work also covers printed in 2007, which comprises of a 200 sqm Semi-Anechoic
circuit board EMC design, subsystem and cabling shielding, Chamber and a 120 sqm Reverberation Chamber.
system integration and installation, as well as inter-system
EMI and compatibility. We also perform safety evaluation,
design and certification for Hazard of Electromagnetic
Radiation, Ordnance, Personnel, Fuel (HERO, HERP and
HERF) and Lightning.

Our latest and most sophisticated support work is ensuring

EMC among all combat systems installed onboard the
Republic of Singapore Navy’s Stealth Frigate, where we
coordinated with the shipyard and all combat system
suppliers to resolve all EMI and EMC issues. We also
performed evaluation and measurement, and provided
workable solutions to ensure safety from HERO, HERP,
HERF and Lightning.

Full wave EM simulation of a ship platform. The Bionix undergoing EMC testing at EMERL. Preparing an UAV for EMC testing at EMERL.

Building Indigenous Capabilites

Robotics Unmanned Systems that operate in the land domain are

known as Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs).
The emergence of Unmanned Systems in the battlefield has
been gaining momentum, due to the rapid advancement of Terrain conditions such as
sensors, artificial intelligence and electronic miniaturisation
technologies. off-road tracks
The ability for military systems to operate with minimal, or and sand can be a driving
even no human intervention, has facilitated military operations challenge for UGVs and for soldiers.
to be performed with higher precision efficiency and more Its surrounding environment, such as buildings and trees,
safely. As such, Unmanned Systems have been employed can often lead to blackouts of Global Positioning System
throughout the world in all domains of air, land and sea. (GPS), resulting in poor localisation. UGVs also face a
major challenge in accurately sensing and interpreting
its immediate surroundings to make appropriate mission
plans and decisions.

DSO has been making inroads in the R&D of UGVs to

enhance the operational effectiveness of soldiers on
the battlefield. This includes the recent development
of a prototype crew-class UGV, capable of autonomously
travelling at a speed of up to 25 kilometres per hour over
undulating terrain. It is also able to follow a manned vehicle
in a convoy formation, and this provides tremendous
potential applications for Manned-Unmanned operations. DSO’s Exploration and Mapping Robots.

We have also developed soldier-class UGVs that can

conduct simultaneous exploration and mapping of an indoor
environment. They are equipped with semi-autonomous
waypoint navigation, with the ability to avoid obstacles,
while creating a two-dimensional map of the explored
areas. Such a capability provides a safe means to conduct
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Explosives (CBRE)
reconnaissance operations.

A prototype crew-class UGV (Right). Multi-robot operator control unit.


Building Indigenous Capabilites

“It’s the
Mr New Ai Peng,
Programme Director (Manned-Unmanned),
Information Division

As Programme Director (Manned-Unmanned)

in the Information Division, Ai Peng believes
that robots will play a major role in solving
SAF’s future manpower problems. “It’s about
doing more with less people, while maintaining
the same level of effectiveness. What’s more,
human lives are protected when robots are
sent into dangerous areas with remote
human supervision.”

While pursuing his Masters in Stanford desire to learn and ability to

work as a team
University, USA, Ai Peng developed an interest
in multiple unmanned systems, and his
passion for robotics grew when he joined
DSO in 2000. He began his R&D foray into the
intriguing world of robotics and has never that allows us to achieve what we aim for.”
looked backed since.

Indeed, robotics is a complex system of

hardware, software, sensors and even human
engineering that needs seamless coordination.
Yet, despite mounting challenges, Ai Peng and
his team never gave up. He pays tribute to
his committed team that has solved difficult
problems together.

Building Indigenous Capabilites

Coherent Polarisation Beam Combining This method was publicised in the prestigious journal,
For Femto-second Laser “Optics Letters”. It has also attracted research grants
from the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency
Power scaling of lasers without beam degradation is an
(DARPA) and Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA)
important research topic and has attracted much attention
to research into using such a coherent polarisation locking
over the years. An example is the Diode Laser, which
technique for diode laser emitters, and subsequently utilising
has been an extremely important laser source for optical
the achieved high laser brightness to pump a mode-locked
communications, remote sensing and even excitation
femto-second laser.
sources for many solid-state lasing media. This is attributed
to its small size, low cost and high efficiency, as well as its With these grants, we have set up a research laboratory in
wide availability in terms of laser wavelengths. has invented a coherent polarisation Nanyang Technological University (NTU) recently to explore

The setback is that the laser power per diode emitter is

locking method to “force” several this research area for the next three years.

limited to only a few watts. One common method to scale up

the laser power is to stack them side-by-side. This however,
independent lasers
to automatically emit light coherently without any
We are also currently exploring novel applications for
femto-second lasers and have partnered with the Technical
compromises the beam quality and brightness of the laser, active electronics control. University of Vienna, to look into the scaling up of femto-
which is important in many applications. second pulse to tens of milli-joules level, based on chirped
This passive locking technique is attractive due to its
simplicity, and does not require any complex electronics pulse amplification technology and direct diode pumping
circuits to maintain coherence locking. Through the of novel laser amplifier materials. Extending the white-light
manipulation of polarisation, we have been able to super-continuum generation into new spectral waveband will
show the locking of two separate lasers to near-perfect also be part of this exciting research agenda.
locking efficiency.


M 2


:YVO AR M 2 Combining Efficiency (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6
P o w e r R a t io o f V e r t ic a l t o H o r iz o n t a l P o la r iz a t io n

H W P 1
L ens
( f: 2 0 c m ) M 3
M 1

AR M 1
P ol 1
H W P 2 P ol 2

P o la r i z a t io n
C o n t r o ll e r

Experimental setup that successfully demonstrated the A broadband femto-second laser in NTU with
coherent polarisation locking of two Nd: YVO4 lasers. octave-spanning frequency comb.

Building Indigenous Capabilites

Building Indigenous Capabilites

The immune system

New Model in Understanding Heat Injury DSO has proposed a new model to explain heat stroke,
known as the “dual pathway model of heat stroke”
Heat stroke has been recognised as a clinical condition for (Sports Medicine 2006). This model advocates that can be protected by having adequate rest and
centuries, but the pathway that triggers heat stroke is not well heat stress alone does not trigger heat stroke. taking post-exercise recovery measures such as

energy, electrolyte and

understood, and people continue to die from it each year.

Instead, heat stroke is triggered by the coupling of
heat stress and immune suppression.
The current models of heat stroke advocate that it is triggered
by heat, which drives a cascade of events that lead to When exercising under heat stress conditions, endotoxins in
central infection in the blood (sepsis). Heat stroke victims are the intestine are able to pass through the intestinal wall and
more likely to die from the effects of sepsis than from the migrate into the circulatory system (endotoxemia). A high
thermolytic effects of heat. The current belief has focussed concentration of endotoxins in the blood can lead to sepsis,
the understanding, prevention and treatment of heat stroke to which is commonly observed in heat stroke victims.

address a heat stress problem. However, such an approach
is unable to explain the poor association between body In a healthy condition, the immune system is able to remove
temperature and the occurrence of heat stroke. endotoxins from the blood, which inhibits the mechanisms of
heat stroke. However, the immune system can be suppressed
We have shown that the absence of endotoxemia provided
by a variety of factors, such as mental and physical stress,
protection against lethal heat stress (American Journal
thus affecting the removal of endotoxins from the body.
of Physiology, 2007). Our study also showed that half-
Such a model of heat stroke can explain reports of athletes marathoners can tolerate a core temperature of up to 41.7°C
having core temperatures of up to 42°C, with no signs without any signs of heat injury (Medicine and Science in
of heat stroke. However, under other circumstances, Sport and Exercise, 2006), and that mild endotoxemia can
fit individuals can succumb to heat stroke in conditions occur during a half marathon (Annals Academy of Medicine
that were well-tolerated before. Singapore, 2008), as well as during a 30–90 minute run in
the heat (AIS technical report, 2006).

These results support our hypotheses that a high body

temperature alone does not trigger heat stroke, and that
the immune system plays an important role in inhibiting
and triggering the mechanisms of heat stroke. Apart from
managing heat stress and dehydration, the protection of the
immune system, which thus far has been ignored, may be
key to the prevention of heat stroke.

Graph demonstrating different trends of temperature regulation among 14 runners during a half marathon race.
Data also shows that humans can tolerate core temperatures of up to 41.7°C during exercise without any symptoms of heat injury
(extracted from Byrne, Lee, Tan and Lim, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 38: 803 - 810, 2006).

Building Indigenous Capabilites

Dr Fabian Lim, their research through their publications

Programme Director, in international scientific journals and
(Combat Protection & Performance), DMERI
presentations at international conferences.
Dr Fabian Lim has an ultimate goal - remove
It wasn’t always easy, but the human ability
the threat of heat stroke during military
to adapt to the evolving demands of the
training. As the Programme Director of Combat
environment has never ceased to amaze
Protection & Performance in DMERI, a key
Fabian. It’s the realisation that he knows so
research area is improving the way heat stroke
little about these mechanisms of adaptations
is viewed and managed.
that has kept him going.
The benefit of his research has extended
It’s also a reminder that R&D work can be a
beyond SAF to the international community,
humbling experience.
as Fabian and his team have been sharing

“We are only able to learn and

develop new capabilities
if we recognise our own limitations,
and be willing to seek
help from others, while trying
new approaches in

a problem.”

Building Indigenous Capabilites

SCENTMATE - Solutions For Prioritising Treatment in a By combining the unique sensitivity and portability afforded
Chemical Attack by enzyme-based diagnostics and retrospective diagnostic
capability afforded by re-generation technology, DSO has
During the Sarin nerve gas attack at the Tokyo Subway in
developed and patented a high-throughput diagnostic system
1995, hospitals were overcrowded with a huge influx of
prototype for mass screening of such potential casualties.
people seeking medical attention, of which most are anxiety
cases that do not require emergency care. There exists a Scentmate involves an in-situ nerve enzyme inhibitor
genuine difficulty in distinguishing such “worried-well” cases re-generation and enzymatic detection methodology within
from true casualties by symptoms alone.
Re-generation of a field portable setup. It is instinctively contradictory to

Free sarin from re-generate nerve enzyme inhibitors from blood enzyme,
sarin-inhibited and simultaneously attempt to inhibit the same enzyme
The Scentmate system developed by The fabricated Scentmate Lab-On-Chip. cholinesterase
component immobilised on test surfaces.
complex by
fluoride ions.
DSO has patented a novel nerve agent recovery procedure
to effectively remove any interfering substances that will
Current enzymatic-based patented test kits for nerve gas In recent years, there are new exciting technologies describing hinder the subsequent inhibition of immobilised enzyme test
detection apply the selective inhibition of an immobilised fluoride ion–based regeneration of nerve enzyme inhibitors kit by re-generated nerve enzyme inhibitors. This novel nerve
and stabilised enzyme i.e. acetylcholinesterase in the from blood samples that enabled retrospective detection gas diagnostic kit requires only 20 µl of capillary blood for
test kit. A loss of enzyme activity can be correlated to the of asymptomatic exposure. Unfortunately, such techniques diagnosis, and has a screening throughput of 96 casualties
inhibitor concentration to which the enzyme was exposed. require the application of organic solvents to extract trace within 60 minutes per instrument. The diagnostic kit is able
Upon inhibition by the nerve agent, there will be a failure levels of regenerated nerve agents, followed by laboratory- to detect both free and protein-bounded nerve agents such
to produce the normal coloured hydrolysis product by the based gas chromatography analysis of these recovered nerve as Sarin and VX, as well as organophosphate pesticide
provides a simple, easy to use immobilised enzyme, which is used as a positive indication agents. Such methods are confined to the laboratories and do such as Dichlorvos that is present in human blood samples.
diagnostic tool to separate true casualties of nerve agent exposure. not meet the requirement for rapid field triage. As the resultant detection limit of the test kit is equivalent
from anxious bystanders, thereby to laboratory analytical equipment, we have effectively
However, such techniques detect only the free form of nerve
reducing patient load and logistics transferred a slow laboratory technique to the field for rapid

for hospitals.
enzyme inhibitors, which decreases rapidly in the body,
mass triage of suspected nerve agent casualties.
rendering it impossible to unequivocally diagnose prior
exposure to nerve gases. To effectively tackle the fear element arising from use of
chemical agents on civilian population, we have made a
handheld version, so that “worried-well’ casualties can
have their fears allayed on-site or at neighbourhood clinics.
This was achieved with the joint effort of DSO and NTU.
The team successfully transferred the Scentmate protocol
onto a micro-fluidic platform to develop a Lab-On-Chip
that enables detection of trace levels of re-generated nerve
agents from human blood samples.

forging stronger partnerships

As a national laboratory, DSO takes a holistic Generation of Radial Polarised Beam

view of our defence R&D capabilities and capacity.
We establish win-win partnerships with research A tighter focus laser beam results in a better resolution for
and education institutes around the world to laser lithography and microscopy, higher cutting speed and
expand our resources and capability build-up, cutting resolution for laser machining applications, as well
EVEN as we constantly benchmark our critical as a high storage density for optical data storage application.
work against international standards.
Exploiting non-obvious uses of polarisation physics, DSO has
invented four new methods to generate such a “holey” laser

Our collaborative beam. These methods offer advantages such as cheaper

fabrications, a more accurate radial polarisation profile, and
the possibility of mass fabrication of large aperture optics
with high-speed switchability.

One particular method provided one of the best approaches,

in terms of polarisation purity and high power handling.
also provide a strategic platform It mimics a spirally varying optical activity using linear
to review scientific advances around the globe,
birefringent material, sandwiched between two appropriately
Seed critical enabling technologies and
oriented quarter-wave plates to produce an exact radial
sharpen our technology edge. polarisation profile.

Together with the Data Storage Institute, the first Spirally

Varying Retarder (SVR) was fabricated within a year, and
tests and characterisation were conducted with TL@NTU.

Far-field intensity profiles of radically polarised light (b) with polariser. White arrows indicate the transmission
generated using the segmented SVR (a) without polariser. axis directions of the rotated polariser.
With polariser.

forging stronger partnerships

Mode Stirred Chamber (MSC) Enhancement

MSC has gained popularity in recent years, due to its

ability to generate very high field strength, uniform and
omni-directional electromagnetic field on a test object.
Its construction cost is also much lower compared to a
Semi-Anechoic Chamber (SAC).

However, MSC faces a key limitation, as the Lowest Useable

Frequency (LUF) is limited by its chamber size. An example is
the MSC in the Electromagnetic Effects Research Laboratory
(EMERL), which measures 12.5m x 8.5m x 9m (height) and
has a LUF of 80MHz. In order to reduce it to 30MHz, which is
the lower frequency limit for a commercial radiated EMC test,
one needs a chamber that is about 10 times larger in volume.

and the University of Supelec, France

is currently collaborating
in a MSC enhancement programme to
examine a concept called
Active Boundary Condition.
The objective is to artificially increase the
The MSC in EMERL, an electromagnetic testing facility jointly set up by DSO and NTU. dimension of the wall electromagnetically,
so as to lower the LUF without having to
increase the chamber size.

forging stronger partnerships

Lightning Protection For Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

(UAVs) The results showed that the bronze layer
from SORA composite has the best protection

against direct
In order to reduce the weight of a UAV, composite materials
are used to replace its metallic air frame. As composite
materials have poor electrical conductivity and are unable to
withstand a direct lightning strike, this poses a challenge for
UAVs operating in a tropical climate.

lightning strike,
DSO’s collaboration with the Centre Studies and Research
in Electromagnetic Protection (CERPEM) and the European
Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS), to compare
Property testing in
various protection materials against direct lightning strike, EMERL.
has yielded exciting results, with the successful testing of
various electromagnetic properties from 13 different material
while the aluminum layer composite from DSO
They comprise of one carbon composite with no lightning
protection layer and 12 composites with different protection
has the best shielding property.
materials, ranging from aluminum to bronze. Eight of the
composites were produced with SORA composite, while
another four were chosen by DSO and fabricated locally.

An example of a UAV made of composite material.


forging stronger partnerships

Spectrum Exploitation Technology To meet these challenges, DSO and NTU have
come together to set up an

With the anticipated proliferation of tactical networks in
Integrated Knowledge Based Command and Control (IKC2),
the provision of robust and high quality communications
during defence operations are key challenges.

Research Program (ACRP)
to jointly investigate new wireless
communications technologies that
leverage on the maturing of In spectrum exploitation, unused spectrum in time and
space is dynamically discovered to maximise frequency
Likewise, cooperative network communications enable
multiple intermediary radio nodes to cooperate intelligently,
software-defined radios. re-use and spectrum efficiency. This technology has and provide improved reliability and network bandwidth
It will also focus on spectrum exploitation technology, the potential to alleviate the challenge of RF spectrum utilisation. RF propagation within a ship is also measured to
cooperative network communications technology and congestion, as a multitude of tactical networks is deployed. enable a better understanding that will lead to more robust
complex RF propagation channel characterisation. communications in a highly complex ship environment.

Multi-path Delay Profile in a ship. Channel measurement in a ship’s engine control room.

forging stronger partnerships

Maritime Security To address this challenge, DSO is collaborating with the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to investigate
One of the challenges faced in

technology to model normal vessel behaviour from real track
data. The models can then be used to flag out abnormal Other Trackers

We have successfully adapted and improved MIT’s algorithm Interaction

for maritime track data, and the prototype system was
tested on a Singapore data set that includes the following
capabilities: Activity Targets’ Man-Machine
Track Fusion Monitoring Interface
a. Activity patterns learnt from historical track data
by our navy analysts is the quick detection and Activity
response to vessels with anomalous behaviour. b. Detect anomalous behaviors from various activity patterns Models

c. Detect and track maritime targets from Electro-Optic On-demand Anomalies

(EO) data EO Tracker Batch Analysis Detection Anomaly
d. Classify interactions between pairs of vessels from the
statistical analysis of their trajectories
The block diagram of a possible workflow of a maritime surveillance system.
Each fused track will be analysed and tagged with current high-level descriptions of its behaviour.

forging stronger partnerships

Human Modelling for Injury Assessment

DSO has been working closely with the United States Air
Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to develop a suite of
computational models to simulate a human’s response, Schematics showing the front (A), side (B) and back (C) views of a detailed FE model of
the human neck that encompasses the bones, soft tissues and muscles.
in particular the neck, to high-speed ejection conditions.

We have jointly integrated a Multi-Body Solid Dynamics

(MBSD) model of the human with a Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) model to simulate a pilot’s response to
inertial and aerodynamic forces during a high-speed ejection. A B C
This coupled MBSD-CFD model can be used to evaluate
and weed out novel helmet or helmet-supported equipment
concepts prior to costly ejection seat rocket sled tests.

We have also developed a detailed Finite Element (FE) model

of the human neck to determine the forces and stresses
within the vertebrae and surrounding soft tissues during
ejection. The resulting neck forces can then be compared
to existing human neck injury criteria and tissue threshold
limits to determine the likelihood of an injury. Such a model
will permit medical doctors to conduct more intelligent
forensics when medical imaging is not available, following
suspected trauma.

The team is currently exploring the use of the MBSD-CFD

model for human injury assessment in other dynamic
environments, such as during a soldier-blast wave
interaction. The FE neck model will be coupled with other
components of the human spine, in order to determine injury
threshold guidelines for whole-body vibration and blunt
impact scenarios.


It reflects our eagerness to pursue technical
adventurism and an agility to explore the
unconventional. This has driven us to seek new

is the hallmark
ideas and generate technological innovations
that are unique to Singapore’s security needs.

of our work,
Our unbroken track record of winning the
prestigious Defence Technology Prize (DTP),
since it was established in 1989, is another
as DSO continues to research into scientific and testament to our commitment to provide the SAF
technological breakthroughs for cutting-edge with technological dominance in the battlefield.
defence applications. The DTP is an accolade to our versatility in fusing
together our multi-disciplinary expertise to create
defence technologies and systems that cannot be
readily attained in the commercial market.

DSO’s scientists and engineers

have done us proud by receiving

six awards,
and is a reflection of our constant strive to push
the technology envelope for our nation’s defence.


1) Individual Award, R&D Category 4) Team Award, R&D Category

Dennis Lim, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC)
Electronic Systems Division Research & Development Team (DSO and TL@NTU)
DSO team members:
2) Team Award, R&D Category Dr Vincent Leong Yoke Choy, Lab/Programme Head
1 Air Platform Enhancement Team, Emerging Systems Division: Dr Anthony Chee, Programme Manager 4
Dr Chia Tse Tong, Lab/Programme Head Dr Ang Kian Sen, Principal Member of Technical Staff
Lim Teow Hoe, Programmme Manager Lee Chee How, Senior Member of Technical Staff
Dr Deng ChaoRan, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff Dr Chew Siou Teck
Ling Lee Hwee, Senior Member of Technical Staff Tan Chee Leong
Loh Puay Ping, Senior Member of Technical Staff
Ong Poh Khoon, Senior Member of Technical Staff 5) Team Award, Engineering Category
2 Philip Ou Sheng Chye, Associate Engineer FORMIDABLE Class Stealth Frigate Integrated Programme 5
Yar Kar Heng, Associate Engineer Management Team (DSO, DSTA, RSN, ST Electronics and
Angela Tay Poon Keng, Senior Assistant Engineer ST Marine)
DSO team members:
3) Team Award, R&D Category Dr Chan Yew Wing, Deputy Director
Document Analysis and Research Environment (DARE) Team, Ho Wei Ling, Lab/Programme Head
3 Information Division Chionh Wei Peng, Programme Manager 6
Dr How Khee Yin, Division Director Tan Yong Siong, Programme Manager
Dr Lee Hian Beng, Lab/Programme Head Chian Teck Keong, Principal Member of Technical Staff
Dr Teow Loo Nin, Principal Member of Technical Staff Pei Yuan Hang, Principal Member of Technical Staff
Ang Huey Ting, Senior Member of Technical Staff Tan Soo Hia, Principal Member of Technical Staff
Chieu Hai Leong, Senior Member of Technical Staff Dr Foo Shou King, Senior Member of Technical Staff
Jennifer Kwan Lai Pheng, Senior Member of Technical Staff John Sng Poh Wei, Senior Member of Technical Staff
Ma Keng Teck, Senior Member of Technical Staff Ang Huey Ting, Senior Member of Technical Staff
Soon Wee Meng, Senior Member of Technical Staff Lim Chin Hock, Senior Member of Technical Staff
Tan Woon Kiong, Senior Member of Technical Staff Patricia Tay Bee Hua, Senior Member of Technical Staff
Teo Sok Kiong, Member of Technical Staff Lilian Chiang, Senior Member of Technical Staff
Adam Chai Kian Ming Francis Lim Keng Cheong
Daniel Lim Chung Yong
Lee Chee Yong 6) Team Award, Engineering Category:
Dr Ng Hwee Tou Classified Project Team (DSO, DSTA, RSAF and ST Aerospace)
Dr Ting Hian Ann
DSO team members:
Ng Seng Kiat, Principal Member of Technical Staff
Francis Lim Chiang Hong, Senior Member of Technical Staff
Johnson Tang, Senior Member of Technical Staff
Matthew Yeo Wei Kiong, Senior Member of Technical Staff
Pey Lay Peng, Senior Member of Technical Staff


As one of the founding members of the MMIC research It is this relentless pursuit for perfection and leadership Vincent credits this achievement to the strong collaboration
team, Dr Vincent Leong, Head (Micro-Systems Laboratory), that has won Vincent’s team their first DTP. In collaboration bond between DSO and NTU. “We have a shared vision and
Electronic Systems Division, has been researching on MMIC with TL@ NTU, they were recognised for yielding a built on our complementary expertise to accomplish our goal.”
for more than 12 years. national capability to design and develop advanced MMIC
technologies in Gallium Arsenide, using Pseudomorphic High Calling themselves “The Dream Team”, this award is a
He is fixated on the advancement in MMIC technology Electron Mobility Transistor or pHEMT. reminder that with cohesive teamwork, the team will
and the radical changes it has brought in the area of continue to scale greater heights and achieve future R&D
microwave engineering. This paves the way for research into newer technologies breakthroughs in MMIC technology.
such as Gallium Nitride, enabling the development of
While designing MMICs poses huge challenges, it has sophisticated electronic systems for a wide range of
become a personal quest for Vincent, as he seeks to apply defence applications.
his expertise to make sound engineering judgement in
determining possible design approaches.

“Just imagine - a little chip measuring just 2mm x 1mm

can now perform just as effectively as one that was

10 times bigger
in size and Weight!”
2007/08 was a fruitful year. We hosted
numerous visits for both local and overseas
partners to promote knowledge sharing and
collaboration opportunities.

IGA Patrick Auroy,
27 05
Mr Hartmut Wolff, Prof Leonard A Ferrari,
Chief of Branch Rü IV 2, Provost and Academic Dean, Deputy Director-General
Bundesministerium der Naval Postgraduate School, and Director D4S,
Verteidigung (Federal USA Délégue Générale Pour
APR 07 Ministry of Defence), JUL 07 DEC 07 L’Armement (DGA),
Germany France

Mr Robert Bolia,
Mr Amir Hamzah Hanafi
Chief Executive Officer, Chief, Asia-Pacific Branch,
Royal Brunei Technical AFRL International Office,
Services, The Air Force Research
AUG 07 Brunei JAN 08

Ms Barbara K. McQuiston,
03 Dr Patricia L. Gruber,
Director of Research,
Office of Naval Research, 26
Dr Henry Maarthen Sumampow,
PA Ahli Hukum Kedoteran,
Tentara Nasional Indonesia,
18 Director,
Strategic Technology Office,
Defense Advanced Research,
MAY 07 USA SEP 07 FEB 08 Projects Agency (DAPRA),

17 Admiral Lucio Accardo,

Chief Research & Technology,
Italian Ministry of Defence,
15 Mrs Madelene Sandström,
Swedish Defence
Research Agency,
14 Prof Tan Chorh Chuan,
Acting President,
National University
of Singapore,
MAY 07 OCT 07 Sweden MAR 08 Singapore

Dr Eleanore B Edson,
Dr Francis Yeoh,
Chief Operating Officer, AAAS Science &
National Research Technology Policy Fellow,
Foundation, Office of Naval Research,
MAY 07 Singapore MAR 08 USA

Prof Robert J. Wood,
24 27
Mr Michel Hugues de Gliniasty, Dr Les E. Shephard,
General Scientific Director, Vice President, Assistant Professor,
ONERA, Energy, Security & School of Engineering
France Defense Technologies , & Applied Sciences,
MAY 07 Sandia National Harvard University,
OCT 07 Laboratories, MAR 08

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