Class 6 PDF
Class 6 PDF
Class 6 PDF
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Table of Contents
How to read; Teachers’ Planning Guides ............................................................................................ 3
Value Education and Cross-Curriculum Links...................................................................................... 4
Class 6 ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Term wise Syllabus Breakup ............................................................................................................... 5
Term-I .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Term-II ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Curriculum Planners ......................................................................................................................................7
Term I ..................................................................................................................................................................7
Exemplar Lesson Planner .......................................................................................................................... 26
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Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
2. Unit Plans: based on content areas on-going and other learning objectives,
grouped together into topics creating a logical progressive sequence of learning
including Problem Solving.
3. Lesson Plans:
Multiple lesson plans have been added to facilitate teachers in ABLs, PBLs, IBLs,
Differentiated Classroom Learning and Flipped Classroom Learning.
Although a time scale has been specified for each lesson, a teacher may, depending upon
the needs in the class, increase or decrease the amount of time allocated for any particular
activity, or adapt number of days allocated to a particular unit, while always making an
effort to cover all the topics within the term.
The goals for Mathematics identify, in broad terms, the 'knowledge, skills and
understanding' that students should attain at the end of each grade level. Learning Goals
in this curriculum consist of descriptions highlighting the types and range of performance
that students learning at that level should characteristically demonstrate.
In the New Interactive and Integrated Mathematics Curriculum we recognise four broad
themes relating to teaching Mathematics within the strands:
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Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
We realise that many see Mathematics as entirely abstract, but we hope that teachers
using this curriculum will appreciate the wide-ranging benefits, applications and
implications for encouraging students to be confident and life-long maths-users, and to
explore connections between subjects and relationships with the world beyond the
1. Spiritual development, through helping pupils to obtain an insight into the infinite, and
through explaining the underlying mathematical principles behind some of the beautiful
natural forms and patterns in the world around us (for example, the representation of
the Fibonacci sequence of numbers in nature and the use of the 'Golden Rectangle' in
2. Moral development, helping pupils recognise how logical reasoning can be used to
consider the consequences of particular decisions and choices and helping them learn the
value of mathematical truth.
12 Core Values
Peace Respect Love Tolerance
Honesty Humility Cooperation Happiness
Responsibility Simplicity Freedom Unity
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Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Sub-Strands Topic/Concept Week Allocation
Estimation 1
Integers 2
Integers, Rational Numbers and Real Numbers
Rational Numbers 2.5
Symmetry 0.5
Bar Graphs/ Pictograms/ Statistical Data Handling/ Mean, Median & Mode 3
Central Tendency
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Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Sub-Strands Topic/Concept Week Allocation
Project 1
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shall be controlled by the Studies Department only. Page 6 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Curriculum Planners
Term I
Class 6
Teaching Strategy-
Integration with
Drilling the
KEY: Teaching Strategy (CPA) Teaching strategy (ABL) Teaching strategy (PBL/IBL) Teaching Strategy- FCR+DCR Cross curricular links numbers and rules
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Page 7 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Learning Objectives Content From New Syllabus Mathematics Book 1 & Workbook 1- 7th Ed
Students should be able to: Ex. No Pg. No. Q No. Practice Q No. WB-1 page Q No.
Now Pg..
Number System
Number Theory
flow chart
• differentiate between prime and composite numbers 1A/RE-1 13/23 1,10/3 006 2 2 1, 2, 3
• solve word problems involving prime and composite numbers 14 11,12 .. ..
• compare real numbers WS .. ..
Words to
Remember Mental Maths Questions: Thought Provoking Questions
Real numbers: •Drill times table • If it is a natural number then it is a ____ number, if it is •How would you relate the following numbers using Venn diagram a) Integers,
rational, a whole number then it is an ___, if it is an integer then it is a ____number natural numbers and whole numbers b) rational and irrational numbers • Why do you
irrational, and finally if it is a rational number then it is a ___ number. (You can ask think 0 and 1 are neither prime and nor composite numbers?
integers, whole, this in several different ways) • Drill divisibility rules every morning so that
natural, even, they are on their fingertips.
odd, prime;
composite Recall: Common Errors
numbers, flow 1- Differentiate between odd and even numbers Students' consider 1 to be a prime number. They need to be explained using the
chart, compare, 2- Differentiate between prime and composite numbers definition of prime numbers that it is not a prime number.
number line, 3- Order and compare positive and negative numbers
Lesson Support
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Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Resources Teaching Strategy- FCR+DCR
Addendum 6• • Use the real number system in the addendum at pg. no. 3-6. • Use flow chart to place different kinds of numbers in order to show how they are related to each
Real number other. • Use Venn diagram and Carroll diagram for sorting various kinds of numbers. (connected with sorting, sets) • Use My 100's chart to investigate prime
system •Flow numbers using Sieve of Eratosthenes pg.: 005. • To memorise the concept use S3 strategy of concept map, example prime numbers etc.
chart • Venn
diagram, Carroll
Assessment Questions
•Divisibility rules Q: Use flow chart to relate real number system. • a) Show the relation between the following sets using Venn diagram. A= {2,4,6}, B={2,3,5,7,11}, C={-3.-2,-1,0,1}
• My 100's chart b) Which kind of numbers are represented by set A, B and C? Q: Divisibility rule for 11 is ..... Q: 5 and 7 are ___ prime numbers.
• Number line
Number line,
number cards
INVESTIGATE: Use My 100's chart to investigate prime numbers using Sieve of Eratosthenes TB: pg.: 005.
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Page 9 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Learning Objectives Content From New Syllabus Mathematics Book 1 & Workbook 1- 7th Ed
Chapter No.
Ex. No Pg. No. Q No. Practice Q No. WB-1 page Q No.
Students should be able to: Now Pg.
Ch.1 Primes, Highest Common Factor and Lowest Common Multiple • differentiate between factors and multiples (through facts/properties) 1B 21 9,11 .. ..
• identify and list all the possible factors of a given number WS .. .. .. ..
• identify and list multiples of the given numbers WS .. .. .. ..
• express a given number as a product of its prime factors 1A 13 2 .. ..
Number Theory and Arithmetic
• express a number using index notation (to express their solutions)(the .. .. .. .. .. 2 4 abc
objective needs to be met along the other mentioned in this section)
• find the HCF and LCM of the given set of numbers (3 numbers at max) 1B 21 1-5 .. .. 3 10, 11, 12
using division method .. .. 13
using factorisation method (Hint: use index notation for quick .. ..
• solve word problems involving HCF and LCM 6- .. ..
• identify and list all the perfect squares and cubes between a given WS .. .. .. ..
• compute the square root and cube root of the given numbers 1A/RE- 13/23 3- .. .. 2 5
1 5/1,2
• solve word problems involving square roots and cube roots (and 14/23 8,9/4- .. ..
estimation) 8
Words to
Remember Mental Maths Questions: Thought Provoking Questions
Lesson Support
Divisibility rule, Q. What is the smallest prime number? A prime number has only __ factors. Q. Q: Why 0 and 1 are neither prime nor composite numbers? Q. A whole number if is
factors, Drill first 15 perfect squares and cubes with students. Q: Factors of a number not a prime number then it must be a composite number. Agreed. Justify your
multiples, are always ___ than or equal to the number while multiples of a number are answer. Q: What is the HCF of 3 and 13? What can you deduce from this answer?
prime factors, always ___ or equal to the number. Does this mean that the number itself is
division both the factor and the multiple of the number?
method, factor
tree method,
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Page 10 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Recall: Common Errors
power, index
1- Divisibility rules of 2,4,5,10,25,100 Students consider that LCM should have smaller value as it is the least common
2- Prime and composite numbers multiple while HCF should have larger value as it is the highest common factor.
squares, cubes,
3- Factors, Multiples and Common Multiples However, it is the other way round. This confusion should be removed by explaining
4- HCF and LCM (by listing the factors and multiples respectively and them using the definition of multiples and factors.
highlighting the highest common factor and least common multiple)
Resources Teaching Strategy- FCR+DCR
Addendum 6- • Factors of a number are always less than or equal to the number • multiples are always greater than or equal to the number • use trial division method to
divisibility investigate whether the given number is prime or composite.
rules, My 100's
chart Assessment Questions
Q: Is 997 a prime number? (Use trial division method). Q. Find the smallest value of n such that the LCM or n and 15 is 45.
Challenge yourself!
Pg.: 024 Q1, 2, 5: In groups challenge your students to look for their solution in the minimum time possible.
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Page 11 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Learning Objectives Content From New Syllabus Mathematics Book 1 & Workbook 1- 7th Ed
Chapter No.
Ex. No Pg. No. Q No. Practice Q No. WB-1 page Q No.
Students should be able to: Now Pg.
• estimate the squares, cubes, square roots and cube roots (Q7 to be 1A 14 6,7 .. ..
solved using estimation instead of using calculator)
Number Theory and
• estimate a given number or set of numbers to the specific number of 3A/RE- 62/78 1,2,4 .. .. 20 1-5,9b,10acd,
Ch.1 and 3
decimal places 3 11b,14-17,21b
round off the already rounded off value to get the answer 46 000 (in the second case),
which is incorrect.
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Page 12 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Resources Teaching Strategy- FCR+DCR
Addendum-6: Start your lesson by first giving real-life examples of rounding off the digits. Followed by the Class discussion on page 059. Discuss the questions that follows. Share
Number line magazines or newspapers cuttings showing the rounded off numbers. Ask which words help them figure out that the numbers have been rounded off? (over, around
Manipulative: etc.)
Number line
Assessment Questions
Different types of rounding in real life is a part of assessment questions. Q: Round off 256 397 to the nearest thousand. Q: One chocolate costs $ 25, Sofia has $130.
How many chocolates she can buy? Justify your answer. Q: Paint is sold in tins of 0.75 litre. 4 litre paint is required to paint the walls of Ali's bedroom. How many tins
should Ali buy to paint his room? Justify your answer.
Estimation in our daily lives: Estimate the total number of hours your Group Work: Present the results obtained in the performance
classmates spent surfing the internet or using mobile phones in a month task report in the table form on MS. Excel. On the same sheet
Performance Task pg. and write a detailed report on how you obtain your estimation. Integration with convert the data into a bar graph. Write your deductions and
no. 076 ICT present it to the whole class. Further conclude how it affects
students' performance in the class.
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Page 13 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Learning Objectives Content From New Syllabus Mathematics Book 1 & Workbook 1- 7th
Chapter No.
Strand Ed
Ex. No Pg. No. Q No. Practice Q No. WB-1 page Q No.
Students should be able to: Now Pg..
value, addition,
subtraction, Recall: Common Errors
multiplication, 1- Order and compare positive and negative numbers On the number line, all the numbers are marked in equal intervals. Marking with
division, 2- Solve word problems involving positive and negative integers and temperature 3- equal intervals is important when we do measurements. As on measuring
commutative law of Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers cylinders and thermometers. Students do not consider this point while marking
addition and
on the number line. Make sure that the students mark numbers at equal
distributive law of
subtraction over
Real World Connection/Explore yourself! Facts to Remember
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Page 14 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
•When temperature falls below 0°C, it is recorded using negative numbers. •Some Every positive integer has a corresponding negative integer. (e.g. -3 and 3)
companies use negative numbers to reflect their losses. E.g. Profit = - $2 million
which implies that the company has incurred a loss of 2 million dollars.
Section 2.3: Multiplication and Division of integers: Concrete: The idea of flipping over a disc to obtain the negative of a number, e.g. - (-3) = 3 is important in
teaching multiplication involving negative numbers. For pictorial representation see page 38 and 39. Finally move on to the abstract multiplication and division of
integers following the rules mentioned on pg. 39 and 40 respectively. Further: Follow PEDMAS for mathematical operation order to be followed for solving a
mathematical expression.
Assessment Questions
Q: Evaluate: a) (-3+3) x 6 -14 b) 4 x (-5) x (-6) c) 50 ÷ (-8) ÷ (-5) Q: Order the following set of integers in ascending order: 6, 26, -6, 0, -26 Q: Compare 25 and -25
using signs.
Look through some newspapers to search for two examples of negative numbers. What is the boiling temperature of water? What is the
How are negative numbers used in two examples? freezing point of water? How do water behave at 4°C?
Discuss with your science teacher and come up with the
Integration with answer. Atoms, Molecules and ions.• Recognise that an
Science ion is formed when an atom gains or loses an
electron.(gain +1, loses -1, integers are used to represent
loss and gain)
Investigate the number of zeros in one million, one billion and one trillion. What comes after trillion? And how many zeros it has? What pattern does the number of
INVESTIGATE: zeros in each term follows?
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Page 15 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Learning Objectives Content From New Syllabus Mathematics Book 1 & Workbook 1- 7th Ed
Chapter No.
Students should be able to: Ex. No Pg. No. Q No. Practice Q WB-1 Q No.
Now Pg.
No. page No
• identify and list rational numbers from the given set of numbers WS .. .. .. ..
Number Theory and
Rational Numbers
• apply four operations on rational numbers to evaluate the given 2D/RE- 52/55 3,5,7,8,9,17,9 Pg. 56 Ex. 3b: Q : 12 12, 14
arithmetical expression (restrict to max. 4 rational numbers) 2 1, 2 of D1-6th Edn.
• solve related word problems 2D/WS 53 16,18 .. .. 14 24, 26
• differentiate between terminating and recurring decimals WS .. .. Pg. 56 Ex. 3b: Q :
3,4,5 of D1-6th
• express fractions as recurring or non-recurring decimals WS .. .. Edn.
Words to
Remember Mental Maths Questions: Thought Provoking Questions
identify, list, Q: 1/2 + 2 =? Q: 1/3 -1 =? Q: 1 - 27/36 How many rational numbers are between 1 and 2? π is the ratio between the ______
order, compare, of a circle to its ____. (Answer: circumference of a circle to its diameter).
solve, evaluate,
express, rational Recall: Common Errors
1- Equivalent Fractions and decimals Solving word problems with rational numbers is found difficult by the students. To
terminating and
2- Order and compare positive and negative numbers (using number line) overcome this we have introduced bar models. Practice them with the students quite
3- Solve word problems involving positive and negative integers and often to get their grip on the concepts and method. Students are expected to use bar
temperature 4- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of model to solve word problems in exams.
Lesson Support
recurring and
whole numbers and decimals
Real World Connection/Explore yourself! Facts to Remember
Fractions are used frequently in everyday life. How often do you say The ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras believed that all numbers were
things such as ' I'd like half a glass ' , or ' Two-thirds of the class were rational, but one of his students Hippasus proved (using geometry, it is thought) that
sick'? Cooks use fractions all the time in their recipes: Take 2 1/2 cups of you could not write the square root of 2 as a fraction, and so it was irrational.
flour and mix in 1/4 teaspoonful of salt...'
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Page 16 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
cubes, circular
Assessment Questions
Q: Represent all rational numbers between 5 and 7 using number line. Q: Identify irrational numbers from: √2, π, 22/7, 3.3, 1/3, 0, 99. Q: Sort rational, irrational,
integers and whole numbers using Carroll diagram/ Venn diagram. Q: Evaluate: 1/2 -3/5; 1 2/3 -9/7; 5 7/6 x 36 + 1 Q: Compare 5/6 and 3/7 Q: Order the given
numbers in ascending order: 0.25, 1/5, -0.2, 5/8
Two quantities are said to be in the golden ratio if the ratio of the
greater quantity to the smaller quantity is approximately 1.618 : 1 . Did
you know that the Acropolis in Athens was build according to the golden
A: Draw a rectangle which follows this golden ratio.
Integration with Divide a square into two halves in as many ways as you can use
Explore! B: Search the internet to find out how the golden ratio is used in our
Art and Design your art and design skills.
daily life. C: Calculate the length and width of your home LCD and finally
deduce it's length to breadth ration, compare this ratio with your class
mates. Is the ratio same or different? So What can you deduce from your
findings. (Keep this data intact as it will be required in another topic)
Group work: ....Where There's a Will There's a Way: A rich man owned 17 shop houses. When he died, the rich man specified in his will that the 17 shop houses
will be shared among his three daughters in the following way: 1/2 to the eldest daughter, 1/3 to the second daughter and 1/9 to the youngest daughter........The
three daughters wondered how they could divide a shop house into parts without destroying it. They decided to seek their aunt's advice. ....What do you think
their aunt must have advised them, such that all the three daughters would have received their share fairly?
Write down their aunt's advice and work out the share of each daughter, finally share your findings with the whole class.
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Page 17 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Chapter No.
Learning Objectives
Ex. No Pg. Q No. Practice Q No. WB-1 page Q No.
Students should be able to: Now Pg.
No No
• sort different kinds of numbers, shapes, angles etc using Venn WS . .. .. ..
Number Theory
& Arithmetic
a) real numbers b) angles c) polygons d) factors and multiples . .. .. ..
Words to
Remember Mental Maths Questions: Thought Provoking Questions
Venn diagram, •List the factors and multiples of 36. • What are rational numbers? • What What could be the different ways to sort real numbers? Think of some real life
Carroll diagram, are prime numbers? • What are the directed numbers/integers? •Define a example of sorting done at your end.
sorting, polygons, regular polygon
real numbers,
angles, factors Recall: Common Errors
and multiples 1- Use Venn/Carroll diagrams to sort the following: Students find it hard to sort numbers/object as they have to consider multiple
Lesson Support
• shapes, numbers, common multiples, common factors etc. properties simultaneously. Work with less numbers/objects and simple properties
for sorting at the beginning and then move to the complex ones.
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Page 18 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Learning Objectives Content From New Syllabus Mathematics Book 1 & Workbook 1- 7th Ed
Chapter No.
Ex. No Pg. No. Q No. Practice Q No. WB-1 Q No.
Students should be able to: Now Pg..
page No
c) a ray .. .. .. ..
Ch. 10 Basic Geometry
intersecting lines,
adjacent angles and f) supplementary angles 120°, by learning the definitions of the angles students can overcome this mistake.
parallel lines,
lines, planes,
angles, Angles:
right, acute,
obtuse, straight
line, adjacent,
opposite, reflex,
at a point,
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Page 19 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Real World Connection/Explore yourself! Facts to Remember
• Architects and contractors need to calculate angles very precisely to • The word ‘geometry’ comes from the Greek words ‘geo’, meaning earth, and
create a structure which stands upright and allows rainwater to run off the ‘metria’, meaning measure.
roof. • Cycling is a popular sport across the world. Top cyclists practise on
special cycle tracks called velodromes. The velodromes are usually banked
at an angle of 42° to prevent cyclists from falling off at the bends.
Maths Resources Teaching Strategy- FCR+DCR
Geometry and
Grid Pad (plane
Assessment Questions
Assessment sheet / Rubric
Geometry box,
analogue clock
Grade 6: Term II: Reflection of light:
• Illustrate direction of beam of light travelling from the source
by a straight line with an arrow
• Explain and be able to illustrate with the help of ray diagram
.. Integration with how light from a source is reflected by a mirror and enters our
Science eyes
• Recognise that when a beam light is reflected from a surface
its direction changes
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Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Chapter No.
Learning Objectives Content From New Syllabus Mathematics Book 1 & Workbook 1- 7th Ed
Ex. No Pg. No. Q No. Practice Q No. WB-1 page Q No.
Students should be able to: Now Pg.
a) about one line of symmetry .. .. .. ..
b) about two lines of symmetry .. .. .. ..
Words to
Remember Mental Maths Questions: Thought Provoking Questions
identify, state, • A circle has ___ lines of symmetry? • A regular Which alphabets have rotational symmetry?
line of symmetry, triangle/pentagon/hexagon … has ___ lines of symmetry.
line of reflection,
object, image Recall: Common Errors
1- Identify and complete shapes/figures using reflective symmetry The points of symmetry are not taken perpendicular to the line of symmetry. Make
2- Create symmetrical patters with two lines (horizontal and vertical) of sure that right from the beginning students plot points acroos the line of symmetry
symmetry using same perpendicular distance.
Lesson Support
Make a collection of pictures or photographs which show symmetry in Grade 6: Term II: Shadows:
nature. Display these in your class. Science • Identify factors affecting the size and position of the shadow
Integration of an object
• Recognise differences between shadows and reflections.
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Page 21 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Can you draw a triangle with a) no lines of symmetry, b) one line of symmetry, c) three lines of symmetry? Repeat for a quadrilateral. What about a five-sided
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Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Learning Objectives Content From New Syllabus Mathematics Book 1 & Workbook 1- 7th Ed
Addendum 6 Section B Mean, Median Ch.15 Statistical Data Handling Chapter No.
Students should be able to: Ex. No Pg. No. Q No. Practice Q No. WB-1 Q No.
Now Pg.
page No
• Draw and interpret Pictogram (CRV) 15A/RE-15 373/387 1,2/1,5(I, .. .. 176/179 1/7(exclude iv)
• Draw and interpret Bar graphs (CRV) and Multiple Bar 15A/15B 373/384 3,4,5,6/4 .. .. 176/180 2/8a/9a-f
graphs (i-iii) /181
• Draw and interpret Line graphs (CRV) 15B 384 8,9,11,13 379 1 178/181 5/9g/12,13
• Convert: .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Pictograms to Bar graphs WS .. .. .. .. .. ..
Bar Graphs/ Pictograms/ Central Tendency/Types of Data
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Page 23 of 27
Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Words to
Remember Mental Maths Questions: Thought Provoking Questions
draw, interpret, 1- Data can be collected using __ or through conducting __. 1- With the statistical diagrams information, what kind of decision can be made? Discuss! 2- Is
convert, (Questionnaires; interviews) 2- Statistics involves __, __, __ and it useful to use one symbol to represent one pupil in a pictogram? Discuss!
differentiate, interpreting the information collected. (Collecting, classifying,
calculate, tabulating) 3- In a vertical bar graph frequency is taken on __ axis.
analyse, 4- clues: discrete data, survey includes both boys and girls, results
pictogram, bar of both boys and girls are to be represented in the same graph.
graph, multiple Which graph is recommended for this data?
bar graph, line
Recall: Common Errors
graph, range,
1. Read, draw and interpret pictograms, bar charts, bar line charts, Mostly students are unable to take appropriate scales on either axes. Also they do not label the
mean, median,
line graphs and conversion graphs axes. To avoid such errors we have provided labelled axes and the space to fill in the labels on
mode, discrete
2. Find the range, mean, median and mode of the given data each axis.
data, continuous
data, categorical
data, tallies, Real World Connection/Explore yourself! Facts to Remember
frequency At hotels, restaurants and many public places, feedback forms are 1- The term 'mode' comes from the French word meaning fashion.
distribution table readily available. These forms help the management to judge if 2- Bar charts are used when we want to compare data values with ease.
Lesson Support
there are areas that need improvements. The management aim is 3- A line graph is used to study the changes (trends/fluctuations) of data over a period of
to ensure quality service to clients and customers. time.
4- Good Data Collection: You can get the information that you want from carefylly developed
5- A pictogram, also called icon, is the most simple and efficient way to convey a message or
an idea and has been used throughout civilization – from the prehistoric age, to ancient
Egypt, until today. ... Nowadays icons serve a more utilitarian purpose.
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Teachers’ Planning Guide – Class 6
Assessment Questions
Students will be provided with the data in different forms (random, tabulated, graphs) and will be asked to interpret and analyse the data.
See the activities in the PBL folder. Present your findings using MS office. Details provided in the PBL
Activity Integration with ICT document
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Page 25 of 27
Exemplar Lesson Planner
The City School
Class: 6 Subject: Mathematics Topic/Unit/Skill: Rational Numbers
• Identify and list rational numbers from the given set of numbers
• Order and compare rational numbers
• Apply four operations on rational numbers to evaluate the given arithmetical expression (restrict to max. 4 rational
(In this lesson we will be selecting addition and subtraction only)
Manipulatives: Number line, interlocking cubes, circular discs
Printed: Addendum-6: Number line, flow chart
Recall: 5 Min
1- Equivalent Fractions and decimals
2- Order and compare positive and negative numbers (using number line)
3- Solve word problems involving positive and negative integers and temperature 4- Addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division of whole numbers and decimals
Teaching Strategy:
Draw a flow chart on the board and ask students where the rational numbers appear on it. 5 Min
Application of addition and subtraction on rational numbers. 20 Min
Concrete: Show them the fractions using interlocking blocks or circular discs.
Draw the pictures of the fractions using circles or rectangles on the board and finally come to the
abstract representation of the fractions using mathematical language
Thought Provoking Questions
How many rational numbers are between 1 and 2?
π is the ratio between the ______ of a circle to its ____. (Answer: circumference of a circle to its
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Q: Represent all rational numbers between 5 and 7 using number line.
Q: Identify irrational numbers from: √2, π, 22/7, 3.3, 1/3, 0, 99.
Q: Sort rational, irrational, integers and whole numbers using Carroll diagram/ Venn diagram.
Q: Evaluate: 1/2 -3/5; 1 2/3 -9/7
Q: Compare 5/6 and 3/7
Q: Order the given numbers in ascending order: 0.25, 1/5, -0.2, 5/8
Facts to Remember:
The ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras believed that all numbers were rational, but one of his students
Hippasus proved (using geometry, it is thought) that you could not write the square root of 2 as a fraction, and so it
was irrational.
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2D/RE-2 52/55 3,5,7,8,9,17,9 Pg. 56 Ex. 3b: Q: 1, 2 of D1-6th Edn. 12 12, 14
To evaluate the lesson one must consider and reflect upon the following points:
Note: Use proper mathematical words mentioned in the curriculum planners under ‘Words to Remember’ and make sure that
the students repeat them as and when required during the lesson. Also keep referring to the ‘Common Errors’ mentioned in the
curriculum planner and guide them accordingly. ’ Facts to Remember’ can be used as and when required while building up the
concept to build up students interest in the lesson/concept.
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