Bill Mclaren - Gann Angles and The Square of Nine
Bill Mclaren - Gann Angles and The Square of Nine
Bill Mclaren - Gann Angles and The Square of Nine
and Extremes
The Parallel Aspect is formed between two planets with the same declination or distance
north or south of the ecliptic. If the planets are both North or both South of the ecliptic, the
parallel aspect is read as a conjunction. If they are the same declination but one is North
and one is South, then the contra-parallel is read as a 180 degree opposition. These
aspects are strongest when the orb is kept to 1 degree. They can also magnify the intensity
of any other aspect between the two planets or points.
On March 27 (Tue) 15:11 Mercury and Venus were parallel of declination at 9.2880
degrees north (HERE).
On April 4 (Wed) 14:30 Mercury and the Sun will be parallel of declination at 5.8257
degrees north.
On April 17 (Tue) 02:18 the Moon, the Sun and Uranus will be parallel of declination at
10.4128 degrees north.
On April 20 (Fri) 13:00 Mercury's declination will bottom at 0.8124 degrees north while the
Moon's declination will peak at 20.4433 degrees north the next morning.
From May 6 (Sun) to June 8 (Fri) Venus will be out of bound (>23.4347 degrees north or
south = beyond Sun's max-declination). Venus will reach maximum declination at 25.0537
degrees north on May 22 (Tue) 3:35 (HERE). Etc.
Declinations Ephemerides can be found e.g. HERE + HERE