Irjet V5i5545 PDF
Irjet V5i5545 PDF
Irjet V5i5545 PDF
Abstract- With urbanization and increasing unbalance of
required space to availability, it is becoming imperative to
provide open ground storey in commercial and residential
building. These provisions reduce the stiffness of the lateral
load resisting system and a progressive collapse becomes
unavoidable in a severe earthquake for such buildings due to
soft storey. Soft storey behavior exhibits higher stresses at the
columns and the columns fail as the plastic hinges are not
formed on predermined positions. Thus the vulnerability of
soft storey effect has caused structural engineers to rethink Figure 1 Building with soft storey behaving as inverted
the design of a soft storey building. In the current study the pendulum
focus is on the design of soft storey for RC structure according
to updations given in IS 1893(part I)-2016 and some clauses of III. Revisions in IS 1893(Part I)-2016, for design of
IS 13920-2016 using different models soft storey
Keywords:- Soft storey, open storey, shear wall, Clause 7.10.1-Open ground storey buildings shall be
braces(infill),Dynamic analysis, seismic loads provided with
Reinforced-concrete framed structure in recent times has a 2-Braced Frames, in selected bays of the building .
special feature i.e the ground story is left open for the
Clause 7.10.2-When RC Structural walls are provided,they
purpose of social and functional needs like vehicle parking,
shall be
shops, reception lobbies, a large space for meeting rooms or
a banking hall etc. such buildings are often called open 1-founded on properly designed foundations;
ground storey buildings or soft storey buildings. Experience
of different nations with the poor and devastating 2-continuous preferably over the full height of the building;
performance of such buildings during earthquakes always and
seriously discouraged construction of such a building with a 3-connected preferably to the moment resisting frame of the
soft ground floor. This storey known as weak storey because building.
this storey stiffness is lower compare to above storey. So
that easily collapses by earthquake. Clause 7.10.3-When the RC structural walls are provided,
they shall be designed such that the building does NOT
Large open areas with less or no infill and exterior walls in a)Additional torsional irregularity in plan than that already
ground floor compared to upper floors are the cause of present in the building. In assessing this, lateral stiffness
damages. Due to the presence of infill walls in the entire shall be included of all elements that resist lateral actions at
upper storey except for the ground storey makes the upper all levels of the buildings;
storey much stiffer than the open ground storey. Thus, the
upper storey move almost together as a single block and b)Lateral stiffness in open storey is less than 80% of that in
most of the horizontal displacement of the building occurs in the storey above;
the soft ground storey itself. In other words, this type of
buildings sway back and forth like inverted pendulum during c)Lateral strength in the open storey is less than 90% of
earthquake shaking, and hence the ground storey columns that in the storey above.
and beams are heavily stressed. Therefore it is required that
the ground storey columns must have sufficient strength and Clause 7.10.4-When the RC structural walls are provided,
the RC structural wall plan density ρsw of the building shall
adequate ductility.
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2855
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
be at least 2% along each principal directions in seismic treating them as ordinary frames results in an
zones III,IV, and V. These walls shall be well distributed in underestimation of base shear. Investigators analysis
the plan of the building, along each plan direction. numerically and use various computer programs such as
Staad Pro, ETABS, SAP2000 etc. Calculation shows that,
when RC framed buildings having brick masonry infill
on upper floor with soft ground floors subjected to
earthquake loading, base shear can be more than twice
to that predicted by equivalent earthquake force method
with or without infill or even by response spectrum
method when no infill in the analysis model.
Figure 2 Symmetrical placing of 2% shear wall in a 2. Hiral .D. Adhiya and Dr. P. S. Pajgade “Review on
building Effective utilization of RCC Shear walls for Design of
Soft Storey Buildings”-This study investigates the
For ex- If total plan area of a building is 60*20=1200m2, than analytical results and designing provisions for soft
the total RC wall area to be provided in each direction of the storey buildings with and without shear walls. They
building should be 2% of 1200m2 i.e 24m2. And this RC wall concluded that it is very necessary to locate the effective
should be symmetrically placed in all directions to avoid position of shear wall otherwise it will create
torsional effect. overturning and twisting effect on the structure. They
has studied the behavior of multi storey building for soft
IV. OBJECTIVES storey effect, shear wall and struts using equivalent
static analysis method using ETAAB2015. In the thesis,
The salient objectives of the present study have been the multi storey buildings of G+9 Storey are modeled in
identified as follows: five different configurations and are compared in EQX
and EQY respectively considering parameters such as
1) To perform analysis and design of multi storey storey drift, displacement, column bending moment,
buildings for soft storey effect using response spectrum column shear force, column area of steel, beam bending
analysis method. moment, beam shear force, beam area of steel, shear
wall bending moment, shear wall shear force, shear wall
2) To compare the behavior of multi storey buildings area of steel. They have concluded that storey
having soft storey designed with and without shear wall displacement and storey drif parameters are
and struts. considerably reduced with the help of shear wall effect
and struts.
3) To compare the behavior of multi storey buildings
having minimum size of structural elements and there
3. Vipin V.Halde and Aditi H. Deshmukh, “Review on
quantities area of steel.
Behavior Of Soft Storey In Building”-In this study the
4) To know which type of system is more effective in focus is on the investigation of the effect of the soft
resisting lateral forces and economical. storey on the behavior of the structure. This is a
therotical study of behavior of soft storey under
5) The contribution of infill wall to the stiffness is earthquake,causes of failures in soft storey and effect of
considered. irregularirties on soft storey. They concluded that
deflection of floor has increased when soft storey is
V. LITERATURE REVIEW considered. Hence it is suggested that expert designs
and detailing are needed in soft storey building.
Technical articles published in the proceedings and other
journals have been referred to determine the scope of work 4. Dr. Saraswati Setia and Vineet Sharma, ‘Seismic
and to understand the present status of such project Response of R.C.C Building with Soft Storey’- They
undertaken. The following papers reveals the work done on investigated the influence of some parameters on
the topic related to this project work until now. behavior of a building with soft storey. The modeling of
the whole building is carried out using the computer
1. Devendra Dohare and Dr. Savita Maru, “Seismic program STAAD.Pro 2006. Parametric studies on
Behavior of Soft Storey Building:A Critical Review”- displacement, inter storey drift and storey shear have
In this paper an investigation has been made to study been carried out using equivalent static analysis to
the seismic behavior of soft storey building with investigate the influence of these parameter on the
different arrangement in soft storey building when behavior of buildings with soft storey. The selected
subjected to static and dynamic earthquake loading. It is building analyzed through five numerical models.
observed that , providing infill improves resistant Concluded minimum displacement for corner column is
behavior of the structure when compared to soft storey observed in the building in which a shear wall is
provided. It has been found earthquake forces by introduced in X-direction as well as in Z-direction.
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2856
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
5. S.Arunkumar and Dr. G. Nandini Devi, ‘Seismic represent all existing components that influence the
demand study of Soft-Storey building and its mass, strength, stiffness and deformability of structure.
strengthening for Seismic Resistance’ - The study The equivalent static and multimodal dynamic analysis
includes the analysis of soft storey building with ETABS is carried out on the entire mathematical 3D model
software by pushover analysis method and the results using the software SAP2000 and the comparisons of
and conclusion of the analysis is to be included. A 10 these models are presented. Finally, the performance of
storey building with and without shear wall in soft all the building models is observed in high seismic zone
storey has been analysed and different parameters such V.
as base shear, storey force, storey drift, displacements
are compared. Various conclusions of the study are as 9. Piyush Tiwari, P.J.Salunke and N.G.Gore, ‘Earthquake
follows: Resistant Design of Open Ground Storey Building’ –
In this paper, they have studied the applicability of the
1) Building with shear wall in soft storey exhibits 30% – Multiplication Factor of 2.5 as given by IS Code 1893
40% higher base shear than the other one. Part-1(2002), for Low Rise and Medium Rise Open
ground storey Building. A G+4, G+7 and G+10 RC framed
2) The inter-storey drift of building with shear wall is Open ground storey building is considered in Seismic
minimum i.e. 0.0019 as compared to 0.0057 of the other zone-V with Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) is
one. IS code value for inter-storey drift for the analyzed and Modeled in Etabs Software. They
corresponding building is 0.004. concluded that for different types of analysis such as
equivalent static analysis, response spectrum analysis
3) Building with shear wall attracts more storey force and pushover analysis, the value of multiplication factor
and moments about 5% - 10% then without shear wall. is less by 40% - 45% than what is prescribed by IS Code
of 2.5 Value for (G+4) building. Similarly for (G+7) its
6. Prof. Patil S.S. and Mr. Sagare S. D.,’ Dynamic
36% - 40% and for (G+10) its 32% - 35% less value than
Analysis of Soft Storey-High Rise Building with Shear
which is given by IS Code of 2.5. 15
Wall’- They studied a building with open ground storey
to bring out the importance of explicitly recognizing the VI. MODELS, DESIGN AND ANALYSIS
presence of soft ground storey in the analysis. Usually
the most economical way to eliminate the failure of soft Basic aim of the present work is to study behavior of multi
storey by adding shear walls. The shear walls are one of storey building for soft storey effect, shear wall and struts
the most efficient lateral force resisting elements in high using response spectrum analysis method. In this paper, the
rise buildings. This paper deals with occurring of soft structural system of the public building consists of RC
storey at lower level at high rise building subjected to beams, columns, slabs, shear wall, struts etc having 5m grid
earthquake has been studied. Also has been tried to spacing.
investigate on adding of shear wall to structures in order
to reduce soft storey effect on seismic response of In the paper, the multi storey buildings of G+15 Storey is
building. modeled in six different configurations.
7. Piyush Tiwari, P.J.Salunke and N.G.Gore, ‘Earthquake Part A - 5m Grid Spacing Building.
Resistant Design of Open Ground Storey Building’ –
In this paper, they have studied the applicability of the Model 1 - Building with Bare Frame.
Multiplication Factor of 2.5 as given by IS Code 1893
Part-1(2002), for Low Rise and Medium Rise Open Model 2 - Building with infill wall considered as braces.
ground storey Building. A G+4, G+7 and G+10 RC framed
Open ground storey building is considered in Seismic Model 3 - Building with struts and 0.48% shear wall upto
zone-V with Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) is 2nd storey (soft storey.)
analyzed and Modeled in Etabs Software. They
Model 4 - Building with struts and 0.36% shear wall upto
concluded that for different types of analysis such as
full height of the building.
equivalent static analysis, response spectrum analysis
and pushover analysis, the value of multiplication factor Model 5 - Building with struts and 2% shear wall upto 2nd
is less by 40% - 45% than what is prescribed by IS Code storey (soft storey.)
of 2.5 Value for (G+4) building. Similarly for (G+7) its
36% - 40% and for (G+10) its 32% - 35% less value than Model 6 - Building with struts and 2% shear wall upto full
which is given by IS Code of 2.5. 15 height of the building.
8. P.B.Lamb, Dr R.S. Londhe, ‘Seismic Behavior of Soft 5mx5m grid spacing building is model in ETAAB with
First Storey’– They studied a building with the help of following data. Walls are considered at each bay both inner
different mathematical models considering various and outer side. For model 3,200mm x 3m shear wall is
methods for improving the seismic performance of the provided at each corner(i.e 0.48% of plan area). For model 4,
building with soft first storey. Analytical models
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2857
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Building Details:
Dimension of 5m spacing = 25 X 20 m
No of storey = 15 Figure 4 Elevation view of 5mx5m grid building
Ground storey height = 3.00 m
Intermediate storey height = 3.00 m
Slab thickness = 150 mm The models are analysed by response spectrum analysis
employing ETBAS using IS 1893:2016(part 1) code. The
Shear wall thickness = 150mm design is carried out for all buildings using IS 456:2000 and
Wall thickness = 200mm some clauses of IS 13920:2016 codes. The designed forces
i.e. base shear, axial force, moments and shear forces are
Wall Load = 0.2x9x3x1=5.4 KN/m2 taken from the ETABS analysis results. The study is carried
Live Load = 3 KN/m2 out on the variation of percentage of plan density of shear
wall in the open storey. The maximum storey displacement,
Roof Live Load = 3 KN/m2 storey stiffness and area of reinforcement in columns are
compared and their permissible values are discussed.
Floor Finish = 1.875 KN/m2
Column Sizes = 300 mm x 600 mm (storey 1to6)
= 300 mm x 450 mm (storey 7 to12)
= 300 mm x 300 mm (storey13 to16)
Beams Sizes = 300mm x 380mm (storey 1 to10)
= 300mm x 300mm (storey 11 to16)
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2858
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2859
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2860
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
PG Student, M.E Structural Engineering,
Prof. Ram Meghe Engineering Institute of
Technology & Research, Badnera, (SGBAU)
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2861