Aoc Ve F010
Aoc Ve F010
Aoc Ve F010
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%CONC. Norsodyne Norsodyne Norsodyne
Resin-rich/surface tissue 2529,2530 2625, 3600FR 2827,2834/A
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%CONC. Norsodyne Norsodyne Norsodyne
Resin-rich/surface tissue 2529,2530 2625, 3600FR 2827,2834/A
Formic acid - aqueous solution 20 25 50 35
50 NR 40 25
75 NR 25 NR
100 NR NR NR
Gasoline (see Petrol)
Gelatine 1 45 70 50
Glycerine (glycerol) 100 55 100 60
Heavy aromatic naphtha (HAN) 100 NR 45 NR
Heavy plate solution (see notes) 40 65 50
Heptane 100 25 40 25
Hexane 100 25 40 25
Hydrobromic acid 20 40 70 50
48 35 60 45
Hydrochloric aicd 5 40 70 50
15 35 70 40
20 30 70 35
25 30 55 30
35(#) NR 40 25
Hydrofluoric acid (#) 20 25 35 25
Hydrogen chloride gas 100 55 90 65
Hydrogen peroxide 20 vol. NR 30 NR
100 vol. NR NR NR
Hydrogen sulphide gas 100 50 60 60
Hypochlorous acid (see Chlorine water)
Industrial Methylated Spirits NR 30 25
Iodine, tincture 2 NR NR NR
Iso-octane 100 25 40 25
Isopropyl alcohol 100 NR 35 30
Kerosene (domestic) 100 30 55 30
Lactic acid - aqueous solution 44 40 70 50
Lanolin 100 45 70 50
Lead acetate - aqueous solution Sat. 45 70 50
Linseed oil 100 55 110 70
Lubricating oil 100 45 100 50
Magnesium chloride - aqueous solution Sat. 45 70 50
Magnesium sulphate - aqueous solution Sat. 45 70 50
Maleic acid - aqueous solution Sat. 40 65 45
Methanol (methyl alcohol) 100 NR 35 25
Methylene chloride 100 NR NR NR
Methyl ethyl ketone 100 NR NR NR
Methyl methacrylate 100 NR NR NR
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%CONC. Norsodyne Norsodyne Norsodyne
Resin-rich/surface tissue 2529,2530 2625, 3600FR 2827,2834/A
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%CONC. Norsodyne Norsodyne Norsodyne
Resin-rich/surface tissue 2529,2530 2625, 3600FR 2827,2834/A
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%CONC. Norsodyne Norsodyne Norsodyne
Resin-rich/surface tissue 2529,2530 2625, 3600FR 2827,2834/A
non-ionic 40 65 45
Tallow 100 55 110 70
Tannic acid - aqueous solution Sat. 45 70 50
Tartaric acid - aqueous solution Sat. 45 70 50
Tetrachloroethylene 100 NR NR NR
Tetrahydrofuran 100 NR NR NR
Tetralin 100 NR NR NR
Thionyl chloride 100 NR NR NR
Toluene 100 NR 30 NR
Transformer oils 100 45 100 50
Trichloroacetic acid - aqueous solution 25 NR 40 30
Turpentine 100 25 35 25
Urea - aqueous solution 2 35 45 40
Urine 30 35 30
Vinyl acetate 100 NR NR NR
de-ionized 100 40 65 45
sea 45 70 50
White spirit 100 35 40 25
Xylene 100 NR 45 NR
Zinc chloride - aqueous solution Sat. 45 70 50
Zinc sulphate - aqueous solution Sat. 45 70 50
NR = Not recommended
Sat. = Saturated solutions
Solutions are aqueous unless otherwise stated.
MST = Up to a maximum stable temperature of chemical
% Conc = Concentration (by weight unless otherwise stated)
prepared according to ISO/R175 where relevant.
(#) = a resistant veil such as Terylene should be used in the
surface in contact with this chemical in place of glass
(*) = a resistant weil such as Dynel or Orlon should be used in
the surface in contact with this chemical in place of glass.
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