With ever increasing global demand for products from process and Business Benefits
power plants, AVEVA PDMS™ enables companies to design, construct
and maintain high quality plants quickly and efficiently. Reduced site rework
z Higher quality design. The
Using PDMS, the logical model of a plant can be quickly and efficiently ability to perform multiple
modelled into a full 3D design layout, where suitability and fit can all be tested design checks across the
in a virtual world, and the list of materials needed to construct the plant entire design eliminates errors,
generated automatically. and enables ‘right-first-time’
PDMS enables teams of designers from a range of different disciplines to work z Accurate materials information
concurrently to develop a complete digital model of a process or power plant. eliminates over-ordering
and delays on site due to a
Each discipline works within its own specialist 3D environment, but is still able lack of required materials or
to view all of the design work taking place around them. information.
An extensive catalogue of predefined parametric components and objects can More effective use of globally
dispersed design teams
be quickly selected and positioned within the model, and then automatically
checked for clashes and integrity using configurable rules. Changes made as z PDMS, combined with AVEVA
the design evolves are highlighted and tracked, making it easier to identify, Global™, allows geographically
separate design teams to
manage and communicate the changes across the different disciplines. The work together as though they
end result is a more accurate, better quality design that helps avoid costly on- were in a single office. The
site rework. environment delivers high
performance for the designer,
centralised administration and
control, and protection from
communication limitations or
z Effective use can be made of
design capability, wherever
it exists. Project teams can
be quickly assembled and
Business Benefits Overview
Minimised schedule times Working with PDMS, engineers and PDMS is highly configurable and
designers can achieve very high levels of customisable to fit the working practices
z Reduced site work,
productivity on all types of plant project, of the organisation where it is being
concurrent multi-location
from the smallest plant upgrade project deployed. It can be easily adapted to
engineering, higher design
to new-build projects of unlimited size integrate with existing work processes,
efficiency and higher quality
and complexity. PDMS users range from but can also help drive business process
all combine to reduce
small engineering contractors to many of change within an organisation to
schedule time.
the world’s largest multinational process improve competitiveness.
z Greater ability to react quickly and power companies.
to major project changes,
including the capability to As projects are increasingly executed
change the project structure globally, PDMS, combined with AVEVA
during execution and to Global, delivers powerful work-share
dynamically add in new functionality. This enables complex,
locations or remove existing multi-site collaborative projects to be
ones, all protect the project executed using a ‘virtual design office’.
schedule. Projects can utilise PDMS resources
wherever they are located in the world,
and smaller EPCs can contribute to large
projects as part of a global team.
Key Features
z PDMS provides a fully interactive, z Advanced 3D editing features with
easy-to-use 3D environment for every graphical handles and numeric
designer on the project. feedback make design and modification
quick and easy.
z As the designers work with their
specialist functions, they have visibility z Built-in intelligence, combined with
of the entire design at all times. configurable rules and associations,
To create their part of the design ensures that designers are highly
they place instances of parametric productive during all design and
components from a catalogue modification activities.
(under the control of engineering
specifications) and, in doing so, z Design and component information
construct a highly intelligent PDMS from earlier PDMS projects can be
database. reused or shared across multiple
projects. Utilities to change pipe size or
z Clash checking and configurable specification enable rapid modification
integrity checking rules identify errors to adjust to new project conditions.
and inconsistencies across the design.
z The standard PDMS application can be
z Conventional issue, revision, and customised to fit individual industry or
change-control processes can all be project requirements, or to add further
applied without introducing a large design rules or automation into the
overhead or delays in projects which design process.
can have many hundred users.
z Undo and Redo facilities are widely
available. Whole or part projects can be
rewound to any previous state.
z The Equipment functions build 3D models for all kinds of plant z To create an equipment item in the design, the relevant template
items, from pumps and exchangers through to complex items is selected and the required parameters are defined.
such as reactor vessels and compressors. They are used in all
kinds of layout studies, arrangement drawings and connectivity z Equipment templates allow complex parameterised design
or clash checks. configurations to be defined so that they can be quickly and
easily reused, even across multiple projects.
z Multiple graphical representations are available, so that spaces
required for key maintenance activities can be visualised and z Equipment items include intelligent connection points, with
clash checked during layout and design. relevant attributes, for the connection of associated piping,
ducting, instrument and electrical systems.
An equipment template
Key Features (continued)
z The Piping functions build a fully detailed model of all piping
systems, based on component catalogues and engineering
specifications. From the piping model, Piping General
Arrangement drawings, isometric drawings and bills of
quantity are produced.
z As the design reaches fabrication, the PDMS spooling z The ducting model can be split into spool parts for manufacture
functionality manages the creation of individual spool isos, and pre-assembly and automatic spool and isometric drawings
including the creation of fully intelligent weld items in the model can be automatically produced.
database, which can be maintained across multiple revision
cycles. z PDMS integrates with AVEVA Multi-Discipline Supports for the
design of ducting supports.
z Curved, tapered and built-up beams are all available. z Joint catalogues contain standard types of joints including
cleats, end plates and sniped end preparations. Joint
z The Panels and Plates function defines and maintains flat definitions are parameterised so that, if a section related to a
panels of any shape. joint is resized, the joint can be resized automatically.
z The Walls and Floors function enables designers to define z Fitting catalogues contain a selection of parameterised
and maintain walls and floors of standard shapes. structural and industrial fittings including lifting lugs,
stiffeners, windows and doors.
z Fittings can be added to all types of beams, plates, walls,
floors and so on, to apply items such as doors, windows, z A range of interfacing options is available to link to specialist
intelligent piping penetrations, stiffeners, lifting lugs and fire- analysis software and specialist structural fabrication
proofing. systems.
Copyright © 2013 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. APDMS/DS/13/B.
Information in this datasheet relates to product version 12.1 unless otherwise stated. Tel +44 (0)1223 556655 | Fax +44 (0)1223 556666 | www.aveva.com/contact