Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation
Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation
Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation
Shallow Foundation
Bearing Capacity Of Shallow Foundation
ΣFv = 0
1 γ B2tan ø + quxB = 2Pp +2C’ × Li sinø’
qu× B = 2Pp + BC’ tanø’ - ¼ γ B2tanø’ –------ (1)
The resultant passive pressure (Pp) on the surface
CB & CA constitutes three components ie. (Pp)r,
(Pp)c & (Pp) q,
Pp = (Pp)r + (Pp)c + (Pp)q
qu× B= 2[ (Pp)r +(Pp)c +(Pp)q ]+ Bc’tanø’-¼ γ B2 tanø’
Thus, Nc’,Nq’ & Nr’ are B.C. factors for local shear failure
When, Dw =0
& when x = 0
Nc,Nq, & Nr are Hansen’s B.C factors which are
some what smaller than Terzaghi’s B.C. factors.
Sc.Sq &Sr are shape factors which are
independent of angle of shearing resistance;
dc,dq, & dr are depth factors ;
Ic, iq & ir are iodination factors
The same form of equation has been
adopted by I.S. 6403 –1971 & may be used
for general form as
Si = q B 1- μ2/Es I
q -uniformly distributed load.
B - characteristic length of loaded area,
Es - modulus of elasticity of the soil.
μ - poisson's ratio.
I - influence factor which dependent upon
elastic properties of base & shape at base.
Alternatively, the value of [1- μ2/Es] I can be
determined from the plate load test.
b) On Cohesionless Soils
According to Stuartmann & Hartman immediate
settlement on Cohesionless soils is given by -
S i = C1C2 ( q − q ) ∫ ∆∈
Z =0 S
Where, C1 -Correction factor for depth of foundation
C2 - correction factor for creep is soils.
q - pressure at the level of foundation
q -surcharge (γ Df)
Es- modulus of elasticity = 766 N (KN/m2) from SPT
= 2qc from SCPT
Settlement of foundation on Cohesionless Soils
Settlement of foundations on Cohesionless soils are
generally determined indirectly using the semi-empirical
1. Static Cone Penetration method
In this, the sand layer is divided into small layers such
that each small layer has approximately constant value
of the cone resistance. The average value of the cone
resistance of each small layer is determined.
The settlement of each layer is determined using the
following equation-
S = H/C Log (σ0 + Δ σ) / σ0
Where, c = 1.5 qc/ σ0
in which qC - static cone resistance
σ0 - mean effective overburden pressure,
σ - Increase is pressure at center of layer
due to net foundation pressure.
H - thickness of layer.
The total settlement of the entire layer is
equal to the sum of settlements of individual layers.
2. Standard Penetration Test
IS 8009 (part I) 1976 gives a chart for the calculation of
settlement per unit pressure as a foundation of the width
of footing & the standard penetration number.
3. Plate Load Test
The settlement of the footing can be determined from the
settlement of the plate in the plate load test.
Differential Settlement :
* The difference between the magnitudes of
settlements at any two points is known as
differential settlement.
* If there is large differential settlement
between various part of a structure, distortion
may occur due to additional moments
* The differential settlement may caused due
to tilting of a rigid base, dishing of flexible
base or due to non uniformity of loading.
* If S1 & S2 are the settlements at two
points,then differential settlement is
∆ = S1 -S2
Angular distortion = (S - S ) / L = ∆ /L
* It is difficult to predict the differential
* It is generally observed indirectly
from the maximum settlement.
* It is observed that the differential
settlement is less than 50% of the
maximum settlement is most of the
The differential settlement can be
reduced by providing rigid rafts,
founding the structures at great depth
& avoiding the eccentric loading.
Allowable Settlement
* The allowable maximum settlement
depends upon the type of soil, the type of
foundation & the structural framing system.
* The maximum settlement ranging from
20mm to 300mm is generally permitted for
various structures.
* IS 1904-1978 gives values of the maximum
& differential settlements of different type of
Sand & hard Plastic clay
i) steel struct 50mm 0.0033L 1/300 50mm 0.0033L 1/300
ii) RCC struct 50mm 0.0015L 1/666 75mm 0.0015L 1/666
i) steel struct 75mm 0.0033L 1/300 100mm 0.0033L 1/300
ii) Rcc struct. 75mm 0.002L 1/500 100mm 0.002L 1/500
n -
Sf = ∑ ( mv ) i ( ∆ ∂ ) i ( ∆z ) i ........(2)
i =1
Final Settlement Using Void Ratio
∆ H = Ho (∆ e / 1 + eo )
Cc σ 0 + Δσ
Sf = Ho Log
1+e0 10
Cr σ 0 + Δσ
Sf = Ho Log
1+e0 10