Securities and Exchange Commission: Republic of The Philippines
Securities and Exchange Commission: Republic of The Philippines
Securities and Exchange Commission: Republic of The Philippines
Securities and Exchange Commission
SEC Bldg. EDSA, Greenhills, Mandaluyong City
I. These Guidelines shall apply to companies that are mandated under SRC Rule.
68, as amended, to adopt the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS)as
their financial reporting framework.
II. The terms "reporting entity" as used in these Guidelines, shall mean a
corporation that is mandated to adopt the PFRS,and that has a funded
retirement fund for its employees.
III. Under paragraph 9 of PAS 24, "a party is related to an entity if the party is a
post-employment benefit plan1 of the employees of an entity, or of any entity
that is a related party of the entity. A related party transaction is defined under
the same paragraph as a transfer of resources, services, or obligations between
related parties, regardless of whether a price ischarged."
IV. The entity is required under PAS 24 "to disclose information about any
transaction with a related party (the retirement fund, in this case) and
outstanding balances necessary for an understanding of the potential effect of
the relationship on the financial statements. At a minimum, disclosures shall
1 Post-employment benefit plans are formal or informal arrangements under which an entity
. provides post-employment benefits for one or more employees.
Phil. Star, January 9, 2013
!"1anila Stardard, January 9, 2013
1) The amount of the transactions;
2) The amount of outstanding balances, their terms and conditions including
whether they are secured, and the nature of the consideration to be
provided in settlement, and details of any guarantees given or received;
3) Provisions for doubtful debts related to the amount of outstanding balances;
4) The expense recognized during the period in respect of bad or doubtful
debts due from related parties. "
VI. Given the aforementioned general provisions of PAS24 and that the disclosures
under paragraph 17 of PAS24 do not provide an understanding of the potential
effects of the transactions of the reporting entity with its employees' retirement
fund as stated in section V above, these Guidelines shall be observed by
disclosing the specific and more detailed information on transactions of a
reporting entity with a retirement fund of its employees, pursuant to the powers
of the Commission to make, amend and rescind accounting rules and
regulations to carry out the provisions of the Securities Regulation Code which
includes the power to prescribe the form or forms in which the required
information shall be set as well as details therein.
VII. The following disclosures must be provided in the annual financial statements of
a reporting entity that has transactions either directly or indirectly through its
subsidiaries, with its employees' retirement benefit fund (the "fund"):
1) Information whether the reporting entity's fund is in the form of a trust being
maintained by a trustee bank or trust company, or in the form of a
corporation which has been created for the purpose of managing the fund;
3) Description of the assets and investments of the fund. The disclosure shall
include a brief description of each category such as the market for equity or
debt securities, information on the land or building;
6) If the fund has investments in the securities (debt or equity) of the related
entity, a disclosure of the following information:
(iii) The amount of gains or losses of the fund arising from its investment in
the securities of the reporting entity and/or its subsidiaries. The gains and
lossesshall be presented per type of security.
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