Las Claves Genéticas - Richard Rudd
Las Claves Genéticas - Richard Rudd
Las Claves Genéticas - Richard Rudd
Mireille Claustres
Laboratoire de Genetique Moleculaire et Chromosomique, CHU de Montpellier, Institut Universitaire de Recherche
Clinique (lURC), 641 Avenue du Doyen Gaston Giraud, 34093, Montpellier Cedex 5. France
Correspondence: Tel: -H33 4 67415360: Fax: -i-33 4 67415365; e-mail:
Congenital bilateral absence of the vas cleferens (CBAVD) is a form of inleriiiiiy with an aulosotnal recessive t;enetic
background in otherwise healthy males. CBAVD is caused by cystie fibrosis tnuismembrane conductance regulator [CFTR)
gene mutations on both alleles in approximately 80% of Striking CFTR genotypic differences are observed in cystic
fibrosis (CF) and in CBAVD. ITie 5T allele is a CBAVD mutation with incomplete penetranco. Recent evidence confirmed that
a second polymorphic locus exists and is a major CFTR tnodifier. The development of niinigene models have led to results
suggesting that CFTR exon 9 is skipped in humans liecause of unusual suboplimal 5' splice sites. An extremely rare T.3 allele
has been reported and It has recently been confirmed that the T3 allele dramatically increases exon 9 skipping and should be
considered as a "CF" mutation. Routine testing for the most prevalenl mutations in the CF Caucasian population will miss most
CFTR gene alterations, which can be detected only ihrough exhaustive scanning ol' CFTR sequences. Finally, a higher than
expected frequency of CFTR mutations and/or polymorphisms is now found in a growing number of monosymptomatic
disorders, which creates a dilemma for setting nosologic boundaries between CF and diseases related to CFTR.
Keywords: alternative splicing, congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens. cystic ftbrosis tran.smembrtine conductance
regulator, polyvariant mutant genes, variable penetrance
5- so-
1. Seminal pH. volume, and fruclose content in falhers nol tested for CFTR mutations (A), in men with a/oospcrniia
without CHTR mutation (B).aiid in men with azoospermia and CFTR mutaiion (C) (from Von Eckardstein elal.. 2000). Diagnosis
of CBAVD is based on impalpable vas deferens on serotal examination and/or a missing segment of the vas on transreetal
ultrasonography (Oates and Amos. 1994). The leading signsofCB.AVD are total absence of spermatozoa associated with an acidic
ejaculate composed only of prostatic secretions, with low pH (average <6.8). low volume (<t.5 ml) and low concentrations of
fructose of the ejiiculate. as consequence* of dysplasia or absence of the seminal vesicles {which contribute up to 70% of the normal
ejaculate volume). Seminal plasma markers provide an effeeiive method to predict CFTR mutations in men with obstructive
azoospermia: pH <7.4 and fructose levels <2 pmoi/ejaculate had lhe highest sensitivity and specificity for the prediction of the
presence of CFTR mutation in CBAVD (de la Taille ef al.. 1998; Von Eckardstein el at.. 2(XX)). On surgical exploration the
intrascrotal parts of the vasa deterentia are not detectable or are reduced to fibrotic cords. CBAVD is regularly accompanied by
aplasia ofthe epididymal tail and body and various anatomical or functional abnormalities of lhe seminal vesicles including
hypoplasia and aplasia (Goldstein and Schlossberg. I99K). Usually CBAVD patients have a normal or nearly normal lesticuUir
volume, with a tendency towards a lower volume (Ramos et at., 2004). Testicular biopsy demonstrates normal or
hypospermatogenie activity. The simplified and iess invasive PESA (percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration) procedure has
been recently proven to be an efficient diagnostic tool to confirm an obsiruciive a/oospermia (Ramos ei al.. 2004). Renal
ultrasonography is recominended to all patients to assess renal morphology and organ presence, in about IO-2O'?f ofthe patients,
a renal anomaly is also present. In addition to CFTR genetic testing, sweat testing and clinical evaluation for CF-related signs
should be included in the evaluation of CBAVD.
also revealed that most CBAVD patients of whom the entire Cystic fibrosis and mutations of the
coding sequence had been analysed did nol seem to carry
mutations on both copies of the gene, which was tinexpected
CFTR gene
for an autosomal recessive inheritance. A crucial step in the CF is the most common lethal, autosomal recessive genetic
assessment of a common genetic etiology for CF and disorder among Caucasians, with an estimated incidence
CBAVD was the report from Chillon et at. (1993) that the ranging from I in 1700 live births in Nonhem Ireland to I in
.so-called 'normal" a I lele o f many hetcrozygotes was lO.O(H) in Mediterranean populations of Europe. The disease
carrying the same variation in a non-coding DNA sequence. was described in the 1950s when children were dying of
called the '5T allele'. This variant had been previously pancreatic insufficiency, failure lo thrive and respiratory
demonstrated to be an intronic splicing variant thai reduces infections, and il was called 'cystic fihrosis of the pancreas'.
the amount of functional CFTR protein at the cell membrane The median age of diagnosis is 7 months, with 66% of the
(Chu (•/ at.. 1991. 1992). The frequency of the 5T allele in affected individuals diagnosed by I year of age. Without
CBAVD patients was up to six times (30%) higher than in treatment, CF is typically a fatal disorder in infancy and
the general population (5%). and 34% of men with CBAVD childhood, secondary to fat malabsorption due to pancreatic
had inherited a CFTR mutation on one gene and a 5T allele enzymes deficiency, failure to thrive and progressive
on the other one. a combination that would not result in CF respiratory infections. The concentration of salt in the sweat of
but does result in enough of a reduction in CFTR protein to CF patients i.s greatly elevated (>60 mmol/l. 3-5 times
produce isolated CBAVD (Chillon e/a/.. 1995). For the normal), which is used as a diagnostic test for the disease.
12 years, increasing amounts of data have documented the Today, improved management of symptoms often preserves
link between most cases of CBAVD and alteralions within life into adulthood, and the median length of survival has
the CFTR gene (reviewed in de Braekeeler and Ferec. 1966: increased from roughly I year in 1950 lo more than 30 years.
Lissens ft at.. 1996; Patrizio and Zieienski, 1996; Lissens However, as there is still no curative treatment of CF. patients
and Liebaers. 1997; Meschede et«/.. 1998; Phillipson, 1998: continue to have a considerable burden of illness and die
Patrizio and Leonard. 2000; Quinzii and Castellani. 2000: prematurely. largely because of chronic pulmonary damage
Stuhrmann and Dork, 2000; Weiske et al.. 2000). The generated by excessive inllammation and chronic infection. A
present report is focused on (he current knowledge of the better understanding of CFTR mutations will lead to novel
molecular basis of CBAVD. therapeutic strategies. More than 96% of men with CF have
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus - M Claustres
anomalies in the WollTian structures causing obstructive Two categories of CF mutations (severe
azoospermia and infertility (Kaplan e\ «/.. I9()8). and mild) contribute to clinical variation
Spermatogenesis persists, but the body and tail of the
epididymis, vas deferens and seminal vesicles are atrophic
or absent. CFTR mutations express their effects trough a variety of
molecular mechanisms that include either the failure
More than 1200 mutations can affect of production of CFTR protein or the elaboration of a
CFTR function mutant protein with little or no functional CFTR activity
on the apical membrane (Figure i). The extent to which
Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in the CFTR gene on various CFTR alleles contribute to ciinicai variation in CF
the long arm of chromosome 7. which encodes a has been extensively evaluated by genotype-phenotype
glycosylated transmembrane protein that functions as a studies (reviewed in Estivill. 1996; Kerem and Kerem,
chloride channel, regulating salt and water transport in I996a,b: Tsui and Durie. 1997: Zielenski. 2000). The only
plasma membranes oC epithelial cells {Figure 2). CFTR is
symptom that correlates well with the mutational
also involved in bicarbonate transport (Choi ei al.. 2001)
genotype is the pancreatic funetion. which was found to
and the regulation oT other channels (reviewed by
be concordant among affected siblings, In CF patients
Schwiebert ei al., 1999). Absent or critically low levels of
from the same family, the pancreatic function, whether
CFTR lead to viscous secretions that obstruct the lumen of
the pancreatic ducts, biliary tract, airways, sinuses. sufficient or insufficient, is almost the same, indicating
gastrointestinal tract and reproductive tissues. The most that the pancreatic status is detertnined primarily by the
common CF mutatit)n worldwide is a deletion of three bases genotype at the CFTR locus. Other symptoms, such as
in exon 10 encoding a phenylalanine residue at position 50S lung disease .may vary considerably among these sibships
within the first NBD. named F508de! (or AF5()8), which and are poorly conelated to CFTR genotype (Zielenski..
impairs the ability of CFTR to fold in the endoplasmic 2000). In approximately 85% of CF patients, the exocrine
reticuluiii. thereby enhancing the degradation ofthe protein. pancreas is profoundly affected (PI. pancreatic
The FSOSdel mutation accounts for approximately 67'7( of insufficiency). Without sufficient fluid and bicarbonate
the CFTR genes in CF patients from European descent and due to complete loss of CFTR function, digestive
is present in about 89% of all patients with classic CF. The proenzymes are retained in pancreatic ducts and
Irequency of F508del varies considerably between prematurely activated, ultimately leading to tissue
populations and shows a decreasing northwest-to-southeast destruction and fibrosis. in addition to malabsorption
gradient in Europe, being as high as 87% in Danish patients (Durie. 1998; Choi et al.. 2001; Reddy and Quinton,
and as low as 40-60% in Mediterranean countries. It is 2003). In the remaining 15% of CF patients, the exocrine
postulated that the mutation diffused with the movement of pancreas is abnormal but functionally adequate and
Neolithic farmers from the Middle East, Based on patients do not need pancreatic en/yme supplementation
assumptions of mutation rate of short tandem repeats and of (PS. pancreatic sufficiency). Analysis of CF mutations in
the demographic history of the European population, the patients with CF-Pl or CF-PS revealed two categories of
age of the F508de! mutation has been estimated to be alleles. severe and mild (Kristidis et at., 1992) (Figure 3).
300-2500 generations old (10.000-50.000 years) (Kaplan A severe mutation on a CFTR gene inherited from one
el al.. 1994; Morral et aL, 1994; Wiuf. 2001), Its high parent confers a PI phenotype only if combined with
frequency in Caucasians is explained by a selective another severe mutation on the gene inherited from the
advantage ol' carriers who might have better resistance to other parent, whereas a mild mutation confers a PS
pathogens (as an example, it is postulated that F508del phenotype in n 'dominant' fashion even if the other
heterozygotes had an advantage in surviving cholera; mutation is severe. Mutations that belong to classes I, 2.
Gabriel ct al.. 1994). although it is still a matter of
and 3 result in the complete functional ioss of CFTR
controversy. Since the discovery of the CFTR gene in 1989.
protein from the epithelial cell surface and Tall in the
reports from many laboratories documented a growing
category of "severe" alleles. Mutations included in
number of less common mutations (mostly missense or
classes 4 and 5 are referred to as "mild" and provide
nonsense mutations). Today more than 1300 alterations in
the CFTR gene are compiled in an electronic database enough residual CFTR function to compensate for lack of
maintained by Toronto Sick Children's Hospital (Cystic function corresponding to a severe allele. so that
Pibrosis Mutation Database. 2004). The vast majority of compound heterozygotes of a severe and a mild mutation
CFTR mutations are point mutations, changing a few bases are. usually, pancreatic sufficient.
or only one base in the genomic CFTR sequence. The
majority of the mutation.s are rare (less than a dozen have a Distinct spectrum of CFTR gene
frequency above 1%). or have been found in only a few
number of cases the world, or are unique to a
mutations and genotypes In CF
particular individual or family. There are relatively few and in CBAVD
genomic rearrangements such as large deletions or
insertions within the CF7R gene, however they may be From the compilation of six large studies, totalling
underestimated as they cannot be detected by standard 1150 CBAVD patients who have been extensively
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based techniques used for investigated for CFFR mutations, the three most common
diagnosis (Audrezet a al.. 2004). CFTR mutations in Caucasian men with CBAVD are
F5O8del (21.5%' of aileles. versus 67% in the CF
population), the 5T variant \]Wi of alleles. which is an
average 4'fold higher than in the general population (5%)J, and
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus - M
{ ( ( [ f f f f f ( { ( { {
27 cxoiu
CFTR protein
(1.480 aminu acids)
Figure 2. The CFTR gene and protein: the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis was discovered in 1989 by positional cloning (Kerem
etui.. 19S9; Riordan tv<j/., 19S9: Rommensfra/., 1989) and the cDN A sequence was determined in 1991 along with the locations of
intron/exon boundaries (Zielenski et al., 1991). The gene spans -190 kb of genomic DNA on region q31.2 of chromosome 7
(Ellsworth, 2(XK)) and consists of 27 short exonic sequences that code for proteins (exons) interspersed with very long non-coding
intronic sequences. The exons iire numbered 1-24 with subdivisions A and B lor exons 6. 14 and 17. because these cxons were
recognized as separate units after the initial publicafion of the gene (Zielenski ei al.. 1991). The Cl-TR promoter harbours the
characteristic of a "housekeeping'-type gene, and the gene i.s transcribed in freshly isolated nonnal bronchial epithelial cells ai a
relatively low rate (Yoshimura ei al.., 1991), producing about two CFTR mRNA tnuiscripts per cell (Trapnell. 1993), Following
triinseription. pre-mRNA involves the joining logcther of all exons (and discarding the introns) in a continuous sequence lo form a
mature transcript (CFTR mRNA) of 6.5 kb that will be translated into a 14X0 amino acid prolein of approximately 16S kDa which
forms a transmembrane ionic channel ciilled CFTR. cystic fibrosis tninsmembrane conduciance regulator (Rinrdan cl al.. 1989;
Rommens ei al.. 1989). The CFTR gene is also named 'ABCC7' because it enctxies a protein which is a member of the ATP-binding
cassette (ABC) superfamily of membrane transporters thai includes the muUidrug resistance-associated protein (MDR), CFTR is an
integral membrane protein that functions principally as a cAMP-regulaicd chloride channel Ihat controls the ion and water content in
glandular tissues. It consists of two membrane-spanning regions (TM),each comprising six subunits. two nucleotidc binding domains
(NBD) and a cytoplasmic regulatory domain (R). unique within the ABC family, which contains many [Xilential sites tor
phosphoryiation by protein (reviewed by Akiibas, 2000). The TM define ihc CFTR chloride channel, while ihe NBD and the
R domain mediate channel gating. Surprisingly, wild-type CFTR is inefficient at its own bio.synthesis, CFTR is subjected to a complex
processing including glycosylation in the Golgi apparatus and ATP-dependent conform ation al maturation in the membranes of
endoplasmic reliculum assisted by chaperones. As a result, only 3O*7c of the immature u ild-iype CFTR molecules transit lo the late
secretory pathway and reach the pkisma membrane. 10% are trapped in the endoplasmic reliculum-assiK'iated degradation pathway:
they are ubiquilinated and retrolranslocated to the cytosol where they undergo proteasomal degradation (Gelman and Kopito. 2(X.)3).
CFTR is expressed in the apical plasma membnme of secretory and reabsorptive epithelia and allows the transepithelial movement of
water and solute by mediating chloride translocation across ihe plasmii membrane. H2N refers to the N-terminal end and COOH lo the
C-tenniniil end ofthe CFTR protein.
Symposium - Molecular patholo^ of the CFTR locus - M Claustres
4 (PS) 5 (PS)
Normal Conductance Quantity'
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus - M Ctaii.stre.\
Figure 3. The molecular consequences of CFTR mutations (adapted from Welsh and SniTih, 1993; Zielenski ;intt Tsui. 1995;
Estiviil. 1996). Although insights into the mechiinism of dysfunction by functional testing of mutants expressed in cell lines has
been obtained Tor only a small proportion of the more than 1300 reported mutations in the CFTR gene, (hey have been classified
into six main different groups according to the mechanism by which they alter CFfR chloride channel funciion. Class I:
mutations interfere wilh CFTR production. These result in the introduction of a premature signal for termination of tr;inslation
(stop codon) in the niRNA. The truncated proteins are unstable and are recognized by chapenine proteins in the endophismic
reticulum and are rapidly degraded. The net effect is no CFTR protein at the apical membrane. Examples include nonsense
(G542X), frameshifl (3659delC) or severe splicing (1717-lG-^A) mutations. Class 2: mutations affect protein maturation. These
lead to the production of a protein that cannot be trafficked to its site of function on the apical membrane. Mutant proteins are
mostly retained in the endophismic reticulum. failing to mature into fully glycosylatcd fomis and immediately targeted for
proteolytic degradation in the proteasome.The end result is absence ol'CFTR protein at the apical membrane ofthe cell. The most
common mutation responsible for CF is a deletion of a single amino acid, F?08del. Another example is the missense mutation
NI3O3K. which substitutes an asparagine residue fora lysine at position 1303. Class 3: mutations affect channel regulation. The
mutated protein is properly trafficked and localized to the plasma membrane but cannot be activated or function as a chloride
channel. Al! mutations so far attributed to this group are located within the NBD, such as missense mutations G55ID in NBDI
or G1349D in NBD2. Class 4: mutations affect chloride conductance. The CFTR protein is correctly trafficked to the cell
membrane and is capable of being activated but generates reduced Cl~ current by altering the rate of ion How or the opening time
ofthe channel. Most of class 4 mutations are located within the membrane-spanning domains, such as missense mutations RI 17H.
R334W or R347P. They confer a milder phenotype. even in combination with a severe allele. Class 5: mutations reduce the levels
of a normally functioning CFTR. Various mutations or sequence variations may be associated with reduced amount of functional
CFTR at the apical membrane, due to partially aberrant splicing (3849+10kbC-*T. 2789H-5G-*A. or the 5T allele) or inefficienl
trafficking (A455E). Mutants in this group are predicted to result in milder or monosymptomatic phenotypes. Class 6: mutations
decrease stability of CFTR present or affect the regulation of other channels. Recently, two new classes of mutants have been
added. Class 6A mutants lack the last residues of CFTR (Q14I2X. SI455X.4279insA.4326delTC). which dramatically reduces
the apical stability of the protein (Haardt. 1999). Class 6B mutants are unable to interact properly with other ion channels, such
as missense mutation G55ID and the ORCC (outwardly rectifying chloride channel) (Fulmer ct al.. 1995). Although they have
been investigated in a few patients, most elass 6 mutants should be considered as severe. Grouping mutations into different classes
is useful for understanding the mechanisms of dysfunction. However a single mutation can cause more than one type of
abnormality, and hence fall into multiple classes (for example, missense P574H is both a class 2 and class 4 mutation, missense
G.'S.'ilD is both a class 3 and 6B mutation). With reference to ihe pancreatic status, mutations that produce no functional CFTR at
llic apieal membrane (1-3 and b) contribute to pancreatic insufficiency (PI) and are classified as 'severe', wheieas mutations with
residual function (4 and 5) tend to sustain pancreatic function (PS) and are classified as 'tTilId'. However, certain missense
mutations (such as G85E) may confer a variable panereatic phenotype.
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus - M Claustres
RM7H (6,4 versus 0.5%) (Table 1), An extensive colleclion of variable deletion of exon 9 in CFTR mRNA iranscripls. the
mutations identified by 19 laboratories in France illustrates the region encompassing exon 9 was sequenced. and it was found
extreme heterogeneity of CFI'R alleies and the different thai the degree of CFTR exon 9 skipping was inversely
distribution of mutations and genotypes in CF and CBAVD correlated with the length ofa polymorphie polythymidine tract
(Claustres ct al..2000) (Figure 4). Almost 987^ of a total of 3710 (Tn) upstream of the exon (Figure 5). Individuals carrying
patients with classic CF had a( least one CF mutanl aliele common 7T or 9T alleles al this locus produced 9-25% of
identified al Ihe time of the study, including 3312 patients (89'/() U"anscTipts without exon 9. wherea,s individuals carrying a .*>T
with iwo mutations and 318 patients (9%) with only one aliele produced 62-66% of incomplete mRNAs. Extensive
mutation, and 310 different CFTR mutations were recorded. In quantification of CFTR transcripts in large series of individuals
the group of 8(X) men with CBAVD. a total of 137 different with different combinations of Tn alleles confirmed ihat the
mutations scattered over the whole gene were identillcd. shoner the Tn trad the greater the relative amount of CITR
including al least II complex alleles (more th:m one sequence mRNA transcripts without exon 9 present in respiratory
change on a single gene). Seventy-three (53%) of these epithelium, wilh rare individuals homozygous for the 5T allele
mutations were also present in the CF cohort, while 64 others predicted to prwluce up to 90% of aberrant mRNAs (Chu et al..
(47%) wet^ detected in CBAVD only. In 3303 patients with CF 1992). Il was concluded that, in the presence of a ?>T allele. Ihe
and 381 men with CBAVD in whom the two mutations had been polypyrimidine tract is loo short and is under-utili/ed as a splice
identified, we reckoned up to 481 and 131 different mutation acceptor site, resulting in reduced efficiency of exon 9 splicing.
genotypes respectively. Distribution and frequencies of The CFTR mRNA deleted tor exon 9 maintains an ofwn reading
genotypes were markedly different between CBAVD and CF frame iind would etieode a CFTR isofomi that is missing 6()
(Figure 4). Overall. X87f of patients wilh CF had inherited two amino acids (fnim 404 through 4()4) of the llrst NBD, Given the
severe mutations :uid 12% had inherited a severe combined to a important role for NBD i, it was suiprising to observe thai normal
mild or vtiriable mutation. None of the CBAVD patients was individuals can have up to 66% of bronchial CFTR mRNA
homozygote for F508del or compound heterozygote for two iranscripis that are missing exon 9. a region representing 21 % of
severe mutations; they had either a sevens and a mild (.HS9e) or the sequence cixling for the critical NBDl, As expected, it was
two mild (12''/f) mutations. The combination of ihe 5T allele in demonstrated that the protein pnxluced by CFTR mRNA without
one copy of the Cl-TR gene w ith a CF mutation in ihe other copy exon 9 is not properly processed and is not capable of generating
was the most eommon cause of CBAVD. Cl" conductance in response to cAMP (Delaney et at.. 1993;
Strong ('/«/., 1993).Il was postulated that, since the length ofthe
CBAVD in non-Caucasian populations polypyrimidine loeus Tn in intron 8 directly influences the
efficiency of exon 9 spHeing in CFTR and detennines the
Cystic fibrosis is presumed to be rare in Asian or Oriental percentage of functional CFTR transcripts produced, this could
populations, with incidence estimated as 1 in l(X).0(Xt-30(l.(KX) cause an effect similar to a 'mild' CFFR inutation. with low
live births in Japan (Yamashiro ei at.. 1997) and less than one in levels of expression of nonnal CFTR, These results also
90.000 live births among Orientals. By CBAVD/CFTR suggested that only a very small fraction of functional full-length
does not seem uncommon in these populations, as illustrated by CFTR is needed to maintain a clinically nonnal phenotype in
recent series of CFTR screening (Tdbic 1). Interestingly, only a bronchial epithelial cells in regard lo CF. iis individuals
few numlier of AF508 carriers were identiHed. but an exceptional homozygous for ihe 5T allele initially desedbed had no clinical
number of males were found with the 5T allele. which signsof CF. This 'threshold' level varies as !0-2.^% according to
represented 43.7%' of CBAVD alleies in Egyptian (Lissens ct al.. the strategy used for the quantification of CFTR trdnscripts (Chu
1999). 44.4'7r in Taiwanese (Wu ei al.. 2004). 30<7f in Japanese ei al.. 1992. 1W3: Mak et al.. 1997; Rave-Harel et al.. 1997).
(Anzai et al.. 2(X)3). and 20^/f in Turkish (Dayangac et at.. 2(H)4)
series. The frequency of the 5T allele in these populations, as
calculated from the study of the spouses of CBAVD patients, The 5T allele as a genetic modifier of a CF
does not seem different from that of Caucasian populations. A mutation
notable proportion of CBAVD males have homozygosity for the
A possible role for the 5T variant in disease was first suspected
5T allele, which has also been reported in a Tamil male from Sri
by the observation of variable phenoiypes when ii is associated
Lanka (Fokstuen ft al.. 2(KX)). These results show that the 5T
on a single ChTR gene (/;i vis) with a missense mutation
variant is involved in many cases of CBAVD even in populations
(R117H) whieh gives rise lo a partially funetional CFTR protein
where CF is rare, as initially observed by Dork er al. (1997). By
(Sheppard et at.. 1993). A high frequency of RI I7H mutations
contrast, the frequency and distribution of CFTR mutations are
wa-s obsei^ved in CBAVD palienls(Gervais <'/(//,. 1993). Analysis
very different from ihat tound in ELiro|iean populations, with
of Tn alieles co-segregating with RI 17H in groups of patients
Q13.'^2H and D1I52H as the most common mutations
with CF and CBAVD revealed a tendency ofthe R117H allele to
respectively in Japanese (13%) or Turkish (14,7%) CBAVD
be asstxiated wilh the 5T variiint in CF patients, whereas il was
alleles (Table 1),
associated with the 7T variant in CBAVD patients (Kiesewetter
et at.. 1993). This suggested thai, when paired in trans with
another CF mutation (carried on the other gene), the RI I7H-5T
The 5T variant as a CBAVD mutation allele would cause a classic CF-PS phenotyjx.'. R117H-7T would
cause CBAVD. and R!17H-9r would nol cause any
The CFTR exon 9 is skipped in humans (Kiesewetter c/fl/.. 1993). Indeed, the assoeiation Rll7H-9Twas
reported in a single ease so far. in a lO-month-oId
Analysis of CITR mRNA transcripis in epithelial cells from
African-American male baby who sweated heavily, presented
normal individuals deiiKinstrated that all had a proportion
wilh a low serum stxlium level, had a borderline sweat test value
(ranging from 9 to 66<3f) of CFTR mRNA transcripts without
and no CF clinical symptom al the time of the report (Friedman
exon 9 (Chu et at., 1991). To explore the possible cause of
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus - M Ctoustres
Table 1. Senes review of F5O8del. RI17H and IVS8-Tn frequencies in patients with CBAVD.
German (106) 26 13 11.3 43(30) K0.3 Dork etal. (19^7)
Spanish (110) 18 23 4 35(38) 83 Casals ('/ij/. (2()(K))
French (800) 22 19 4.4 134 (34) 79.4 Claustres f? a/. (2000)
Canadian (134) 20 21 6 12(15) 62 Zieienski era/. (1995)
Mak ('/«/. (1999)
Egyptian (20) 2.5 43.7 0 na na Lissens t'/d/. (1999)
Turkish (51) 2.9 19,6 0 25^(50) 72.5 Dayangae i-r«/. (2004)
Taiwanese (27) 0 44.4 0 1^(50) na Wu et al. (2004)
Japanese (19) 0 29 0 3(18) 47 Anzai et at. (2003)
"Numtwr of oilier dilTerent muialiiins tJentilled anil perceniage ol' lotal alleles.
Mututkin DI 152H wus ihe mow prevalent. ai:ctnjming for \4.1''i of alleles.
*^Muiation Q1-152H was ihe most prevalent, accouming tor H'^i of iilleles.
na = not avuilahlc.
^K (CF'PS)
^ V 88% 88%
sev/sev Figure 4. Spectrum of CFTR genotypes in CF or CBAVD
sev/mild patients with two mutations identified. In a subset of 3303
patients with CF and 381 patienls with CBAVD in whieh the
two CFTR mutations were identified in France, a total of 481
different mutation genotypes have been generated in CF and
131 in CBAVD (Ctaustres ct at.. 2000). In the group of CF
patients. SS'^/r carried two severe mutations |ineluding
homo/ygosity for F50Hdel (48%) and compound
heterOitygosity for F5O8del and another severe mutaiion
(39%)|, whereas 11.8% had a severe mutant in trans of a mild
or variable mutation and only 0.2''/{: inherited two mild
mutations (including three patients with the eomhination
F508del/5T). By contrast. CBAVD resulted cither from a
combination of a severe mutation ( 1-3) with a mild
mutation (classes 4 or 5) (88%) or from a combination of two
mild mutations (12%). A total of 22 mutation genotypes were
shared by the two groups of patients. The two most common
compound heterozygous genotype^i found in men with
CBAVD were F5O8del/5T (28%) and F50Sdel/R! 17H (6%).
scv scv ses'mild scv'fT niildmild mildST 5T/5T
Symposium - Molecular pathology of ihe CFTR locus - M Claustres
TGinr It I lAAACAG 51 t».O5)
Prrcenta^r ar
Normal CFTR
CFTR gene 9T/9T
IVS7 ^ ^ IVS8 ^ IVS9
Full-length CFTK mRNA mRNA wiihoul exon 9
• 5T/ST 10
Normal CFTR prolein No CFTRprolein
Figure 5. The 5T allele: a splicing variant that promotes CFTR exon ••) skipping in humiins. A polymorphic site in CFTR inlnm
8 (lVS8-Tn) influences ihe splicing of exon 9 and the level of CFTR protein production. In the general population, ilirec alleles
are found Lit iheTn locus, 5T (5% of alleles). 7T(84%) and 9T(ll%).Tran.scripts derived from genes thai carry five thymidines
{5T) at this UKUS have high levels of exon 9 skipping, whereas those with seven or nine thymidines (7T and 9T respectively) have
successively lower levels of skipping. Thus, humans produce two types o( CFTR mRNA, with or without exon 9. the proportion
of incomplete transcripts being inversely correlated wilh the length of ihe Tn alleles. lndi\ iduals honiozygous for Ihe .'iT alleie
may have 15-90% of mRNA missing exon 9. whereas individuals homozygous for 7T or 9'!'have less than 23 or \5% respectively
of mRNA without exon 9. Other combinations of alleles produce intennediate levels (Chu etal.. 1993; Rave-Harel et at., 1997;
Teng et at.. 1997: Larriba et al.. 1998). Two rare alleles at the Tn locus have been recently reported. A 3T allele was described in
a Gennan male with CF-PS (Buratti et al.. 2(X)I) and in a French patient with CBAVD (Disset et al.. 2004). A6T allele has been
found in a healthy German female carrier (Dork et al.. 2fHH ) and in two patients with CBAVD. one in France (Viel et al.. 2(K)4)
and the other in Turkey (Dayangac ci al., 20()4). IVS8 = intervening sequence (.intron) 8.
et al.. 1997). Thus, the RI i7H mutation on the 7T background higher than that ofthe general population (4-5%) (Chillon et
with a severe mutation hi trans affects mostly ihe male al.. 1995; Costes et al.. 1995: Jarvi er al.. 1995: Zielenski et
reproductive iraet and produces a sufficient level of partially at.. 1995: Dumur ei at.. 1996). Thus, the 5T allete in
functional CFTR in the lung to prevent a classical fonn of disease combination with a CFTR mutation on the olher chromosome
(although later onsel mild lung disease may be observed in some appeared to be one of the major causes of CBAVD. The study
cases), whereas on a 57 backgmund, the 5T variant enhances tlie of Chillon er at. (1995) about the frequency of 5T allele in
deleterious elTect of mutation RI 17H, prodticing a CF-PS tomi parents of CF children revealed that 9.^3% ofthe mothers and
because lower levels of panially functional CFTR are produced 4.14% of the fathers were heterozygous for the 5T variant,
both in the lung and the reproductive tract. The work of suggesting that a man could carry both a CF-chromosoinc and
Kiesewetter and colleagues suggested for the tirst time that the a 5T-chromosome and be normally fertile. Furthermore, if this
specific |VS8-Tn background on which a CFTR mutation resides variant eould cause CBAVD in all cases, then its frequency
could modulate disease severity in a tissue-specific manner. (0.05) combined with that of CF mutations in Europeans (0.04)
Several other mutations have been detected on a 5T background wouid predict that approximately I in 222 |( 1/500 carriers of a
(Dork (•/ al.. 1997: Claustres et al.. 2t)()0), but they have not been CF mutation and a 5T allele) -t- (1/400 .'^T homozygotes)|
extensively studied for genotype/phenotype relationship or Caucasian men could suffer from CBAVD (Zielenski et at.,
functional expression. The F508del in Europeans seems to have 1995). which is 4.5-fold higher than the estimaied ineidenee of
arisen only once on the 9T haplotype and is thus well spliced. CBAVD in the Caucasian population (I/IOOO) (Jequier et al.,
but produces a non-funetional protein 1985). Shin et al. (1997) retrospectively reviewed the fertility
status of 131 brothers of 105 men with CBAVD who attempted
conception and observed that only seven (5%) were found to
The 5T allele is a CBAVD mutation with have CBAVD themselves. Although it is possible that they
incomplete penetrance underestimated the true incidence ot brothers with CBAVD by
not defining the fertility status of married brothers who had not
Several independent studies totalling around ,300 CBAVD attempted to have children, their data suggested that this
patients showed that the frequency of the 5T allele in prevalence is five times lower than the 25% expeeted for an
individuals with CBAVD (19-24%) was 4-fold significantly
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus - M Claustres
autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. A discrepancy al.. 1997). In two independent studies, a significant higher
between the ratio of observed versus expected number of men proportion of transcript.s without exon 9 were observed in
uiih a particular phenotype is termed 'inconiplcie peiieirance". vasal cells compared with nasal cells from the same individual
which reOccls here that inheriiance of two abiinrma! alicles at (Mak et aL, 1997) t.)r from different individuals (Teng et al..
the CFTR locus may not be sufficient to produce CBAVD in I997J (Figure 6). Therefore, nasal epithelial cells produced
every case. It was apparent that the 5T variant could not be a more functional CFTR than the genital iraet. There is
fully penetrant disease causing allele. By comparing the variability in the efficiency of the splicing mechanism, not
frequency of the 5T allele in fathers (2.07) and in mothers only among different individuals but also between different
(4.67) of CF palients. the degree of penetrance for (he 5T organs ofthe same individual. These observations were further
variant in combination with a CF mutation with respecl lo confimied by Rave-Harel et al. {1997). who demonstrated ihat.
CBAVD was estimated as 0.56 (1-2.07/4.67) (Chillon et al.. in CBAVD mates, the level of normal transcripts (exon 9+)
1995). a figure .similar to 0.60 calculated from Canadian was lower in the epididymal epithelium than in the nasal
families (Zielcnskiff^)/.. 1995). epitheliutii. Furthermore, they also showed ihat Ihe level of
normal CFTR transcripts in nasal epithelial cells coirelated
Tissues are differentially sensitive to exon with the severity of lung disease. The discovery ol dilTerenlial
9 mis-splicing splicing efficiency between tissues that express CFTR.
provided new insights into the relationship between levels of
Major insighls into potential mechanisms underlying the normal CFTR and phenotype variation. First, the amount of
phenotypic divergence between CF and CBAVD were gained CFTR reL|uircti by each organ involved in CF or related
from the analysis of CFTR transcripts in the nasal epithelium diseases to maintain a normal phenotype may be variable. In
and genital tissues in normal individuals with different Tn some organs a small reduction in the level of normal
genotypes (Mak et al.. 1997: Rave-Harel ct al.. 1997: Teng et transcripts might lead lo dysfunction while others would not be
50 n
O Nasal epithelial
• Vas deferens
iS 30-
phenotype. thus presenting an isolated CBAVD without CF
26% pulmonar;- manifeslaiions. In conirasi. a normal CF carrier
carr>'ing the FSOSdcl mutation in one cop> of the CFTR gene
but the 7T variant in the other allele will produce enough full-
length CFTR mRNA in the reproductive tract (38%) from the
7T allele lo sustain a normal phenotype. The threshold level for
nomial/abnormal phenotype depicted in the figure is arbitrary:
it may var\' between organs and between individuals and also
varies between the published studies, depending on the
Lung Wolffian Lung Wolffian
different methods used in the quantitative analysis of exon 9+
CBAVD CF carrier transcripts (Mak et aL. 1997).
F508dei/5T F508del/7T
Symposium - Molecular pathology of llie CFTR locus - M Claustres
affected. Second, the 5T allele may then become a disease- ciij-acting elements that disrupt use of altemative splice sites
causing niutaiion for the vas deferens due to Ehe overall fFaustino and Cooper, 2003).
decrease in full-length CFTR mRNA in ihis ti.ssue. Third.
CB.-WD patienI^ have no puliiiotuiry disease probably because Potyvariant mutants and coding SNP
the amounts of functional niRNA may exceed the necessary (single nucleotide polymorphisms)
"threshold" transcript levels for a non-CF phenotype in the lung
(Figure 6). Founh. the high frequency of mild CFTR It has been postulated that common polymorphisms so far
muiiUions in patients with CBAVD suggested that the vas considered as 'neulral" might have functional consequences on
deferens was one of the tissues most susceptible to the effects the CFTR mRNA or the protein and play a role in the
of changes in CFTR activity. penetrance ofthe -'iT allele. In contrast with the polymorphic
loci TGm and Tn. the M47OV locus is polymoiphic at the
Another polymorphism, the TG tract, amino acid level. The two alleles. M and V at position 470,
explains the partial penetrance of the 5T were transiently expressed in COS cells, and their kinetics of
allele as a CBAVD disease mutation maturation and degradation were studied by Cuppens et al.
(1998). They have described potential functional differences
Cuppen.s et ul. (1998) postulated that another polymorphic for the two CFTR variants M and V47() (A or G at nucleolide
locus based on TG repeats (with alleles ranging from *•) to 13 position 1340 respectively), with the V47O variant resulting in
repeats) placed immediately upsiream of the Tn site, might decreased functional CFTR and the M47() maturing more
affect the efficiency of exon 9 inclusion In the CFTR mRNA. slowly. We have reported a strong association of the 5T allele
in combjnalion or independently from the Tn locus. The TG with the valine at position 470 (de Meeus et ul.. I998a,b),
and T tracts are present in the pre-mRNA(as UG and U) within which has been further conlirmed in a Spanish sample (Casals
ihe y splice site of exon y and hence could have a direct (7 «/.,20(X)). suggesting that the M470V locus could contribute
involvement in exon recognition by the splicing machinery. to the variable expression of the 5T allele. In the study of
They quantified the CFTR transcripts from nasal epithelial Groman et ul. (2tK)4), TGI1-5T and the highly penctrant
cells and found that, on a 7T background, the TG 11 allele gave TGI3-5T allele were found on a M470 background in all of
a 2.S-fold increase in the proportion of CFTR transcripts that the cases in which phase could be established, whereas
lacked exoii 4. and TGI2 gave a 6-fold increase, compared TGI2-5T was found to be mostly as.sociated wilh V47().
wilh ihe TG 10 allele. Moreover. 5T CFTR genes derived from Polymorphism M470V thus does not appear lo be a major
CBAVD patients were found to carry a high number (12-13) modifier of the penetrance of the 5T allele in CBAVD. but its
of TG repeats, while 5T CFTR genes derived from healthy CF role cannot be excluded, since combinations TG13-TS-M47O
fathers harboured a low number (II) of TG repeats, lt was and TG13-T3-V470 have been observed in CBAVD and CF
suggested that a longerTG repeal would piace ihe branchpoint
patients respectively (Cuppens et ul.. 1998).
A nucteotide of the lariat in a less favourable position for
splicing (Cuppens et al.. 1998) (Figure 7a). Thus, both the
alleles at the TGm and Tn loci determine the proportion of full- It is possible thai some variations considered as neutral
length or mis-spliced CFTR transcripts and thereby affect net polymorphisms in cystic fibrosis. such as F5()8C. I7I6G>A,
chloride transpon activity of CFTR-expressing cells. Cuppens R75Q or the double mutant |G576A+R668Ci may be mild
ei at. (I99K) proposed to name such mutant CFTR genes that [nuiants involved in CBAVD cases when no other mutation
harbour a p.irliculiU' combination of alleles and variants at is found on the allele despite careful whole coding
polymorphic sites 'potyvariant mulant CFTR f^enes'. This sequences scanning. In normal individuals, variable levels
concept was recently confirmed by the results of an of CFTR transcripts without exon 12 account for 5-30% of
international collaborative study on the disease penetrance of total CFTR mRNA (Bremer et at.. 1992: Slomski et al.,
the 5T allele. By comparing the TG tract of men with CBAVD. 1992: Hull cf al.. l'>94). .Skipping of exon 12 removes an
non-classic CF or fertile men (fathers of patienls with CF). all important part of the first NBF. rendering the CFTR protein
carrying a severe mulalion in trans of a .*)T allele. it was found non functional. Pagani et al. (2003a) analysed the splicing
that longer TG repeats (12 or 13) are more often associated pattern resulting from several variants in CFTR exon 12,
wilh diseases phenotypes than ."iT alieles adjacent to short TG including G576A (G>C at nucleotide 1859 in exon 12),
tracts (Groman ci ul.. 2(H)4t (Figure 7b). The combination which is associated in cis with R668C (C>T at nucleotide
TG 11-5T was found in 7K% of unaffected individuals, versus 2134 in exon 1.^). and this complex allele produced only
97c of affected individuals, suggesting that TGI1-5T is 22% and 7% of mRNA with exon 12 in transcripts derived
generally benign. Conversely. 919if of affected individuals had from nasal epithelial eells or from hybrid minigene
12 or 13 repeats, versus 22';^ of unaffected individuals. The transfection assays respectively. They also evaluated the
TGI3-5T combination was found exelusively in affected effect of several splicing factors on the severity of splicing
individuals. When 5T is found in trans with a severe CF defect and suggested that variations in the concentration in
mutation, the (Kids of pathogenicity are 28 and 34 times greater splicing factors may be responsible for tissue phenotypic
for TG 12-5T and TG 13-5T. respectively, than for TG 11-5T. expression. Steiner et al. (2004) studied the CFTR mRNA
Thus, the determination of TG repeat number is predictive of from epithelial nasal cells of patients aflected with CFTR-
pathogenic 5T alleles. The pathogenic role of these opatliies and demonstrated that several ct»mmon coding SNP
polymorphic repeats is due to iheir effeets on CFTR exon 9 at wiUiin the CFTR gene are associated wilh a significant
the level of pre-mRNA splicing: longer UG repeats increase increase of exon 9 and 12 skipping. Partial penetrance could
exon 9 skipping, which raises the proportion of non-functional be a feature not only ofthe 5T allele, bui also of other CFTR
CFTR protein. This is in line with the growing number of variants, and further clinical and molecular studies are
human diseases resulting from mutations or polymorphisms in required to address this issue.
Symposium - Molecular pathology of [he CFTR locus - M Ctamtre.s
Molecular basis for the skipping al. (2004). who showed that the mouse homologue of human
TDP-43 inhibit--; human CFTR exon 9 splicing in a minigene
of exon 9 in humans system. Recent studies shitwed that promoter architeclure
also can interfere in the modulation of CFTR exon 9
Minigenes to replicate CFTR exon 9 skipping in minigene experiments, which sugge.sts an
alternative splicing interesting kinetic model in the coupling of transcription and
alternative splicing (Pagani et al.. 2003b). Zuccato et al.
Much attention has been devoted to understanding the
mechanisms that influence the alternative splicing ofexon 9. (2004) reported the idenlification of iwo polypyrimidine-
To this end, researchers have developed an in-vivo mode! binding proteins, TIA-I (inducing exon 9 inetusion) and
system ihat replicates exon 9 alternative .splicing consisting PTB (polypyrimidine tract-binding protein, inducing exon 9
of a reporter minigene by means of which the effect of the skipping) as novel players in the regulation of CFTR exon 9
different CFTR alleles can be experimentally analysed. In splicing. TIA-1 is the first m(/(.s-acling factor with a positive
particular, minigenes carrying either exon 9 or exons 8.9. 10 effect on exon 9 splicing and binds specifically to a
with nanking introns (Figure 8a) have been used to isolate polypyrimidine-rich controlling element (PCE) containing
the cis and trans factors, which control the splicing ofexon intronic splicing enhancers (ISE) located between the weak
9 and modulate its efficiency (Nicksic et al.. 1999; Nlssim- 5' splice site and the ISS in intron 9.
Rafinia et at.. 2000; Pagani et al.. 2000-. Buratti and Baralle.
2001; Buratti er al.. 2001; Hefferon er al., 2002). By using Suboptimal 5' splice sites make exon 9
transient transfections of minigenes containing different vulnerable to skipping
combinations of TGm and Tn repeats anti studying their
splicing pattern, the group of Baralle was the t'irsl lo confirm Because many exons, both in CFTR and in otber genes, have
that the longer the {TG)m tract the higher the proportion of short polypyrimidine tracts in iheir 3' splice sites, yet arc not
transcripts without exon 9, but only when activated by the skipped, other mechanisms of exon 9 skipping have been
5T allele (in their minigene system). with investigated by mutating the 5' splice sites both up- and
TG13T5>TGI2T5>TGI tT5 (Nicksic ef at.. 1999). downstream of exon 9 (Hefferon et al.. 2(K)2). Conversion of
the upstream 5' splice site to consensus by replacing a
pyrimidine at position -i-3 (Shapiro-Senapathy score of 84.3''^ )
A complex network of cis- and trans- with a purine (score of 94%) resulted in increased exon
acting factors modulate CFTR exon 9 skipping (50%' exon 9 versus 30%). In contrast, conversion of
the downstream 5' splice site to consensus by insertion of an
alternative splicing adenine at position +4 (score 100% versus 75%) resulted in a
The observation ihat identical pre-mRNA transcripts are reduction in exon 9 skipping, regardless of whether the
processed into alternatively spliced forms in a tissue- upstream 5' splice site was consensus or nol (Hclferon er al..
specific manner strongly suggested tissue-specif ie 2(K)2). These results suggested that human CFTR exon 9 is
differences in their splicing environment, that could be due skipped beeause of suboptima! splice sites that make it
either to the presence of specific altemalive splicing factors inherently vulnerable to skipping. The potential role of the
or to variations in the activities or levels of constitutive downstream 5' spliec site in exon 9 skipping are further
splicing factors (Mak ei al.. 1997; Rave-Harel er al.. 1997: supported by data from sheep and mouse genomes. Sheep have
Teng er al.. 1997). Experiments using minigenes showed upstream and downstream 5' splice site sequences very similar
that increasing the intracellular eoneentrations of a variety to those of humans bul have an extensive polypyrimidine tract
of cellular splicing factors including SR (serine-arginine- in the 3' splice site in tbe intron 8 (Y14) nol accompanied by
rieh) proteins, in particular Ihe splicing factor 2 (SF2/ASF). an adjacent TG variation. Although this structure would have
and hnRNPs (heterogeneous nuclear rihonucleoproteins) predicted retention ofexon 9. sheep skips exon 9 in all tissues
promoted the skipping of exon 9 from pre-mRNAs (Nissim- analysed (Hefferon et at.. 21X)2; Broackes-Carter er at.. 2(K)3).
Raffinia er al.. 2000; Pagani et at.. 2000). The group of CFTR exon 9 skipping is absent in tbe mouse, which has two
Baralle demonstrated that this inhibitory effect of rrans- strong splice sites and a very short and non-polymorphic
aeting factors on exon 9 inclusion was strietly dependent on polypyrimidine iracl (Y5) (Delaney et at.. 1993; Nicsic er al.,
the composition of ihe TGm and Tn alleles. and was further 1999: Ellsworth el al.. 2000). Altogether, these observations
modulated by exonie splicing elements located in exon 9 [a led to the conclusion that exon 9 skipping in humans is due to
6-bp exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) and a 10-bp exonic the unusual composition of ibe Hanking 5' splice sites
splicing silencer (ESS)] and, more importantly, by an (Hefferon ei al.. 2(X)2), Rozmahel et al. (1997) have found tbat
intronic splicing silencer (ISS) located in intron 9 (Pagani et a fragment of CFTR gene spanning exon 9 and its flanking
al.. 2000) (Figure 8). The nuclear protein TDP-43 (HIV-1 introns and polymorphic lofi is present in multiple copies in
TAR DNA-binding protein) was identified as the factor Ihc huEiian genome, whereas it is present in only a single copy
interacting specifically with the (UG)m tract in the CFTR in different Old World monkeys who bifurcated from the
pre-mRNA (Buratti et al., 2001}. Overexpression of TDP-43 Homo lineage more than 10 million years ago. They have
resulted in an increase ofexon 9 skipping, whereas antisense suggested that a retrotransposition event followed by an
inhibition of endogenous TDP-43 expression resulted in an amplitlcation of the integration site occun'ed in the human
increased inclusion of exon 9. TDP-43 binding to the UG genome. Thus, it is conceivable ihat insertion and
polymorphic repeat reduces the proper recognition of the rearrangement events oecurring in intervening sequences
nearby 3' splicing site and, in association with the ISS surrounding buman CFTR exon 9 placed fortuitous new cis-
element in intron 9. mediates exon skipping (Buratti et al.. aeting elements in the proximity of its splice junction, which
2001. 2004). Tbese data were recently confirmed by Wang ei lowered exon delinition and provided the basis for exon 9
Symposium - IVIolccuiar pathology of the CFTR locus - M Ctaustres
exonS exon9
TGm Tn
CFTR AG/gtcaga ttttgagtgtgtgtglgtglgtgtgtmmttaac?iq/G...
TG9-T9 ttttgalgtglgtg!gtgtgtgtgttttmna.icag/G,..
TG10-T9 ttttgalgtgtglgtgl9tgtgtgtgttttmtta.-ji;sy/G...
TG11-T9 , tttgalgtgtgtgtgtgtgtglgtgtgtttttttttadcag/G...
TG10-T7 ' ttttgatgtgtglgtglgtglgtgtgmmtaacag^...
TGn-T7 migatglgtgtgtgIgtglglgtgtgmit(taacag/G...
TG12-T7 ttttgatgtgtgtgtg!gtgtgtgtgtgtgtmma.-i.-,ag/G...
TG12-T5 ttltg3tgtglgtglgtgtgtglgtgtgtgmtta--i'
TG13-T5 ttttgatgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgiilttarirag/G...
Consensus AG/gf agn ..// ....nytray (n)2-21 yyyyyyyyyynydg/G...
TG11-5T 78 10 0
TG12-5T 22 78 60
TG13-5T 0 12 40
Figure 7. Polyvarianl mutanls: the alleles al TGiii modulate the partial penetrance ofthe 5T allele. (a) Sequences at the 5' and .V
splice sites in intron 8 {or IVS8, intervening sequence 8). Pre-mRNA splicing is a complex mechanism that relies on the correct
identification on the short protein coding sequences (exons) among the large non-coding .sequences (introns). Sequences in CFTR
intnm S share most oi' ihc canonical features ol' splicing sites, including the 5'-GT splice donor. 3'-AG splice acceptor at the
iniron-eson *•) Junction, branch-point A (in green) and pyriniidine-rich region at the splice acceptor site. However, the
polypyrimidine tract is composed exclusively by thyniidines and is polymorphic for its length. Moreover, it is placed immediately
downstieam of another polymorphic locus made of a variable number of TO repeals. This peculiar architecture ol'the intron 8 3'
splice site modulates lhe alternative splicing of human CFTR exon '•) (Hefferon et al.. 2(K)2). Con.sensus sequences ft)r 5' and 3'
sites are given: y indicates a pyrimidine. and n indicates any nucleotide. Nine haplotyjies TGmTn have been found in Caucasian
populations, with T G I I T 7 the most common combination. Longer alletes at TGni associated wiih shorter allcles at Tn exacerbate
exon y skipping (yellow, decreasing amounts of funciional CFTR from top to bottom), In nasal epithelial cells frt)m normal
individuals.TGl()T7 gives about 5% mi8-splicing.TGnT7 I4%,TG12T7 30%.andTGl2T5 72-89% (Cuppenscf a/.. 1998). (b)
Frequency ol TGm-5T combinations found in fertile or infertile men carrying a CF mutation on a gene and a 5T allele on the
second gene (adapted from Groman el at.. 2004).
Symposium - Molecular patholog)' of the CFTR locus - M Claustres
Correct splicing
^w __
TQ12T3 !1 . ^ 1
L ' I j
TG11T7 {
E»n9- E»<Dn9+
Figure 8.The minigene approach to analyse CFTR exon 9 splicing, (a) A minigene is a genomic fragment ihat includes the exon
of interest and the surrounding introns ;is well as the flanking constitutive!)' spliced exons and is chined in a cukaryotic expression
vector then transfected in appropriate cells. Expression of trunsfected minigenes thus replicates constitutive and altemative
splicing patterns, which are analyzed alter RT-PCR with primers that can detect the inclusion and exclusion ofthe alternative
spliced exon. These constructs are specifically designed to intrtxiucc by site-direcied muiagenesis modifications in either the
length or the sequence of the sites of interest. Minigenes can be cotranstected with putative splicing factors to test /m/(.v-acting
factors or they can be transfected into different cell types to analyse them for their splicing ability. This purt of the figure gives a
schematic representation of the c/.v-acting intronic and exonie elements thai affect the altemative splicing of exon 9. The eletnents
identified so far include the weak upstream and dowstream 5' splice sites (Hefferon et al.. 2002). Ihc TGm and Tn polymorphic
sites at the 3-end of CFTR IVS8. the exonie splicing enhancer (ESE) and silencer (ESS) sequences in exon 9. ihc («ilypyrimidine-
rich controlling element (PCE) and the intronic splicing silencer (ISS) in 1VS9 (Pagani et at., 2000. 2003; Zuccato et ul.. 2004).
(b) Analysis ofthe size and the relative proportions of minigene RT-PCR products containing E9 j4l3 bp) and those lacking E9
(233 bp) by using fluorescent electrophorcsis and Genescan softwares. A strong ptisitive correlation is found between the length
of the T trad and the proportion of mRNA with exon 9, with T7>T5>T3 observed in all cell lines tested (Disset et al.. 2(K)4). (c)
A decrease in the number of Ts in a TGI 2 background determines a cell-type-dependent reduction in transcripts exon 9+. with the
lowest levels observed in epididymis-deHved cell lines (Disset ei al., 2004).
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus - M Ctausires
skipping in CFTR mRNA (Hefteron er at., 2tW2). Recently, splieing patterns derived from minigenes transiently expressed
Hefferon er at. f 2(K)4) showed ihal the TG tract affects splicing in six different CFTR-expressing epithelial cell lines,
through the formation of iriinsieni RNA secondary .structures. providing new insights into the ineehanisms by which the
Replacement of the TG traet in the minigene wiih random proportion of skipped transeripts may be increased in male
.sequence abolished splicing of exon 9. Replacements with reproductive tissues. We demonstrated that longer TG tract.s
sequences that can self-base-pair resulted in a substantial promote exon 9 skipping even in aT7 background, in contrast
increase In exon 9 inclusion, suggesting a role for RNA with previous minigene studies where this effeet was observed
secondary structure in the influence of these sequences on only on a 5T context (Nieksic et al.. 1999). hut in accordance
splicing. with initial observations from the study of endogenous CKFR
transcripts (Cuppcns et al.. 1998), A in the number of
Exon 9 alternative splicing is extremely Ts in a TGI2 background determined a cell-type-dependent
sensitive to sequence variations reduction in exon 9+ transcripts, with the lowest ievels
observed in male genital tissues derived cells (Figure 8b).
Single base changes in exons may cause pathological splicing Previous studies had postulated that CBAVD could be related
events by inducing exon skipping or inclusion from the mRNA to less efficient splicing mechanisms in the male genital tract
through disturbance of exonic elements that modulate splieing. compared with the respiratory tract. However, by comparing
Skipping of constitutive exons can occur for missense the rate of decrease in exon 9 inclusion expressed in the
(substitution of amino acid) and silent (change at third position different cell lines, we showed that elevated hasic levels of
ofthe codon usage, that does not ehange the amino acid code) full-length CFTR transcripts (for example, in the testis derived
mutations through disruption of ESE or creation of ESS (Liu cell line) does not prevent a drastic reduction induced by
et al.. 2001). Pagani et al. (2003c) demonstrated that single TG12T5 or TG12T3 aileles. Our results showed that tissue-
nudeotide substitutions in exon 9 might have a profound effect specific rran.s-iic\ing splicing factors do nut contribute to the
on the splieing eflleiency of this exon. inducing exon inclusion different patterns of exon 9 splicing found between the cell
(Q452P) or exclusion (A455E). Overall. 35 substitutions of 47 lines. The results rather support the concept that the ratio of
caused changes in the splicing pattern, this extreme sensitivity general splicing factors plays a role in the tissue variability of
being probably related to the weak definition of the CFTR exon 9 alternative splicing (Disset er al.. 2004). An alternative
exon 9. They also identified at the 3' portion of exon 9 a hypothesis is that deeper intronic /r(//(,v-acting factors might be
composite regulatory element with juxtaposed enhancer and involved that are not present in the minigene constructs. We
silencer properties. Another site for 'eomptwite regulatory also confirmed that the 3T allele dramatically increases exon 9
elements of splicing' (CERES) had been previously described skipping and should be considered as a 'CF' mutation
by the same group in CFTR exon 12 (Pagani et at.. 2(X)3a). predicted to be fully penetrant in disease, in contrast with the
These studies illustrate that some missense mutations may 51 allele. It is thus conceivable that an individual carrying the
exert part of their phenotypie expression and disease extreme allele TG 13T3 in combination with a severe mutation
variability through their effect on splieing of mRNA and not (F308del) will have a CF-PS phenotype, whereas an individual
only through CFTR channel dysfunction. This is the case of carrying a TGI2T3 in combination with a mild variant
missense A455E, which was found in this study to increase (F50SC) will only express a CBAVD phenotype. The complete
exon 9 skipping {50% in a TGIITO context). Overall, these skipping of exon 9 in all CFTR transcripts is predictive of
results suggest that, in addition to adjacent spliee sites, the severe CF. as observed in patients with mutations that destroy
entire sequence of exon 9 is important for exon recognition the consensus (AG) dinucleotide of the acceptor splice site in
and processing. intron 8 (Cystic Fibrosis Mutation DatabiLse. 2004). which is
expected to block exon 9 pre-mRNA splicing and result in
The rare 3T allele is a CF disease- deleted transcripts.
causing mutation
CFTR mutations and other infertile
T3 is a very rare allele which, so far. has been reported only
twice worldwide. The first case was a Gennan patient
presenting with pulmonary symptoms with recurrent Besides CBAVD. a higher than expected frequeney of CF
infections, elevated sweat ehloride concentrations and mutations or polyvariant haplotypes has been observed in
pancreatic sufficiency (CF-PS) (Buratti er al., 2001). He other forms of infertility.
carried a TGI3T3 sequence (no other mutation) in trans with
TG l(JT9-F5()Sdel on the second allele. The proportion ofexon Infertile patients with congenital unilateral
9 skipping was evaluated by semi-quantitative analysis of RT- absence of vas deferens (CUAVD)
PCR products derived from blood iymphoeytes. indicating that
only 6% of correctly splieed transcripts (with exon 9) were CUAVD is a rare condition., occurring in less than \l\000
generated from theTG13T3 allele. In minigene assays, the T3 males. Martin et al. (1992). reporting on two brothers, one
allele led to a highest degree ofexon 9 .skipping, ranging from with CUAVD and the other with CBAVD. were the first to
53'^ (TG I 3T5) to Hm (TG 13T3). which was coneordant with point out an assoeiation with the CFTR gene. Men with
the CF phenotype of the patient (Buratti er al.. 2001). We CUAVD and an obstructed contralateral vas deferens may be
reported a novel TG12T3 allele in a CBAVD patient who classified as having CBAVD (Schlegel et al.. 1996). Mickle et
carries a TGI 1T7 and the benign variation F5O8C on the other at. (1993) defined CUAVD as palpable absence of one scrotal
chromosome (DIsse! er ai. 2tX)4). By using a minigene assay vas deferens and were able to subdivide them into clinically
designed to include all the cn-aeting elements reported so far and genetically distinct groups. Patients with CUAVD and a
in the vicinity of exon 9 (Figure 8a), we have analysed the contralateral obstruction of the seminal tract (at either the
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus - M Ctattsrrc!,
inguinal or pelvic level) had a high frequeney of" CFTR sample size, anatomic findings, and extent of genetic
mutations (SS%). no renal agenesis, und this group is a CFTR- screening.
associateti phenolype. Men wilh CUAVD and a patent
conlralaEeral seminal tract (i.e. they were not azoospermic) had Infertility may be caused by more than
no CITR mutation, and this group displays a high frequency one genetic defect
(40-80%) of ipsilalcral renal agenesis (Mickle et at.. 1993:
MaAi etat.. 1999: Wclskc £7 <;/.. 2{)(K): McCallum ei al..2()0\: Cases where compound genetic defects coexist have been
Kolettis and Sandlow, 2002). CUAVD is a heterogeneous recently reported. A Chinese patient presenting with CBAVD
condition, and the two different forms (with and without renal and testicular atrophy with late matutation arrest of
anomalies) are probably the result of distinct spermatogenesis was found to be heterozygous for the 5T
pathophysiological processes. allele and also to carry a pericentric inversion of chromosome
6 (Black (•/ al.. 2()()()). In another male with CBAVD. a
Obstructive azoospermia with intact vas compound heterozygosity for a CF mutation and the 5T allele
deferens was coexisting with a Robcrtsonian translocalion (Drouineaud
er al.. 2003). With extended genetic analysis, a growing
Several studies documenled the assumption that non-CBAVD number of men may be found with more than one genetic
azoospermia may in some cases be retaied lo ihe CFTR gene, defect, such as Klinefcltcr patients (47.XXY) also carrying a
including Idiopalhic forms of epididymal obstruction (Jarvi er CFfR mutation, or men having both an A'/.V deletion of the Y
at.. 1995; Mak et at.. 1999) and bilateral ejaculaiory duct chromosome and a CFTR mutation (Doble et al.. 2(X)2).
obstruction (BEDO). where a high frequency of CFTR
mutations has been found and several compound Uterine CFTR-mediated bicarbonate ion
heterozygotes reported (Meschede er at.. 1991: Mak et at.. and sperm capacitation: the female
1999). In a study involving 16 tnen wilh isolated anomalies of
the seminal vesicles (IASV), only one was found to be
heterozygous for a missense mutation and one for the 5T No female equivalent of CBAVD exists due to the different
allele. which gives a frequency nol different from the general embryological origin of the definitive female reproductive
population, so that IASV is not a CFTR-related entity tract. It was thought that the main genclic factor contributing
(Meschede et al.. 1997). The association of chronic to the reduced fertility observed in about 507c of women with
bronchopulmonary disease with azoospermia due to a cystic fibrosis is the thick dehydrated cervical mucus acting as
complete bilateral obstruction of the epididyme.s characterize a barrier for sperm passage. Intrauterine insemination (lUH
Young's syndrome, but. in contrast to CBAVD or CF, there is has been used to overcome this, and the first case of successful
no anatomical malformation of the seminal ducts. No CF pregnancy and birth after IVF in a woman with CF
mutations have been convincingly demonstrated in Young's homozygous for F50Sdel was reported in 2000. after eight
syndrome. Despite some clinical common aspects. CF and failed attempts at lUi (Rodgers et al.. 2{KX)). Recent findings
Young's syndrome are two distinct entities. suggest that the infertility of women with CF may not be
caused exclusively by ihc failure of spermatozoa to penetrate
Non-obstructive causes of male infertility cervical mucus, but also from an inability of spermatoz.oa to
capacitate within the uterus and oviduct because of defective
and subfertility CFTR-mediated bicarbonate secretion (Wang et al., 2(X)3).
Bicarbonate ion is one of the essential components for
A higher than expected frequency of CFTR mutations or
mammalian spermatozoa to be capacitated in vitro. Acting in
variants has been reported in olher more common forms of
concert with calcium in spermatozoa. HCO^" elevates
infertility. A CFTR mutation frequency of 17.5% (versus 5% in
intracellular cAMP levels (Evans and Florman. 2002), which
the general population) was detected in 80 infertile men with
in tum activate multiple pathways that drive the process of
reduced sperm quality (Van der Ven et al.. 1996). However,
sperm capacitation. including hyperactivation of tlagellar
these observations were not confirmed in larger samples from
motility. In vivo, it is known that CFTR gene expression occurs
southern France (Paltares-Ruiz et al.. 1999). The Netherlands
in endocervical cells throughout the menstrual cycle (Haysiip
(Tuerlings er al.. 1998). Germany (Stuhrmann and Dork. 20(X))
er al.. 1997) and that the fernale reproductive tract can secrete
or Slovenia (Ravnik-Glavac er al.. 2001). Although it seems
high concentrations of bicarbonate ion. The study by Wang et
that CFTR mutations do not play a major role in
al. (2003) provided for the tirst time a direct link between in-
spermatogenetic failure, a minor effect on speimatogenesis or
vitro results and in-vivo observations, on the basis of several
sperm maturation is still possible. Since it seems that the male
findings: (i) endomctrial epithelial cells possess a CFTR-
reproductive tract is the most sensitive system of all CFTR-
mediated bicarbonate transport mechanism, (ii) spermatozoa
affected tissues to even minor CFTR dysfunction, it has been
are not capacitated efficiently in medium conditioned by cells
suggested that, in absence of well-defined CFTR mutations,
in which CFTR expression has been suppressed by antisense
poiyvariant mutants producing less functional CFTR. such as
RNA or by cells expressing the F508de! mutation, (iii) the
the common single nudeotide polymorphism (SNP) M470V in
failure of F50Sdel cells lo capacitate spermatozoa is rescued
exon 10. may predispose to oligospennia and testicular failure
by transfection with wild-type CFTR or by addition of HCOi"
(Cuppens er al.. 1998). The V470 bomozygous genotype was
to conditioned medium. In cystic fibrosis. attention has been
found to be significantly more frequent among non-CBAVD
focused essentially on chloride-channel properties of CFTR.
Infertile patients (Boucher et al.. 1999: Pallares-Ruiz et al..
However, the demonstration ihat CFTR-dependent
1999; Larriba er al.. 2001). it is difficult to compare SNP
bicarbonate secretion can drive sperm capacitation in virro
frequencies between published studies, partially because ofthe
again stresses the importance of the bicarbonate, "the
poor comparability ofthe populations being studied in terms of
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus - M Claustres
neglected ion' (Quimon. 2001). Indeed, CFTR can ininspon CBAVD with discordant familial
hicarbonme ami L'hlorido by disltiid mechanisms (reviewed by segregation of alleles
Hug (•/ at.. 2003) and the severity of CF can be predicted more
jiccurately by biearbonate eonduclatiee than by chloride Family studies are another approach to study the possibility of
conductance (Choi et at.. 2001; Wine. 2(K) I). genetic heterogeneity. In families with CBAVD linked to
CFTR mutations, brothers with CBAVD should inherit the
Genetic heterogeneity in CBAVD same CFTR genes from their parents, whereas fertile male
siblings should have at least one CFTR gene different from
CBAVD with renal abnormalities their CBAVD brothers. In families with CBAVD not linked to
CFTR defects, the inheritance ofthe CFTR genes should be
In 12-21% of cases, CBAVD is associated with malformations random with respect to the CBAVD phenotype. Familial
or agenesis of the upper urinary tract and in almost all cases. segregation of CFTR genes ean be assessed by studying
no CFTR mutation can be detected (Anguianu et at.. 1992; polymorphisms within and around the CFTR gene: the
Gervai&etat., 1993; Augarten c/u/.. 1994; Casals f / a / . , 1995; combination of alleles at the polymorphic sites (haplotypes)
Mickle el at., 1995; Schlegcl ef at.. 1996; Dork et at.. 1997: de allows one to follow transmission of CFTR genes from parents
la Taille et at., 1998; Claustres et at.. 2000: McCallum et al.. to children in the pedigrees. Three families wiih no identified
2001). It is thoujiht that CBAVD with concomitant renal CFTR mtitations have been reported in which either the
malformations probably does not represent a genital form of brothers with CBAVD inherited two different alleles frotn one
CF but rather a distinct elinical entity, termed 'URA/CBAVD' of their parents (Ritve-Harel et al.. 1995) or in which fertile
by McCallum et at. f2(K)l). These investigators found no brothers inherited the same CFTR alleles as their brothers with
significant differences between the two groups (CF/CBAVD CBAVD (Mercier et al.. 199.^). Such a discordance between
and URA/CBAVD) of patients in term.s of physical, laboratory
phenotypes and marker haplotypes suggested that CBAVD
and radiographic findings of the reprtxiuctive derivatives as
was not caused by two mutated CFTR alleles but was rather
well as in fertilization and pregnancy rales, which wa.s also
the result of mutations at other hypothetic loci (Mercier et cd.,
observed by Robert et al. (2002); by contrast, the percentage
1995; Rave-Harel el al.. 1995). However, sueh cases could
of men with a pelvic kidney was 10-fold higher in the
also be explained by CFTR unidentified mutations that have a
URA/CBAVD cohort than the CF/CBAVD group. The fact thai
more complex pattern of penetrance. and it would have been
the phenotypic outcome of the renal portion of the
mesoncphrie duct is so different between the two groups interesting to re-analyse these three families with the 5T allele
strengthens the hypothesis that URA/CBAVD and CF/CBAVD and its surrounding modifiers. Moreover, whether CBAVD
have a different genetic basis. During embryonic development. was associated with renal anomalies, or not. was not
the vas deferens, seminal vesicle. ejaculaUiry duct aud distal mentioned in the initial reports. Nevertheless. 15-20% of
two-thirds of the epididymis develop from the reproductive patients with CBAVD who have now been extensively
part of (he mesonephric duct, while its ureteric piirt is needed screened and do not have CFTR mutations or the 5T allele may
to induce normal renal development. The head of the indicate a subpopulation of men with other genes responsible
epididymis (which is present in men with CBAVD or CF) and for the reproductive anomaly.
the testis arise fnini the genital ridge. The physical separation
between Ihe two mesonephric duct derivatives (seminal and
renal) occurs by week 7 of gestation (Oates and Amos, 1994).
CBAVD pathogenesis
It has been postulated that damage at a very early stage in The mechanisms by which CFTR mutations contribute to the
embryo developmeni (before 7 weeks) will lead to abnormal palhogenesis of CBAVD are still not fully understood.
development of the entire mesonephric duct with its two CBAVD may resuit from a morphogcnic defect during
derivatives, resulting in URA/CBAVD (Hall and Oates. 1993: development or from obstruction by abnormal secretions.
MeCallum et al.. 2001), or URA/CUAVD (Donohue et at..
1989). By contrast, the genetic defeet in CBAVD-CFTR Timing of CFTR damage in Wolffian
appears t() affect the embryo after the division of the
mesonephric parts in the seventh week of gestation, so that
derivatives development
only the seminal tract will be altered. CFTR mRNA is highly expressed in theepitheliumttf the head
of the epididymis by 18 weeks gestation (Tiz/ano ei al.. 1993,
1994; Trezise et at.. 1993). which suggests that CFTR may
A few number of patients with CBAVD and URA have now play a role in the early development of the reproductive
been reported to be heterozygous for a CFTR mutation (Mak tissues. An initial report has described a fetus with CF that
('/ at.. 1999: Casals et at.. 2000). the significance of which is showed extensive fibrosis and regression of the epididymis
unclear as it might be pure coincidence considering the high (Harris and Coleman. 1989). Recently the relationship
frequency of CFTR mutations and 5T carriers in the general between CFTR mutations and the congenital absence of the
popuiation and the low numbers of URA/CBAVD patients uterus and vagine (CAUV) condition which affects I in 5()(M)
investigated. Further family studies are required in both the females, was examined upon lhe rationale that the
CBAVD populations and in males with URA to determine the embryological development of the Mlillerian tiucts directly
proportion of eases with genetic causes, the mode of depends on the prior normal development of the Wolffian
inheritance and the penetrance of genetic factors in CBAVD ducts (Timmreck et al.. 2()O3). Samples from 25 patients with
and nephrogenesis. CAUV were tested for the 33 most common CFTR mutations
including the 5T allele. and lhe data suggested that it is
unlikely for CFTR mutations to cause CUAV in females
(Timmreck et al.. 2003). Finding that C I T R mutations are
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus • M Ctaustres
iissoL-iatod with S{)% of cases of CBAVD. a Wolffian duct (Trezise et al.. 1993). A number of cytological abnormalities
iuiomaly. but are nol associated with CAUV. a Miilleriiin duct preferentially occurring in the spermatid stage have been
anomaly, provides further evidence on the liming of CFTR observed in CF and CBAVD men (Gottlieb et at., I99i).
damage in CBAVD. The effects ofthe CFTR mutations on the Larriba et al. (1998) studied exon 9 splieing in testicular
Wolffian duct derivatives must occur after ihc ninth week of tissues and found that the presence of the 5T allele (but not the
embryological development, at a time when the Wolffian and presence of one or two mutations) was associated with a
Mullcriiin ducts have completely separated and are developing significant reduction in mature (elongated) spermatids per
independently. tubule in CBAVD males. A recent study reported that testicular
volumes were significantly lower in men with CBAVD
CBAVD as the result of progressive without renal abnormalities that carried the 5T allelc only
regression (without another CFTR mutation) (Robert et al.. 2(X)2). CFTR
is expressed in rat spermatids. and may be involved in volume
Several findings favour the hypothesis Uut, in contr;ist wilh reduction that occurs in spenniogenesis (differentiation of
CBAVD not linked to CFTR where Ihe absence of vas deferens spennatid.s into spermatozoa) (Wong et al., 1998; Gong et al.,
may originate in fetal life as a defect during organogenesis. 2001). lt is possible that CFTR plays an important role in the
CFTR mutations do not affect the embryological development formation ofthe epididymai Huid micr(wnvironment through a
of the Wolffian duel. The fact that normal jxirtions of the synergistie effect with the water channel aquaporin (Cheung et
genital tract are seen more frequently in CF newborns than in al..2OU3).
older patients (Oppenheimer and Esterly, 1969) suggests thai
Wolffian derivatives are present at some stages of fetal life but Spectrum of diseases caused by
may degenerate later. Gaillard et al. (\991) examined two
fetuses with iwo severe CFTR mutations after abortion at 12 CFTR mutations: from classic CF
and IS weeks respectively, and determined that their vas to CFTR-opathies
deferens were normal wilh no obsiruction or stenosis. This
observation and the high proportion of normal ducts reported Recent advances in mutation detection technology have led to
in prepubertal male CF patients (Valman and France. 1969) the extensive screening of patients with monosymptomatic
favour the hypothesis of degenerative lesions secondary to diseases with similarity to CF (Figure 9).
luminal obstruction, probably caused by thick secretions, as
ihe cause of definite post-natal ductal regression (Patrizio and CFTR carrier status as predisposing to
Salameh. 1998). The first study describing ultrasonic features disease?
in male CF children confimied intact kidneys and ureters, and
suggested the possibility that ductal genital abnormalities In addition to classic forms of cystic fibrosis. there is now a
progress with time (Blau (Va/..2(K)2).1 he luminal fluid ofthe growing recognition of 'non-classic' or 'atypical' cases of CF
epididymis contains a high protein load and has a low How presenting in adolescence or adulthood, that manifest
rate, and the epididymis and the vas deferens form a tortuous symptoms in only one or two organ systems, .such as isolated
ductaJ system that is several meters long but has a diameter pancreatitis (Boyle, 2003). Furthermore, there is growing
<i).5 mm. It is possible that the absence or dysfunction of evidence of an association between CF mutations and other
CFTR would make these organs very vulnerable lo luminal diseases including allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
concentration defects, especially in the distal portion of the vas (ABPA), chronic sinusitis or idiopathic bronchiectasis (an
deferens. where CFTR expression level is low (Tizzano er at.. irreversible dilatation of proximal subsegmental bronchi). CF
1993, 1994; Trezise et at., 1993). and lead to progressive is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder that results when
obstruction and obliteration, as described for other ducts inCF. both alleles carry a disease-causing mutation. Carriers of a
Gaiiiard er al. (1997) propo.sed that the tenii "atresia" should be single mutation are asymptomatic, suggesting that a 50% level
u.'icd in cases of CBAVD associated with CF mutations, of funetional CFTR protein is sufficient. This widely accepted
whereas the tenn "agenesis" should be used for cases of notion has been recently challenged by the detection of an
CBAVD associated with urogenkal abnormalities in which increased proportion of carriers for CF mutations or
defects occur during organogenesis. polyvariant mutants in several conditions, such as
rhinosinusitis (Wang et at.. 20(K)), idiopathic pancreatitis,
idiopathic bronchiectasis (Casals er al.. 2(H)4) or primary
sclerosing cholangitis (Girodon et al.. 2002; Sheth et al.,
CFTR mutations and spermatogenesis 2003). It is possible that the reduction of CFTR function by
50% by a heterozygous mutation be not compensated in cases
It is generally a.ssumed that azoospermia and infertility in men where modifiers (genetic or environmental) play additive
with CBAVD are due simply to anatomical obstacle and that effects, and it is now postulated that CFTR mutations may be
the sperm production Is nonnal. The histological examination factors of genetic predisposition forthedevelopment of certain
of the testis (Silber et al.. 1990a) revealed either normal The increasing number of CFTR-a.ssociated diseases
spermatogenesis (Goldstein and Schlossberg. 19S8; Okada et raises considerable debate about where to draw the line
at.. 1999) or hypospermatogenesis (15-30% in CBAVD. 45% between CF and other diseases with molecular defects in the
in CUAVD) (Weiske et al.. 2000; Meng er al.. 2(H)I). Some CFTR gene (Zielenski. 20(10: Boyle. 2003). Moreover, recent
degree ol' hypospermatogenesis is expected because absence of studies suggest that even coding SNP niay be predisposing
the vas deferens acts as an obstruction of the testicular factors (Steiner et at.. 2(KI4). Casals et al. (2004) found a
epididymal system (Weiske er al.. 2000). lt has been suggested M470 ailele in 90% of patients with idiopathic bronchiectasis
that the CFTR protein may play a role not only in the heterozygous lor a CFTR mutation, versus 63% in the general
development of structures derived from the Wolffian ducts but population or 40% in bronchiectasis patients without CFTR
aho in ihe process of spermatogenesis or sperm maturation
Symposium - Molecular pathology of tlic CFfR locus - M Claustres
*- Pr
wiktiype pDlyvarlant hapbtypa mid mkl mk) mid severe
Ciier* oSief* OtWf* CfflW* mid sewrv
Fijjure 9. Spectrum of phenotypes associated with the CFTR gene (from Zielenski, 2000; Stem, 1997; Mickle and Cutting, 2000).
The spectrum of diseases caused by mutations in the CFTR gene as well as the criteria useful to distinguish fhe phenotypes have
been recently reviewed (Boyle. 2003). Classic CF: this phenotype represents those individuals with a complete loss of CFTR
function. Since severe mutations (including F.'iOSdel) account for about 929i of mutated chromosomes in this category, roughly
KS'TJ of patients (i.e. 0.92 x 0.92) have two severe mutations (class I -3 or 6) in trans, either identical {homozygote) or different
I com poll ml tiererozygote). They have severe pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (CF-Pl) appearing early in life, chronic obstructive
pulnn)nary disease, abnormal concentrations of sweat electrolytes and the males are infertile beeause of obstructive az(Kis|x*rmia
due lo the absence t)f the vas deferens. Fifteen percent of patients have inherited one severe mutation in rraii.s to one mild, or two
mild mutations (class 4-5) and ;u'e pancreatic sufficient (CF-PS). Non-classic (atypical) CF; in this group are individuals with a
CF phenotype in at least one organ system and normal (<40 mmol/l) or borderline (40-60 mmol/1) sweat chloride values. They
are usually CF-P5.haveat least one mild mutation and are diagnosed after childhood. Males can occasionally demonstrate fertility
(ex. mutation 3849+H)kbC-»T). An example t)f non-classic CF is recurrent idiopathic pancreatitis (which occurs in patients with
functional pancreatic acinar tissue) where a high frequency of CFTR mutations is observed and 10-209r of affected individuals
Larry two mutations (Castellani et al..2001). CFTR-rclated diseases or 'CFTR-opathies' (Noone and Knowles. 2rM)I): they do
not fit the criteria for CF and do not follow a Mendelian inheritance pattern as they are associated with a 'significantly higher-
than-expected frequeney of CFTR mutations' (10-30%) in the heterozygote state, and are mostly influenced by other genes and/or
environmental factors. CFTR mutations and polyvariant mutants (including the 5T allele and several coding SNP) appear as
•predisposing alleles'. Examples include primary sclerosing choiangitis (l3-37'?( of affected individuals carry one CFTR
niLitalion). allergic bronchopulmonary apergillosis (ABPA) (10-30*''?^). chronie rhinosinusilis (7-12%) and idiopathic
bronchiecta.sis (20-36%). CBAVD: a much milder phenotype of only CBAVD without lung or pancreatic disease is associated
wilh mild mutations (missense or partial mis-splicing) in CFTR. Most individuals in this group have normal or borderline sweat
chloride values, a significant proportion have mild sinopulmonary di.sease and nasal ion transport abnorinalities. Whether they
should be included in the group of non-classic CF or in the group of CFTR-rclated disease remains a subject of controversy
(Boyic. 2(K)3); perhaps they could be separated into their own clinical category. Although the CF genotype does not absolutely
predict the phenotype. the phenotype is determined by a gradient of CFTR dysfunction dependent on the type of CFTR mutations
as well as organ sensitivity (Stern. 1997: Davis «r a/., 1996; Mickle and Cutting. 2(H)0). Patients with genotypes resulting in about
sl%i CFTR activity have classic CF with pulmonary disease, pancreatic insufficiency. CBAVD. and abnormal sweat chloride
concentrations. Patients with approximately 5-iO% CFTR function aie pancreatic sufficient. Those with about 10-25% CITR
function have CBAVD alone and may also be at risk for monosymptomatic diseases such as pancreatitis. There is an overlap
between atypical CF und monosymptomatic disorders.
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus - M Claii.sirc\
mulations. Sheth ei al. (2003) iilso observed that 89% of Homozygosity for the 5T allele
piiiicnis with primary sclerosing cholangitis tarried a V47n
variant. The .'^T aliele alone is nol sufficient to induce a typical CF: it
appears as a lypical allele for CBAVD. However, there are
CF with male fertility occasional reports on patienls wiihout CF mutations who are
homozygous for the 5T alleie and demonstrate clinical lung
Not all male CF patients are inlerlile. a few of them (2-39f) features suggestive of CF, such as the homo/ygous for TG 12T3
having fathered children (Taussig ci a!.. 1972). Most of these described by Noone et al. (20(.)0). Although it is impossible to
men are compound heterozygous for Ihe splicing mutation claim wilh certainty thai homozygosity for the 5T allele is
3849+IOkbC-»T (Stem ei al., 1995; Stuhrmann and Dork. completely benign, any potential risk appears to be most likely
20()0). The presence of this mutation is usually associated with limited to infertility in males. In a report on CF screening at a
mild CF forms wilh borderline or normal sweat chloride, nationwide scale (Strom cl al., 2(.X)4). there were 219 patients
pancrealic sufficiency and variable inale genital phenotype compound heterozygotes for F.'>08del and 3T: there were 184
(fertility or infertility). This mutation generates an aberrant 5' females, of whom 177 had no CF symptoms and si.\ with asthma
splice site deep in intron 19 of CFTR pre-niRNAand activates or sinus surgery: there were i5 males, ol" whom 50%
a cryptic 3' .splice site, resulting in the insertion of a 'new experienced CF-like symptoms including 12 with CBAVD;
e.xon" of 84 bp containing a premature in-frame stop codon. (349f), three with pulmonary symploms. Of the 20 remaining
Both correctly spliced and aberrant transcripts are produced males, only 10 had fathered children and none of the 20 had
simultaneously, the relative proponions of which contribule to pulmonary disease.
the presence or absence of the genital lrac( (Nissim-Raffinia et
al., 20(X)).
CFTR genetic analysis In
obstructive azoospermia
Is CBAVD a (mild) form of CF?
It is important to make the association with CF clear (Figure
There is increasing evidence thai the majority of patients with 10). as it helps to stress the importance of genetic counselling
isolated CBAVD (i.e. presenting for evaluation of infertility for the CBAVD couple and also for their relatives.
but without pulmonary symptoms) also display features of Furthermore, as men with CBAVD may be at risk for
mild respiratory disease (such as sinusitis, nasal polyps, expression of CV disease later in life, they will bcnefil Irom
chronic cough, raised levels of Pseudomonas aeruginosa thorough evaluation and subsequent monitoring of lung health
antibodies) when carefully examined by clinicians with by clinicians witli expertise in CF. The biggest obstacle to
expertise in incomplete forms of CF in aduli (Osbome et al., implementing CF testing is the extreme mutational
l993:Durieu<'f(//.. 199.*;; Castellani cr «/.. 1999). They have heterogeneity ofthe CFTR gene, boasting perhaps the greatest
intermediate or elevated sweai chloride levels but normal number of catalogued individual inherited nucleolide
chest radiographs and spirometry. Moreover, recenl data alterations of any gene yet described, so that the technical
suggest that, even in patients who do nol manifest any demands are very arduous. Because the complete scanning of
clinical respiratory symptom.s. early subclinical bacterial coding sequences is so technically challenging and costly, an
pulmonary infection and inflammation may occur. initial assessment of correct clinical diagnosis of CBAVD.
Bronchoalveolar lavage samples rc\ealed the presence of CUAVD or BEDO is essential prior to the genetic testing.
pathogens and inflammatory mediators in the lower airways including assessment of ihc absence of renal abnormalities.
of subjects with CBAVD who presented with laboratory
evidence of mild CF {Gilljam et aL. 2004). Oniy
Unlike patients with classic CF. who are more likely to have
observation for a prolonged period of time (several years)
common, homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations,
will help determine their risk of developing symptomatic
azoospermic patients are more likely to exhibit rare or private
pulmonary disease over time. Some CBAVD patients who
mutations, so that detection with routine "CF mutation panels".
have elevated sweat electrolytes and iwo CF-causing
especially commercial tests, will miss mosl CFTR mutations
mutations or abnormal nasal potential difference should be
(Figures 10 and 11). Although an interesting assay using mass
considered as having CF according lo the recent consensus
spectrometry and primer oligonucleotide base extension for
statement on diagnosis (Rosensiein and Cutting. 1998).
100 mutations increased detection (Wang et al.. 2(N)2). optimal
However, there has been no consensus to make a diagnosis
detection of CFTR mutations in CBAVD can be reached only
of CF (a severe, potenliaily lethal disease, diagnosed in
by the application of costly scanning methods able to detect
children) in patients wilh CBAVD (a benign condition
any subtle sequence change in the coding regions of the getie,
diagnosed in adull males presenting with an infertility
such as DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis)
problem), probably because ofthe psychological and social
(Costes ei al.. 1995: de Meeus et al.. 1996: Bienvenu et al.,
impact of such diagnosis. In CBAVD there is a normal
1997: Claustres et a!., 2000). SSCP (single strand
sodium transport across the nasal epithelium (in CF, there is
conformation analysis) (Dork et al.. 1997). HET (multiplex
an increased sodium absorption), but an impaired chloride
heteroduplex analysis) (Mak ct al., 1999). or by sequencing
conductance that is intermediate between CF heterozygoies
(Danziger ('/«/.. 2004). A disadvantage of scanning melhtxJs is
and CF patienls (Osborne ei al.. 199.^). Perhaps defining the
the finding of mutants or variants of unknown clinical
exact value of measuring nasal poieniial difference in men
significance. It is likely that some of the CFfR mutants
with CBAVD could help to better understand the
described in patienls may not be true disease-causing
consequences of CFTR dysfunction in Ihe airways and
alterations (Ciaustres ei al.. 2004), and, conversely, .some of
anticipate the long-term prognosis (Pradal and Piacentini.
the 250 polymorphisms reporled to the CF Consortium (half
resulting in amino acid substitutions) may play a role in
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus - M Claustres
Detection of CFTK muUtioiis in CB.\\'U techniques that are able to detect any subtle sequence
anomaly in the coding sequence. Genomic DNA scanning of
« CF kit» Scanaing CFTR gene is considered a 'htgh-comple.vily' test, as exons
31 mutations +5T DGGE,dHPLC with their intron boundaries have to be amplified and
analysed. Whole-gene scanning methods include SSCP
2 mulslinns (single strand conformation analysis). DGGE (denaturing
47% 71%
gradient gel eleetrophore.sis) and DHPLC (denaturing high
71% 87«
1 mutation performance liquid chromatography). These methods rely on
14% 16%
DNA conformation changes or heteroduplex formation of Ihe
PCR product if the sample is different from the wild-lype
0 mutation 29% 13% control DNA. If an alteration is detected, the corresponding
portion of the gene is .sequenced to confirm and identify the
p{!GE. Denaturing Gradienr delhJeirmphDre.iL^ sequence change. The reported sensitivity of these methods
C. Pfiiaiwing High /terformaiux- liquui Chnmiatiigraphy ranges from 75-80'/f (SSCP) to 95-9ii9r (DGGE. DHPLC).
Most CBAVD inulations are not detected by routine
panels designed for common CF mutations: in a sample of
Figure 10, Detection ol' CFTR inuiations in CBAVD. 800 French men with CBAVD without renal agenesis, testing
Identifying CFTR mulations allows: (i) establishing a diagnosis for the 50 most eommon mutations associated with the
- CFTR Tiuiiaiioiis would confimi diagnosis and be ati classic CF phenotype CCF" panel) in addition to assessment
e.xplanalion for obstructive azoospermia; (il) establishing a for 1VS8-.ST (allelc .'iT in the intervening .sequence or intron
lK)s.sib!e genetic origin - one mutated allele will always be 8) detected 959 of 1600 (60%) CBAVD alleles. wiih two
inherited from the affected male by the offspring; {iii) mutations in 47%, one in 24%, and no mutation in 29% of
clarifying the paltem of inheritance - dtxuimentation of the CBAVD patients. In a subset of 327 CBAVD men who were
specific familial CI^R mutations: (iv) offering adequate more extensively re-analysed by using a scanning method
genetic counselling - if the panner of a nuile with CBAVD is a (DGGE) that delects unknown mutations scattered all over
healthy can ier of a CF mutation, there is up to 257c risk of CF the gene, 516 of 654 {19%) alleles were identified, with 71
to all children, and prenatal or preimplantation genetic testing and 16% of patients carrying two mutations or one
is offered. Genetic tests: genomic DNA extracted from respectively, and only 13% remaining with out any
peripheral blood then amplified by PCR is the usual staiiiny detectable CFTR abnormality. Of 137 mutations identil'ied in
material for CFTR mutation analysi.s. Most laboratories search this sample. 105 (76%) would have been missed by using a
only a limited numlicr of known (common) mutations (from 30 kit detecting only the 31 common mutations found in
to 100. including the three common alleles at the Tn site) by
the European population affected with cy.stic fibrosis in
using commercially available mutation detection kits. (Girodon
addition to the 5T allele (Claustres et al.. 2000).
et ill.. 2000). A few laboratories have developed scanning
TG T M470V
• T
....TCTCTGTGTGTGTG..T 1TTTJ ex 9 ex 10
M V codon 470
AF - c mutation
Figure II. A highernumberofTG repeats is predictive of a pathogenic 5T allele. The individual with CBAVD presents the same
mutation genotype as his fertile father (F508del (/( rrans with a 5T allete). However, further investigation of the familial
.segregation of CFTR polymorphisms reveals that he has inherited from his mother a 5T-hap!otype different from the one he has
inherited from his father. Haplotype TG 12-5T is more detrimental than haplotype TG 11 -'Y5.
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus • M Cluusins
disease by interfering with .splicing signals, causing some Risk of CF, CBAVD or CFTR-opathies for
degree of mis-splicing of the gene (Sleiner e! til., 2004). Up offspring
to 80-877f of men with isolated CBAVD have at least one
CFFR mutation (Anguianof7fl/.. 1992; Putrizio c/fl/.. 1993: For a couple with CBAVD associated with CFTR defects,
Oates and Amos. 1994; Mercier et iiL. 1995; Dork el al., planning to have their own genetic children, the risk for both
1997; Clauslres el al.. 2000). The inability to identify a male and female offspring to have CF or related diseases and
CFTR mutation in a fraction (I3-20'?f) of CBAVD males for male offspring to have CBAVD depends on whether or nol
without renal abnormality, even after the entire coding the female partner is a carrier, since one mutated allele will
region ofthe C/-7'/f gene is analysed, could indicate a failure always be inherited from the male. As the carrier frequency of
lo detect ali possible CFTR mutations, as the techniques CFTR mutations in many Caucasian populations is in the order
based on genomic DNA scanning do not detect deep of 1/22-1/30. it is highly recommended ihat genelic testing for
mutations wiihin the introns or large deletions ofthe gene. CFTR mutations be offered to the couple prior to ICSI. The
As in CF, the analysis of mature mRNA could reveal the genetic counsellor should determine whether lliere is a family
presence of splicing anomalies or complex gene history of CF and the couple's ethnicity, as this wili affect their
rearrangements (Audrezet a al.. 2004). However, it is carrier risk. The genetic of CBAVD is more complex than in
unlikely that so many CBAVD alleles be caused by such CF. as (i) genetic analysis is able to prove but not lu exclude
mutations. Alternatively, these cases might represent a the diagnosis of a genital ft)rm of CF. and (ii) the risk of CF or
distinct clinical aetiology perhaps due to the involvement of CBAVD in the offspring may be. unpredictable when rare
other gene (.s). mutations are identified in the male or the female. The couple
should be informed thai the lest cannot detect all mutations
within the gene; therefore, a negative mutation screen reduces.
Genetic counselling but does nol eliminate, the risk of being a carrier (Figure 12).
Mali* v> ith CBAVD Fcmule partmr OfTsprint; gcnuiype (MTspiing Phcnot>pcs(c5Unuitedrisks)
Figure 12. Risk Ciilculiilion and phenotype prediction (risk is calculated with un assumption iif a CF carrier fretjuency of 1 in 25).
(i) Female partner is iiegaiive Ibr Ihe lesi: ihe residual risk Tor a panner from the general population of being a carrier after a
negative screening for a fraction u of CFTR mutations in her ethnic background will hcZ = q(t - a)/(I - aq). with </ the prior
carrier risk (ten Kate. 1990). The risk for this couple for having a CF child is calculated as follows: I (he carries a severe mutation)
X I/24I (her test is negative. '^W< sensitivity) x 1/4 = 1/964. (ii) Female partner is a CF carrier: in this case, the inheritance will
follow classical Mendelian rules for autosomal recessive inheritance, and lhe couple has a one in four risk for having a child
affected with CF. Background information on calculation above: Because CF is an autosomal recessive di.sorder, individuals who
are heterozygous carriers (frequency around 1/25 in Caucasian populations) are not clinically distinguishable from individuals
with two normal alleles. The Hardy-Wei nberg law states that the sum of the normal allele frequency (p) and the mutant allele
frequency dy) equals \ [p + q ~ I). Since the frequency of the CF disease (individuals with two mutant CF alleles) in the
population is known (y- = 112500). the mutant allele frequency, which is the square root of the CF disease frequency, is <:/ = 1 in
50 or0.02. Therefore, the CFTR carrier frequency, which is defined as 2pq. is 0.039 (2 x 49/50 x 1/50). The probability fora man
to inherit both the .^T alleie from one parent and a CFTR gene mutation from the other parent is 1 in 4 or 25'?'f. Therefore, it can
he estimated that approximately one male in 1666 should have a CBAVD due to inheritance of a 5T allele in tram of a CF
mutation 10.102 (5T carrier frequeney) x 0.04 (CFTR carrier frequency) x 0.25 (chance of inheriting both 5T allele and a
mutation) x 0.60 (penelrance ofthe 5T allele) = 0.06% (1/1666)1.
predict the phenotype (for instance, couples with only one If no mutation is found in the male, the presence of an
muiation detected in the CBAVD male and one or two undetected mutation cannot be definitely excluded but the risk
mutations present in the female) (Lissens. 1997; Phillipson vi for a CF cliild is probably lower than 1/1000. It is important to
ill.. 2000). Methods for deteeting point mutations are know if the CBAVD patient has brothers with or without
continuously improved, and, recently, two powerful CBAVD. as the study of familial segregation of CFTR
approaches have been demonstrated to detect mutation polymorphisms could also contribute to the discrimination of
F50Sdel at the single cell level, the dHPLC (denaturing high CFTR-linked and unlinked conditions of CBAVD.
pertormanee liquid chromatography; Girardet ei at.. 2003) and
the microarray technology (Salvado fl at.. 2003). A major In couples with male infertility not related to CF. the risk of
advantage of the microarray approach is that it will allow having children with CF is not different from the risk lor
testing for the relevant mutations and. simultaneously, couples in the general population. The risk of infertility in their
monitoring for the two main technical difnculties in PGD. male offspring is unknown.
ADO (allele drop-oul) and contamination through the
detection of SNP that are linked to mutations. In conclusion, even with the cunent stale of knowledge,
genetic counselling of couples with CBAVD remains very
The elinical examination and follow-up of children bom to difficult. It is time to initiate collaborative studies to update
couples with CBAVD will be essential to understand the data on the distribution and frequency of CFTR mutants and
variable phenotypic expression of CF gene inutations. variants that have been found after exhaustive screening of
particularly in cases of homozygosity for the 5T allele or both CBAVD patients and their partner, and to determine their
compound heterozygosity for a severe mutation and the 5T prevalence in the general population of differenl ethnic groups.
allele or a .severe mutation and R1I7H-7T. Risk assessment is an essential component of genetic
counselling and testing, and we need consensus risk
The identification of CFTR mutations in a CBAVD male has calculations thai are adequate in the context of particular
imponant implications nol only for himself but also for his CBAVD clinical scenarios encountered in genetics practice.
family. Healthy siblings of a CBAVD male have a 509r chance These calculations should take into account not only CFTR
of being CF carriers. The possibility of testing and counselling geneiies but also relevant Information resulting from clinieal
should also be offered to family members, who should be and bioeleclrie data specific to CBAVD patients. We also need
informed about their increased risk of having CF children if consensus guidelines for the number of mutations and/or the
they have inherited a CF mutation and their partner Is also a extent of CFTR genetic analysis to be performed, as well as the
carrier. choice in PND versus PGD to be offered to CBAVD eouples.
Symposium - Molecular pathology of the CFTR locus - M Clau.stres
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