MOS 2010 Training PDF
MOS 2010 Training PDF
MOS 2010 Training PDF
Open the Viewing1 document, and change the magnification so that you can see two pages
side by side. Then zoom to 100%, and jump to the Shipping heading. Finally, jump to the top
of page 5.
Open the Viewing1 and Viewing2 documents, and switch back and forth between the two open
windows. Then arrange the two document windows so that they are stacked one above the
Open the Viewing2 document, and arrange the screen so that you can see the beginning and
end of the document at the same time
1.2 Apply Protection to a Document
Open the Finalizing document, mark it as final, and save it as MyFinalizing. Then close and
reopen the document, note the functionality that is unavailable, and remove the Marked As
Final designation.
Open the Password document, set the password for the file to P@ssword, and save it
as MyPassword. Then close and reopen the document.
1.3 Manage Document Versions
Open the Versions document and save it as MyVersions. Configure Word to automatically
save a draft version of the document every 1 minute.
In the MyVersions document, change the title to Business Office Procedures. Then save the
Display and then restore the original version of the MyVersions document.
Open the Saving1 document, and save it with the name MyCompatibility in a format that users
of Word 2003 can work in. Close the MyCompatibility document and then open it in
Compatibility Mode and note the changes in the document.
Open the Saving2 document, and save only page 3 as a PDF file named MyPDF, ensuring
that the document headings are bookmarked in the MyPDF file.
Open the Saving3 document, and save it as a single-file webpage named MyWebpage that is
optimized for display at a screen resolution of 1024×768. Then display theMyWebpage file in
Windows Internet Explorer.
2. Formatting Content
2.1 Apply Font and Paragraph Attributes
In the Characters document, format the Beautiful Bamboo heading with the Stencil font. Make
it bold and 26 points, apply the Outline effect, and expand the character spacing by 2 points.
Then change its color to the light green standard color.
In the Characters document, in the paragraph that begins Because they are so easy to
grow, format the names chimonobambusa marmorea, indocalamus tessellatus, pleioblastus
chino vaginatus, bambusa glaucophylla, and otatea acuminata aztecorum in small caps. Then
change all small caps formatting to italic.
In the Styles document, display the style area pane at the left side of the document in Draft
view. Apply the formatting of the Author Meet and Greet Update heading to theFantasy Author
Starts Book Tour paragraph at the bottom of the document by using the Format Painter.
In the Finding document, highlight all instances of The Taguien Cycle. Then change all
instances of The Taguien Cycle, to italic.
On page 2 of the Finding document, change the style of the last four lines of text on the page
to Subtitle.
In the Finding document, replace all instances of nonbreaking spaces with regular spaces.
2.3 Apply Indentation and Tab Settings to Paragraphs
In the Paragraphs document, display nonprinting characters and the rulers. Insert a line break
to the left of Update in the fourth line. Indent the first line of each of the paragraphs following
the Update heading by a quarter of an inch. Finally, give all the paragraphs below Esther
Valle left and right indents of half an inch.
At the end of the TabularList document, enter the following, pressing Tab where indicated:
Make the first line bold, and indent the entire list. Left-align the second column at the 2-inch
mark on the horizontal ruler, and then right-align the third column at the 4-inch mark.
In the Tabs document, for the Date, Time, Location, and Ticket cost paragraphs, set a left tab
at the 2.5-inch mark and a decimal tab at the 4-inch mark
In the RoomPlanner document, change the line spacing of the text in the sidebar on page 2 so
that two line spaces appear between the lines of text.
In the RoomPlanner document, change the paragraph spacing of all the text in the main
document so that the spacing between each paragraph is 12 points.
In the Paragraphs document, change the spacing after all paragraphs to 12 points, and then
remove the spacing after the Date, Time, Location, and Ticket cost paragraphs. Change the
line spacing of the paragraph that begins The author of to 1.5.
2.5 Create Tables
In the Table document, convert the tabular list beginning with Distance and ending
with $20.00 into a table with two columns and six rows.
In a new document, create a Matrix Quick Table.
In a document, draw a table half the width and one-quarter the height of the page. Divide the
table into four columns and 6 rows. Then apply the Colorful Shading - Accent 3 table style.
In a document, insert a table with four columns and five rows. Specify the width of each
column as 1.0″.
In the SortTable document, sort the table in ascending order by State, then by City, and then
by Last Name.
In the ModifyTable document, merge the cells in the first row of the Estimate table. Add two
rows below the last row. Then adjust the size of the entire table until its right edge aligns with
the 4-inch mark on the horizontal ruler.
In the ModifyTable document, expand the height of the header row of the Estimate table to
0.4″, and then center align the contents.
In the ModifyTable document, convert the Consultation Fee Schedule table to text, with the
column contents separated by tabs.
2.7 Apply Bullets to a Document
In the Lists document, convert the paragraphs under each of the bold headings except The
Sequence of Events to a bulleted list that uses the four-diamond bullet character.
In the Lists document, convert the paragraphs under the heading The Sequence of Events to a
numbered list with the A. B. C. format.
In the Pages document, implement widow and orphan control for the entire document, and
ensure that no paragraphs will be broken across pages.
In the Pages document, insert a page break before the Facilities heading, and then ensure that
the To use the intercom from the office heading will appear on the same page as the following
two steps.
3.2 Apply Themes
Apply the Aspect theme to the Theme document.
In the CustomTheme document, change the color theme to Opulent and the font theme to
Apex, and then save the combination as a custom theme with the name MOS Design.
3.3 Construct Content in a Document by Using the Quick Parts Tool
In the Parts document, insert a Pinstripes cover page. Change the subtitle placeholder
to Information Sheet and the date placeholder to today's date.
In the Parts document, on page 2, insert a Pinstripes Quote, and use Paste Special to insert
an unformatted copy of the last sentence of the fourth paragraph (Go with what you love…) in
the quote box. Then save the customized pull quote as a Quick Part with the name Inspiration
3.4 Create and Manipulate Page Backgrounds
In the Background document, change the background color to the second lightest green (Olive
Green, Accent 3, Lighter 60%).
Add the Canvas texture to the background of the Background document.
Add the URGENT text watermark to the Background document.
3.5 Create and Modify Headers and Footers
In the Header document, add a Motion (Even Page) header with the text The Taguian
Cycle, and specify that the header should not appear on the first page. Then add a Motion
(Even Page) footer that displays today's date.
In the Numbers document, add page numbers to the entire document, and format the page
numbers as uppercase roman numerals.
5. Proofreading Documents
5.1 Validate Content by Using Spelling and Grammar Checking Options
In the first paragraph of the Letter document, correct the spelling of the word sorces by
selecting the correct spelling from the context menu.
Check the spelling and grammar of the Letter document, and do the following from within the
Spelling And Grammar dialog box:
o Correct the duplicate instances of the word to in the first paragraph.
o Add the company name Contoso to the dictionary so that Word doesn't flag future
instances of it as a spelling error.
5.2 Configure AutoCorrect Settings
In the Letter document, locate the misspelled word commited. From the context menu, add the
misspelled word to the AutoCorrect list so that Word automatically corrects future instances
to commit.
Modify the AutoCorrect options so that Word automatically corrects the misspelled
word avalable to available. Test the AutoCorrect modification by entering the following text at
the end of the second paragraph: