Abrasion Resistance

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Wear 260 (2006) 1262–1266

Abrasion resistance of concrete containing nano-particles for pavement

Hui Li ∗ , Mao-hua Zhang, Jin-ping Ou
School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 202 Haihe Road, Nan-gang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150090, China
Received 14 December 2004; received in revised form 15 August 2005; accepted 23 August 2005
Available online 10 October 2005

The abrasion resistance of concrete containing nano-particles for pavement is experimentally studied. Both nano-TiO2 and nano-SiO2 are,
respectively, employed to be as the additives. For comparison, the abrasion resistance of plain concrete and the concrete containing polypropylene
(PP) fibers is also experimentally studied in this work. The test results indicate that the abrasion resistance of concretes containing nano-particles
and PP fibers is significantly improved. However, the indices of abrasion resistance of concrete containing nano-particles are much larger than
that of concrete containing PP fibers. The abrasion resistance of concrete containing nano-TiO2 is better than that containing the same amount of
nano-SiO2 . The enhanced extent of the abrasion resistance of concrete decreases with increasing content of nano-particles. Finally, the relationship
between the indices of abrasion resistance and compressive strength of concrete is obtained, which indicates that the abrasion resistance of concrete
increases with increasing compressive strength.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Abrasion resistance; Pavement concrete; Nano-particles; Polypropylene (PP) fiber

1. Introduction cated that the relationship between compressive strength and

abrasion resistance of concrete was linear, however, Cengiz [2]
Pavement concrete is mostly used for road surfaces, bridge pointed out that the relation was hyperbolic. While the other
decks, airfield runways and parking lots. Pavement concrete view is that the abrasion resistance of concrete is independent
endures dynamical loads and subjects to rigorous environment. on compressive strength [6,7].
High-performance of pavement concrete requires good durabil- Many investigations have shown that both surface finishing
ity as well as strength. Durability of pavement concrete includes techniques and curing types have a strong influence on the abra-
abrasion resistance, impact resistance, permeability and freeze- sion resistance of concrete [3]. In general, proper finishing and
thaw cycles. The abrasion resistance is one of the key consider- curing practices are known to enhance the abrasion resistance
ations. of concrete considerably. Sadegzadeh et al. [8] studied the rela-
Numerous studies on the abrasion resistance of concrete have tionship between surface microstructure and abrasion resistance
been carried out. The results showed that the abrasion resistance of concrete. The results indicated that different surface finish-
of concrete was strongly influenced by compressive strength, ing techniques produced distinct pore structures and hardnesses
surface finishing techniques, curing types, aggregate properties within a surface zone of a few millimeters, and the abrasion resis-
and testing conditions, i.e. dry or wet [1,2]. tance of concrete was largely dependent on the pore structure
There are two views on the relationship between compres- and microhardness of the surface zone.
sive strength and abrasion resistance of concrete. One of them is A number of studies have shown that the addition of PP fibers
that compressive strength is the most important factor governing can improve the abrasion resistance of concrete. Most of the test
the abrasion resistance of concrete [3], and the abrasion resis- results indicated that the abrasion resistance of concrete contain-
tance of concrete increases with increasing compressive strength ing PP fibres could increase by 20–60% according to different
[1,2,4,5]. For example, Naik et al. [1] and Gjorv et al. [4] indi- contents of PP fibres and different researchers [9,10]. The result
of simulant abrasion test carried out by the National Highway
Laboratory of Norway showed that the abrasion resistance of
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 451 8628 2013; fax: +86 451 8628 2013. concrete containing PP fibers increased by 52% [11]. However,
E-mail address: lihui@hit.edu.cn (H. Li). the result tested by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers using

0043-1648/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Li et al. / Wear 260 (2006) 1262–1266 1263

CRD-C52-54 method indicated that the abrasion resistance of 2.2. Specimen fabrication
concrete containing PP fibers could increase by 105% [11].
The abrasion resistance of concrete containing nano-particles To fabricate the concrete containing nano-particles, water-
(TiO2 and SiO2 ) for pavement is experimentally studied. For reducing agent is firstly mixed into water in a mortar mixer, and
comparison, the abrasion resistance of plain concrete and the then nano-particles are added and stirred at a high speed for
concrete containing PP fibers is also experimentally studied in 5 min. Defoamer is added as stirring. Cement, sand and coarse
this work. The test results indicate that the abrasion resistance aggregate are mixed at a low speed for 2 min in a concrete cen-
of concretes containing nano-particles and PP fibers is signifi- trifugal blender, and then the mixture of water, water-reducing
cantly improved. However, the indices of abrasion resistance of agent, nano-particles and defoamer is slowly poured in and
concrete containing nano-particles are much larger than that of stirred at a low speed for another 2 min to achieve good worka-
concrete containing PP fibers. If the concrete containing nano- bility.
particles is used for pavement, the service life of pavement can To fabricate plain concrete and the concrete containing PP
be prolonged. fibers, water-reducing agent is firstly dissolved in water. After
cement, sand, coarse aggregate and PP fibers (if used) are mixed
uniformly in a concrete centrifugal blender, the mixture of water
2. Experiment and water-reducing agent is poured in and stirred for several
2.1. Materials and mixture proportions Finally, the fresh concrete is poured into oiled molds to form
cubes of size 100 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm that are used for
The cement used is Portland cement (P.O42.5). Fine aggre- compressive testing, prisms of size 100 mm × 100 mm × 400
gate is natural river sand with a fineness modulus of 2.4. mm for flexural testing and cubes of size 150 mm × 150
The coarse aggregate used is crushed diabase with diam- mm × 150 mm for abrasion testing. After pouring, an external
eter of 5–25 mm. UNF water-reducing agent (one kind of vibrator is used to facilitate compaction and decrease the amount
␤-naphthalene sulfonic acid and formaldehyde condensates, of air bubbles. The specimens are de-molded at 24 h and then
China) is employed to aid the dispersion of nano-particles in con- cured in a standard moist room at a temperature of 20 ± 3 ◦ C.
crete and achieve good workability of concrete. The defoamer,
tributyl phosphate (made in China) is used to decrease the 2.3. Test methods
amount of air bubbles.
The nano-particles are purchased from Zhoushan Mingri Both compressive and flexural tests are performed in accor-
Nano-phase Material Co. (Zhejiang, China) and their proper- dance with JTJ 053-94 (testing methods of concrete for highway
ties are shown in Table 1. The modified PP fibers are obtained engineering, China). Abrasion testing is conducted according to
from Zhangjiagang Synthetic Fiber Co. (Jiangsu, China) and GB/T16925-1997 (test method for abrasion resistance of con-
their properties are shown in Table 2. crete and its products, China), testing equipment is ball bearing
The water-to-binder (the sum of cement and nano-particles) abrasion machine.
ratio used for all mixtures is 0.42. Sand ratio is 34%. The mixture Firstly, the abraded face of specimen is put upward. The abra-
proportions for cubic meter of concrete are given in Table 3. sion head is put on the abraded face. The machine rotates the
Herein, PC denotes plain concrete. PPC1and PPC2 denote the abrasion head rubbing the abraded face. The abraded face is
concrete containing PP fibers in the content of 0.6 and 0.9 kg/m3 , flushed by water in order to clean the dust from the abraded
respectively. NSC1 and NSC3 denote the concrete containing face as the machine rotates. The abrasion head abrades a cir-
nano-SiO2 in the amount of 1 and 3% by weight of binder, cular groove with diameter of 75 mm on the abraded face of
respectively. And NTC1, NTC3 and NTC5 denote the concrete specimen. The depth of abrasion groove is measured to be as
containing nano-TiO2 in the amount of 1, 3 and 5% by weight the initial depth when abrading 30 revolutions. Henceforth, the
of binder, respectively. machine stops once time when rotating per 1000 revolutions,

Table 1
The properties of nano-particles
Item Diameter (nm) Specific surface area (m2 /g) Density (g/cm3 ) Purity (%) Phase

SiO2 10 ± 5 640 ± 50 <0.12 99.9 –

TiO2 15 240 ± 50 0.04–0.06 99.7 Anatase

Table 2
The properties of PP fibers
Item Elongation (%) Fiber number (D) Diameter (␮m) Length (mm)

Target 40 ± 3 11 ± 0.5 84–92 15 ± 1

1264 H. Li et al. / Wear 260 (2006) 1262–1266

Table 3
Mix proportions of specimens (kg/m3 )
Mixture no. Water Cement Sand Coarse aggregate PP fiber Nano-SiO2 Nano-TiO2 UNF Defoamer Slump (cm)

PC 151 360 650 1260 – – – 5.4 – 5–6

PPC1 151 360 650 1260 0.6 – – 5.4 – 3–4
PPC2 151 360 650 1260 0.9 – – 5.4 – 2–3
NSC1 151 356.4 650 1260 – 3.6 – 5.4 0.216 2–3
NSC3 151 349.2 650 1260 – 10.8 – 7.2 0.288 1–2
NTC1 151 356.4 650 1260 – – 3.6 5.4 0.216 2–3
NTC3 151 349.2 650 1260 – – 10.8 7.2 0.288 2–3
NTC5 151 342 650 1260 – – 18 7.2 0.288 1–2

and the depth of abrasion groove is measured. When the revo- particles in a small amount are added, both the compressive
lutions of abrasion head reach 5000 revolutions or the depth of and flexural strengths of concrete can be enhanced. However,
abrasion groove exceeds 1.5 mm, the testing can be stopped. The when nano-particles in a large amount are added, the flexural
revolutions of abrasion head are recorded and the final depth of strength of concrete is lower than plain concrete although the
abrasion groove is measured. compressive strength is still a little enhanced. The effective-
Then the index of abrasion resistance is defined as ness of nano-TiO2 in increasing the compressive and flexure
√ strengths increases in the order: NTC5 < NTC3 < NTC1 (with
Ia = (1) the decrease on nano-TiO2 content) and the similar results
P can be observed in Table 4 for the concrete containing nano-
where, Ia is the index of abrasion resistance; R is the revolutions SiO2 . When the content of PP fibers increases from 0.6 to
of abrasion head (kilo revolution); P is the depth of abrasion 0.9 kg/m3 , compressive strength of the concrete containing PP
groove (mm), which is the difference between the final depth fibers enhances only a little, but its flexural strength improves
and initial depth of abrasion groove. markedly.
The index obtained from the test that takes the molded face of If concrete is perfect and has no flaws, its compressive and
specimen as the abraded face is called surface index of abrasion flexural strengths should be enhanced synchronously. But in
resistance, and that taking the side of specimen as the abraded practice, the enhanced extent of compressive strength of con-
face is called side index of abrasion resistance. The surface index crete is greatly larger than that of flexural strength. This is
is slightly discreter than the side index of abrasion resistance, but primarily attributed to the presence of micro-cracks with differ-
it is more in agreement with the actual circumstance of pavement ent scales in concrete, and the effect of micro-cracks on flexural
concrete. strength of concrete is greater than on compressive strength
The larger the value of the index of abrasion resistance is, [9]. However, with the addition of PP fibers, the formation
the stronger the abrasion resistance of concrete is. Generally, and propagation of micro-cracks are inhibited, and the scales
when surface index of abrasion resistance is larger than 1.60, of micro-cracks are reduced, so the enhanced extent of flexu-
the abrasion resistance of concrete pavement can be ensured. ral strength of the concrete containing PP fibers is higher than
that of compressive strength. When the content of nano-particles
3. Test results and discussions is larger, such as the concretes containing 3% nano-SiO2 and
5% nano-TiO2 , the workability of concrete is worse, and the
3.1. Compressive and flexural strengths number of micro-cracks in concrete increases, which results
in the decrease of flexural strength of concrete. In addition,
Table 4 shows the compressive and flexural strengths of all because nano-particles are more difficult to uniformly disperse
specimens at the 28th day. It can be seen that, when nano- when the contents are large, and the weak zone in concrete
increases, which also causes the decrease of flexural strength of
Table 4 concrete.
Compressive and flexural strengths of specimens
Mixture Flexural strength Compressive strength 3.2. Abrasion resistance
Target Enhanced Target Enhanced
(MPa) extent (%) (MPa) extent (%) Table 5 shows the results of abrasion resistance of all speci-
mens at the 28th day. It can be seen that the abrasion resistance
PC 5.46 0 59.08 0
PPC1 5.99 9.81 61.02 3.28
of concretes containing nano-particles and PP fibers is remark-
PPC2 6.60 20.87 63.29 7.12 ably improved, in particular the abrasion resistance of concrete
NSC1 5.69 4.21 66.36 12.31 containing nano-particles. The enhanced extent of the abrasion
NSC3 5.36 −1.87 61.16 3.51 resistance of concrete containing nano-particles is much higher
NTC1 6.02 10.28 69.73 18.03 than that of concrete containing PP fibers. The side indices of
NTC3 5.62 3.04 66.62 12.76
NTC5 5.28 −3.27 60.00 1.55
abrasion resistance of all concretes are larger than their surface
indices of abrasion resistance.
H. Li et al. / Wear 260 (2006) 1262–1266 1265

Table 5
The results of abrasion resistance of specimens
Mixture no. Surface index of Side index of
abrasion resistance abrasion resistance
Target Enhanced Target Enhanced
extent (%) extent (%)

PC 1.19 0 1.55 0
PPC1 1.42 19.1 2.42 55.9
PPC2 1.60 34.4 2.62 69.2
NSC1 3.06 157.0 3.71 139.4
NSC3 2.39 100.8 2.93 89.0
NTC1 3.34 180.7 4.24 173.3
NTC3 2.95 147.7 3.72 140.2
NTC5 2.27 90.4 2.88 86.0

Fig. 1. The relationship between the index of abrasion resistance and compres-
The effectiveness of nano-TiO2 in enhancing abrasion resis- sive strength of concrete containing nano-particles.
tance increases in the order: NTC5 < NTC3 < NTC1 (with the
decrease on nano-TiO2 content). The abrasion resistance of con-
crete containing nano-TiO2 in the amount of 1% by weight of influence on the water demand of cement paste [12]. The larger
binder increases by 180.7% for the surface index and 173.3% the content of nano-particles is, the more the water demand
for the side index. Even for the concrete containing nano-TiO2 of cement paste is. If the mixture proportions of concrete are
in the amount of 5% by weight of binder, the abrasion resis- the same, the workability of concrete will decrease remarkably
tance increases by 90.4% for the surface index and 86% for the with increasing content of nano-particles, which consequently
side index. The similar results can be found for the concrete decreases the abrasion resistance and strength of concrete. In
containing nano-SiO2 . addition, the uniform dispersion of nano-particles in cement
The index of abrasion resistance of concrete containing PP paste is difficult with increasing content of nano-particles,
fibers increases with increasing fibers content. The enhanced which also decreases the strength and abrasion resistance of
extent is almost the same as that presented in the related litera- concrete.
tures. The abrasion resistance of concrete containing modified PP
The addition of nano-particles is much more favorable to the fibers is improved, which is mostly attributed to the crack-
abrasion resistance of concrete than that of PP fibers. arresting effect and crack-thinning effect of PP fibers [9], and
The mechanism of nano-particles improving the abrasion the bridge effect of PP fibers on cracks and diversion effect of PP
resistance of concrete can be interpreted as follows. Supposed fibers on separated cement blocks [13]. The larger the content
that nano-particles are uniformly dispersed and each particle is of PP fibers is, the stronger these effects are. In addition, friction
contained in a cube pattern, the distance between nano-particles work is consumed when PP fibers are pulled out from concrete
can be specified. After hydration begins, hydrate products dif- [13].
fuse and envelop nano-particles as kernel. If the content of
nano-particles and the distance between them are appropriate, 3.3. The relationship between abrasion resistance and
the crystallization will be controlled to be a suitable state through compressive strength of concrete
restricting the growth of Ca(OH)2 crystal by nano-particles. This
makes the cement matrix more homogeneous and compact. As a As mentioned in introduction, there are different views on
consequence, the abrasion resistance and strength are improved the relationship between abrasion resistance and compressive
evidently such as the concrete containing 1% nano-TiO2 . With strength of concrete at present. The relationship between abra-
increasing content of nano-particles, the distance between nano- sion resistance and compressive strength of concrete is obtained
particles decreases, Ca(OH)2 crystal can not grow up enough, from this test, and shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively.
which leads to the ratio of crystal to C S H gel small and the It can be seen from Fig. 1 that the indices of abrasion
microstructure of cement matrix is loose. The abrasion resis- resistance of concrete containing nano-particles increase with
tance and strength of concrete decrease relatively. increasing compressive strength. The relationship appears to be
In addition, because cement content and water content in linear, and the correlation coefficient is close to 1.0. The corre-
this study are small, the slump of fresh concrete, especially the lation of side index of abrasion resistance is slightly larger than
concrete containing nano-particles is less than 60 mm, which that of surface index.
leads to a thin mortar layer on the surface of concrete forming. Fig. 2 shows the total relationship between the indices of
The thin mortar layer is favorable to the improvement of abrasion abrasion resistance and compressive strength for plain concrete,
resistance of concrete. the concrete containing nano-particles and the concrete contain-
However, the abrasion resistance and strength of concrete ing PP fibers. It can be seen that the curves approach hyperbola
are decreased with increasing content of nano-particles. Stud- basically, which confirms that compressive strength is a critical
ies have shown that the content of nano-particles has a strong factor affecting the abrasion resistance of concrete.
1266 H. Li et al. / Wear 260 (2006) 1262–1266

(2) The enhanced extent of the abrasion resistance of concrete

containing nano-particles decreases with increasing content
of nano-particles. The abrasion resistance of concrete con-
taining nano-TiO2 is better than that containing the same
amount of nano-SiO2 .
(3) The abrasion resistance of concrete containing nano-
particles increases with increasing compressive strength.
The relationship appears to be linear. For all concretes
referred in this study, the relationship between abrasion
resistance and compressive strength approaches hyperbola
basically. So the abrasion resistance of concrete is strongly
dependent on their compressive strength.

Fig. 2. The relationship between the index of abrasion resistance and compres-
sive strength for all mixtures. This study was financially supported by NSFC grant no.
50238040, and Ministry of Science and Technology grant no.
Table 6
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