Sparkle - Kimi No Na Wa
Sparkle - Kimi No Na Wa
Sparkle - Kimi No Na Wa
Nurse as Educator by Susan Bastable 3, 179.47 850.00
Nursing Theory (Nursing Theory and Their Works) by Alligood and 3, 098.00 1, 300.00
Fundamentals of Nursing by Potter and Perry 5, 141.00 2, 500.00
Clinical Companion to Accompany Potter and Perry's Fundamentals of 1, 410.00 750.00
Human Anatomy & Physiology by Elaine Marieb 2, 100.00 1050.00
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing by Videbeck 3, 498.00 1, 750.00
Oncology Nursing by Langhorne, Fulton and Otto 4, 988.00 2, 200.00
Nursing Research by Polit and Beck 1, 988.00 750.00
Guide to Nursing Management and Leadership (Copy) 350.00 175.00
Critical Care and Emergency Nursing by Saunders 2, 435.00 1, 500.00
Gerontologic Nursing by Meiner 3, 051.00 1, 995.00
Pharmacology (A Nursing Process Approach) by Kee and Hayes 4, 079.41 2,000.00
Total 35, 317.00 16, 820.00
Medical Surgical Nursing by Lewis (If you can’t find yours) 4, 664.00 2, 300.00