Architecture Syllabus: PH.D Eligibility Entrance Test (Peet) :2012-13
Architecture Syllabus: PH.D Eligibility Entrance Test (Peet) :2012-13
Architecture Syllabus: PH.D Eligibility Entrance Test (Peet) :2012-13
Architecture Syllabus
1. Evolution of building technology and advancements; Industrial Revolution and its impact,
mass housing , rapid construction methods and materials; Structural systems as elements of
architectural expressions, modernism and post modernism.
2. Shells, cable, frame, prismatic and geodesic structures, load carrying mechanism, large
span structure, lessons from failures.
3. Passive building technologies, building skin, material and construction details for thermal,
light and ventilation control ; Traditional Architecture- vernacular vocabulary.
4. Indoor environment, HVAC and artificial lighting, Sick Building Syndrome, performance
efficiency, energy efficiency, CFL and LED.
5. Construction technology and lean construction; Toyota experience just in time,
controlled inventory.
6. Building management system (BMS) ; Safety entry control; CCTV; Fire and smoke
detection , alarm; Thermal and working environment temperature, humidity , air
movement, light level; Occupancy sensors; Simulation
1. Introduction to building byelaws, its needs, objectives, nature, purpose and scope of
2. Critical evaluation of building byelaws, need of reform in building byelaws to achieve
good built environment.
3. Building byelaws of selected towns, cities and development authorities.
4. Architects Act of 1972, code of conduct, professional responsibilities and scale of
charges, architectural competitions.
5. Building contract systems, administration of building contract, invitation of tenders and
procedure of award.
6. Architects office management, methods of communication, documentation and
1. Eco- System and development activities, settlement patterns, forestry and agricultural
activities and their impact on eco- systems.
2. Climate modifications, hydrological cycles, landforms, vegetation and pollution, preparation
of ecological impact statements for major projects.
3. Conservation of ecological balance and environmental quality, national parks and urban park
system, landscape planning, and tourism, environmental law relating to nature conservation
in urban areas, coastal landscape.
4. Introduction to landscape design, types of landscapes and their characteristics, linkages with
nature and built environment. Elements and materials of landscapes, characteristics of
various types of plants, topography and their suitability of landscaping. Landscape
conservation its purpose, preparatory procedure, maintenance of existing landscape. Urban
and regional landscapes- ecological and environmental and total built environment.
Landscape profession and practice in relation building types, formal and informal design
schemes, landscaping paths, gardens and roads. Impact of Science and Technological
advancements in landscape planning and design. Techniques of accessing landscape
qualities, study of landscape qualities of various functional areas in cities and regions,
identification of plant materials and planning design and case studies.
1. Introduction to EBS in Architecture, EBS Origins and Issues: Intellectual History of EBS
Conceptualizing the Environment/Behavior Relationship
2. Environmental Perception, Cognition, and Meaning, Socio-cultural Dimensions of
Environment/Behavior Relationships, Cultural Similarities and Differences,
Multiculturalism Groups, Aggregates and the Designed Environment, Home and Housing
for Different Socio-cultural Groups, Elderly and the Environment, Gender, Sexuality, and
3. Sacred and Profane Spaces, Work Environments, Sacred Places/Religious Environments,
Children's Environments, Child Care Centers, Educational Facilities, Environments for
Health and Aging, Health Care Settings, Elderly and the Environment
4. Institutional Long-Term Care/Residential Settings, Cities and Towns, Neighborhood and
Community, Crime and Environmental Design, Small Town Life and Design, Urban Life,
Urban Public Space, and Urban Design.
1. The basic science of environment, the various systems, eco- systems, relationship, between
man and environment, feed- bask mechanism in environment, understanding of these for
effective planning and design, IMES.
2. Classification of open spaces based on function, character, size, hierarchy, context, etc,,
Organization of open space, its relevance in planning analysis and integration in the urban
3. Environmental impact analysis, its importance and integration in urban systems and
facilities, role and environmental architect in creating necessary awareness, evolving a new
approach to design and development.
4. Energy management in building, Waste recycling, Renewable, non- renewable, non-
conventional energy systems, Technology related to energy systems, and study of passive
and active solar energy systems.
5. Need for a new look at energy options and utilizations, analysis and experimentation in use
of natural systems in urban planning with reference to metropolitan city context and
environmental laws of India, Eco- culture, Eco- conservation.
1. Development of architecture in India from the earliest times up to the end of the fourteenth
2. Islamic architecture from early Saracenic, imperial and provincial schools up to the
Mughal period.
3. Architectural development in ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece and
4. Architecture in early Christian, Romanesque, Byzantine, Gothic, Medieval, renaissance and
Baroque periods.
5. Influence of Industrial revolution on materials, construction and building types. Arts and
crafts movement, Art Nouveau, Vienna School, Chicago School etc.
6. Characteristic styles of modern architecture up to First World War. Characteristic styles of
modern architecture after the Second World War. Contributions made by pioneers and
notable architects.
1. Defining Heritage Cultural value and Cultural capital Terminologies, Attitude and
Approaches to conservation.
2. Various criteria for listing buildings Documentation Techniques, Status of listed
buildings spot and delisting- Interdisciplinary approaches to buildings recording,
conservation and management Adaptive reuse, Character and issues of Heritage
towns Delineating heritage zones Planning for heritage towns and heritage areas.
3. Documenting material Use and structural issues of historic buildings Focus on
restoring and conserving brick structures Technology, use and repair of iron and steel
members Understating wood and timber structure / methods to conserving timber
structures Traditional plasterwork skills introduction to the significance and use of
lime working with lime repairing and replacing plaster Conserving stone structure
Issue concerning terracotta and mud structures.
4. Explore legislation for the heritage from an international perspective Reviewing
various Charters of ICOMOS; ICCROM; World Heritage Site Review legislative
measures adopted in India Ancient Sites and Monument Protection Act Bombay and
Hyderabad heritage regulations proposed Tamil Nadu Heritage Act.
5. An introduction to the economic aspects of conservation Cultural value and Economic
value Incentives for conservation like Transfer of Development Rights and institution
of National cultural fund Overview of incentive schemes adopted in other countries.
6. Role of various Agencies and Bodies that promote conservation,
ASI/INTACH/Heritage Societies/ Urban Arts Commission Conservation as a pubic
1. Physical form, structure, socio cultural and political aspects, growth and decay of
settlements during ancient, medieval and Renaissance periods, Industrial evolution and its
impacts, Utopian concepts in settlement planning , Contemporary issues.
2. Evolution of ancient settlements influences of Islam in India, Colonial impact, the situation
today, problems and prospects.
3. Principles of Ekistics, the elements, structure and classification of human settlement, the
analysis of urban and rural settlements with reference to Indian conditions and their growth
4. Social norms, groups, structures and institutions, ecological processes, economic
development theories, Urban Land economics, Land use determinants, Urbanization
process in general.
5. The role of Architecture and Planners in shaping human settlement, Community
participation Formulating guidelines for development, Futuristic ideas.
1. Various aspects of urban design, relationship of urban design to architecture, Planning and
landscape, Evolution of Professional discipline.
2. Review of urban forms, Patterns and spaces in different periods of history viz., ancient
river valley civilization, Greek, Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Post industrial
revolution period in Europe and India and their influencing factors.
3. Elements of urban environment - urban form, townscape, urban spaces, streetscapes,
building forms and facades, Public art.
4. Concepts of urban design, Public perception, Imageability and townscape
5. Emerging concepts in urban design, Modern examples of urban settlements, town centers
and urban spaces in India and Foreign countries.
6. Urban design principals, tools, techniques and paradigms, Role and types of urban
design guidance.