BHIP Compensation Plan
BHIP Compensation Plan
BHIP Compensation Plan
Contents Real
Healthy Inspired
Welcome.......................................... 4
Leadership Incentives........................ 10
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Welcome to bHIP. Our goal at bHIP is to continue our international expansion,
responsibility, and make every effort to adhere to the product and legal
guidelines of our stated distribution areas. Our sensible approach to best
industry practices, coupled with a sturdy and reliable online infrastructure,
give our members the tools they need to cultivate their own business. We have
faith in the strength and authenticity of our brand, and consider word-of-
mouth advertising more than enough to ensure international success. bHIP
will continue to expand across the globe, instilling our vision in the minds and
hearts of our consumers. Go tell the world: bHIP is here.
bHIP was founded by entrepreneur Terry LaCore. Our global headquarters are
located in Melissa, Texas, USA, with additional facilities in St. Paul, Minnesota
and Branson, Missouri. bHIP currently operates in over thirty countries
around the globe, and plans to expand to many more in the coming months.
Competitive with the tools they need to realize their long-term business goals.
along with our quality products, bHIP hopes to create a trustworthy and solid
community for promoters, members and customers alike.
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Each of our products has an assigned volume value. Members earn volume through their retail store and
from business group sales. Personal purchases and sales made from your retail store are logged as Personal
Volume (PV). All volume, no matter how it was generated, is referred to as Bonus Volume (BV).
You must generate at least 50 PV each period to keep the RBC active. Only members with an active RBC may
earn bonuses and leadership incentives. Inactive RBCs cannot hold or accrue volume. Any RBC that goes
inactive will be zeroed out and lose all volume points, including any carryover points. Unfortunately, we
cannot reinstate volume lost due to inactivity.
bHIP members may earn two types of income: retail profits and commissions. Earning ranks determine your
retail profit margin. Eligible members may also earn bonuses and leadership incentives (collectively called
commissions) to maximize their income. All of our earning ranks and commissions are subject to certain
The business itself is simple. Our members can earn a percentage of every dollar sold, and accrue points for
every product. PAY CYCLES
There aren’t any bulky brochures or complicated order forms to keep up with. The secure online retail store Pay cycles are one week long, and start on Monday, 12:00 am Central Time, and end Sunday at 11:59 pm
is always up-to-date, and personalized to your business. We store the products, so you don't have to worry Central Time. Paid orders are drop-shipped from bHIP's distribution facility directly to purchasers.
about space or shipping costs. Enroll new members to build your business group and maximize your income.
Qualification, Direct and Team bonuses and retail profits are paid weekly, two weeks in arrears. Leadership
JOIN NOW AS AN INDEPENDENT MEMBER Incentives are paid monthly, two weeks in arrears. Your region may place a dollar minimum on issued
Join now as an Independent Member and purchase the Global Software System (GSS) for $49.95. The GSS payments. For details on area restrictions, please contact Member Support at
includes the online account manager, customized websites, retail store, and a secure payment center. After
12 months, renew the GSS for only $49.95 and keep your business open. All monetary values are in USD.
Simply teach and help others. That’s it - pretty simple all the way around. Just do steps 1, 2 and 3, teach
others to do the same, and over time you have the potential to earn all the forms of compensation mentioned
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There are four earning ranks in the bHIP compensation plan: Associate, Partner, Executive and
L EFT TEAM RIGHT TEAM Professional. Earning ranks are determined by ranked packages or PV. Earning members make a profit
on their direct retail sales, and receive discounts on personal purchases. Profits and BV may vary on our
promotional packages. Please refer to the Promotion Compensation page for promotion details.
Our Starting Earning Rank
Simply enroll as a bHIP Global member to achieve this rank.
Members at this rank earn up to a 10% profit on sales from their retail store, and receive up to a 10%
discount on their personal purchases. Eligible Associate members can earn Qualification, Direct and
Team Bonuses.
Our Second Earning Rank
Purchase a Partner package or log at least 200 PV of product to achieve this rank.
Members at this rank earn up to a 20% profit on sales from their retail store, and receive up to a 20%
discount on their personal purchases. Eligible Partner members can earn Qualification, Direct and Team
Our Third Earning Rank
Purchase an Executive package or log at least 600 PV of product to achieve this rank.
Members at this rank earn up to a 25% profit on sales from their retail store, and receive up to a 25%
discount on their personal purchases. Eligible Executive members can earn Qualification, Direct and
Team Bonuses.
TEAM BUILDING Our Highest Earning Rank
New enrollees go into one of two teams. One team is on your left side, and one team is on your right side. Purchase a Professional package or log at least 1,500 PV of product to achieve this rank.
Members at this rank earn up to a 30% profit on sales from their retail store, and receive up to a 30%
DEPTH discount on their personal purchases. Eligible Professional members can earn Qualification, Direct and
Team Bonuses, and Leadership Matching, Differential, Super Cycle and Rank Achievement bonuses.
Members you personally sponsor are called Level 1 members. Those your Level 1 members personally
sponsor are called Level 2 members, and so on and so forth.
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Associate Partner Executive Professional
$49.95 USD $49.95 USD $49.95 USD $49.95 USD Global Software System
0 PV Partner Package or 200 PV Executive Package or 600 PV Professional Package or 1500 PV Personal Orders + Online
Retail Orders
500 BV
+ = $50
6 Weeks Initial 6 Weeks Initial 6 Weeks Initial 6 Weeks Initial Activation Period 50 PV*
4 Weeks Ongoing 4 Weeks Ongoing 4 Weeks Ongoing 4 Weeks Ongoing For Initial & Ongoing
of $50 USD of $50 USD of $50 USD of $50 USD Sponsor 2 Active Members
1 left + 1 Right
$20 USD For Partner Pack $20 USD For Partner Pack $20 USD For Partner Pack $20 USD For Partner Pack Direct Bonus
$40 USD For Executive Pack $40 USD For Executive Pack $40 USD For Executive Pack $40 USD For Executive Pack Sponsor Member with Partner
500 BV
Executive or Professional Package
$100 USD For Professional Pack $100 USD For Professional Pack $100 USD For Professional Pack $100 USD For Professional Pack
$50 USD $50 USD $50 USD $50 USD Team Bonus
500 BV Left Team, 500 BV Right
Team Max $30,000 Weekly.
Max Team Carryover 250,000 BV
bHIP offers four types of leadership incentives for our Professional members who achieve a leadership rank:
All commissions are subject to member and/or volume requirements. Qualification, Earn Monthly Matching , Differential, Super Cycle and Rank Achievement Bonuses. Our leadership incentives focus more on
Direct and Team Bonuses are available to Associate, Partner, Executive, and
Professional members. Leadership Matching, Differential, Super Cycle and Rank
Leadership rewarding your long-term goals.
Achievement Bonuses are only available to our Professional members. Incentives Leadership ranks are evaluated each calendar month. Your leadership rank is determined by the amount of new
bonus volume (BV) generated by your left and right teams and the number of active Level 1 members in your left
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Professional members may achieve leadership ranks to earn monthly Differential Bonuses. Earn
Differential Bonuses each time you personally sponsor a member with an Executive or Professional
energy + fit + pure
One Differential Bonus is paid at each leadership rank. The higher your leadership rank, the more bonuses
You (Emerald) are the next sponsor above Carla, and you have a higher leadership rank, so you receive the
remaining unpaid bonuses:
you can earn on your personally sponsored Executive or Professional package sale. You earn the bonus for
your leadership rank PLUS the bonus for each of the lower leadership ranks!
You can also potentially earn Differential Bonuses when someone within your sponsorship tree personally
sponsors a member with an Executive or Professional package. If that sponsor has not achieved the highest
leadership rank, the remaining unpaid Differential Bonus(es) will pay up the sponsorship tree to the nearest
Emerald Bonus $15
member with a higher leadership rank. YOU
New Monthly Active Executive Pack Professional Pack Emerald Ruby Bonus $25
Downline BV Personally Differential Differential
Rank (left/right) Enrolled
Bronze 1,000 BV / 1,000 BV 1 left / 1 right $0 $0
Sapphire Bonus $25
Silver 2,000 BV / 2,000 BV 1 left / 1 right $0 $0
Gold 4,000 BV / 4,000 BV 2 left / 2 right $5 $10
Total in Differential Bonus $65
Platinum 8,000 BV / 8,000 BV 3 left / 3 right $5 $15
Sapphire 16,000 BV / 16,000 BV 3 left / 3 right $10 $25
Ruby 32,000 BV / 32,000 BV 3 left / 3 right $10 $25
Emerald 64,000 BV / 64,000 BV 3 left / 3 right $5 $15 The first member up your sponsorship tree with the higher remaining leadership rank(s) would receive the
Diamond 125,000 BV / 125,000 BV 3 left / 3 right $5 $10 Diamond Differential Bonus.
Blue Diamond 250,000 BV / 250,000 BV 3 left / 3 right $0 $0
Black Diamond 500,000 BV / 500,000 BV 3 left / 3 right $0 $0
YOU Emerald Carla Platinum Mary Professional Package
(Sponsored Carla) (Sponsored Mary)
You are a Emerald rank. You sponsored Carla, who is Platinum rank. $25
Carla sponsored Mary with a Professional package.
Sapphire Gold
Carla (Platinum) receives:
$25 $15
Ruby Platinum
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New Monthly Active Executive Professional Super Rank
Professional members may achieve leadership ranks to earn a monthly Super Cycle Bonus. Earn the Super Leadership Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Achievement
Downline BV Personally Pack Pack Cycle
Cycle Bonus listed for the leadership rank you achieved that calendar month. Rank
(left/right) Enrolled
Match Match Match Match Match
Differential Differential Bonus Bonus
(2 consecutive months)
Bronze 1,000 BV / 1,000 BV 1 left / 1 right $0 Platinum 8,000 BV / 8,000 BV 3 left / 3 right 10% 10% $5 $15 $300 $0
Silver 2,000 BV / 2,000 BV 1 left / 1 right $50 Sapphire 16,000 BV / 16,000 BV 3 left / 3 right 10% 10% 5% $10 $25 $700 $2,000
Gold 4,000 BV / 4,000 BV 2 left / 2 right $125 Ruby 32,000 BV / 32,000 BV 3 left / 3 right 10% 10% 10% $10 $25 $2,000 $5,000
Platinum 8,000 BV / 8,000 BV 3 left / 3 right $300 Emerald 64,000 BV / 64,000 BV 3 left / 3 right 10% 10% 10% 5% $5 $15 $3,200 $10,000
Sapphire 16,000 BV / 16,000 BV 3 left / 3 right $700 Diamond 125,000 BV / 125,000 BV 3 left / 3 right 10% 10% 10% 10% $5 $10 $3,600 $25,000
Ruby 32,000 BV / 32,000 BV 3 left / 3 right $2,000 Blue Diamond 250,000 BV / 250,000 BV 3 left / 3 right 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% $0 $0 $4,000 $50,000
Emerald 64,000 BV / 64,000 BV 3 left / 3 right $3,200 Black Diamond 500,000 BV / 500,000 BV 3 left / 3 right 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% $0 $0 $4,000 $100,000
Downline BV Personally Bonus
Rank (left/right) Enrolled (2 Consecutive Months)
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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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