Project Report Ajay Sem 9
Project Report Ajay Sem 9
Project Report Ajay Sem 9
Submitted to:
Gujarat Technological University
Ajay Goyal
Enrolment No:147300585015
Semester IX
OCT 2018
This is to certify that the Seminar title gillette submitted in partial fulfilment for the
award of IMBA Programmed of Gujarat Technological University was carried out
by Ajay goyal under my guidance. This has not been submitted to any other
University or Institution for the award of any degree/diploma/certificate.
For the completion of IMBA Sem 9 and to gain practical knowledge in the field of
marketing management, this is a report on Gillette. This Project Work Is Basically
Meant to Acquire Knowledge about the branding.
I feel prodigious pleasure in submitting this marketing project, I hope you will
accept and appreciate the efforts tapped.
introduction of project
The objective of the study is to understand the consumer attitude and buying
behavior for Gillette Shaving Gel And Foam. To understand the former part, we
created a focused group questionnaire and conducted a focused Group Discussion
(FGD) on Shaving Cream, gel and foam. We analyzed the questionnaire and the FGD
to create
an extensive questionnaire understanding the buying behavior of consumers of
Shaving gel/foam and other brands. We had a Fishbein analysis done on the 84
respondents from Indore to identify how much of buying intension is due to
and how much due to influence by referrals. We further extended the study to
understand the perceptual mapping of brands. Our analysis has revealed that the
consumer is satisfied with the brand Gillette and its attributes. However Gillette has
not performed well with the customers who are slightly price sensitive. This
following detailed analysis is presented in our assignment
History of Gillette
Product Details