Concept of Infected Wound (Dushta Vrana) in Ayurveda
Concept of Infected Wound (Dushta Vrana) in Ayurveda
Concept of Infected Wound (Dushta Vrana) in Ayurveda
“Vrana Gatravichurne, Vranayateti Vranah” (Su.S. Chi.1/6)
“Gatra” means body (body tissue or part of body). “Vichurnane” means destruction, break, rupture and discontinuity
(of the body or tissue). “The destruction/break/rupture/discontinuity of body/tissue/part of body, is called “vrana.”5
Sushruta has explained that “the scars of a wound never disappear even after complete healing and its imprint persists
lifelong and it is called vrana by the wise.”6 Vagbhat gave a beautiful definition of vrana, i.e., vrana makes the person
pray (to God ) till his life exists” or “that which exposes the interior of the body.”7 It is of two types: 1. Nija (Organic) – is
Ph.D. Scholar, 2Professor and Head, Department of Shalya Tantra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi.
Correspondence: Dr. Pushpa Gond, Department of Shalya Tantra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi.
How to cite this article: Gond P, Singh L. Concept of Infected Wound (Dushta Vrana) in Ayurveda. J Adv Res Ayur Yoga Unani Sidd
Homeo 2017; 4(3): 11-15.
ISSN: 2394-6547
born from the doshas and agantu (Traumatic) – caused been identified as one of the main variables responsible
by sharp weapons, implements, stone, baton, nails, teeth, for resistant infection or recurrence of a seemingly cured
horns, poisons, aruskara, etc. Even this (agantu vrana) infection. The site of attachment and formation of the
when gets vitiated by vata and other dosha becomes a biofilm includes wound surface, dressings, sutures, etc.
nija vrana. Again, he described types of vrana are of two Some of the important surgical site infections and chronic
kinds: duhsta (vitiated) and suddha (non-vitiated); dushta soft tissue infections, etc. The protective nature of the
means getting vitiated by the doshas. biofilm structure makes the bacteria embedded within
them remarkably difficult to treat with antimicrobials.9
Infected Chronic Wound The effect of bacteria in a wound is often described as
a continuum, which extends from contamination (the
These chronic wounds may also be considered infectious. presence of bacteria without problems), to colonization
Chronic wounds are those which do not respond to (the presence of multiplying bacteria), to infection with
treatment and/or demands of treatment are beyond the tissue invasion. Infection may be localized to the wound,
patient’s health, tolerance or stamina or alternatively any spread into nearby tissues, or cause systemic illness such
wound lasting for more than 6 weeks.8 as systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) or
A biofilm is an aggregate of multiple microorganisms multiple organ dysfunction (MODS). The classical signs of
(polymicrobial), adherent to each other on a surface local infection are pain, heat, swelling, redness and loss of
and embedded within a self-produced carbohydrate and function, and may be accompanied by purulent discharge,
protein matrix of extracellular polymeric substance or pyrexia and malodor. However in chronic wounds, the
exopolysaccharide. Biofilms account for more than 80% patient often has comorbidities that suppress the signs of
of all microbial infections of the human body. In context inflammation. As a result, identifying infection in chronic
of human infection, biofilms are an integral part of chronic wounds may be difficult and clinicians need to rely on other
wounds, but are uncommon in acute wounds. They have signs and symptoms (Table 1).10
Table 1.Signs and Symptoms of Localized, Spreading and Systemic Infection in Wounds
Localized Infection Spreading infection
Acute Wounds, e.g., surgical or traumatic wounds, burns
Classical signs and symptoms: As for localized infection, plus
New or increasing pain Further extension of erythema
Erythema Lymphangitis
Local warmth Crepitus in soft tissues
Swelling Wound dehiscence
Purulent discharge
Delayed or stalled healing
Chronic wounds, e.g., diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, arterial leg/foot ulcers, pressure ulcers
New, increased or altered pain As for localized chronic infection, plus:
Delayed (or stalled) healing Wound dehiscence
Periwound edema Erythema extending from the wound edge
Bleeding or friable granulation tissue Crepitus, warmth, induration or discoloration spreading into
Distinctive malodor or change in odor periwound area
Wound bed discoloration Lymphangitis
Increased, altered or purulent exudates Malaise or non-specific deterioration in the patient’s general
Induration condition
Pocketing or bridging
Systemic Infection
Sepsis: Documented infection with pyrexia or hypothermia, tachycardia, tachypnea, raised or depressed white
blood cell count
Severe Sepsis: sepsis and multiple organ dysfunctions.
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J. Adv. Res. Ayur. Yoga Unani Sidd. Homeo. 2017; 4(3) Gond P et al.
Clinical Features of Dushta Vrana high vitality pin, injury, dietetic restrictions, etc., do not
produce malaise and in those having high vitality pain,
Sushruta described about dushta vrana in detail. According injury, dietetic restrictions, etc., do not produce malaise
to him, excessively narrow or wide mouth, too hard or too and in those having tolerant psyche no pain is felt even
soft vrana, elevation of floor or depressed floor, too cold or by harsh operations. Hence in such persons, wounds are
too hot, having one of the colors – black, red, yellow, white easily curable.19 Wounds of those suffering from leprosy,
– frightful, full of fetid pus, muscles, vessels, ligaments, poison, consumption and diabetes are cured with difficulty
etc., discharging fetid pus, moving in oblique track, having and also of those who have wounds over wounds.20
deep base, with ugly sight and foul smell, severely painful;
associates with heat, suppuration, redness, itching, swelling Management
and boils, excessively discharging vitiated blood and long
lasting – these are features of a vitiated ulcer.18 Although much progress has been made in management
of wounds in the past few years, management of vrana
Factors Responsible for Healing of Wounds has been remaining significant health-related issue ever
according to Ayurveda since the period of Sushruta. He described even about
wounded person that should live in a house architecturally
Sushruta described about factors, i.e., wounds are easily commendable, clean, and free from the sun and wind.21
curable in patients who are youthful, strong, full of vitality
and with tolerant psyche or in a single person who has all Again, Sushruta described about precautions which should
these four qualities, the wounds are curable in the easiest be taken like – one should avoid disturbing agents like
way. There, in youthful persons due to fresh (developing) excessive exposure to wind, the sun, dust, smoke, dew,
tissues, wounds heal up rapidly; in strong persons, because excessive eating, undesirable food, sound and sight; envy,
of firm and profuse musculature, applied sharp instruments wrath, fear, grief, anxiety, awaking in night, irregular eating
do not touch vessels, ligaments etc.; in those having and sleeping, fasting, speaking, exercise, standing, walking,
13 ISSN: 2394-6547
Gond P et al. J. Adv. Res. Ayur. Yoga Unani Sidd. Homeo. 2017; 4(3)
cold wind, incompatible food, eating when previous meal Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd 2010; 42.
is not digested, indigestion, flies, etc.22 There are a number 4. Sarabahi S, Tiwari VK. (Ed.), (1st Ed.). Principal and
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15 ISSN: 2394-6547