CustomerCSSContractDocument 5806600068
CustomerCSSContractDocument 5806600068
CustomerCSSContractDocument 5806600068
Wireless Phone: 611
Landline: 1-800-331-0500
Store Phone: 405-879-2201
Store Manager: AMY JONES
Generated on: 10/16/2008
Manage your account online! View your current balance, detail billing records, pay your bill and access this document
by registering for online account management at:
Understanding My Next Bill Standard Charges
Your next bill may be higher than expected! The bill may include: Additional Minutes: 40¢/min.
• Upgrade fee. 411: $1.79/call + Airtime
• Prorated charges and fees for the month when you made the change.
• One month's service billed in advance. Text Messages:* 20¢ (25¢/50¢ Intl.)/msg.
iPhone Data Plan:** $30.00 per month
The sample bill is not part of your contract. *Charged for messages sent and received.
Start Of Billing Cycle: 6th of the month Rates differ if text plan selected.
**Unlimited for domestic US; International
Wireless Summary For: 580-660-0068 plans available.
Airtime Minutes Apply To:
Prorated Monthly Total
Monthly Service Charges Period Charge Charge Charge • Toll-free numbers (800, 866, etc.)
Rate Plan • Incoming, outgoing and long distance calls
Previous Rate Plan • Visual Voicemail retrieved from mobile.
WiFi Charges
Applicable fees for WiFi services must be
Current Rate Plan paid directly to the network provider.
$9.99 FAMTALK NATION 1400 11/06-12/05 109.97 109.97 Roaming Charges
ROLL UNL M2M UNL N&W International roaming charges apply for any
(4-lines) usage outside the continental U.S., Puerto
Other Services Rico and U.S.V.I.
DATA PLAN FOR IPHONE 10/16-12/05 20.32 30.00 50.32
Our Policies
FAMILY TALK 11/06-12/05 30.00 30.00
AT&T Equipment Return Policy
7PM-7AM NIGHTS & WEEKENDS 11/06-12/05 16.99 16.99 • 30 days for equipment purchased from
• All returns/exchanges must be like new
and the return must include all original
packaging, including accessories, manuals,
and proof of purchase.
• All iPhone returns will be subject to a 10%
Total Monthly Service Charge $207.28 re-stocking fee.
Usage, Additional Minutes, Roaming, Directory BASED ON • Other Locations: See the specific location’s
Assistance (411) and Long Distance Charges ACTUAL USAGE return policy.
Credits, Adjustments & Other Charges* 30-Day Service Cancellation Policy
Upgrade/One Time Fee 18.00 18.00 • Payment required for services used.
Activation Fee • Activation fee will be refunded if
Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge .80 .80 termination occurs within 3 days of
Federal Universal Service Fund 6.85 6.85 activation.
• See our complete policy at:
State Universal Service Fund .99 .99
Other AT&T Surcharges
Wireless Phone Insurance
Total Credits, Adjustments & Other Charges $26.64 iPhone is ineligible for AT&T Wireless Phone
Government Fees & Taxes Insurance and will be removed.
State and Local Tax 22.03 22.03
One Year Manufacturer's Warranty
911 Fee 2.00 2.00
For repairs or replacement of your iPhone
Total Government Fees & Taxes** $24.03 (under warranty), call 1-800-MY-IPHONE or
Total Charges: (ESTIMATED) $257.95 visit
*AT&T imposes a Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge of up to a $1.25 to help defray costs incurred in complying with State and
Federal telecom regulation; State and Federal Universal Service charges and surcharges for government assessments on
AT&T. These are not taxes or government required charges. **The estimates above are based on the highest
tax/fee/surcharge rates assessed in your state; actual charges may vary. For actual state percentages, visit To prevent unauthorized charges, notify AT&T immediately if your phone is lost or stolen. Your
rate plan brochure/contract controls if inconsistent with this document. ©2008 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
AT&T, AT&T logo and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated
Wireless Service Agreement
Wireless Number: 580-660-0068 30-Day Cancellation Policy
Account Number: 483619430 I may terminate this Agreement within thirty (30) days
The Wireless Service Agreement consists of: after activating service without paying an Early
1. The Terms of Service. Termination Fee. I will pay for service fees and charges
2. The rate plan terms including the Data Service Terms incurred through the termination date, but AT&T will
and Conditions and applicable feature terms. refund my activation fee, if any, if I terminate within
3. Rates and other details about the rate plan (in three (3) days of activating the service. Also, I may have
Customer Service Summary, brochure or at to return any handsets and accessories purchased with this Agreement. If I terminate after the 30th day but
Early Termination Fee before expiration of the Agreement's Service
If I terminate this Agreement before expiration of my Commitment, I will pay AT&T an Early Termination Fee
Service Commitment, I will pay AT&T an Early Termination for each wireless telephone number associated with the
Fee of $175, reducing by $5.00 for each full month service.
completed toward the commitment term for each wireless Mobile Content
telephone number associated with the service. I understand that wireless devices can be used to
Guaranty purchase goods, content, and services (including
If I am signing on behalf of an entity, I represent that I am subscription plans) like ring tones, graphics, games, and
authorized to sign on its behalf, and I agree to be jointly news alerts from AT&T or other companies. I understand
responsible with the entity for payment of any sums that
that I am responsible for all authorized charges
become due under, and to be bound by, this Agreement. I
associated with such purchases from any device
agree you can collect directly from me without first
assigned to my account, that these charges will appear
proceeding against the entity.
on my bill (including charges on behalf of other
Contract Provisions
companies), and that such purchases can be restricted
This Agreement incorporates and includes by reference
by using parental controls available from an AT&T
AT&T’s current services Terms and Conditions Booklet
salesperson, at, or by calling AT&T.
#FMSTCT06080118E including its binding arbitration clause.
This Agreement also incorporates and includes by Optional Wireless Phone Insurance Is Available
reference the versions of the following AT&T brochures If not already enrolled, ask about optional Wireless
that are effective as of the date of this Agreement: i. Phone Insurance. If eligible, you have 30 days from the
AT&T’s Rate Plan Brochure describing the services listed date of activation or upgrade to add it. Provided by
above under “Monthly Plan;” and, ii. AT&T’s Features Asurion Protection Services, underwritten by CNA. See
Brochure(s) describing the service feature(s) listed above brochure for complete terms and conditions. Key terms
under “Other Services.” I acknowledge that the Terms and include:
Conditions Booklet, the Rate Plan Brochure and the • Premium: $4.99/month
Features Brochure(s) were separately provided to me • Non-refundable Deductible: from $50-$125/per
before the time I signed this Agreement. claim
Service/Coverage Limitations • Limits: Two claims per 12 months; maximum
Service is not available at all times in all places. Coverage replacement value of $1500/per claim.
maps are available at and are subject to • Replacements may be refurbished or different model.
the additional limitations described there. There are gaps • Cancel at any time for a prorated refund of the
in coverage within the service areas shown on coverage monthly charge.
maps, which, by their nature, are only approximations of • iPhone is ineligible for AT&T Wireless Phone Insurance
actual coverage. I accept AT&T's service with these and will be removed.
AT&T is Apple’s exclusive carrier partner for iPhone in the BY THIS AGREEMENT WITH ITS SEPARATE TERMS OF
United States. An eligible data plan for iPhone is required. SERVICE, RATE PLAN BROCHURE AND FEATURES
This data plan covers data usage in the United States and BROCHURE(S) (including but not limited to, their
does not cover international data usage and charges. If Changes to Terms and Rates, Limitation of Liability and
AT&T determines that I am using an iPhone on my account Arbitration provisions). If buying an iPhone, I agree that
without an eligible data plan, AT&T reserves the right to use of the iPhone acts as an acceptance of the Apple
add an eligible data plan to my account and bill me the and third party terms and conditions included with the
appropriate monthly fee. iPhone.