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Sep 01 2009 10:39 aoi.

cpp Page 1/1

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>

#ifdef ANM_OSX
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <OpenGL/glu.h>
#include <OpenGL/glext.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <GL/glext.h>

using namespace std;

#include "aoi.h"

// aoi class implementation

// (c) Andrew T. Duchowski

/////////////////////////// friends ////////////////////////////////////////////

istream& operator>>(istream& s,Aoi& rhs)
int i=0;
char c,n;
double x,y;

// assume we’re reading in Tobii’s AOI_ (AOI Data) data file

// Fix number,Timestamp,Duration,GazepointX,GazepointY
// name tl_x,tl_y tr_x,tr_y br_x,br_y bl_x,bl_y

// read in name
s >>;

do {
// read in AOI coordinates
s >> x; s >> c; s >> y;
rhs.coord[i][0] = x;
rhs.coord[i][1] = y;
} while( s.get(c) && (c != ’\n’) && ((n = s.peek()) != ’\n’) && (i<4) );


ostream& operator<<(ostream& s,const Aoi& rhs)

s <<;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
s << "\t" << rhs.coord[i][0] << "," << rhs.coord[i][1];
s << endl;
return s;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 aoievent.cpp Page 1/1
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

#include "aoievent.h"

// scanpath implementation
// (c) Andrew T. Duchowski

istream& operator>>(istream& s, AOIEvent& rhs)

s >> rhs.time;
s >> rhs.duration;
s >>;
return s;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const AOIEvent& rhs)

s << rhs.time << "\t";
s << rhs.duration << "\t";
s << << "\t";

return s;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 cluster.cpp Page 1/3
#include <iostream> for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { mean[i] = x(i); mean(i) = x(i); };
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream> // if we don’t initialize major, minor axes, cluster rendering bombs
#include <string> major.push_back(0.0);
#include <cmath> major.push_back(0.0);
#include <cstdlib> minor.push_back(0.0);
#ifdef ANM_OSX
#include <OpenGL/gl.h> // set centroid time to incoming point
#include <OpenGL/glu.h> time = x.gettimestamp();
#include <OpenGL/glext.h>
#include <GLUT/glut.h> t_in = t_out = time;
#else }
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h> /////////////////////////// operators: copy assignment /////////////////////////
//#include <GL/glext.h> Cluster Cluster::operator=(const Cluster& rhs)
#include <GL/glut.h> {
#endif if(this != &rhs) {
mean = rhs.mean;
#ifndef INFINITY time = rhs.time;
#define INFINITY MAXFLOAT t_in = rhs.t_in;
#endif t_out = rhs.t_out;

using namespace std; point.clear();

for(int i=0; i<(int)rhs.point.size(); i++)
#include <vector.h> point.push_back(rhs.point[i]);
#include <matrix.h>
#include <quaternion.h> for(int i=0; i<(int)rhs.major.size(); i++)
#include "jacobi.h"
#include "polynomial.h" for(int i=0; i<(int)rhs.minor.size(); i++)
#include "ellipse.h" minor.push_back(rhs.minor[i]);
#include "point.h"
#include "cluster.h" if(ellipse) delete ellipse; ellipse = NULL;
if(rhs.ellipse) ellipse = new Ellipse(rhs.ellipse);
// cluster implementation }
// (c) Andrew T. Duchowski return *this;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Cluster& rhs)
{ /////////////////////////// members ////////////////////////////////////////////
s << rhs.mean; bool Cluster::insert(Point& x)
return s; // if the incoming point’s mean is close enough to current
} // mean, accept the point, otherwise reject it
if(!x.closeto(mean,time)) return false; // spatiotemporal clustering
Cluster::Cluster(Point& x) : //if(!x.closeto(mean)) return false; // spatial clustering only
time(0.0), // update (running) mean
t_in(0.0), // from Brown, Robert Grover, "Introduction to Random Signal
t_out(0.0), // Analysis and Kalman Filtering", John Wiley \& Sons, New York, NY, 1983
ellipse(NULL) // [p.182]
{ // TK5102.5 .B696
// this routine usually gets called with the first incoming point for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
point.push_back(new Point(x)); // note the Point.operator() -- we’re getting the mean from point x,
// it’s a crappy way to do it...
// note the Point.operator() -- we’re getting the mean from point x, mean[i] = (float)point.size()/(float)(point.size()+1) * mean[i] +
// it’s a crappy way to do it... 1.0/(float)(point.size()+1) * x(i);
// I’m confusing a point’s coordinates ([0],[1]) with its // I’m confusing a point’s coordinates ([0],[1]) with its
// mean ((0),(1))... // mean ((0),(1))...
Sep 01 2009 10:39 cluster.cpp Page 2/3
mean(i) = (float)point.size()/(float)(point.size()+1) * mean(i) + for(int i=0; i<(*point[k]).dim(); i++) {
1.0/(float)(point.size()+1) * x(i); if((*point[k])[i] < min[i]) min[i] = (*point[k])[i];
} if((*point[k])[i] > max[i]) max[i] = (*point[k])[i];
// calculate "average timestamp" for the cluster }
time = (float)point.size()/(float)(point.size()+1) * time + double width = (max[0] - min[0])/2.0;
1.0/(float)(point.size()+1) * x.gettimestamp(); double height = (max[1] - min[1])/2.0;
double major_len = width > height ? width : height;
if(x.gettimestamp() < t_in) t_in = x.gettimestamp(); double minor_len = width < height ? width : height;
if(x.gettimestamp() > t_out) t_out = x.gettimestamp(); //std::cerr << "done: " << width << " x " << height << "." << std::endl;

point.push_back(new Point(x)); // normalize then scale the major/minor axes

major = norm(major); minor = norm(minor);
return true; major *= major_len; minor *= minor_len;
// find the angle of the ellipse’s semi-major axis w.r.t. x-axis (horizontal)
void Cluster::pca(void) double angle = atan2(major[1],major[0])*180.0/M_PI;
{ //std::cerr << "ellipse anlge: " << angle << std::endl;
matrix<double> cov(2,2);
vector<double> eval(2,0.0); //std::cerr << "creating ellipse with";
matrix<double> evec(2,2); //std::cerr << setprecision(2);
//std::cerr << " (c,d) = (" << mean[0] << "," << mean[1] << ")";
vector<double> min(2, INFINITY); //std::cerr << " (a,b) = (" << major_len << "," << minor_len << ")";
vector<double> max(2,-INFINITY); //std::cerr << "...";
ellipse = new Ellipse(mean[0],mean[1],major_len,minor_len,angle);
if(point.size() < 2) return; //std::cerr << "done creating ellipse." << std::endl;
// calculate covariance matrix (should be 2x2 symmetrical)
//std::cerr << "points: " << point.size() << ", setting cov..."; double Cluster::distance(Cluster& rhs)
for(int k=0; k<(int)point.size(); k++) {
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) return(mean.distance(rhs.mean));
for(int j=0; j<2; j++) }
cov[i][j] += ((*point[k])[i] - mean[i]) * ((*point[k])[j] - mean[j]);
//std::cerr << "done." << std::endl; bool Cluster::intersects(Cluster& rhs)
// find eigenvalues/eigenvectors of covariance matrix bool intersection = false;
jacobi(cov,eval,evec); bool space = false;
bool spacetime = false;
// sort eigenvalues/eigenvectors in descending order (column-major!) vector<Point* > points;
// check mean proximity
// ellipse’s major axis is the max eigenvector (largest eigenvalue); if(mean.closeto(rhs.mean)) space = true;
// semi-major axis is on the plane, orthogonal to major axis; else {
// don’t forget to transpose evec since eigenvectors are in columns // find ellipse-ellipse intersection points; make sure both clusters
evec = evec.transpose(); // have ellipses defines (one or both may be just a point)
major = evec[0]; minor = evec[1]; if(ellipse && rhs.ellipse) {
points = ellipse->intersect((*rhs.ellipse));
// lengths for the ellipse axes
/* // if ellipses intersect at 2+ points, consider that an intersection
double major_len = sqrt(eval[0]); if(points.size() >= 2) space = true;
double minor_len = sqrt(eval[1]); }
double major_len = sqrt(eval[0])/((double)point.size()-1); }
double minor_len = sqrt(eval[1])/((double)point.size()-1);
double major_len = sqrt(eval[0]/((double)point.size()-1)); // spatiotemporal proximity: need to check for time overlap
double minor_len = sqrt(eval[1]/((double)point.size()-1)); //if(mean.closeto(rhs.mean,time)) spacetime = true;
*/ // if not considering temporal overlap, just set to true,
// find point set’s bounding box // DOES THIS NEGATE SPATIOTEMPORAL CLUSTERING?!
//std::cerr << "points: " << point.size() << ", bounding box..."; spacetime = true;
for(int k=0; k<(int)point.size(); k++) {
Sep 01 2009 10:39 cluster.cpp Page 3/3
if(space && spacetime) intersection = true; // glutStrokeCharacter(GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN,letter);
// glutStrokeCharacter(GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN,letter % 94 + 33);
// avoid memory leak: proper way to delete off iterated list (STL book, p.205) // glutStrokeCharacter(GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN,letter % 59 + 65);
for(vector<Point* >::iterator it = points.begin(); it!= points.end();) glutStrokeCharacter(GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN,(letter - 1) % 26 + 65);
points.erase(it++); glPopMatrix();
return intersection;
} // render ellipse
void Cluster::render(float width,float height,vector<float>& pointColor, bool bbox) glPointSize(1.0);
{ if(ellipse) ellipse->render(width,height,bbox);
GLfloat clw;
// reset color
// get current line width glColor4f(pointColor[0],pointColor[1],pointColor[2],pointColor[3]);
// render axes
//if(point.size() < 2) return; if( ((int)major.size() >= 2) && ((int)minor.size() >= 2) ) {
// set color to whatever we’re using glVertex2f(mean[0]*width,mean[1]*height);
glColor4f(pointColor[0],pointColor[1],pointColor[2],pointColor[3]); glVertex2f(mean[0]*width+major[0]*width,mean[1]*height+major[1]*height);
// render points making up cluster glBegin(GL_LINES);
for(int i=0; i < (int)point.size(); i++) { glVertex2f(mean[0]*width,mean[1]*height);
// point[i]->render(); glVertex2f(mean[0]*width+minor[0]*width,mean[1]*height+minor[1]*height);
glBegin(GL_QUADS); glEnd();
glVertex2f((*point[i])[0]*width-5.0, (*point[i])[1]*height-5.0); }
glVertex2f((*point[i])[0]*width+5.0, (*point[i])[1]*height-5.0);
glVertex2f((*point[i])[0]*width+5.0, (*point[i])[1]*height+5.0); // reset line width
glVertex2f((*point[i])[0]*width-5.0, (*point[i])[1]*height+5.0); glLineWidth(clw);
glEnd(); }

// render mean point

glVertex2f(mean[0]*width-5.0, mean[1]*height-5.0);
glVertex2f(mean[0]*width+5.0, mean[1]*height-5.0);
glVertex2f(mean[0]*width+5.0, mean[1]*height+5.0);
glVertex2f(mean[0]*width-5.0, mean[1]*height+5.0);

// set thicker line width

// set color more opaque

// render labels
if(letter>0) {
double offset = sqrt(width*width + height*height)/30.0;
// glutBitmapCharacter(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12,letter);
Sep 01 2009 10:39 crand.cpp Page 1/1
#include <cstdlib> *idum=IA*(*idum-k*IQ)-IR*k;
#include <cmath> if(*idum < 0) *idum += IM;
#include <unistd.h> if(j<NTAB) iv[j] = *idum;
#include <sys/types.h> }
#include <sys/time.h> iy = iv[0];
#include "crand.h" k=(*idum)/IQ; // start here when not initializing.
*idum = IA*(*idum-k*IQ)-IR*k; // compute idm=(IA*idum) % IM without
double set_range(double rnum, double lo, double hi) if(*idum < 0) *idum += IM; // overflows by Schrage’s method.
{ j = iy/NDIV; // will be in the range 0..NTAB-1.
// returns random number in range [lo,hi] iy = iv[j]; // output previously stored valued
return(rnum*(hi-lo) + lo); iv[j] = *idum; // and refill the shuffle table.
} if((temp=AM*iy) > RNMX) return RNMX; // because users don’t expect
else return temp; // endpoint values.
float crand(int init) }
static long seed;
long pid;
struct timeval tp;
struct timezone tzp;

// interface to ran1: call with init=1 to init, init=0 for pseudo-random no.

if(init) {
// initialize generator with current time of day, in microseconds
pid = (long)getpid();
seed = -( (tp.tv_sec*1000000 + tp.tv_usec) & pid );

float ran1(long *idum)

int j;
long k;
static long iy=0;
static long iv[NTAB];
float temp;

// ‘‘minimal’’ random number generator of Park and Miller with Bays-Durham

// shuffle and added safeguards. returns a uniform deviate between 0.0 and
// 1.0 (exclusive of the endpoint values). Call with idum a negative integer
// to initialize; thereafter, do not alter idum between successive deviates
// in a sequence. RNMX should approximate the largest floating value that
// is less than 1.
// From: Press, William H., Teukolsky, Saul A., Vetterling, William T., and
// Flannery, Brian P., ‘‘Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific
// Computing’’, Cambridge University Press, (Cambridge:1992), 2nd ed.

if(*idum <= 0 || !iy) { // initialize.

if(-(*idum) < 1) *idum = 1; // be sure to prevent idum = 0.
else *idum = -(*idum);
for(j=NTAB+7;j>=0;j--) { // load the shuffle table
k=(*idum)/IQ; // (after 8 warm-ups).
Sep 01 2009 10:39 distn.cpp Page 1/2
#include <cstdlib> if(ran < ratio) return(lower + sqrt(c*ran));
#include <cmath> else return(upper - sqrt(upper*upper + d - e*ran));
#include <unistd.h> }
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h> float weibull(float scale, float shape)
#include "crand.h" float precision=.00001;
#include "distn.h"
// weibull distn. of shape: 1 - exp[ -(x/scale)^shape]; for x > 0.
float cuniform(float a, float b) if(fabsf(scale - 0.) < precision) return(0.); // error
{ if(fabsf(shape - 0.) < precision) return(0.); // error
// sets crand()’s output to [a,b] range assuming uniform random generator return( scale * exp( (1./shape)*log( -log(crand(0)) ) ) );
if(b <= a) return( b + (a-b)*crand(0) ); }
else return( a + (b-a)*crand(0) );
} float erlang(float mean, float typee)
float normal(float mean, float sdev) int i,k;
{ float rnd;
float r1,r2,s; float precision=.00001;

do { if(fabsf(mean - 0.) < precision) return(0.); // error

r1 = (2.*crand(0)) - 1.; k = (int)ceilf(typee);
r2 = (2.*crand(0)) - 1.; if( (fabsf(typee - k) >= 0.01) || (k <= 0) ) return(0.); // error
s = r1*r1 + r2*r2; rnd = 0.;
} while( s >= 1. );
return( mean + sdev*(r1*sqrt(-2.*log(s)/s)) ); for(i=1;i<=k;i++) rnd += expd(mean/k);
float lognormal(float mean, float sdev) }
float normmean, normvar, mu2, sigma2; float beta(float shape1, float shape2)
float precision=.00001; {
int k1,k2,count,maxcount=500;
if(fabsf(mean - 0.) < precision) return(0.); // error float x,y;
if(fabsf(sdev - 0.) < precision) return(0.); // error float precision=.00001;
mu2 = mean*mean;
sigma2 = sdev*sdev; // pdf(t) = [*t(shape1-1) * (1 - t)^(shape2-1) ] / betaFunction(.,.)
normmean = .5*log((mu2*mu2)/(sigma2 + mu2));
normvar = log((mu2 + sigma2)/mu2); if( (fabsf(shape1 - 0.) < precision) ||
return(exp((double)normal(normmean,sqrt((double)normvar)))); (fabsf(shape2 - 0.) < precision) ) return(0.); // error
} count = 1;
k1 = (int)ceilf(shape1);
float expd(float sdev) k2 = (int)ceilf(shape2);
{ if( ((k1*k2) > 0) && (fabsf(k1 - shape1)<.01) && (fabsf(k2 - shape2)<.01) ) {
return( -sdev * log(crand(0)) ); x = erlang(k1,k1);
} y = erlang(k2,k2);
return(x/(x + y));
float triangular(float lower, float mode, float upper) }
float ran,ratio,c,d,e; do {
x = exp( (1./shape1)*log(crand(0)) );
if(upper <= lower) return(0.); // error y = exp( (1./shape2)*log(crand(0)) );
if((mode <= lower) || count++;
(mode >= upper)) return(0.); // error if(count > maxcount) return(0.); // error
ran = crand(0); } while((x+y) <= 1.0);
ratio = (mode - lower)/(upper - lower);
c = (upper - lower)*(mode - lower); return( x / (x + y) );
d = (mode - lower)*(upper - mode) - 2.*upper*mode + mode*mode; }
e = (upper - lower)*(upper - mode);
Sep 01 2009 10:39 distn.cpp Page 2/2
float gama(float scale,float shape) }
{ return(k-1);
int k; }
float a,b,z,q,d,u1,u2,y,w,v;
float precision=.00001; float binomial(float number,float prob)
if( (scale <= precision) || (shape <= precision) ) return(0.); // error int i, n, k;
k = (int)ceilf(shape-0.001);
if(prob < 0.00001 || prob > 0.99999) return(0.); // error
if(fabsf(shape - k) < 0.01) n = (int)ceilf(number);
return(erlang(scale*shape,k)); if( (fabsf((float)n - number) > 0.001) || (n <= 1.0) ) return(0.); // error

if(shape > 1) { if(prob > 0.5)

a = 1.0/sqrt(2*shape-1); return(n - binomial(n,1 - prob));
b = shape-1.386294361; // log(4) = 1.386294361
q = shape + 1/a; if(n < 30) {
d = 2.504077397; // 1+log(4.5) = 2.504077397 k = 0;
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) if(crand(0) <= prob) k++;
for(k=1;k<=500;++k) { return(k);
u1 = crand(0); }
u2 = crand(0);
v = a*log(u1/(1.-u1)); if(prob < 0.1)
y = shape*exp(v); return(poisson(n * prob));
z = u1*u1*u2;
w = b + q*v - y; return((int)ceilf(normal(n*prob,sqrt(n*prob*(1-prob)))));
if((w+d-4.5*z) >= 0) return(scale*y); }
if( w >= log(z)) return(scale*y);
return(0.); // error, could not find gamma random variate

b = (2.718281828+shape)/2.718281828; // e = 2.7818281828
for(k=1;k<=500;++k) {
u1 = crand(0);
u2 = crand(0);
q = b*u1;
if(q > 1) {
y = -log((b-q)/shape);
if( u2 <= exp((shape-1)*log(y)) ) return(scale*y);
else {
y = exp( log(q)/shape );
if(u2 <= exp(-y)) return(scale*y);
return(0.); // error, could not find gamma random variate

float poisson(float mean)

int k=0;
float sum=0.0;
float precision=.00001;

if(fabsf(mean - 0.) < precision) return(0.); // error

if(mean > 25) return(ceilf(normal(mean,sqrt(mean))));
while(sum < mean) {
sum -= log(crand(0));
Sep 01 2009 10:39 ellipse.cpp Page 1/4
#include <iostream> h = rhs->h; k = rhs->k; rx = rhs->rx; ry = rhs->ry;
#include <iomanip> angle = rhs->angle; M = rhs->M; N = rhs->N;
#include <string> A = rhs->A; B = rhs->B; C = rhs->C; D = rhs->D; E = rhs->E; F = rhs->F;
#include <math.h> xmin = rhs->xmin; xmax = rhs->xmax; ymin = rhs->ymin; ymax = rhs->ymax;
#ifdef ANM_OSX
#include <OpenGL/gl.h> void Ellipse::render_polynomial(float width,float height)
#include <OpenGL/glu.h> {
#include <OpenGL/glext.h> // polynomial method
#else // from: <>
#include <GL/gl.h> float x=rx;
#include <GL/glu.h> float y=0;
//#include <GL/glext.h> float range=0;
using namespace std; do {
#include "ellipse.h"
#include "point.h" glVertex2i((int)(h*width+x*width+0.5),(int)(k*height+y*height+0.5));
#include "polynomial.h" glVertex2i((int)(h*width+x*width+0.5),(int)(k*height-y*height+0.5));
// ellipse implementation; some of the code obtained off the web glVertex2i((int)(h*width-x*width+0.5),(int)(k*height+y*height+0.5));
// (c) Andrew T. Duchowski
// x-=0.01;
/////////////////////////// friends //////////////////////////////////////////// x-=0.00001562500000000000;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s,Ellipse& rhs) } while(x>=range);
{ glEnd();
s.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); }
s << "(x - " << rhs.h << ")^2 (y - " << rhs.k << ")^2" << endl; void Ellipse::render_bresenham(float width, float height)
s << "---------- + --------- = 1 " << endl; {
s << " " << rhs.rx << "^2" << " " << rhs.ry << "^2" << endl; // Bresenham’s method
s << endl; // from: <>
s << rhs.getQuadratic();
return s; #define PUTPIXEL(x,y) {\
} glBegin(GL_POINTS); \
glVertex2f((x*width+0.5),(y*height+0.5)); \
Ellipse Ellipse::operator=(const Ellipse& rhs) glVertex2f((x*width+0.5),(y*height+0.5)); \
{ glVertex2f((x*width+0.5),(y*height+0.5)); \
if(this != &rhs) { glVertex2f((x*width+0.5),(y*height+0.5)); \
h = rhs.h; k = rhs.k; rx = rhs.rx; ry = rhs.ry; glEnd(); \
angle = rhs.angle; M = rhs.M; N = rhs.N; }
A = rhs.A; B = rhs.B; C = rhs.C; D = rhs.D; E = rhs.E; F = rhs.F;
xmin = rhs.xmin; xmax = rhs.xmax; ymin = rhs.ymin; ymax = rhs.ymax; float yp = ymin;
quadratic = rhs.quadratic; float xp = xmin;
} float d = A*xmin*xmin + B*ymin*ymin + C*xmin + D*ymin + E*xmin*ymin + F;
return *this; float dx = 2.0*A*xmin + C + E*ymin;
} float ddxx = 2.0*A;
float dy = 2.0*B*ymin + D + E*ymin;
Ellipse::Ellipse(const Ellipse& rhs) : quadratic(rhs.quadratic) float ddyy = 2.0*B;
{ float ddxy = 2.0*E;
h = rhs.h; k = rhs.k; rx = rhs.rx; ry = rhs.ry; float ddyx = 2.0*E;
angle = rhs.angle; M = rhs.M; N = rhs.N;
A = rhs.A; B = rhs.B; C = rhs.C; D = rhs.D; E = rhs.E; F = rhs.F; #define INCREMENT_X() {\
xmin = rhs.xmin; xmax = rhs.xmax; ymin = rhs.ymin; ymax = rhs.ymax; xp += 1;\
} d += dx;\
dx += ddxx;\
Ellipse::Ellipse(Ellipse* rhs) : quadratic(rhs->quadratic) dy += ddxy;\
{ }
Sep 01 2009 10:39 ellipse.cpp Page 2/4
#define INCREMENT_Y() {\ }
yp += 1;\
d += dx;\ while ( dx < 0 ) { // Octant 7 (10:30 - 12:00)
dx += ddyx;\ PUTPIXEL(xp, yp);
dy += ddyy;\ INCREMENT_X();
} if ( d < 0 ) DECREMENT_Y();
#define DECREMENT_X() {\ }
xp -= 1;\ }
dx -= ddxx;\
dy -= ddxy;\ void Ellipse::render(float width, float height, bool box)
d -= dx;\ {
} glPushMatrix();
#define DECREMENT_Y() {\ glLoadIdentity();
yp -= 1;\
dx -= ddyx;\ // use this for ellipse rotated about origin
dy -= ddyy;\ //glRotatef(-angle,0,0,1);
d -= dy;\ // should be using this for ellipse rotated about own center point
} glTranslatef(h*width,k*height,0);
while ( dx < -dy ) { // Octant 0 (12:00 - 01:30) glTranslatef(-h*width,-k*height,0);
PUTPIXEL(xp, yp);
INCREMENT_X(); render_polynomial(width,height);
if ( d > 0 ) INCREMENT_Y(); //render_bresenham(width,height);
while ( dy < 0 ) { // Octant 1 (01:30 - 03:00)
PUTPIXEL(xp, yp); // draw the bounding rectangles
INCREMENT_Y(); if(box) {
if ( d < 0 ) INCREMENT_X(); glBegin(GL_LINES);
} glVertex2f(xmin*width,ymin*height);
while ( dy < dx ) { // Octant 2 (03:00 - 04:30) glEnd();
PUTPIXEL(xp, yp); glBegin(GL_LINES);
INCREMENT_Y(); glVertex2f(xmax*width,ymin*height);
if ( d > 0 ) DECREMENT_X(); glVertex2f(xmax*width,ymax*height);
} glEnd();
while ( dx > 0 ) { // Octant 3 (04:30 - 06:00) glVertex2f(xmax*width,ymax*height);
PUTPIXEL(xp, yp); glVertex2f(xmin*width,ymax*height);
DECREMENT_X(); glEnd();
if ( d < 0 ) INCREMENT_Y(); glBegin(GL_LINES);
} glVertex2f(xmin*width,ymax*height);
while ( -dx < dy ) { // Octant 4 (06:00 - 07:30) glEnd();
PUTPIXEL(xp, yp); }
if ( d > 0 ) DECREMENT_Y();
} void Ellipse::updateQuadratic()
while ( dy > 0 ) { // Octant 5 (07:30 - 09:00) /*
PUTPIXEL(xp, yp); From: <>
if ( d < 0 ) DECREMENT_X(); Given the algebraic quadratic expression of an ellipse:
} Ax^2 + By^2 + Cx + Dy + Exy + F = 0

while ( dx < dy ) { // Octant 6 (09:00 - 10:30) with center (c,d) and axes (r,s) [this class uses (h,k) (rx,ry) instead]
PUTPIXEL(xp, yp);
DECREMENT_Y(); coefficients for axis-aligned ellipse:
if ( d > 0 ) INCREMENT_X(); A = s^2
Sep 01 2009 10:39 ellipse.cpp Page 3/4
B = r^2 N2*(r2*c2 + s2*d2) +
C = -2s^2c 2*M*N*c*d*(s2 - r2) +
D = -2r^2d -r2*s2;
E = 0.0; /*
F = s^2c^2 + r^2d^2 - r^2s^2 // translated, no rotation, axis-aligned
A = s2;
coefficient for ellipse rotated by arbitrary angle about origin B = r2;
with M = cos(angle), N = sin(angle): C = -2.0*s2*c;
A = s^2M^2 + r^2N^2 D = -2.0*r2*d;
B = s^2N^2 + r^2M^2 E = 0.0;
C = -2(s^2Mc + r^2Nd) F = s2*c2 + r2*d2 - r2*s2;
D = 2(s^2Nc - r^2Md) */
E = 2MN(r^2 - s^2) /*
F = s^2c^2 + r^2d^2 - r^2s^2 // rotated about origin
A = s2*M2 + r2*N2;
(note that the above rotates ellipse about z-axis, hence not "in place", B = s2*N2 + r2*M2;
or in other words, assuming ellipse is at the origin; thus to draw it, C = -2.0*(s2*M*c + r2*N*d);
don’t shift to origin and then back) D = 2.0*(s2*N*c - r2*M*d);
*/ E = 2.0*M*N*(r2 - s2);
F = s2*c2 + r2*d2 - r2*s2;
double c=h, d=k; */
double r=rx, s=ry; /*
double r2=r*r, s2=s*s; // translated to (c,d), rotated (about origin), then shifted back to origin
double c2=c*c, d2=d*d; // (useless! ellipses are stuck at the origin)
double M2 = M*M, N2 = N*N; A = s2*M2 + r2*N2;
double P,Q,R; B = s2*N2 + r2*M2;
// double one_M = (1.0-M); C = 2.0*(s2*M*c - r2*N*d) - 2.0*c*(r2*N2 + s2*M2) + 2.0*M*N*d*(r2 - s2);
// double one_M2 = one_M*one_M; D = 2.0*(s2*N*c + r2*M*d) - 2.0*d*(r2*M2 + s2*N2) + 2.0*M*N*c*(r2 - s2);
E = 2.0*M*N*(s2 - r2);
/* F = N2*(s2*d2 + r2*c2) + one_M2*(s2*c2 + r2*d2) +
// axis-aligned at origin 2.0*M*N*d*c*(s2 - r2) + 2.0*N*d*c*(r2 - s2) +
A = s2; -r2*s2;
B = r2; */
C = 0.0; // We use
D = 0.0; // Ax^2 + By^2 + Cx + Dy + Exy + F = 0
E = 0.0; // but polynomial used in intersection code assumes
F = -r2*s2; // Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
*/ //std::cerr << "creating polynomial with";
/* //std::cerr << " A = " << A;
// rotated at origin //std::cerr << " B = " << B;
A = s2*M2 + r2*N2; //std::cerr << " C = " << C;
B = s2*N2 + r2*M2; //std::cerr << " D = " << D;
C = 0.0; //std::cerr << " E = " << E;
D = 0.0; //std::cerr << " F = " << F;
E = 2.0*M*N*(s2 - r2); //std::cerr << std::endl;
F = -r2*s2; quadratic = Polynomial(F,D,C,B,E,A);
// rotated at origin, translated to (c,d) // determine limits, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax by solving
// this is what we want! I got some inspiration for this approach // parametric Pt^2 + Qt + R = 0
// from <> P = 4.0*A*B - E*E;
// which said that you have to evaluate the quadratic at each Q = 4.0*B*C - 2.0*D*E;
// stage of the transformation, hence, start with the above simple R = 4.0*B*F - D*D;
// ellipse, then, rotate, then translate. //std::cerr << "calculating roots of polynomial with";
A = s2*M2 + r2*N2; //std::cerr << " P = " << P;
B = s2*N2 + r2*M2; //std::cerr << " Q = " << Q;
C = -2.0*c*(s2*M2 + r2*N2) - 2.0*M*N*d*(s2 - r2); //std::cerr << " R = " << R;
D = -2.0*d*(s2*N2 + r2*M2) - 2.0*M*N*c*(s2 - r2); //std::cerr << std::endl;
E = 2.0*M*N*(s2 - r2); vector<double> xaxis = Polynomial(P,Q,R).roots();
F = M2*(s2*c2 + r2*d2) + switch((int)xaxis.size()) {
Sep 01 2009 10:39 ellipse.cpp Page 4/4
case 0: xmin = xmax = 0.0; break;
case 1: xmin = xmax = xaxis[0]; break;
case 2: xmin = xaxis[1]; xmax = xaxis[0]; break;

P = 4.0*A*B - E*E;
Q = 4.0*A*D - 2.0*C*E;
R = 4.0*A*F - C*C;
//std::cerr << "calculating roots of polynomial with";
//std::cerr << " P = " << P;
//std::cerr << " Q = " << Q;
//std::cerr << " R = " << R;
//std::cerr << std::endl;
vector<double> yaxis = Polynomial(P,Q,R).roots();
switch((int)yaxis.size()) {
case 0: ymin = ymax = 0.0; break;
case 1: ymin = ymax = yaxis[0]; break;
case 2: ymin = yaxis[1]; ymax = yaxis[0]; break;

vector<Point* > Ellipse::intersect(Ellipse& rhs)

Polynomial a(quadratic), b(rhs.quadratic);
Polynomial yPoly = bezout(a,b);
vector<double> yRoots = yPoly.roots();
double epsilon = 0.001;
vector<Point* > result;

double norm0 = (a[0]*a[0] + 2.0*a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2]) * epsilon;

double norm1 = (b[0]*b[0] + 2.0*b[1]*b[1] + b[2]*b[2]) * epsilon;

// code for this routine originated from:

// <>

for(int y = 0; y < (int)yRoots.size(); y++) {

Polynomial xPoly(a[0],
a[3] + yRoots[y] * a[1],
a[5] + yRoots[y] * (a[4] + yRoots[y]*a[2]));
vector<double> xRoots = xPoly.roots();

for(int x = 0; x < (int)xRoots.size(); x++) {

double test = (a[0]*xRoots[x] + a[1]*yRoots[y] + a[3]) * xRoots[x] +
(a[2]*yRoots[y] + a[4]) * yRoots[y] +
if(fabsf(test) < norm0) {
test = (b[0]*xRoots[x] + b[1]*yRoots[y] + b[3]) * xRoots[x] +
(b[2]*yRoots[y] + b[4]) * yRoots[y] +
if(fabsf(test) < norm1) {
result.push_back(new Point(xRoots[x], yRoots[y]));
//std::cerr << "got " << result.size() << " intersections" << std::endl;
return result;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 event.cpp Page 1/1
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

#include "event.h"

// scanpath implementation
// (c) Andrew T. Duchowski

istream& operator>>(istream& s, Event& rhs)

int key;

s >> rhs.t;
s >>;
s >> key;
s >> rhs.x;
s >> rhs.y;

return s;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Event& rhs)

s << rhs.t << "\t"; // Timestamp
s << << "\t"; // Event name
s << 1 << "\t"; // EventKey = 1
s << rhs.x << "\t"; // x coord
s << rhs.y; // y coord

return s;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 filter.cpp Page 1/1
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

#include "filter.h"

// scanpath implementation
// (c) Andrew T. Duchowski

istream& operator>>(istream& s, Filter& rhs)

string str;

s >> str; s >> str; // "Filter settings:"

s >> str; // "Eye:"
s >> rhs.eye;
s >> str; s >> str; // "Validity level:"
s >> rhs.validity;
s >> str; s >> str; // "Fixation radius:"
s >> rhs.r;
s >> str; s >> str; // "Min duration:"
s >> rhs.d;

return s;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Filter& rhs)

s << "Filter settings:" << std::endl; s << std::endl;
s << "Eye: ";
s << rhs.eye << std::endl;
s << "Validity level: ";
s << rhs.validity << std::endl;
s << "Fixation radius: ";
s << rhs.r << std::endl;
s << "Min duration: ";
s << rhs.d << std::endl;

return s;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 fixation.cpp Page 1/1
#include <iostream> return s;
#include <iomanip> }
#include <string>
#include <math.h> Fixation::Fixation(const Fixation& rhs) : Point(rhs)
#ifdef ANM_OSX number = rhs.number;
#include <OpenGL/gl.h> duration = rhs.duration;
#include <OpenGL/glu.h> amplitude = rhs.amplitude;
#include <OpenGL/glext.h> radius = rhs.radius;
#else type = rhs.type;
#include <GL/gl.h> }
#include <GL/glu.h>
//#include <GL/glext.h> Fixation::Fixation(Fixation* rhs) : Point(rhs)
#endif {
number = rhs->number;
using namespace std; duration = rhs->duration;
amplitude = rhs->amplitude;
#include "point.h" radius = rhs->radius;
#include "fixation.h" type = rhs->type;
// fixation class implementation
// (c) Andrew T. Duchowski Fixation Fixation::operator=(const Fixation& rhs)
/////////////////////////// friends //////////////////////////////////////////// if(this != &rhs) {
istream& operator>>(istream& s,Fixation& rhs)
{ // copy base class data members (must use base class cast)
int i=0; ((Point &)*this) = rhs;
char c,n;
double f; // copy local data members
number = rhs.number;
// assume we’re reading in Tobii’s FXD (Fixation Data) data file duration = rhs.duration;
// Fix number,Timestamp,Duration,GazepointX,GazepointY amplitude = rhs.amplitude;
radius = rhs.radius;
// read in Fix number type = rhs.type;
s >> rhs.number; }
return *this;
// read timestamp }
s >> rhs.timestamp;

// read duration
s >> rhs.duration;

do {
// read in fixation coordinate
s >> f; rhs[i] = f; i++;
} while( s.get(c) && (c != ’\n’) && ((n = s.peek()) != ’\n’) && (i<2) );


ostream& operator<<(ostream& s,const Fixation& rhs)

s << rhs.number;
s << "\t" << rhs.timestamp;
s << "\t" << rhs.duration;
s << "\t" << rhs.coord[0] << "\t" << rhs.coord[1];
s << endl;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 fixationfilter.cpp Page 1/5
#include <iostream> // fixation, the fixation is extended to include the new gazepoint.
#include <cmath> // (The radius of the acceptance circle is user specified by setting the
#include <sys/time.h> // value of the function argument gaze_deviation_threshold.)
// To accommodate noisy eyegaze measurements, a gazepoint that exceeds
#include "fixationfilter.h" // the deviation threshold is included in an on-going fixation if the
// subsequent gazepoint returns to a position within the threshold.
// Nearly verbatim from LC Technologies’ fixfunc.c // If a gazepoint is not found, during a blink for example, a fixation
// Eye Fixation Analysis Functions // is extended if a) the next legitimate gazepoint measurement falls within
// LC Technologies, Inc. // the acceptance circle, and b) there are less than minimum_fix_samples
// 9455 Silver King Court // of successive missed gazepoints. Otherwise, the previous fixation
// Fairfax, VA 22031 // is considered to end at the last good gazepoint measurement.
// (703) 385-7133 //
// Available on the web, somewhere in the vicinity of // UNITS OF MEASURE
// //
// The gaze position/direction may be expressed in any units (e.g.
// some additions made by ARF: Andrew R. Freed // millimeters, pixels, or radians), but the filter threshold must be
// original fixfunc.c found at: // expressed in the same units.
// //
// (last accessed 2/7/2009) // INITIALIZING THE FUNCTION
// bug fix by ATD: Andrew T. Duchowski // Prior to analyzing a sequence of gazepoint data, the initFixation
// function should be called to clear any previous, present and new
// orig. documentation follows, modified to reflect current C++ implementation // fixations and to initialize the ring buffers of prior gazepoint data.
// //
// MOVING 0 The eye was in motion min_fix_samples ago // For purposes of describing an ongoing sequence of fixations, fixations
// FIXATING 1 The eye was fixating min_fix_samples ago // in this program are referred to as "previous", "present", and "new".
// FIXATION_COMPLETED 2 A completed fixation has just been detected; // The present fixation is the one that is going on right now, or, if a
// the fixation ended min_fix_samples ago // new fixation has just started, the present fixation is the one that
// // just finished. The previous fixation is the one immediatly preceeding
// Include fixationfilter.h for class def. and above constant definitions. // the present one, and a new fixation is the one immediately following
// // the present one. Once the present fixation is declared to be completed,
// SUMMARY // the present fixation becomes the previous one, the new fixation becomes
// // the present one, and there is not yet a new fixation.
// This function converts a series of uniformly-sampled (raw) gaze
// points into a series of variable-duration saccades and fixations. FixationFilter::FixationFilter(float gaze_dev_threshold,
// Fixation analysis may be performed in real time or after the fact. To int minimum_fix_samples)
// allow eye fixation analysis during real-time eyegaze data collection, {
// the function is designed to be called once per sample. When the eye gaze_deviation_threshold = gaze_dev_threshold;
// is in motion, ie during saccades, the function returns 0 (MOVING). initFixation(minimum_fix_samples);
// When the eye is still, ie during fixations, the function returns 1 }
// (FIXATING). Upon the detected completion of a fixation, the function
// returns 2 (FIXATION_COMPLETED) and produces: void FixationFilter::initFixation(int minimum_fix_samples)
// a) the time duration of the saccade between the last and present {
// eye fixation (eyegaze samples) // this function clears any previous, present and new fixations, and it
// b) the time duration of the present, just completed fixation // initializes detectFixation()’s internal ring buffers of prior
// (eyegaze samples) // gazepoint data. initFixation() should be called prior to a sequence
// c) the average x and y coordinates of the eye fixation // of calls to detectFixation().
// (in user defined units of x_gaze and y_gaze)
// Note: Although this function is intended to work in "real time", there // minimum number of gaze samples that can be considered a fixation
// is a delay of minimum_fix_samples in the filter which detects the // note: if the input value is less than 3, the function sets it to 3
// motion/fixation condition of the eye. minimum_fixation_samples = minimum_fix_samples;
// PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION // make sure the minimum fix time is at least 3 samples
// if(minimum_fixation_samples < 3) minimum_fixation_samples = 3;
// This function detects fixations by looking for sequences of gaze-
// point measurements that remain relatively constant. If a new gazepoint if(minimum_fixation_samples >= RING_SIZE) {
// lies within a circular region around the running average of an on-going std::cerr << "Warning: minimum_fixation_samples ";
Sep 01 2009 10:39 fixationfilter.cpp Page 2/5
std::cerr << minimum_fixation_samples; // PROCESS TRACKED EYE
std::cerr << " >= RING_SIZE " << RING_SIZE << std::endl; // A1: if the eye’s gazepoint was successfully measured this sample
} if(gazepoint_found) {
nNoEyeFound = 0; // number of successive no-tracks is zero
// initialize the internal ring buffer // B1: if there is a present fixation
for(ringIndex = 0; ringIndex < RING_SIZE; ringIndex++) { if(nPresFixSamples > 0) {
x_gaze_ring[ringIndex] = 0.0F; // compute the deviation of the gaze point from the present fixation
y_gaze_ring[ringIndex] = 0.0F; calculateGazeDeviationFromPresentFixation(x_gaze, y_gaze);
gaze_found_ring[ringIndex] = false; // C1: if the gaze point is within the present fixation region
eye_motion_state[ringIndex] = MOVING; if(presDr <= gaze_deviation_threshold) {
x_fix_ring[ringIndex] = 0.0F; // restore any previous gazepoints that were temporarily left
y_fix_ring[ringIndex] = 0.0F; // out of the fixation
gaze_deviation_ring[ringIndex] = -0.1F; restoreOutPoints();
sac_duration_ring[ringIndex] = 0; // update the present fixation hypothesis and check if there
fix_duration_ring[ringIndex] = 0; // are enough samples to declare that the eye is fixating
} updatePresentFixation(x_gaze, y_gaze);
ringIndex = 0; }
ringIndexDelay = RING_SIZE - minimum_fixation_samples; // C2: otherwise (gaze point outside present fixation region)
else { // presDr > gaze_deviation_threshold
// set the call count to 0, init the previous fixation end count // increment the number of gazepoint samples outside the present fix.
// so the first saccade duration is a legitimate count nPresOut++;
callCount = 0; // ATD: I think nPresOut has to be (range) limited to RING_SIZE
prevFixEndCount = 0; if(nPresOut >= RING_SIZE) nPresOut = 0;
// D1: if the present fixation is finished, i.e., if there have
// reset the present fixation data // been minimum_fixation_samples since the gazepoint last matched
resetPresentFixation(); // the present fixation, and the present fixation is long
// enough to count as a real fixation,
// reset the new fixation data if(((int)(callCount - presFixEndCount) >= minimum_fixation_samples) &&
resetNewFixation(); (nPresFixSamples >= minimum_fixation_samples)) {
// declare the present fixation to be completed, move the
// initialize the number of successive samples with no eye found // present fixation to the prior, move the new fixation to
nNoEyeFound = 0; // the present, and check if the new (now present) fixation
} // has enough points for the eye to be declared to be fixating
int FixationFilter::detectFixation(bool gazepoint_found, // compute the deviation of the gazepoint from the now present fix.
float x_gaze, float y_gaze) calculateGazeDeviationFromPresentFixation(x_gaze, y_gaze);
{ // E1: if the gazepoint is within the now present fixation region
// increment the call count, the ring index, and the delayed ring index if(presDr <= gaze_deviation_threshold) {
callCount++; // update the present fixation data and check if there
ringIndex++; // are enough samples to declare that the eye is fixating
if(ringIndex >= RING_SIZE) ringIndex = 0; updatePresentFixation(x_gaze, y_gaze);
ringIndexDelay = ringIndex - minimum_fixation_samples; }
if(ringIndexDelay < 0) ringIndexDelay += RING_SIZE; // E2: otherwise (the gazepoint is outside the present fix. region)
else {
// update the storage rings // start a new fixation at the gazepoint
x_gaze_ring[ringIndex] = x_gaze; startNewFixationAtGazepoint(x_gaze, y_gaze);
y_gaze_ring[ringIndex] = y_gaze; }
gaze_found_ring[ringIndex] = gazepoint_found; }
// D2: otherwise (the present fixation is not finished)
// initially assume the eye is moving else {
// note: these values are updated during the processing of this and // F1: if there is a new fixation hypothesis
// subsequent gazepoints if(n_new_fix_samples > 0) {
eye_motion_state[ringIndex] = MOVING; // compute the deviation of the gazepoint from the new fixation
x_fix_ring[ringIndex] = -0.0F; calculateGazeDeviationFromNewFixation(x_gaze, y_gaze);
y_fix_ring[ringIndex] = -0.0F; // G1: if the new point falls within the new fix
gaze_deviation_ring[ringIndex] = -0.1F; if(new_dr <= gaze_deviation_threshold) {
sac_duration_ring[ringIndex] = 0; // update the new fixation hypothesis
fix_duration_ring[ringIndex] = 0; updateNewFixation(x_gaze, y_gaze);
// H: if there are now enough points in the new fix
Sep 01 2009 10:39 fixationfilter.cpp Page 3/5
// to declare it a real fix
if(n_new_fix_samples == minimum_fixation_samples) { // return the eye motion/fixation state for the delayed point
// drop the present fixation data, move the new return(eye_motion_state[ringIndexDelay]);
// fixation into the present fixation and see }
// if the new (now present) fixation has enough
// points to declare the eye to be fixating void FixationFilter::resetPresentFixation(void)
moveNewFixationToPresentFixation(); {
} // reset the present fixation, i.e., declare it nonexistent
} presFixStartCount = 0;
// G2: otherwise (the point is outside the new fixation) presFixEndCount = 0;
else { nPresFixSamples = 0;
// start the new fixation at the new gazepoint xPresFixSum = 0.0F;
startNewFixationAtGazepoint(x_gaze, y_gaze); yPresFixSum = 0.0F;
} xPresFix = 0.0F;
} yPresFix = 0.0F;
// F2: otherwise (there is not a new fixation) nPresOut = 0;
else { }
// start the new fixation at the gazepoint
startNewFixationAtGazepoint(x_gaze, y_gaze); void FixationFilter::resetNewFixation(void)
} {
} // reset new fixation, i.e., declare it nonexistent
} new_fix_start_count = 0;
} new_fix_end_count = 0;
// B2: otherwise (ther is not a present fixation) n_new_fix_samples = 0;
else { x_new_fix_sum = 0.0F;
// start the present fixation at the gazepoint and reset the new fixation y_new_fix_sum = 0.0F;
startPresentFixationAtGazepoint(x_gaze, y_gaze); x_new_fix = 0.0F;
} y_new_fix = 0.0F;
} }
// A2: otherwise (the gazepoint was not successfully measured this sample) void FixationFilter::startPresentFixationAtGazepoint(float x_gaze, float y_gaze)
else { {
// increment the number of successive samples with no eye found // starts the present fixation at the argument gazepoint
nNoEyeFound++; // and makes sure there is no new fixation hypothesis
// I: if it has been minimum_fixation_samples since the last sample nPresFixSamples = 1;
// in the present fixation xPresFixSum = x_gaze;
if((int)(callCount-presFixEndCount) >= minimum_fixation_samples) { yPresFixSum = y_gaze;
// J: if there had been a fixation prior to losing track of the eye xPresFix = x_gaze;
if(nPresFixSamples >= minimum_fixation_samples) { yPresFix = y_gaze;
// declare the present fixation to be completed, move the presFixStartCount = callCount;
// present fixation to the prior, move the new fixation to presFixEndCount = callCount;
// the present, and check if the new (now present) fixation nPresOut = 0;
// has enough points for the eye to be declared to be fixating
declareCompletedFixation(); // make sure there is no new fixation
} resetNewFixation();
// reset the present fixation data }
} void FixationFilter::startNewFixationAtGazepoint(float x_gaze, float y_gaze)
} {
// originally, this code chunk would pass the data back to calling function, // start new fixation at argument gazepoint
// passing the delayed gazepoint data, with relevant saccade/fixation data n_new_fix_samples = 1;
x_gaze_delayed = x_gaze_ring[ringIndexDelay]; x_new_fix_sum = x_gaze;
y_gaze_delayed = y_gaze_ring[ringIndexDelay]; y_new_fix_sum = y_gaze;
gazepoint_found_delayed = gaze_found_ring[ringIndexDelay]; x_new_fix = x_gaze;
x_fix_delayed = x_fix_ring[ringIndexDelay]; y_new_fix = y_gaze;
y_fix_delayed = y_fix_ring[ringIndexDelay]; new_fix_start_count = callCount;
gaze_deviation_delayed = gaze_deviation_ring[ringIndexDelay]; new_fix_end_count = callCount;
saccade_duration_delayed = sac_duration_ring[ringIndexDelay]; }
fix_duration_delayed = fix_duration_ring[ringIndexDelay];
Sep 01 2009 10:39 fixationfilter.cpp Page 4/5
void FixationFilter::updatePresentFixation(float x_gaze, float y_gaze)
{ // checks to see whether there are enough samples in the presently
// update present fixation with the argument gazepoint, // hypothesized fixation to declare that the eye is fixating yet,
// checks if there are enough samples to declare that the eye is now // and if there is a true fixation going on, it updates the ring
// fixating, and makes sure there is no hypothesis for a new fixation // buffers to reflect the fixation
xPresFixSum += x_gaze; // if there are enough samples for a fixation
yPresFixSum += y_gaze; if(nPresFixSamples >= minimum_fixation_samples) {
xPresFix = xPresFixSum / nPresFixSamples; // declare the eye to be fixating; go back through the last
yPresFix = yPresFixSum / nPresFixSamples; // minimum_fixation_samples entries of the ring buffer making sure that all
presFixEndCount = callCount; // samples from the present fixation are marked as fixating, and set
nPresOut = 0; // the entries with the newest estimate of the fixation location
for(i=0; i < minimum_fixation_samples; i++) {
// check if there are enough samples in the present fixation hypothesis
// to declare that the eye is fixating ii = ringIndex - i;
checkIfFixating(); if(ii < 0) ii += RING_SIZE;

// there is no hypothesis for a new fixation eye_motion_state[ii] = FIXATING;

resetNewFixation(); x_fix_ring[ii] = xPresFix;
} y_fix_ring[ii] = yPresFix;

void FixationFilter::updateNewFixation(float x_gaze, float y_gaze) sac_duration_ring[ii] = (int)(presFixStartCount - prevFixEndCount-1);

{ fix_duration_ring[ii] = (int)(presFixEndCount - presFixStartCount+1-i);
// updates the new fixation with the argument gazepoint }
n_new_fix_samples++; }
x_new_fix_sum += x_gaze; }
y_new_fix_sum += y_gaze;
x_new_fix = x_new_fix_sum / n_new_fix_samples; void FixationFilter::moveNewFixationToPresentFixation(void)
y_new_fix = y_new_fix_sum / n_new_fix_samples; {
new_fix_end_count = callCount; // copies the new fixation data into the present fixation
} // and resets the new fixation
nPresFixSamples = n_new_fix_samples;
void FixationFilter::calculateGazeDeviationFromPresentFixation(float x_gaze, float y_g xPresFixSum = x_new_fix_sum;
aze) yPresFixSum = y_new_fix_sum;
{ xPresFix = x_new_fix;
float dx, dy; // horiz. and vert. deviations yPresFix = y_new_fix;
presFixStartCount = new_fix_start_count;
// calculate the deviation of the gazepoint from the present fixation location presFixEndCount = new_fix_end_count;
dx = x_gaze - xPresFix; nPresOut = 0;
dy = y_gaze - yPresFix;
presDr = (float)sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); // reset new fixation
// put the deviation in the ring buffer for future reference
gaze_deviation_ring[ringIndex] = presDr; // check if there are enough samples in the new (now present) fixation to
} // declare that the eye is fixating
void FixationFilter::calculateGazeDeviationFromNewFixation(float x_gaze, float y_gaze) }
float dx, dy; // horiz. and vert. deviations void FixationFilter::declareCompletedFixation(void)
// calculate the deviation of the gazepoint from the new fixation location // declare the present fixation to be completed
dx = x_gaze - x_new_fix; eye_motion_state[ringIndexDelay] = FIXATION_COMPLETED;
dy = y_gaze - y_new_fix;
new_dr = (float)sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); // move the present fixation to the previous fixation; this saves the
} // end time of the present fixation for later computation of the saccade
// period between this and the next fixation
void FixationFilter::checkIfFixating(void) prevFixEndCount = presFixEndCount;
int i, ii; // dummy ring indices // move the new fixation data, if any, to the present fixation, reset
Sep 01 2009 10:39 fixationfilter.cpp Page 5/5
// the new fixation, and check if there are enough samples in the new
// (now present) fixation to declare that the eye is fixating

void FixationFilter::restoreOutPoints(void)
int i, ii; // dummy ring indices

// restores any previous gazepoints that were left out of

// the fixation and are now known to be part of the present fixation

// if there were some points that temporarily went out of the fixation region
if(nPresOut > 0) {

// undo the hypothesis that they were outside the fixation and declare
// them now to be part of the fixation
for(i = 1; i <= nPresOut; i++) {
ii = ringIndex - i;
if(ii < 0) ii += RING_SIZE;
// ATD: I think if nPresOut is not (range) limited to RING_SIZE
// BUG! ii goes -ve (way -ve, out to -184)
// std::cerr << "ii = " << ii << std::endl;
if(gaze_found_ring[ii]) {
xPresFixSum += x_gaze_ring[ii];
yPresFixSum += y_gaze_ring[ii];
eye_motion_state[ii] = FIXATING;
// set the number of "out" points to be zero
nPresOut = 0;
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/**************************************************************************** #include <matrix.h>
** $Id: qt/gltexobj.cpp 3.1.2 edited Nov 8 2002 $ #include <quaternion.h>
** Copyright (C) 1992-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. #include "gltexobj.h"
** #include "crand.h"
** This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example #include "distn.h"
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
** const int textures=2;
*****************************************************************************/ ulong texID[] = {GL_TEXTURE0, GL_TEXTURE1};

/**************************************************************************** //const int redrawWait = 50;

** const int redrawWait = 0;
** This is a simple QGLWidget demonstrating the use of QImages for textures.
** /*!
** Much of the GL code is inspired by the ’spectex’ and ’texcyl’ Create a GLTexobj widget
** public domain demo programs by Brian Paul. */
****************************************************************************/ GLTexobj::GLTexobj( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) :
QGLWidget( parent, name ),
#include <iostream> img(width(),height(),32),
#include <iomanip> stimulus(width(),height(),32),
#include <fstream> textfont(),
#include <sstream> letter(0),
#include <vector> sequence(NULL), position(NULL),
Ra_sequence(NULL), Ra_position(NULL),
#include <string> simDuration(10000.0), simPeriod(20.0),
#include <list> simSamples(500), simRunning(false),
#include <map> showScanpaths(true),
#include <algorithm> heatmap(NULL)
#include <cmath> {
#include <cstdlib> time_t tloc;
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h> timer = new QTimer( this );
#include <sys/types.h> connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(update()) );
#include <sys/stat.h> //timer->start( redrawWait, FALSE );

#ifdef ANM_OSX // looks like font selection under X11 may be limited...
#include <OpenGL/gl.h> textfont.setFamily("Fixed");
#include <OpenGL/glu.h> textfont.setRawMode(true);
#include <OpenGL/glext.h> textfont.setStyleStrategy(QFont::OpenGLCompatible);
#else //textfont.setPixelSize(10);
#include <GL/gl.h> textfont.setPointSize(10);
#include <GL/glu.h> textfont.setFixedPitch(true);
#include <GL/glext.h> textfont.setStyleHint(QFont::AnyStyle,QFont::PreferBitmap);
QFontInfo textfontinfo(textfont);
#include <qgl.h>
#include <qtimer.h> std::cout << "family: " << << " ";
#include <qevent.h> std::cout << "pointsize: " << textfontinfo.pointSize() << " ";
#include <qstring.h> std::cout << "weight: " << textfontinfo.weight() << " ";
#include <qfont.h> std::cout << "italic: " << textfontinfo.italic() << " ";
#include <qfontinfo.h> std::cout << std::endl;
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qfiledialog.h> srand((unsigned int)time(&tloc));
#include <qmessagebox.h> }

using namespace std;

#include <vector.h> Release allocated resources
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*/ performed here.
{ void GLTexobj::paintGL()
if(sequence) delete sequence; {
if(position) delete position; ostringstream os;
if(Ra_sequence) delete Ra_sequence; vector<float> c(4,0.0); c[2] = 1.0; c[3] = 1.0;
if(Ra_position) delete Ra_position;
// clear back buffer
if(heatmap) delete heatmap; glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK);
} // set up texture transform matrix (no transformation)
/*! glLoadIdentity();
Set up the OpenGL rendering state, and define display list
*/ // set up modelview matrix
void GLTexobj::initializeGL() glLoadIdentity();
std::cerr << "GL: " << glGetString(GL_VERSION) << std::endl; // render texture (stimulus)
// specify clear color; (0.3,0.4,0.6,1.0) is a nice "slate blue" glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,texNames[0]);
glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); glBegin(GL_QUADS);
glGenTextures(2,texNames); glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2i(0,0);
imgBind(); glTexCoord2f(1,0); glVertex2i(width(),0);
glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2i(width(),height());
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glTexCoord2f(0,1); glVertex2i(0,height());
glEnable(GL_BLEND); }
} glEnd();

// render texture (heatmap)

/*! glActiveTexture(texID[0]);
Set up the OpenGL view port, matrix mode, etc. glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,texNames[1]);
*/ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
void GLTexobj::resizeGL( int w, int h ) glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2i(0,0);
{ glTexCoord2f(1,0); glVertex2i(width(),0);
glViewport(0,0,w,h); glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2i(width(),height());
glTexCoord2f(0,1); glVertex2i(0,height());
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); }
glLoadIdentity(); glEnd();
// origin at display center, pixel range ([-w,w],[-h,h])
//gluOrtho2D(-w,w,-h,h); // disable TU0
// origin at bottom left, pixel range ([0,w],[0,h]) glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
// perspective projection (for 3D) // render here
//glFrustum(-1.0,1.0,-1.0,1.0,1.0,1000.0); /*
// render text "(x,y)" at cursor
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); //std::cerr << "(" << x << "," << y << ")" << std::endl;
glLoadIdentity(); glColor4f(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.5);
} os.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield);
os << "(" << x << "," << 1.0-y << ")";
/*! if(textfont.handle())
Paint the texobj. The actual openGL commands for drawing the texobj are renderText(x*(float)width()-15,y*(float)height()+15,0.0,
Sep 01 2009 10:39 gltexobj.cpp Page 3/13
QString(os.str()),textfont); }

// render black box at (moving) mouse coordinates map<string,Scanpath* >::iterator pos;

glColor4f(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.5); for(pos=scanpath.begin(); pos != scanpath.end(); pos++) {
glBegin(GL_QUADS); std::cerr << "fixations: " << pos->second->fixations() << std::endl;
glVertex2f(x*(float)width()-5,y*(float)height()-5); for(int f=0; f<pos->second->fixations(); f++) {
glVertex2f(x*(float)width()+5,y*(float)height()-5); duration = (float)pos->second->ithfixation(f)->getDuration();
glVertex2f(x*(float)width()-5,y*(float)height()+5); x = (float)((*pos->second->ithfixation(f))[0] * width());
glEnd(); y = (float)((*pos->second->ithfixation(f))[1] * height());
// std::cerr << "fixation: " << f;
// render all defined AOIs // std::cerr << " (" << x << "," << y << ")";
map<string,Aoi* >::iterator aoip; // std::cerr << std::endl;
for(aoip=aoi.begin(); aoip != aoi.end(); aoip++) {
glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); // approximating to 2*sigma idea came from:
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { //
x = aoip->second->coord[i][0] * (float)width(); for(int i=(int)(y-2.0*sigma); i<(int)(y+2.0*sigma); i++) {
y = aoip->second->coord[i][1] * (float)height(); for(int j=(int)(x-2.0*sigma); j<(int)(x+2.0*sigma); j++) {
glVertex2f(x,y); sx = j - x; sy = i - y;
} heat = exp((sx*sx + sy*sy)/(-2.0*sigma*sigma));
glEnd(); if( (0 <= i) && (i < height()) && (0 <= j) && (j < width()) ) {
} r[i][j] += (float)heat;
g[i][j] += (float)heat;
// render scanpaths (unless simulation running; takes too long to draw) b[i][j] += (float)heat;
if(!simRunning && showScanpaths) { }
map<string,Scanpath* >::iterator pos; }
for(pos=scanpath.begin(); pos != scanpath.end(); pos++) }
vector<Scanpath* >::iterator Ra_pos; }
for(Ra_pos=Ra_scanpath.begin(); Ra_pos != Ra_scanpath.end(); Ra_pos++)
(*Ra_pos)->render(aoi,(float)width(),(float)height()); // get max values
} for(int i=0; i<height(); i++) {
for(int j=0; j<width(); j++) {
// swapbuffers if(r[i][j] > maxr) maxr = r[i][j];
swapBuffers(); if(g[i][j] > maxg) maxg = g[i][j];
} if(b[i][j] > maxb) maxb = b[i][j];
void GLTexobj::mapheat() }
int idx; // normalize
float heat,sigma=25.0; for(int i=0; i<height(); i++) {
float duration; for(int j=0; j<width(); j++) {
float x,y; r[i][j] /= maxr;
float sx,sy; g[i][j] /= maxg;
uchar red,green,blue,alpha=0xcc; b[i][j] /= maxb;
matrix<float> r(height(),width()); }
matrix<float> g(height(),width()); }
matrix<float> b(height(),width());
float maxr=-1.0,maxg=-1.0,maxb=-1.0; // convert float to image
for(int i=0; i<height(); i++) {
//std::cerr << "w x h: "; for(int j=0; j<width(); j++) {
//std::cerr << " (" << width() << "," << height() << ")"; red = static_cast<uchar>(r[i][j] * 255.0);
//std::cerr << std::endl; green = static_cast<uchar>(g[i][j] * 255.0);
blue = static_cast<uchar>(b[i][j] * 255.0);
if(!heatmap) { // store in RGBA format
heatmap = new GLubyte[4*width()*height()]; idx = 4*(i*width() + j);
bzero(heatmap,4*width()*height()); heatmap[idx + 0] = red;
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heatmap[idx + 1] = green; if(scanpaths < 1 && Ra_scanpaths == 1)
heatmap[idx + 2] = blue; for(Ra_pos=Ra_scanpath.begin(); Ra_pos != Ra_scanpath.end(); Ra_pos++)
heatmap[idx + 3] = alpha; (*Ra_pos)->label(&letter);
} // if there’s only one scanpath, label it sequentially
if(scanpaths == 1)
unsigned char p; for(pos=scanpath.begin(); pos != scanpath.end(); pos++, scanpaths++)
FILE *ostream; pos->second->label(&letter);
ostream = fopen("heatmap.ppm","w");
fprintf(ostream,"P6\n%d %d\n%d\n",width(),height(),255); // multiple scanpaths, compare each against all others for elliptical overlap
for(int i=0; i<height(); i++) { if(scanpaths > 1)
for(int j=0; j<width(); j++) { for(pos=scanpath.begin(); pos != scanpath.end(); pos++)
idx = 4*(i*width() + j); for(npos=scanpath.begin(); npos != scanpath.end(); npos++)
p = heatmap[idx + 0]; fwrite(&p,sizeof(uchar),1,ostream); if(pos!=npos) pos->second->matchlabels(npos->second,&letter);
p = heatmap[idx + 1]; fwrite(&p,sizeof(uchar),1,ostream);
p = heatmap[idx + 2]; fwrite(&p,sizeof(uchar),1,ostream); // compare each random scanpath against subject scanpaths for ell. overlap
p = heatmap[idx + 3]; // don’t write alpha for(Ra_pos=Ra_scanpath.begin(); Ra_pos != Ra_scanpath.end(); Ra_pos++)
} for(pos=scanpath.begin(); pos != scanpath.end(); pos++)
} (*Ra_pos)->matchlabels(pos->second,&letter);
fclose(ostream); // compare each random scanpath against random scanpaths for ell. overlap
for(Ra_pos=Ra_scanpath.begin(); Ra_pos != Ra_scanpath.end(); Ra_pos++)
// texture 1 is the ’heatmap’ for(Ra_npos=Ra_scanpath.begin(); Ra_npos != Ra_scanpath.end(); Ra_npos++)
glActiveTexture(texID[0]); if(Ra_pos!=Ra_npos) (*Ra_pos)->matchlabels((*Ra_npos),&letter);
// set up texture env // print out sequence strings
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); std::cerr << "sequences:" << std::endl;
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); for(pos=scanpath.begin(); pos != scanpath.end(); pos++)
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); std::cerr << pos->second->printString() << std::endl;
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, // target // print out random sequence strings
0, // level std::cerr << "Ra sequences:" << std::endl;
GL_RGBA, // internalFormat for(Ra_pos=Ra_scanpath.begin(); Ra_pos != Ra_scanpath.end(); Ra_pos++)
width(), height(), std::cerr << (*Ra_pos)->printString() << std::endl;
0, // border
GL_RGBA, // format // print out unique sequence strings (for position similiarity)
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, // type std::cerr << "unique sequences:" << std::endl;
heatmap); for(pos=scanpath.begin(); pos != scanpath.end(); pos++)
} std::cerr << pos->second->printUniqueString() << std::endl;

void GLTexobj::label() // print out unique random sequence strings (for position similiarity)
{ std::cerr << "unique random sequences:" << std::endl;
int scanpaths=0; for(Ra_pos=Ra_scanpath.begin(); Ra_pos != Ra_scanpath.end(); Ra_pos++)
int Ra_scanpaths=Ra_scanpath.size(); std::cerr << (*Ra_pos)->printUniqueString() << std::endl;
// now part of GLTexobj
// static int letter(0); // pairwise similarity
set<string,longer> ulcsset; S__S(scanpaths); // between subject scanpaths only
map<string,Scanpath* >::iterator pos,npos; Ra_S(scanpaths); // between subject and random scanpaths
vector<Scanpath* >::iterator Ra_pos, Ra_npos; std::cerr << "sequence similarity (S_s):" << std::endl;
// get each scanpath to grow its kd-tree std::cerr << "position similarity (S_p):" << std::endl;
for(pos=scanpath.begin(); pos != scanpath.end(); pos++, scanpaths++) parsingDiagram(position,Ra_position);
// same for all random scanpaths // QFileDialog* fd;
for(Ra_pos=Ra_scanpath.begin(); Ra_pos != Ra_scanpath.end(); Ra_pos++) QString qfilename;
(*Ra_pos)->growkdtree((float)width(),(float)height()); std::string strpath,strfull;
std::ofstream ofs;
// if there are no scanpaths and only 1 Random scanpath, std::ostringstream os;
// label random scanpath sequentially
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/* --- this makes more sense by batch processor, not GUI // if(i!=j) (*position)[i][j] = pos->second->p_similarity(npos->second);
// get directory where to dump stats (*sequence)[i][j] = pos->second->s_similarity(npos->second);
#ifdef ANM_OSX (*position)[i][j] = pos->second->p_similarity(npos->second);
fd = new QFileDialog("../../.././","Choose directory",this); }
#else }
fd = new QFileDialog("./","Choose directory",this); // print lower diagonal (matrix is symmetrical, only need half of it)
#endif std::cerr << "sequence similarity (S_s):" << std::endl << sequence;
fd->setMode(QFileDialog::Directory); std::cerr << "position similarity (S_p):" << std::endl << position;
//fd->setMode(QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly); }
fd->setViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail); // alternative is List }
fd->setFilter("CSV files (*.csv)");
if(fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { void GLTexobj::Ra_S(int n)
qfilename = fd->selectedFile(); {
strpath = qfilename.ascii(); int i,j,r=(int)Ra_scanpath.size();
map<string,Scanpath* >::iterator pos;
os << strpath << "/" << "G_s.csv"; // compose filename vector<Scanpath* >::iterator Ra_pos;; // open file
stats(ofs,sequence,Ra_sequence,G); // pairwise Ra_sequence similarity (Levenshtein)
ofs.close(); // close file if(r > 0 && n > 0) {
os.str(""); // clear out filename // clear out current random position and sequence Y-matrices and resize
// here we make an n x r matrix since we favor the lower-diagonal form
os << strpath << "/" << "L_s.csv"; // compose filename if(Ra_sequence) delete Ra_sequence; Ra_sequence = new YMatrix(n,r);; // open file if(Ra_position) delete Ra_position; Ra_position = new YMatrix(n,r);
ofs.close(); // close file // compare with random sequences
os.str(""); // clear out filename for(pos = scanpath.begin(), i=0; pos != scanpath.end(); i++, pos++) {
for(Ra_pos = Ra_scanpath.begin(), j=0;
os << strpath << "/" << "G_p.csv"; // compose filename Ra_pos != Ra_scanpath.end(); j++, Ra_pos++) {; // open file (*Ra_sequence)[i][j] = pos->second->s_similarity(*Ra_pos);
stats(ofs,position,Ra_position,G); (*Ra_position)[i][j] = pos->second->p_similarity(*Ra_pos);
ofs.close(); // close file }
os.str(""); // clear out filename }
// print lower diagonal (matrix is symmetrical, only need half of it)
os << strpath << "/" << "L_p.csv"; // compose filename std::cerr << "Ra sequence similarity (S_s):" << std::endl << Ra_sequence;; // open file std::cerr << "Ra position similarity (S_p):" << std::endl << Ra_position;
stats(ofs,position,Ra_position,L); }
ofs.close(); // close file }
os.str(""); // clear out filename
} void GLTexobj::parsingDiagram(YMatrix *m, YMatrix *Ra_m)
*/ {
int n_Ra=0, n_R=0, n_L=0, n_I=0, n_G=0;
updateGL(); float sum_Ra=0.0, sum_R=0.0, sum_L=0.0, sum_I=0.0, sum_G=0.0;
} float rs_Ra=0.0, rs_R=0.0, rs_L=0.0, rs_I=0.0, rs_G=0.0;
float d;
void GLTexobj::S__S(int n)
{ // given d, the difference in rank, Spearman’s rank-order coefficient
int i,j; // is given as
map<string,Scanpath* >::iterator pos,npos; //
// r_s = 1 - \frac{6 \sum{d^2}}{n (n^2 - 1)}
// pairwise sequence similarity (Levenshtein) //
if(n > 1) { // where the resulting correlation is interpreted as:
// clear out current position and sequence Y-matrices and resize //
if(sequence) delete sequence; sequence = new YMatrix(n,n); // very strong, if 0.9 \leq r_s \leq 1.0,
if(position) delete position; position = new YMatrix(n,n); // strong, if 0.7 \leq r_s \leq 0.9,
// moderate, if 0.5 \leq r_s \leq 0.7,
// compare pos with all other subject sequences
for(pos = scanpath.begin(), i=0; pos != scanpath.end(); i++, pos++) { // parsing diagrams---process subject-subject pairings
for(npos = scanpath.begin(), j=0; npos != scanpath.end(); j++, npos++) { for(int i=0;i<m->rows();i++) {
// if(i!=j) (*sequence)[i][j] = pos->second->s_similarity(npos->second); for(int j=0;j<m->cols();j++) {
Sep 01 2009 10:39 gltexobj.cpp Page 6/13
// don’t count entries on the diagonal! }
// (they are trivially 1.00 and skew the mean)
// if(i>=j) { void GLTexobj::stats(ostream& s, YMatrix *m, YMatrix *Ra_m, cmp_t C)
if(i>j) { {
d = (*m)[i][j].cmp.first; vector<double> similarity, Ra_similarity;
switch((*m)[i][j].cmp.second) {
case N: break; // should have no N comparisons // collect up corresponding comparison entries from m Y-matrix
case Ra: break; // should have no random comparisons if(m) {
case R: sum_R += d; n_R++; break; for(int i=0;i<m->rows();i++)
case L: sum_L += d; n_L++; break; for(int j=0;j<m->cols();j++)
case I: sum_I += d; n_I++; break; if(i>=j && (*m)[i][j].cmp.second == C)
case G: sum_G += d; n_G++; break; similarity.push_back((*m)[i][j].cmp.first);
} }
} // collect up all comparison entries from Ra_m Y-matrix
} if(Ra_m) {
} for(int i=0;i<Ra_m->rows();i++)
// parsing diagrams---process subject-random pairings for(int j=0;j<Ra_m->cols();j++)
if(Ra_m) { if(i>=j && i<m->rows() && j<m->cols() && (*m)[i][j].cmp.second == C)
for(int i=0;i<Ra_m->rows();i++) { Ra_similarity.push_back((*Ra_m)[i][j].cmp.first);
for(int j=0;j<Ra_m->cols();j++) { }
d = (*Ra_m)[i][j].cmp.first;
if(i>=j) { // dump out .csv file for subsequent processing via R
switch((*Ra_m)[i][j].cmp.second) { s << "comparison,similarity" << std::endl;
case N: break; // should have no N comparisons for(int i=0;i<(int)similarity.size();i++) {
case Ra: sum_Ra += d; n_Ra++; break; switch(C) {
case R: break; // should have no R comparisons case N: break; // should not be N comparisons
case L: break; // should have no L comparisons case Ra: break; // should not be random comps
case I: break; // should have no I comparisons case R: s << "R,"; break;
case G: break; // should have no G comparisons case L: s << "L,"; break;
} case I: s << "I,"; break;
} case G: s << "G,"; break;
} }
} s << similarity[i] << std::endl;
} }
for(int i=0;i<(int)Ra_similarity.size();i++)
//rs_Ra = n_Ra > 0 ? 1.0 - 6.0 * sum_Ra/(powf((float)n_Ra,3.0) - n_Ra) : 0.0; s << "Ra," << Ra_similarity[i] << std::endl;
//rs_R = n_R > 0 ? 1.0 - 6.0 * sum_R/(powf((float)n_R,3.0) - n_R) : 0.0; }
//rs_L = n_L > 0 ? 1.0 - 6.0 * sum_L/(powf((float)n_L,3.0) - n_L) : 0.0;
//rs_I = n_I > 0 ? 1.0 - 6.0 * sum_I/(powf((float)n_I,3.0) - n_I) : 0.0; void GLTexobj::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
rs_Ra = n_Ra > 0 ? sum_Ra/(float)n_Ra : 0.0; vector<float> color(4,0.0);
rs_R = n_R > 0 ? sum_R/(float)n_R : 0.0;
rs_L = n_L > 0 ? sum_L/(float)n_L : 0.0; mouseMapCoordinates(e->x(),e->y());
rs_I = n_I > 0 ? sum_I/(float)n_I : 0.0;
rs_G = n_G > 0 ? sum_G/(float)n_G : 0.0; if(e->button() & LeftButton) {
// do nothing
std::cerr << setw(15) << "Reptitive"; } else if(e->button() & RightButton) {
std::cerr << setw(15) << "Local" << "\n"; // do nothing
std::cerr << setw(15) << rs_R; }
std::cerr << setw(15) << rs_L << std::endl;
std::cerr << setw(15) << "Idiosyncratic"; e->accept();
std::cerr << setw(15) << "Global" << "\n"; updateGL();
std::cerr << setw(15) << rs_I; }
std::cerr << setw(15) << rs_G << std::endl;
void GLTexobj::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
if(Ra_m) { {
std::cerr << setw(30) << "Random" << "\n"; mouseMapCoordinates(e->x(),e->y());
std::cerr << setw(30) << rs_Ra << std::endl;
} if(e->button() & MidButton) {
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// std::cerr << "MidButton + ";
if(e->state() & ControlButton) {
// std::cerr << "ControlButton" << std::endl; void GLTexobj::fileGenerateRa()
// on the Mac: press mouse button first, then press CTL button {
} else { Header *h=NULL;
// std::cerr << std::endl; vector<float> color(4,0.3); // set transparency
} Scanpath *scp;
} QString status;
std::ostringstream os;
if(e->button() & RightButton) {
} // reset simulation elapsed time (no. samples)
simSamples = 0;
updateGL(); // set timestamp
} simStart = timestamp();

void GLTexobj::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* e) // create new scanpath, with new id "R01-R01-" for the Random recording
{ os << "R" << setw(2) << setfill(’0’) << (int)Ra_scanpath.size()+1;
e->accept(); h = new Header("random",os.str().c_str(),"R01");
} // get scanpath id (associative map key)
id = h->id();
void GLTexobj::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* e) // get random color for the scanpath
{ for(int i=0; i<3; i++) color[i] = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
float degrees = ((float)e->delta() / 360.0); // should be WHEEL_DELTA // random scanpaths get stored separately from subject scanpaths
// float radians = degrees * M_PI / 180.0; scp = new Scanpath(h,width(),height(),color);
if(e->state() & ControlButton) { Ra_scanpath.push_back(scp);
std::cerr << "wheelEvent:";
std::cerr << " delta: " << e->delta(); status = QString("Generating random scanpath (%1 s)")
std::cerr << " degrees: " << degrees << std::endl; .arg(simDuration/1000.0,0,’f’,0); // duration in seconds
e->accept(); emit messageStatus(status);
updateGL(); emit setProgress(0,(int)(simDuration/simPeriod));
simRunning = true;
void GLTexobj::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
{ // start timer; idea is for timer to call update()
mouseMapCoordinates(e->x(),e->y()); // to simulate random eye movements
timer->start((int)simPeriod, FALSE);
e->accept(); }
} void GLTexobj::update()
void GLTexobj::mouseMapCoordinates(int ix, int iy) static double fixation_dt=poisson(500.0);
{ static double fixation_ts=timestamp();
//std::cerr << "(" << ix << "," << iy << ")" << std::endl; static double fixation_te=0.0;
static double fixation_tt=0.0;
// flip y-coordinate to put into GL coordinates static bool saccade=true;
x = ix; y = height() - iy;
static float fx, fy;
// normalize coordinates static Point *pp;
x = x/width(); y = y/height();
// this is the slot called by Timer whenever its timeout period expires
/* // and is meant to be re-entrant; it simulates random eye movements:
// scale coordinates to ([-w,w], [-h,h]) // - whenever this routine is called, it will either re-fixate the
x = width()*(2.0*x - 1.0); y = height()*(2.0*y - 1.0); // gaze point (fx,fy), or will saccade to some new random location
*/ // - the decision to saccade depends on the time since the last fixation,
} // the period being governed by a normal distribution with variance
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// characteristic of true eye movements, e.g., [150,650] ms
// - the gaze point is repositioned to a new location, governed //std::cerr << pp;
// by saccade amplitude characteristic of true saccades, e.g., ??
// add current point to scanpath
fixation_te = timestamp(); if(!Ra_scanpath.empty())
fixation_tt = fixation_te - fixation_ts; Ra_scanpath[(int)Ra_scanpath.size()-1]->insertPoint(pp);
if(fixation_tt >= fixation_dt) saccade = true;
emit setProgress(simSamples);
if(saccade) {
// simulate saccade (working in display coordinates) // div simDuration by period (in ms) to get number of samples
if(++simSamples > (int)(simDuration/simPeriod)) {
// using built-in random number generator, no model of eye movements,
// just random location based on built-in rand() // analyze eye movements (e.g., via LC Tech’s position-variance scheme)
// fx = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX * (float)width(); Ra_scanpath[(int)Ra_scanpath.size()-1]->position_variance();
// fy = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX * (float)height();
// use k-means as dispersion-based data reduction (clustering) method
// uniform distribution (min, max), better random generator than rand() Ra_scanpath[(int)Ra_scanpath.size()-1]->fixation_mean_shift();
// but still no model of eye movements
// fx = cuniform(0.,(float)width()); // classify fixations
// fy = cuniform(0.,(float)height()); Ra_scanpath[(int)Ra_scanpath.size()-1]->classifyFixations();

// normal distribution (mean, sdev) instead of uniform, here it is // reset duration (how long to simulate for, in ms)
// weighted to the screen center, but is still not a good model of simDuration = 10000.0;
// saccadic amplitude
fx = normal((float)width()/2.0,(float)width()/6.0); emit clearStatus();
fy = normal((float)height()/2.0,(float)height()/6.0);
simRunning = false;
// get new fixation duration, should be [150,650] ms range
// fixation_dt = cuniform(150.0,600); // stop timer
// fixation_dt = normal(375.0,56.25); timer->stop();
// fixation_dt = poisson(500.0); }
fixation_dt = poisson(1300.0);
// draw current point
// get fixaton start timestamp mouseMapCoordinates((int)fx,(int)fy);
fixation_ts = timestamp();
// reset saccade flag }
saccade = false;
} else { void GLTexobj::fileOpen()
// no saccade, maintain fixation, simulating random re-fixation, {
// with (dx,dy) (arbitrarily) close to current location QFileDialog* fd;
QString qfilename;
// uniform distribution in range [-.45,.45] --- what units?
// fx += cuniform((float)-.45,(float).45); #ifdef ANM_OSX
// fy += cuniform((float)-.45,(float).45); fd = new QFileDialog("../../.././",QString::null,this);
// normal distribution in range with mean=0, sdev=0.91 visual angle (30 px) fd = new QFileDialog("./",QString::null,this);
fx += normal(0.,0.91); #endif
fy += normal(0.,0.91); fd->setMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile); // use AnyFile for writing
} fd->setViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail); // alternative is List
fd->setFilter("Text files (*.txt)");
// generate new point
pp = new Point(fx,fy,timestamp() - simStart); // Tobii ClearView 2.7.1 recording file types (uncomment as implemented)
fd->addFilter("AOI (*AOI.txt)");
// normalize fd->addFilter("AOIL (*AOIL.txt)");
pp->scale(1.0/(float)width(),1.0/(float)height()); //fd->addFilter("CMD (*CMD.txt)");
//fd->addFilter("EVD (*EVD.txt)");
// flip y-coordinate to put into GL coordinates fd->addFilter("FXD (*FXD.txt)");
pp->flip(); fd->addFilter("EFD (*EFD.txt)");
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//fd->addFilter("GZD (*GZD.txt)");
//fd->addFilter("AOI_ (*AOI_.txt)"); // all file types except AOIL have headers (AOIL file depends on AOI file)
if( (r.type() != AOIL) ) {
// get selected file // read header info
if(fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) qfilename = fd->selectedFile(); ifs >> (h = new Header());
// construct id: assumed to be "<Subject>-<Recording>-" which should
// process file if not empty // be a unique identifier for the recording (if that’s how the files
if(!qfilename.isEmpty()) { // are named)
fileRead(qfilename); id = h->id();
updateGL(); // get random color for the scanpath
} for(int i=0; i<3; i++) color[i] = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
if(h->sd() == "random") {
void GLTexobj::fileOpenAll() // random scanpath, added to array of random scanpaths, not to map
{ Scanpath *scp = new Scanpath(h,width(),height(),color);
QFileDialog* fd; scp->setRandom();
QStringList qfilenames; scp->input(r.type()); // note which file is to be read in
QStringList::iterator it; ifs >> scp; // read in the given file
Ra_scanpath.push_back(scp); // add to list
#ifdef ANM_OSX } else {
fd = new QFileDialog("../../.././",QString::null,this); // scanpath is a map (associative array), with id acting as key
#else if(!scanpath[id]) // new scanpath
fd = new QFileDialog("./",QString::null,this); scanpath[id] = new Scanpath(h,width(),height(),color);
#endif else // already have header, free memory
fd->setMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFiles); delete h;
fd->setViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail); // alternative is List scanpath[id]->input(r.type()); // note which file is to be read in
fd->setFilter("Text files (*.txt)"); ifs >> scanpath[id]; // read in the given file

// Tobii ClearView 2.7.1 recording file types (uncomment as implemented) // set simDuration to duration of scanpath just read in
//fd->addFilter("AOI (*AOI.txt)"); // if user now generates random scanpath, it will match this duration
//fd->addFilter("AOIL (*AOIL.txt)"); // DO NOT call fileGenerateRa() here though, IT WILL NOT WORK because
//fd->addFilter("CMD (*CMD.txt)"); // that routine starts the timer, which is non-blocking
//fd->addFilter("EVD (*EVD.txt)"); if((simDuration = scanpath[id]->duration()) < 1.0) simDuration = 10000;
fd->addFilter("FXD (*FXD.txt)"); }
fd->addFilter("EFD (*EFD.txt)");
//fd->addFilter("GZD (*GZD.txt)"); // automatically search for and read associated AOIL file if it exists
// (so the stimulus info will be known for scanpath just read in)
// get list of selected files std::ifstream aoilifs;
if(fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) qfilenames = fd->selectedFiles(); std::ifstream aoiifs;
std::ifstream evdifs;
// process each one std::ostringstream os;
for(it=qfilenames.begin(); it != qfilenames.end(); it++) { std::string strfull,strpath;
fileRead(*it); struct stat buf;
} // begin read EVD
// construct filename to open (qfilename.ascii() includes full path)
void GLTexobj::fileRead(QString qfilename) strfull = qfilename.ascii();
Header* h=NULL; // strip leading dir name (could be very long, e.g., /home/<user>/.../
QStringList::iterator it; strpath = strfull.substr(0,strfull.rfind(’/’));
vector<float> color(4,0.3); // set transparency // construct "*EVD.txt" filename
os << strpath << "/" << id << "EVD" << ".txt";
std::ifstream ifs(qfilename.ascii()); // std::cerr << "full = " << strfull << std::endl;
if(!ifs) // std::cerr << "path = " << strpath << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Warning: can’t open " << qfilename << std::endl; // std::cerr << "file = " << os.str().c_str() << std::endl;
else {
// establish file type (the Recording obj just looks for EFD, GZD, etc.) // if file exists, open it, read it in, close it, clearing bits
Recording r(qfilename.ascii()); if(!stat(os.str().c_str(),&buf)) {
Sep 01 2009 10:39 gltexobj.cpp Page 10/13
// open EVD file // open AOIL file,std::ifstream::in);,std::ifstream::in);
if(evdifs.good()) { if(aoiifs.good()) {

// eat header // eat header

evdifs >> (h = new Header()); aoiifs >> (h = new Header());
// can check here whether header info matches current scanpath // can check here whether header info matches current scanpath
// header info // header info
delete h; delete h;

scanpath[id]->input(EVD); // note which file is to be read in scanpath[id]->input(AOI); // note which file is to be read in
evdifs >> scanpath[id]; // read in the given file aoiifs >> scanpath[id]; // read in the given file
} }
evdifs.close(); // close file aoiifs.close(); // close file
evdifs.clear(); // reset status bits aoiifs.clear(); // reset status bits
os.str(""); // clear out filename os.str(""); // clear out filename
} }
// end read EVD // end read AOI file

// begin read AOIL } else if(r.type() == AOIL) {

// read in AOIL file
// construct filename to open (qfilename.ascii() includes full path) // it has no header, hence no id and so impossible to tell which
strfull = qfilename.ascii(); // scanpath it’s supposed to belong to---use last filename as index
// strip leading dir name (could be very long, e.g., /home/<user>/.../ id = qfilename.ascii(); // this has entire path
strpath = strfull.substr(0,strfull.rfind(’/’)); id = id.substr(id.rfind(’/’)+1,id.length()); // like ’rend’
// construct "*AOIL.txt" filename id = id.substr(0,id.length() - 8);
os << strpath << "/" << id << "AOIL" << ".txt"; std::cerr << "id = " << id << std::endl;
// std::cerr << "full = " << strfull << std::endl; if(!scanpath.empty() && scanpath.find(id) != scanpath.end()) {
// std::cerr << "path = " << strpath << std::endl; std::cerr << "AOIL file for id = " << id << std::endl;
// std::cerr << "file = " << os.str().c_str() << std::endl; scanpath[id]->input(r.type());
ifs >> scanpath[id];
// if file exists, open it, read it in, close it, clearing bits cerr << "AOIL READ2" << endl;
if(!stat(os.str().c_str(),&buf)) { } else {
// open AOIL file std::cerr << "Warning: either no scanpaths read in yet or";,std::ifstream::in); std::cerr << " one with " << id << " not found" << std::endl;
if(aoilifs.good()) { // throw up message box with predefined "Ok" and "Abort" buttons
scanpath[id]->input(AOIL); // note which file is to be read in switch(QMessageBox::warning(this,"AOIL Open",
aoilifs >> scanpath[id]; // read in the given file "No scanpaths read in yet or\n"
} "scanpath with given id not found.\n"
aoilifs.close(); // close file "Read in at least one recording.\n\n",
aoilifs.clear(); // reset status bits QMessageBox::Ok,
os.str(""); // clear out filename QMessageBox::Abort)) {
} case QMessageBox::Ok:
// end read AOIL return;
case QMessageBox::Abort:
// begin read AOI exit(1);
// construct filename to open (qfilename.ascii() includes full path) }
strfull = qfilename.ascii(); }
// strip leading dir name (could be very long, e.g., /home/<user>/.../ }
strpath = strfull.substr(0,strfull.rfind(’/’)); ifs.close();
// construct "*AOI.txt" filename }
os << strpath << "/" << id << "AOI" << ".txt";
std::cerr << "full = " << strfull << std::endl; void GLTexobj::fileSaveAs()
std::cerr << "path = " << strpath << std::endl; {
std::cerr << "file = " << os.str().c_str() << std::endl; QFileDialog* fd;
QString hint;
// if file exists, open it, read it in, close it, clearing bits QString qfilename;
if(!stat(os.str().c_str(),&buf)) { std::ostringstream os;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 gltexobj.cpp Page 11/13
if(!Ra_scanpath.empty()) { }

// construct "*EFD.txt" filename void GLTexobj::fileClear()

os << Ra_scanpath[Ra_scanpath.size()-1]->header->id() << "EFD" << ".txt"; {
// std::cerr << "file = " << os.str().c_str() << std::endl; // reset letter
letter = 0;
hint = os.str().c_str();
// clear all scanpaths
#ifdef ANM_OSX map<string,Scanpath* >::iterator pos=scanpath.begin();
fd = new QFileDialog("../../.././",QString::null,this); while(pos != scanpath.end()) {
#else if(pos->second) delete pos->second;
fd = new QFileDialog("./",QString::null,this); scanpath.erase(pos++);
#endif }
fd->setMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); // use ExistingFile for reading
fd->setViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail); // alternative is List // clear all random scanpaths
fd->setFilter("Text files (*.txt)"); vector<Scanpath* >::iterator Ra_pos=Ra_scanpath.begin();
fd->setSelection(hint); while(Ra_pos != Ra_scanpath.end()) {
if(*Ra_pos) delete *Ra_pos;
// Tobii ClearView 2.7.1 recording file types (uncomment as implemented) Ra_scanpath.erase(Ra_pos++);
// fd->addFilter("AOI (*AOI.txt)"); }
// fd->addFilter("AOIL (*AOIL.txt)");
// fd->addFilter("CMD (*CMD.txt)"); updateGL();
fd->addFilter("EFD (*EFD.txt)"); }
// fd->addFilter("EVD (*EVD.txt)");
// fd->addFilter("FXD (*FXD.txt)"); void GLTexobj::aoiOpen()
// fd->addFilter("GZD (*GZD.txt)"); {
string str;
// get selected file QFileDialog* fd;
if(fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) qfilename = fd->selectedFile(); QString qfilename;
Aoi* aoip;
// process file if not empty double w,h;
if(!qfilename.isEmpty()) {
std::ofstream ofs(qfilename.ascii()); if(scanpath.empty()) {
// save the most recently created/read in random scanpath std::cerr << "Warning: no scanpaths read in yet." << std::endl;
ofs << Ra_scanpath[Ra_scanpath.size()-1]; // throw up message box with predefined "Ok" and "Abort" buttons
ofs.close(); switch(QMessageBox::warning(this,"AOI Open",
} "No scanpaths read in yet.\n"
} "Read in at least one recording.\n\n",
} QMessageBox::Ok,
QMessageBox::Abort)) {
void GLTexobj::fileSaveAll() case QMessageBox::Ok:
{ return;
std::ostringstream os; case QMessageBox::Abort:
std::ofstream ofs; exit(1);
QString qfilename = }
QFileDialog::getSaveFileName("./",QString::null,this); /* alternate way to do it, with own button0 and button1 labels
switch(QMessageBox::warning(this,"AOI Open",
/* "No scanpaths read in yet.\n"
if(!qfilename.isEmpty()) { "Read in at least one recording.\n\n",
// save all scanpaths "Ok",
for(int s=0; s < (int)scanpath.size(); s++) { "Quit",
os << qfilename.ascii() << "." << setw(4) << setfill(’0’) << s << ".sp"; 0)) {; case 0: // Ok
ofs << scanpath[s]; return;
ofs.close(); case 1:
os.str(""); exit(1);
} }
} */
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} aoi[aoip->name] = aoip;
else // already have AOI, free up memory
// get w,h stimulus dimensions from first available scanpath delete aoip;
w = scanpath.begin()->second->w(); h = scanpath.begin()->second->h();
// read in file
// display file dialog, set up file display filter // Name Top Left Top Right Bottom Right Bottom Left
#ifdef ANM_OSX ifs >> str >> str >> str >> str >> str >> str >> str >> str >> str;
fd = new QFileDialog("../../.././",QString::null,this); ifs >> std::ws;
fd = new QFileDialog("./",QString::null,this); while(!ifs.eof()) {
#endif // read in aoi info and eat whitespace at EOL
fd->setMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile); // use AnyFile for writing ifs >> (aoip = new Aoi()) >> std::ws;
fd->setViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail); // alternative is List
fd->setFilter("Text files (*.txt)"); // normalize
// Tobii ClearView 2.7.1 AOI file type
fd->addFilter("AOI (AOI*.txt)"); // flip y-coordinate to put into GL reference frame
if(fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) qfilename = fd->selectedFile(); aoip->flip();

/* reading in AOI and adding into vector<Aoi* > // add to map

if(!aoi[aoip->name]) // new AOI
if(!qfilename.isEmpty()) { aoi[aoip->name] = aoip;
std::ifstream ifs(qfilename.ascii()); else // already have AOI, free up memory
if(!ifs) delete aoip;
std::cerr << "Warning: can’t open " << qfilename << std::endl; }
else { }
while(!ifs.eof()) { ifs.close();
// read in aoi info and eat whitespace at EOL // debug
ifs >> (aoip = new Aoi()) >> std::ws; // std::cerr << s;
// normalize }
void GLTexobj::imgOpen()
// flip y-coordinate to put into GL reference frame {
aoip->flip(); QFileDialog* fd;
QString qfilename;
} #ifdef ANM_OSX
} fd = new QFileDialog("../../.././",QString::null,this);
ifs.close(); #else
} fd = new QFileDialog("./",QString::null,this);
*/ #endif
fd->setMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile); // use AnyFile for writing
// reading AOI and inserting into map<string,Aoi* > fd->setViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail); // alternative is List
if(!qfilename.isEmpty()) { fd->setFilter("Images (*.jpg *.bmp *.ppm *.png)");
std::ifstream ifs(qfilename.ascii());
if(!ifs) if(fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) qfilename = fd->selectedFile();
std::cerr << "Warning: can’t open " << qfilename << std::endl;
else { if(!qfilename.isEmpty()) {
// add in 0th AOI as "Content" (entire viewing surface) stimulus.load(qfilename);
aoip = new Aoi("Content", 0,0, w,0, w,h, 0,h); stimulus = QGLWidget::convertToGLFormat(stimulus);
// normalize
aoip->scale(1.0/w,1.0/h); imgBind();
// flip y-coordinate to put into GL reference frame
aoip->flip(); updateGL();
// add to map
if(!aoi[aoip->name]) // new AOI void GLTexobj::imgBind()
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// texture 0 is the ’image’

// set up texture env

glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, // target
0, // level
GL_RGBA, // internalFormat
stimulus.width(),stimulus.height(), // width,height
0, // border
GL_RGBA, // format
stimulus.bits()); // texels

void GLTexobj::imgSaveAs()
img = QGLWidget::grabFrameBuffer(true);

#ifdef ANM_OSX
QString qfilename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName("../../.././",QString::null,this);
QString qfilename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName("./",QString::null,this);


void GLTexobj::afPlot()
map<string,Scanpath* >::iterator pos;
for(pos=scanpath.begin(); pos != scanpath.end(); pos++)

double GLTexobj::timestamp()
double s,us,tod;
struct timeval tp;

// get time of day (tod), return in milliseconds

s = static_cast<double>(tp.tv_sec);
us = static_cast<double>(tp.tv_usec);
tod = s*1000000.0 + us;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 glwinobj.cpp Page 1/1
/**************************************************************************** file->insertItem("Save All...",texwin,SLOT(fileSaveAll()),CTRL+Key_L);
** $Id: qt/glwinobj.cpp 3.1.2 edited Nov 8 2002 $ file->insertSeparator();
** file->insertItem("Clear",texwin,SLOT(fileClear()),CTRL+Key_C);
** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. file->insertSeparator();
** file->insertItem("Quit",qApp,SLOT(quit()),CTRL+Key_Q);
** This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. // create the edit menu
** edit = new QPopupMenu(menubar);
*****************************************************************************/ menubar->insertItem("Edit",edit);
view_scanpaths = new QCheckBox("scanpaths",edit,0);
#include <iostream> view_scanpaths->setChecked(true);
#include <vector> edit->insertItem(view_scanpaths);
#include <string> connect(view_scanpaths,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),texwin,SLOT(viewScanpaths(bool)));
#include <list>
#include <math.h> // create the aoi menu
aoi = new QPopupMenu(menubar);
#include <qpushbutton.h> menubar->insertItem("AOI",aoi);
#include <qslider.h> aoi->insertItem("Open...",texwin,SLOT(aoiOpen()));
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qframe.h> // create the image menu
#include <qmenubar.h> image = new QPopupMenu(menubar);
#include <qpopupmenu.h> menubar->insertItem("Image",image);
#include <qcheckbox.h> image->insertItem("Open...",texwin,SLOT(imgOpen()));
#include <qprogressbar.h> image->insertItem("Save As...",texwin,SLOT(imgSaveAs()));
#include <qstatusbar.h>
#include <qapplication.h> // create the tools menu
#include <qkeycode.h> tools = new QPopupMenu(menubar);
using namespace std; tools->insertItem("AF plot output...",texwin,SLOT(afPlot()));
#include "glwinobj.h" tools->insertItem("Heatmap",texwin,SLOT(mapheat()));
#include "gltexobj.h"
// status and progress bar
GLObjectWindow::GLObjectWindow( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : statusBar = new QStatusBar(this);
QWidget( parent, name ) connect(texwin,SIGNAL(messageStatus(const QString&)),
{ statusBar,SLOT(message(const QString&)));
GLTexobj* texwin=NULL; connect(texwin,SIGNAL(clearStatus()),
// Create an OpenGL widget: (doubleBuffer | rgba | depth) set globally // progress bar
texwin = new GLTexobj(this,"glarea"); progressBar = new QProgressBar(statusBar);
std::cout << "doubleBuffer: " << texwin->format().doubleBuffer() << " " connect(texwin,SIGNAL(setProgress(int)),
<< "rgba: " << texwin->format().rgba() << " " progressBar,SLOT(setProgress(int)));
<< "depth: " << texwin->format().depth() << " " connect(texwin,SIGNAL(setProgress(int,int)),
<< std::endl; progressBar,SLOT(setProgress(int,int)));
texwin->setMouseTracking(true); connect(texwin,SIGNAL(resetProgress()),
// create a menu bar connect(texwin,SIGNAL(clearStatus()),
menubar = new QMenuBar(this); progressBar,SLOT(reset()));
menubar->setSeparator(QMenuBar::InWindowsStyle); statusBar->addWidget(progressBar,0,true); // must be permanent (,0,true)

// create the file menu // Top level layout (with 0,0 border)
file = new QPopupMenu(menubar); vlayout = new QVBoxLayout(this, 0, 0, "vlayout");
menubar->insertItem("Recording",file); vlayout->setMenuBar(menubar);
file->insertItem("Open",texwin,SLOT(fileOpen()),CTRL+Key_O); vlayout->addWidget(texwin,1);
file->insertItem("Open All..",texwin,SLOT(fileOpenAll()),CTRL+Key_A); vlayout->addWidget(statusBar);
file->insertSeparator(); }
file->insertItem("Generate Random",texwin,SLOT(fileGenerateRa()),CTRL+Key_R);
file->insertItem("Save As...",texwin,SLOT(fileSaveAs()),CTRL+Key_W);
Sep 01 2009 10:39 header.cpp Page 1/1
#include <iostream> s >> str; s >> str; // "Coordinate unit:"
#include <iomanip> s >> rhs.unit;
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream> return s;
#include <string> }
#include <algorithm>
#include <time.h> ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Header& rhs)
#include <sys/time.h> {
s << "Data properties:" << std::endl; s << std::endl;
using namespace std; s << "Recording date: ";
s << rhs.month << "/" << << "/" << rhs.year << std::endl;
#include "header.h" s << "Recording time : ";
s << rhs.hour << ":" << rhs.minute << ":" << rhs.second << ":";
// scanpath implementation s << setw(3) << setfill(’0’) <<;
// (c) Andrew T. Duchowski s << " (corresponds to time 0)" << std::endl;
Header::Header(string sty, string subj, string rec) : s << "Study: ";
study(sty), s << << std::endl;
subject(subj), s << "Subject: ";
recording(rec), s << rhs.subject << std::endl;
w(1280), h(1024), s << "Recording: ";
unit("Pixels") s << rhs.recording << std::endl;
{ s << "Screen resolution: ";
time_t tloc; s << rhs.w << " x " << rhs.h << std::endl;
struct tm *tod=NULL; s << "Coordinate unit: ";
s << rhs.unit << std::endl;
tod = localtime(&tloc); return s;
month = tod->tm_mon + 1;
day = tod->tm_mday;
year = tod->tm_year + 1900;
hour = tod->tm_hour;
minute = tod->tm_min;
second = tod->tm_sec;
ms = 0;

istream& operator>>(istream& s, Header& rhs)

char c;
string str;

s >> str; s >> str; // "Data properties:"

s >> str; s >> str; // "Recording date:"
s >> rhs.month >> c >> >> c >> rhs.year;
s >> str; s >> str; s >> str; // "Recording time :"
s >> rhs.hour >> c >> rhs.minute >> c >> rhs.second >> c >>;
s >> str; s >> str; s >> str; s >> str; // "(corresponds to time 0)"
s >> str >> std::ws; // "Study:"
//s >>;
s >> str >> std::ws; // "Subject:"
//s >> rhs.subject;
s >> str >> std::ws; // "Recording:"
//s >> rhs.recording;
s >> str; s >> str >> std::ws; // "Screen resolution:"
s >> rhs.w >> str >> rhs.h >> std::ws;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 jacobi.cpp Page 1/2
#include <vector> a[ip][iq]=0.0;
#include <cmath> else if (fabs(a[ip][iq]) > tresh) {
#include <matrix.h> if (fabs(h)+g == fabs(h))
#include "jacobi.h" else {
#define ROTATE(a,i,j,k,l) g=a[i][j];h=a[k][l];a[i][j]=g-s*(h+g*tau);\ t=1.0/(fabs(theta)+sqrt(1.0+theta*theta));
a[k][l]=h+s*(g-h*tau); if (theta < 0.0) t = -t;
int jacobi(matrix<double> a,std::vector<double> &d,matrix<double> &v) c=1.0/sqrt(1+t*t);
{ s=t*c;
// Computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmteric matrix tau=s/(1.0+c);
// a[1..n][1..n]. On output, elements of a above the diagonal are destroyed. h=t*a[ip][iq];
// d[1..n] returns the eigenvalues of a. v[1..n][1..n] is a matrix whose z[ip] -= h;
// columns contain, on ouput, the normalized eigenvectors of a. nrot z[iq] += h;
// returns the number Jacobi rotations that were required. d[ip] -= h;
// d[iq] += h;
// From: Press, William H., Teukolsky, Saul A., Vetterling, William T., and a[ip][iq]=0.0;
// Flannery, Brian P., ‘‘Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific for (j=0;j<ip-1;j++) {
// Computing’’, Cambridge University Press, (Cambridge:1992), 2nd ed. ROTATE(a,j,ip,j,iq)
// (p.467) }
for (j=ip+1;j<iq-1;j++) {
int n = a.rows(); ROTATE(a,ip,j,j,iq)
int nrot=0; }
int j,iq,ip,i; for (j=iq+1;j<n;j++) {
double tresh,theta,tau,t,sm,s,h,g,c; ROTATE(a,ip,j,iq,j)
std::vector<double> b(n); for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
std::vector<double> z(n); ROTATE(v,j,ip,j,iq)
// initialize eigenvalue and eigenvector arrays ++nrot;
d.clear(); d.resize(n,0.0); }
for(int ip=0; ip<n; ip++) { }
for(int iq=0; iq<n; iq++) }
v[ip][iq]=0.0; for (ip=0;ip<n;ip++) {
v[ip][ip]=1.0; b[ip] += z[ip];
} d[ip]=b[ip];
for (int ip=0; ip<n; ip++) { z[ip]=0.0;
b[ip] = d[ip] = a[ip][ip]; }
z[ip] = 0.0; }
} std::cerr << "Too many iterations in routine JACOBI" << std::endl;
nrot=0; return nrot;
for (i=0;i<50;i++) { }
for (ip=0;ip<n-1;ip++) { #undef ROTATE
for (iq=ip+1;iq<n;iq++)
sm += fabs(a[ip][iq]); void eigsrt(std::vector<double> &d,matrix<double> &v)
} {
if (sm == 0.0) return nrot; // Given the eigenvalues d[1..n] and eigenvectors v[1..n][1..n] as output
if (i < 4) // from jacobi() or tqli(), this routine sorts the eigenvalues into
tresh=0.2*sm/(n*n); // descending order, and rearranges the columns of v correspondingly.
else // The method is straight insertion.
tresh=0.0; //
for (ip=0;ip<n-1;ip++) { // From: Press, William H., Teukolsky, Saul A., Vetterling, William T., and
for (iq=ip+1;iq<n;iq++) { // Flannery, Brian P., ‘‘Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific
g=100.0*fabs(a[ip][iq]); // Computing’’, Cambridge University Press, (Cambridge:1992), 2nd ed.
if(i > 4 && fabs(d[ip])+g == fabs(d[ip]) // (p.468)
&& fabs(d[iq])+g == fabs(d[iq]) )
Sep 01 2009 10:39 jacobi.cpp Page 2/2
int k,n = d.size();
float p;

for(int i=0; i<n-1; i++) {

p = d[k=i];
for(int j=i+1; j<n; j++)
if(d[j] >= p) p = d[k=j];
if(k != i) {
d[k] = d[i];
d[i] = p;
for(int j=0; j<n; j++) {
p = v[j][i];
v[j][i] = v[j][k];
v[j][k] = p;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 kdtree.cpp Page 1/4
#include <iostream> // remove tree post-order
#include <iomanip> remove(node->left);
#include <vector> remove(node->right);
#include <string>
#include <algorithm> delete node; node = NULL;
#include <cmath> }
#ifdef ANM_OSX
#include <OpenGL/gl.h> KDTree::KDTree(vector<Cluster* > els, Point min, Point max)
#include <OpenGL/glu.h> {
#include <OpenGL/glext.h> int depth=0;
#include <GL/gl.h> if(els.empty()) {
#include <GL/glu.h> root = NULL;
//#include <GL/glext.h> return;
#endif }
root = insert(NULL,els,depth,min,max);
#ifndef INFINITY }
#endif KDNode* KDTree::insert(KDNode* parent, vector<Cluster* > els, int depth, Point min, Po
int max)
using namespace std; {
if(els.empty()) return NULL;
#include "ellipse.h"
#include "point.h" // select axis based on depth so that axis cycles through all valid values
#include "cluster.h" int axis = depth % els[0]->dim();
#include "kdtree.h"
if(els.size() == 1)
// kd-tree implementation (based on various sources, include wikipedia) return(new KDNode(axis,els[0],min,max,NULL,NULL,parent));
// (c) Andrew T. Duchowski
// sort element list and choose median as pivot element
/////////////////////////// friends //////////////////////////////////////////// sort(els.begin(),els.end(),ClusterAxisCompare(axis));
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s,const KDNode& rhs)
{ // create node and construct subtrees
s.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); int median = els.size()/2;
s << rhs.left; // create the left and right sublists
if(!rhs.parent) { s << " [root] "; } Cluster *mel = els[median];
s << (*rhs.element); vector<Cluster* > lel, rel;
s << rhs.right; for(int i=0; i<median; i++) lel.push_back(els[i]);
return s; for(int i=median+1; i<(int)els.size(); i++) rel.push_back(els[i]);
// create new node, initializing its axis, value, and parent pointer
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s,const KDTree& rhs) KDNode* node = new KDNode(axis,mel,min,max,NULL,NULL,parent);
{ // recursively create left and right subtrees; attach to current node
s.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); Point _min, _max;
s.precision(2); _min = min;
s << rhs.root; _max = max;
return s; _max[axis] = (*mel)[axis]; // splitting on axis-value (e.g., x,y)
} node->left = insert(node,lel,depth+1,_min,_max);
_min = min;
KDTree::˜KDTree() _max = max;
{ _min[axis] = (*mel)[axis]; // splitting on axis-value (e.g., x,y)
remove(root); node->right = insert(node,rel,depth+1,_min,_max);
return node;
void KDTree::remove(KDNode* node) }
if(node) { void KDTree::knn_query(Cluster* q,vector<Cluster* > *p,double *r,int k)
Sep 01 2009 10:39 kdtree.cpp Page 2/4
{ // against those points that are already on the list; do this only if
*r = INFINITY; // the distance is smaller than the last point on the list, otherwise
if(k==1) { // safe to ignore this point
Cluster* c = NULL; if(dist < (*q).distance((*p).back())) {
nn(root,q,&c,r); for(curpp = (*p).begin(); curpp != (*p).end(); curpp++) {
(*p).push_back(c); if(dist < (*q).distance(*curpp)) {
} (*p).insert(curpp,1,node->element);
else knn(root,q,p,r,k); break;
} }
void KDTree::knn(KDNode* node,Cluster* q,vector<Cluster* > *p,double *r,int k) // since we know we have k nodes already and we just added one,
{ // pop one off the end
int axis; if((int)(*p).size() > k) (*p).pop_back();
double dist;
vector<Cluster* >::iterator curpp; // find largest distance in list
*r = (*q).distance((*p).back());
if(!node) return; }
// compute node’s distance to query point
dist = (*q).distance((*node->element)); // find largest distance in list
//*r = (*q).distance((*p).back());
// as we descend the tree to find the closest leaf (the first approximation
// is initially found at the leaf node which contains the target point), // traverse down the "closer" side of the tree -- note that
// but along the way test against each node that we touch -- it may be that // these recursive calls may (will) override the p,r arguments
// one of the nodes on the way down is closer // if a closer node than the current node is found
// //
// for k-nearest neighbors, maintain a sorted list s.t. the point // the first approximation (e.g., leaf node) is not necessarily the
// that is furthest away can be deleted if the list contains k points // closest; but from this descent-only search we know that any potential
// and a new closer point is found -- to do so, use a list that is // nearer neighbor must lie closer and so must lie within the circle
// sorted as points are added (e.g., via insertion sort basically), // defined by center q and radius r
// this way if we add a closer point than what is on the list, we can //
// safely remove the last point on the list // as we return we need to check to see whether the current closest
// // circle (defined by center q and radius r) intersects the "farther"
// for the actual search, instead of searching within a radius that is // side of the tree -- if it does, we must search that subtree
// the closest distance yet found, search within the area (volume) whose axis = node->axis;
// radius is the k-th closest yet found--until k points have been found, if((*q)[axis] <= (*node->element)[axis]) {
// this distance is infinity // check the circle (q,r) intersection with node->left (extraneous)
if((int)(*p).size() < k) { if((*q)[axis] - (*r) <= (*node->element)[axis]) knn(node->left,q,p,r,k);
// if we don’t yet have the requested number of points, insert current // check the circle (q,r) intersection with node->right
// node’s distance into (sorted) knn list without bothering to check if((*q)[axis] + (*r) > (*node->element)[axis]) knn(node->right,q,p,r,k);
// distance: } else {
// if list is empty or distance is larger than last node // check the circle (q,r) intersection with node->right (extraneous)
// (and there are fewer of them than required k) if((*q)[axis] + (*r) > (*node->element)[axis]) knn(node->right,q,p,r,k);
// just add the node to the back // check the circle (q,r) intersection with node->left
if( (*p).empty() || (dist > (*q).distance((*p).back())) ) if((*q)[axis] - (*r) <= (*node->element)[axis]) knn(node->left,q,p,r,k);
(*p).push_back(node->element); }
// otherwise }
// iterate through the list to find proper place to insert --
// it won’t be at the back since we already checked that void KDTree::nn_query(Cluster* q,Cluster* *p,double *r)
else { {
for(curpp = (*p).begin(); curpp != (*p).end(); curpp++) { *r = INFINITY;
if(dist < (*q).distance(*curpp)) { nn(root,q,p,r);
(*p).insert(curpp,1,node->element); }
} void KDTree::nn(KDNode* node,Cluster* q,Cluster* *p,double *r)
} {
} int axis;
} else { double dist;
// insert current node into (sorted) knn list, checking its distance
Sep 01 2009 10:39 kdtree.cpp Page 3/4
if(!node) return;
// if element is within range query, add to list
// compute node’s distance to query point if( (min[0] <= (*node->element)[0]) && ((*node->element)[0] <= max[0]) &&
dist = (*q).distance(node->element); (min[1] <= (*node->element)[1]) && ((*node->element)[1] <= max[1]) ) {
// std::cerr << "Got point: " << (*node->element) << std::endl;
// as we descend the tree to find the closest leaf (the first (*p).push_back(node->element);
// approximation is initially found at the leaf node which contains }
// the target point), but along the way test against each node that we
// touch -- it may be that one of the nodes on the way down is closer // figure out which side of tree to go into
if(dist < *r) { if( (min[node->axis] <= (*node->element)[node->axis]) &&
*r = dist; ((*node->element)[node->axis] <= max[node->axis]) ) {
*p = node->element; // range box intersects split plane (straddles split axis),
} // need to traverse both sides of tree
// traverse down the "closer" side of the tree -- note that range(node->right,p,min,max);
// these recursive calls may (will) override the p,r arguments }
// if a closer node than the current node is found else if(max[node->axis] <= (*node->element)[node->axis])
// // range box fully contained on smaller side of space,
// the first approximation (e.g., leaf node) is not necessarily the // need only to traverse left side of tree
// closest; but from this descent-only search we know that any potential range(node->left,p,min,max);
// nearer neighbor must lie closer and so must lie within the circle else if(min[node->axis] >= (*node->element)[node->axis])
// defined by center q and radius r // range box fully contained on larger side of space,
// // need only to traverse left side of tree
// as we return we need to check to see whether the current closest range(node->right,p,min,max);
// circle (defined by center q and radius r) intersects the "farther" }
// side of the tree -- if it does, we must search that subtree
axis = node->axis; void KDTree::render(float width,float height)
if((*q)[axis] <= (*node->element)[axis]) { {
// check the circle (q,r) intersection with node->left (extraneous) if(root) render(root,width,height);
if((*q)[axis] - (*r) <= (*node->element)[axis]) nn(node->left,q,p,r); }
// check the circle (q,r) intersection with node->right
if((*q)[axis] + (*r) > (*node->element)[axis]) nn(node->right,q,p,r); void KDTree::render(KDNode *node,float width,float height)
} else { {
// check the circle (q,r) intersection with node->right (extraneous)
if((*q)[axis] + (*r) > (*node->element)[axis]) nn(node->right,q,p,r); if(!node) return;
// check the circle (q,r) intersection with node->left
if((*q)[axis] - (*r) <= (*node->element)[axis]) nn(node->left,q,p,r); render(node->left,width,height);
} if(!node->axis) {
void KDTree::range_query(vector<Cluster* > *p,double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2) glBegin(GL_LINES);
{ // draw y-axis aligned line extending to ymin
Point min, max; glVertex2f((*node->element)[0]*width,(*node->element)[1]*height);
// incoming points may be disorganized, i.e., user may have started out glEnd();
// at bottom-right, top-right, whatever; sort out into minx, maxx, miny, maxy glBegin(GL_LINES);
// bounding box s.t. top-left is (minx,miny) // draw y-axis aligned line extending to ymax
min[0] = x1 < x2 ? x1 : x2; glVertex2f((*node->element)[0]*width,(*node->element)[1]*height);
min[1] = y1 < y2 ? y1 : y2; glVertex2f((*node->element)[0]*width,node->max[1]*height);
max[0] = x1 > x2 ? x1 : x2; glEnd();
max[1] = y1 > y2 ? y1 : y2; } else {
// call recursive query, filling in point vector with points within range glBegin(GL_LINES);
range(root,p,min,max); // draw x-axis aligned line extending to xmin
} glVertex2f((*node->element)[0]*width,(*node->element)[1]*height);
void KDTree::range(KDNode* node, vector<Cluster* > *p, Point min, Point max) glEnd();
{ glBegin(GL_LINES);
if(!node) return; // draw x-axis aligned line extending to xmax
Sep 01 2009 10:39 kdtree.cpp Page 4/4

Sep 01 2009 10:39 main.cpp Page 1/1
/**************************************************************************** GLObjectWindow* w = new GLObjectWindow;
** $Id: qt/main.cpp 3.1.2 edited Nov 8 2002 $
** // set size...
** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. w->resize( 640, 480 );
** //w->resize( 1280, 1024 );
** This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example app.setMainWidget( w );
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. w->show();
** // ... or go full screen
*****************************************************************************/ //w->showFullScreen();
// Qt OpenGL example: Texture int result = app.exec();
// delete w;
// File: main.cpp return result;
// }
// The main() function

#ifdef ANM_OSX
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <OpenGL/glu.h>
#include <OpenGL/glext.h>
#include <GLUT/glut.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <GL/glext.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>

#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qgl.h>
#include "glwinobj.h"
#include "crand.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)

QApplication app(argc,argv);

if(!QGLFormat::hasOpenGL()) {
qWarning( "This system has no OpenGL support. Exiting." );
return -1;

// Create OpenGL format

QGLFormat f;

// What’s this doing here?


// initialize random number generator


// Create window
Sep 01 2009 10:39 point.cpp Page 1/3
#include <iostream> coord = c;
#include <iomanip> mean = c;
#include <string> }
#include <cmath>
Point::Point(const Point& rhs)
#ifdef ANM_OSX {
#include <OpenGL/gl.h> for(int i=0; i<(int)rhs.coord.size(); i++) {
#include <OpenGL/glu.h> coord.push_back(rhs.coord[i]);
#include <OpenGL/glext.h> mean.push_back(rhs.mean[i]);
#else mn.push_back([i]);
#include <GL/gl.h> }
#include <GL/glu.h> for(int i=0; i<(int)rhs.sigma.size(); i++)
//#include <GL/glext.h> sigma.push_back(rhs.sigma[i]);
#endif timestamp = rhs.timestamp;
md =;
using namespace std; }

#include "point.h" Point::Point(Point* rhs)

// point class implementation for(int i=0; i<(int)rhs->coord.size(); i++) {
// (c) Andrew T. Duchowski coord.push_back(rhs->coord[i]);
/////////////////////////// friends //////////////////////////////////////////// mn.push_back(rhs->mn[i]);
istream& operator>>(istream& s,Point& rhs) }
{ for(int i=0; i<(int)rhs->sigma.size(); i++)
int i=0; sigma.push_back(rhs->sigma[i]);
char c,n; timestamp = rhs->timestamp;
double f; md = rhs->md;
// assume we’re reading in Tobii’s EFD (Raw Data) data file
// Timestamp,Found,GazepointX,GazepointY Point Point::operator=(const Point& rhs)
// read timestamp if(this != &rhs) {
s >> rhs.timestamp; coord.clear();
// read found string ("None", "Both", "RightOnly", "LeftOnly", and ??) mn.clear();
s >> rhs.found; for(int i=0; i<(int)rhs.coord.size(); i++) {
do { mean.push_back(rhs.mean[i]);
// read in gaze point coordinate mn.push_back([i]);
s >> f; rhs[i] = f; i++; }
} while( s.get(c) && (c != ’\n’) && ((n = s.peek()) != ’\n’) && (i<2) ); timestamp = rhs.timestamp;
return(s); for(int i=0; i<(int)rhs.sigma.size(); i++)
} sigma.push_back(rhs.sigma[i]);
md =;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s,const Point& rhs) }
{ return *this;
s.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); }
s << rhs.timestamp; Point Point::operator*(Point& rhs)
s << "\t" << rhs.found; {
s << "\t" << rhs.coord[0] << "\t" << rhs.coord[1]; Point result(coord[0] * rhs.coord[0], coord[1] * rhs.coord[1]);
s << endl;
return s; return result;
} }

Point::Point(vector<double> c) Point Point::operator*(double scalar)

{ {
Sep 01 2009 10:39 point.cpp Page 2/3
for(int i=0; i<(int)coord.size(); i++) }
coord[i] *= scalar;
bool Point::closeto(Point& rhs)
return *this; {
} double dist=0.0,sdist=0.0;

Point Point::operator/(double scalar) if(mean.size() != rhs.mean.size())

{ std::cerr << "Warning: mean dimensions unequal!" << std::endl;
for(int i=0; i<(int)coord.size(); i++)
coord[i] /= scalar; for(int i=0; i<(int)mean.size(); i++) {
dist += pow(mean[i] - rhs.mean[i],2.0);
return *this; sdist += pow(sigma[i],2.0);
} }

Point Point::operator+(Point& rhs) if(sqrt(dist) < sqrt(sdist)) return true;

{ else return false;
Point result(coord[0] + rhs.coord[0], coord[1] + rhs.coord[1]); }

return result; bool Point::closeto(Point& rhs, double rhstime)

} {
double dist=0.0,sdist=0.0,dt;
Point Point::operator-(Point& rhs)
{ if(mean.size() != rhs.mean.size())
Point result(coord[0] - rhs.coord[0], coord[1] - rhs.coord[1]); std::cerr << "Warning: mean dimensions unequal!" << std::endl;

return result; for(int i=0; i<(int)mean.size(); i++) {

} dist += pow(mean[i] - rhs.mean[i],2.0);
sdist += pow(sigma[i],2.0);
bool Point::valid(void) }
//if( (found != "None") && (coord[0] > 0) && (coord[1] > 0) ) // the timestamp stored with the point is its creation time since
//if( (found == "Both") && (coord[0] > 0) && (coord[1] > 0) ) // the beginning of the session, in milliseconds, e.g., a point created
if( (found == "Both") && // 2 seconds after the session starts would have timestamp = 2000.0
(coord[0] > 0) && (coord[1] > 0) && dt = fabs(rhstime - timestamp);
(coord[0] < 1) && (coord[1] < 1)
) // Note from Anthony Santella: can use time here to split point out from
return true; // cluster, i.e., can use time to check connected components here. An
else // idea of a temporal mean would be useful here.
return false; if( (sqrt(dist) < sqrt(sdist)) && (dt < sigma[2]) )
} return true;
bool Point::duplicate(Point& rhs) return false;
{ }
if(this == &rhs) return false; // don’t delete yourself
double Point::mean_dist(Point& rhs)
if(distance(rhs) < 0.0001) return true; {
else return false; double dx = rhs.mean[0] - mean[0];
} double dy = rhs.mean[1] - mean[1];

double Point::distance(Point& rhs) // to use time or not?

{ double dt = rhs.timestamp - timestamp;
double dist=0.0; double k = K(dx,dy,dt); // spatiotemporal clustering
// double k = K(dx,dy); // spatial clustering only
if((*this).dim() != rhs.dim())
std::cerr << "Warning: coord dimensions unequal!" << std::endl; //std::cerr << "k = " << k << std::endl;

for(int i=0; i<(*this).dim(); i++) for(int i=0; i<2; i++) mn[i] += (k * rhs.mean[i]);
dist += pow(coord[i] - rhs.coord[i],2.0);
return(sqrt(dist)); md += k;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 point.cpp Page 3/3

return md;

double Point::mean_shift()
double dx,dy;
double delta = 0.0;
vector<double> oldmean(2,0.0); // keep old mean

for(int i=0; i<2; i++) oldmean[i] = mean[i];

// shift the mean

for(int i=0; i<2; i++) mean[i] = mn[i] / md;

// check how far mean has moved

dx = oldmean[0] - mean[0]; dy = oldmean[1] - mean[1];
delta = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
return delta;

double Point::K(double dx, double dy, double dt)

return gauss(dx,dy,dt);

double Point::K(double dx, double dy)

return gauss(dx,dy);

double Point::gauss(double dx, double dy, double dt)

double g = (dx*dx)/(sigma[0]*sigma[0]) +
(dy*dy)/(sigma[1]*sigma[1]) +
(dt*dt)/(sigma[2]*sigma[2]) ;


double Point::gauss(double dx, double dy)

double g = (dx*dx)/(sigma[0]*sigma[0]) +

Sep 01 2009 10:39 polynomial.cpp Page 1/4
#include <iostream> Polynomial result(degree() + + 1);
#include <iomanip>
#include <string> for(int i=0; i<=degree() +; i++)
#include <math.h> result.coefs.push_back(0.0);
for(int i=0; i<=degree(); i++)
using namespace std; for(int j=0; j<; j++)
result.coefs[i+j] += coefs[i]*rhs.coefs[j];
#include "polynomial.h"
return result;
// polynomial implementation (based on java implementation I found on the web) }
// (c) Andrew T. Duchowski
Polynomial Polynomial::operator/(double scalar)
/////////////////////////// friends //////////////////////////////////////////// {
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s,Polynomial& rhs) for(int i=0; i<(int)coefs.size(); i++)
{ coefs[i] /= scalar;
s.precision(2); return *this;
for(int; i>=0; --i) { }
if(rhs[i] < 0.0)
s << " - "; Polynomial Polynomial::simplify()
else {
s << " + "; for(int i=degree(); i>=0; --i) {
s << fabsf(rhs[i]); if(fabsf(coefs[i]) <= TOLERANCE) {
if(i > 1) coefs.pop_back();
s << " x^" << i; }
else if(i==1) else break;
s << " x"; }
s << endl; return *this;
return s; }
double Polynomial::eval(double x)
Polynomial::Polynomial(vector<double> c) {
{ double result=0;
for(int i=c.size()-1; i>=0; --i) coefs.push_back(c[i]); for(int i=coefs.size()-1; i>=0; --i)
} result = result*x + coefs[i];
return result;
Polynomial::Polynomial(const Polynomial& rhs) }
coefs.clear(); bool Polynomial::bisection(double min,double max,double *root)
for(int i=0; i<(int)rhs.coefs.size(); i++) coefs.push_back(rhs.coefs[i]); {
} double minValue = eval(min);
double maxValue = eval(max);
Polynomial::Polynomial(Polynomial* rhs) double result = 0.0;
{ bool haveRoot = false;
for(int i=0; i<(int)rhs->coefs.size(); i++) coefs.push_back(rhs->coefs[i]); if(fabsf(minValue) <= TOLERANCE) {
} result = min;
haveRoot = true;
Polynomial Polynomial::operator=(const Polynomial& rhs) *root = result;
{ }
coefs.clear(); else if(fabsf(maxValue) <= TOLERANCE) {
for(int i=0; i<(int)rhs.coefs.size(); i++) coefs.push_back(rhs.coefs[i]); result = max;
return *this; haveRoot = true;
} *root = result;
Polynomial Polynomial::operator*(Polynomial& rhs) else if(minValue*maxValue <= 0.0) {
{ double tmp1 = log(max-min);
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double tmp2 = log(10.0) * ACCURACY; vector<double> Polynomial::rootsInInterval(double min,double max)
int iters = (int)ceilf((tmp1+tmp2)/log(2.0)); {
for(int i=0; i<iters; i++) { double root;
result = 0.5*(min+max); vector<double> roots;
double value = eval(result);
if(fabsf(value) <= TOLERANCE) if(degree() == 1) {
break; if(bisection(min,max,&root))
if(value*minValue < 0.0) { roots.push_back(root);
max = result; } else {
maxValue = value; Polynomial deriv = derivative();
} else { Polynomial droots = deriv.rootsInInterval(min,max);
min = result; if(droots.coefs.size() > 0) {
minValue = value; if(bisection(min,droots[0],&root))
} roots.push_back(root);
} for(int i=0; i<=(int)droots.coefs.size()-2; i++) {
haveRoot = true; if(bisection(droots[i],droots[i+1],&root))
*root = result; roots.push_back(root);
} }
return(haveRoot); if(bisection(droots[droots.coefs.size()-1],max,&root))
} roots.push_back(root);
} else {
Polynomial Polynomial::derivative() if(bisection(min,max,&root))
{ roots.push_back(root);
Polynomial derivative(degree()-1); }
derivative.coefs.clear(); return(roots);
for(int i=1; i<(int)coefs.size(); i++) }
vector<double> Polynomial::linearRoot()
return derivative; {
} vector<double> result;
double a = coefs[1];
vector<double> Polynomial::roots()
{ if(fabsf(a) > 0.000001)
vector<double> result; result.push_back(-coefs[0]/a);

simplify(); return(result);
switch(degree()) {
case 0: vector<double> Polynomial::quadraticRoots()
break; {
case 1: vector<double> results;
result = linearRoot();
break; if(degree()==2) {
case 2: double a = coefs[2];
result = quadraticRoots(); double b = coefs[1]/a;
break; double c = coefs[0]/a;
case 3: double d = b*b-4.0*c;
result = cubicRoots(); if(d > 0.0) {
break; double e = sqrt(d);
case 4: results.push_back(0.5*(-b+e));
result = quarticRoots(); results.push_back(0.5*(-b-e));
break; } else if(fabsf(d) < 0.000001) {
default: results.push_back(0.5*-b);
break; }
} }
return(result); return(results);
} }
Sep 01 2009 10:39 polynomial.cpp Page 3/4
vector<double> Polynomial::cubicRoots() double c2=coefs[2]/c4;
{ double c1=coefs[1]/c4;
vector<double> results; double c0=coefs[0]/c4;
Polynomial resolveRoots = Polynomial(1.0,
if(degree()==3) { -c2,
double c3=coefs[3]; c3*c1-4.0*c0,
double c2=coefs[2]/c3; -c3*c3*c0+4.0*c2*c0-c1*c1).cubicRoots();
double c1=coefs[1]/c3; double y=resolveRoots[0];
double c0=coefs[0]/c3; double discrim=c3*c3/4.0-c2+y;
double a=(3.0*c1-c2*c2)/3.0; if(fabsf(discrim) <= TOLERANCE) {
double b=(2.0*c2*c2*c2-9.0*c1*c2+27.0*c0)/27.0; discrim=0.0;
double offset=c2/3.0; double t2 = y*y-4.0*c0;
double discrim=b*b/4.0 + a*a*a/27.0; if(t2 >= -TOLERANCE) {
double halfB=b/2.0; if(t2 < 0.0)
if(fabsf(discrim) <= TOLERANCE) { t2 = 0.0;
discrim = 0.0; t2 = 2.0*sqrt(t2);
double tmp; double t1 = 3.0*c3*c3/4.0-2.0*c2;
if(halfB >= 0.0) if(t1+t2 >= TOLERANCE) {
tmp=-pow(halfB,1.0/3.0); double d=sqrt(t1+t2);
else results.push_back(-c3/4.0 + d/2.0);
tmp=pow(-halfB,1.0/3.0); results.push_back(-c3/4.0 - d/2.0);
results.push_back(2.0*tmp-offset); }
results.push_back( -tmp-offset); if(t1-t2 >= TOLERANCE) {
} else if(discrim > 0.0) { double d = sqrt(t1-t2);
double e=sqrt(discrim); results.push_back(-c3/4.0 + d/2.0);
double tmp; results.push_back(-c3/4.0 - d/2.0);
double root; }
tmp=-halfB+e; }
if(tmp >= 0.0) } else if(discrim > 0.0) {
root=pow(tmp,1.0/3.0); double e=sqrt(discrim);
else double t1=3.0*c3*c3/4.0-e*e-2.0*c2;
root=-pow(-tmp,1.0/3.0); double t2=(4.0*c3*c2-8.0*c1-c3*c3*c3)/(4.0*e);
tmp=-halfB-e; double plus=t1+t2;
if(tmp >= 0.0) double minus=t1-t2;
root+=pow(tmp,1.0/3.0); if(fabsf(plus) <= TOLERANCE)
else plus = 0.0;
root-=pow(-tmp,1.0/3.0); if(fabsf(minus) <= TOLERANCE)
results.push_back(root-offset); minus = 0.0;
} else if(discrim < 0.0) { if(plus >= 0.0) {
double distance=sqrt(-a/3.0); double f = sqrt(plus);
double angle=atan2(sqrt(-discrim),-halfB)/3.0; results.push_back(-c3/4.0 + (e+f)/2.0);
double kos=cos(angle); results.push_back(-c3/4.0 + (e-f)/2.0);
double syn=sin(angle); }
double sqrt3=sqrt(3.0); if(minus >= 0.0){
results.push_back(2.0*distance*kos-offset); double f = sqrt(minus);
results.push_back(-distance*(kos+sqrt3*syn)-offset); results.push_back(-c3/4.0 + (f-e)/2.0);
results.push_back(-distance*(kos-sqrt3*syn)-offset); results.push_back(-c3/4.0 - (f+e)/2.0);
} }
} } else if(discrim < 0.0) { }
return(results); }
} return(results);
vector<double> Polynomial::quarticRoots()
{ Polynomial bezout(Polynomial e1,Polynomial e2)
vector<double> results; {

if(degree()==4) { // from <>

double c4=coefs[4]; //
double c3=coefs[3]/c4; // bezout() calculates the Bezout determinant for the two specified
Sep 01 2009 10:39 polynomial.cpp Page 4/4
// ellipses. The resulting quadratic polynomial is returned. This
// method is used by intersect().
// e1 is an array of the coefficients of an ellipse in general quadratic
// form: ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 + dx + ey + f = 0.
// The coefficients are in a,b,c,d,e,f order.
// e2 is an array of the coefficients of an ellipse in general quadratic
// form: ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 + dx + ey + f = 0.
// The coefficients are in a,b,c,d,e,f order.’

double AB = e1[0]*e2[1] - e2[0]*e1[1];

double AC = e1[0]*e2[2] - e2[0]*e1[2];
double AD = e1[0]*e2[3] - e2[0]*e1[3];
double AE = e1[0]*e2[4] - e2[0]*e1[4];
double AF = e1[0]*e2[5] - e2[0]*e1[5];

double BC = e1[1]*e2[2] - e2[1]*e1[2];

double BE = e1[1]*e2[4] - e2[1]*e1[4];
double BF = e1[1]*e2[5] - e2[1]*e1[5];

double CD = e1[2]*e2[3] - e2[2]*e1[3];

double DE = e1[3]*e2[4] - e2[3]*e1[4];

double DF = e1[3]*e2[5] - e2[3]*e1[5];

double BFpDE = BF + DE;

double BEmCD = BE - CD;

double e = AB*BC - AC*AC;

double d = AB*BEmCD + AD*BC - 2.0*AC*AE;
double c = AB*BFpDE + AD*BEmCD - AE*AE - 2.0*AC*AF;
double b = AB*DF + AD*BFpDE - 2.0*AE*AF;
double a = AD*DF - AF*AF;

Sep 01 2009 10:39 scanpath.cpp Page 1/10
#include <iostream> string eventName="blank";
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream> // need to determine scaling factor
#include <sstream> if(rhs.header) {
#include <vector> // stimulus width, height (not display screen!)
#include <string> w = rhs.header->width(); h = rhs.header->height();
#include <list> } else {
#include <algorithm> w = 1280.0; h = 1024.0; // default (HACK!)
#include <utility> }
#include <cmath>
//std::cerr << rhs.header;
#ifdef ANM_OSX
#include <OpenGL/gl.h> // figure out what it is user is trying to read in
#include <OpenGL/glu.h> if(!rhs.formats.empty()) file = rhs.formats[rhs.formats.size()-1];
#include <OpenGL/glext.h> switch(file) {
#else case EFD:
#include <GL/gl.h> // Timestamp,Found,GazepointX,GazepointY
#include <GL/glu.h> s >> str >> str >> str >> str;
//#include <GL/glext.h>
#endif while(!s.eof()) {
// read in gaze point info and eat whitespace at EOL
using namespace std; s >> (pp = new Point()) >> std::ws;

#include <vector.h> // normalize

#include <matrix.h> pp->scale(1.0/w,1.0/h);
#include <quaternion.h>
// flip y-coordinate to put into GL coordinates
#include "polynomial.h" pp->flip();
#include "ellipse.h"
#include "point.h" if(pp->valid()) rhs.insertPoint(pp);
#include "cluster.h" else delete pp;
#include "fixation.h" }
#include "scanpath.h"
#include "aoi.h" // analyze eye movements (e.g., via LC Tech’s position-variance scheme)
#include "aoievent.h" rhs.position_variance();

// scanpath implementation // use k-means as dispersion-based data reduction (clustering) method

// (c) Andrew T. Duchowski rhs.fixation_mean_shift();

/*! // classify fixations

input routine: handles Tobii files: rhs.classifyFixations();
EFD (gaze points) -- applies mean shift as a means of testing k-means
for eye movement analysis break;
AOIL -- reads AOIL file to get at stimulus name case AOI:
FXD (fixations) -- applies mean shift as a means for data reduction // Time Duration Name
*/ s >> str >> str >> str >> std::ws;
istream& operator>>(istream& s, Scanpath& rhs)
{ while(!s.eof()) {
int i; s >> (ap = new AOIEvent()) >> std::ws;
file_t file; //Name of file to read
string str; // std::cerr << ap << std::endl;
string name, image_url;
double w,h; rhs.insertAOI(ap);
Point *pp; }
Fixation *fp; break;
AOIEvent *ap;
int time=0; case AOIL:
int eventKey=0; // Stimuli: <stimulus> - AOI List
int data1=0,data2=0; s >> str >> rhs.stimulus >> str >> str >> str >> std::ws;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 scanpath.cpp Page 2/10
std::cerr << "Not implemented yet" << std::endl;
// AOI ID AOI Name Image/URL break;
s >> str >> str >> str >> str >> str >> std::ws; case UNK:
while(!s.eof()) { std::cerr << "Unknown file type" << std::endl;
// read in name image/url and eat whitespace at EOL break;
s >> i >> name >> image_url >> std::ws; }
return s;
rhs.insertAoiL(make_pair(name,image_url)); }
// debugging output routine (for debugging mainly)
// rhs.printAoiL(); */
break; ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, Scanpath& rhs)
case CMD: {
std::cerr << "Not implemented yet" << std::endl; float x,y,t;
break; double w,h;

case EVD: // need to determine scaling factor

// Time Eventname Eventkey Data1 Data2 if(rhs.header) {
s >> str >> str >> str >> str >> str >> std::ws; // stimulus width, height (not display screen!)
w = rhs.header->width(); h = rhs.header->height();
while(!s.eof()) { } else {
// Read in timestamp event name w = 1280.0; h = 1024.0; // default (HACK!)
s >> time >> eventName >> eventKey >> data1 >> data2 >> std::ws; }
} if(rhs.header) s << rhs.header;
case FXD: if(rhs.fixation.empty()) {
s >> (rhs.filter = new Filter()); // dump out all gaze points
s << std::endl;
// Fix number,Timestamp,Duration,GazepointX,GazepointY s << "Timestamp" << "\t";
s >> str >> str >> str >> str >> str >> str; s << "Found" << "\t";
s << "GazepointX" << "\t";
while(!s.eof()) { s << "GazepointY" << std::endl;
// read in fixation info and eat whitespace at EOL s << std::endl;
s >> (fp = new Fixation()) >> std::ws; for(int i=0; i < (int)rhs.point.size(); i++) {
t = rhs.point[i]->gettimestamp();
// normalize x = (*rhs.point[i])[0];
fp->scale(1.0/w,1.0/h); y = (*rhs.point[i])[1];
// flip y-coordinate to put into image coordinates
// flip y-coordinate to put into GL coordinates y = 1.0 - y;
fp->flip(); // scale to image dimensions
x = x * w;
// for display purposes mainly, to match Tobii circles y = y * h;
s << (int)t << "\t" << rhs.point[i]->getStatus() << "\t";
rhs.insertFixation(fp); s << (int)x << "\t" << (int)y;
} s << std::endl;
std::cerr << "read " << rhs.fixation.size() << " fixations" << std::endl; }
} else {
// use k-means as dispersion-based data reduction method // dump out filter settings
rhs.fixation_mean_shift(); s << std::endl;
if(rhs.filter) s << rhs.filter;
// classify fixations
rhs.classifyFixations(); // dump out all fixation points
s << std::endl;
break; s << "Fix number" << "\t";
case GZD: s << "Timestamp" << "\t";
Sep 01 2009 10:39 scanpath.cpp Page 3/10
s << "Duration" << "\t"; // ’-’
s << "GazepointX" << "\t"; // glVertex2f(x*width+x_len, (height - (y*height)));
s << "GazepointY" << std::endl; // glVertex2f(x*width-x_len, (height - (y*height)));
s << std::endl;
for(int i=0; i < (int)rhs.fixation.size(); i++) { // ’\’
t = rhs.fixation[i]->gettimestamp(); glVertex2f(x*width-x_len, (height - (y*height-x_len)));
x = (*rhs.fixation[i])[0]; glVertex2f(x*width+x_len, (height - (y*height+x_len)));
y = (*rhs.fixation[i])[1];
// flip y-coordinate to put into image coordinates glEnd();
y = 1.0 - y; }
// scale to image dimensions }
x = x * w;
y = y * h; // reset line width
s << (int)rhs.fixation[i]->getNumber() << "\t";
s << (int)t << "\t"; // use scanpath color for all elements
s << (int)rhs.fixation[i]->getDuration() << "\t"; glColor4f(color[0],color[1],color[2],color[3]);
s << (int)x << "\t" << (int)y;
s << std::endl; // render gaze points
} if(!point.empty()) {
} for(int i=0; i < (int)point.size(); i++) {
x = (*point[i])[0] * width; y = (*point[i])[1] * height;
return s; glPushMatrix();
} glTranslatef(x,y,0.0);
/*! glPopMatrix();
main drawing routine, draws: }
gaze points (if EFD file was read in) // render raw scanpath joining gaze points
clusters (whether they were made from gaze points or fixations) glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
kd-tree (if available) for(int i=0; i < (int)point.size(); i++) {
fixations (if FXD file read in) x = (*point[i])[0] * width; y = (*point[i])[1] * height;
*/ glVertex2f(x, y);
void Scanpath::render(map<string,Aoi* > AOI,float width,float height) }
{ glEnd();
int x_len=8; }
float x,y;
double r; // render clusters
Aoi *aoip; bool bbox = true;
GLUquadricObj* circ = gluNewQuadric(); for(int r=0; r<(int)cluster.size(); r++)
// render mouse click events // reset line width
glColor4f(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0); glLineWidth(8);
glLineWidth(5); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
glEnable (GL_LINE_SMOOTH); for(int r=0; r<(int)cluster.size(); r++)
if(!evd.empty()) { glVertex2f((*cluster[r])[0]*width,(*cluster[r])[1]*height);
for(int i=0; i < (int)evd.size(); i++){ glEnd();

x = evd[i].first; y = evd[i].second; glLineWidth(1);

//if(kdtree) kdtree->render(width,height);
// render fixations
// ’/’ if(!fixation.empty()) {
glVertex2f(x*width-x_len, (height - (y*height+x_len))); for(int i=0; i < (int)fixation.size(); i++) {
glVertex2f(x*width+x_len, (height - (y*height-x_len))); /*
switch(fixation[i]->getFixation()) {
// ’|’ case AMBIENT:
// glVertex2f(x*width, (height - (y*height+x_len))); glColor4f(0.0,1.0,0.0,color[3]);
// glVertex2f(x*width, (height - (y*height-x_len))); break;
case FOCAL:
Sep 01 2009 10:39 scanpath.cpp Page 4/10
glColor4f(1.0,0.0,0.0,color[3]); return;
break; }
glColor4f(0.0,0.0,0.0,color[3]); if(header) {
break; // stimulus width, height (not display screen!)
} w = header->width(); h = header->height();
*/ } else {
x = (*fixation[i])[0] * width; y = (*fixation[i])[1] * height; w = 1280.0; h = 1024.0; // default (HACK!)
r = fixation[i]->getRadius(); }
glTranslatef(x,y,0.0); //std::cerr << "point size = " << (int)point.size() << std::endl;
// disk, for circle, use gluDisk(circ,r-2.0,r,360,1); for(int k=0; k<(int)point.size(); k++) {
gluDisk(circ,r-2.0,r,360,1); // scale point coordinates to Tobii display screen dimensions
// gluDisk(circ,0,r,360,1); x = (float)((*point[k])[0] * w); y = (float)((*point[k])[1] * h);
glPopMatrix(); // std::cerr << "point [" << k << "] (" << x << "," << y << ")\n";
} switch(ffilter.detectFixation(point[k]->valid(),x,y)) {
} case FIXATING:
// std::cerr << "FIXATING" << std::endl;
glColor4f(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.05); if(!started) {
// render AOI fixations (from aoi vector) spent in AOIs (from AOI map) ts = point[k]->gettimestamp();
if(!aoi.empty()) { started=true;
for(int i=0; i < (int)aoi.size(); i++) { pointcount=0;
// check to see if we have AOI list }
if(aoi[i]->getName() != "Content" && (aoip = AOI[aoi[i]->getName()])) { // update (running) mean (centroid)
glBegin(GL_QUADS); // from Brown, Robert Grover, "Introduction to Random Signal
for(int k=0;k<4;k++) { // Analysis and Kalman Filtering", John Wiley \& Sons, New York, NY,
x = aoip->coord[k][0] * width; // 1983 [p.182]
y = aoip->coord[k][1] * height; // TK5102.5 .B696
glVertex2f(x,y); for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
} mean[i] = (float)pointcount/(float)(pointcount+1) * mean[i] +
glEnd(); 1.0/(float)(pointcount+1) * (*point[k])[i];
} pointcount++;
} break;
} case MOVING:
// std::cerr << "MOVING" << std::endl;
gluDeleteQuadric(circ); break;
// std::cerr << "FIXATION_COMPLETED" << std::endl;
/*! if(!filter) filter = new Filter();
use LC Tech’s fixation detection to classify points
*/ te = point[k]->gettimestamp();
void Scanpath::position_variance(void) tt = te - ts;
{ started = false;
Fixation *fp=NULL;
std::vector<float> mean(2,0.0); // obtain fixation attributes from filter, normalizing coords
int pointcount=0,n=0; fp = new Fixation(ffilter.getFixation_x() / w,
float x,y; ffilter.getFixation_y() / h,ts);
double ts=0.0,te=0.0,tt=0.0; // samples x sampling rate (ms)
double w,h; fp->setDuration(ffilter.getFixationDuration() * 20.0);
bool started=false; // samples x sampling rate (ms)
fp->setPrevSaccDuration(ffilter.getPrevSaccadeDuration() * 20.0);
// remove consecutive duplicates
//std::cerr << "Before point.erase: " << point.size() << " points\n"; // my own (manual) way of calculating centroid, duration
point.erase(unique(point.begin(),point.end(),PointDuplicate()),point.end()); // fp = new Fixation(mean[0],mean[1],ts);
//std::cerr << "After point.erase: " << point.size() << " points\n"; // fp->setDuration(tt);

// check for sufficient number of points (can’t cluster 1 point) // radius (from filter)
if(point.size() < 2) { fp->setRadius(filter->radius());
std::cerr << "Not enough points!" << std::endl;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 scanpath.cpp Page 5/10
// number (which fixation; for i/o purposes) maxdm = -HUGE;
// for each point, get it to calculate the weighted sum of distances
insertFixation(fp); // of other means
for(int k=0; k<(int)point.size(); k++)
// debug info; comparing my code with LC Tech’s for(int j=0; j<(int)point.size(); j++)
// std::cerr << " my mean: ("; dm = point[k]->mean_dist(*point[j]);
// std::cerr << mean[0] << ",";
// std::cerr << mean[1] << ")"; // for each point, get it to shift its mean by evaluating num/denom
// std::cerr << " filter: ("; for(int k=0; k<(int)point.size(); k++)
// std::cerr << ffilter.getFixation_x() / w << ","; if((dm = point[k]->mean_shift()) > maxdm) maxdm = dm;
// std::cerr << ffilter.getFixation_y() / h << ")";
// std::cerr << std::endl; } while(maxdm > 0.1); // iterative stopping criterion
// std::cerr << " my duration: "; //std::cerr << "done." << std::endl;
// std::cerr << tt << ",";
// std::cerr << " filter: "; // result above is that each point has shifted its mean to the local
// std::cerr << ffilter.getFixationDuration() * 20.0; // cluster center; hence new clusters are defined by point whose
// std::cerr << std::endl; // means are very close together (less than sigma)
// std::cerr << "prev saccade duration: "; //
// std::cerr << ffilter.getPrevSaccadeDuration() * 20.0; // note that there may be clusters that only contain one point -- these
// std::cerr << std::endl; // should be either considered outliers or should be made into very small
// clusters
// resetting mean for next fixation
mean[0] = 0.0; mean[1] = 0.0; // create clusters s.t. all the points with very close (distance wise)
break; // means get lumped into same cluster clusters should then perform PCA
} // to find ellipse parameters
std::cerr << "detected " << n << " fixations." << std::endl; std::cerr << "inserting " << point.size() << " points...";
} for(int k=0; k<(int)point.size(); k++) {
// if no clusters exist yet, make a new one
/*! if(cluster.empty()) cluster.push_back(new Cluster(*point[k]));
mean shift applied to gaze points else {
(as means for position-variance, or dispersion-based, eye movement analysis) // check to see if this point belongs in any cluster
*/ bool accepted = false;
void Scanpath::point_mean_shift(void) for(int r=0; r<(int)cluster.size() && !accepted; r++)
{ accepted = (*cluster[r]).insert(*point[k]);
matrix<double> cov(2,2); // if not, make a new cluster
double maxdm, dm; if(!accepted) cluster.push_back(new Cluster(*point[k]));
// remove consecutive duplicates }
point.erase(unique(point.begin(),point.end(),PointDuplicate()),point.end()); std::cerr << "created " << cluster.size() << " clusters." << std::endl;

// check for sufficient number of points (can’t cluster 1 point) // perform PCA on each cluster: this will set up ellipses for each as well
if(point.size() < 2) { //std::cerr << "doing pca...";
std::cerr << "Not enough points!" << std::endl; for(int r=0; r < (int)cluster.size(); r++) cluster[r]->pca();
return; //std::cerr << "pca done." << std::endl;
} }

//std::cerr << "mean shift..."; /*!

// implement Santella and DeCarlo’s iterative mean shift algorithm mean shift applied to fixations
// alg done in two steps: (as means for data reduction)
// step 1: */
// (1) calculate numerator: \sum_{j} k(x - x_j) x_j void Scanpath::fixation_mean_shift(void)
// (2) calculate denominator: \sum_{j} k(x - x_j) {
// step 2: matrix<double> cov(2,2);
// (1) shift the mean by dividing numerator by denominator: double maxdm, dm;
// s(x) = \frac{\sum_{j} k(x - x_j) x_j}{\sum_{j} k(x - x_j)}
do { // remove consecutive duplicates
// reset max delta mean value fixation.erase(unique(fixation.begin(),fixation.end(),PointDuplicate()),
Sep 01 2009 10:39 scanpath.cpp Page 6/10
fixation.end()); std::cerr << "created " << cluster.size() << " clusters." << std::endl;

// check for sufficient number of fixations (can’t cluster 1 fixation) // perform PCA on each cluster: this will set up ellipses for each as well
if(fixation.size() < 2) { //std::cerr << "doing pca...";
std::cerr << "Not enough fixations!" << std::endl; for(int r=0; r < (int)cluster.size(); r++) cluster[r]->pca();
return; //std::cerr << "pca done." << std::endl;
} }

//std::cerr << "mean shift..."; /*!

// implement Santella and DeCarlo’s iterative mean shift algorithm build kd-tree for clsuters (cluster is a vector of clusters)
// alg done in two steps: */
// step 1: void Scanpath::growkdtree(float w, float h)
// (1) calculate numerator: \sum_{j} k(x - x_j) x_j {
// (2) calculate denominator: \sum_{j} k(x - x_j) Point min(-w, -h, 0.0);
// step 2: Point max( w, h, 0.0);
// (1) shift the mean by dividing numerator by denominator:
// s(x) = \frac{\sum_{j} k(x - x_j) x_j}{\sum_{j} k(x - x_j)} // create kd-tree
do { kdtree = new KDTree(cluster,min,max);
// reset max delta mean value
maxdm = -HUGE; //std::cerr << "Tree (inorder): " << std::endl;
//std::cerr << kdtree << std::endl;
// for each fixation, get it to calculate the weighted sum of distances }
// of other means
for(int k=0; k<(int)fixation.size(); k++) /*!
for(int j=0; j<(int)fixation.size(); j++) find (k) nearest clusters closet to current cluster
dm = fixation[k]->mean_dist(*fixation[j]); */
void Scanpath::knn_query(Cluster* q,vector<Cluster* > *p, double *r,int k)
// for each fixation, get it to shift its mean by evaluating num/denom {
for(int k=0; k<(int)fixation.size(); k++) if(kdtree) kdtree->knn_query(q,p,r,k);
if((dm = fixation[k]->mean_shift()) > maxdm) maxdm = dm; }

} while(maxdm > 0.1); // iterative stopping criterion /*!

//std::cerr << "done." << std::endl; find (single) nearest cluster closet to current cluster
// result above is that each fixation has shifted its mean to the local void Scanpath::nn_query(Cluster* q,Cluster* *nn,double *r)
// cluster center; hence new clusters are defined by point whose {
// means are very close together (less than sigma) if(kdtree) kdtree->nn_query(q,nn,r);
// }
// note that there may be clusters that only contain one point -- these
// should be either considered outliers or should be made into very small /*!
// clusters find nearest clusters closest to current cluster within range
// create clusters s.t. all the fixations with very close (distance wise) void Scanpath::range_query(vector<Cluster* > *q,double x1,double y1,
// means get lumped into same cluster; clusters should then perform PCA double x2,double y2)
// to find ellipse parameters {
if(kdtree) kdtree->range_query(q,x1,y1,x2,y2);
std::cerr << "inserting " << fixation.size() << " fixations..."; }
for(int k=0; k<(int)fixation.size(); k++) {
// if no clusters exist yet, make a new one /*!
if(cluster.empty()) cluster.push_back(new Cluster(*fixation[k])); label scanpath from 0 onwards (output will be faked to show range [33,126]
else { */
// check to see if this fixation belongs in any cluster void Scanpath::label(int *letter)
bool accepted = false; {
for(int r=0; r<(int)cluster.size() && !accepted; r++) //std::cerr << cluster.size() << " clusters: " << std::endl;
accepted = (*cluster[r]).insert(*fixation[k]); for(int r=0; r<(int)cluster.size(); r++) {
// if not, make a new cluster //std::cerr << "cluster: " << r << ";
if(!accepted) cluster.push_back(new Cluster(*fixation[k])); //std::cerr << "letter: " << setw(3) << *letter << std::endl;
} //std::cerr << "letter: " << (char)((*letter)%94+33) << std::endl;
} //std::cerr << "letter: " << (char)((*letter)%26+65) << std::endl;
Sep 01 2009 10:39 scanpath.cpp Page 7/10
//std::cerr << "letter: " << (char)((*letter - 1)%26+65) << std::endl;
cluster[r]->letter = ++(*letter); // concatenate cluster letters into scanpath string
} for(int r=0; r<(int)cluster.size(); r++)
} istring.push_back(cluster[r]->letter);

/*! return istring;

this is the main ’’scanpath intersection’’ routine, i.e., how to }
generate cluster labels, based on ellipse-ellipse intersections
*/ /*!
void Scanpath::matchlabels(Scanpath* that,int *letter) produce scanpath string
{ */
double radius; string Scanpath::printString() const
vector<Cluster* > range; {
ostringstream os;
// debug: print out the next letter
//std::cerr << "letter: " << (*letter + 1) << ": "; // concatenate cluster letters into scanpath string
//std::cerr << "letter: " << (char)((*letter + 1)%26+64) << std::endl; for(int r=0; r<(int)cluster.size(); r++)
//std::cerr << "letter: " << ((*letter + 1)%26 == 0 ? (char)((*letter + 2)%26+64) : (c // os << (char)(cluster[r]->letter % 94 + 33);
har)((*letter + 1)%26+64)) << std::endl; // os << (char)(cluster[r]->letter % 26 + 65);
os << (char)((cluster[r]->letter - 1) % 26 + 65);
// for each of this scanpath’s clusters,
// find that scanpath’s ‘‘sufficiently close’’ clusters and assign letters return os.str();
for(int r=0; r<(int)this->cluster.size(); r++) { }
// iteratively perform the knn-query on ‘that’ scanpath, starting with
// with the nearest neighbor until intersections are no longer found /*!
// (i.e., closest cluster from ‘that’ scanpath does not intersect, produce unique scanpath string
// so no other clusters can either since they are farther away */
for(int k=1; k<(int)that->cluster.size(); k++) { std::vector<int> Scanpath::getUniqueString()
range.clear(); {
that->knn_query(cluster[r],&range,&radius,k); std::vector<int> istring;
if(!range.empty() && cluster[r]->intersects(range.back())) {
// concatenate cluster letters into scanpath string
// if neither cluster has a label assign the next letter to both for(int r=0; r<(int)cluster.size(); r++)
if(!cluster[r]->letter && !range.back()->letter) { istring.push_back(cluster[r]->letter);
cluster[r]->letter = range.back()->letter = ++(*letter);
//std::cerr << "istring = ";
// if this cluster has no label take intersecting cluster’s //for(int i=0; i<(int)istring.size(); i++)
} else if(!cluster[r]->letter && range.back()->letter) // std::cerr << (char)(istring[i] % 94 + 33);
cluster[r]->letter = range.back()->letter; //std::cerr << std::endl;

// if intersecting cluster has no label, take this cluster’s // remove duplicates

else if(cluster[r]->letter && !range.back()->letter) for(int i=0; i<(int)istring.size(); i++)
range.back()->letter = cluster[r]->letter; for(int j=i+1; j<(int)istring.size();)
} if(istring[i] == istring[j])
else { istring.erase(istring.begin()+j);
// no intersection; if cluster has no letter, assign next available else j++;
if(!cluster[r]->letter) cluster[r]->letter = ++(*letter);
break; //std::cerr << "ustring = ";
} //for(int i=0; i<(int)istring.size(); i++)
} // std::cerr << (char)(istring[i] % 94 + 33);
} //std::cerr << std::endl;
return istring;
/*! }
produce scanpath string
*/ /*!
std::vector<int> Scanpath::getString() produce unique scanpath string
{ */
std::vector<int> istring; string Scanpath::printUniqueString() const
Sep 01 2009 10:39 scanpath.cpp Page 8/10
{ }
ostringstream os;
string us; /*!
// concatenate cluster letters into scanpath string */
for(int r=0; r<(int)cluster.size(); r++) int Scanpath::s_difference(Scanpath& rhs)
// os << (char)(cluster[r]->letter % 94 + 33); {
// os << (char)(cluster[r]->letter % 26 + 65); return(n_w(getString(),rhs.getString()));
os << (char)((cluster[r]->letter - 1) % 26 + 65); }

// copy assembled string /*!

us = os.str(); Levenshtein
// cull non-unique characters Comparison Scanpath::s_similarity(Scanpath& rhs)
for(int i=0; i<(int)us.length(); i++) {
for(int j=i+1; j<(int)us.length(); ) // calculate sequence similarity (S_s) as Levenshtein distance
if(us[i] == us[j]) us.erase(j,1); // (symmetric) normalized over length of the longer of the two strings
else j++;
int dist = lev(getString(),rhs.getString());
return us; int maxlen = max(getString().size(),rhs.getString().size());
} float s_s = (maxlen ? 1.0 - (float)dist/(float)maxlen : 0.0);
// Spearman’s rank-order coefficient (?) doesn’t seem right...
/*! // float d = (float)dist, n = (float)maxlen;
position similarity // float s_s = (maxlen ? 1.0 - 6.0*d*d/(n*(n*n - 1.0)) : 0.0);
Comparison Scanpath::p_similarity(Scanpath& rhs) if(random || rhs.random)
{ return(Comparison(s_s,Ra)); // Random: (one scanpath is random)
int count=0; else if( (subject() == rhs.subject()) && (stimulus == rhs.stimulus) )
float p_s; return(Comparison(s_s,R)); // Repetitive: same subj, same scene
std::vector<int> s1(getUniqueString()); else if( (subject() != rhs.subject()) && (stimulus == rhs.stimulus) )
std::vector<int> s2(rhs.getUniqueString()); return(Comparison(s_s,L)); // Local: diff subj, same scene
else if( (subject() == rhs.subject()) && (stimulus != rhs.stimulus) )
// compute position similarity as the percentage of characters return(Comparison(s_s,I)); // Idiosyncratic: same subj, diff scene
// of the shorter string within the longer one else if( (subject() != rhs.subject()) && (stimulus != rhs.stimulus) )
if(s1.size() < s2.size()) { return(Comparison(s_s,G)); // Global: diff subj, diff scene
for(int i=0; i<(int)s1.size(); i++)
for(int j=0; j<(int)s2.size(); j++) // shouldn’t get here!
if(s1[i] == s2[j]) count++; return(Comparison(0.0,N));
p_s = (s1.size() ? (float)count/(float)s1.size() : 0.0); }
} else {
for(int i=0; i<(int)s2.size(); i++) /*!
for(int j=0; j<(int)s1.size(); j++) Levenshtein costs
if(s2[i] == s1[j]) count++; */
p_s = (s2.size() ? (float)count/(float)s1.size() : 0.0); int Scanpath::S_lev(int c1, int c2)
} {
if(c1 == c2) return 0; // identitiy (match)
if(random || rhs.random) else return 1; // substitution cost
return(Comparison(p_s,Ra)); // Random: (one scanpath is random) }
else if( (subject() == rhs.subject()) && (stimulus == rhs.stimulus) )
return(Comparison(p_s,R)); // Repetitive: same subj, same scene /*!
else if( (subject() != rhs.subject()) && (stimulus == rhs.stimulus) ) Needleman-Wunsch costs
return(Comparison(p_s,L)); // Local: diff subj, same scene */
else if( (subject() == rhs.subject()) && (stimulus != rhs.stimulus) ) int Scanpath::S_n_w(int c1, int c2)
return(Comparison(p_s,I)); // Idiosyncratic: same subj, diff scene {
else if( (subject() != rhs.subject()) && (stimulus != rhs.stimulus) ) if(c1 == c2) return 1; // identitiy (match)
return(Comparison(p_s,G)); // Global: diff subj, diff scene else return -1; // substitution cost
// shouldn’t get here!
return(Comparison(0.0,N)); /*!
Sep 01 2009 10:39 scanpath.cpp Page 9/10
Needleman-Wunsch // process each fixation
*/ for(int i=0; i<(int)fixation.size(); i++) {
int Scanpath::n_w(const std::vector<int>& s1, const std::vector<int>& s2)
{ // obtain saccadic amplitude of incoming and outgoing saccades
int d=-2; // indel (gap) cost // this is calculated in normalized pixel coordinates
int c[3]; i-1 >= 0 ?
matrix<int> F(s1.size(),s2.size()); // score i_sacc = fixation[i]->distance(fixation[i-1]) :
i_sacc = fixation[i]->distance(fixation[i ]);
for(int i=0; i<(int)s1.size(); i++) F[i][0] = i*d; i+1 < (int)fixation.size() ?
for(int j=0; j<(int)s2.size(); j++) F[0][j] = j*d; o_sacc = fixation[i]->distance(fixation[i+1]) :
o_sacc = fixation[i]->distance(fixation[i ]);
for(int i=1; i<(int)s1.size(); i++) {
for(int j=1; j<(int)s2.size(); j++) { // calculate saccaddic amplitude as average of incoming and outgoing
c[0] = F[i-1][j-1] + S_n_w(s1[i], s2[j]); // substitution sacc = (visualAngle(i_sacc) + visualAngle(o_sacc))/2.0;
c[1] = F[i-1][j ] + d; // deletion fixation[i]->setAmplitude(sacc);
c[2] = F[i ][j-1] + d; // insertion
F[i][j] = max(c[0],c[1],c[2]); // obtain this fixation’s duration (assume in ms)
} duration = fixation[i]->getDuration();
// declare fixation as either focal or ambient
return(F[F.rows()-1][F.cols()-1]); if( (duration > dur_threshold) && (sacc < amp_threshold) )
} fixation[i]->setFixation(FOCAL);
/*! fixation[i]->setFixation(AMBIENT);
Levenshtein }
*/ }
int Scanpath::lev(const std::vector<int>& s1, const std::vector<int>& s2)
{ /*!
int d=1; // gap cost routine to return duration of this scanpath (in ms)
int c[3]; */
matrix<int> F(s1.size(),s2.size()); // score double Scanpath::duration(void)
if(!s1.size() || !s2.size()) return 0; if(!point.empty())
return(point[point.size()-1]->gettimestamp() -
for(int i=0; i<(int)s1.size(); i++) F[i][0] = i; point[0]->gettimestamp());
for(int j=0; j<(int)s2.size(); j++) F[0][j] = j; else if(!fixation.empty())
return(fixation[fixation.size()-1]->gettimestamp() -
for(int i=1; i<(int)s1.size(); i++) { fixation[0]->gettimestamp());
for(int j=1; j<(int)s2.size(); j++) { else
c[0] = F[i-1][j-1] + S_lev(s1[i], s2[j]); // substitution return(0.0); // error: whoever called this ftn shouldn’t have
c[1] = F[i-1][j ] + d; // deletion }
c[2] = F[i ][j-1] + d; // insertion
F[i][j] = min(c[0],c[1],c[2]); /*!
} support function to convert pixel distance to vsiual angle based on
} viewing dist
return(F[F.rows()-1][F.cols()-1]); double Scanpath::visualAngle(double pixels)
} {
double w=1280.0,h=1024.0; // assumed dim, header will override
/*! double diagonal; // display diagonal (pixels)
routine to classify fixations (from FXD data) as ambient or focal double screensize=17.0; // 17" display
*/ double dpi; // dots per inch
void Scanpath::classifyFixations(void) double r,D=19.68,vangle; // assume 50 cm viewing dist (19.68")
double i_sacc, o_sacc, sacc; // get Tobii display resolution
double duration; if(header) {
double amp_threshold = 5.0; // sacc. amp. (degrees visual angle) w = (double)header->width();
double dur_threshold = 250.0; // fixation duration (ms) h = (double)header->height();
Sep 01 2009 10:39 scanpath.cpp Page 10/10
ofs << "#" << std::endl;
// calculate dpi ofs << "set title \"Focal/Ambient Fixation Classification\"" << std::endl;
diagonal = sqrt((w*w)+(h*h)); ofs << "set xlabel \"Fixation duration (ms)\"" << std::endl;
dpi = diagonal/screensize; ofs << "set ylabel \"Saccade amplitude (degrees visual angle)\"" << std::endl;
ofs << "set output ’" << os_eps.str().c_str() << "’" << std::endl;
// assume distance coming in is normalized, scale to diagonal image res ofs << "set multiplot" << std::endl;
pixels = pixels * diagonal; ofs << "set parametric" << std::endl;
ofs << "const = 250" << std::endl;
// convert pixel distance to inches ofs << "#set trange [1:33]" << std::endl;
r = pixels/dpi; ofs << "set trange [0:35]" << std::endl;
ofs << "set xrange [100:700]" << std::endl;
// convert to visual angle ofs << "set yrange [0:35]" << std::endl;
vangle = 2.0*atan(r/(2.0*D)); // atan returns in range [-pi/2,pi/2] ofs << "#set key top right" << std::endl;
vangle *= (180.0/M_PI); // convert to degrees ofs << "set key 685,34 " << std::endl;
ofs << "plot const,t title \"Duration threshold\"" << std::endl;
return vangle; ofs << "unset parametric" << std::endl;
} ofs << "set key 685,31.5" << std::endl;
ofs << "amp(x) = 5" << std::endl;
/*! ofs << "plot \\" << std::endl;
dump out gnuplot file for plotting fixation types ofs << " amp(x) title \"Amplitude threshold\" ";
*/ ofs << "with lines lt 1 lw 2 lc rgb \"#000000\", \\" << std::endl;
void Scanpath::afplot(void) ofs << " ’" << os_dat.str().c_str() << "’ using 1:2 title \"Fixations\" \\";
{ ofs << std::endl;
std::ostringstream os_plt; // str for composition ofs << " with linespoints pt 4 ps 2 lt 1 lw 3 lc rgb \"#330066\"";
std::ostringstream os_dat; // str for composition ofs << std::endl;
std::ostringstream os_eps; // str for composition ofs << "unset multiplot" << std::endl;
std::ofstream ofs; ofs.close();
vector<Fixation* > sorted; // sorted fixation (temporary)
Fixation* fixp; // write out data file;
// sort fixation vector (create temporary copy first) for(int i=0; i<(int)sorted.size(); i++) {
for(int i=0;i<(int)fixation.size();i++) { //std::cerr << "writing (";
fixp = new Fixation(fixation[i]); //std::cerr << sorted[i]->getDuration();
sorted.push_back(fixp); //std::cerr << ",";
} //std::cerr << sorted[i]->getAmplitude();
sort(sorted.begin(),sorted.end(),FixationCompare()); //std::cerr << ")" << std::endl;
ofs << sorted[i]->getDuration() << " " << sorted[i]->getAmplitude();
// set up file names ofs << std::endl;
os_plt << header->recording << "AFP.plt"; }
os_eps << header->recording << "AFP.eps"; ofs.close();
os_dat << header->recording << "AFP.dat";
// proper way to delete off iterated list (STL book, p.205)?
// write out gnuplot commands file for(vector<Fixation* >::iterator it=sorted.begin(); it!=sorted.end();); sorted.erase(it++);
ofs << "set fontpath "; }
ofs << "\"/sw/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1!\" ";
ofs << "\"/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1!\" "; /*!
ofs << "\"/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1!\" "; print out AOIL file (testing parsing)
ofs << std::endl; */
ofs << "set term postscript eps enhanced \"NimbusSanL-Regu\" 22 "; void Scanpath::printAoiL(void)
ofs << "fontfile \"uhvr8a.pfb\" "; {
ofs << "fontfile \"usyr.pfb\" "; int i=1;
ofs << "fontfile \"utmri8a.pfb\" "; vector<pair<string,string> >::iterator pos;
ofs << std::endl;
ofs << "reset" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Stimuli: " << stimulus << " - AOI List" << "\n\n";
ofs << "#" << std::endl; std::cerr << "AOI ID AOI Name Image/URL" << "\n\n";
ofs << "# clemson purple: R:51 G:00 B:102 #330066" << std::endl; for(pos=aoil.begin(); pos != aoil.end(); pos++)
ofs << "# clemson orange: R:255 G:99 B:00 #FF6300" << std::endl; std::cerr << i++ << " " << pos->first << "\t" << pos->second << "\n";
ofs << "# clemson blue: R:03 G:76 B:132 #034c84" << std::endl; }
Sep 01 2009 10:39 ymatrix.cpp Page 1/1
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> /////////////////////////// public member functions ////////////////////////////
#include <fstream> void YMatrix::zero(void)
#include <sstream> {
#include <vector> for(int i=0; i<rows(); i++)
#include <string> for(int j=0; j<cols(); j++)
#include <list> (*this)[i][j] = Comparison(0.0,N);
#include <algorithm> }
#include <utility>
#include <cmath>

#ifdef ANM_OSX
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <OpenGL/glu.h>
#include <OpenGL/glext.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
//#include <GL/glext.h>

using namespace std;

#include "ymatrix.h"

/////////////////////////// friends ////////////////////////////////////////////

ostream& operator<<(ostream& s,const Comparison& rhs)

switch(rhs.cmp.second) {
case N: s << " ("; break;
case Ra: s << "Ra("; break;
case R: s << " R("; break;
case L: s << " L("; break;
case I: s << " I("; break;
case G: s << " G("; break;

if(rhs.cmp.second == N)
s << setw(4) << " -- ) ";
s << setw(4) << rhs.cmp.first << ") ";

return s;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s,const YMatrix& rhs)

// print lower diagonal (matrix is symmetrical, only need half of it)
for(int i=0; i<rhs.rows(); i++) {
for(int j=0; j<rhs.cols(); j++) {
if(i>=j) s << rhs[i][j];
if(i>=0) s << std::endl;
return s;

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