2018-06-01 Golf Digest, Own Your Short Game
2018-06-01 Golf Digest, Own Your Short Game
2018-06-01 Golf Digest, Own Your Short Game
R O G U E.
Jailbreak Technology set a new bar in ball speed. And now the new Rogue Driver is taking Jailbreak distance and
making it even more forgiving. A lighter and stronger Jailbreak allowed us to redistribute weight, creating our most
forgiving and powerful Jailbreak Effect ever. For distance and forgiveness, you have to go Rogue.
A larger, lighter carbon composite crown
Enhanced Jailbreak Technology stiffens the
crown and sole to promote faster ball speed.
how to play. what to play. where to play.
Contents 06/18 ▶ One of Shinnecock’s fabulous par 3s—the dangerous but beautiful 11th.
partner in a four-ball tournament. subscription, you receive more than 200 Great teachers have a presence. Maybe
I’ve Stacked-&-Tilted, Swung-the-Handle- original video lessons and classics that you it’s the poise of self-assurance; it’s definite-
Not-the-Clubhead, and Squared-to-Square can view anywhere, anytime on your phone, ly salesmanship. Spend 30 minutes with
with Golf Digest for four decades. Heck, I’m laptop or TV screen. More content will be Butch, and you start thinking, I’d be an idiot
the one who named Tiger Woods’ low-slung added every week. not to do everything this guy is saying. Great
tee ball The Stinger, and now he thinks he did. Plus you get live, interactive clinics twice teachers inspire and make you excited to try
Forgive all the name-dropping, but the weekly with our Chief Digital Instructor, new things.
greatest benefit of being an editor of Golf Michael Breed. You get to ask questions and I’ve rarely used this space to pitch you on
Digest, hanging around our hallways, is that have your swing analyzed through an on- something, but this is the future, ours and
you get to take private lessons from the best line partnership with CoachNow. And you yours: a new way to improve—Golf Digest
of the best teachers in the world. receive print and digital subscriptions to All Access.
Golf Digest magazine for an All Access price
of $9.99 a month or $99.99 a year.
“It’s not always what’s being taught, it’s
how it’s being taught,” says Ron Kaspriske,
Senior Editor of Instruction and Fitness.
“A tight-lie flop requires commitment,
swing speed—and stones.”
’m guessing you’ve hit a miracle shot once or twice. Maybe you threaded it through the trees, or nipped
I a wedge off a cartpath. Before I joined the PGA Tour, I had a lot of fun making trick-shot videos with my
brother, George. I’d hit golf balls in midair with a driver, skip them across ponds to a target on the other
side, bank them off trampolines—you get the idea. Miracle shots are really hard to pull off, but when you’re playing
for a score, you need to improve your odds. I’ll show you three stroke-saving trick shots that will look miraculous
to your playing partners and opponents, but if you follow my advice, you’ll feel comfortable hitting anytime.
—W E S L E Y B R YA N , W I N N E R O F T H E 2 0 1 7 R B C H E R I TA G E AT H A R B O U R T O W N
Can’t Chip?
Look Here
Forget the
swing. It’s
all about
the setup
▶ In my 20-plus years
working with Golf Digest,
I’ve written enough
articles to fill a bookcase.
But that’s old school.
Today, everybody wants
golf instruction on their
computers or their phones.
Golf Digest is making that
happen. With the launch
of a new digital-instruction
platform, Golf Digest All
hen I get students who from the ball, and get very close the grip a touch toward the tar- Access, you can get the
W complain about poor
chipping, here’s where
to it. That sets the ball position
back in your stance. Then, sole
get. Now you’re ready to make a
simple back-and-through stroke,
best coaching in the game,
all in video form. My first
I go first: How far are they stand- the clubhead behind the ball, hitting slightly down on the ball. two video series—one on
ing from the ball? If you’re more and aim the face on the line you The key is getting the shaft the full swing, one on the
than a foot away, you’re adding want the shot to start. Raise the more vertical at address. That short game—are available
variables that just aren’t neces- grip, so the shaft is more upright. keeps the clubface looking at now. Check them out, and
sary. The biggest issue is, the Finally, put your front foot in po- the target as you swing back and see all the benefits of this
club will tend to swing around sition—keeping the stance nar- through (above) and prevents the great new program at
your body, with the face fanning row—and lean your weight and club from veering to the inside. golfdigest.com/allaccess.
open (top photo). It’s hard to hit From this setup, it’s tough to hit
a good chip from that position. the ball off line, or chunk or skull butch harmon is a Golf Digest
Here’s a simpler way to go. it. Why not keep it simple? Teaching Professional.
Start with your back foot across —WITH PETER MORRICE
change is a warm blanket.” as great as ever that way.” the yips. He didn’t. Tiger had a
bad motor pattern. And when he
mike adams found the right pattern again, it
came back quickly—and so did
▶ “Tiger had bad chipping funda- his confidence.”
mentals that exposed the leading
edge instead of the bounce—not
the yips. He took it back too
wide, which shut the face, and he
“The let hip and knee As he swings into the Most players fake “I love the sot, folded jon rahm
are moving at the target ball, his let shoulder extension. They’re trying arms and supportive 23 / 6-2 / 220 pounds
as his upper body is moves almost straight so hard to extend the feet as he finishes,”
finishing the backswing,” up, his let leg is pushing club toward the target in Smith says. “But what
Smith says. “And his hard, and his hips the through-swing, they stands out is that Jon’s TaylorMade M4
head has moved off the are returning in sync forget to put a hit on the chest has turned at least (9.5 degrees)
ball minimally—which with the arms. “It’s a ball, Smith says. Jon 90 degrees relative to
is unbelievable, and total power release,” extended the club as a the target line. There ball
great for control. He’s so Smith says. “His head result of momentum doesn’t appear to be any TaylorMade TP5X
strong, he doesn’t need is actually moving from his fast swing. tension. And he finishes
a long backswing. It’s backward. It isn’t locked “This is a totally relaxed in balance despite
wide, and I’ll take wide or swaying forward. Both effort,” Smith says. “He’s swinging extremely fast.
over long any day.” can drain power.” not gripping tight at all.” That’s hard to do.”
22 golfdigest.com | june 2018 Photographs by J.D. Cuban at the Concession Golf Club
©2018 PING P.O. BOX 82000 PHOENIX, AZ 85071 GD518
Flexing, Forgiving
The G700 iron’s hollow-body
construction positions weight away
from the face, creating a frame for
metal-wood-like flexing and high COR
Faster Face
Machined maraging steel
to greatly increase ball speed and increases ball speed and
produce higher launching results and doubles flexing, creating
tighter dispersion patterns. All this comes our longest, highest-
without sacrificing other performance flying iron to date.
attributes, such as consistency and
feel, in a slim, pleasing shape.
Powerful Design
The hollow body and cavity
geometry amplify flexing for
big distance, a higher trajectory
and extreme forgiveness.
that, I take some practice swings swing, make sure your club-
Chase Ater It feeling like my club is moving
along the slope—not against it.
head traces the ground. It’s like
the club is chasing after the ball
I suggest you do the same. On down the hill. You can see that’s
It’s how to flush iron shots this shot, my left shoulder at
address was a little lower than
what I did, because my right
shoulder is way lower than my
from a downhill lie my right to match the angle of
the hill. If my left shoulder was
left in the through-swing.
One way to get better from
level with my right, I’d probably these lies is with a drill that helps
BY SHANSHAN FENG hit the ground behind the ball improve contact. Next time
and chunk the shot. Even with you’re at the range, hit a shot
e all practice on ranges pens, here’s some advice to help my shoulders and spine angled and then step toward the target
W where our feet and ball
are on flat lies. But on
you make better contact.
When I’m on any uneven lie,
to match the slope, I know my
swing is going to bottom out a
with your trail foot (right for
right-handers). This will get you
the course, things aren’t always I usually select one club longer little earlier than it would from to shift your weight into your
so friendly. A lot of times you’ll than normal. It’s so easy to lose a flat lie. So when I set up, I play lead foot in the downswing, a
find your ball in a spot where your balance when the ground the ball slightly farther back necessary element of hitting the
you can’t stand and swing like beneath your feet isn’t flat, in my stance than I normally ball solidly. It also will make you
you do on the practice tee. A so the extra club allows me to would. Also, to help make solid more comfortable hitting shots
common lie I see amateurs really make an easier, more controlled contact, I favor my front foot a while not being completely in
hunter martin/getty images
struggle with is when the ball is swing, increasing the chance I little more. That last adjustment balance, and that’s a big part of
below your feet like I’m dealing hit it solid and get the ball to the steepens the angle of attack, success on any golf course.
with here. This shot is unnerving green. Next, I adjust my spine which helps ensure I hit the ball —WITH KEELY LEVINS
for amateurs, because they play angle to the slope. That means before the ground.
it like it’s on a flat lie. The result tilting my shoulders to match Remember those practice feng is No. 1 in the Rolex Women’s
is typically hitting it fat or thin. the slant of the lie. Once I do swings I recommended, feel- World Golf Ranking.
Ideally, you should spend some ing like you’re swinging along
time practicing shots from dif- the slope? Now’s the time to put
ferent lies, but until that hap- that feel into action. When you
Escaping from
the Short Side
Lob shots look hard,
but they’re really
easy to execute
a very fixable problem. Yes, by all means, see a quality instructor. A slice
2 ca l l away
is caused by the most common of swing flaws: swinging the club down ro gu e d r aw
▶ Internal and
steeply on an out-to-in path with an open face to that path at impact.
external heel
This creates sidespin that sends the ball curving weakly to the right. weighting, combined
with a slightly
“It’s really just a misunder- Drivers that are designed to matter where you hit it, it pro- upright lie angle,
standing of how to make the ball fight a slice have been around duces more draw.” yield more draw
curve,” Clearwater says. “People for decades. Traditionally, they Draw-bias designs also en- to your flight. $500
keep swinging farther to the left had severely closed faces, but courage a straighter ball flight
hoping the ball will go the way the new models we tested look by featuring higher lofts, lighter 3 taylor m a d e
they want it to. It doesn’t work.” very much like a typical driver. shafts and more upright lie an- m 4 d - t yp e
The latest draw-bias drivers The technology might be nicely gles. There’s even evidence that ▶ With 41 grams of
cannot correct your out-to-in hidden, but the results are very with the CG closer to the heel, weight in the heel,
swing path, but they can help apparent. The key to these new draw drivers help average golf- this driver puts
negate the slice spin imparted drivers is internal weighting ers return the face to square at almost twice as
at impact. How can we say this that shifts the center of gravity impact because the CG is closer much mass toward
with such certainty? Well, we (CG) toward the heel. There are to the shaft. the draw side than
put the new draw-bias drivers adjustable drivers on the mar- The driver slice might be the the company’s
to the test and found they re- ket that allow golfers to load most discouraging shot in golf. movable weight M3.
ally do what they’re designed to the club’s movable weights to- Among other things, it leaves you $430
do. For our test, we had average ward the heel, but those tend with a longer second shot, and it
golfers hit the latest draw driv- to be less effective than the deals a blow to your confidence. 4 to u r e d g e
ers without telling them what fixed internal weighting on the In the absence of fundamentally h l 3 os
they were testing, and we mea- newest draw drivers. In some changing your golf swing, draw ▶ The large cupface
sured the results against their models, the amount of weight drivers can be a way to improve provides more hitting
own drivers using a Foresight is more than double what you your scores and attitude. area, and the offset
Sports GCQuad launch monitor. would typically find for an “It’s the simplest fix for so shape and upright
Seventy percent of the golfers adjustable driver in its most many people,” says Paul Wood, lie angle help fight
hit the draw drivers more to the extreme draw setting. vice president of engineering at those right misses.
left (13.3 yards farther on aver- The benefit of concentrat- Ping, who estimates that at least $190
age compared to their regular ing so much weight in the heel half the players could benefit
drivers). Interestingly, they also is that it creates a larger area from a draw driver. “It’s joyous 5 cob r a fm a x
hit the draw drivers farther—5.7 of the face that launches shots to watch when you put a draw- ▶ A deep, heel-
yards on average. It’s worth not- with draw spin. “This player has bias driver in someone’s hands, bias center of
ing that these results were im- the face open at impact, and ev- and the ball is going farther and gravity, plus offset
mediate—less than five swings erything we do with this club in straighter. Honestly, I think it’s and a lighter swing-
for each player. terms of CG bias is helping to the best-kept secret in golf.” weight, fight a slice
solve that problem,” says Todd and launch shots
Beach, chief technical officer high. Larger grips
of R&D for TaylorMade. “When provide more swing
you move the CG to the heel, no control. $300
bag photos: shane mccauley • cook: robert l aberge/getty images • stapleton: chris polk/acma2017/getty images for acm •the cooks: courtesy of austin cook
from Arkansas, Fujikura Motore VC 7.0 shat
I wasn’t sure
specs Ping G400, 19˚and 22˚,
whether to pursue I hit it high to begin with,
Matrix Ozik Altus Tour, X-flex
medical school or so I don’t need help launch-
golf. I tried Monday- ing it. My 3-wood goes
Halfway through last
qualifying, and I plenty far, but it’s still easy
season, I realized I needed
had six top-25s in to stop on the green.
a better solution from
10 starts as a non-
200 to 220 yards. This
member. That told
22-degree hybrid lets me
me I could do it.
hit it higher and softer
than I could with a 4-iron.
family ties IRONS
My grandpa, John
Cook, was a club specs Ping S55 (5-iron through pitching
pro and played in wedge), KBS Tour 100 shats, S-flex, Golf
nearly 100 PGA Tour Pride Tour Velvet 58 round grips
events. He played
the final round of Iron play has always been one of my
the 1965 Memphis strengths. When I won at Sea Island, specs Ping Glide
Open with Jack I missed only 12 greens all week. 2.0 Stealth wedges
Nicklaus. I know
(50˚, 56˚ and
he’d be proud of me
60˚), Dynamic
making it on tour.
Gold Tour Issue
—with stephen
S400 shats
The extra groove
club yards* lower on the
face helps create
driver 285 spin, even if you
hit it thin.
3-wood 250
19 o hybrid 235
22 o hybrid 210
5-iron 195
6-iron 185
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edited by peter finch
An Embarrassment of Riches
Sure, Shinnecock is wonderful,
but it has plenty of company
lc l ambrecht
S H O U L D F E E L.
A layer of Urethane Microspheres inside 360 Face Cups
GAME. . . . HARDEN YOUR HEART the grass is
AND MAKE THE BEST OF IT. always greener
—walter hagen ▶ FIVE BLENDS of weed
that certain staff members
would like to sample.
kikuyu kush
this thick-rooted cross-
strain keeps you moti-
vated during mundane
tasks, like practicing
bump-and-run chips.
myrtle haze
a member of the sativa
family, it opens a balloon
of creativity inside your
head. rescue shots once
hagen: augusta national/getty images • mickelson: michael cohen/getty images • marijuana: roxana gonzalez/eyeem/getty images
15 excuses for regarded as impossible
will feel destined.
▶ You’re about to win the men’s club championship. But can you don’t play well
pull off a tour-pro-quality hugfest? Follow this checklist. when there’s
money on the line.
▶ kids: In matching she’ll still love you if then head pro,
clothes (or at least you three-putt and guys in the shop,
problems at home.
clothes); hopefully lose; candy for bartender from night problems at work.
not staring at their bribing kids not to before, Uber driver playing partner is
phones or causing make a scene. from the night before, having problems at
a scene. locker-room guy who
▶ you: Remembering gave you Tylenol to
home and/or work,
▶ wife: Wearing hug order—caddie, take the edge off the and he’s dominating
expression that says then wife and kids, night before. the conversation.
34 golfdigest.com | june 2018
by sam weinman + alex myers
“i wouldn’t
a thing.”
—mike furyk
eir pitted deodorant ▶ This hip brand’s natural products actually crab & cleek shoe bag ▶ Made from actual golf flags,
work, like this arrowroot- and coconut-oil-based deodorant. $22 this unique shoe bag is lightweight and durable. $50
persol special edition steve mcqueen sunglasses ▶ Inspired by the King of Cool,
these glasses will up Dad’s style while keeping his vision clear and protected. $400
bushnell phantom gps range finder malbon golf ribbon dopp kit ▶ Lift
▶ Simple and portable yardages. $100 Dad’s cool-factor with this hip catchall. $55
mon sense. This was partly in for a lost ball to three minutes, changes in March 2017, the a digital version and an easy-to-
response to a series of recent from five. The rules also encour- governing bodies made a point search app.
rules controversies that left age “ready golf” and recom- of asking for feedback before — RYA N H E R R I N GT O N
water. You’re good to go. Just remember,
any body of water near the green. Is there any bourbon has feelings, too.
scientific evidence to support this? ▶▶▶
BRENT LEDFOR D, BOISE, IDA HO I love the standard metal ball markers
that clip to one’s hat. One of my friends
insists it is unprofessional to use
Putts often do break toward the Bad luck. The hole, even if it’s unmarked, anything but the plastic markers with
A water, but it’s not the H²0 they’re
reacting to. As short-game guru
counts as ground under repair. But because
your ball was not in or touching the hole—
the spike in the bottom. The other
day, my ball was outside of his line by
Stan Utley explains, “Putts break because of it sounds as if the area around the hole at least two feet. He walked up, threw
gravity.” If there’s a mountain to your right was not marked as ground under repair— my favorite marker aside with a curse,
and a lake to your left, the land will typically you have to play this one as it lies. You and replaced it with his plastic marker.
slope from right to left—and that’s the way a would get free relief if the hole affected your Who’s in the wrong here?
putt will tend to break. The era of the golf normal stance or swing. JOHN KAMIN, ENCINO, CALIF.
course you’re playing has a lot to do with this ▶▶▶
general rule. Older courses were primarily Why doesn’t the Ryder Cup use a Your friend is so very wrong. Those hat-clip
built along existing terrain, making it easier shotgun start for singles? This would ball markers are a little goofy, and it’s true
to spot these breaks. Modern architects can put everyone in play versus having the that pros don’t use them much, but they’re
move more dirt, tricking players with coun- last matches rendered meaningless if certainly convenient. And they’re allowed
terintuitive topography. Your best move: the winner has already been decided. under the Rules of Golf, which call for using
Look for the drainage area on each green PHIL HILL, PHILADELPHIA “a ball marker, a small coin or other similar
Putts will tend to break in that direction un- object” when picking up a ball on the green.
less there’s some obvious contour interrupt- This is lively thinking, but it wouldn’t really As for his replacement of your marker,
ing the path. solve the lame-duck matches issue. Once that’s rude—and might incur him a penalty
▶▶▶ the deciding match concluded—possibly stroke. Only you or an authorized person
My ball landed right next to a dug-up on a remote part of the course—the other (e.g., a caddie) can mark your ball,
sprinkler head, which was being according to the rules. There’s a one-stroke
repaired. Because there was a large penalty for moving another player’s ball
hole, the maintenance crew couldn’t or mark in match play. In stroke play, there
mow the grass around the hole, so my is no penalty.
ball was in four-inch rough. Could I
have taken a free drop? submit your burning questions here:
JAMISON RILEY, CHICO, CALIF. ask@golfdigest.com or on Twitter @GolfDigest
swing the handle
pre-set tra jectory
set the handle high
( l e f t ) f o r a l o w e r s h o t,
s ta n d a r d ( c e n t e r ) f o r
a medium-tra jectory
s h o t, a n d l o w ( r i g h t )
to the hip in the setup f o r a h i g h e r s h o t.
the first skill to learn in So how do you do it? Get in the next piece of the short The more you raise the handle,
the short game is swinging the your normal chipping setup, game is how high you set the the closer you have to get to
grip end of the club to the left and practice swinging the handle at address. This allows the ball and the more you grip
through impact. This might handle through so it finishes you to vary trajectory. Put down. The more you lower the
seem oddly simple, but it’s very close to your front hip. simply, when the handle is handle, the farther you stand
absolutely critical. Swinging I call this “holstering the high, you hit a lower shot; when back and the longer you hold
directly toward the target, handle,” as if you were sticking the handle is low, you hit the club. I teach three positions:
which so many amateurs do, the grip in a holster on your a higher shot. Let’s discuss. standard (above, center),
causes poor contact because the front hip (opposite page). Wherever you set the handle, handle high (left) and handle
low point of the swing comes Another way to think about it the clubface will find its natural low (right). Try them—they
behind the ball. It also causes is that the heel pad of your right loft. Unless you manipulate it, produce very different shots.
deceleration, because the club hand leads the knuckles at the the face will open or close so Final point: Handle position
runs out of room going straight. top of the hand as you swing the sole of the club sits flush also helps you from different
Poor contact and deceleration through. (You can focus on the to the ground. If you raise the lies. If the ball is down in the
are killers around the green. left hand the same way—heel handle, the heel comes up so grass, you need more dig. You
Swinging the handle to the leads knuckles.) If swinging you have to close the face to get get that from a closed face
left moves the low point of the through this way feels strange, the sole to sit flush. If you lower or a high handle. If the ball
swing forward, so you hit the it’s because you’re used to the handle, the toe comes up so is sitting well, you can drop
ball and then the ground. It pushing the handle toward the you have to open the face to get back and use more loft with an
also helps you make contact target, which seems logical for the sole flush. Closing the face open face or a low handle. Now
with the center of the face. And a lot of golfers. But you have to produces a low shot; opening you’re building sophistication
then there’s acceleration. You’re get the handle going left. it produces a high shot. That’s into your short game.
creating more space for the club how handle height affects loft.
to travel. Swinging left is the These variations cause
master move of the short game. changes to the stance as well.
michael breed,
golf digest’s
c h i e f d i g i ta l
i s b a s e d at t r u m p
g o l f l i n k s at
f e r r y p o i n t,
n e w yo r k c i t y.
somebody asked recently if I can teach people to play golf without having them in
front of me. My answer: absolutely. I did an instruction show on TV for nine years, and
I know people were learning to play by watching that show. Now we’re doing something
at Golf Digest to take that concept a step further. It’s called the Golf Digest Schools,
a collection of how-to-play curriculums in video form. The idea is to learn remotely but
f l i g h t - t o - r o l l r at i o to simulate being on the lesson tee with your favorite instructor. It’s learning the skills
is a good basis for you need, in the order you need them, without the commitment of going for lessons
club selection, but (or the constraints of TV time). It’s part of the new Golf Digest All Access program. I just
w h at y o u d o w i t h t h e did my first curriculum, called “The Facts of Impact,” and I know these long-form videos
c l u b m at t e r s m o r e . will help you understand how to hit better shots with every club in the bag. Check out the
new Golf Digest Schools—better yet, learn about All Access at golfdigest.com/allaccess.
LOT OF AMATEURS, and even some pros, treat must-
make putts like they’re standing over a six-footer to win
the U.S. Open. You can see the anxiety building in their
pre-putt routine. The feeling can be so overwhelming
that by the time they address the ball, it turns into an
out-of-body experience. Not me. I won a U.S. Open, and it wasn’t because I
let the gravity of the week override what I normally do. When I walk up to a
putt I have to make, I’m taking even breaths and staying calm. I stick with
the routine I have for every other putt, because focusing on that actually
reduces stress. That’s why you have a routine—so that no matter the situa-
tion, every putt feels the same. That’s the basis of my first piece of advice to
help you make the ones that matter: Do your best to treat them no different-
ly than any other putts. Here are some other tips to help you on the green. ▶
c h o o s e w h at e v e r g r i p a l l o w s y o u t o h o l d t h e c l u b l i g h t ly, s o i t c a n r e l e a s e t h r o u g h t h e b a l l .
to sign up.
to have when hitting these putts is one
I use myself: Keep the putterhead low
throughout the stroke (below). This helps
keep your mind on the process of making
a good, controlled stroke and prevents you
from trying to steer the putt or looking up
too soon to see if it’s going in. No matter
how important the putt is, this swing
thought makes you feel like you’re just
rolling the ball on the practice green. And
when the ball rattles around the bottom
of the cup, it makes one of the sweetest
sounds a golfer can ever hear.
t h e m o s t i m p o r ta n t t h i n g
t o m a k i n g a p u t t i s h av i n g
t h e fac e s q ua r e to t h e
l i n e at i m p a c t. m y g at e d r i l l
h e l p s t r a i n t h at ( a b o v e ) .
a g r e at s w i n g t h o u g h t
t o s tay c o m m i t t e d i s k e e p
the putterhead low (right).
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over 620 meandering acres of wetlands, woodlands and
Palouse grasses through the rolling hills of northern Idaho.
Circling Raven has earned praise since its opening in 2003.
During the 2015/16 season Circling Raven ranked No. 97 on
Golf Digest’s “100 Greatest Public Courses” and is currently
No. 100 in Golf Magazine’s “Top 100 Courses You Can Play.”
Golfers are likely to see moose, elk and bald eagles
throughout the expansive landscape. Grab a post-round bite
and cocktail at the clubhouse’s Twisted Earth Grill, shop in
the award-winning Circling Raven Pro Shop and end the day
with a soak, massage and more at the luxurious Spa
Ssakwa’q’n located just steps away from the course.
Circling Raven’s 2018 stay-and-play value packages start
at $219 for two people at the adjacent Coeur d’Alene
Casino Resort Hotel, which offers guests entertainment,
gaming and six restaurants. The Coeur d’Alene Tribe warmly
welcomes visitors, sharing their culture and native
hospitality. For more information, call 1-800-523-2464 or
visit cdacasino.com.
The bright lights of Wildhorse Resort & Casino shine like a
beacon in the wide-open plains of Eastern Oregon. Centrally
located between Boise, Spokane and Portland, the spectacular
resort offers visitors an exciting blend of top-notch golf, gaming,
entertainment, dining and relaxing hotel accommodations.
There’s plenty of action to be had at Wildhorse, and it runs
24/7, year-round. The resort’s 40,000-square-foot gaming
complex with 1,200 slot machines and gaming tables, five
restaurants, a 3D Cineplex, video arcade, and cultural center are
certain to keep everyone happily occupied.
Golfers won’t be able to resist the allure of playing the
resort’s award-winning, challenging Wildhorse Golf Course—
offering an extended season thanks to its high-desert plateau
location in the mountain foothills. The beautifully manicured
course features four sets of tees that extend its length to 7,112
yards, five clear lakes and 66 bunkers.
If you’re in a competitive mood and are available to visit
July 14-15, sign up for the Wildhorse Amateur Golf Tournament,
Eastern Oregon’s premier 36-hole stroke-play tournament.
It’s open to all golfers with a current USGA handicap.
Enjoy a one-night stay, round of golf and carts for two,
starting at $185 on weekdays. For more information,
call 800-654-9453 or visit wildhorseresort.com.
Golf is more than just an incredible game; it’s serious business.
At Golf Academy of America, a 16-month investment of your time and passion can
result in an associate’s degree in golf management and a career path you’ll love.
You’d expect nothing less from one of the nation’s oldest golf colleges.
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• VA education benefits honored
if i get a little tired, my right from this perspective (left), you can
hip slides away from the target on the see how my right hip really turns behind
takeaway, then buckles. The ideal position and away. As I emphasized, this move
is above. My right hip is pivoting—not with the lower body is the trigger to my
swaying—so my backswing feels like my backswing. But another point worth
upper body turns over my lower body. You mentioning is that you can see my left
can tell I’ve made a deep shoulder turn, shoulder is lower than my right. An image
because you can’t see my right arm. That’s that sometimes pops into my head for the
the directive from my coach, Cameron top of the swing is, if my shoulders were
McCormick: “Hide the right arm, Jordan.” the wings of an airplane, the left wing
But I don’t think about that arm or my would be angled down and the right wing
upper body during the backswing. Instead, up. And with my chest turned completely
if I can feel my right hip and glutes away from the target, I’ve created a lot of
activated (you’ve probably heard Tiger space to swing down and attack the ball
talk about this; it’s truly a useful concept), from inside the target line and hit up on it.
I know my upper body will follow and find This path will produce the high, drawing
the right position at the top of the swing. ball flight I prefer.
beau hossler
Photographs by Keena june 2018 | golfdigest.com 79
most golf fans first heard straight weeks on the Web.com
of you at the 2012 u.s. open, Tour last year. The challenge
when you were 17, still in then is time management and
high school, and made the
leader board at the olym-
‘IF YOU’RE how you prioritize things when
you’re home. You’re there really
pic club. how often do
people bring that up? NOT CONFIDENT for very short periods of time,
so you don’t have enough time
There are plenty of people who to accomplish what you need
still recognize my name from to. There’s a fine line between
that. I’m very fortunate to have being home and getting away
had that experience, and it’s
helped me with exposure for
sure. But the biggest challenge
YOU’VE GOT from golf, and being home and
accomplishing things to be
ready for the next tournament.
has been to make sure that
doesn’t become the defining
you decided to have a
BEAU HOSSLER knows the moment of my golf career. childhood friend, jordan
drill. When he was a junior ●●● full time? Just how much guilford, be your full-time
golfer growing up in South- you needed one year after each week takes out of you, caddie rather than hire
ern California, he had turning pro to earn a pga not physically but mentally. a veteran. why? It’s about
talent, but it took some tour card and join a lot of There’s a lot going on at the being comfortable out there,
time for him to find his other twentysomethings tournament outside of the golf. and I think having someone
way. Eventually, he put in in making the quick jump It’s kind of a traveling circus you have a really good relation-
the work to become a Rolex from college. why has that keeps you busy all the ship with is very important.
Junior All-American. this become so common? time. I played six weeks in a Particularly when you’re
A little later, he went off We’re all friends and have had row earlier this year, and that playing and it’s new, you want
to the University of Texas, success at the amateur and was a lot. That last week, it was to be able to look and see a
where he struggled as a college level, so once you see Riviera, my favorite course, familiar face on your bag. He’s
freshman. But he adapted one of them break through in and the tournament I was most gone from a very good friend
to campus life and went on the pros, it becomes something looking forward to. Well, I was and a good caddie to obviously
to earn national player- we all feel like we can do. Jor- exhausted and played terrible. still a very good friend and
of-the-year honors. dan Spieth kind of opened the From that point on, I vowed an extraordinary caddie.
Hossler prepared to be floodgates for our generation. I was going to do my best not to ●●●
humbled once more after The guy won his Masters when play more than three in a row. at the 2016 ncaa champion-
settling in Dallas (where he he was 21 and has three majors ●●● ship, you tore the labrum
plays out of Trinity Forest) at 24. Well, we all played against do you have to be a little in your left shoulder in
and embarking on his pro him as juniors and amateurs, cocky to be a pro golfer? the middle of the semifinal
career in February 2017, and we all held our own. Inwardly, yes. Obviously you match. you’re one day away
seven months later than he ●●● don’t want to act that way from the finals, two days
expected because of a freak is there something, on the outside, but if you’re away from turning pro.
injury. Only this time, the though, about your devel- not confident, you’ve got no how difficult was that?
learning curve has turned opment that explains your chance. Yeah, I had everything pretty
out to be even shorter. collective success? ●●● planned out in terms of that
In just 11 Web.com Tour In my generation, there are so are you a little cocky? summer with tournaments
starts, Hossler earned more amateurs who played in Certainly at times when I’m and sponsors. It was a very
enough money to secure professional tournaments be- playing well. At all times you’re emotional high just getting to
his PGA Tour card for 2018. fore they turned pro. When you trying to play your best golf. that point, and then when I got
And since then, he has have experience at that level— And when you’re in that killer hurt it was a bummer. I tried to
made a habit of finding his when you’re not playing for any mind-set to win a tournament, keep a good attitude, but I had
name on leader boards, money but you’re learning and that’s where you want to get to never had a major injury before.
contending in Las Vegas, you’re seeing how the courses when you tee off on Thursday. Fortunately, everything worked
Phoenix and Pebble Beach are—that’s invaluable. I played ●●● out. But when you have your
in the early days of his in three U.S. Opens by the time what was the toughest career really in jeopardy over
rookie season on tour. I was 21. I knew exactly what part of the transition something like that, because
A playoff loss to Ian I was getting into when I got to the pros? It’s going to you don’t know how bad it is
Poulter at the Houston out here. Now, did I learn things sound strange, because you until [the doctors] get in there,
Open cost him a spot in since I’ve gotten out here? don’t have classes to deal with and it was bad. But you have to
the Masters but was the Of course, but the reality is, anymore, but finding time to keep a long-term approach and
latest sign that the 23-year- I wasn’t shell-shocked when practice. You turn pro, and you realize the No. 1 priority is just
old is posed to join fellow I showed up as a pro. go from being an All-American getting healthy.
Longhorn Jordan Spieth ●●● basically back to ground zero. ●●●
and contemporaries Justin what has been the biggest You’re starting at nothing. You you had surgery and a
Thomas, Daniel Berger, surprise playing on tour have your résumé, but that’s layoff before you finally
Bryson DeChambeau and it. So then you run around try-
Xander Schauffele in be- ing to play wherever you can
coming a mainstay on tour. to earn status. I played nine
sit down before you read about the golfer who suffered a . . . fractured testicle
EDITOR’S NOTE: Excerpted with permission
from The Illness of Medicine: Experiences of
Clinical Practice, copyright © 2018 by Michael
the range when
J. Young, M.D., GM Books, 263 pages, $30. he was hurt.
then he finished
’VE BEEN A PHYSICIAN for three decades, and the bucket.
handling Friday-night call duty was always a slice gone horribly bad
particularly stressful for me. Often it followed ’m an avid golfer. I love the game—the
a busy week and involved trying to avoid
problems over the ensuing 72 hours while covering my
practice and my partners.’ If Friday night was bad, the
I history, the architecture of courses,
the physics of how a ball flies. I often
find myself daydreaming about play-
ing a good round and how satisfying it feels
to hit a golf ball solidly. So how on earth did
weekend would almost certainly be difficult. Problems this golfer, hitting balls at a range, get here?
I knew the range quite well; I’d hit balls
came in multiples—and tended to go from bad to worse. there hundreds of times. It was double-
One such weekend began on a beautiful ably significant, causes one to bend over tiered, curved to allow balls to be aimed
Chicago summer night. As usual for a call and drop to one’s knees, barely able to utter toward the middle. There were numerous
night, I went to bed around 10 p.m., hoping a sound through the suffering. Embryologi- light poles, for those of us who just can’t get
to get a reasonably good night’s sleep. Often, cally, the testicle takes its origin in the vicin- in enough practice during daylight. Appar-
that was difficult, not because of any specific ity of the kidneys, and throughout gestation ently, the man practicing next to the patient
call but because of the anticipation of the (pregnancy) it gradually moves into the hit a nasty slice with his driver. The man
call. This particular weekend, my practice scrotum during normal fetal development. hit his ball so badly, with such force, that it
group was on emergency-room call, which The nerves and blood supply to the testicle ricocheted off a light pole and hit my patient
meant that we were responsible for any have their origin up high in the posterior smack in the scrotum.
“unassigned” patients, meaning those who aspect of the abdomen. An injury to the tes- The thought of the event—the sound of
presented to the ER without any previous ticle, from a sudden kick or blow, can conse- the impact, the pain involved—was dizzy-
patient-doctor relationship with a physician quently cause the pain to be experienced by ing. As I interviewed the patient before sur-
on staff. Many such patients had no insur- the poor victim where the nerves originate. gery, my heart sank that a fellow golf addict
ance and limited if any previous medical So with this type of injury, not only is there had suffered such injury while attempting to
care, and could therefore be the most chal- the local pain from the scrotum and testicle improve his swing.
lenging. There was no reference point for being struck but also the excruciating ab- But wait. According to my patient’s story
the treating physician, and the patients were dominal pain. of woe, he’d been injured in the middle of the
often suspicious of us and of “the system.” I walked into the ER around midnight day, and it was now nearly midnight. I asked
Usually they were brought in by ambulance and discovered, among other things, that why it had taken him so long to go to the ER.
to the closest emergency room. the patient with the testicular fracture, who “I had to finish my bucket of balls,” he
On this night, I was awakened around was lying on a gurney, was also articulate, replied.
11:30 p.m. for a consultation. I could predict educated and insured. I had reviewed his I was unclear if I’d heard him properly.
a long night ahead of me, along with a stress- scrotal ultrasound before examining him. Had he really just said he pulled himself off
ful remaining weekend, within 10 seconds of The blow to the testicle had been so severe the ground after suffering a testicular frac-
hearing the reason for the interruption of my and sudden that the actual covering—the ture and continued to hit balls? If so, I had
REM sleep: A 43-year-old man had suffered fibrous shell around the testicular compo- a new hero!
a fracture of the testicle. nents (responsible for sperm production He informed me that he’d limped back
nutcracker courtesy of eureka golf products inc.
The testicle is surprisingly resistant to and testosterone)—was split open, causing to his car after finishing his bucket, driven
injury, despite its exposed location, front the contents to be expelled from inside the home, and stretched out on the couch. Not
and center, and despite being shielded by shell. It was sort of like a cracked-open egg. until later, after doing a Google search, had
very little. (Scrotal skin is quite thin, and You can only imagine the type of discomfort he learned that a “significant injury” might
there’s no significant layer of muscle or fat this would have caused at impact. have occurred. He figured this must have ex-
for protection.) With a predilection for just I examined the patient, confirming the plained the swelling and pain.
hanging, the testicle would appear ripe for diagnosis, and discussed with him the need After hearing this, I wasn’t so sure he was
injury. But it is the very lack of resistance, for surgical exploration to salvage the testi- my hero anymore. If I had a scrotum that was
the ability to be pushed aside in a compliant cle, if possible. In some cases, the damage to starting to look like a pomegranate, and get-
scrotal sac, that allows the testicle to avoid a a ruptured testicle is so severe that, without ting larger, I don’t think I’d be at home decid-
significant injury when struck. viable tissue to repair, the testicle needs to ing whether to seek treatment.
Most males who have gone through pu- be removed. I took him to surgery and was able to sal-
berty have at one time or another felt the Our conversation led to the man reveal- vage the majority of the testicle. He did well,
nauseating ache that comes with being hit ing how the injury had occurred: He was hit- and went home the next day. My weekend
firmly in the testicle. The pain, indescrib- ting golf balls at a local driving range. was still in its infancy. Another day on call.
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++ +
area,” he told Golf Digest’s Bob Verdi unruly and abusive fans in all sports,
in 2009, before the Open at Bethpage followed closely by Philadelphia.
Black. “People from around there are Naturally, this was offensive to fans—
incredible sports fans.” in Philadelphia, who fancy themselves
Of course, these fans—and their second to none. “They say New York
forefathers—haven’t endeared them- fans are the worst and we’re second-
selves to every athlete in quite the worst,” one told the Philadelphia
same way. It’s safe to say that Mick- Inquirer in 1989, after a brawl between
elson, among left-handed-swinging Phillie and Met fans at Veterans Stadi-
San Diego natives, has fared better um. “So when they get together, they
among New Yorkers than Ted Wil- have to fight.”
liams ever did. “The New York fans are The only other thing that comes
the worst,” St. Louis Cardinals catcher between New York and Philadelphia
Joe Garagiola said. “It’s a little better is, of course, New Jersey. Payne Stew-
now that they’ve put up awnings over art, who competed in NFL-licensed
plus fours and golf shirts, wisely re-
frained from wearing Giants or Jets
gear at the U.S. Open at Baltusrol in
1993, so as not to alienate any fans—
and then was heckled for wearing
Bills gear. New Jersey can be confron-
tational. This year, “Saturday Night
Live” suggested it change its license-
plate slogan from “The Garden State”
to “Da Fuh You Lookin’ At?”
All the more remarkable then that
golf fans in New York and New Jersey
put Mickelson in the pantheon of
lefties they love: Babe Ruth, Bobby
De Niro, Willis Reed. Mickelson was
first embraced at the same course—
Shinnecock—where that fan called Nor-
man a choker on the 14th hole of the ’86
Open, after a double bogey in the third
round had dropped The Shark into a tie
for the lead of a tournament that would
slip away from him. “I haven’t experi-
enced this sort of stuff anywhere else
in the world playing golf,” Norman said
at the time. “If this was Augusta, they’d
have handcuffed those people and
thrown them off the course.”
That bum’s rush, as Runyon knew,
would have had its own audience in
New York—jeering, booing, blowing
raspberries, an act so synonymous
with the city that it has its own name:
Bronx cheer.
++ +
bobby jones won the 1929 u.s. open
p l ay o f f b y 2 3 s t r o k e s , b u t u n d e r t h e
n e w f o r m at, h e c o u l d h av e l o s t.
death, Harry Vardon beats
▶ When the USGA announced this year that it was going to switch to a two- Francis Ouimet at Brookline
in 1913, killing one of the great
hole playoff and sudden death thereafter to determine future winners of the
golf stories of all time. Ouimet
U.S. Open in case of a tie after 72 holes, those who usually follow the cham- lives the rest of his life as a
pionship on TV had a perfect excuse to go happily singing and dancing into bartender.
the night. No longer would they be forced to call in sick at work to watch the ▶ Instead of Bobby Jones
18-hole playoff on Monday. Unless of course it involved Al Watrous versus beating Al Espinosa by 23
strokes in their 36-hole playoff
Aubrey Boomer. Who would care? ▶ I, however, slumped over in regret when
at Winged Foot in 1929,
the news hit that after 123 years of 18-hole playoffs, five playoffs of 36 holes, Espinosa wins the first two
and one of 72 holes, the winner of the grand old Open title has suddenly been holes to hoist the Open trophy.
reduced to what might as well be a coin flip no matter who’s involved. And A year later, Espinosa wins
obviously for television. ▶ It sent me staggering back into the past to see how the Grand Slam. Jones retires
to practice law. The Masters is
the two-hole playoff and sudden death might have changed history. Imme-
never created.
diate finding: In a shocking 15 of the U.S. Open’s 33 playoffs—hold still—a dif- ▶ The golf world is saved the
ferent winner emerges. ▶ Pardon me for suggesting that these results would agony of enduring its only 72-
have had a profound effect on the game’s illustrious history. But consider: hole playoff when George Von
jones (previous pages) george rinhart/corbis via getty images • els: david cannon/getty images
the playoff. Hy Peskin’s famous in two holes. in a second 18-hole playoff, 72-73, ater they
photo of Hogan’s shot to the 2001* Retief Goosen over Mark Brooks, 70- shot 75 in the first 18-hole playoff.
72nd hole never makes print. 72. New format: Brooks wins in three holes. New format: Jones wins in two holes.
Mangrum escapes capture. 1994* Ernie Els (above) over Loren Roberts 1923* Bobby Jones over Bobby Cruickshank,
Last heard of living somewhere in 20 holes ater both shot 74 (Colin 76-78. New format: Cruickshank wins in
near Auckland, New Zealand. Montgomerie eliminated ater 78). three holes.
▶ After blowing a seven-stroke New format: Roberts wins in two holes. 1919 Walter Hagen over Mike Brady,
lead in the final nine holes 1991 Payne Stewart over Scott Simpson, 75- 77-78. New format: Hagen wins in
of regulation, Arnold Palmer 77. New format: Stewart wins in two holes. two holes.
outlasts Billy Casper on the 1990 Hale Irwin over Mike Donald in 1913* Francis Ouimet (72) over Harry Vardon
fourth hole of the playoff 19 holes ater both shot 74. (77) and Ted Ray (78). New format: Vardon
at Olympic in 1966 to claim New format: Irwin wins in four holes. beats Ouimet on the sixth hole.
his second Open. The world 1988 Curtis Strange over Nick Faldo, 71-75. 1911 John McDermott (80) over Mike
rejoices again. National holiday New format: Strange wins in three holes. Brady (82) and George Simpson (86).
declared. 1984 Fuzzy Zoeller over Greg Norman, 67-75. New format: McDermott beats Brady
▶ The USGA calls an urgent New format: Zoeller wins in two holes. on the fith hole.
meeting to discuss the shocking 1975 Lou Graham over John Mahaffey, 71- 1910 Alex Smith (71) over John McDermott
new winners of the Open, a 73. New format: Graham wins in two holes. (75) and Macdonald Smith (77).
list that now includes Bobby 1971 Lee Trevino over Jack Nicklaus, 68-71. New format: Alex Smith beats Macdonald
Cruickshank, Jacky Cupit, New format: Trevino wins in three holes. Smith on the third hole.
Loren Roberts and Mark 1966* Billy Casper over Arnold Palmer, 1908 Fred McLeod over Willie Smith, 77-83.
Brooks. Name change of 69-73. New format: Palmer wins New format: McLeod wins in three holes.
tournament suggested. in four holes. 1903 Willie Anderson over David Brown,
Under further review, Jack 1965 Gary Player over Kel Nagle, 71-74. 82-84. New format: Anderson wins
Fleck still beats Hogan New format: Player wins in two holes. in three holes.
at Olympic in ’55, so that 1963* Julius Boros (70) over Jacky Cupit (73) 1901* Willie Anderson over Alex Smith,
nightmare continues, largely and Arnold Palmer (76). 85-86. New format: Smith wins in
at my expense. New format: Cupit wins in two holes. four holes.
HAT COMES TO MIND when I think of the 1986 U.S. Open at
Shinnecock? For one thing, the car ride over on the Sunday
before the tournament started. Earlier that day, I’d lost at
Westchester after sharing the 54-hole lead. All my career I was a good
closer, but this time I played lousy and lost. It was a 2½-hour drive
out to the end of Long Island, and it started out quiet. Then my wife,
Maria, who until her passing in 2012 was my partner, my teammate,
the love of my life and my everything, starts asking questions.
“So what happened today?” she said.“It was just one of those
things,” I said. “I blew it. It happens.” “Why did you blow it?”
she said. I said, “Can we just forget about it and move on?” Maria
said, “We’re not going to forget it. We’ve got the U.S. Open this
week. What if you’re leading there? What are you going to do?
I want to know why you just blew that tournament.” I don’t
have a good answer. I’m fuming. It’s silent for a while. But just as
I start to cool off, Maria pours it on. “You never play well in the
U.S. Open. What’s the problem?” That did it. I stopped the car in
the emergency lane of the Long Island Expressway, and we went at it.
As cars screamed past, Maria and I screamed at each other. Our three
children and nanny were in the back seat, crying. It was awful. After
we got underway again, I spent the rest of the drive doing some serious
soul-searching. Which was what Maria had in mind to begin with. ▶ ▶ ▶
u.s. open 2018 | golf digest 113
my u.s. open “problem” was what the Here’s why. When I was 14 and growing I passed—I was better at golf than baseball—
USGA did to the courses. The setups always up on the Army base at Fort Bragg, N.C., we’d but I loved keeping my hand in. In 1969,
seemed to take certain types of players out of play every day on the two courses there. My when I was still single and living in Chicago,
the game. Oakmont in 1973, if you took one dad, L.B. Floyd, was head golf pro. Waiting I hung around the Cubs a lot and sometimes
step off the green you were in rough above to tee off, I looked over at the practice green even threw batting practice. Ernie Banks,
your ankles. That took good short-game and saw Dow Finsterwald, a playing pro Billy Williams, Ron Santo, Fergie Jenkins,
players—players like me—out of the game. who was serving his time in the military. that was a hell of a team. Randy Hundley, the
Pebble Beach in 1982, same thing and more, Dow, who went on to win 11 tournaments, catcher, asked me to throw to him once so
fairways choked off and other nonsense so including the 1958 PGA Championship, was he could work out an issue with his timing.
it was no longer a links course. Winged Foot chipping from a big pile of shiny new Dunlop My fastball had a lot of movement, which
in 1974, forget it—it was impossible every- balls. When we made the turn, I noticed Dow annoyed Randy. “Throw it straight or I’ll
where. Every year it was something, the was still there practicing his short game. get somebody else,” he said. “I can’t help it,”
USGA taking these magnificent courses and And when we came off 18, he was still there I said. So he got somebody else.
turning them into horrible versions of what chipping. It made a huge impression on me. ●●●
they were meant to be. Going into 1986, my From then on, I devoted 50 percent of my during a western open one year, a buddy
best in 21 tries was a tie for sixth. Bad setups practice time to the short game, and it saved of mine from Cincinnati showed up. He was
and a bad attitude equals bad play. me countless times, most notably that first a huge horse bettor and had a lot of con-
●●● round at Shinnecock. nections. “Come to the track with me this
nobody seemed to know anything about ●●● afternoon,” he said. “There’s a race that’s as
Shinnecock. It hadn’t hosted a U.S. Open in i hung around and got closer to the lead. On good as over. I know who’s going to win.” So
90 years. The morning after our adventure Sunday, as I walked to the 10th tee, I looked I went with him to Hawthorne Race Course.
on the Long Island Expressway, I played a in the gallery and saw Maria. She said later He handed me a program and said, “Look for
practice round with our kids tagging along. that when she saw the look on my face, she Tangohoochie. That’s who we’re betting on.”
When we got back to the rental house, Ma- knew I was going to win. She called it The I looked and told him I didn’t see a horse by
ria asked, a little apprehensively, “So how Stare, a focused expression that told her that name. He said, “Tangohoochie isn’t the
do you like the course?” I said, “It’s the best I was in the zone. It was an odd sensation. name of the horse, it’s the name of the jock-
course I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s so good, Everything was vivid. My step felt lighter. ey.” We found the horse with Tangohoochie
they couldn’t mess it up.” It was brutally dif- Watching myself on a USGA film recently, aboard, waited at the betting window until
ficult—the fairways narrow and the rough it looked like I was strutting. Every shot I the last minute, then put down a bundle at
tall. But there wasn’t a single gimmick. It faced felt like a foregone conclusion, like it 20-1. Our horse won by eight lengths. The
didn’t favor short hitters or long ones, high- had already happened and all I had to do was owners didn’t show up to claim him. When
swing. It’s such a wonderful feeling. When they did the mandatory urine testing, they
I birdied the 11th hole, I was briefly in a nine- found the horse loaded to the ears with
way tie for the lead. Anything could have drugs. As for Tangohoochie, he got sat down
GOLF DIGEST is a registered trademark of Advance Magazine Publishers Inc. Copyright © 2018 Golf Digest Publications. All rights
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The battle of dumb versus smart The tour isn’t exactly overflowing
with them, but there are players who
are more than happy to get into a deep
n agent—not mine—once told me player “How far to carry that bunker?” conversation—about the stock market,
A his secret for success was to recruit
golfers who were “really smart or
caddie “310.”
player “But we’re up a tee box from
politics, philosophy—right in the middle
of a tournament. Though when in doubt,
really stupid.” Average intelligence, he be- yesterday.” I don’t stray from the classics: football,
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