WHO Vaccination Guide
WHO Vaccination Guide
WHO Vaccination Guide
Diseases and vaccines
The vaccine cold chain
Module 5: Managing an immunization session
guide those attending.
In practice, workplace situations are often less than ideal. Large numbers of people
crowding the area may cause safety issues, as well as confusion and stress, not just for
the health worker, but also for everyone concerned. Careful preparation and a positive,
A list of needed materials should be reviewed before all sessions (see Section 7 of this
module for a proposed checklist). Figure 5.2 shows an example immunization station.
Immunization Monitoring National EPI
checklist chart schedule
Box of AD
Box of reconstitution
Monitoring and surveillance
Seat for caregiver/child
syringes AEFI kit
Vaccine carrier Water container
and foam pad
Partnering with
Immunization in practice (5)5
Contents: Module 1: Target diseases and vaccines -- Module 2: The vaccine cold chain -- Module 3: Ensuring safe
injections -- Module 4: micro planning for reaching every community -- Module 5: Managing an immunization
session --Module 6: Monitoring and surveillance -- Module 7: Partnering with communities
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Abbreviations and acronyms.........................................................................................................................iii
Module 1: Target diseases and vaccines
1. Diphtheria................................................................................................................................................. (1)7
2. Haemophilus influenzae type b disease.......................................................................................... (1)11
3. Hepatitis B............................................................................................................................................... (1)15
4. Human papillomavirus infection and cervical cancer.................................................................. (1)19
5. Japanese encephalitis.......................................................................................................................... (1)23
6. Measles.................................................................................................................................................... (1)28
7. Meningococcal disease........................................................................................................................ (1)32
8. Mumps..................................................................................................................................................... (1)37
9. Pertussis .................................................................................................................................................. (1)40
10. Pneumococcal disease....................................................................................................................... (1)43
11. Poliomyelitis ........................................................................................................................................ (1)48
12. Rotavirus gastroenteritis................................................................................................................... (1)51
13. Rubella and congenital rubella syndrome .................................................................................. (1)56
14. Seasonal influenza.............................................................................................................................. (1)60
15. Tetanus.................................................................................................................................................. (1)64
16. Tuberculosis.......................................................................................................................................... (1)69
17. Yellow fever.......................................................................................................................................... (1)73
18. Opportunities for integration of services: EPI Plus and vitamin A deficiency...................... (1)77
19. The integrated Global Action Plan for Pneumonia and Diarrhoea ........................................ (1)80
Module 2: The vaccine cold chain
1. The cold chain.......................................................................................................................................... (2)3
2. Health facility cold chain equipment................................................................................................. (2)7
3. Temperature monitoring devices...................................................................................................... (2)15
4. Monitoring cold chain temperatures .............................................................................................. (2)23
5. Arranging vaccines inside cold chain equipment......................................................................... (2)27
6. Basic maintenance of cold chain equipment................................................................................. (2)39
7. The Shake Test........................................................................................................................................ (2)44
Module 3: Ensuring safe injections
1. Using safe injection equipment and techniques............................................................................ (3)3
2. Preventing needle-stick injuries........................................................................................................ (3)10
3. Disposing of used syringes and needles......................................................................................... (3)13
Annex 3.1 Unsafe immunization practices.......................................................................................... (3)22
iv Immunization in practice
Abbreviations and acronyms
Immunization in practice v
Abbreviations and acronyms
vi Immunization in practice
This revised edition of Immunization in Practice is the result of team work between
WHO and other GAVI alliance partners, particularly UNICEF, CDC, Program for
Appropriate Technologies in Health (PATH) and John Snow Incorporated (JSI),
and many other individuals who are committed to improving immunization services
throughout the world. We are especially grateful to JSI for their support in the
development of Module 7 and PATH for their support to Module 2.
We would like to thank Dr Amulya Reddy who worked as a consultant on this project
providing technical support and oversight. We are thankful to Ms Marg Estcourt who
provided insights particularly on Module 5.
The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to all the many people who have
contributed to the development of this publication.
With the previous edition of Immunization in Practice (IIP) having been translated
and used throughout the world, we realized the tremendous responsibility we had
when we embarked on this new version. This new edition has seven modules instead
of eight as we concluded that merging target diseases and vaccines would make the
flow more useful for our readers. Several new vaccines that have become more readily
available and used in recent years have been added. Also the section on integration
with other health interventions has been expanded as exciting opportunities and
experiences have become evident in the years following the previous edition.
There were also some fundamental issues to resolve. The first was to decide whether
IIP should be a training document and therefore written in a teaching style, or remain
a practical and resource information guide. The decision was that it should, as before,
remain as a book to turn to for information rather than one to be used for training
purposes. Nonetheless it is very suitable as a resource during immunization workshops.
The second issue was defining the target audience. IIP is obviously meant to be used
by people at the health service delivery level and it needs therefore to be as practical
as possible. Being aware, however, that the book is also used at almost every level, we
decided that the target audience would be “health facility and sub-national level”, that
is for those at the grassroots and the next level up. In reality there is a lot of overlap
between the functions of these two levels, so it has not always been necessary to present
material differently.
The third issue was to decide what to leave out. We have not tried to include every
vaccine available today, only the ones in common use, nor have we provided technical
material on supplementary immunization strategies as these are dealt with elsewhere.
The revision of IIP was intended to meet the demand to improve immunization
services so as to reach more infants in a sustainable way, building upon the experiences
of polio eradication. We have thus included material adapted from polio on planning,
monitoring and use of data to improve the service, which can be used at any level.
Revising IIP has been a team exercise. There are contributions from a large number of
experts, organizations and institutions, and we thank everyone who has contributed
for their time and patience in reviewing the many draft versions.
IIP is firmly dedicated to the hundreds of thousands of health workers throughout the
world who are responsible for protecting countless numbers of children from vaccine
preventable diseases. The message to them from all contributors to IIP is: “You are
already doing a great job, and this booklet is meant to help you use your time and
resources even better and improve your services”.
1. Diphtheria ....................................................................................................... (1)7
1.1 What is diphtheria? .......................................................................................................................... (1)7
1.2 How is diphtheria spread? .............................................................................................................. (1)7
1.3 What are the symptoms and signs of diphtheria? .................................................................... (1)7
1.4 What are the complications of diphtheria? ................................................................................ (1)7
1.5 What is the treatment for diphtheria? ......................................................................................... (1)7
1.6 How is diphtheria prevented? ....................................................................................................... (1)8
1.7 What are diphtheria-containing vaccines? ................................................................................. (1)8
1.8 How safe is diphtheria vaccine and what are the potential adverse events
following immunization? ................................................................................................................ (1)8
1.9 When are diphtheria-containing vaccines administered?...................................................... (1)9
2. Haemophilus influenzae type b disease ....................................................... (1)11
2.1 What is Haemophilus influenzae type b? ................................................................................... (1)11
2.2 How is Hib spread? ......................................................................................................................... (1)11
2.3 What are the symptoms and signs of Hib disease? ................................................................ (1)11
2.4 What are the complications of Hib disease? ............................................................................ (1)11
2.5 What is the treatment for Hib disease? ..................................................................................... (1)12
2.6 How is Hib disease prevented? .................................................................................................... (1)12
2.7 What is needed for global Hib disease control? ...................................................................... (1)12
2.8 What are Hib-containing vaccines? ............................................................................................ (1)12
2.9 How safe is Hib vaccine and what are the potential adverse events
following immunization? .............................................................................................................. (1)13
2.10 When is Hib-containing vaccine administered?...................................................................... (1)13
3. Hepatitis B .................................................................................................... (1)15
3.1 What is hepatitis B? ........................................................................................................................ (1)15
3.2 How is hepatitis B spread? ............................................................................................................ (1)15
3.3 What are the symptoms and signs of hepatitis B? .................................................................. (1)15
3.4 What are the complications of hepatitis B? .............................................................................. (1)15
3.5 What is the treatment for hepatitis B? ....................................................................................... (1)15
3.6 How is hepatitis B prevented? ..................................................................................................... (1)16
3.7 What are hepatitis B-containing vaccines? .............................................................................. (1)16
3.8 How safe is HepB vaccine and what are the potential adverse events
following immunization? .............................................................................................................. (1)17
3.9 When are HepB-containing vaccines administered? ............................................................. (1)17
4. Human papillomavirus infection and cervical cancer ................................. (1)19
4.1 What is human papillomavirus? .................................................................................................. (1)19
4.2 How is HPV spread? ........................................................................................................................ (1)19
4.3 What are the symptoms and signs of cervical cancer? .......................................................... (1)19
4.4 What is the treatment for cervical cancer? ............................................................................... (1)19
4.5 What can be done to prevent and control cervical cancer? ................................................. (1)20
4.6 What is HPV vaccine? ..................................................................................................................... (1)20
4.7 How safe is HPV vaccine and what are the potential adverse events following
immunization? ................................................................................................................................. (1)21
4.8 When is HPV vaccine administered? .......................................................................................... (1)21
5. Japanese encephalitis .................................................................................. (1)23
5.1 What is Japanese encephalitis? ................................................................................................... (1)23
5.2 How is Japanese encephalitis spread?....................................................................................... (1)23
5.3 What are the symptoms and signs of Japanese encephalitis? ............................................ (1)23
5.4 What are the complications of Japanese encephalitis?......................................................... (1)23
5.5 What is the treatment for Japanese encephalitis?.................................................................. (1)24
5.6 How is Japanese encephalitis prevented?................................................................................. (1)24
5.7 What is Japanese encephalitis vaccine?..................................................................................... (1)24
5.8 How safe is Japanese encephalitis vaccine and what are the potential adverse
events following immunization?................................................................................................. (1)25
5.9 When is Japanese encephalitis vaccine administered?.......................................................... (1)25
6. Measles ......................................................................................................... (1)28
6.1 What is measles? ............................................................................................................................. (1)28
6.2 How is measles spread? ................................................................................................................ (1)28
6.3 What are the symptoms and signs of measles? ...................................................................... (1)28
6.4 What are the complications of measles? .................................................................................. (1)28
6.5 What is the treatment for measles? ........................................................................................... (1)29
6.6 How is measles prevented? .......................................................................................................... (1)29
6.7 What is needed for global measles control? ............................................................................ (1)29
6.8 What are measles-containing vaccines? ................................................................................... (1)29
6.9 How safe is measles vaccine and what are the potential adverse events
following immunization? .............................................................................................................. (1)30
6.10 When are measles-containing vaccines administered? ........................................................ (1)30
7. Meningococcal disease ................................................................................. (1)32
7.1 What is meningococcal disease? ................................................................................................ (1)32
7.2 How is meningococcal disease spread? .................................................................................... (1)32
7.3 What are the symptoms and signs of meningococcal disease? .......................................... (1)32
7.4 What are the complications of meningococcal disease? ...................................................... (1)32
7.5 What is the treatment for meningococcal disease? ............................................................... (1)33
7.6 How is meningococcal meningitis prevented? ....................................................................... (1)33
7.7 What is needed for meningococcal disease control? ............................................................ (1)33
7.8 What is meningococcal vaccine? ................................................................................................ (1)33
7.9 How safe are meningococcal vaccines and what are the potential adverse events
following immunization? .............................................................................................................. (1)34
7.10 When are meningococcal vaccines administered? ................................................................ (1)34
1 Diphtheria
1.1 What is diphtheria?
Diphtheria affects people of all ages, but most often it strikes unimmunized children. In
temperate climates, diphtheria tends to occur during the colder months.
Diphtheria is transmitted from person to person through close physical and respiratory
When diphtheria affects the throat and tonsils, the early symptoms are sore throat, loss
of appetite and slight fever. Within two to three days, a bluish-white or grey membrane
forms in the throat and on the tonsils. This membrane sticks to the soft palate of the
throat and can bleed. If there is bleeding, the membrane may become greyish-green or
black. The patient may either recover at this point or develop severe weakness and die
within six to 10 days. Patients with severe diphtheria do not develop a high fever but may
develop a swollen neck and obstructed airway.
Children who develop diphtheria should be given diphtheria antitoxin and such antibiotics
as erythromycin or penicillin. They should be isolated to avoid exposing others to the
disease. About two days after starting antibiotic treatment, patients are no longer infectious.
To confirm the diagnosis, health workers should obtain throat cultures from suspected
cases. However, treatment should begin urgently without waiting for culture results.
1.8 How safe is diphtheria vaccine and what are the potential
adverse events following immunization?
Diphtheria vaccine is usually used in combination with other vaccines, and severe
adverse events due to it alone have not been reported. Mild events occur more
frequently among people who have already received several booster doses, and usually
improve without treatment. Among adults receiving boosters, local injection site
reactions – redness and swelling in 38% and pain in 20% – have been reported.
WHO safety information summaries for DTP combination vaccines are on the
website: http://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/initiative/tools/vaccinfosheets/en/.
Unimmunized children aged one to seven years should receive three doses of DTP
with an interval of two months between the first and second doses and an interval of
six to 12 months between the second and third doses.
For all children over seven years of age and for all adults, including pregnant women,
dT should be used since it has a lower concentration of diphtheria toxoid. For
unimmunized individuals over seven years of age, two doses of dT one to two months
apart followed by a third dose after six to 12 months is recommended.
When combined with tetanus vaccine, a total childhood schedule of five doses is
required: three in infancy, another (DT) in early childhood (1–6 years) and another
(dT) during adolescence (12–15 years). A further dose in adulthood is likely to provide
lifelong protection.
Schedule – For children aged 1–7 years who have not previously been immunized:
DTP for unimmunized • 3 doses of DTP with an interval of 2 months between the first and second doses
ages 1–7 years and an interval of 6–12 months between the second and third doses
Booster When combined with tetanus vaccine, a total childhood schedule of 5 doses
(3 in infancy), another (DT) in early childhood (1–6 years), and another (dT) during
adolescence (12–15 years) is required. A further dose in adulthood is likely to
provide lifelong protection.
Adverse events Severe adverse events due to diphtheria toxoid alone have not been reported
Mild: injection site reactions, fever
Dosage 0.5 ml
Hib is responsible for severe pneumonia, meningitis and other invasive diseases, almost
exclusively in children aged less than 5 years.
Hib is spread from person to person in droplets released when sneezing and coughing.
Children may carry Hib in their noses and throats without showing any symptoms or
signs of illness (also known as healthy carriers), but they can still infect others.
The serious diseases caused most frequently by Hib are pneumonia and meningitis.
While Hib is not the only cause of these diseases, it should be suspected in any child
with relevant symptoms and signs. Children with pneumonia can have fever, chills,
cough, rapid breathing and chest wall retractions. Children with meningitis can have
fever, headache, sensitivity to light, neck stiffness and sometimes confusion or altered
Hib can cause other diseases by infecting different parts of the body. Seen less
frequently, but still serious, Hib disease includes epiglottitis (inflammation of the
flap at the entrance to the larynx) resulting in stridor (noisy breathing) and breathing
difficulty; and septicaemia (bloodstream infection) resulting in fever, shaking or chills,
and further spread of the bacteria.
Children who survive Hib meningitis may develop permanent neurological disability,
including brain damage, hearing loss and mental retardation, in up to 40% of cases.
2.9 How safe is Hib vaccine and what are the potential adverse
events following immunization?
Hib vaccine is one of the safest vaccines in current use. There are no known serious
adverse events to date. Mild events include injection site pain, redness or swelling in
approximately 10% of recipients and fever in 2%.
WHO safety information summaries for Hib and combination vaccines are on the
website: http://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/initiative/tools/vaccinfosheets/en/.
Since serious Hib disease occurs mainly before 24 months of age, and infants are
most at risk at between four and 18 months of age, Hib-containing vaccines should
be included in all infant immunization schedules. Any of three schedules may be
followed: three primary doses without a booster (3p+0), two primary doses plus a
booster (2p+1), and three primary doses with a booster (3p+1). The series should start
from six weeks of age, or as early as possible thereafter. The interval between doses
should be at least four weeks if three primary doses are given, and at least eight weeks
if two primary doses are given. When given, the booster dose should be given at least
six months after completion of the primary series. Children who start vaccination late,
but are aged less than 12 months, should complete the schedule. When a first dose is
given to a child over 12 months of age, only one dose is recommended. Hib vaccine is
not required for healthy children after five years of age.
Number of doses 3
Schedules • Given as pentavalent, or as a separate injection at the same time as DTP from age
6 weeks
• 3p+0: 3 primary doses given at minimum intervals of 4 weeks
• 2p+1: 2 primary doses given at minimum intervals of 8 weeks and booster given
at least 6 months after 2nd primary dose
• 3p+1: 3 primary doses given at minimum intervals of 4 weeks and booster given
at least 6 months after 3rd primary dose
• Children >12 months of age without a primary series may be given a single dose
Booster As above
Special precautions For pentavalent: do not use pentavalent vaccine to provide a birth dose of
hepatitis B vaccine
Dosage 0.5 ml
3 Hepatitis B
3.1 What is hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is caused by a virus that infects the liver. Among adults who get
hepatitis B, 90% recover completely. But among infants infected during birth or
before one year of age,
90% develop chronic disease. Approximately 780,000 people die each year due to the
consequences of hepatitis B such as cirrhosis or liver cancer.
The hepatitis B virus is spread by contact with infected blood and other body fluids in
various situations: a) from mother to child during birth; b) during social interaction
between children with cuts, scrapes, bites, and/or scratches; c) from person to person
during sexual intercourse; and d) through unsafe injections and/or transfusions, or
needle stick accidents with infected blood. Overall, hepatitis B is 50 to 100 times more
infectious than HIV.
Acute hepatitis B does not often cause symptoms and signs, but when it does, patients
can have fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and jaundice (yellowing of the
skin and eyes). Chronic hepatitis B patients have signs related to liver failure (such
as swelling of the abdomen, abnormal bleeding and changing mental status) as the
disease progresses.
A small proportion of acute infections can be severe (fulminant hepatitis) and lead to
death. Other serious complications that occur in people with chronic infection include
cirrhosis and liver cancer.
There is no specific treatment for acute hepatitis B. Chronic hepatitis B can be treated
with interferon and antiviral agents in some cases.
People who recover completely from acute hepatitis B are protected from becoming
infected again throughout their lives.
If HepB vaccine vials stand for a long time, the vaccine may separate from the liquid.
When separated, the vaccine looks like fine sand at the bottom of the vial. Shake the
vial to mix it before using.
3.8 How safe is HepB vaccine and what are the potential adverse
events following immunization?
HepB vaccine has an excellent safety profile. Severe adverse events include anaphylaxis,
which has been reported in about one per million vaccine doses administered. Mild
events include injection site pain in 3–29% of those vaccinated, redness or swelling in
about 3%, headache in about 3% and fever in 1–6%.
All infants should receive HepB vaccine at birth, preferably within the first 24 hours.
Only stand-alone HepB vaccine can be used for the birth dose. It can be given with
BCG vaccine. HepB combinations such as pentavalent vaccine are recommended for
subsequent doses. Two additional doses can be given in the form of pentavalent1 and
3. Alternatively, three additional doses can be given in the form of pentavalent1, 2
and 3. There should be a minimum interval of four weeks between doses.
HepB vaccine may also be used for older age groups at risk of infection, including
patients who require frequent transfusions, dialysis patients, injecting drug users,
household members and sexual contacts of known chronic hepatitis B patients, and
health care workers.
Schedule – • 3-dose primary series: stand-alone HepB as soon as possible after birth (<24h),
HepB birth dose followed pentavalent1, pentavalent3
by pentavalent • 4-dose primary series: stand-alone HepB as soon as possible after birth (<24h),
pentavalent1, pentavalent2, pentavalent3
• Minimum interval of 4 weeks between doses required for both series
• For the pentavalent schedule, see Table 1.2: starting at age 6 weeks (minimum)
with second and third doses at 4–8 week intervals after the previous dose
Booster None
Special precautions Use only stand-alone HepB vaccine for the birth dose (do not use pentavalent
vaccine for the birth dose)
Dosage 0.5 ml
Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in adult women in the developing
world and the second most common cancer among women worldwide. Approximately
85% of these deaths occur in developing countries.
HPV spreads easily by skin-to-skin contact. Almost all sexually active individuals
become infected with it at some point, usually early in their sexual lives.
Most HPV infections do not cause symptoms or disease and usually clear within a
few months. About 90% of infections clear within two years, but some infections
continue. Infection that continues can progress to cervical cancer with specific types
of HPV (particularly types 16 and 18). This progression takes 20 years on average and
tends to cause symptoms only after the cancer has reached an advanced stage.
Symptoms and signs of cervical cancer include abnormal vaginal bleeding (after sexual
intercourse and/or between menstrual periods); pelvic, back and/or leg pain; vaginal
discharge; fatigue and weight loss. Anaemia, renal failure and fistulae can also occur in
advanced stages of cervical cancer.
If cervical cancer is caught early by screening methods such as the Papanicolaou smear
(Pap smear), HPV-DNA tests and/or visual inspection with acetic acid, then it can be
removed and cured effectively with localized treatment (e.g. cryotherapy). Treatment
of advanced cancer is complicated and usually involves combinations of surgery,
radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Currently available HPV vaccines can prevent infection with the two HPV types,
16 and 18, which are known to cause 70% of cervical cancers. This is important
particularly in countries that lack resources for effective screening programmes.
Screening by Pap smear, HPV-DNA or visual inspection with acetic acid is
recommended at least once for women between 30 and 49 years of age even after
vaccination, since cervical cancer related to other HPV types may still occur. Condom
use can also reduce the risk of infection with HPV. For an HIV-positive woman,
screening should start when the HIV diagnosis is confirmed, regardless of her age.
Two HPV vaccines are currently available worldwide: a bivalent vaccine, Cervarix®,
which protects against HPV types 16 and 18, and a quadrivalent vaccine, Gardasil®,
which protects against four HPV types (6 and 11 (which cause genital warts), and
16 and 18). Both are available in single-use vials or prefilled syringes. The bivalent
HPV vaccine (Cervarix®) also comes in two-dose vials. These vaccines do not require
reconstitution. They must be stored between +2 °C and +8 °C. Opened multi-dose
vials must be handled according to national policy (see Module 2, Section 5 for WHO
multi-dose vial policy).
Both vaccines are administered intramuscularly in two or three separate 0.5 ml doses.
4.7 How safe is HPV vaccine and what are the potential adverse
events following immunization?
Both HPV vaccines are well tolerated and have excellent safety profiles. Serious events
include rare anaphylaxis with quadrivalent vaccine (1.7–2.6 per million doses). Mild
events include local injection site reactions (pain, redness and swelling). These usually
resolve without treatment. Other mild events reported following HPV vaccination
include fever, dizziness and nausea. Adolescents are known to sometimes faint after
any injection and should be seated during vaccination and for at least 15 minutes
WHO safety information summary for HPV vaccines is available on the website:
The recommended target population for the prevention of cervical cancer is females
aged nine to 13 years, prior to becoming sexually active. For females younger than 15
years, a two-dose schedule with an interval of six months is recommended. Even those
females who are over 15 years at the time of the second dose are adequately protected
by two doses. There is no maximum recommended interval between doses. However,
an interval of no greater than 12–15 months is suggested in order to complete the
schedule promptly and before the start of sexual activity. If the interval between the
two doses is less than five months, a third dose should be given at least six months
after the first dose. For females over 15 years of age, or who are known to have a
compromised immune system (that does not respond normally) and/or are HIV-
infected, a three-dose schedule (at 0, 1 or 2 and 6 months) is recommended.
Table 1.4 Summary of HPV vaccines for girls aged between 9 and 13 years
Type of vaccine Recombinant protein capsid, liquid vaccine
Dosage 0.5 ml
5 Japanese encephalitis
5.1 What is Japanese encephalitis?
The JE virus is spread by mosquitoes. It normally infects birds and domestic animals,
especially wading birds and pigs, which serve as its reservoirs. Humans may contract
the disease when a mosquito that has bitten an infected animal then bites a person.
In temperate climate zones, JE occurs more frequently during the warm season.
In subtropical and tropical areas, the disease occurs at the highest rate during and
shortly after the rainy season, although where irrigation permits mosquito breeding,
transmission can occur all year. People living in rural areas, especially where rice is
grown, are most at risk although patterns of the disease are changing.
JE is fatal in about 20–30% of cases, with young children (less than 10 years of age)
having a greater risk of severe disease and a higher case fatality rate. Of those who
survive the disease, 30–50% will have brain damage and paralysis.
Bed nets may help prevent JE in small children since mosquitoes carrying JE tend to
bite in the twilight hours.
There are now four types of vaccines that protect against JE:
• Inactivated Vero cell-derived vaccine (so called since the virus is grown in Vero cells)
– the vaccine with the brand name JEEV® has been WHO prequalified.
• Live attenuated (weakened) vaccine – single- and multi-dose vials of the vaccine are
WHO prequalified.
• Live recombinant vaccine – this type of vaccine, which is also grown in Vero
cells and is WHO prequalified, combines parts of an attenuated JE virus with an
attenuated yellow fever vaccine virus (brand names include IMOJEV®, JE-CV® and
• Inactivated mouse brain-derived vaccine (so called because the virus is grown in
mouse brains) – this is an older type of vaccine that is slowly being replaced with
the newer ones above. No inactivated mouse brain-derived vaccines are WHO
WHO recommends the first three newer vaccine types over the older inactivated
mouse brain-derived vaccines.
5.8 How safe is Japanese encephalitis vaccine and what are the
potential adverse events following immunization?
JE vaccines have acceptable safety profiles. The tables in this section include adverse
events noted for each type of JE vaccine.
JE vaccine should be integrated into EPI programmes in all areas where JE constitutes
a public health problem. The most effective immunization strategy in JE-endemic
settings is one-time catch-up campaigns, including child health weeks or multi-antigen
campaigns in the locally defined primary target population, followed by incorporation
of the JE vaccine into the routine immunization programme.
Number of doses Two doses at 4-week intervals, with the primary series starting at >6 months of age in endemic settings
Schedule As above
Booster WHO position states that the need for a booster in endemic settings has not been clearly established
Adverse events Injection site reactions: pain, redness, swelling (in 4% of cases); hives (6%); headache and dizziness
(less than 1%); fever (12%)
Special precautions Postpone vaccination in persons with acute severe febrile conditions
Dosage 0.25 ml for those aged <3 years, 0.5 ml for those aged >3 years
Number of doses 1
Booster WHO position states that the need for a booster in endemic settings has not been clearly established
Adverse events High fever (5–7% of those vaccinated); injection site reactions (redness, swelling: in less than 1% with
some types of vaccine); low-grade fever, irritability, nausea and dizziness (rare)
Special precautions • Review medical history – caution needed for family or individual history of seizures or other chronic
diseases, allergies and for women who are lactating
• Postpone vaccination for at least 3 months if the person has been given immunoglobulin
• There should be at least a 1 month interval (either before or after) between JE and other live vaccines
• Women of childbearing age should avoid pregnancy for at least 3 months after immunization
• Live attenuated JE vaccine is not meant to be given during JE epidemic seasons
Dosage 0.5 ml
Number of doses 1
Booster WHO position states that the need for a booster in endemic settings has not been clearly
Adverse events Comparable to other vaccines; lower local reaction rates in adults (compared to mouse brain-
derived JE vaccines); high fever, acute viral illness have been reported only twice
Adverse events • Severe: anaphylaxis in 1–2% of those vaccinated; hypersensitivity (allergy) reactions,
sometimes up to 9 days after vaccination in 17%; nervous system complications in 1–2.3%
• Mild: fever, injection site swelling in about 20% of those vaccinated; headache, muscle aches,
low-grade fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rash, chills, dizziness in 5–30%
Dosage 0.5 ml
6 Measles
6.1 What is measles?
Because the disease is so infectious, it tends to occur as an epidemic with high death
rates in settings such as refugee camps. Severe measles is particularly likely to occur in
poorly nourished children, especially those who do not receive sufficient vitamin A,
who live in crowded conditions, and whose immune systems have been weakened by
HIV/AIDS or other diseases.
Measles is spread through contact with nose and throat secretions of infected people
and in airborne droplets released when an infected person sneezes or coughs.
People with measles can infect others for several days before and after they develop
symptoms. The disease spreads easily in places where infants and children gather, such
as health centres and schools.
The first sign of infection is a high fever, which begins approximately 10 to 12 days after
exposure to the measles virus and lasts several days. During this period, the patient may
develop a runny nose, a cough, red and watery eyes, and small white spots (Koplik spots)
inside their cheeks. About seven to 18 days after exposure, a slightly raised rash develops,
usually on the face and upper neck. Over a period of about three days, the rash spreads
to the body and then to the hands and feet. It lasts for five to six days and then fades.
Unimmunized children under five years of age and, especially, infants are at the highest
risk of contracting measles and suffering from its complications, which can include
death. Infected infants may suffer from dehydration due to severe diarrhoea. Children
may also develop malnutrition, inflammation of the middle ear, pneumonia and
encephalitis (brain infection). Measles is a major cause of blindness among children in
Africa and other areas of the world where it is endemic.
Pneumonia is the most common cause of death associated with measles. The pneumonia
may be caused by the measles virus itself or by a secondary bacterial infection.
All children in developing countries diagnosed with measles should receive two doses of
vitamin A supplement given 24 hours apart to help prevent eye damage and blindness.
Vitamin A supplementation reduces the number of deaths from measles by 50%.
The Global Measles and Rubella Strategic Plan (2012–2020) focuses on five core
components: a) achieving and maintaining high levels of population immunity by
providing high vaccination coverage with two doses of measles-containing vaccine;
b) monitoring disease and evaluating programmatic efforts to ensure progress; c)
developing and maintaining outbreak response and case management capacities; d)
communicating to build public confidence and demand for immunization; and e)
performing research and development to support cost-effective operations and to
improve vaccination and diagnostic tools.
M, MR and MMR are supplied as freeze-dried (also called lyophilized) powders with
diluents in separate vials. They must be reconstituted before use with only the diluent
supplied: see Module 5 (Managing an immunization session), Section 4.2 for details.
Measles-containing vaccines must be stored between +2 °C and +8 °C and protected
from sunlight since they are sensitive to both heat and light. Opened multi-dose vials
must be handled according to national multi-dose vial policy (see Module 2, Section 5
for WHO policy).
6.9 How safe is measles vaccine and what are the potential adverse
events following immunization?
All MCVs approved for immunization programmes are safe and effective. Serious
events are rare and include anaphylaxis in 1–3.5 per one million doses administered,
severe allergic reaction in one per 100 000 doses, and thrombocytopenia (decreased
platelet count) in one per 30 000 doses. Encephalitis (brain infection) has been
reported rarely but there is no definite proof that the vaccine was the cause. Mild
events are more common and include local injection site pain and tenderness, fever (in
5–15%) and rash (in about 5%), which can occur five to 12 days after vaccination.
A WHO safety information summary for MMR vaccine is available on the website:
All children should receive two doses of MCV. Very high (90–95%) coverage with
both doses is required to prevent measles outbreaks. The first dose (MCV1) should be
given at nine or 12 months of age. Because many cases of measles occur in children
over 12 months of age who have not been vaccinated, routine delivery of MCV1
should not be limited to infants ages nine to 12 months. All unvaccinated children
over 12 months should be offered MCV1 using every opportunity when the child
comes in contact with health services.
MCV2 should be given between 15–18 months of age. Vaccinating in the second year
of life reduces the number of unprotected children. This may be linked to the timing
of other routine immunizations (for example, a DTP booster). Screening for measles
vaccination at school entry helps to ensure that all children receive both doses.
In measles outbreaks or in areas where there is a high rate of both HIV infection
and measles, the first dose of MCV1 may be offered as early as age six months. Two
additional doses of measles vaccine should be administered to these children according
to the national immunization schedule.
Schedule • MCV1: 9 or 12 months of age; minimum age 6 months (for infants at high risk,
see text)
• MCV2: at least 1 month after MCV1
Dosage 0.5 ml
Injection site Anterolateral thigh or upper arm depending on the child’s age
7 Meningococcal disease
7.1 What is meningococcal disease?
The meningococcus is spread from person to person via airborne droplets emitted from
the nose and throat of infected people. Meningococcal disease is most common in
young children, but older children and young adults living in crowded conditions can
also be at high risk.
A petechial rash (petechiae are small spots of bleeding into the skin) is the key sign of
meningococcal septicaemia, which can be followed by rapid shock and death.
Death occurs in almost all untreated cases. Even with early treatment, up to 10%
of patients die. About 10–20% of meningococcal meningitis survivors suffer from
complications, such as mental retardation, deafness, paralysis and seizures.
Epidemic control relies on good surveillance with early detection and treatment of
cases as well as immunization. A mass immunization campaign that reaches at least
80% of the entire population with vaccine against serogroups A and C can prevent an
epidemic in areas where these serogroups are the cause of outbreaks.
There are two categories of meningococcal vaccine, as shown in Table 1.10 below:
polysaccharide vaccines with specific capsule serogroup antigens and polysaccharide-
protein conjugate vaccines, which have serogroup antigens bound to a protein that
helps increase the immune system response to the vaccine. Conjugate vaccines are
preferred over polysaccharide vaccines due to their potential for herd protection and
their increased ability to generate immunity, particularly in children under two years of
age (this is similar for pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, see Section 10 of this module).
7.9 How safe are meningococcal vaccines and what are the potential
adverse events following immunization?
Meningococcal vaccines have an excellent safety record. Severe adverse events with
polysaccharide vaccines include rare anaphylaxis (one per one million doses of vaccine
administered) and infrequent neurologic reactions, such as seizures. Mild events
include local injection site reactions in up to 56% and fever in less than 5% (most
commonly in infants).
Conjugate vaccines have excellent safety profiles. No severe adverse events have been
associated with them. Mild events include local injection site reactions, and fever and
irritability in children.
Both conjugate and polysaccharide vaccines are safe and effective when used in
pregnant women.
Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccines can be used for those over two years of age to
control outbreaks in countries where limited economic resources or insufficient supply
restrict the use of meningococcal conjugate vaccines. Polysaccharide vaccines should
be administered to individuals over two years of age as one single dose. One booster
three to five years after the primary dose may be given to persons considered to be at
continued high risk of exposure, including some health workers.
Number of doses 1
Special precautions Children under 2 years of age are not protected by the vaccine
Dosage 0.5 ml
Dosage 0.5 ml
8 Mumps
8.1 What is mumps?
Mumps is an infection caused by a virus that is present throughout the world. It is also
known as infectious parotitis since it most often involves the salivary glands. When the
mumps virus infects the testicles, the disease is called mumps orchitis.
Mumps most often affects children of between five and nine years of age. The mumps
virus can also infect adults, in which case the complications are more likely to be
The mumps virus is spread by airborne droplets released when an infected person
sneezes or coughs, and by direct contact with an infected person. A person who has
mumps can infect others from about six days before to about nine days after salivary
gland infection.
About 33% of individuals infected with the mumps virus have no symptoms or signs.
If they do appear, they usually begin 14–21 days after infection. Symptoms include
pain on chewing or swallowing. Fever and weakness can occur. Swelling of the salivary
glands, just below and in front of the ears, is the most prominent sign and may occur
on one or both sides of the neck.
If mumps orchitis develops, the testicles usually become tender and swollen.
Complications from mumps are rare, but they can be serious. In men and teenage
boys, mumps orchitis may cause sterility. Encephalitis (brain infection), meningitis
(infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord) and hearing loss are
other rare complications that can occur with mumps at any age.
There is no specific treatment for mumps. Since it is caused by a virus, antibiotics are
not effective. Supportive treatment should be given to relieve symptoms.
People who recover from mumps are thought to have lifelong immunity against the
8.9 How safe is mumps vaccine and what are the potential adverse
events following immunization?
Mumps vaccine is very safe to use. Infrequently, depending on the vaccine virus strain
used, aseptic meningitis (inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and
spinal cord) has been reported at different rates. Children recover from it without
long-term problems, although some may need to be hospitalized. Mild events include
pain at the injection site (in 17–30% of those vaccinated) and parotid swelling (in
1–2%). There is no evidence to support an association between MMR and autism.
A WHO safety information summary for MMR vaccine is available on the website:
Two doses of mumps-containing vaccines are required for long-term protection. The
first dose should be given at the age of 12–18 months. The second should be given at
least one month before school entry; the age may range from the second year of life to
about six years. Countries should decide on optimal timing to maximize programme
coverage. The required minimum interval between doses is one month.
Adverse events • Serious: aseptic meningitis (with some strains); orchitis (inflammation of the
testicles); sensorineural deafness; acute myositis (inflammation of the muscles)
• Mild: injection site reactions; parotid swelling
Dosage 0.5 ml
Injection site Anterolateral (outer) thigh or upper arm depending on the child’s age
9 Pertussis
9.1 What is pertussis?
Pertussis spreads very easily from person to person in droplets produced by coughing
or sneezing. Untreated patients may be infectious and spread pertussis for up to three
weeks after the typical cough starts. In many countries, the disease occurs in regular
epidemic cycles of three to five years.
About 10 days after infection, symptoms similar to a common cold appear – runny
nose, watery eyes, sneezing, fever and a mild cough. The cough worsens to many rapid
bursts. At the end of these bursts, the typical patient takes in air with a high-pitched
whoop. Children may turn blue because they do not get enough oxygen during a long
burst of coughing. Vomiting and exhaustion often follow the coughing attacks, which
are particularly frequent at night.
Pneumonia is the main complication of pertussis – it has been found to occur in about
6% of cases in industrialized countries. The risk of pneumonia in infants under six
months of age can be up to four times higher than that in older children.
Children may experience complications, such as convulsions and seizures, due to fever
or reduced oxygen supply to the brain during bursts of coughing.
Treatment with an antibiotic, usually erythromycin, may reduce the severity of the
illness. Because the medication kills bacteria in the nose and throat, antibiotics also
reduce the ability of infected people to spread pertussis to others.
Prevention involves immunization with pertussis vaccine, which has been given
in combination with diphtheria and tetanus vaccines (as DTP) for many years,
but is more recently being given in pentavalent vaccine that covers hepatitis B and
Haemophilus influenzae type b as well as DTP. Pentavalent vaccine reduces the number
of injections needed for infant immunization. DTP and pentavalent vaccines are
described in the diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b sections of this module.
Sections 9.7–9.9 and Table 1.14 below describe pertussis-containing vaccines.
9.8 How safe is pertussis vaccine and what are the potential adverse
events following immunization?
Safety information on pertussis vaccine is from studies on combination vaccines.
Severe events include rare anaphylaxis with some types of vaccine (1.3 per 1 million
doses with whole cell pertussis vaccine). Prolonged crying and febrile seizures have
been noted in less than one in 100 doses and hypotonic–hyporesponsive episodes (loss
of muscle tone and awareness or consciousness) in less than one in 1000–2000 doses.
Mild events are common and include pain, redness and swelling at the injection site
and fever and agitation (in one in 2–10 doses).
at between one and six years of age, preferably between one to two years of age. The
booster dose should be given at least six months after the last primary dose.
Schedules for combination vaccines are shown in the diphtheria and Haemophilus
influenzae type b sections of this module.
Number of doses 3
Schedule Pentavalent or DTP or pertussis vaccine 3-dose primary series starting at age
6 weeks (minimum) with second and third doses at intervals of 4–8 weeks after
the previous dose
Booster • Children between 1 and 6 years: 1 booster dose at least 6 months after the
3-dose primary series, preferably in the second year of life
• Each country should make its own decision on booster doses in adolescents
and adults
Dosage 0.5 ml
10 Pneumococcal disease
10.1 What is pneumococcal disease?
For infants, risk factors for pneumococcal disease include lack of breastfeeding and
exposure to indoor smoke. HIV infection, sickle cell disease, asplenia (lack of a
functioning spleen), chronic kidney disease and previous influenza virus infection are
risk factors for all ages.
Because the pneumococcus can affect many parts of the body, symptoms and signs
vary, depending on the site of infection. Fever and shaking or chills can occur with
all types of pneumococcal disease. Children with pneumonia can present with cough,
rapid breathing and chest wall retractions; older patients may complain of shortness
of breath and pain when breathing in and on coughing. Patients with meningitis can
present with headaches, sensitivity to light, neck stiffness, convulsions and sometimes
confusion or altered consciousness. Those with otitis or sinusitis may have pain,
tenderness and/or discharge from the affected area.
The use of pneumococcal vaccine should be seen as complementary to the use of other
pneumonia control measures, such as appropriate case management, promotion of
exclusive breastfeeding for first six months of life, and the reduction of known risk
factors, such as indoor pollutants and tobacco smoke. The 2013 integrated Global
Action Plan for Pneumonia and Diarrhoea outlines a “Prevent, Protect and Treat”
framework, which is discussed in Section 19 of this module.
Available pneumococcal conjugate vaccines are listed in Table 1.15 below. The number
indicates how many pneumococcal serotypes the vaccine contains (for example,
PCV10 protects against 10 serotypes of pneumococcus).
10.9 How safe is pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and what are the
potential adverse events following immunization?
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is safe and well tolerated in all target groups. No
severe adverse events have been proven with use of these vaccines to date. Mild events
include soreness at the injection site in about 10% of those vaccinated; fever has been
reported in less than 1%.
Once a series has been started, the same product should ideally be used for all three
doses; for example, if PCV10 is used for the first dose, it should be used for the second
and third doses also. If this is not possible, the schedule may be completed with the
available PCV.
Schedule – First dose as early as 6 weeks of age with 4–8 weeks interval between doses
Schedule – • 2 primary doses ideally completed by six months of age, starting as early as
2p+1 6 weeks of age with an interval of 8 weeks or more between doses
• For infants ≥7 months who started vaccination late: a minimum interval of
4 weeks between doses is possible
Booster • With 2p+1 schedule: one booster dose between 9–15 months of age
• HIV+ infants and preterm neonates who receive 3p doses before 12 months
of age may benefit from a booster dose during the second year of life
Special precautions Postpone vaccination if the child has moderate to severe illness
(with temperature ≥39 °C)
Dosage 0.5 ml
11 Poliomyelitis
11.1 What is poliomyelitis?
Polio mainly affects children of less than five years of age. One in 200 infections causes
irreversible paralysis when the virus attacks the spinal cord nerve cells that control the
Due to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, which was launched in 1988, the
number of countries still reporting WPVs has been reduced from 125 to three in 2015.
Poliovirus spreads by the faecal-to-oral route. In areas with poor sanitation, it is thought
to more commonly enter the body through the mouth when people eat food or drink
water that is contaminated with faeces. The majority of infected people do not show
symptoms but can still spread the disease.
Polio can be prevented through immunization with oral polio vaccine (OPV) and/or
inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). WHO recommends that all countries using only OPV
add at least one dose of IPV to the routine immunization schedule.
OPV is a live attenuated (weakened) poliovirus vaccine that contains types 1, 2 and 3
individually or in combination (types 1, 2 and 3, or 1 and 3). It is supplied in multi-
dose vials. It is very heat-sensitive and must be kept frozen during long-term storage.
After thawing, it can be kept at a temperature of between +2 °C and +8 °C for a
maximum of six months or can be refrozen.
11.7 How safe is polio vaccine and what are the potential adverse
events following immunization?
Both OPV and IPV are extremely safe. With OPV, vaccine-associated paralytic polio
(VAPP) can occur in approximately 1 in 2.7 million doses. VAPP usually occurs with
the first dose of OPV, and this small risk declines further with subsequent doses. On
rare occasions, over time, in areas of low vaccination coverage, the live attenuated
(weakened) viruses contained in OPV can begin to circulate and regain the ability to
cause paralytic cases. This is known as circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus.
IPV is one of the safest vaccines in routine use. No serious adverse events have been
linked to it. Mild events include injection site redness in less than 1% of those
vaccinated, swelling in 3–11% and soreness in 14–29%.
A WHO safety information summary for polio vaccines is available on the website:
Polio vaccine schedules for countries no longer infected are shown in Table 1.17.
Countries reporting infections should refer to guidance available on the WHO
website: http://www.who.int/immunization/documents/positionpapers/en/.
Schedule – • 3 OPV doses initiated from 6 weeks of age with minimum interval of 4 weeks; an
OPV plus IPV IPV dose should be given from 14 weeks of age (with OPV dose).
• Note: In areas where polio is endemic or there is high-risk for importation, an
OPV birth dose (a zero dose) should be given
Schedule – 1–2 doses of IPV starting from 2 months of age, followed by at least 2 doses of OPV;
Sequential IPV-OPV an interval of 4–8 weeks is required between all doses
Schedule – 3 doses beginning at 2 months of age, with an interval of 4–8 weeks between doses
Booster If the series begins before 2 months of age, then give booster ≥ 6 months
after last dose
IPV-only schedule
Special precautions Postpone vaccination if the child has moderate to severe illness (with temperature
≥39 °C)
Storage • OPV – Keep frozen; very heat sensitive; storage in temperatures of between
+2 °C and +8 °C is possible for a maximum of 6 months
• IPV – between +2 °C and +8 °C; do not freeze
12 Rotavirus gastroenteritis
12.1 What is rotavirus gastroenteritis?
Deaths occur mainly in infants of between three and 12 months of age when they
develop severe gastroenteritis following their first infection and are very vulnerable to
the effects of dehydration.
Rotavirus spreads by the faecal-to-oral route. Large quantities of virus can be shed in
the faeces of an infected child. Shedding can occur from two days before to 10 days
after the onset of symptoms. Rotavirus is stable in the environment and can spread via
contaminated food, water and objects.
Rotavirus gastroenteritis can range from mild loose stools to severe watery diarrhoea
and vomiting leading to dehydration. Symptoms usually begin one to three days after
infection. Fever and vomiting can occur before diarrhoea. The diarrhoea lasts for three
to seven days on average.
Once vomiting and/or watery diarrhoea begins, infants can rapidly become severely
dehydrated, leading to complications such as shock, kidney and liver failure, and
Over the past 20 years, global deaths due to diarrhoea from other causes have
decreased significantly due to improved nutrition, hygiene and sanitation and the
availability of ORS and zinc. Improvements in sanitation and access to safe water are
less effective for reducing rotavirus infections, and vaccination has become important
for prevention of severe rotavirus disease in particular. Sections 12.8–12.10 and
Table 1.18 describe rotavirus vaccines.
The first infection will give some, but not complete, immunity. The severity of
infection tends to become less with each repeat infection.
The currently available rotavirus vaccines (RV) contain one or more live attenuated
(weakened) virus strains. They are given orally to protect against rotavirus
gastroenteritis. They do not protect against other causes of diarrhoea, a fact that is
important to emphasize in health education.
Two oral rotavirus vaccines are available: Rotarix® (RV1 or monovalent RV), which
contains one strain; and RotaTeq® (RV5 or pentavalent RV), which contains five
12.9 How safe are rotavirus vaccines and what are the potential
adverse reactions?
The available rotavirus vaccines are safe and well tolerated. There is a low risk of
intussusception (about one to two per 100 000 infants vaccinated; see box on
intussusception). Both are approved for administration with other vaccines in infant
immunization programmes. Mild adverse reactions include irritability, runny nose, ear
infection, vomiting and diarrhoea (in 5% or more of children vaccinated).
Rotavirus vaccines are generally not recommended for infants with a history of
intussusception. Studies show a much smaller increase in risk (five to 10 times lower)
of intussusception after the first dose of Rotarix® or RotaTeq® than with an earlier
vaccine called RotaShield® that was withdrawn from the market. The benefits of the
currently available rotavirus vaccines are far greater than the potential risks.
What is intussusception?
¾¾ Intussusception is a folding or telescoping of one segment of the intestine within
¾¾ Intussusception usually results in a blockage of the intestine (bowel obstruction).
¾¾ Intussusception occurs primarily in infants; peak incidence is between four and
10 months of age.
¾¾ Symptoms and signs of intussusception include abdominal pain sometimes
accompanied by a lump that can be felt on examination, vomiting, stools with
blood and mucus, and lethargy.
¾¾ These are not specific and may be caused by other bowel diseases, but
intussusception should be considered as one of the possible diagnoses in relevant
¾¾ Early diagnosis and treatment of intussusception are essential to save the
intestine and the child.
¾¾ A child that has any of the above symptoms should be taken immediately to the
nearest hospital for urgent evaluation and appropriate treatment.
Rotarix® is given on a two-dose schedule along with pentavalent1 and 2 (the first two
doses of DTP+HepB+Hib vaccine). RotaTeq® is given on a three-dose schedule along
with pentavalent1, 2 and 3. For both vaccines, there should be a minimum interval of
four weeks between doses.
Because rotavirus disease mainly affects very young children, vaccination after
24 months of age is not recommended. The duration of protection of RV is not yet
known, but boosters are also not recommended.
Schedule – • First dose with pentavalent1; second dose with pentavalent2, with a minimum
Rotarix® interval of 4 weeks.
• Not recommended after 24 months of age
Schedule – • First dose with pentavalent1; second dose with pentavalent2; third dose with
RotaTeq® pentavalent3, with a minimum interval of 4 weeks.
• Not recommended after 24 months of age
Special precautions • Should be postponed for acute gastroenteritis and/or fever with moderate to
severe illness
• Not routinely recommended for history of intussusception or intestinal
malformations that possibly predispose to intussusception
Rubella is an infection caused by a virus and is usually mild in children and adults.
Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) is a group of birth defects that occur when
the rubella virus infects a fetus. A woman infected with the rubella virus early in
pregnancy has a 90% chance of passing the virus on to her fetus and this can lead to
death of the fetus or to CRS. The most common birth defect is deafness, but CRS can
also cause defects in the eyes, heart and brain.
Rubella is spread in airborne droplets released when infected people sneeze or cough.
The virus spreads throughout the body and, in a pregnant woman, to the fetus, about
five to seven days after infection.
Infected individuals are most likely to spread virus on days one to five of the rubella
rash (see below), but they can spread it from seven days before to about 14 days after
the rash appears. Infants with CRS can transmit the virus for a year or more.
13.3 What are the symptoms and signs of rubella and CRS?
About seven to 14 days after exposure to the virus, mild fever, conjunctivitis (more
often in adults) and swollen neck lymph nodes may occur and then be followed by a
rash five to 10 days later. The rash most often begins on the face and spreads towards
the feet. It is an erythematous maculopapular rash, which means it is red and raised
but usually fainter than a measles rash. The rash typically lasts for one to three days.
Studies have shown that 20–50% of rubella infections occur without a rash. Up to
70% of adult women may have joint pain and stiffness.
Children with CRS usually show birth defects, such as cataracts and loss of hearing
in infancy, but some do not show signs for two to four years. Mental retardation can
There is no specific antiviral medication for rubella or for CRS. Supportive measures
should be taken to alleviate symptoms.
Rubella and CRS are prevented with safe, effective rubella vaccines. For infant
immunization, rubella vaccine is usually given in combination with measles and
mumps vaccine (MR or MMR). In some countries, mostly in the industrialized world,
rubella has been nearly eliminated through childhood immunization programmes.
It is important to ensure that coverage in infants is sustained at over 80% to avoid
shifting rubella transmission to older age groups. For prevention of CRS, women
of childbearing age are the primary target group for rubella immunization. Sections
13.8–13.10 and Table 1.19 describe the rubella vaccine. Measles and mumps vaccines
are described in Sections 6 and 8 of this module respectively.
13.7 What is needed for global rubella and CRS disease control?
Although the global burden of rubella and CRS has decreased over time due to
vaccination, the remaining burden can be readily addressed along with measles control
efforts using combination vaccines (MR, MMR). Rubella and CRS are therefore part
of the Global Measles and Rubella Strategic Plan described in Section 6.7. Because
situations and approaches vary greatly, countries must decide on their use of rubella-
containing vaccines based on the burden of this disease and its public health priority.
MR and MMR are supplied as freeze-dried (also called lyophilized) powders. They must
be reconstituted before use: see Module 5 (Managing an immunization session), Section
4.2 for details. Rubella-containing vaccines must be stored between +2 °C and +8 °C.
They are sensitive to heat but not damaged by freezing. Opened multi-dose vials must
be handled according to national multi-dose vial policy: see Module 2 (The vaccine cold
chain), Section 5 for WHO policy.
sexual maturity). This is very rare in young children. Long-term joint disease has not
been associated with rubella-containing vaccines after reviewing the data from large
Total number of doses 1 (but when given in combination with measles/mumps, 2 doses are required for
programmatic reasons)
Adverse events • In some adult women: serious arthritis (joint inflammation) and mild arthralgia
(joint pain)
• Mild: injection site reactions
Dosage 0.5 ml
Injection site Anterolateral (outer) thigh or upper arm depending on the child’s age
14 Seasonal influenza
14.1 What is seasonal influenza?
Influenza A and B viruses are spread mainly in droplets and aerosols released when an
infected person coughs or sneezes.
Symptoms of influenza usually occur after a one- to four-day incubation period and
include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache and muscle and joint aches.
Signs of severe disease in children include difficulty breathing, increased respiratory
rate, poor feeding, irritability, dehydration and decreased alertness.
Bacterial pneumonia is a frequent complication in the elderly and people with certain
chronic diseases. Two of the bacteria that are often found, Streptococcus pneumoniae
and Haemophilus influenzae, are discussed in previous sections of this module.
Pregnant women are at increased risk of severe disease and death, and complications
for their babies, such as stillbirth, preterm delivery, neonatal death and low birth
weight. Elderly persons (age 65 years or over) have the highest risk of mortality from
Several antiviral drugs are available to treat influenza but these are most often used in
high-income countries.
Most seasonal influenza vaccines are trivalent, containing two strains of influenza A
and one strain of influenza B, which are chosen based on known circulating strains.
Both inactivated and live attenuated (weakened) trivalent vaccines are available.
A quadrivalent live attenuated (weakened) vaccine was licensed in the USA in 2012.
Inactivated influenza vaccines are usually available in multi-dose vials that have
preservative (thiomersal). Preservative-free, single-dose vials and prefilled syringes are
in limited supply and more expensive. They do not require reconstitution and must be
stored at a temperature of between +2°C and +8 °C without freezing.
Live attenuated (weakened) vaccines are administered as nasal sprays and are generally
used for healthy individuals between two and 49 years of age.
The rest of this section focuses on inactivated influenza vaccines since they are
recommended for pregnant women at any time, children six to 59 months of age and
persons of 50 years of age and older.
14.8 How safe are inactivated influenza vaccines and what are the
potential adverse events following immunization?
Inactivated influenza vaccines are considered safe. Severe adverse events have included
anaphylaxis in 0.7 per million vaccinations, Guillain-Barré syndrome in one to two per
million (in older adults) and oculo (eye)-respiratory syndrome in 76 per million. Mild
events include local injection site reactions in 10–64%, fever in 12% of children aged
one to five years and fever in 5% of children aged six to 15 years.
A single dose is recommended for those over nine years of age, including pregnant
women. Children aged six to 59 months are at high risk of severe disease and should
be given two doses at least four weeks apart. Children aged six to 35 months should
receive a pediatric dose. For elderly persons (over 65 years of age) vaccination is the
most effective public health intervention to reduce their risk of death from influenza.
Health care workers are an important group to vaccinate to reduce the risk of
transmission to patients.
Total number of doses • 1 for ≥ 9 years of age, including pregnant women and adults
• 2 for children 6–59 months of age (children 6–35 months should receive a
pediatric dose)
Schedule • Annual
• For children 6–59 months of age, 2 doses with an interval of 4 weeks minimum.
Previously vaccinated children aged 6–59 months require only 1 dose
Special precautions May postpone vaccination in case of moderate to severe illness (with temperature
≥39 °C)
Dosage 0.5 ml
Injection site Outer (anterolateral) mid-thigh in infants and children; upper arm (deltoid) adults
15 Tetanus
15.1 What is tetanus?
Neonatal tetanus (in newborns) and maternal tetanus (in mothers) is a serious problem
in areas where home deliveries without sterile procedures are common.
Tetanus is not transmitted from person to person. In people of all ages, the bacterium
can enter a wound or cut from items such as dirty nails, knives, tools, wood splinters,
dirty tools used during childbirth, or deep puncture wounds from animal bites. It
grows well in deep wounds, burns and crush injuries.
In newborn babies, infection can occur when delivery occurs on dirty mats or floors,
a dirty tool is used to cut the umbilical cord, dirty material is used to dress the cord or
when the hands of the person delivering the baby are not clean.
Infants and children may also contract tetanus when dirty tools are used for
circumcision, scarification and skin piercing, and when dirt, charcoal or other unclean
substances are rubbed into a wound.
The incubation period (time between getting infected and showing symptoms) is
usually three to 21 days, but can be as much as several months depending on the
wound. The risk of death from the disease increases as the incubation period decreases.
In children and adults, muscular stiffness in the jaw (trismus or lock-jaw) is a common
first sign of tetanus. This is followed by stiffness in the neck, abdomen and/or back,
difficulty swallowing, muscle spasms, sweating and fever. Newborns with tetanus are
normal at birth but stop feeding at three to 28 days of age. They then become stiff and
severe muscle spasms occur.
When muscles used in breathing are affected, respiratory failure and death can occur.
Neonates and elderly patients are at highest risk. Pneumonia is also common. Fractures
of the spine or other bones may occur as a result of muscle spasms and convulsions.
Long-term neurologic impairment has been described in survivors of neonatal tetanus.
Tetanus at any age is a medical emergency best managed in a referral hospital. Antitetanus
immunoglobulins, antibiotics, wound care and supportive measures are needed.
People who recover from tetanus do not have natural immunity and can be infected
again. WHO recommends completion of a six-dose schedule.
WHO, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) have set 2015 as the target date for the worldwide
elimination of neonatal tetanus, which means less than one case per 1000 live births
per year in every district. Because the tetanus bacterium survives in the environment,
eradication of tetanus is not feasible and high levels of immunization need to be
maintained even after elimination.
The strategies to achieve the maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) elimination goal
are improved vaccination coverage of pregnant women with TT-containing vaccines,
vaccination of all women of reproductive age in high-risk areas, promotion of clean
delivery and cord care practices, and improved surveillance and reporting of neonatal
tetanus cases.
After MNT elimination, countries must maintain high coverage of pregnant women
with TTCV through routine immunization, use all opportunities such as mother-and-
child health days and periodic intensification of routine immunization to ensure high
protection, promote school-based TTCV booster doses, promote clean delivery and
cord care practices, and maintain surveillance of cases.
Tetanus toxoid vaccine is available as TT, which protects only against tetanus and
neonatal tetanus. It is also available in pentavalent, DTP and dT/DT combinations.
TT vaccine is supplied as a liquid in single- and multi-dose vials and also in prefilled
auto-disable syringes. Pentavalent vaccine with a freeze-dried Hib component requires
reconstitution: see Module 5 (Managing an immunization session), Section 4.2 for
details. Tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines must be stored between +2 °C and +8 °C
without being frozen. They are freeze-sensitive. If freezing is suspected, the Shake Test
should be performed to determine whether a vial is safe to use (see Module 2 (The
vaccine cold chain), Section 7). Opened multi-dose vials must be handled according to
national multi-dose vial policy (see Module 2, Section 5 for WHO policy).
15.9 How safe is tetanus toxoid vaccine and what are the potential
adverse events following immunization?
Tetanus toxoid is very safe. Severe events are rare and include anaphylaxis (1.6 per
1 million doses) and neurologic problems such as brachial neuritis (inflammation
of arm nerves). Guillain-Barré syndrome has been reported but TTCV has not been
established as the cause. Mild events include injection site pain, redness and/or
swelling. These are more common after later doses than earlier ones, and may affect
between 50% and 85% of people who receive TT booster doses. Fever may develop in
10% of those vaccinated.
For long-term immunity against tetanus in all individuals, five doses of TTCV are
recommended in childhood: three doses in the primary series given in infancy by
pentavalent vaccine, one booster dose between four and seven years of age using dT
vaccine, and a second booster dose with dT between 12 and 15 years of age. For
women, one additional dose of dT is recommended during pregnancy to ensure
protection throughout reproductive age and probably for life.
Schedule • With pentavalent: starting at age 6 weeks (minimum) with second and third
doses at 4–8 week intervals after the previous dose (see Table 1.2)
• For women, see Tables 1.22 and 1.23
Dosage 0.5 ml
Injection site Anterolateral (outer) thigh in infants and children; upper arm (deltoid) in adults
Table 1.22 Tetanus toxoid immunization schedule for routine immunization of pregnant
women who were not previously vaccinated in childhood
Dose of Schedule Expected duration
TT or Td of protection*
5 At least 1 year after TT4 or during subsequent pregnancy For all reproductive years
and possibly longer
*Recent studies suggest that the duration of protection may be longer than indicated in the table. This matter is currently under review.
Table 1.23 Guidelines for tetanus toxoid immunization of women who were immunized
during infancy, childhood and adolescence
Age at last Previous immunizations Recommended immunizations
vaccination (based on written records)
At present contact/ Later (at intervals of at
pregnancy least one year)
Infancy 3 DTP 2 doses of TT/Td 1 dose of TT/Td
(min 4 weeks interval
between doses)
16 Tuberculosis
16.1 What is tuberculosis?
Not everyone who is infected with TB bacteria develops the disease. People who are
infected may not feel ill and may have no symptoms. The infection can last for a
lifetime, but the infected person may never develop the disease itself. People who are
infected and who do not develop the disease do not spread the infection to others.
TB is spread from one person to another through the air, often when an infected
person coughs or sneezes. TB spreads rapidly, especially in areas where people are living
in crowded conditions, have poor access to health care, and/or are malnourished. A
person can contract bovine tuberculosis, another variety of TB, by consuming raw
milk from infected cattle.
People of all ages can develop TB, but the risk is highest in children younger than
three years of age and in older people. People with TB infection who have weakened
immune systems (for example, people with HIV/AIDS) are more likely to develop the
The period from infection to development of the first symptoms is usually four to
12 weeks, but the infection may persist for months or even years before the disease
develops. A person with the disease can infect others for several weeks after he or she
begins treatment.
The symptoms of TB include general weakness, weight loss, fever and night sweats.
In TB of the lungs, which is called pulmonary tuberculosis, the symptoms include
persistent cough, coughing up of blood and chest pain. In young children, however,
the only sign of pulmonary TB may be stunted growth or failure to thrive. Other
symptoms and signs depend on the part of the body that is affected. For example, in
tuberculosis of the bones and joints, there may be swelling, pain and crippling effects
on the hips, knees or spine.
TB can present in many ways and may be very difficult to diagnose. Untreated
pulmonary TB results in debility and death. This may be more rapid in people infected
with HIV/AIDS.
People with TB must complete a course of therapy, which usually includes taking two
or more antituberculosis drugs for at least six months. This therapy is called Directly
Observed Treatment Schedule (DOTS). Unfortunately, some people fail to take the
medication as prescribed or do not complete the course of therapy. Some may be
given ineffective treatment. This can lead to multidrug-resistant TB that is even more
difficult to treat and more dangerous if spread to other people. When people who have
developed TB fail to complete standard treatment regimens or are given the wrong
treatment regimen, they may remain infectious.
Vaccination before 12 months of age with bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine (BCG) can
protect against TB meningitis and other severe forms of TB in children of less than five
years of age. Sections 16.7–16.9 and Table 1.24 describe BCG vaccine.
BCG vaccine protects infants against tuberculosis. The letters B, C, G stand for
bacillus Calmette-Guérin. Bacillus describes the rod shape of the bacterium. Calmette
and Guérin are the names of the people who developed the vaccine.
BCG vaccine is supplied in freeze-dried powder (also called lyophilized) form. It must
be reconstituted with a diluent before use: see Module 5 (Managing an immunization
session), Section 4.2 for details. BCG vaccine must be stored between +2 °C and +8 °C
after reconstitution. Opened multi-dose vials must be handled according to national
multi-dose vial policy: see Module 2 (The vaccine cold chain), Section 5 for WHO policy.
16.8 How safe is BCG vaccine and what are the potential adverse
events following immunization?
Severe events following immunization with BCG include generalized infection in
about one per 230 000–640 000 doses of vaccine given, primarily in HIV-infected
persons or those with severe immune deficiencies. Known HIV infection or other
immune deficiency is a contraindication for BCG (refer to Module 5, Section 3.1).
Other severe events include swelling and abscesses in about one per 1000–10 000
doses. Swollen glands (in the armpit or near the elbow) and/or abscesses sometimes
occur because an unsterile needle or syringe was used, too much vaccine was injected
or, most commonly, the vaccine was injected incorrectly under the skin instead of into
the top layer (refer to Module 5, Section 4.7 for injection technique).
A mild reaction at the site of injection occurs in almost all children. When BCG
vaccine is injected, a small raised lump usually appears at the injection site and then
disappears within 30 minutes. After about two weeks, a red sore (about the size of the
end of an unsharpened pencil) forms. This sore usually lasts for another two weeks and
then heals, leaving a small scar about 5 mm across – the scar is a sign that the child has
been effectively immunized.
A WHO safety information summary for BCG vaccine is available on the website:
BCG is recommended for infants living in countries with a high TB disease burden
and high-risk children living in countries with a low disease burden. It should be given
routinely at, or as soon as possible after, birth to all infants except those known to
have HIV or any condition that results in a decreased or abnormal immune system
In areas where TB is highly endemic but services are limited, BCG should be given
at birth to all infants regardless of HIV exposure. Infants with known HIV-positive
mothers should be followed closely to monitor for any BCG-related complications. If
services are available, BCG should be postponed until HIV-exposed infants (born to
known HIV-positive mothers) can be confirmed to be HIV negative.
BCG vaccine is not recommended after 12 months of age because the protection
provided is less certain.
Number of doses 1
Booster None
Adverse events • Severe: generalized disease or infections such as osteomyelitis (bone infection);
abscess; regional lymphadenitis (lymph node inflammation)
• Mild: injection site reactions
Special precautions Correct intradermal administration is essential – a specific syringe and needle are
used for BCG (see Module 5, Section 4.8)
Dosage 0.05 ml
17 Yellow fever
17.1 What is yellow fever?
Yellow fever (YF) is a mosquito-borne viral disease of humans and other primates
that is currently endemic (occurring regularly) in 44 tropical zone African and South
American countries.
YF is spread by several species of Haemagogus and Aedes mosquitoes. In forest areas and
humid regions of Africa, people become infected by the bites of mosquitoes that have
previously fed on infected nonhuman primates. During large epidemics in crowded
urban areas, mosquitoes can spread the disease from person to person.
Infection with YF virus can cause no symptoms or signs in some cases. In other cases,
signs usually appear three to six days after the infected mosquito bite and include
fever, muscle pain, shivering, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, congestion of the
conjunctivae and face and a relatively slow heart rate during fever. Approximately 15%
of infections are associated with more severe symptoms, such as jaundice (yellowing
of the conjunctivae and skin), bleeding and liver and kidney failure that can lead to
death. Severe YF can be confused with malaria, leptospirosis, viral hepatitis, other
types of haemorrhagic fevers and poisoning.
About 20–50% of patients who develop liver and kidney failure die, usually seven to
10 days after the onset of the disease. Survivors may experience prolonged weakness
and fatigue, but the liver and kidneys usually heal completely.
Measures to control mosquito populations in urban areas have also been part of
prevention strategies.
Live attenuated (weakened) virus vaccines for preventing YF are currently in use. They
are supplied in freeze-dried (also called lyophilized) form and must be reconstituted
with the diluent supplied by the manufacturer before use: see Module 5 (Managing
an immunization session), Section 4.2 for details. YF vaccine must be stored between
+2 °C and +8 °C. It is not damaged if accidentally frozen. Opened multi-dose vials
must be handled according to national multi-dose vial policy: see Module 2 (The
vaccine cold chain), Section 5 for WHO policy.
17.8 How safe is yellow fever vaccine and what are the potential
adverse events following immunization?
Severe adverse events include hypersensitivity (allergy) or anaphylaxis (0.8 per
100,000 vaccinations) occurring most commonly in people with allergies to eggs or
gelatin. YF vaccine-associated neurologic disease (inflammation of different parts of
the nervous system, including the brain) and viscerotropic disease (affecting internal
organs) have been reported; overall rates are low but older patients (over 60 years
of age) receiving primary YF vaccine doses seem to be at higher risk. YF vaccine-
associated viscerotropic disease (affecting internal organs with symptoms and signs
similar to infection with YF) has been fatal in over 60% of cases.
Mild adverse events, such as injection site pain, headache, muscle ache, low-grade
fever, itching, hives and other rashes are reported in up to 25% of those vaccinated.
Number of doses 1
Booster None
Contraindications • Age <6 months; age 6–8 months except during epidemics
• Known allergy to egg antigens or to a previous dose
• HIV infection with CD4 T-cell values <200 per mm3
Special precautions Carry out a risk–benefit assessment before administering to pregnant women or
people aged >60 years
Dosage 0.05 ml
Injection site Outer upper left arm or shoulder (for subcutaneous); or anterolateral (outer) thigh
in infants and children (for intramuscular)
Any immunization contact is an opportunity to screen infants and young children for
eligibility to receive vitamin A, particularly if vaccinations have been delayed and the
child is six months or older.
The human body cannot make vitamin A. So all the vitamin A it needs must come
from food intake. Vitamin A is present in the following foods:
• breast milk
Vitamin A can be added to such foods as sugar, vegetable oil and wheat flour during
processing. This is called food fortification.
Vitamin A deficiency occurs when a person does not eat enough food containing
vitamin A or when the body uses it up too fast. This often happens during illness,
during pregnancy and lactation, and when children’s growth is most rapid – from six
months to five years of age.
Children suffering from vitamin A deficiency are more likely to get infections, such as
measles, as well as diarrhoea and fevers. These infections are more likely to be severe,
sometimes resulting in death.
When diets do not contain food with enough vitamin A, it is possible to increase
vitamin A levels in the body by periodically taking a concentrated dose in the form of
a capsule. This is called supplementation. When given to children, vitamin A capsules
are cut open and the drops of liquid inside are squeezed into the mouth.
In addition, vitamin A supplements are also given for the treatment of measles and
xerophthalmia (dryness of the eyes that can lead to corneal damage and blindness).
There are usually no side effects. On rare occasions, a child may experience headache,
loss of appetite or vomiting. These symptoms pass in time, and no treatment is
necessary. Parents should be advised that this is normal.
The optimal interval between doses of vitamin A is four to six months. The minimum
recommended safe interval between doses is one month. The interval between doses
can be reduced to treat clinical vitamin A deficiency and measles cases. Follow national
guidelines for the appropriate measles treatment schedule.
As both illnesses have multiple causes, no single intervention can prevent and
control either condition, and although low-cost and effective interventions have
been well established, they are not always promoted or implemented together to
achieve maximum benefit. Coverage of core interventions remains low, services are
too often provided piecemeal, and those most at risk are still not being reached.
However, as many of the risk factors and underlying causes of disease, as well as the
preventive strategies and available delivery platforms, are nearly identical, it is now
clear that pneumonia and diarrhoea can and should be addressed in an integrated and
coordinated manner.
Ending Preventable Child Deaths from Pneumonia and Diarrhoea by 2025 – the
integrated Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and
Diarrhoea (GAPPD; available at http://www.who.int/maternal_child_adolescent/
documents/global_action_plan_pneumonia_diarrhoea/en/) was launched in 2013
by WHO and UNICEF with contributions from a wide group of partners and
stakeholders. The GAPPD outlines an integrated framework of key interventions
proven to effectively protect, prevent and treat pneumonia and diarrhoea and provides
a range of supporting activities to improve and accelerate the implementation of
these interventions, which, when delivered together, can save countless children from
avoidable deaths due to both diseases.
As shown in Figure 1.1, GAPPD emphasizes a “Protect, Prevent and Treat” framework
to achieve pneumonia and diarrhoea control: protecting children by establishing
and promoting good health practices; preventing children from becoming ill from
pneumonia and diarrhoea by ensuring universal coverage of immunization, HIV
prevention and healthy environments; and treating children who are ill from
pneumonia and diarrhoea with appropriate treatment.
• vitamin A supplementation.
• HIV prevention
The purpose of the vaccine “cold chain” is to maintain product quality from the time of
manufacture until the point of administration by ensuring that vaccines are stored and
transported within WHO-recommended temperature ranges.
This module provides guidance for workers at health facility level. It covers the use of cold chain
and temperature monitoring equipment and the basic maintenance of cold chain equipment.
The module describes the existing range of WHO prequalified equipment at the time of
publication. Up-to-date information on prequalified equipment is available on the WHO
Performance Quality Safety (PQS) website (http://apps.who.int/immunization_standards/
Some of the figures in this module show equipment from specific manufacturers. This is for
illustrative purposes only and does not indicate WHO official endorsement of these products.
Module 2: The vaccine cold chain
1. The cold chain ..................................................................................................(2)3
1.1 Temperature requirements for vaccines ..................................................................................... (2)4
1.2 The cold chain at health centre or peripheral health facility level ....................................... (2)6
2. Health facility cold chain equipment ..............................................................(2)7
2.1 Refrigerators ....................................................................................................................................... (2)7
2.2 Cold boxes ........................................................................................................................................ (2)11
2.3 Vaccine carriers ................................................................................................................................ (2)12
2.4 Water packs ...................................................................................................................................... (2)12
2.5 Foam pads ........................................................................................................................................ (2)14
3. Temperature monitoring devices ..................................................................(2)15
3.1 Monitoring heat exposure using vaccine vial monitors ........................................................ (2)15
3.2 Temperature monitoring devices ............................................................................................... (2)18
3.3 Recommended equipment .......................................................................................................... (2)21
4. Monitoring cold chain temperatures ............................................................(2)23
4.1 Monitoring vaccine refrigerator temperature ......................................................................... (2)23
4.2 Taking action when a vaccine refrigerator’s temperature is out of range ........................ (2)25
4.3 Maintaining the correct temperature in cold boxes and vaccine carriers ........................ (2)26
5. Arranging vaccines inside cold chain equipment .........................................(2)27
5.1 General rules for using vaccine refrigerators ........................................................................... (2)27
5.2 Specific rules for using front-opening refrigerators ............................................................... (2)29
5.3 Specific rules for using top-opening refrigerators without baskets .................................. (2)32
5.4 Specific rules for using top-opening refrigerators with baskets ......................................... (2)33
5.5 Preparing ice packs and cool water packs ................................................................................ (2)35
5.6 Packing vaccines in cold boxes and vaccine carriers ............................................................. (2)37
6. Basic maintenance of cold chain equipment ................................................(2)39
6.1 Defrosting vaccine refrigerators .................................................................................................. (2)39
6.2 Maintaining solar power systems ............................................................................................... (2)40
6.3 Maintaining gas refrigerators ...................................................................................................... (2)41
6.4 Maintaining kerosene refrigerators ............................................................................................ (2)41
6.5 Managing vaccine refrigerator breakdowns ............................................................................ (2)42
6.6 Maintaining cold boxes and vaccine carriers ........................................................................... (2)43
7. The Shake Test ...............................................................................................(2)44
7.1 What is the Shake Test? ................................................................................................................. (2)44
7.2 When is the Shake Test needed? ................................................................................................. (2)44
7.3 How is the Shake Test done? ........................................................................................................ (2)44
Annual statistics
and estimates
Monthly report/
checking Central store
Daily record
regional store
Health centre
mother and child
Source: PATH/WHO
In order to maintain a reliable vaccine cold chain at the peripheral level, the following
key procedures must be observed:
• store vaccines and diluents within the required temperature range at all sites
• pack and transport vaccines to and from outreach sites according to recommended
• keep vaccines and diluents within recommended cold chain conditions during
immunization sessions.
Section 5 of this module describes how to store and pack vaccines at health facility level.
Vaccines are sensitive biological products. Some vaccines are sensitive to freezing, some
to heat and others to light. Vaccine potency, meaning its ability to adequately protect
the vaccinated patient, can diminish when the vaccine is exposed to inappropriate
temperatures. Once lost, vaccine potency cannot be regained. To maintain quality,
vaccines must be protected from temperature extremes. Vaccine quality is maintained
using a cold chain that meets specific temperature requirements. Figure 2.2 shows
recommended vaccine storage temperatures at each level of the cold chain. It is essential
that all those who handle vaccines and diluents know the temperature sensitivities and
the recommended storage temperatures for all the vaccines in the national schedule.
+8 °C
Liquid Lyophil Liquid Lyophil Liquid Lyophil Liquid Lyophil
All All
+2 °C
−15 °C
Acceptable Acceptable
All All
Lyophil Lyophil
−25 °C
Diluents should never be frozen.
If diluents are packaged with the vaccine, the product should be stored at +2 °C to +8 °C.
Bundled lyophilized-liquid combination vaccines should never be frozen and should be stored at +2 °C to +8 °C.
Note that the heat stability information shown for freeze-dried vaccines applies only
to unopened vials; most freeze-dried vaccines rapidly lose potency after reconstitution.
In addition, it is important to keep opened multi-dose vaccine vials that do not
contain preservative – whether lyophilized or liquid – cooled at temperatures between
+2 °C and +8 °C during the immunization session, or within six hours after opening,
whichever comes first.
Vaccines that are sensitive to freezing and should be protected from sub-zero
temperatures are listed in Figure 2.4.
Sensitivity to light
Some vaccines are very sensitive to light and lose potency when exposed to it. Such
vaccines should always be protected against sunlight or any strong artificial light,
and exposure should be minimized. Vaccines that are as sensitive to light as they are
to heat include BCG, measles, measles-rubella, measles-mumps-rubella and rubella.
These vaccines are often supplied in dark glass vials that give them some protection
from light damage; but they should be kept in their secondary packaging for as long as
possible to protect them during storage and transportation.
1.2 The cold chain at health centre or peripheral health facility level
At the health facility level (usually health centres and health posts), health workers can
adequately protect vaccines by doing the following:
• During immunization sessions, fit a foam pad (if available) at the top of the vaccine
carrier, as described in Section 2.5 of this module.
At the health facility, one person must have overall responsibility for managing the
vaccine cold chain. A second person can fill in when the primary person is absent.
Their responsibilities should include:
• checking and recording vaccine temperatures twice daily; typically in the morning
and at the end of the session or day
All health workers in a facility should know how to monitor the cold chain and what
to do if temperatures are out of range, as described in Section 4.2 of this module.
• Primary level (national): Depending on the capacity required, the primary level
generally uses cold or freezer rooms, freezers, refrigerators, cold boxes and, in some
cases, refrigerated trucks for transportation.
2.1 Refrigerators
Health facility refrigerators may be powered by electricity, solar energy or gas (or
kerosene). A health facility refrigerator should be chosen based on the most reliable
power supply available and the combined capacity needed for vaccine and water pack
storage. Table 2.1 briefly describes the different refrigerator categories.
Domestic refrigerators do not have good temperature control and they cannot keep
vaccines cool during electricity cuts of more than one or two hours. These units are not
specifically built or designed to store vaccines. For this reason, domestic refrigerators
are not recommended by WHO for vaccine storage.
Categories Description
of vaccine refrigerators
Electric Ice-lined refrigerators are the preferred option where there is reliable mains
(also referred to as compression electricity for at least eight hours per day. Even with periodic breaks in
units) electricity, the inner lining of the unit can preserve the +2˚C to +8˚C holdover
time. A few models are available that can operate effectively on as little as four
hours of electricity per day (see Figure 2.19). Ice-lined refrigerators can expose
vaccines to freezing temperatures if vaccines are not loaded properly.
Solar energy Solar refrigerators are more expensive to buy and install than electric
(also referred to as photovoltaic refrigerators, but they have no running costs, apart from cleaning and
units) preventative maintenance. The two types are: a) solar-battery units connected
to a battery bank, which is charged by the solar panels and b) solar direct-drive
units that are powered directly by the solar panels.
Bottled gas (or kerosene) Bottled gas (or kerosene) refrigerators may be necessary in places where
(also referred to as absorption there is insufficient sunshine for a solar-powered unit. Gas-powered units are
units) better than kerosene models because they need less maintenance and have
better temperature control. Bottled gas and kerosene refrigerators can expose
vaccines to freezing temperatures. Keeping vaccines in the +2˚C to +8˚C range
is particularly difficult with kerosene refrigerators.
Since 2009, all WHO prequalified ice-lined, solar battery and solar direct-drive
refrigerators have been fitted with thermostats that cannot be adjusted by the user.
Provided power cuts are not excessive, the temperature in these refrigerators should
always remain between +2 °C and +8 °C. If there is a recurring problem with the
temperature control in these models, you must notify your supervisor and call the
refrigerator technician. These newer refrigerators all carry a round red and blue sticker:
the top red semi-circle shows the maximum allowable operating temperature and the
bottom blue semi-circle shows the minimum operating temperature.
For older ice-lined and solar equipment, domestic refrigerators, and all gas and
kerosene refrigerators, proceed as follows:
• When the refrigerator is first installed, set the thermostat so that the refrigerator
compartment stays between +2 °C and +5 °C during the coldest part of the day
(typically the morning). It is essential to avoid freezing temperatures and the
freezing risk is greatest when the ambient room temperature is low.
• Once you can see that the daily temperature range remains consistently between
+2 °C and +8 °C, the thermostat is correctly adjusted and the setting should not
be changed, even if electrical power is lost.
A health facility refrigerator must never be packed solid – always leave plenty of space
around the vaccines and diluents to allow air to circulate freely, and to make vaccine
handling easier. Typically, a health facility refrigerator should be chosen so that it is
able to hold:
• at least one month’s supply of vaccines and diluents in the refrigerator compartment
Top opening:
ice-lined mains electric, solar-battery
or solar direct-drive
Freezer compartment
(on some models)
Vaccine storage
(most models have
baskets which
MUST be used)
Top opening:
gas or kerosene
Freezer compartment
Vaccine compartment
Front opening:
gas, kerosene or domestic mains
electric model
A cold box is an insulated container that can be lined with water packs to keep
vaccines and diluents in the required temperature range during transport or short-term
storage – see Figure 2.6. Depending on the model, cold boxes can be used to store
vaccines for periods of up to two days or more when there is no electricity available,
when the health facility refrigerator is out of order, or when a passive container is
needed while the refrigerator is being defrosted. Once packed, cold boxes should not
be opened until the vaccine is needed.
The “cold life” of a cold box is the maximum Figure 2.6 Vaccine cold box
length of time that a closed cold box can maintain
temperatures below +10 °C when it is lined with
frozen ice packs. Current prequalified cold box
models have a maximum cold life of two to seven
days when tested at a constant +43 °C.
• The vaccine and diluent storage capacity needed for the supply period.
• The cold or cool life required, which depends on the maximum time vaccines will
be stored in the box (including transport time).
• The type and number of water packs designed to be compatible with the size of the
cold box.
Different models of cold boxes have different vaccine storage capacities and need
different numbers and sizes of water packs. It is important to use the correct number
and size of water packs, exactly as specified by the container manufacturer, otherwise
cold life or cool life will be affected.
Cold boxes can be used to carry monthly vaccine supplies from district stores to the
health facility and also from the health facility to outreach sessions if a vaccine carrier
is too small (see Section 2.3). In general, a cold box in a health facility should be large
enough to transport at least a one-month supply of vaccines.
Vaccine carriers are smaller than cold boxes and easier to carry (see Figure 2.7).
Current prequalified vaccine carriers have a cold life with frozen ice packs of between
18 and 50 hours at +43 °C and a cool life with cool water packs of between three and
18 hours.
Water packs are flat, leak-proof plastic containers that can be filled with tap water. They
are used to line the inside of the cold box or vaccine carrier (see Figure 2.8). Water packs
are used to keep vaccines at the required temperature range inside cold boxes and vaccine
carriers. In order to protect the vaccines it is important to use the correct number and size
of water packs and to follow the instructions printed inside the lid of the container. To
ensure optimal performance, WHO recommends the use of pre-qualified water packs.
• warm water packs, containing liquid water, initially at room temperature, between
+18 °C and +24 °C.
The appropriate water pack strategy to use at health facility level, for transport or
outreach operations, will be guided by national policy and practice.
If cool water packs are used for outreach operations, there must be additional
provision at the outreach session to keep both reconstituted lyophilized vaccines – and
unpreserved multi-dose vaccines that have been opened – cool at between +2 °C and
+8 °C. Exposure of reconstituted unpreserved vaccines and liquid vaccines that do not
contain preservative to temperatures above +8 °C during immunization sessions can
result in an increased risk of microbial growth in opened vials of vaccine. In practice,
this means that one or more frozen or conditioned ice packs must also be available at
the session.
Note that taking frozen, conditioned or cool water packs out of the vaccine carrier
will shorten their cold/cool life. Therefore, water packs should not be removed during
immunization sessions to hold opened vials. Opened vials should be placed in the
foam pad that is provided with the vaccine carrier, as described in Section 2.5.
WHO strongly discourages the use of wet ice in plastic water bags as this may expose
vaccines to freezing temperatures.
3 Temperature monitoring
It is essential to monitor and record the temperature of vaccines throughout the
supply chain. This is the only way to prove that vaccines have been kept at the right
temperature during storage and transport. Temperature monitoring also shows up
any problems with equipment and procedures. More detailed information is given in
the WHO Vaccine Management Handbook (Module VMH-E2-01.1. How to monitor
temperatures in the vaccine supply chain), which is available online (http://www.who.
This section only describes the type of temperature monitoring equipment that is
used in health facilities: these facilities are generally equipped with one or two vaccine
refrigerators, cold boxes and vaccine carriers.
Vaccine vial monitors (VVMs) are the only temperature monitoring devices that
routinely accompany vaccines throughout the entire supply chain. A VVM is a
chemical indicator label attached to the vaccine container (vial, ampoule or dropper)
by the vaccine manufacturer. As the container moves through the supply chain, the
VVM records its cumulative heat exposure through a gradual change in colour (see
Figure 2.10). If the colour of the inner square is the same colour or darker than the
outer circle, the vaccine has been exposed to too much heat and should be discarded.
There are currently four types of VVM, chosen to match the heat sensitivity of the
vaccine. These four types are VVM2, VVM7, VVM14 and VVM30. The VVM
number is the time in days that it takes for the inner square to reach the colour
indicating a discard point if the vial is exposed to a constant temperature of 37 °C.
The main purpose of VVMs is to ensure that heat-damaged vaccines are not
administered. The VVM status is also used to decide which vaccines can safely be
kept after a cold chain break occurs thus minimizing unnecessary vaccine wastage.
In addition, VVM status helps the user decide which vaccine should be used first –
a batch of vaccine showing significant heat exposure should be distributed and used
before a batch that shows lower heat exposure, even if its expiry date is longer.
VVM status should always be checked and recorded manually on the arrival voucher
when it first reaches the health facility. The vaccinator must also check the VVM
before the vaccine is opened to see whether the vaccine has been damaged by heat.
Only use the vial if the expiry date has not passed, and if the inner square of the VVM
is lighter in colour than the outside circle. VVMs do not measure exposure to freezing
temperatures. If the vaccine is freeze-sensitive and freezing is suspected, then the Shake
Test must be conducted (see Section 7 of this module).
The VVM start colour of the inner square is never pure-white, it is always Beyond discard point.
slightly purple and begins lighter in colour than the outer circle. From this point Square colour is darker
forward, the inner square starts to darken in colour, until the temperature and/ than the outer circle.
or duration of heat reaches a level which degrades the vaccine, at which time
the VVM’s discard point will be evident.
vial of
ampoule of
vaccine VVM
30 DTRs should be placed in an accessible position where they can be read easily and
are unlikely to be damaged. This will vary depending on the type of refrigerator. Try to
observe the following rules:
• If the refrigerator is used to store vaccines that are not freeze-sensitive, place the
device on top of the load, in the warmest part of the refrigerator.
• If the refrigerator is used to store any freeze-sensitive vaccines, the device should
preferably be placed in the coldest part of the refrigerator that is being used to store
these vaccines. This will be the bottom of a basket in chest refrigerators or nearest to
the evaporator plate in front-opening models and absorption units.
Note that electronic freeze indicators are not needed in refrigerators where a 30 DTR
is used.
Stem thermometers
These devices only provide an instantaneous temperature reading. For this reason,
WHO no longer recommends them as the main monitoring device in vaccine
refrigerators. However, they remain an essential back-up device because they do not
require a battery or other power source. Figure 2.15 shows an example. WHO no
longer recommends bi-metallic dial thermometers (see Figure 2.16) for any purpose
because they lose their calibration over time, especially if they are dropped.
0 5
10 10
20 C 20
30 NOT recommended 30
40 40
50 50
Table 2.2 sets out the temperature monitoring options for health facility storage and
transport, in order of preference.
Wherever possible, health facility refrigerators should be equipped with a 30-day
temperature logger and facility staff should be trained in their use. These devices
provide a complete history of the refrigerator temperature. Thermometers cannot
do this; they only indicate the temperature at the time when a reading is taken.
An electronic freeze indicator and a stem thermometer is the next best choice.
The freeze indicator shows whether freeze-sensitive vaccines have been exposed to
sub-zero temperatures – the most common cause of damaged vaccine. However, a
freeze indicator cannot be used again once it has been triggered; it must be replaced
immediately with a new one. The worst choice is a stem thermometer on its own. As
noted above, a thermometer only indicates the temperature at the time a reading is
taken, which is no more than 14 times per week. A 30-day temperature logger takes at
least a thousand readings a week.
• Check the refrigerator temperature first thing in the morning and at the end of the
working day.
• Record the temperature by date and time on the temperature chart (an example
specifically designed for 30 DTRs is shown in Figure 2.17). When a chart is
completed, replace it with a new one. Keep completed charts together in a file for
future reference. (Note: action should be taken when the temperature goes out of
range; see Section 4.2 of this module.)
°C am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm
+7 x x
+6 x x x x x
+5 x x x x x x x
Temperature chart
+4 x x x x x x x x
+3 x x x x
+2 x
+1 x x x
0 x
−1 x x x
FI (x or OK)
>+8 °C alarm Once every 24 hours, enter high alarm status and maximum temperature recorded by the continuous temperature monitoring device
Maximum °C +7.5 +6.5 +6.3 +4.5 +5.2 +3.3 +3.0 +1.8 +0.2 −0.8 −0.5 +5.2 +5.4 +5.3 +6.1 +5.5 +6.1
<−5 °C alarm Once every 24 hours, enter low alarm status and maximum temperature recorded by the continuous temperature monitoring device
Min °C +5.8 +5.4 +4.8 +3.5 +3.6 +2.8 +1.7 +0.8 −0.5 −1.5 −1.3 +0.9 +3.5 +3.8 +3.6 +4.6 +3.9
Province: Jazir Month: October Remarks: Thermostat incorrectly adjusted by temporary health worker.
Year: 2015 Corrected on 12 Oct
Immunization in practice
District: District 9
Health centre: Erewhon Supervisor: AG
Module 2: The vaccine cold chain
• Turn the thermostat knob so the arrow points to a higher number. This will make
the refrigerator warmer.
• Check whether the door of the freezer closes properly. The seal may be damaged.
If broken, a technician should be called to make repairs.
• If the temperature has fallen below 0 °C for any length of time, check freeze-
sensitive vaccines to see if they have been damaged by freezing using the Shake Test
(see Section 7 of this module).
Remember: slight heat exposure is less damaging to most liquid vaccines and diluents
than freezing exposure.
If the temperature is above +8 °C, which is too high, a report should be made to the
supervisor. The corrective action includes the following procedure:
• Make sure that the refrigerator is working. If it is not working, check whether the
power supply (electricity, gas, kerosene or solar) is adequate.
• Check whether the door of the refrigerator or the freezing compartment closes
properly; if the seal is broken, the temperature will fluctuate. Call a technician to
make repairs.
• Check whether frost is preventing cold air in the freezing compartment from
entering the refrigerator compartment. Defrost if necessary.
• If the power supply, door seal and frost levels are all in working order, turn the
thermostat knob so that the arrow points to a higher number. This will make the
refrigerator cooler.
• If the temperature cannot be maintained between +2 °C and +8 °C, store vaccines
in other cold chain equipment that can maintain this temperature range until the
refrigerator is repaired.
Remember: to avoid freezing vaccines, do not adjust the thermostat to a cooler (higher
number) setting after a power cut or when vaccines arrive.
• Place the correct number and type of properly conditioned ice packs or cool water
packs in the cold box or vaccine carrier.
• If you are using conditioned ice packs you should preferably put an electronic freeze
indicator in each cold box or vaccine carrier containing freeze-sensitive vaccines.
• Use the foam pad to hold opened vials at the top of the vaccine carrier during an
immunization session; keep the hard carrier lid closed whenever possible.
• At the end of the immunization session, health workers should follow national
policy in handling remaining vials. In general, this means:
− discarding all opened vials of vaccines that do not contain preservative; this
includes all reconstituted vaccines and some liquid multi-dose vaccines
− checking the VVMs of all unopened vials and returning the unopened vials
with VVMs that are not past the discard point to a working refrigerator or
appropriate cold box as soon as possible
− where multi-dose vial policy is applied, check the VVMs of all opened vials that
contain preservative and return those with VVMs that are not past the discard
point to a working refrigerator or appropriate cold box as soon as possible. Use
these vaccines first for the next immunization session.
Health facility refrigerators are used to store vaccines and diluents. Several types of
refrigerator are available and the arrangement of items inside them varies according
to the type.
The following general rules (Do’s and Do Not’s) apply to all health facility refrigerators.
• Wherever possible, store vaccines and diluents in a refrigerator that is reserved for
this purpose only. If other heat-sensitive supplies, such as drugs, ointments, sera and
samples, have to be stored in the refrigerator, label them clearly and keep them
completely separate from the vaccines and diluents.
• Always arrange vaccines and diluents so that air can circulate freely; this also makes
it easier to handle the vaccines.
• If vaccines or diluents are supplied in their original cartons, arrange the boxes so
that there is at least a two-centimetre space between stacks. Mark the cartons clearly
and make sure the markings are visible when the door or lid is opened.
• If diluent is packaged with the vaccine, store the complete packaged product in
the refrigerator. If diluents are supplied separately from the vaccine, store them
in the refrigerator if there is adequate space. If there is not adequate space, move
the diluents to the refrigerator at least 24 hours before they are needed so they are
• Place vaccines with VVMs that show the most heat exposure (darker squares) in
a separate container in the refrigerator, clearly marked “Heat-exposed vials – use
first”. If there are other vaccines of the same type in the refrigerator, the vaccines
with the darkest squares should always be used first even if the expiry date is later
than the vaccines with the lighter squares.
• If a multi-dose vial policy is in place, follow the instructions for handling opened
multi-dose vials exactly as described in the national policy. If an opened multi-dose
vial will be used for the next session, the vials must be placed in a separate container
in the refrigerator, which is clearly marked “Opened vials – use first.” A summary of
the WHO Multi-dose Vial Policy is outlined in the box below. The local policy may
be different.
DON’T arrange the vaccines in the health facility refrigerator like this:
• Do not open the door or lid unless it is essential to do so. Frequent opening raises
the temperature inside the refrigerator.
• Do not keep expired vaccines in the refrigerator. Do not keep vaccines with VVMs
that have reached, or are beyond, their discard point. Do not keep reconstituted
vaccines for more than six hours, or after the end of an immunization session.
Discard all these items immediately according to your national guidelines. Refer
any questions to your supervisor.
Table 2.3 briefly describes the three types of front-opening vaccine refrigerators used
for storing vaccines. Figure 2.19 shows how a gas or kerosene vaccine refrigerator or a
domestic electric front-opening refrigerator should be organized.
Type 2 Mains electric domestic models: Typically these have an ice pack freezing
Figure 2.19 Vaccine and diluent arrangement in a front-opening domestic, gas or kerosene vaccine
Freezer compartment
OPV & freeze-dried
(if provided)
vaccines with diluents
Store ice packs upright
on top shelf (BCG,
to avoid leaks
measles, MMR, JE, YF,
meningoccocal A and any
Ice pack storage: vaccines not freeze-
Frozen on left sensitive)
Unfrozen on right
30-day refrigerator
logger or freeze indicator
and thermometer
Freeze-sensitive vaccines
on middle shelf
NEVER store vaccines in Closer expiry date at front
door shelves
Box containing vaccines
with darker VVMs and box
containing opened vials
Diluents on bottom
shelf, clearly marked
Unfrozen icepacks below
bottom shelf to stabilise
• Never put vaccines or diluents in the door shelves. The temperature is too warm for
vaccine storage and vaccines are exposed to room temperature each time the door is
• Never put freeze-sensitive vaccines in contact with, or close to, the evaporator plate
in the refrigerator.
• Put water packs or plastic bottles full of coloured water in the space below the
bottom shelf. This helps to stabilize the temperature if there is a power cut. Do not
use the water packs in vaccine carriers. Never drink the water.
• Put measles, MR, MMR, BCG, OPV, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis,
meningococcal A conjugate and/or any other vaccines not damaged by freezing on
the top shelf.
• Put DTP, DT, Td, TT, HepB, DTP+HepB, DTP+HepB+Hib, Hib, HPV, rotavirus
and/or any other freeze-sensitive vaccines on the middle or lower shelves.
• Store the diluents next to the freeze-dried vaccine with which they are supplied, on
the appropriate shelf. If there is not enough space on the shelf, put the diluents on the
bottom shelf, clearly labelled so they can be easily identified to their matching vaccine.
Figure 2.20 shows the recommended arrangement for an upright ice-lined refrigerator.
In these models there is very little variation in the temperature inside the refrigerator
compartment, so vaccines and diluents can be placed safely on any of the shelves.
However, in humid climates, there is a risk of condensation. Cartons and vials should
be stored in plastic boxes with tightly fitting lids to reduce the risk of moisture
damage. Never store vaccines below the bottom shelf – this area may be wet because it
collects and drains the condensation from the roof and walls of the compartment.
Box containing vaccines with darker
VVMs and box containing opened vials
Figure 2.21 Vaccine and diluent arrangement in a top-opening refrigerator without baskets
• Never put freeze-sensitive vaccines in the bottom of gas and kerosene refrigerators
or next to the freezer compartment. There is a risk of freezing in these areas.
• Put measles, MR, MMR, BCG, OPV, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis and/or
any other vaccines not damaged by freezing in the bottom of the compartment.
• Put diluents, DTP, DT, Td, TT, HepB, DTP+HepB, DTP+HepB+Hib, Hib,
meningococcal, HPV, rotavirus and/or any other freeze-sensitive vaccines in the
upper part of the compartment and well away from the freezing compartment in
gas and kerosene models.
• Store the diluents close to the freeze-dried vaccine with which they were supplied.
If this is not possible, make sure the diluents are clearly labelled so they can be
easily identified to their matching vaccine.
Many top-opening ice-lined refrigerators are supplied with baskets for storing vaccines.
There are also a few top-opening solar-battery models; typically, these models do not
have an ice lining, but they generally have baskets.
• Always store vaccines and diluents in the baskets provided. Never store them
outside the baskets.
• Some solar direct-drive refrigerators have an ice-bank at one end. Never remove ice
packs from this area.
• Some solar direct-drive refrigerators have a separate ice pack freezing compartment.
Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instruction on the use of this feature –
instructions vary.
• Use the bottom baskets to store measles, MR, MMR, BCG, OPV, yellow fever,
Japanese encephalitis and/or any other vaccines not damaged by freezing.
• Use the top baskets to store products for immediate use and to store diluents, DTP,
DT, Td, TT, HepB, DTP+HepB, DTP+HepB+Hib, Hib, HPV, rotavirus and/or
any other freeze-sensitive vaccines. Never put freeze-sensitive vaccines in the bottom
baskets. In some models there is a risk of freezing in these areas.
• Store the diluents close to the freeze-dried vaccine with which they were supplied.
If this is not possible, make sure the diluents are clearly labelled so they can be
easily identified to their matching vaccine.
Figure 2.22 Vaccine and diluent arrangement in a top-opening refrigerator with baskets
If the vaccine refrigerator has a freezer compartment, this can be used to freeze and
store ice packs. If cool water packs are used, these must be prepared and stored in a
separate refrigerator, never in a refrigerator that is used to store vaccines.
Every health facility should have at least two sets of water packs that correspond in size
and number to its stock of cold boxes and vaccine carriers.
1. New empty water packs: Fill each pack with clean water, up to the fill line. Do not
over-fill; leave a little air space at the top. Fix the cap on tightly.
2. Used water packs: It is not necessary to empty and refill water packs unless they
have leaked. If there is a leak, top up the water and make sure the cap is fixed
3. Before use: Hold each pack upside down and squeeze it to make sure it does not
leak. If the pack has been damaged, discard it.
Some recent solar direct-drive refrigerators can also freeze ice packs. However, their
freezing capacity depends on the amount of sunshine available, and in cloudy weather
it may not be possible to freeze any ice packs. The ice packs will always melt slightly
overnight when there is no power and there may well be some liquid water in the
packs at the beginning of the day, but this is normal.
Older solar direct-drive models do not have an ice pack freezing compartment. The
latest models do. Instead of an ice lining, the Vestfrost Solar Chill and Haier solar
direct-drive models have a bank of standard water packs in a compartment that looks
like a freezer compartment. These water packs must never be removed for use in
vaccine carriers.
Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and never overload the freezing
compartment. Put packs in the freezer, arranged upright or on their sides so that the
surface is touching the evaporator plate. If there is a door or lid to the compartment,
make sure it is properly closed.
The more packs placed in the freezing compartment, the longer they will take to freeze.
If too may water packs are placed in the unit, they may not freeze at all. Keep extra,
unfrozen water packs that do not fit into the freezer in the bottom part of the main
refrigerator compartment to keep this section cold in case of a power failure. When
these water packs are placed in the freezer, they will freeze relatively quickly because
they are already cold. Never store frozen water packs in the refrigerator compartment;
this will lower the temperature and increase the risk of freezing vaccines.
Except where cool water packs are used, WHO recommends the use of “conditioned”
ice packs for transporting vaccines in cold boxes and vaccine carriers. An ice pack is
correctly conditioned when it has melted enough to allow the ice to move inside the
pack. Use the following procedure to achieve this:
Note: If a cool water pack strategy has been adopted for outreach operations, one
or more frozen ice packs must be brought to the session to ensure that opened
multi-dose vaccine vials are kept at recommended temperatures. It is particularly
important that vaccines that do not contain preservative – whether lyophilized or
liquid – are kept at temperatures between +2 °C and +8 °C during the session.
It is very important to pack cold boxes and vaccine carriers correctly. Proceed as
1. Arrange the conditioned ice packs or cool water packs in the cold boxes and/or
vaccine carriers exactly as shown on the manufacturer’s instructions on the inside
of the lid.
2. Put the vaccines and diluents in a plastic bag in the middle of the cold box or
carrier to protect them from damage due to condensation.
3. If conditioned ice packs are used, put an electronic freeze indicator with the
4. For vaccine carriers, place the foam pad in the top of the container.
Figure 2.24 illustrates the procedures for arranging cold boxes and vaccine carriers.
4 Remember
• Collect vaccines in the carrier on the session day (note that vaccine
carriers may not store vaccines effectively beyond 12 hours).
• Do not drop or sit on the vaccine carrier.
• Do not leave in sunlight. Keep in shade.
• Do not leave the lid open once packed.
A refrigerator only works well if it is properly installed and is then cleaned and
defrosted regularly.
Thick ice in the freezer compartment and on the evaporator plate does not keep
a refrigerator cool. Instead, it makes the refrigerator work harder and uses more
electricity, gas, kerosene or solar power. Refrigerators should be defrosted regularly, or
when the ice is more than 0.5 cm thick, whichever comes first.
• Remove all the vaccines and transfer them to another refrigerator or to a cold box
or vaccine carrier lined with conditioned ice packs.
• Switch off the electrical supply for a mains or solar-battery refrigerator. Turn off the
gas supply for a gas refrigerator. Extinguish the flame for a kerosene refrigerator.
• Leave the door open and wait for the ice to melt. Never try to remove the ice with
a knife or ice pick; this can permanently damage the refrigerator. A pan of boiling
water can be placed inside and the door closed.
• Clean the inside of the refrigerator and door seal with a clean damp cloth.
• When the temperature in the main section falls to +8 °C or lower (but not less than
+2 °C), arrange the vaccines, diluents and water packs in their appropriate places.
If a refrigerator needs to be defrosted more than once a month, check for these
common problems:
¾¾ Staff are opening the door too often (more than three times daily).
¾¾ The door is not closing properly.
¾¾ The door seal needs to be replaced.
Solar panels need to be cleaned and checked and the batteries of solar battery
refrigerators must be inspected and maintained. Tasks can be divided into daily,
periodic and annual.
• Check the status of the control panel display. Take appropriate action as described
in the instruction manual if status is not normal.
• For battery systems only: Check the indicator lights on the battery charge regulator
every day. Do not freeze water packs if the low battery warning light is on. Move
vaccine to a safe location if the load-disconnect warning light or alarm sounder are
Clean dust or snow off the solar array. The frequency with which this needs to be
done will vary. In very dusty areas, clean the array weekly. Remove any snow
accumulation as soon as possible.
• Do not attempt to carry out this task unless you have the correct access and safety
equipment and have received training in safe working at height. Make sure you
have somebody to help you and to hold the ladder.
• Never stand on corrugated roof sheets or tiles – use a properly designed roof ladder.
• Clean the array in the early morning or evening when the sun is weak.
• Use a soft cloth dampened with water. Wipe gently, starting at the top and working
• Do not lean or stand on the array panels because you may damage them. Report
any damage to wiring or hardware to your supervisor.
Once a year
• Make sure the solar panels are not shaded by trees, plants, new buildings or
overhead cables between 9.00 am and 3.00 pm. If there is shading from vegetation,
arrange for the vegetation to be cut back. If there is shading from newly constructed
buildings or new overhead cables, contact your supervisor. The solar array may have
to be moved or increased in capacity.
• Check the electric cables between the solar array, the charge regulator, the batteries
and the refrigerator. Inspect grounding/lightning protection. If you see any damage,
contact your supervisor.
Solar battery and solar direct-drive refrigerators should be defrosted only on a sunny
day; they should never be defrosted in cloudy or rainy weather. A solar direct-drive
refrigerator should generally be defrosted in the early morning. It will have partly
defrosted overnight so this will speed up the process. Defrosting in the early morning
will also allow the refrigerator to make best use of the day’s supply of solar power.
• Check the burner flame is blue. If it is not, clean the gas burner and gas jet as
described in the equipment manual. Adjust the thermostat or flame control setting
as necessary.
• Make sure there is enough gas in the bottle. If not, change the bottle. Always
change the bottle before it is completely empty and always keep a spare bottle.
• Check weekly that you have enough gas for at least another week. If not, obtain a
new supply immediately.
• Carry out the following tasks at least once a year and always clean the flue if the
flame has been smoking.
− Clean the gas burner and gas jet as described in the equipment manual.
− Check the gas line connections for leaks. Brush soapy water onto the
connections. If bubbles form, there is a leak. Gas leaks are dangerous. Contact
your supervisor unless you have been trained to repair leaks yourself.
• Fill the tank with clean kerosene. Always fill the tank before it is completely empty.
Always keep enough spare kerosene to ensure you never run out. Never use any
other fuel (e.g. diesel or gasoline).
• Check the flame height and colour is correct for the type of burner fitted. If the
flame smokes, turn it down a bit. If it still smokes, clean or trim the wick, burner,
flue and baffle as shown in the instruction manual. Always clean the flue if the
flame has been smoking.
• Clean the burner, flue and baffle as shown in the instruction manual.
• Trim the wick as shown in the instruction manual. Use a wick trimmer if possible.
• Check that there is enough kerosene for at least another week. If not, replenish the
supply immediately.
Periodic tasks
• Check the fuel tank to see if there is sediment at the bottom. If there is, blow out
the burner and remove the tank. Remove the burner from the tank. Empty out the
dirty kerosene. Flush the tank with a little clean kerosene. Wipe the outside of the
tank with a clean cloth dipped in kerosene. Replace the burner and refill the tank.
• Replace the wick when you cannot turn it up any more to trim it. Use the correct
type of wick and follow the instruction manual. Always keep two spare wicks in a
safe place.
If a vaccine refrigerator stops working, first protect the vaccines and then check the
cause of the problem.
• If a lack of electricity, gas, kerosene or solar power is not the problem, contact your
supervisor and ask for a repair service visit. Do not attempt to repair the refrigerator
yourself unless the problem is a simple one that you have been trained to deal with.
Vaccine carriers and cold boxes must be dried well after use, with their lids propped
open. If they are left wet with their lids closed, they will become mouldy. Mould and
damp can affect the seal of the cold boxes and vaccine carriers and may contaminate
the vaccines. If possible, store cold boxes and vaccine carriers with the lids open.
Knocks and sunlight can cause cracks in the walls and lids of cold boxes and vaccine
carriers. This exposes the insulation and increases the risk of heat exposure to the
vaccines inside. If a cold box or vaccine carrier wall has a small crack, use adhesive tape
to cover it until an undamaged container becomes available.
The Shake Test is used to check whether freeze-sensitive vaccines have been damaged
by exposure to temperatures below 0 °C. After it has thawed, a vial of vaccine that has
been frozen no longer has the appearance of a cloudy liquid, but tends to form flakes
that settle at the bottom of the vial.
The Shake Test requires two vials of the same vaccine from the same manufacture and
with the same batch number. One of these is a vial that you suspect has been frozen and
the other is a vial that you have deliberately frozen solid overnight. Allow the frozen test
vial to melt completely, shake the two vials in the same hand, place them side-by-side
and watch the contents settle. If the suspect vial settles at the same speed as the frozen
vial you know that it has been frozen. If it settles more slowly, it has not been frozen.
1) This protocol must not be altered. There is only one correct way to conduct a Shake Test.
2) The test procedure described below should be repeated with all suspect batches. In the case
of international arrivals, the shake test should be conducted on a random sample of vaccine.
However, if there is more than one lot in the shipment, the random sample must include a
vial taken from each and every lot.
1. Take a vial of vaccine of the same type and batch number as the vaccine you want to
test, and made by the same manufacturer.
2. Clearly mark the vial as “FROZEN.”
3. Freeze the vial in a freezer or the freezing compartment of a refrigerator until the
contents are completely solid.
4. Let it thaw. Do NOT heat it!
5. Take your “TEST” vial from the batch that you suspect has been frozen.
6. Hold the “FROZEN” vial and the “TEST” vial together in one hand.
7. Shake both vials vigorously for 10–15 seconds.
8. Place both vials on a flat surface side-by-side and start continuous observation of the
vials until the test is finished.
(NOTE: If the vials have large labels that conceal the vial contents, turn both vials upside down
and observe sedimentation in the neck of the vial.)
Use an adequate source of light to compare the sedimentation rates between vials.
9. The TEST vial sediments slower than the 10. Sedimentation is similar in both vials
THEN, The TEST vial sediments faster than the
almost clear
This module discusses practices that health workers should follow to ensure that they deliver
immunization injections in the safest manner.
Injections are considered safe for:
• the child, when health workers use sterile needles and syringes and appropriate injection
• the health worker, when he or she avoids needle-stick injuries; and
• waste handlers and the community, when used injection equipment is disposed of properly
and does not cause injuries or pollution.
Module 3: Ensuring safe injections
1. Using safe injection equipment and techniques ............................................(3)3
1.1 Types of injection equipment ........................................................................................................ (3)3
1.2 Estimating AD and RUP syringe needs ........................................................................................ (3)8
1.3 Giving the right vaccine safely ...................................................................................................... (3)8
1.4 Simple ways to improve injection safety .................................................................................... (3)9
The types of equipment used to administer injectable vaccines are listed in Table 3.1.
Note that auto-disable syringes are the endorsed choice, as explained in the 1999 joint
WHO-UNICEF-UNFPA statement given in Box 1.
Equipment Remarks
Auto-disable (AD) syringes equipment of choice
• a self-locking mechanism that allows only one use; this is called a reuse prevention
feature (RUP)
• a fixed needle (usually 23G x 25 mm, but various sizes are manufactured)
AD syringes have different types of locking mechanisms that are triggered at different
times. Some syringes lock their plunger at the start of the injection while others do
so at the end. AD syringes that lock at the start are preferred since they completely
prevent reuse. Some AD syringes are retractable, meaning that the needle can be pulled
in the barrel. This mechanism adds stick injury protection (SIP) to reduce the risk of
needle-stick injuries.
Each type of AD syringe requires a specific technique for its use. But for all types, the
plunger can go back and forth only once. Health workers should not move the plunger
unnecessarily and should not inject air into a vaccine vial when using an AD syringe,
as this might disable it.
The general steps to follow when using AD syringes are given below. Note that the
steps should should be adapted depending on manufacturer’s instructions for the type
of syringe being used.
1. Remove the syringe from its plastic wrapping (peel the package open from the
syringe plunger end), or detach the plastic cap.
3. Insert the needle in the vaccine vial – its tip should be in the lowest part or bottom
of the vial.
4. Pull the plunger back to fill the syringe just past the 0.5 ml or 0.1 ml or 0.05 ml
5. Remove the needle from the vial. To remove air bubbles, hold the syringe upright
and tap the barrel. Then carefully push the plunger to the volume mark. For the last
dose of a multi-dose vial, keep the needle tip in the fluid at all times, making sure
to empty the full contents of the vial.
6. Proceed with the injection at the appropriate site (see Module 5 (Managing an
immunization session), Section 4 for details on injection technique).
7. Push the plunger forward and inject the vaccine. At the beginning or just at the end
of the injection, the plunger will automatically lock so the syringe cannot be reused.
9. Dispose of the needle and syringe in a safety box, which is a leak-proof, puncture-
resistant container for sharps waste.
Just as with AD syringes, each type of RUP syringe requires a specific technique for
its use. But for all types, the plunger can go back and forth only once and so health
workers should take care not to move it unnecessarily.
General steps to follow when using RUP syringes are given below. Note that they
should be adapted depending on manufacturer’s instructions for the type of syringe
being used.
1. Remove the RUP syringe from its wrapping (peel the package open from the
syringe plunger end) or detach the plastic caps.
2. If there is a detachable needle, fit it onto the hub of the syringe and take off the cap
without touching the needle.
3. Insert the needle in the diluent vial and move the tip of the needle to the lowest
part or bottom of the vial.
4. Pull the plunger back to fill the syringe, making sure to empty the full contents of
the vial.
5. Remove the needle and syringe from the vial. If needed, remove air in the syringe
by holding it upright and pushing the plunger slowly until the air goes out.
7. Push the plunger in completely to ensure that all the diluent goes into the vaccine
8. Remove the needle and syringe from the vial and ensure that the syringe is locked.
10. Shake the vial to mix the diluent with the vaccine (see Module 5 (Managing an
immunization session), Section 4 for details on reconstitution technique).
• deliver vaccine and syringe in the same set (separate orders are not needed)
Every prefilled AD injection device is sterilized and sealed in its own foil package by
the manufacturer. The vaccine is contained in a sealed syringe or bubble-like reservoir
that prevents it from coming in contact with the needle until its administration. Using
it requires the steps below:
1. Prepare or activate the prefilled bubble-like injection device by pushing the needle
shield (or cap) into the port as shown in Figure 3.1. This opens the fluid path
between the needle and the reservoir that contains the vaccine.
3. Insert the needle into the injection site (see Module 5 (Managing an immunization
session), Section 4 for details on injection technique).
Remove the prefilled injection device With a firm, rapid motion, push the The gap will close and you will
from the foil pouch. needle shield into the port. feel a click.
While RUP reconstitution injection devices are the equipment of choice for mixing
vaccine with diluent, they may not always be available. If RUP devices are not available
and disposable syringes and needles are used to reconstitute vaccine, they must never
be reused for reconstitution or injection.
See Module 4 (Microplanning for reaching every community), Section 5 for details on
estimating supply needs.
Proper vaccine storage and handling as well as clinical assessment and administration
at immunization sessions are essential. Module 2 (The vaccine cold chain) discusses
how to handle vaccines to ensure that they are safe and effective at the time of use.
Module 5 (Managing an immunization session) contains details on assessing which
vaccines are needed for each child and the techniques for their reconstitution and
administration. Table 3.2 introduces some examples of incorrect immunization
practices, and adverse events following immunization are discussed further in
Module 5 and Module 6 (Monitoring and surveillance).
Table 3.2 Examples of incorrect immunization practices and possible adverse events
following immunization
The following is a summary of points to improve injection safety that are discussed
in more detail in Module 2 (The vaccine cold chain) and Module 5 (Managing an
immunization session) and included here to emphasize their importance.
• Prepare injections in a clean, designated area that is free from blood and body fluid
• Prepare each dose immediately before its administration – do not prepare several
syringes in advance.
–– Follow safe procedures to reconstitute vaccines. The correct diluent must be used
for reconstituting freeze-dried vaccines.
–– Use only the diluent supplied by the manufacturer for each vaccine – check the
–– Discard the needle and syringe if the package has been punctured, torn or
damaged in any way.
Refer to Annex 3.1 for unsafe immunization practices that must be avoided.
Needle-stick injuries can happen at any time, particularly during and immediately
after an injection. This risk is increased when:
• unsafe disposal practices leave people and/or animals exposed to used needles and
In general, the more injection equipment is handled, the greater the risk of needle-
stick injuries. Reduce risk due to handling of equipment through the following steps.
• Place a safety box close to the person giving vaccinations so used needles and
syringes can be disposed of immediately, easily and without walking to find a sharps
• Avoid recapping the needle. If recapping is absolutely necessary – for example, if the
injection is delayed because the child is too agitated – use the one-hand technique
of placing the cap on a table or tray and reinserting the needle by sliding it inside
without using the other hand.
• Do not remove the used needle from the syringe with your hands.
• Do not carry used syringes and needles around the work site for any reason.
• When ready to administer, draw the vaccine into the syringe, give the injection and
dispose of the syringe in the safety box without putting it down between steps.
Any part of the syringe that is touched becomes contaminated. Although the barrel
and plunger of a syringe have to be touched to prepare and give an injection (see
Figure 3.2), care should be taken to avoid touching parts that come into contact with
the vaccine or the child (see Figure 3.3).
Do not touch:
• the shaft of the needle
• the bevel of the needle
• the adapter of the needle
• the adapter of the syringe
• the plunger seal of the syringe.
Figure 3.3 Parts of a syringe and needle that must not be touched
If any of these parts are touched, discard the needle and syringe and get new
sterile ones.
To minimize risk of needle-stick injury, staff should arrange their workspace following
general rules:
• The vaccinator (person giving doses of vaccine) should be between the child and all
needles and sharp objects.
• The vaccinator should be able to see the opening of the safety box when discarding
needles. The safety box may be on a table or the floor depending on whether the
vaccinator is standing or sitting. He or she should be able to reach it easily and
without much change in position.
• The vaccinator should be able to dispose of used needles and syringes directly in the
safety box without putting them down on other surfaces.
• The vaccinator should have only one child – with caregiver(s) – at a time in their
• Each vaccinator should have a separate safety box, especially at busy sites.
See Module 5 (Managing an immunization session) for more details and illustrations.
Unexpected motion at the time of injection can lead to needle-stick injuries. This may
occur more often with children who are not positioned properly before injections are
given. To minimize this risk, see Module 5 (Managing an immunization session) for
details and illustrations on positioning children for vaccinations.
Used sharps must be placed in a safety box and then disposed of properly. Follow the
procedures for safe disposal outlined in the next section of this module.
Sharps waste can cause serious health and environmental problems. Unsafe disposal
can spread some of the very same diseases immunization programmes are working to
Dangers to health
Leaving used syringes and needles in the open or on the ground puts the community
at risk. Most frequently, children are the unfortunate victims of needle-stick injuries
from haphazard disposal of needles.
• If needed, place one box inside another to create a stronger container that can
prevent needles piercing through.
• Close the box securely on the top and bottom – seal it with strong adhesive tape or
similar material.
• Cut a small hole in the top – it should be just big enough for a needle and syringe
to enter (maximum 38 mm).
• Take extra care when carrying safety boxes to disposal sites. Hold the box by the
handle on top (or at the top above the level of the needles and syringes if there is no
• Keep safety boxes in dry places that are out of children’s and others people’s reach.
• Train staff on safe handling; do not ask untrained staff to handle safety boxes.
Safety boxes should be placed within reach of the staff administering injections
(as described in Section 2.3 of this module and in in Module 5 (Managing an
immunization session)) so that needles and syringes can be disposed of immediately.
If needle removers or needle cutters are available, used needles and syringes should
be separated immediately after each injection. After removing the needle with one of
these devices, the syringe should go in the safety box. Needles remain in a separate safe
container, which, when almost full, should be closed and disposed of properly (see
next section for disposal methods).
Safety boxes should be closed when they are three quarters full. Used needles and
syringes should never be transferred from safety boxes to other containers. A five-litre
safety box can hold about 100 syringes and needles.
For the best use of safety boxes, you should never dispose the following items in them:
• cotton pads
• dressing materials
• latex gloves
Once three quarters full, safety boxes should be closed, treated and destroyed
appropriately, preferably quickly at a nearby site to minimize handling.
Used needles and syringes must never be dumped in open areas where people might
step on them or children might find them (inside safety boxes or loose). They should
never be disposed of along with general non-sharps types of waste.
Methods commonly used to destroy or dispose of filled safety boxes are described
below. Any selected method of waste disposal must comply with national and sub-
national environmental and health regulations.
Incineration can completely destroy needles and syringes. Fires burning at
temperatures higher than 800 °C will kill microorganisms and reduce the volume
of waste to a minimum. Properly functioning incinerators ensure the most
complete destruction of needles and syringes. High temperature, dual-combustion
incinerators with air filters produce less air pollution than incinerators burning at
lower temperatures (see Figure 3.7). Some hospitals have on-site incinerators. Others
transport the waste to cement factories to dispose of it in high-temperature kilns.
The compound in which incineration takes place must be secure. Staff members
conducting the incineration should wear safety glasses, heavy gloves and any other
personal protective equipment required by local and national guidelines.
release temperature
valve safety relief
autoclave chamber
filter steam trap
vacuum drain
Source: WHO (2014) Safe management of wastes from health care activities. Second edition. Geneva: World
Health Organization
A safety pit is an option for the disposal of used needles and syringes that are loose. A
safety pit is usually two metres deep and one metre in diameter so that it can be lined
with a locally made concrete pipe. The pit should have a concrete lid with a capped metal
pipe set in it. Used needles and syringes are dropped through the metal pipe and into the
pit (see Figure 3.9). Cement is poured into the pit to seal the opening when it is full.
• Choose a site where people will not dig or build latrines in the future.
• Choose a qualified staff person to supervise the burn using appropriate equipment.
The two options below are to be considered as last resort options since they are not in
keeping with WHO policy for the treatment of waste.
If burning waste in the open as shown in Figure 3.12 is the only option, several steps
must be followed.
• Choose a site in an unused area that is as far from buildings as possible. The area
should be fenced and cleared.
• Choose a qualified staff person to supervise the burn using appropriate equipment.
• Dig a pit at least one metre deep, but not so deep that it will be difficult to start the
fire. Staff should not have to enter the pit to start the fire.
• Place filled safety boxes in the pit. Mix paper, leaves or other flammable materials
with the boxes to help them burn.
The remains of safety boxes, including needles, should be buried after burning,
whether a metal drum or an open pit was used. The remains should be buried deep
in a pit, controlled landfill or similar location where people cannot access them.
This module discusses the process of microplanning to ensure immunization services reach every
community. It starts with maps at district and health centre level, which should be updated
to include all population centres and groups in the catchment area and to flag high-risk areas.
It next describes how to identify priority, high-risk health centres and communities based on
numbers of unimmunized children. It then describes how to clarify barriers to service access
and utilization in priority communities and to make a workplan for solutions. It concludes with
making a session plan and following up on defaulters.
Module 4: Microplanning for reaching every community
1. Making or updating a map ............................................................................. (4)3
1.1 District map ........................................................................................................................................ (4)3
1.2 Health centre map ............................................................................................................................ (4)4
Annex 4.1 Calculations used in determining needed session frequency ....... (4)24
District and health centre maps should include all eligible population groups in their
catchments. A table listing these populations or communities should be displayed
next to each map. The maps should be updated regularly to include any changes in
the catchment areas, including new administrative divisions. Priority, high-risk areas,
identified based on their high numbers of unimmunized children (see Section 2 of this
module), should be clearly marked.
This map should display the important geographical features and population centres
of the whole district. It should also show the locations of all the health centres and the
district health facilities that are under supervision.
• health centres with their catchment areas shown as boundaries and their distances
to district facilities marked
• rivers, mountains, valleys and other similar geographical features and landmarks
• natural seasonal barriers, such as flood zones during the rainy season
The table to be displayed next to the district map (see Table 4.1 for example) should
• the total population and target population in the catchment area of each health
• health centre contacts and any other information that may be useful in
coordination and supervision efforts.
Table 4.1 District-level list of peripheral health centres and their catchment area populations
Each health centre should make a simple map of its catchment area (see Figure 4.1).
The communities in the catchment area should be listed and the list updated regularly.
Community boundaries should be confirmed with the help of community leaders
(see Module 7 (Partnering with communities) for more details on how to involve
communities in microplanning activities).
The health centre catchment area map should be an operational diagram with details
that can help with planning. Maps created for polio or other mass vaccination and
health intervention campaigns may serve as examples.
• locations of every village and/or community in the catchment area, including those
that are not reached and/or are new
The table displayed next to the health centre map (see Table 4.2 for example) should
Include every community on the map even if accurate numbers are not available.
This applies particularly to communities of migrant workers, urban poor, ethnic
minorities, new rural settlements and groups in movement or unrest.
Table 4.2 Health centre-level list of catchment area communities and populations
1. At district level, the analysis of health centre immunization data for the past year
should identify those health centres and communities in need of priority support.
2. At health centre level, the analysis of community immunization data for the past
year should identify those in need of priority visits. Visits may be needed for
evaluating low coverage and the reasons behind it (see Section 3 of this module).
Table 4.3 shows a format for the analysis of district immunization data from the
preceding 12 months. The format identifies and prioritizes high-risk health centres
where immunization performance is problematic (see Module 6 (Monitoring and
surveillance), Section 4.2 for more details). Health centres are ranked and prioritized by
the number of unimmunized infants in their catchment areas.
• Rank health centres by the number of unimmunized infants; the one with the
highest number of unimmunized children is ranked first (1) and so on. The health
centre ranked 1 has the highest priority, and so on.
• Consider prioritizing health centres that have inaccurate data; for example, a health
centre that shows negative values for unimmunized children due to inaccurate
population data or negative vaccine wastage rates may need to be given priority.
Note that this format uses penta3 (DTP+HepB+Hib) and MCV1 to evaluate unimmunized children and then prioritizes health
centres by number of penta3-unimmunized children. Different programmes may use different antigens – follow national
guidelines on this.
Table 4.4 shows a format for analyzing health centre data from the preceding
12 months. The format identifies priority communities by indicators of access and
utilization. Data to complete this table should be taken from monthly reports or be
gathered from tally sheets and registers.
• List every community, including new ones and those that do not have regular access
to services (for example, urban slums, distant rural communities).
• Rank communities by number of unimmunized infants; the one with the highest
number of unimmunized children is ranked first (1) and so on. The community
ranked 1 has the highest priority, and so on.
Name of Target Penta3 Unimmunized Priority: Distance Number of Number of Main community characteristics:
community population doses given (missed penta3 highest from HC outreach outreach urban poor, semi-urban, rural,
<1 year of during the year doses) number of (km) visits visits migrant, ethnic minority, new
age unimmunized planned completed settlements, flooded in rainy season
(c) is 1, and so on during year during year and/or other relevant factors
a b a–b=c
Module 4: Microplanning for reaching every community
Immunization in practice
Module 4: Microplanning for reaching every community
• tally the total number of children aged 12–23 months in the household
• for each child with an available card, tally whether they are fully, partially or never
immunized under “From card – tally”
• if the card is not available but the caregiver gives the immunization history (in
response to prompting questions), tally whether the child is fully/partially/never
immunized under “By recall – tally”.
• If a child is partially or never immunized, write the name of the child and ask the
caregiver the question, “Why was the child not fully immunized?”
• Mark the row with the choice that best matches the answer the caregiver gives.
After noting the answer to the question about a child not being fully immunized,
try to understand issues from the household’s point of view. For example, when a
caregiver says she is “too busy”, you may need to find out whether she may be able
to attend sessions at specific times, or whether there are additional problems such as
cancelled sessions that discourage people from going to the next one. Understanding
the situation will help in adding appropriate solutions to the workplan (this issue is
discussed further in Section 4 of this module).
Table 4.5 Household immunization status questionnaire assessing children aged 12–23 months
If so, how?
How are the communities you work with informed about an
outreach session before and on the day of the session?
When did you last receive any training?
Do you do defaulter follow up for the immunization programme?
How can the health facility improve services for the community?
This section is a guide to taking the information collected in Sections 1–3 and
planning solutions to overcome the identified barriers to access and utilization.
Solutions should be added to a workplan to guide a practical approach, and a
workplan should be developed for each priority community. The table in Module 6
(Monitoring and surveillance), Annex 6.1 lists common problems and possible
solutions. While not exhaustive, this may help to complete a workplan.
• Hold a brainstorming session with key people from the health centre, community
and district to gather ideas. Be sure to include a session on how higher performing
health centres and communities have been able to solve their problems and achieve
improvements (this will give evidenced-based ideas).
• Get consensus on the main problems (not every problem) and list the priority ones.
To address the problems, limit priority problems to about three. Working on a
longer list of problems usually becomes too difficult for a practical approach.
• Choose practical and feasible activities to solve the prioritized problems, since:
–– district-level activities may provide support to the health centre with extra
technical or financial resources.
Example: Call the community chief Mobilize mothers and Ensure costs of outreach
Poor community or community worker by children by informing them sessions are budgeted
attendance at outreach mobile phone in advance of in advance and encouraging (transport and per diem)
sessions the session to confirm time attendance at session according to HC session
and place plan
Table 4.8 shows a workplan format to follow planned health centre and community
activities over a six-month period.
• List the main health centre and community-level problem-solving activities from
the exercise given in Section 4.1, compiled on the form shown in Table 4.7.
Activities should be defined as specific tasks for the person named on the form.
• Make a schedule for completing the activities over the next six months (see
Table 4.8) – the person named on the form should track their progress as the
activities/tasks are completed each month.
Schedule by month
to be done by health centre staff
or community worker Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6
Immunization in practice
Module 4: Microplanning for reaching every community
Table 4.9 shows an example immunization session plan format. It compiles a list of
communities and the distances from the health centre that is responsible for their
immunization services. The type of session needed – fixed (at the health centre) or
outreach (at a site in the community) – for rural communities usually depends on the
distance of the community from the health centre or on the travel time needed if the
terrain is difficult. The type of session needed for urban communities may depend on
social factors or convenience for the groups being served. The frequency of sessions
needed depends on the number of infants expected at each session. The number of
infants an immunization programme should expect to serve in a community depends
on its total population. Table 4.10 is a simplified guide to choosing session frequency
based on total population – it gives the end result of calculations based on total
population and estimated proportions of infants in the total population (see Annex 4.1
for calculation details).
• for a community with a total population of 6000 and an immunization team with
two vaccinators per session, session frequency should be every two weeks
• for a community with a total population of 3000 and an immunization team with
one vaccinator per session, session frequency should be monthly
• for a community with a total population of 500 and an immunization team with
one vaccinator per session, session frequency should be quarterly.
This table states that a reasonable workload is about 30 infants per vaccinator per
session. The maximum acceptable workload may vary depending on the national
schedule and immunization policies and strategies; follow national guidelines.
Session frequency
(30 infants per vaccinator per session)
4- or 5-contact
2001–3000 Monthly Monthly
1001–2000 Monthly Quarterly
Every health centre should make, display and monitor an outreach schedule to show
the date and place of each session, the means of transport and the person responsible
for arranging it. It should also include a community contact person who will
communicate session dates and other reminders to the wider community. An example
format is shown in Table 4.11. Note that fixed sessions can be added to this if needed
to keep all on one sheet (leave the transport column blank or write “fixed” there).
Outreach sessions are often planned for rural communities that are 5–15 km from the
health centre and for urban populations who use convenient locations such as markets,
community centres and schools. Outreach sessions may also need to be planned to take
place before and/or after seasonal rains or other factors that make populations hard to
reach at certain times of the year. In some programmes, communities living more than
10 km away from the health centre may be served by mobile activities organized from
district level, as shown in Figure 4.2. Follow national and district guidelines for
Other activities, such as EPI Plus and maternal–child health interventions, may
be integrated in immunization sessions. Follow national guidelines on including
additional staff, logistics and financial resources as needed.
Figure 4.2 Illustration of fixed, outreach and mobile strategy service distance requirements
(example from WHO AFRO)
Pop 400
Pop 89
Pop 688
Fixed strategy
Pop 339
Pop 312
Pop 1898
x km 10 km 5 km
Health Center Pop 654
Pop 675
Pop 99
Pop 211
Icons: Public Domain, Noun Project; Delivery Scooter by Luis Prado from the Noun Project
Month 1**
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
Module 4: Microplanning for reaching every community
* In the transport column, write “overnight” if needed to complete sessions in the community. Leave the done:
transport column blank or write “fixed” in it if the community is served by fixed sessions at the health centre. Sessions
** Write all dates each month (for example, 2 dates if biweekly sessions)
% done
Immunization in practice
Module 4: Microplanning for reaching every community
Outreach teams must be sure to take sufficient supplies to complete the sessions
planned for each trip. Table 4.12 will help to organize supplies and can be used for
fixed sessions and for monthly ordering (see Section 5.4).
Table 4.12 shows supply calculations for a monthly session. The vaccines in this
example match current WHO recommendations – health centres should have their
own tables that match national immunization schedules. The quantity of supplies
is calculated for the number of infants expected per session. The number of infants
expected is based on the total population and session frequency indicated in Table 4.3.
Ideally, health centres should calculate the supplies needed for each session from lists of
infants compiled by reviewing immunization register appointments, defaulter tracking
and newborn infant lists (see Module 6 (Monitoring and surveillance), Section 1).
Note that Table 4.12 is a rough estimate of needs; numbers include an average 10%
excess and/or are rounded off to whole units. Each health centre should calculate
its supply quantities based on the national immunization schedule and any known
variations, such as increased numbers of infants in sessions where defaulters are
expected to catch up even if a list of expected infants is not compiled. Health centre
wastage rates and other similar factors should also be taken into account for both
vaccine vial and AD syringe numbers. Quantities may be rounded off based on
packaging and/or ease of dispensing from the pharmacy or stockroom.
Supplies for EPI Plus or other activities integrated with immunization sessions should
be added to the table and stock lists as directed by national guidelines.
Monthly stock reports are needed to ensure adequate supplies and avoid stock-outs.
Table 4.13 shows an example format for a health centre stock report, giving an
estimated monthly consumption requirement based on expected immunization service
activities. The consumption figures should correlate with the total number of doses
used at sessions held during the month. This example matches the schedule given in
Table 4.12, but each health centre should report according to national guidelines.
Stock report data may be added to the monthly summary report, as shown in
Module 6 (Monitoring and surveillance), Section 3.
RV – single dose
single-dose vial
pentavalent –
single-dose vial
Measles – 10-dose
vial + diluent
AD syringe – 0.5 ml
BCG AD syringe –
0.05 ml
RUP reconstitution
syringe –
5 ml + needle
RUP reconstitution
syringe –
2 ml + needle
Safety box
6 Finding defaulters
Every health centre needs to plan to follow up defaulters or infants who miss scheduled
vaccinations, who thus fall into the unimmunized or underimmunized group. Refer
to Module 6 (Monitoring and surveillance), Section 1.4 for details on defaulter
tracking methods. This section is a brief reminder of how opportunities to complete
vaccinations can be linked to regularly scheduled immunization services.
Immunization status should be reviewed at all health care visits. Children who are
due or overdue should be vaccinated immediately whenever possible. If vaccines are
not immediately available for administration during the same visit, the infant should
be referred to the earliest possible immunization session. The caregiver should be
informed of the time, date and location of the immunization session, and the infant’s
name should be added to the health centre defaulter tracking list to help ensure the
follow-up visit is made.
1. Calculate the annual target population and monthly newborn target
Since infants are the target population for immunization, calculating the number of
newborns expected in a year gives the annual target population for a programme:
(% infants in population or
Annual target population = (total population) x
expected birth rate)
The percentage of infants in the population, or the expected birth rate, should be
obtained from local data. If a specific local percentage is not available, the suggestion
here is to use 3% as an estimate for session planning. See Module 6 (Monitoring and
surveillance), Section 4.1 for further discussion on calculating targets.
Divide the annual target population by 12 to get the monthly newborn/infant target:
Table 4.14 shows the results of calculations based on the annual target population
and the monthly newborn target to determine the expected number of newborns
plus returning infants at individual sessions. A four-contact (minimum) schedule is
assumed. A choice among weekly, biweekly (every two weeks), monthly and quarterly
(every three months) is also assumed. Both the number of contacts and the choice of
sessions may vary in different programmes.
3000 90 8 8 15 30 90
2000 60 5 5 10 20 60
1000 30 3 3 5 10 30
500 15 1 1 3 5 15
200 6 1 1 1 2 6
Table 4.10 uses 30 injections per session. Session frequency per immunization site can
be decided based on number of vaccinators available and acceptable workload.
This module describes the tasks a health worker needs to perform to ensure the quality of
an immunization session. It starts with the preparation required at the health centre and the
immunization site before the infants arrive. It next discusses the communication needed
throughout each encounter with caregivers during the session. It then proceeds with assessment
of infants before vaccination, the correct technique for giving vaccines, and instructions for
closing sessions and recording data. It concludes with a newly developed checklist that can serve
as a reminder to ensure safety before, during and after immunization sessions.
This module touches on topics that are covered in more detail in other modules with references
given in the text. It focuses mainly on infant immunization, but the principles may be applied to
older age groups.
Module 5: Managing an immunization session
1. Preparing for the session.................................................................................(5)3
1.1 Plan the immunization session...................................................................................................... (5)3
1.2 Prepare the workplace...................................................................................................................... (5)3
1.3 Prepare supplementary materials and equipment................................................................... (5)5
1.4 Pack required vaccines and safe injection supplies.................................................................. (5)6
2. Communicating with caregivers......................................................................(5)9
2.1 Communication use.......................................................................................................................... (5)9
2.2 Communication tips........................................................................................................................ (5)10
2.3 Communicating accurate information....................................................................................... (5)10
2.4 Communicating potential adverse events................................................................................ (5)11
2.5 Communicating other measures to help keep children safe and healthy........................ (5)12
3. Assessing infants for vaccination..................................................................(5)14
3.1 Assess eligibility for immunization.............................................................................................. (5)14
3.2 Assess possible contraindications............................................................................................... (5)15
4. Giving vaccinations........................................................................................(5)17
4.1 Preparing to vaccinate.................................................................................................................... (5)17
4.2 Reconstituting vaccines................................................................................................................. (5)17
4.3 Making vaccination easier and more comfortable.................................................................. (5)19
4.4 Good general techniques.............................................................................................................. (5)19
4.5 Positioning the infant for vaccination........................................................................................ (5)20
4.6 Good oral administration technique........................................................................................... (5)23
4.7 Good injection technique.............................................................................................................. (5)23
4.8 Intradermal (ID) injection.............................................................................................................. (5)25
4.9 Subcutaneous (SC) injection in the upper arm........................................................................ (5)26
4.10 Intramuscular (IM) injection in infants....................................................................................... (5)27
4.11 Intramuscular injection in adolescents and adults.................................................................. (5)28
5. Closing the session.........................................................................................(5)30
5.1 Discard or store opened vials depending on vaccine type................................................... (5)30
5.2 Dispose of used vaccine vials and injection equipment safely............................................ (5)31
5.3 Leave the site clean and tidy......................................................................................................... (5)31
6. Recording data...............................................................................................(5)32
6.1 Complete the infant immunization and reminder cards....................................................... (5)32
6.2 Prepare a summary of the session............................................................................................... (5)33
6.3 Prepare a defaulter tracking list................................................................................................... (5)33
7. Using the immunization session checklist.....................................................(5)34
The main objectives are: a) to inform the community in advance: the community
should be aware of the session and those who are due for immunization should know
about the location and time; and b) to set up the site for safe immunization: staff
should organize adequate quantities of vaccines, safe injection materials, safe disposal
containers and reporting tools as well as an adequate cold chain for conserving
Some of the preparation steps given below are covered elsewhere in more detail; see
references to other modules. The order of the steps may vary by site; for example, for
outreach sessions, vaccines have to be packed for transport at the health centre before
the workplace is prepared at the remote site. Community staff and/or volunteers
should set up as much of the outreach site as possible before the vaccinators arrive.
Each health centre should have a session plan showing where and when immunizations
will be given. This session plan should be developed with and communicated to the
community as part of microplanning. Immunization sessions may be held daily, weekly,
every two weeks, monthly or quarterly at fixed or outreach sites. The frequency of the
sessions depends on the size of the community being served and the workload for staff, as
described in Module 4 (Microplanning for reaching every community), Section 5.
For outreach, health centre staff should get to know people in the community
and learn who can help with arranging the session, including choosing a suitable
time (for example, market day) and tracking children who are due and overdue
for immunization. Signs should be placed at the site to let people know when
immunizations will be given. Module 7 (Partnering with communities) contains details
on involving the community overall.
The final arrangement of space for an immunization session will depend on whether
it is being held in a fixed health facility or outreach site, and whether other services
are being provided (for example, nutrition screening, antenatal care and/or health
education). Figure 5.1 shows an example of the basic requirements for a fixed or
outreach site.
• large enough to provide space to have separate stations for registration and
assessment, immunization and record keeping and screening/education on other
health issues; and
• quiet enough for health workers to be able to explain what they are doing and to
give advice.
Immunization session
Parents and infants Tuesday
and screening
Tally sheet
Vaccination Health education/
information and
return appointment
Table to prepare
Whenever possible, the immunization station itself should be separated from other
activities so that crying children do not cause distress to those waiting. Ideally, the
whole circuit should have a separate entrance and exit, and be well marked with signs,
ropes and other visual aids through which community members or health workers may
guide those attending.
In practice, workplace situations are often less than ideal. Large numbers of people
crowding the area may cause safety issues, as well as confusion and stress, not just for
the health worker, but also for everyone concerned. Careful preparation and a positive,
welcoming manner help ensure a successful immunization session.
A list of needed materials should be reviewed before all sessions (see Section 7 of this
module for a proposed checklist). Figure 5.2 shows an example immunization station.
Vaccine carrier Water container
and foam pad
Rubbish Soap
• water container, basin, soap, towel for hand washing and drying
• immunization register
• cotton wool
• table(s)
• stool(s)/chair(s)
For sessions at the health facility, required vaccines should be taken from the fridge
beforehand to reduce the number of times the fridge is opened.
For outreach, enough vaccine has to be taken to meet demand since the refrigerator
will, of course, not be nearby during the session. Extra vaccine should be added to
meet unexpectedly high demand at the session. For example, an extra 10% can be
added to the estimated need. Ideally, the quantity of each type of vaccine should be
calculated from a list of children who are due and overdue. When such lists are not
available, the quantity can be estimated based on previous session demand, especially
if this is stable. Tables in Module 4 (Microplanning for reaching every community),
Section 5 show estimated numbers of infants and supplies needed for each session
based on example population data.
Before opening the refrigerator, estimate the number of each vaccine needed for the
session as noted above. When opening the fridge, first check the temperature and the
freeze indicator. If there has been freeze exposure, do the Shake Test on the freeze-
sensitive vaccines as described in Module 2 (The vaccine cold chain), Section 7.
1. Opened vials kept in the “USE FIRST” box in the fridge (if in agreement with
national multi-dose vial policy – see Module 2 for WHO policy).
2. Unopened vaccine vials that have been returned from outreach sessions or have
been outside of the refrigerator and returned (usually also in the USE FIRST box).
3. Vaccine vials with vaccine vial monitors (VVMs) that have started to change to a
darker colour but have not gone past the discard point, as shown in Figure 5.3.
In general, vaccines should be organized in the refrigerator by expiry date, with those
with the closest expiry date kept in front and used first.
When selecting vials from the refrigerator, check each vaccine and diluent vial/
ampoule and remember to:
• use only vials/ampoules in good condition; discard vials/ampoules that are damaged
and/or have no label
• do not use any vials/ampoules with fluid that has changed colour or contains
particles: seek the advice of your supervisor if any are found.
The VVM start colour of the inner square is never pure-white, it is always Beyond discard point.
slightly purple and begins lighter in colour than the outer circle. From this point Square colour is darker
forward, the inner square starts to darken in colour, until the temperature and/ than the outer circle.
or duration of heat reaches a level which degrades the vaccine, at which time
the VVM’s discard point will be evident.
Take one AD syringe for each dose of injectable vaccine and add 10% buffer stock.
Note that separate calculations for two types of syringes, AD and BCG AD, are needed
in most programmes. Take one reconstitution syringe and needle for each vial of
vaccine to be used. Take one safety box for every 100 AD syringes.
Do not use ice packs for vials that will be out of the cold chain for a limited time at
fixed or outreach immunization sessions as the risk of freezing is greater than the risk
of damage from heat for vials kept in a vaccine carrier for less than a day. Conditioned
ice packs are recommended to avoid freezing vaccines.
Keep open vials inserted in the foam pad of the vaccine carrier during immunization
sessions. Do not keep opened vials on ice.
This section describes how to prepare for the communication needed to accompany
the more technical activities described in Sections 3 and 4. It suggests how to make
good communication part of vaccinator technique and, in Figure 5.4, gives a general
sequence to match activities during the immunization encounter. The actual content
of communication ultimately depends on what caregivers want to know (their own
questions) and the key information that must be given, including when to return for
the next immunization.
Communication that welcomes, calms and reassures anxious children and adults makes
vaccination easier and more pleasant. While immunization sessions can be very busy,
taking time to give at least the minimum key information at each encounter improves
results for all.
Asking about families and showing interest and concern will, over time, build trust
and respect between health workers and communities. It may also bring to light health
problems in the community that need to be reported and addressed.
Show concern and empathy with the community and, even more importantly,
with each individual, treating them with respect and courtesy. Vaccinators have an
important role in protecting communities from vaccine preventable diseases, not only
by administering the vaccines, but also by creating trust so that children and adults are
willing to attend immunization sessions.
Working with different cultures often presents challenges and individual differences
occur within any culture. For an individual health worker, it may help if they:
• maintain confidence in their ability to talk about the vaccines and the diseases they
• develop skills for giving one or more injections quickly, safely and with little
• look beyond what is being said – the health worker should observe body language
and ask questions to check understanding of what is being said and felt
• check that the caregiver understands the information given, which should be
accompanied by giving written and other reminders as appropriate for the situation
Some caregivers will want detailed information while others will be happy to trust that
they are receiving appropriate care, and lengthy explanations may cause them anxiety.
Use words that are readily understood rather than technical terms. The following issues
may need to be covered, depending on individual needs and understanding:
• vaccine-preventable disease
• vaccines and their schedules, including the number of doses, their timing, the
importance of completing the series and due date(s) for the next dose(s)
• immunization session locations and times, especially for the next visit.
The following points are important when talking about the potential adverse events of
any vaccine.
• Reassure the caregiver that reactions, such as fever, pain or swelling at the injection
site, and changes, such as the child being irritable or off colour, are common and
indicate a good response to the vaccine.
• Instruct the caregiver to give extra fluids in the form of breast milk or clean water.
• Instruct the caregiver that paracetamol may be given and specify the appropriate
dose and timing for the individual infant.
• Remind the caregiver to give extra hugs and attention, but to avoid pressure to the
injection site(s).
• Explain that placing a clean, cold, damp cloth can help to ease pain if there is a
local injection site reaction.
• Tell the caregiver to bring the infant to the health centre if the infant’s condition
worsens or the reaction continues for more than a day or two, since the infant may
develop an illness, unrelated to immunization, that needs treatment.
After BCG vaccine: Explain to the caregiver that the flat-topped swelling on the
infant’s arm is normal and indicates that the vaccine is working. Ask the caregiver to
return with the infant if the infant develops such signs as abscesses or enlarged glands.
After measles vaccine: Explain to the caregiver that a rash or fever may develop after
6–12 days. Other people will not catch the rash and it will go away on its own. The
caregiver should give the infant extra fluids and keep them cool.
See Module 1 (Target diseases and vaccines) for more details on vaccines and potential
adverse events.
After vaccination
¾¾ Remind the caregiver when to return with the infant.
¾¾ In the event of any out-of-stocks of vaccine at the time of the session, inform the
caregiver where and when to return for the next doses.
¾¾ Remind the caregiver about other services given during immunization sessions, as
per national policy; for example, vitamin A supplementation or tetanus toxoid for
¾¾ If immunization campaigns are planned in the coming months, inform the caregiver
about the date of the campaign, what vaccination is being given, and where the
vaccination site will be.
¾¾ Offer relevant print information to caregivers who are literate.
¾¾ Ask the caregiver if they have any questions or concerns and answer them politely.
Whenever an infant visits the health facility, they should be screened for immunization
and given all the vaccines needed. If there is no immunization session that day, the
earliest possible appointment should be made and explained to the caregiver. The steps
below should be followed at any health care visit as well as at any immunization session.
• If the infant does not have an immunization card, ask the caregiver for the infant’s age.
• If the caregiver does not know the infant’s age, estimate it by asking if the infant
was born during/around a notable community event, for example during a certain
season or celebration. A local events calendar can help with this.
2. Verify which vaccines the infant has received by reviewing the immunization card
• If the infant does not have an immunization card but has come to the health facility
before, check the register and fill out a new card. If the infant is new to the health
facility, ask the caregiver questions to prompt recall of each vaccine the infant
should have received and fill out a new card.
• Check for a BCG scar (usually on the left arm/shoulder) if there is no record or recall.
• Proceed to the next step with or without the card, recall or a scar. If immunization
status is in doubt and there are no known contraindications (see Section 3.2 of this
module), vaccinate the infant.
3. Verify all vaccines the infant needs at this session to allow efficient preparation
Follow the national schedule (see Module 1 (Target diseases and vaccines) for WHO
recommendations on each vaccine) remembering these general points:
• If the infant is eligible for more than one type of vaccine, it is safe to give the different
vaccines at different injection sites during the same session (see Section 4.10).
• Never give more than one dose of the same vaccine at one time.
• If the vaccine is overdue, do not restart the schedule. Simply provide the next
needed dose in the series.
• If there is a delay in starting the immunization schedule, give the vaccine(s) and an
appointment for the next dose at the interval recommended in the national schedule.
For the first dose of a vaccine, assess the general status of the child to rule out signs of
serious illness. For a subsequent dose in a vaccine series, ask the caregiver whether any
adverse events, including anaphylaxis, occurred following the previous dose(s).
• Do not give a vaccine if the infant has had anaphylaxis (a serious allergic reaction)
or other severe reaction to a previous dose of the vaccine or a vaccine component.
• Do not give a vaccine if the caregiver objects to immunization for a sick infant after
explanation that mild illness is not a contraindication. Ask the caregiver to come
back when the infant is well.
RV Vaccinate Vaccinate
• For infants with a minor illness and/or fever below 38.5 °C, vaccinate as usual. This
includes respiratory tract infections, diarrhoea and similar mild infections without
significant fever.
• For very ill infants who need to go to hospital, or infants who have a very high
fever, vaccinate if possible. A senior health worker may have to decide in each case,
but infants need protecting from diseases that could be transmissible in hospital
(measles, for example).
• ongoing breastfeeding
4 Giving vaccinations
Immunization is a routine procedure for health workers, but can be frightening for
children and adults attending the session. There are many things a health worker can
do to make an immunization experience a safe and positive one. This section focuses
on techniques for injection preparation, the comfortable and safe positioning of
children, and the safe disposal of materials.
• start with handwashing – use soap and water and dry your hands thoroughly
Whenever possible, prepare the vaccine away from the child and caregiver; be aware
that injection materials may cause anxiety. If this is not possible, turn away slightly
to shield the preparation. Try to talk to the caregiver while preparing injections as
showing interest in the caregiver is reassuring.
Common vaccines that need to be mixed with diluent before use include BCG, yellow
fever, measles, MR and MMR. The correct diluent must be used (see box).
2. Double check each vial/ampoule to make sure it is not past its expiry date, and read
the label carefully.
3. Open the vial. For a metal cap, use a file to lift the pre-cut centre and bend it back;
for a plastic cap, flip it off with your thumb or slowly twist it depending on the
specific instructions for the type of vial.
5. Draw all of the diluent out with a new disposable reconstitution needle and syringe.
6. Insert the needle of the reconstitution syringe into the vaccine vial and empty all
the diluent– depress the plunger slowly to avoid frothing inside the vaccine vial.
7. Draw the fluid slowly and gently in and out of the vial several times to mix the
diluent and vaccine or gently swirl the vial to mix the diluent and vaccine. Take care
not to touch the rubber membrane or opening.
8. Remove the reconstitution needle and syringe and discard them in the safety box.
9. Put the reconstituted vaccine vial in the foam pad of your vaccine carrier.
The way a health worker interacts with children and their caregivers has a huge impact
and they will respond positively to a friendly, welcoming attitude.
Recent recommendations for new vaccines and catch-up dose schedules often mean
giving two (or more) injections to an infant during the same session. Giving multiple
injections at the same time is, of course, more difficult, but it is a skill that must be
learnt. With practice, giving injections quickly and safely with little distress to the
infant and caregiver will become routine. Even the most experienced vaccinator should
take time to review their injection technique and seek out refresher materials that
might improve their skills. Vaccinators should also share their knowledge and learn
from each other.
Welcome the family: Put them at ease by smiling and maintaining a kind, reassuring
manner. Ask if they have any questions or concerns and take time to answer them.
Complete the assessment as described in Section 3 of this module and, if more than
one injection is needed, explain this and confirm that the caregiver agrees that it is
better to vaccinate according to the schedule than to miss the opportunity.
Take time to position the infant with the caregiver: Explain what will happen. This
will help plan movements. Always have the infant’s whole limb(s) for injection bare
before starting. The vaccinator needs to move from one site to another, with minimum
delay. See Section 4.5 of this module.
help make administering them easier; in general, the suggestion is to give oral vaccines
first, while the infant is still calm, and then follow with the injectable ones. The choice
of whether to give a new vaccine first or last usually depends on local factors. Table 5.2
shows a suggested order based on the current WHO schedule. Note that rotavirus
vaccine comes before polio since it has a larger volume and it may be better to give it
when the infant is most calm. Also note that some programmes may not use all the
vaccines listed in the table. Always refer to national guidelines.
Remember that spending a little time, particularly on welcoming and positioning, will
help the procedure go more smoothly and efficiently.
Table 5.2 Example sequence for giving infant vaccines based on current WHO schedule
Order in which to give Route Vaccine
the vaccine
1 Oral Rotavirus
2 Oral Polio
3 Injectable/ID BCG
4 Injectable/IM Pneumococcal
11 Injectable/IM Meningococcal
The choice of position will depend on the number of vaccines to be given, the age of
the child and the materials available. The aim of positioning is to keep the child still
and the caregiver and vaccinator comfortable. Table 5.3 shows different positions for
vaccinating. The first three are for infants and the fourth and fifth are for children aged
12 months or older and adolescents/adults respectively. Reviewing the positions and
picturing movements to give vaccinations will help you be more confident during the
actual immunization encounter. You should try different positions to find the one that
suits you best.
Check that the caregiver is willing to hold the child while the injection/s is/are given.
If they are not willing, ask someone else to help.
Vaccinator should
position themself to
avoid strain while giving
vaccines at the correct
Straddle Sit on a chair holding the Child’s arms tucked Thigh muscles may
position: child facing them and securely under be tense.
Child >12 sitting astride their knees. caregiver’s arms. Vaccinator
months of age Encircle (hug) the child’s Child comforted by responsible for
vaccinated upper body and arms close contact with restraint of legs
sitting upright with their arms. caregiver. (unless caregiver
on caregiver’s If necessary, use one arm Multiple injections helps).
lap, facing to secure the child’s leg. possible without
towards them change in position.
with legs
straddling over Vaccinator should
theirs stand on the side of the
This example is based on one rotavirus vaccine and OPV, but it also applies to other
oral vaccines.
1. Position: Use the cuddle position on the caregiver’s lap with the head supported and
tilted slightly back. Vaccinator stands to one side (see Table 5.3).
2. Administration: Open the infant’s mouth by gently squeezing the cheeks between
your thumb and index finger using gentle pressure. Firm squeezing can cause
– For rotavirus vaccine in tubes, angle the tube towards the inner cheek.
Administer the entire contents by squeezing the tube several times.
– For OPV, let two drops of vaccine fall from the dropper onto the tongue. Do
not let the dropper touch the infant.
3. Disposal: Discard the used oral vaccine tube into the rubbish.
Good injection technique includes administering all injectable vaccines with an auto-
disable (AD) syringe. To use AD syringes correctly, remember that the plunger of an
AD syringe can only go back and forth once; so:
• do not draw up air to inject into the vaccine vial when filling the AD syringe;
2. Hold the syringe barrel between the thumb, index and middle fingers. Do not
touch the needle.
3. For intradermal (ID) injections, gently stretch and support the skin with the
thumb and forefinger. Lay the syringe and needle almost flat along the infant’s
skin. Gently insert the needle into the top layer of the skin (see Figure 5.6).
4. For subcutaneous injections (SC), gently squeeze the skin. Insert the entire needle
at a 45 degree angle (towards the shoulder) with a quick, smooth action (see
Figure 5.6).
5. For intramuscular injections (IM), gently stretch and support the skin between
thumb and forefinger. Push the entire needle in at a 90 degree angle with a quick,
smooth action (see Figure 5.6).
6. For all injections, depress the plunger slowly and smoothly, taking care not to move
the syringe around.
7. For all injections, pull the needle out quickly and smoothly at the same angle that
it went in.
8. For all injections, the caregiver may hold a clean swab gently over the site if it
bleeds after injection.
9. For all injections, dispose of the needle and syringe immediately in the safety box.
10. For all injections, soothe and distract the child when all the vaccines have been
Dermis (skin)
Subcutaneous layer
BCG is the only vaccine that is injected intradermally (into the layers of the skin) for
slow absorption. It is usually given in the left upper arm. To measure and inject the very
small dose (0.05 ml) accurately, a special syringe and needle are used (see Figure 5.7).
2. Administration:
Figure 5.7 BCG injection
– Hold the syringe barrel with
fingers and thumb on the sides
of the barrel and with the bevel
(hole) of the needle facing
– Place your other thumb on the lower end of the syringe near the needle to hold
the needle in position, but do not touch the needle.
– Hold the plunger end of the syringe between the index and middle fingers. Press
the plunger in slowly with the thumb. If you feel no resistance to the plunger,
you are not in the right place and should reposition (see below).
– A pale flat-topped swelling with small pits like an orange peel should appear on
the skin.
– The caregiver may hold a clean swab gently over the site if it is bleeding. Do not
rub or massage the area.
3. Disposal: Discard the needle and syringe straight into the safety box.
The risk of side effects, such as abscesses or enlarged glands, is greater if the vaccine is
given incorrectly, so the technique is very important. It is better to ask for help from a
supervisor or other colleague than to continue giving BCG incorrectly.
The injection is given into the layer below the skin on the upper arm. The exact
injection site (right arm or left arm) used for particular vaccines may be specified in
your country. Be sure to check and always use the side specified (see Figure 5.8).
2. Administration:
Figure 5.8 Subcutaneous injection
– Hold the syringe barrel with fingers
and thumb on the sides of the barrel
and with the bevel (hole) of the
needle facing upwards.
– Quickly push the needle into
pinched-up skin; the needle should
point towards the shoulder at a 45
degree angle.
– Depress the plunger smoothly, taking
care not to move the needle under
the skin.
– Pull the needle out quickly and
smoothly at the same angle as it
went in.
– The caregiver may hold a clean swab gently over the site if it is bleeding. Do not
rub or massage the area.
– Soothe and distract the infant.
3. Disposal: Discard the syringe and needle straight into the safety box.
The muscle on the upper outer part of the thigh is large and safe for intramuscular
injections. See Figures 5.9 and 5.10.
In children aged less than 15 months the deltoid muscle of the upper arm is not safe
to use since it is not developed enough to absorb the vaccine and the radial nerve is
close to the surface. The deltoid muscle may be used in older children, adolescents and
adults (see Section 4.11).
2. Administration:
– Hold the syringe barrel with fingers and thumb on the sides of the barrel and
with the bevel (hole) of the needle facing upwards.
– Gently stretch and support the skin on the upper, outer thigh with the other
hand and quickly push the needle at a 90 degree angle down through the skin
into the muscle.
– Depress the plunger smoothly, taking care not to move the needle under the skin.
– Pull the needle out quickly and smoothly at the same angle as it went in.
– The caregiver may hold a clean swab gently over the site if it is bleeding. Do not
rub or massage the area.
3. Disposal: Discard the needle and syringe straight into the safety box.
Figure 5.9 Intramuscular injection sites in infants Figure 5.10 Intramuscular injection
Injection site 1
Injection site 2
Greater trochanter
Unlike infants, adolescents and adults may suffer stress of anticipation prior to
immunization. If they have had a previous bad experience, this anxiety may be more
severe. Observe the group waiting for immunization. Watch for signs of anxiety; if
anyone is crying, pale or showing any other signs of distress, it is best to take them
aside to be reassured, comforted and immunized first to reduce the potential for
anxiety to spread among the others.
Allow time for discussion about the vaccine and the disease(s) it protects against,
if this is what is wanted. Ask if there are any questions. Complete your own pre-
immunization check.
Unless it is against national policy, allow the person to choose in which arm they
would like to receive the injection. Choice gives a feeling of being in control in what
may be a frightening situation for them.
Talk quietly and be patient. They might like to have a support person with them, or a
fellow vaccinator who is able to calm and distract them.
Provide privacy for the administration of vaccines; a screen, even if just a curtain, will
Explain what you will say when you are going to give the injection and how it may
feel. Some will liken it to a minor sting or prickle. Use words such as booster rather
than needle or shot.
1. Position: Most will be comfortable sitting on a chair (see Table 5.3). Those who are
known to be prone to fainting may feel better lying down.
2. Administration:
– With your palm resting on their shoulder, hold the injection site gently with
thumb and forefinger. This touch is comforting to the person and it will alert
you of any potential movement. Talk about how important it is for them to
remain still and then distract them by chatting about non-related subjects like
their favourite school subject or hobby.
– Holding the barrel of the syringe and, using a dart-like (quick, smooth) action,
insert the needle at a 90 degree angle all the way down through the skin to the
muscle. Keep chatting while you do this. Distraction is an important aid to
reduce injection discomfort.
– Depress the plunger smoothly and steadily, taking care not to move the needle.
– Pull the needle out, quickly and smoothly, at the same angle as it went in.
– Do not rub the arm. A clean swab may be held over the site.
3. Disposal: Discard the needle and syringe straight into the safety box.
Refer to national policy on open multi-dose vials and act accordingly; WHO multi-
dose vial policy is included in Module 2 (The vaccine cold chain).
After outreach sessions, the following steps are required for vaccines and supplies.
– Check the coolant packs to make sure that the ice has not melted. If conditioned ice
packs have completely melted and/or the thermometer in the vaccine carrier shows a
temperature above +8 °C, all vaccines inside the vaccine carrier should be discarded
unless they have VVMs that show they are still safe to use; so check each vial.
– Place unopened vaccines and opened vials for which the multi-dose vial policy is
applicable inside the carrier.
– Put empty vials and opened vials of reconstituted vaccines in a separate container
for transport to a disposal site.
– Return vaccines with acceptable VVMs to the use first box in the refrigerator. If
the conditioned ice packs in the vaccine carrier have melted during the trip back
to the health centre, discard the vaccine vials unless the VVMs indicate that they
are safe to use.
– Put the coolant packs from the carrier into the freezer and record the
temperature of the refrigerator.
– Wipe the carrier with a damp cloth and check it for cracks. Repair any cracks
with adhesive tape and leave the carrier open to dry.
Safety boxes containing used needles and syringes must be disposed of properly – see
Module 3 (Ensuring safe injections).
• Do not leave anything behind that might be a health threat to the community.
• Clean and return tables, chairs and other equipment to their owners.
• Thank the local people who have helped to organize the session and remind them of
the date of the next session.
6 Recording data
Accurate and reliable records are vital, not only for the individual child but also to
track the immunization status of communities through monthly and annual reporting
(see Module 6 (Monitoring and surveillance) for details). During a session, individual
immunization cards and health centre records – such as registers, reminder cards and
tally sheets – have to be completed. Tally sheets need to be totalled after the session
and these totals need to be added to programme monitoring data.
1. Write the date for each vaccine administered in its corresponding section on the card.
2. Mark the next immunization due date on the card if another dose is needed,
and ensure that the caregiver understands when and where to return for the next
dose(s) of vaccine(s).
3. If new vaccines are not included on immunization registers and/or cards, ask your
supervisor for instructions about how to record them on all reporting tools.
4. Use the immunization card to update the reminder card/due list kept in the health
facility as shown in Module 6 (Monitoring and surveillance), Section 1.
6. Explain to the caregiver that the immunization card must be kept in good
condition since it is an important document for future health care visits.
7. Remind the caregiver that the card should be taken to all of the child’s health care
visits for review.
Do not miss any opportunity to immunize; health workers should be in the habit of
asking for and reviewing immunization cards for each child at each visit regardless of
the reason for coming.
Calculate total numbers of vaccines given, supplies used and stock remaining
for inclusion in monthly report data, as described in Module 6 (Monitoring and
At the end of each session, use the immunization register and/or reminder cards to
make a list of children who were due for vaccines but did not attend the session. The
format for the list is shown in Module 6 (Figure 6.4). The list should be used for
defaulter tracking and for programme monitoring activities (as described in Modules 4
and 6). Inform community members who help with defaulter tracking of the infants
on the list; ask them to mobilize the defaulters for the next immunization session.
Immunization in practice
Y N CHECK if sufficient quantities of vaccines and Y N GREET the client and caregiver? Y N CORRECTLY ASSESS if open vials can be used
diluents are available for the session? in the next session in accordance with national
Y N REVIEW the client’s immunization card? multi-dose vial policy?
CHECK vials for the following and take
appropriate action:
Y N DETERMINE eligible vaccinations based on the Y N DISCARD open vials that should not be used?
Y N Expiry dates? national schedule, client’s age and possible
Y N Open vial dates? contraindications? Y N RECORD date of opening on vials that can be
used and PLACE them in the “use first” box in
Y N VVM status? Y N RECONSTITUTE each vaccine with its matched the refrigerator?
Y N Freezing status? diluent (for lyophilized vaccines)?
Y N RETURN unopened vials to the refrigerator?
Y N PLACE vials in the appropriate place in the Y N FILL syringes just before administration using
immunization area? aseptic technique? Y N COMPLETE session summary report?
ENSURE sufficient supplies are available for Y N ADMINISTER each vaccine according to Y N LIST the names of children who missed
the session including: recommended technique and correct injection vaccination and require follow up?
Y N Auto-disable (AD) syringes? site?
Y N HANDLE full safety boxes correctly?
Y N Reconstitution syringes? Y N IMMEDIATELY DISPOSE needles/AD syringes in
Y N Safety box? safety boxes after each injection? Y N TAKE appropriate action to ensure sufficient
vaccine stock for the next session?
Y N AEFI kit? Y N RECORD all vaccinations in register, tally sheet
Y N Immunization register? and immunization card? Y N INFORM COMMUNITY of date and time of
next session?
Y N Immunization tally sheets? Y N COMMUNICATE key messages, including
Y N Blank immunization cards? potential AEFIs and date of next visit?
Module 5: Managing an immunization session
6: Monitoring and surveillance
About this module…
Monitoring and
This module explains how to collect and report data for the monitoring of immunization services
and the surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases and adverse events following immunization
(AEFI). Monitoring and surveillance are included together since data from both are usually
reported in a summary form forwarded to central levels. The process of recording the data is
described first. This is followed by a description of the summary reporting process and the ways
in which these data can be analysed and used.
Monitoring of immunization services helps to improve performance and identify and solve any
problems of access and utilization detected in communities with high numbers of unimmunized
children. Surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases helps guide disease control activities
by detecting outbreaks, identifying high-risk groups or areas and monitoring the impact of
immunization services. Surveillance of AEFI cases helps to identify the causes of adverse events
and, if needed, triggers a review of proper vaccine handling and administration.
Examples in this module focus on infants, but the methods can be applied to older age groups.
The examples show paper-based recording and reporting, but data collection principles apply
to other modalities. While the use of electronic tools for district data monitoring is encouraged
by WHO, their implementation and instructions for use will depend on national or central
authorities and objectives.
Module 6: Monitoring and surveillance
1. Tools for monitoring ....................................................................................... (6)3
1.1 The immunization register ............................................................................................................. (6)3
1.2 The immunization card ................................................................................................................... (6)6
1.3 The tally sheet .................................................................................................................................... (6)8
1.4 The defaulter tracking list ............................................................................................................. (6)11
Annex 6.1 Common problems associated with poor access and utilization,
and possible solutions ....................................................................................... (6)43
Annex 6.2 Immunization service supervisory visit checklist .......................... (6)45
The immunization register is used to record the immunizations received by each child.
It is a book or a form that stays in the health facility. Its main purpose is to keep track
of the immunization services provided to each infant over time. It lists each infant on a
separate line and is important for several reasons:
• It helps identify infants who miss scheduled vaccinations and who need to be added
to the defaulter tracking list.
Health facilities may keep separate registers for each community that they serve; they
may also use specific registers for outreach activities and/or children who present from
outside their catchment area.
• name of infant
• infant’s sex
• dates and doses of vaccinations and vitamin A supplementation given (if applicable)
• protected at birth (PAB) status, which indicates whether or not the infant was
protected for neonatal tetanus.
The immunization register can also be used as a birth register. As soon as an infant is
born in the community, their name can be entered in the register even before receiving
any vaccinations. This will help to follow up new infants along with older ones on the
defaulter tracking list.
Two different infant immunization register examples are shown in Figure 6.1.
• With both examples, a new month can be started at the top of the next page even if
there are some lines left on the current page. For example, on 31 January there may
be five lines blank on the current page but on 1 February registration of new infants
should start at the top of the next page. This will make it easier to find infants
returning without their immunization cards and to compile defaulter tracking lists
(see Section 1.4 of this module).
• The first example (A) is organized by vaccine and the doses required for the series.
With this format, it is easy to see whether an infant is fully immunized with each
• The second example (B) is organized by vaccines that are usually given in the same
visit when following the example immunization schedule. With this format, it is
easy to see which doses are needed each time an infant comes to a session. It is also
easy to see which infants have missed vaccinations and need to be included in the
defaulter tracking list (see Section 1.4 of this module).
These are suggestions. Any format used should match national guidelines and be
coordinated with the method used to track defaulters, as described in Section 1.4 of
this module.
PAB HepB polio (OPV &/or IPV) RV pentavalent PCV Vit A Remarks –
Name of Address
ID Name of from (<24h completed/
Sex mother/ and mobile/ BCG
No infant/child NT* or OPV0 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 died/
caregiver phone number
(Y/N) >24h)** moved
Immunization in practice
Usually date of first visit
DOB: Date of birth
* Protected at birth from Neonatal tetanus – ask mother at penta1 contact
** Only 1 birth dose of HepB is required; write if given <24h or >24h after birth
B. Format
Village: organized by immunization contact and doses of all vaccines of health facility:
Namerequired at each contact
Birth doses PAB 1st doses 2nd doses 3rd doses Vit A Remarks –
Name of Name of Address completed/
ID Sex HepB from
infant/child caregiver and mobile/ died/
or >24h)* (Y/N)
Usually date of first visit
DOB: Date of birth
* Only 1 birth dose of HepB is required; write if given <24h or >24h after birth
** Protected at birth from Neonatal tetanus – ask mother at penta1 contact
Module 6: Monitoring and surveillance
Module 6: Monitoring and surveillance
Use a unique identification number on the register for each infant and write the same
number on the immunization card. A unique identification number is easier to locate
in the register if the immunization card is available during follow-up appointments.
Do not create a new entry in the register each time the mother brings the infant
for immunization. Ask the caregiver for the immunization card and look for a
corresponding entry in the register. If the immunization card is not available, ask
the caregiver for the child’s name, age and the month and/or other details of the first
immunization, then locate their line in the register.
For every new infant (never immunized), create a new entry in the register and a new
immunization card. For an infant who has come to the health facility for the first time
but has received immunizations in another facility, create a new entry in the register,
ask for the immunization card and write immunizations that the infant has already
received in the register. If there is no immunization card, review the vaccines the child
should have received (by age according to the national immunization schedule) with
the caregiver and record the ones they can recall being given. If the caregiver is not able
to recall the vaccines given, the immunization schedule should be started again (see
Module 5, Section 3 on assessing eligibility for immunization).
Key points
¾¾ Fill in all information on the register line for each infant.
¾¾ Mark vaccinations in the register only after they are given to the infant.
¾¾ When an infant returns for a follow-up visit, find the register line for the infant
using the immunization card (or the infant’s name and age and/or month of first
vaccination if the card is not available).
The infant immunization card is used to record the immunizations a child has
received. It may be a separate document or part of a general infant or mother/
child health record, such as a Road to Health Card or Child Health Booklet, and is
important for several reasons:
• it serves to remind caregivers to return to the clinic for the next dose(s) of vaccine(s)
The specific format of the immunization card depends on the vaccines that are
included in the national immunization schedule. Examples of immunization cards are
available from the vaccination card repository at www.immunizationcards.org.
Key points
¾¾ Remember that the immunization card may be the only record of immunization
status available for health workers if registers are not well maintained or if
families move from one health facility to another.
¾¾ Each infant should have a card with vaccinations marked correctly.
¾¾ Review Module 5 for the process of filling and explaining the card to caregivers
during the immunization encounter.
• infant’s name
• infant’s sex
• date, dose and lot number of each TT vaccine given to the mother (optional; see
Annex 6.1)
The infant’s caregiver should be reminded to keep the immunization card in a safe
place and to take it to all immunization and other health care visits.
Mark the next appointment date on the card and tell the caregiver when and where to
return for the next vaccination.
Key points
¾¾ Remember to mark the next appointment date on the immunization card. Make
sure that the appointment corresponds to a planned immunization session.
¾¾ Inform the caregiver of the next appointment verbally as well as in writing on
the card.
¾¾ Always return the immunization card to the caregiver.
¾¾ Remind the caregiver to keep the immunization card in a safe place and to take it
to all health care and immunization visits.
Tally sheets are forms that are marked every time a health worker administers a dose
of vaccine. They are used to monitor performance and complete monthly reporting.
Ideally, a new tally sheet should be used for each session, but weekly or monthly sheets
are also found in some programmes. An example is shown in Figure 6.2.
preprinted sheets are not used, all vaccinators in a health facility should use the same
type of tally marks to make it easier to count the totals.
In Figure 6.2, after vaccinating an infant (who is by definition less than one year of
age), place the mark in the column headed “Age <1 year”. After vaccinating an older
child, place the mark under “Age >1 year”.
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
pentavalent2 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
pentavalent3 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
PCV1 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
PCV PCV2 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
PCV3 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
Age 9–12 months Age >12 months
MCV1 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
Age 15–18 months Age >18 months
MCV2 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
Age <1 year Age >1 year
Vitamin A 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
Women Pregnant women Non-pregnant women
TT1 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
TT2 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
TT3 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
TT4 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
TT5 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
HPV1 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
HPV2 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
HPV3 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
At the end of each immunization session, add up the number of marks recorded
during the session. This gives the total number of immunizations given with each
antigen and each dose in its series. Keep the tally sheet for the supervisor to review.
Table 6.1 describes some common errors in tallying.
Tallying at the end of a session Wasted doses may be counted Tally each dose given (as above)
according to number of doses
contained in the used vials
Tallying all vaccines under one age Will result in inaccurate coverage Separate tally for under 1 and
group (to include those outside the data over 1 year old
targeted age)
The term “defaulter” refers to individuals who miss scheduled vaccinations for any
reason, including health facility problems, such as cancelled sessions or vaccine stock
outs. Defaulters need to be followed up and mobilized to attend the earliest available
session, since the goal is to complete any missed vaccinations. A tracking list, such as
the one shown in Figure 6.3, should be filled in after each immunization session or
at least monthly as described below. It should be given to the person(s) tasked with
finding defaulters.
• infant’s name
• caregiver’s name
• vaccinations needed.
Figure 6.4 shows a completed example of the register shown in Figure 6.1 (A). Note
that looking at each line helps visualize which infants have missed vaccinations and so
should be added to the defaulter tracking list.
Address from
ID Name of Name of
No infant/child caregiver
511 3/1 Baby One 1/1/13 F Mom One Nearby St, ph 555667 1/1 1/1 1/1, <24h y 15/2 15/2 15/2 15/2 15/3 15/3 15/3 15/3 18/4 18/4 18/4 21/10 21/10
defaulter tracking done
512 10/1 Boy Two 5/1/13 M Mother Two Far St, ph 555551 10/1 10/1 10/1, >24h y 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/3 21/3 21/3 21/3 – moved out of area
513 10/1 Girl Three 7/1/13 F Father Three Middle Rd, ph 333335 10/1 10/1 10/1, >24h y 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/3 21/3 21/3 21/3 25/4 25/4 25/4 31/10 31/10
514 10/1 Baby Girl Four 10/1/13 F Mama Four Square St, ph 111117 10/1 10/1 10/1, <24h n 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/3 21/3 21/3 21/3 25/4 25/4 25/4 21/10 21/10
515 17/1 Boy Five 6/1/13 M Mum Five Round Rd, ph 777559 10/1 10/1 10/1, >24h n 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/3 21/3 21/3 21/3 25/4 25/4 25/4
newborn moved
516 17/1 Baby Boy Six 17/1/13 M Dad Six Circle St, ph 666553 out of catchment
517 17/1 Girl Seven 5/11/12 F Mom Seven Line Rd, ph 221255 5/11/12 5/11/12 5/11/12, y 17/1 17/1 17/1 17/1 21/3 21/3 21/3 21/3 23/5 23/5 23/5 22/8 22/8
518 17/1 Girl Eight 16/1/13 F Mama Eight Park Pl, ph 332211 17/1 17/1 17/1, >24h y 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/3 21/3 21/3 21/3 25/4 25/4 25/4 31/10 31/10
defaulter tracking done
519 24/1 Baby Nine 19/1/13 M Mother Nine City Lane, ph 991119 24/1 24/1 24/1, >24h y 7/3 7/3 7/3 7/3 – family declined
Usually date of first visit
DOB: Date of birth
* Only 1 birth dose of HepB is required; write if given <24h or >24h after birth
** Protected at birth from neonatal tetanus – ask mother at penta1 contact
Note that:
• This is a register for a single village. Addresses may need to be written in more detail
if more than one village is included in the same register.
• It shows the first page for a specific month: January 2013. The identification
numbers are continued from the previous year and this is why the ID No column
starts with the number 511.
• ID No 512 did not return after receiving his second doses. He was added to the
defaulter tracking list and found to have moved out of the catchment area.
• ID No 515 has not received a dose of the measles vaccine (MCV1) and is still
under defaulter tracking.
• ID No 516 was born at home and registered after the health worker was notified by
a community volunteer. Defaulter tracking found that the family subsequently left
the catchment area.
• ID No 517 received birth doses in the hospital on 5/11/12 but then presented at
irregular intervals for follow-up. She is now up-to-date.
• ID No 513, 514 and 518 are up to date according to the example immunization
schedule used in this module.
• ID No 519 did not return after his first doses. Defaulter tracking found that the
family declined any further immunizations.
• The last line is blank since the next infant was added in February, which starts on a
new page (not shown).
reminder cards
AEFI reporting is included routinely in summary reports, but may also require
immediate notification by phone to relevant managers and authorities as directed by
national or central-level guidelines (see Section 2.3).
Vaccine-preventable disease cases should be tallied when they are seen at a health
facility or outreach site. The total number for each type of disease should be added
for reporting to central levels. This is often done monthly in a summary form. An
example monthly summary form is shown in Figure 6.10 and discussed in Section 3
of this module. Copies of the second page of the form in Figure 6.10 may be made for
daily or weekly tallies at health centre and outreach sites and then be compiled for the
monthly report.
Use the tally to review trends in cases of specific reportable diseases, and proceed
with reporting as required by country policy. Some diseases may need to be reported
immediately on a case-by-case basis.
• patient’s address (of their caregiver for children) and mobile/phone number if
• conclusions about the case; for example, suspected, confirmed, discarded or unable
to classify.
Delivery practices
Place of delivery? Health facility: Home: Outside: Other: Unknown:
Who assisted with the delivery? Doctor: Midwife: Nurse: TBA:
Nobody: Other: Unknown:
On what surface was the baby delivered?
What was used to cut the cord?
Was any substance put on the cord stump? Yes: No:
If yes, specify:
Baby’s signs/symptoms – ask respondent to describe in open-ended questions and record the
findings below. Do not ask the questions literally.
Did the baby suckle normally for at least the first 2 days of life? Yes: No: Unknown:
Did the baby stop suckling after the first 2 days? Yes: No: Unknown:
Baby’s age at which illness was suspected by the mother/informant: Days: ___ Unknown:
Did the baby have the following signs:
Spasms when stimulated by touch, sound or light? Yes: No:
Developed “pursed lips” and/or clenched fists? Yes: No:
Become rigid or stiff as illness progressed? Yes: No:
Had tremors, fits or stiffness? Yes: No:
Ask the mother to describe the baby’s illness, and record the responses on the back of this form.
Case response
Has the mother received TT since the birth of this baby? Yes: No: Unknown:
Did other women in same locality receive TT in response to the case? Yes: No: Unknown:
What does the respondent say was the cause of the baby’s death?
On the basis of the evidence, was this a case of neonatal tetanus?
Confirmed case: Suspected case: Discarded case: Unable to classify:
During specific disease outbreaks, suspected cases may need to be listed individually,
with details of the history including immunization status and management of each
patient. This information is sometimes required to provide data for the vaccine-
preventable disease tally, as discussed in Section 2.1. It is more often needed
for surveillance where information has to be collected and reported, sometimes
immediately by phone, to guide prompt outbreak control response.
• patient’s name
• patient’s address (of her/his caregiver for children) and mobile/phone number if
• patient’s sex
• vaccination status
• date and results of any laboratory confirmation tests (also based on the standard
case definition
Figure 6.7 shows an example line list for suspected measles cases.
onset to HC
Final classi-
Immunization in practice
Module 6: Monitoring and surveillance
AEFIs need to be reported individually and tallied for the monthly summary report
(see Section 3). The WHO definitions of AEFI and AEFI categories are given in the
box below. With investigation, an AEFI should fall into one of the five categories.
Investigation is usually carried out based on an initial health facility report of a
suspected AEFI (discussed further below).
National or central authorities should provide a list of suspected AEFIs that must
be reported immediately by telephone to a manager who has the responsibility to
investigate them. Figure 6.8 gives a guide on what to report immediately from health
facility level. In general, any AEFI that is of concern to the parents or to the health
worker should be reported. Note that serious AEFIs (as given in Figure 6.8) are those
that are life threatening or result in hospitalization, disability or death.
Figure 6.8 General guide for AEFI reporting from health facility level
Serious AEFIs
Swelling, redness, soreness at the injection site IF it lasts for more than 3 days or
swelling extends beyond nearest joint
• patient’s address (of her/his caregiver for children) and mobile/phone number if
• reporter’s address and mobile/phone number, if different from those of the patient
or caregiver
• patient’s sex
• description of the event and the outcome from the patient or reporter
• details of all vaccines given and diluents used, including generic and brand name,
batch number and time of vaccination.
Tally the AEFI reports for the monthly summary by type. The example given in
Section 3 of this module asks for the total number of serious and non-serious events
during the month. National authorities should provide guidance on which AEFIs
should be included in which category in summary reports.
* Compulsory field
Copies of reports with dates and signatures are sent to the next central level and the
originals stored at the health facility (see Section 3.5).
• Complete. All sections of the summary reports should be filled in and no parts
left blank. All reports due from different services and/or outreach sites should be
received and their data included in the summary report.
• Timely. All summary reports should be submitted to the next level before the
assigned deadline. Summary reports completed and submitted on time help to
ensure prompt and effective disease control response.
• Accurate. All summary reports should contain figures that correspond to the actual
figures from the health facilities and that are double-checked for correct calculations
and totals.
District, province and national levels should keep track of the completeness and
timeliness of reporting by more peripheral levels and remind them of missing or late
reports. Timeliness and completeness of reporting should be used as an indicator for
measuring the performance of health facilities.
Selected programme information can be presented in graph form for display in the
health facility; see Section 4 of this module.
Infants Vaccinations and Vit A given to children <1 year of age Vaccinations and Vit A given to children >1 year of age MCV2 Others
Place of Session HepB polio (OPV and/or IPV) RV PCV pentavalent polio (OPV &/or IPV) PCV pentavalent Age 15–18 Age >18
from BCG MCV1 Vit A Others MCV1 Vit A
No Date session typea NT <24h >24h OPV0 1 2 3 3+*** 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 3+** 1 2 3 1 2 3 months months
Module 6: Monitoring and surveillance
* Session type: fixed or outreach
** Protected at birth from neonatal tetanus (based on TT vaccination status of mother)
*** Combination IPV/OPV schedules may require a final dose of OPV with IPV – follow the national schedule
Immunization in practice
Figure 6.10 (continued) Monthly summary report example, page 2
Immunization in practice
<1 year 1–4 years >5 years Doses
M F status RV
0 1 2 3 3+ unknown OPV
Measles Pentavalent
Diphtheria BCG
Pertussis Measles
Neonatal tetanus Others (vitA, YF)
Other tetanus AD syringes (BCG)
Other diseases* AD syringes (others)
Safety boxes
Immunization cards
* Other vaccine preventable diseases (yellow fever, JE, etc) according to region
** Enter vaccine vial size where applicable; count the number of vials and multiply by doses per vial to give the number of doses
*** Follow country policy on adverse event reporting – serious events, particularly death, usually require immediate reporting
Module 6: Monitoring and surveillance
Module 6: Monitoring and surveillance
Zero reporting
If there are no cases of a disease during the reporting period, the number zero should
be reported in the summary. This is called “zero reporting” and is important, since it
shows an absence of cases presenting to the health facility rather than a forgotten point
in data collection.
The AEFI surveillance data part of the summary records any AEFI reports collected
during the month. The reports should be tallied by the type of reaction (serious or
non-serious in the example used here) and entered into the corresponding section
of the form. The details should have been provided to the person responsible for
conducting an investigation according to the immediate reporting requirements
discussed in Section 2.
Vaccine stock data should be recorded and reported regularly since this information
may be needed at the district level. The stock data can be used in vaccine usage and
wastage calculations, as shown below. Note that the formula shown uses the number
of doses. The stock cards may track only the number of vials. In this case, the number
of doses can be calculated by multiplying the number of vials by the number of doses
per vial.
For purposes of verification and retrieval, data must be stored at each different level.
Data can be stored in hard copy or electronically. At the health facility, tally sheets,
registers and reports should be stored for a specific period (on average three years)
depending on national standard operating procedure. Where higher administrative
levels use computers, back-ups (hard copies and/or electronic copies) must be kept
to avoid data loss in the case of system failure. Stored records are also useful for
supervisory visits and immunization service reviews.
Creating a chart showing doses administered and dropout rates is a simple, effective
way to monitor immunization service progress. This type of chart tracks monthly
progress towards immunization service goals. The number of doses administered can
be compared to the number of infants eligible to receive them, and target population
dropout rates can be calculated. The dropout rate compares the number of infants who
completed the immunization schedule for a selected vaccine to the total number who
failed to finish the course.
Every health facility should display a current monitoring chart on a wall where all staff
can see it. Charts can be produced at every level of the health system by combining
data manually or electronically. Figure 6.11 shows a completed monitoring chart.
1. Calculate the annual and monthly target population who should receive
immunization services
Aim to vaccinate every infant in the catchment area, including those who are hard
to reach. Use existing population data for infants obtained from national statistics
offices, ministry of health planning sections or community censuses. If data are not
available, estimate the number of infants by multiplying the total population by
3% (or the percentage of infants in the population suggested by national/central
authorities, if applicable). Always use the most precise percentage available: a
measured, specific percentage for calculating the number of infants is preferred.
Data for peripheral health facility calculations are often difficult to find and more
accurate targets can be set by: a) immunization staff and district supervisors, who
may need to discuss and agree on target population adjustments based on local
knowledge and past experience; and b) drawing the past year’s results on the current
year’s chart in order to follow progress from year to year.
The monthly target population is the annual target population number of infants
calculated above divided by 12.
Example calculation: If the total population is 3900, then the annual target population
of infants is 3900 × 3/100 = 117; and the monthly target is 117/12 = 10.
2. Label the chart and draw the ideal monthly target line
– Complete the information on the top of the chart by adding the area and year.
– Label the left (and/or right) side of the chart with the monthly target numbers.
– Draw a diagonal line from zero to the top right-hand corner to show the ideal
rate of progress from month to month using the cumulative monthly target
– Locate the space for the month being recorded in the row of boxes underneath
the graph and enter the monthly total of vaccine given.
Note that cumulative means the total number of doses of vaccines given in the current
month plus the monthly totals for the current calendar year; for example, the cumulative
number of penta3 doses given by the end of March is the total number of doses given in
January plus the total number given in February plus the total number given in March.
4. Enter the current cumulative total on the right side of the month being
– Make a dot on the graph corresponding to the cumulative total recorded on the
right side of the month being recorded; the dot should line up with the correct
monthly number on the left side of the chart.
– Connect the new dot to the previous month’s dot with a straight line.
5. Calculate the total number of dropouts between the first and last dose of the
same vaccine series.
Number of dropouts = (cumulative total for the first dose) – (cumulative total for
the last dose of the vaccine series)
Dropout rate (%) = (number of dropouts/cumulative total for the first dose) × 100
The dropout rate can be seen easily in the doses administered chart: it is the gap
between the lines for the first and last dose of a vaccine.
Example calculation: If all 117 infants in the annual target population received penta1,
but only 100 finished all three doses during the year, then:
Number of dropouts = (117) – (100) = 17
Dropout rate = [17/117] × 100 = 14.5%
Figure 6.11 Monitoring chart example showing pentavalent1 and pentavalent3 data
Number of children
10*12 = 120
10*11 = 110
10*10 = 100
10*9 = 90
10*8 = 80
10*7 = 70
10*6 = 60
10*3 = 30
10*2 = 20
10*1 = 10
10*0 = 0
Fill in at the end of Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
each month Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total
Total immunized
pentavalent1 6 6 4 10 6 16 6 22 7 29 7 36 5 41 5 46
Total immunized
pentavalent3 4 4 3 7 6 13 6 19 6 25 6 31 5 36 5 41
Dropout (DO)
(Penta1–Penta3) 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5
Dropout %
(D)/Penta1)*100 33 30 19 14 14 14 12 11
Full analysis requires data to be compiled by area. Figures 6.12, 6.13 and 6.14 suggest
how to compile and analyse vaccination coverage data. The first part of the process
shown below is also shown in Module 4, which focuses on prioritizing areas by the
number of unimmunized children during microplanning. The additional calculations
given in Figures 6.12 and 6.13 are included here to help define problems that cause
children to remain unimmunized. Defining problems in detail helps identify potential
solutions (see also Annex 3).
2. List the target population numbers for infants less than one year of age in
Column b.
3. Enter the number of doses of each vaccine type administered to the target group
during the preceding 12-month period in Columns c, d and e. The vaccines used
for analysis will vary by programme.
Figure 6.12 Sample format for compilation and analysis of health facility data
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
In Column m, enter the quality of access (good = coverage 80% or better; poor =
coverage less than 80%) based on pentavalent1 coverage in Column f. Note that
the 80% cut-off is suggested here as a general indicator and programmes may use
different cut-offs to define good and poor coverage based on national policy.
In Column n, enter the quality of utilization (good = dropout rate less than 10%;
poor = dropout rate 10% or more) based on the pentavalent1–pentavalent3
dropout rate given in Column k. Note that the 10% cut-off is suggested here as a
general indicator and programmes may use different cut-offs to define good and
poor dropout rates based on national policy.
In Column o, use your data to prioritize communities for problem solving. Rank
the community that has the most unimmunized infants (not necessarily the lowest
coverage) as the highest priority (#1) Figure 6.14 illustrates this principle.
Figure 6.13 Access and utilization problem analysis flowchart and graph
Note that coverage and dropout rates for any vaccine can be used; the choice may be set by national policy or
made at more local levels
≤ 10% = good utilization > 10% = poor utilization ≤ 10% = good utilization > 10% = poor utilization
Problems can be broadly associated with access and utilization and the categories in
Figure 6.13 indicate the different combinations of the two issues. Problems may be
related to one or more communities or areas or may apply to the entire district.
Access problems result in infants missing immunization sessions and may be due to:
• cultural, financial, racial, gender or other barriers preventing access to and use of
immunization services.
Utilization problems result in infants not coming back to complete the full series of
immunizations and may be caused by:
• other problems leading to caregivers not returning due to vaccinations not being
given as expected; for example supply shortages, delayed doses due to incorrect
assessment of contraindications or other problems in the relationship between
health workers and the community.
The table in Annex 6.1 lists commonly encountered problems. It is not exhaustive but
can serve as a guide to finding solutions.
Supervisory visits from more central levels can also be helpful in identifying problems
and solutions. Annex 6.2 shows an example checklist for such visits. Like the table
in Annex 6.1, it is not exhaustive but can serve as a guide for health workers and
Case numbers can be presented in graphs for display in the health facility. Trends in
disease occurrence (usually incidence) are easy to visualize and compare to immunization
data in this format. Graphs of trends that become outbreaks are also called “epidemic
curves”. Keeping updated graphs will allow comparisons between seasons and years and
alert to any increases in the number of cases or other relevant trends.
How to make a surveillance chart showing the number of cases per month
Figure 6.15 illustrates a measles surveillance chart. This example shows cases by month,
but weekly or more frequent reporting may be required by local and national authorities.
– Complete the information on the top of the chart by adding the health facility/
area name and year.
– Label the left (or right) side of the chart with the name of the disease and
number scale for cases.
– Locate the space for the month you are recording in the row of boxes underneath
the graph and enter the monthly total of cases.
– Connect the new dot to the previous month’s dot with a straight line (line graph
not shown); or fill the column from 0 up to the case number for that month to
make a bar chart (as shown).
Figure 6.15 Chart showing the number of measles cases reported per month
Number of measles cases
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Number of cases 2 2 3 7 9 5 3 0 1 1 2 2
Surveillance data can be used to show trends and alert to possible outbreaks, as in the
example above. Further analysis of the trends may include a breakdown of cases by area
or by age and sex to better identify those at high risk and to define a targeted response.
This type of analysis is often conducted at district or more central levels, but can begin
with individual health facility data.
Table 6.2 shows the age and sex distribution of cases during an outbreak in a certain
area. This is useful for evaluating an unidentified disease or an unusual pattern of a
familiar disease, for example, measles cases occurring in older age groups.
Age 0–5m 6–11m 1–4y 5–9y 10–14y 15–34y 35–64y 65+y Total
Male 1 1 0 0 5 26 15 3 51
Female 2 2 0 0 6 35 15 5 65
Total 3 3 0 0 11 61 30 8 116
Case data can be compared with immunization data to illustrate disease patterns or
evaluate the impact of control activities. This is usually done over a longer time frame
and from district or higher levels using population-level measures, such as incidence.
Accurately reported peripheral health facility-level data is needed throughout. Figure
6.17 compares measles case numbers (charted as incidence per 100 000 people) after
immunization services were improved in a district and high coverage was maintained.
Figure 6.17 Comparison of measles incidence and vaccine coverage over time (district-level
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
measles incidence (cases/100 000) % vaccine coverage by 1y
in District Z in District Z
Health facility-level AEFI reporting can be compiled at district and more central levels
for analysis by specific vaccine, for comparison with expected rates of adverse events in
vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, and to facilitate investigation and response
to serious AEFIs.
Analysis of multiple AEFI reports can help health authorities clarify whether observed
reaction rates are higher than expected and, if so, are more likely to be related to the
vaccine than to coincidence. Comparisons of reaction rates are made with published
studies if possible. But studies are often not ideal for comparisons. Data from AEFI
reporting are important on vaccines being used in immunization programmes.
This is called “vaccine pharmacovigilance”.
diluents, safety boxes, immunization • Review stock recording system (Module 4, Section 5).
• Review vaccine usage and wastage rates and take action (Module 6, Section 3).
• Review method of estimating needs (Module 4, Section 5).
• VVMs show that vaccine has • Review method of estimating needs (Module 4, Section 5).
reached the discard point • Review management of cold chain equipment (Module 2).
• Frozen DTP- and HepB-containing
vaccines in refrigerator
Some staff are not using correct Inform supervisor and select subjects for on-the-job training/supportive supervision, for example:
protocols/procedures • using AD syringes (Module 5)
Staffing quality
Vacant positions; general staff • Inform supervisor and district authorities and take steps for recruitment.
• Request temporary assignment from district level and consider volunteers for some duties. Schedule rotation of staff
in the interim.
• Ensure staff are available for each session (Module 4).
Poor attendance at sessions and poor • Meet with the community to discuss possible reasons for low attendance and suggested solutions (Module 7).
utilization in some areas • Consult the community and change the schedule to make sessions more convenient (Module 4, Section 5 and
Module 7).
• Check whether all planned sessions have been held. Aim to improve reliability by holding all planned sessions
(Module 4).
• Screen all infants for immunization whenever they visit the health facility and give all of the vaccines they are eligible
to receive (Module 5, Section 3).
Service quality and demand
• Review use of true contraindications to ensure that infants are not missed (Module 5, Section 3).
• Consider conducting a missed opportunities study to understand the reasons for low utilization.
Mothers lose or do not bring the • Set up a defaulter tracking system to keep complete records (register, reminder cards) at the health facility and take
immunization cards these along during outreach sessions (Module 6, Section 1).
• Provide new cards and update from other records – do not restart schedule because of lost cards if the vaccinations
given are recorded in the register (Module 6, Section 1).
Parents fear adverse events and/ • Inform parents about benefits of immunization and reassure them about vaccine safety (Module 1).
or there are rumours that Injection • Review safe injection practices: ensure AD syringes supply and use safety boxes and safe disposal practices (Module 3).
practices are not 100% safe
• Meet community to discuss rumours (Module 7, Section 4).
• Review information on AEFI (Modules 1 and 6) and how to report AEFI cases (Module 6, Section 2).
• Arrange information brief sessions with media, leaders, community influencers (Module 7).
Examples of common problems Examples of solutions: activities to be included in health facility workplans
Unreliable information about • Request a list of all households, families and newborns from each community (Module 7).
catchment population • Map the catchment area to include all populations (Module 4, Section 1).
• Compare population data from various sources including data from National Immunization Days (NID) or polio activities
(use the NID <5 years population and divide by 5 for infant target).
• Take the newborn register during house-to-house campaigns – register all newborns found and give them an
immunization card.
Inaccurate coverage data • Check record keeping and reporting systems for completeness (Module 6, Sections 1–3).
Service quantity and demand
• Review all tally sheets and reports (Module 6, Sections 1–3) – does the numerator include all areas?
• Organize and complete refresher training for staff.
Some areas are distant and • Discuss with supervisor and organize mobile team approach from district/province – minimum 4 sessions per year
underserved (Module 4).
• Discuss service with the communities and arrange adequate sessions, dates and times (Module 7).
Transport not available for some • Identify sessions that were not held due to lack of transport.
outreach sessions • Look for alternative means of transport, such as public transport, sharing with other programmes and/or taxis.
• Request a vehicle from the district/next higher level.
Poor attendance at antenatal care • Promote the value of antenatal care, including TT immunization, during any contact with pregnant women.
(ANC) clinics and/or poor TT2+ • Inform the community about dates of ANC clinics. Find out if session timing or location is inconvenient. If so, make
coverage appropriate changes in next quarter’s workplan.
• Use all opportunities to give TT immunization including when mothers accompany infants for childhood immunizations.
This module aims to motivate health workers to partner with communities and improve access to
and utilization of immunization services. It builds on the previous modules to provide additional
details to guide health staff and communities as they work together to plan, provide services,
promote these services, improve service quality, track eligible children and address resistance to
There is no single formula for establishing beneficial partnerships with communities.
Partnering will and should be different in different places depending on local needs, resources
and capabilities. This module is based on general principles and should be used as a guide to
immunization service activities at the local level.
Module 7: Partnering with communities
1. Introduction ................................................................................................... (7)3
1.1 Definition of partnering .................................................................................................................. (7)3
1.2 Benefits of partnering with communities .................................................................................. (7)3
1 Introduction
• lack of available time during immunization hours, often due to other obligations to
support the family livelihood and traditions.
To achieve the equitable utilization of services, health services and their community
partners must make special efforts through strong community links to improve access
for families who have little formal education; who are of minority, new immigrant or
displaced status; and/or who are poor.
Building a sense of joint responsibility for child health can provide many psychological
and practical benefits on the community members involved. People change from
being passive recipients of services to partners who have a role to play in health service
achievements. Community members have the opportunity to gain:
• confidence from seeing how they can contribute to improving services and how
they can effectively support programmes.
2 Get started
Microplanning activities and data analysis discussed in Modules 4 (Microplanning for
reaching every community) and 6 (Monitoring and surveillance) are the starting steps for
partnering with communities.
2. Analyse service accessibility, reliability and client orientation. This will help
better define whether children remain under- or unimmunized due to poor
access and/or utilization and gives a starting point for the community partnering
discussions given in Step 4 below. Refer to Module 4, Sections 2 (Table 4.3) and
3, and Module 6, Section 4 (Figure 6.12).
– local staff or groups associated with other areas of social and economic
development, such as agricultural extension workers
– NGOs.
When community partners feel respected and listened to, they develop a growing sense
of trust and ownership, and are more likely to increase their appropriate utilization of
In planning information gathering, first consider who to talk to. Be sure to include
people from different areas or groups in the catchment and include those that:
• have persistently low coverage and/or high dropout rates (for example, people in
remote communities or in dense urban areas)
• are particularly difficult to reach (for example, nomads, migrant families, homeless
families, street children, urban slum dwellers)
• are more likely to avoid some or all vaccinations (for example, highly educated
people, religious or traditional sects, ethnic minorities, persons without proper
official documentation).
It is often useful to plan separate meetings with caregivers whose children are fully
immunized and those whose children are under- or unimmunized to try to understand
the factors affecting each group.
The following questions on community perceptions and experiences should add more
information to the answers already obtained in the Module 4 questionnaires.
• Do you have any beliefs or concerns about immunization that you would like to
• If you (and/or others you know in the community) reject immunization, what are
the reasons and where/to whom do you look for guidance on your decision?
• Do you think immunization services are easy to get to and to use? Why or why not?
• Do you think health workers explain immunization services and answer your
questions well?
• Have you ever taken your child for immunization but then had to go home without
all the vaccination doses being given? What was the reason for vaccinations not
being given?
• Do you take your children back for vaccinations after a cancelled session or a
missed vaccination?
• Do people move in and out of the community in ways that may make them miss
immunization sessions? (Examples are seasonal workers, nomadic groups, returning
Different information gathering methods will give different data that can be compared
to form a more complete picture of the community. Start with any past studies and
social data that may apply to the local context and then complete the exercises given in
Module 4. In addition, one or more of the following may be used:
• separate group discussions with men and women (if mixed groups limit
• short exit interviews with caregivers for immediate feedback on their experience and
their understanding of key information, such as the date of their next appointment.
Try to speak to people directly rather than having others speak on their behalf. For
example, learn about mothers’ current perceptions and experiences with immunization
directly from mothers themselves rather than from community leaders. Try to limit
group sizes to 12 people or less.
For better microplanning, health workers should consult with communities on the
location, schedule and services offered in fixed and outreach sites. Communities
should be encouraged to give input on the following:
• Do any seasonal changes (heavy rains/mud, high water, snow) need to be kept in
mind for scheduling?
• Can convenient gathering points and times (such as market days) be used to
maximize attendance at immunization sessions?
• vitamin A supplementation
• deworming
Work with each community to agree on its responsibilities for managing outreach
sessions. Community responsibilities may include mobilizing those on the due list
and setting up the immunization site before the session; and recording data, providing
health education and assisting patient flow during the session itself (see Module 5
(Managing an immunization session)). Community responsibilities should also be
discussed during microplanning sessions and changes made as needed based on
Many NGOs can provide essential support for mobilizing and informing
communities, session logistics and defaulter tracking. Community NGOs often
provide services to marginalized and hard-to-reach populations and so can help ensure
participation in immunization and other health care services. NGOs can also advocate
for recognizing vaccination as a child right and for programme financing at different
government levels. Annex 7.2 contains a checklist for the evaluation of NGO activities
and to help define their possible responsibilities in assisting immunization services.
Health staff, community representatives and caregivers should plan how to inform
community members about important information. This includes the following.
• The start of a session. Use any methods that are appropriate and practical locally,
including SMS alerts, whistles, horns, drums, megaphones and loudspeakers, to
inform the community that the session is about to start.
This section describes the monitoring and surveillance activities that can be part of
efforts to partner with communities.
• list infants and mothers (including newborns and pregnant women) who need to
be added to immunization registers (see Module 6 (Monitoring and surveillance),
Section 1)
• make home visits to give dates and times of fixed and outreach sessions and
encourage attendance
• collaborate with health workers to keep track of new and defaulter infants who
need to complete immunization series (see Module 6 (Monitoring and surveillance),
Section 1).
Community members can also contribute by identifying and referring suspected cases
of reportable diseases to their local health facilities (see Module 6 (Monitoring and
surveillance), Section 2 for details on reporting vaccine-preventable diseases). Health
care facilities should provide clear aids to support this function.
• too many attendees at a session or too few children present to warrant opening a
multi-dose vial
• vaccine stockouts
Health staff can immediately address such problems when they are identified, discuss
issues further with community representatives in microplanning sessions, and provide
feedback on planned and achieved improvements.
Be careful to avoid criticism of the caregiver verbally and/or with body language.
Health facility staff should support community educators by training them on key
information and providing support materials, such as question and answer booklets,
flip charts or, if appropriate, PowerPoint presentations and links to reliable, science-
based websites. The box below suggests key information that should be made available
to community members so they can make an informed decision about vaccinating
their children.
¾¾ Every child has a right to be immunized and it is the duty and responsibility of
parents to take their children for immunization.
¾¾ Immunization saves the lives of millions of children every year by preventing
serious illnesses.
¾¾ Immunization is free and available at health facilities and outreach sites (specify all
relevant sites, including NGOs, if applicable).
¾¾ Immunization is an easier step than treatment of any vaccine-preventable
¾¾ Immunization helps caregivers since they do not have to take time off work to
care for a child sick with a preventable disease.
¾¾ Vaccines are safe and effective and have been tested and approved by regulatory
authorities, ministries of health, WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund.
¾¾ It is safe to vaccinate a child who has a mild illness, a disability or malnutrition.
¾¾ Caregivers should take the immunization card every time they take their children
to a health facility or outreach site. A child’s immunization status should be
reviewed every time they have a health care visit for any reason.
Traditional and religious community leaders can promote immunization and provide
practical information, such as session locations and schedules. Provide written
information on immunization and other health topics for these leaders to read
during community announcements and after religious services. In places where there
is resistance to vaccination based on traditional or religious beliefs, it is essential
to engage these leaders since their cooperation is usually needed to help improve
acceptance of services (see Section 7 of this module).
The school system and teachers should be engaged to teach children about
immunization for several reasons:
• older, school-age children are the target for some vaccines (for example,
HPV vaccine) and campaigns
• students who are well-informed about immunization are more likely to have their
own children immunized when they become parents
• well-oriented, older students can check the immunization cards of younger children
in their own and neighbouring families and urge the caregivers to take their
children for any missing vaccinations.
In some countries, tetanus, diphtheria, HPV and some other vaccinations are given
in schools. This requires good coordination between education and health officials for
the delivery of both information and vaccination. Education officials and teachers may
also serve as volunteers during national or subnational vaccination days or campaigns.
Health staff (often from district level) can actively engage with local mass media
(radio, television, mobile phone companies) to inform people about the availability
and impact of immunization services. Media can be responsible, proactive partners for
health services. Health staff and community members can discuss immunization in the
local media; for example, community leaders can promote immunization and parents
can share experiences with vaccine-preventable diseases in unimmunized children
during radio interview shows.
It is important to note that the media is usually most effective as a secondary channel
of information to build on information provided through personal communication
with trusted individuals, as described above. Ideally, mass media messages should be
tested and validated using appropriate research methods before being spread widely.
Regardless of the cause, significant resistance is a situation that often requires the local
health facility to seek assistance from the district or national health authorities. Under
the direction of these authorities, health centre staff can:
• meet with key opinion leaders (politicians, traditional and religious leaders,
community leaders, other health workers)
• organize meetings at sites where the individuals or groups are comfortable and feel
at ease to ask questions
• encourage community members to watch and talk about any national mass media
Immunization programmes should have procedures and plans ready for adverse events
and crises in public confidence. Any serious illness or death following vaccination
should be thoroughly investigated as quickly as possible and the public should be
urged not to jump to the conclusion that the vaccination was the cause (see Module 6
(Monitoring and surveillance), Section 2.4).
The more trusting the relationship is between health services and communities, the less
likely that the problem of resistance will arise. But if it does, a trusting relationship will
make it easier to respond to community concerns or vaccine resistance.
• Discuss and reach agreement on the objectives of the meeting. For example: to
get their feedback on health services; to inform people about immunization and
what it takes to protect their children; and/or to discuss how they might assist with
promoting, providing or evaluating immunization services. Invite their suggestions.
• Ask the community representatives to inform others about the meeting and let
them know what you will provide (for example, health education materials on
immunization and drinks or snacks).
• If culturally acceptable, encourage women not to stand at the back of the crowd
but to come forward and participate actively. While men’s opinions are important,
women are likely to have greater experience with immunization services. In some
settings, separate meetings with men and women may be necessary.
• Explain that the objectives will be achieved only when everyone participates.
Emphasize that all opinions are welcomed without judgment.
• If appropriate, ask someone from the community and someone from the health
services to take notes. After the meeting, they can sit together to make the official
notes for future reference.
• Speak loudly and clearly. Avoid medical or public health terms and speak in the
language that the participants are most comfortable using.
• If exploring whether the community can assist with some aspect of immunization
services, first encourage brainstorming on various ideas. Ask how many people agree
or disagree with certain points or ideas. Ask if informal voting is needed to clarify
the majority opinions or suggestions.
• Just before ending the meeting, ask for volunteers to summarize what was said and
• Review the specific commitments made by both the health services and the
For routine immunization services at fixed or outreach sites (NOT for polio national immunization days or
other supplemental immunization activities [SIAs]).
Organize and directly immunize at NGO immunization sessions at fixed or outreach sites? Y N
Provide in-kind or financial support for government immunization (e.g. transport, salary top-ups,
lodging, meals)? Y N
Provide other technical support for government immunization (e.g. cold chain, logistics)? Y N
Discuss the immunization programme and its progress with community committees or members,
including families who have concerns about immunization, how people feel about services? Y N