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Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2013, Vol 20, No 2, 233–238

REVIEW ARTICLE www.aaem.pl

Brucellosis in humans – etiology, diagnostics,

clinical forms
Elżbieta Monika Galińska1, Jerzy Zagórski2
Department of Allergology and Environmental Hazards, Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
Department of Public Health, Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
Galińska EM, Zagórski J. Brucellosis in humans – etiology, diagnostics, clinical forms. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2013; 20(2): 233–238.

Brucellosis in humans is a zoonosis of greatly varied clinical image. It occurs on all inhabited continents. The course of the
disease may be acute, sub-acute or chronic. The etiologic factors of brucellosis are small, aerobic Gram-negative rods of the
genus Brucella, which currently contains ten species: B. abortus, B. suis, B. ovis, B. melitensis, B. canis, B. neotomae, B. pinnipedialis,
B. ceti, B. microti and B. inopinata.
In humans, the disease is caused mainly by: B. melitensis as the most pathogenic species, followed by B. suis, whereas
B. abortus is considered as the mildest type of brucellosis. The natural reservoir of the germ and the source of infection in
humans are infected domestic animals, primarily cattle, sheep, goats, as well as wild animals. Infection in humans occurs by
penetration through damaged skin, conjunctiva, and more rarely via the alimentary route by the consumption of infected
products. Especially exposed are: veterinarians, veterinary technicians, insemination service employees, zoo technicians,
farmers working on multi-herd farms (production cooperatives), e.g. cattlemen, also private farmers, employees of slaughter
houses and meat processing enterprises. A basis for diagnosing brucellosis are serologic tests which allow the detection
of antibodies occurring in response to infection, performed with the use of the following methods: agglutination test,
complement fixation test, Coombs test, 2-mercaptoethanol agglutination test, and Burnet’s intradermal allergy test which
detects the state of hypersensitivity of the infected organism to Brucella abortus rods.
Key words
brucellosis, Brucella sp., occupational exposure, serologic diagnostics


Brucellosis (Lat. Brucellosis or Abortus epizooticus) is a Brucellosis in humans is a zoonosis of a greatly varied clinical
chronic infectious bacterial disease affecting various species image, caused by small, aerobic, Gram-negative rods of the
of domestic and wild animals, as well as humans. In humans, genus Brucella. After penetration into the body the bacilli
this disease is also called: Maltese fever, Bang’s disease, proliferate in the lymphatic system, mainly in the lymph
undulant fever, or Mediterranean fever [1, 2]. nodes, subsequently break through the protective barrier
In humans, the disease may cause many symptoms varying and penetrate into various organs [5].
from mild flu-like to severe complications on the part of the The genus Brucella was discovered by David Bruce in 1887
nervous system, musculoskeletal system and the heart. [6] and currently consists of ten species (of many serotypes).
From 1 December 1980, the entire territory of Poland has These are:
been officially considered as free from cattle brucellosis. At 1. Brucella melitensis – isolated in 1887 in Malta (hence
that time, the percentage of infected animals was less than 0.5 called Malta fever) by David Bruce from the spleen of a
%, while the percentage of infected farms – less than 0.2 %. soldier who died from acute brucellosis [6]. The species
At present in Poland, no newly acquired infections are most pathogenic for humans.
observed; however, single cases of brucellosis are noted in 2. Brucella abortus – causing abortions in cattle, for many
association with employment of workers at tending animals years the main etiologic factor of brucellosis in animals
abroad, e.g. sheep shearing, or in Polish tourists visiting and humans (Bang’s disease) in Poland [7].
Mediterranean countries [3, 4]. 3. Brucella suis – causing the disease mainly in swine [7, 8],
Although the disease occurs worldwide, it is most prevalent pathogenic also for humans [9, 10]. In Poland it was also
in the countries which do not possess adequate standards isolated from wild hares [11].
developed in the area of public health and protection of 4. Brucella canis – isolated from dogs, may also be the
animal health. The areas at high risk of brucellosis infection cause of illness in humans [12]. It was first described by
are the countries of the Mediterranean Sea Basin (Portugal, Carmichael in 1966 [13] who isolated the bacillus from the

Spain, South France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, North Africa), placenta, foetuses and vaginal discharge of bitches that
also countries of South and Central America, Asia, Africa, aborted their litters. The disease was earlier diagnosed in
the Caribbean and Near East. the United States in Beagle dogs [14].

5. Brucella neotomae – isolated in the United States from

rats [15].

Address for correspondence: Elżbieta Monika Galińska Department of Allergology 6. Brucella ovis – infects not only sheep, in Poland it was
and Environmental Hazards, Institute of Rural Health, Lublin,Jaczewskiego 2,
20–090 Lublin, Poland cultured from ram semen [16].
7. Brucella marina – Brucella ceti – found in sea mammals

e-mail: monika-galinska@wp.pl
Received: 20 November 2012; accepted: 19 January 2013 (whales, seals) in the Atlantic Ocean [17, 18, 19, 20].
234 Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2013, Vol 20, No 2
Elżbieta Monika Galińska, Jerzy Zagórski. Brucellosis in humans – etiology, diagnostics, clinical forms

8. Brucella marina – Brucella pinnipedialis – also found in and its modifications, and complement fixation test are still
sea mammals [17, 18, 19, 20]. routinely applied, improved and supplemented by new tests,
9. Brucella microti – isolated from the common vole and remain a basis for laboratory diagnosing of brucellosis
(Microtus arvalis) in the Czech Republic [21], from soil in in humans and animals [25, 31]. A tremendous experience
the same area years later [22], and from mandibular lymph collected worldwide for a century in serologic diagnostics
nodes of wild red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Austria [23]. of brucellosis allowed, together with the recognition of a
10. Brucella inopinata – isolated from a breast implant number of pathomechanisms of this disease in humans and
wound of a woman with clinical signs of brucellosis [24]. animals, a precise determination of clinical correlations and
The above-mentioned species of Brucella sp. are pathogenic serologic response; thus, a precise diagnostics in various
for many mammals (wild animals – including small rodents, periods and forms of brucellosis and at various states of
breeding stock and domesticated animals), as well as sea body reactivity [32, 33]. Classical tests technically optimized
mammals and birds. Breeding stock (cattle, sheep, goats, dogs in many modifications; however, unchangeable in their
and even poultry), and wild animals (rodents, hares, etc.) essence, i.e. Wright agglutination reaction – with its valuable
are both the reservoir and vector of the disease in humans modification in the form of 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) test and
[25]. Pathogenicity of 5 Brucella species for humans has complement fixation test (CFT) have served for decades (and
been confirmed: B. melitensis, B. abortus, B. suis, B. canis, still do), mainly for the detection of new cases of brucellosis.
and recently B. marina [18]. The disease in humans is caused In addition, in the past, both in Poland and worldwide, other
mainly by: B.  melitensis as the most pathogenic species, tests were performed, such as: opsonophagocytic reaction,
followed by B.  suis, while B.  abortus is considered as the radioimmunological tests, indirect immunofluorescence
mildest type of brucellosis [25]. However, this ‘mildness’ reaction, or passive haemagglutination reaction [25, 34,
should be approached very cautiously, because despite the 35]. Both agglutinating antibodies and complement- fixing
progress in therapy, there occurred and still occur very severe antibodies occur quickly after being infected (according
cases of the disease in humans of Brucella abortus etiology, to various researchers in the first days, and even hours of
some of them ending in death. The older and middle-aged infection) and maintain themselves individually. Coomb’s
generation of Polish physicians also encountered such a test (AGT) detecting specific incomplete antibodies which
severe course. It seems that the sequencing in recent years maintain themselves for years, and sometimes the only
of Brucella melitensis, B. suis and B. abortus genomes [26], antibodies detectable, in chronic brucellosis has become
and the confirmation of their high similarity explains well a valuable and even indispensable supplementation of the
the high pathogenicity of these 3 species for humans. classical tests.

Agglutination reaction (Wright reaction) with blood serum

SOURCES AND ROUTES OF INFECTION (AR) is applied in routine brucellosis diagnostics in humans.
It may be carried out using tubes or plates [36].
A natural reservoir of the germs, and the source of infection With the use of this reaction anti-Brucella agglutinins are
in humans, are ill domestic animals, mainly cattle, sheep, detected. This reaction consists in the binding of Brucella to
goats and swine. Also, dogs, especially shepherd dogs, and specific antibodies which are present in the sera examined.
wild animals: hares, wild rabbits, roe deer and foxes may This results in the decrease in electric charge and change in
play some role as reservoirs and spreaders of the germs [10]. the physical and chemical structure of bacterial cells. Their
Among humans, the highest exposure is observed among: hydrophilic character changes into hydrophobic. This leads
veterinary doctors, veterinary technicians, insemination to the formation of clumps, which in the tube agglutination
service employees, zoo technicians, farmers working on fall to the bottom of the test tube in the form of sediment [37].
multi-herd farms (production cooperatives), e.g. cattlemen, Agglutinating antibodies form mainly immunoglobulins
also private farmers, employees of meat processing enterprises of the IgM class. The time of their persistence in the body
and the fodder processing company ‘Bacutil’. varies. They occur as early as in the first stage of the disease,
Humans are most frequently infected via: most frequently 6–7 days after infection. In acute and sub-
1. damaged skin of the hands during the direct contact with acute forms of brucellosis in humans agglutination reaction
infected placenta, aborted foetus or amniotic fluid while gives positive results with high titres.
performing gynaecological procedures in cattle, while Bilecki emphasizes that the agglutination reaction may
examining and flaying slaughtered animals; be positive in the course of other infectious diseases, such
2. mucous membranes (mucosa); as tularemia, exanthematous typhus, tuberculosis, or in
3. airways. individuals vaccinated against cholera or typhoid fever.
Infection with brucellosis may also occur while handling In addition, serologic cross-reactions may occur between
manure from infected animals. Infections via the alimentary Yersinia enterocolitica 03 and 09, and classical species of the
route by the consumption of infected milk or dairy products genus Brucella [25]. Negative results in the agglutination

are rare [7, 9]. reaction may occur:

–– in newly-infected individuals (when anti-Brucella
agglutinins have not yet been produced);

DIAGNOSTICS OF BRUCELLOSIS –– in individuals with chronic brucellosis (in whom the level
of agglutinins reached zero value);

Diagnostics of brucellosis in humans and animals is mainly –– in individuals with broken immunity.
serologic, which may be performed by means of a number of
methods [10, 15, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]. Classical diagnostics has Complement fixation test (CFT) – apart from agglutination

been known since the end of the 19th century: agglutination reaction (AR) – is the second diagnostic test used in the
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2013, Vol 20, No 2 235
Elżbieta Monika Galińska, Jerzy Zagórski. Brucellosis in humans – etiology, diagnostics, clinical forms

diagnosis of brucellosis in humans [36]. This test is sensitive qualitative reactions, which enable the differentiation of
and specific. antibodies of the IgM and IgG classes. The majority of these
This is the method for detection of the level of antibodies reactions are based on the principle of reducing agglutination
of the IgG class, which occur approximately on day 20 of the titre by inactivation or selective removal of the antibodies
disease. High titres are observed during the first and second of IgM class from the investigated serum. Inactivation of
years of the disease, while several years after infection the the IgM may be obtained by their reduction with the use of
results of studies may be seronegative. 2  -mercaptoethanol (2-ME) or cysteine hydrochloride, by
decreasing the pH of the reaction environment or elevation
of the temperature of reaction incubation. According to
Principle of the method the technique of IgM inactivation, the following qualitative
reactions are applied: 2-ME – Mercaptoethanol Test, and
This is a two-phase reaction with participation of 5 components Heat Inactivation Test, agglutination with acid antigen
which create a bacteriolytic system (test system, Phase I): (Card Test or Rose Bengal Test), and Rivanol Test. From the
antibody + antigen, and haemolytic system (indicator system, above-mentioned tests, the reaction with 2-mercaptoethanol
Phase II): complement + hemolysin + blood cells. Individual (2-ME) is increasingly more often used in both human and
components are applied in equal volume and strictly specified veterinary medicine. The mechanism of reducing effect of
concentration, established by titre testing.. The test consists in 2-mercaptoethanol consists in ‘breaking’ the – S – S – bindings.
the fixation of the complement by immune specific complexes This results in the loss of biological activity by the IgM, and
antigen-antibody in the test or indicator system. The process thus the loss of its agglutination capabilities. The reaction
of complement fixation in the test system, leading to antigen with 2  -mercaptoethanol makes it impossible to indicate
dilution (bacteriolysis) is not perceived after the termination whether and in what amount the agglutinins of the IgG class
of Phase I, only in Phase II it is manifested by haemolysis occur in the examined serum. The degree of reduction of the
inhibition (positive reaction). If the serum tested does not level of agglutinins under the effect of 2-mercaptoethanol is
contain antibodies specific for a given antigen (anti-Brucella), specified by parallel tests using agglutination reaction and the
the complement unfixed in Phase I causes in Phase II easily reaction with 2-mercaptoethanol. The total disappearance
observable haemolysis of blood cells (negative reaction). of agglutination reaction evidences that agglutinins active
in agglutination reaction belong to the IgM class, and to
Coombs antiglobulin reaction (AGT) – is the test of very the contrary, the lack of the effect of reducing the titre after
big diagnostic value. This reaction is especially valuable in 2-ME reduction is evidence that agglutinins present in
retrospective studies, allows the detection of incomplete the investigated serum belong to the IgG class. In turn, a
antibodies in the cases of chronic brucellosis [38]. partial reduction in agglutination reaction under the effect
The titres of incomplete antibodies preserve themselves for of 2-ME evidences that the agglutinins present in serum
the longest time and are considerably higher that the titres belong partially to the IgM, and partially to the IgG classes,
of complete antibodies. the higher the degree of agglutination reaction the higher
Coombs antiglobulin reaction is performed with sera the IgM/IgG antibodies ratio [40,41].
which react negatively in Wright’s agglutination reaction.
Burnet’s skin allergy test – is especially useful in cases
Coagglutination test (COAT) – is the subsequent reaction suspected of brucellosis infection, when other serologic
used in the diagnostics of brucellosis. Staphylococcus aureus reactions are unclear. It is a sensitive and specific reaction.
possesses a surface antigen – protein A, which has an Positive Burnet’s reaction evidences the allergic re-tuning
extraordinary property of reacting with gamma globulins of the body as a result of infection and may preserve itself
of humans and various species of animals. This property long after being cured. This reaction consists in injecting
consists in combining protein A with the Fc portion of intradermally, on the inner side of the forearm, of 0.05–
gamma globulin, while the Fab region responsible for specific 0.1 ml of diagnostic Brucellin. The result is read after 24 and
antibody activity remains free and capable of binding to the 48 hours. Local reaction may occur in the form of redness and
antigen. infiltration of various sizes, often a blister, or even necrotic
In the coagglutination test, there occurs a type of reaction changes in the centre of the change. General reaction may be
in which Cowan I protein A capability to bind with Fc portion manifested by sub-febrile or febrile states, with an aggravation
of gamma globulin is used to detect incomplete anti-Brucella of general and focal symptoms of brucellosis [10]. Initially,
antibodies. for the performance of Burnet’s reaction, Brucellin PS was
A great diagnostic value of this reaction is that it allows applied obtained by the freezing and unfreezing of Brucella
the diagnosis of the cases of chronic brucellosis by detecting culture multiple times at a dose of 0.02–0.05 ml [42]. However,
incomplete antibodies [39]. The starting point for the this was replaced by Brucellin PD, milder in effect, consisting
performance of the coagglutination test is the classical of Brucella cells disrupted by ultrasounds. Brucellin PD was

agglutination reaction (AR) performed in dilutions of the used at a dose of 0.05–0.1 ml. In the diagnostics of brucellosis
serum examined from 1/25 – 1/200. it should be remembered not to precede with serologic tests
The coagglutination test is performed with sera which react by the performance of Burnet’s test, because an introduction

negatively in the Wright’s agglutination reaction. of Brucellin (PS and PD) induces positive serologic reactions
(agglutination, complement fixation), and such a state lasts

2-mercaptoethanol agglutination test (‘reduction’ for 8–10 weeks.

reaction) In recent years, methods of molecular biology have been
In the serologic diagnostics of brucellosis, increasingly more used increasingly often in the diagnostics of brucellosis,

emphasis is being placed currently on the use of additional especially the PCR. These methods may be used on 3 levels
236 Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2013, Vol 20, No 2
Elżbieta Monika Galińska, Jerzy Zagórski. Brucellosis in humans – etiology, diagnostics, clinical forms

of diagnostic tests. The first level confirms that the genetic which is sometimes difficult to interpret. Similar difficulties
material examined belongs to the germs Brucella, therefore if may arise from – on the other hand very valuable – delayed
it is genus specific; the second level allows the determination hypersensitivity allergic tests, such as Burnet’s dermal
of affiliation to a species or possibly Brucella biotype, while reaction (which are rarely used today), while the application
the third level enables even more precise determination of the PCR method on a wider scale still remains a future
of characteristics of the strain isolated, i.e. its typing. issue and may turn out to be useful only in some cases [15,
Due to this,  its affinity may be easily determined to the 28, 44]. Difficulties with diagnosing brucellosis in humans,
strains isolated to date, as well as the origin and source of also in Poland, are enhanced by: ongoing pathomorphosis of
infection [15]. the clinical course of the disease, and decreasing experience
of both medical and veterinary physicians with respect to
its clinical image. Especially the transition of the disease
CLINICAL FORMS AND SYMPTOMS into the chronic form, with a many-year course, changeable
concerning the appearance of the symptoms during its
The form of the clinical course of brucellosis in humans course [5, 9], consisting of somehow alternating periods
is conditioned by 2 groups of causative agents, which of remissions and aggravations which cannot be foreseen,
may generally be specified as co-dependence on two basic neither with respect to the time of their occurrence nor the
elements: type of clinical manifestation on the part of many affected
1. the above-mentioned pathogenicity of the germ, organs and systems, has created a tremendous public health
massiveness and route of infection (e.g. very severe problem in many countries worldwide, including Poland.
laboratory-acquired inhalation infections); The words of Professor Zdzisław Dziubek, an outstanding
2. effectiveness of immune mechanisms of macroorganism: expert in brucellosis, successor and continuator of the work
brucellosis is a classic example of the decisive role of the by Bertold Kassur, are still relevant today: ‘Among patients
individual factor in reaction to contact with the germ [43]. with brucellosis there is still a conviction, which by the way
Both groups of factors are very large and still insufficiently is in a way right, that brucellosis in incurable. Certainly the
recognized. Thus, the final image of the disease is shaped by treatment of the chronic forms is not successful, in some cases
the interaction between these 2 phenomena over time [10, it is not possible to repair the damage caused by the long-term
25,43]. Based on the course of the disease, the following forms process; however, to a great degree it is possible to prevent
of brucellosis are distinguished: further harm, and sometimes to achieve a clear improvement
1. acute brucellosis, which is characterized by: weakness, of the damage which has already been done. Nevertheless, the
undulant fever, headaches, pain involving muscles and precondition to achieve such effects is systematic treatment
joints (60% of cases – pain in the lumbar region of the spine), received in a specialist centre (…) Despite Poland being
hot flushes, testicular pain in men, fine red rash (up to 5% of announced as a country free from brucellosis, this disease in
cases), enlarged liver and spleen (approximately 50–60% of humans for many years will still remain a serious problem
cases), symptoms on the part of the gastrointestinal tract: among groups occupationally exposed to infection with this
stomach ache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, disease’ [45].
lack of appetite; the acute phase may end in death, curing, For several dozen years in Poland, brucellosis was one
transition into a sub-acute or chronic form; of the main veterinary problems as a cattle disease and
2. sub-acute brucellosis, in which there occur all or the one of the most frequent and most dangerous zoonoses
majority of the symptoms typical of the acute course; [25, 46]. Undoubtedly, it occurred for centuries, and in the
however, more weakly expressed; beginning of the 20th century was found to be a veterinary-
3. chronic brucellosis: epizootic problem. The number of the cases diagnosed in
a) primary humans increased as early as during the period between
b) secondary the 1st and 2nd World Wars [47]. The mass occurrence of
–  chronic brucellosis may be both: brucellosis in cattle – and secondarily in humans – has
> seropositive, and become a challenge for both medicines – veterinary and
> seronegative (detected by Burnet’s reaction, PCR human, directly after the liberation of Poland in the years
or even the isolation of Brucella rods from human 1944–1945. The Lublin-Puławy Centre has become the main
autopsy material), in which there occur: damage to centre for prophylaxis, diagnostics, treatment and control of
the osteoarticular system of a degenerative character, brucellosis in humans and animals. With respect to humans,
enlargement of damage to the liver, non-specific the leading role was taken over, due to the visionary by
neurological symptoms; Parnas and the Tuszkiewicz, by the Witold Chodźko Institute
4. sub-clinical and asymptomatic brucellosis; of Rural Health (IMW) in Lublin (present name), which
5. some researchers have also introduced the terms continues studies of brucellosis until today. Brucellosis in
‘metabrucellosis’ and brucellosis allergy’. humans has been continually registered in Poland since 1945

The image of brucellosis as a human disease is much varied [48]. Since 1956, it has been considered as an occupational
and non-specific, one of the richest in pathology, with literally disease (until 2008 as a selected nosologic unit [49], and
all systems and organs affected [5], usually creating great since 2009 under the common name ‘infectious and parasitic

diagnostic difficulties. Therefore, the suspicion of brucellosis diseases’ [50], which have to be reported and registered.
must be supported by laboratory diagnostics [2, 27]. The

cultivation of Brucella spp. from a patient is difficult and

dangerous, and is usually successful only in acute brucellosis
(exceptionally in chronic form of the disease). Many serologic

tests show specific dynamics in the course of the disease,

Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2013, Vol 20, No 2 237
Elżbieta Monika Galińska, Jerzy Zagórski. Brucellosis in humans – etiology, diagnostics, clinical forms

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