Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Perhaps I should have done more scaffolding/ allotted more time for the “warm up” question/ advertisement
example PowerPoint, and then Ariyana might have had more ideas about how to design an ad. I think the reason I
flew through the PowerPoint without explaining everything was because I didn’t want to sound demeaning or
assume Ariyana knew less than she actually did. However, I never assessed her previous advertising/ design/
marketing experiences, so I had no idea what would sound demeaning to her.
I noticed Ariyana didn’t really want to draw an advertisement like I asked, and she seemed a little hesitant to start
designing… I also found myself getting impatient with her attention to detail simply because I knew how little
time we had left to complete the lesson, and I was desperately trying to figure out how to make sure she got
something out of the lesson.
After completing this reflection, I realize how disappointed I was in how my lesson played out. I was really
expecting great success in this session because of how much easier planning was this week, but that wasn’t the
Inspiration: https://www.canva.com/learn/design/teaching-materials/market-product/
o https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BandWagonTechnique
o https://www.richbeganyphoto.com/tearsheets/maybelline-favorite-mascara/
Emotional appeal (humor, fear, sadness)
o http://persuasion-and-influence.blogspot.com/2014/01/a-little-guilt-can-go-long-way.html
o http://www.mcngmarketing.com/17-funny-advertisements-to-tickle-your-funny-bone/#.W61SemhKhnI
o https://www.askideas.com/wed-love-to-be-sitting-on-your-face-funny-ray-ban-advertisement/
Loaded Words
o https://propaganda2a.weebly.com/glittering-generalities.html
o https://mrbslasite.wordpress.com/2016/02/12/persuasive-techniques-in-advertising-a-webquest/
o https://www.coloribus.com/adsarchive/outdoor/ben-jerrys-with-90-more-uhmmmmmm-10724305/
o http://blog.visme.co/visual-advertising-techniques/
o https://www.thoughtspacedesigns.com/blog/post/tips-to-creating-a-successful-brand-identity/
o http://blog.visme.co/visual-advertising-techniques/
o https://www.pinterest.com/pin/311452130454835338/?lp=true
o https://oncarrot.com/blog/6-testimonial-types-real-estate-advertising/
o http://blog.visme.co/visual-advertising-techniques/
Cause Marketing: Find a cause both you and your customers care about
Refer to this infographic for (very basic) design help: