Network Virtualization For CC

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Mohammad Mamun Or Rashid, M. Masud Rana and Jugal Krishna Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangirnagar University Savar,

Dhaka, Bangladesh, and

The “Virtualization and Cloud Computing” is a recent buzzword in the digital world. Behind this fancy
poetic phrase there lies a true picture of future computing for both in technical and social perspective.
Though the “Virtualization and Cloud Computing are recent but the idea of centralizing computation and
storage in distributed data centres maintained by any third party companies is not new but it came in way
back in 1990s along with distributed computing approaches like grid computing, Clustering and Network
load Balancing. Cloud computing provide IT as a service to the users on-demand basis. This service has
greater flexibility, availability, reliability and scalability with utility computing model. This new concept
of computing has an immense potential in it to be used in the field of e-governance and in the overall IT
development perspective in developing countries like Bangladesh.

Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Open Source Technology.

Administrators usually use lots of servers with heavy hardware to keep their service accessible,
available for the authenticated users. As days passes by concernment of new services increases
which require more hardware, more effort from IT administrators. There is another issue of
capacity (Hardware as well as storage and networking) which always increases day by day.
Moreover sometime we need to upgrade old running servers as their resources have been
occupied fully. On that case we need to buy new servers, install those services on that server
and finally migrate to the service on it. Cloud computing focus on what IT always needs: a way
to increase capacity on the fly without investing in new infrastructure. Cloud computing also
encompasses any subscription-based, user-based, services-based or pay-per-use service that in
real time over the internet extends its existing capabilities.

1.1 Definition of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared
pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and
services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort on
service provider interaction [1].

1.2 Benefits of Cloud Computing

Flexibility – Every day organization demands increase and Scale up or down to meet their
requirements. Today’s economy, flexibility is the key. One can adjust his IT expenditures to
meet your organization’s immediate needs.
Security – Cloud service assured that your data in the cloud is much more secure than in your
small unsecured server room.

Capacity –With cloud computing, Capacity always increase and it is no longer an issue. Now,
focus on how the solution will help in further mission. The IT piece belongs to somebody else.

Cost – Cloud and Virtualization technology reduce your all maintenance fees. There is no more
servers, software, and update fees. Many of the hidden costs typically associated with software
implementation, customization, hardware, maintenance, and training are rolled into a
transparent subscription fee.

1.3 Virtualization
Virtualization can be practical very broadly to just about everything you can imagine including
processor, memory, networks, storage, operating systems, and applications. Three
characteristics of virtualization technology make it ideal for cloud computing:

Partitioning: In virtualization technology, single physical server or system can use partitioning
to support many different applications and operating systems (OS).

Isolation: In cloud computing, each virtual machine is isolated and protected from crashes or
viruses in the other machines. What makes virtualization so important for the cloud is that it
decouples the software from the hardware.

Encapsulation: Encapsulation can protect each application so that it doesn’t interfere with
other applications. By using encapsulation, each virtual machine stored as a single file, making
it easy to identify and present to other applications and software. To understand how
virtualization helps with cloud computing, we must understand its many forms. In all cases, a
single resource actually emulates or imitates other resources. Here are some examples:

Virtual memory: Every disk has a lot more space than memory. PCs can use virtual memory to
borrow extra memory from the hard disk. Although virtual disks are slower than real memory, if
managed right, the substitution works surprisingly well.

Software: Virtualization software is available which can emulate an entire computer. A virtual
single computer can perform as though it were actually more than computers. This kind of
software might be able to move from a data centre with thousands of servers. To manage
virtualization in cloud computing, most of companies are using different hypervisors. Because
in cloud computing we need different operating environments, the hypervisor becomes an ideal
delivery mechanism by allowing same application on lots of different systems. Hypervisors can
load multiple operating systems in single node; they are a very practical way of getting things
virtualized quickly and efficiently. Let’s try to draw a picture on above statement.
Figure 1.1: A normal Workstation / Computer

Figure 1.2: Workstation using Hypervisor

1.4 Hypervisor
The evolution of virtualization greatly revolves around one piece of very important software
that loads the whole virtual system. This is the hypervisor. As an integral component of
computer node, this software allows all physical devices to share their all resources (Processor,
RAM, Disk, Network) amongst virtual machines running as guests on to top of that physical
hardware devices.

1.5 Related Work

Open source Virtualization technologies in Cloud computing provided this paper on multiple
Node to measure its performance [2], [3], [4] and [5]. In this paper, we extend this evaluation to
include Master Node as another Instance in virtualization platform, and test both under different
scenarios including multiple VMs and multi-tiered systems. We have also working with oVirt in
Virtualization that implemented with Centos 6. We created three Hypervisor (Node) and One
Manager. There are 76 Virtual Machine running where most of them application Server and 4
Database server with Disaster Recovery System. For Application server, We have implemented
NBL(Network Load Balancer) for web services to active in service 24/7. Ganeti supports a very
lightweight architecture which is very useful to start with commodity hardware. From starting a
single node installation an administrator can scale out the cluster very easily. It is designed to
use local storage also compatible with larger storage solutions. It has fault-tolerance as a built-in
feature. In a word it is very simple to manage and maintain. Ganeti is admin centric clustering
solution which is the main barrier for public cloud deployment. To the best of our knowledge,
these types of virtualization technologies have not been evaluated in the context of server
clustering. Multiple Node Server consolidation using virtual containers brings new challenges
and, we comprehensively evaluate two representative virtualization and cloud technologies in a
number of different Node scenarios.

2.1 Scope of this project

In this project we used following configuration hardware.
CPU: Dual Core
Storage: 140GB
NIC: 1

We use 3 hardwires stated like above. We will use Debian GNU/Linux 7 as our base operating
system and run Ganeti over the operating system using KVM as hypervisor. Later we will
initiate a cluster on one physical host as a master node. We will join other nodes on that cluster.
We will use a manageable switch and VLAN on it to separate our management + storage
network and public facing VM network for security purpose. Later we will create VMs and
check live migration, Network changes and failover scenarios.

2.2 Summary of the topology

We will connect three commodity computers in our cluster. Each computer has a single NIC
which will be logically divided by VLANs. All the computers will be connected to a trunk port
of a manageable switch to accept logical network (VLAN). The management + Storage network
and pubic network (VM) will be separated from that manageable switch. The deployment
architecture and physical node connectivity has been presented below.

Figure2.1: Deployment Architecture

Figure 2.2: Network connectivity of a Physical Node

2.3 Installation of Base Operating System
This is mandatory for all nodes.

We have installed a clean, minimal operation system as standard OS. The only requirement we
need to be aware of at this stage is to partition leaving enough space for a big (minimum 10GB)
LVM volume group which will then host your instance file systems, if we want to use all Ganeti
features. In this case we will install the base operating system on 10GB of our storage space and
remaining storage space will leave un-partitioned for LVM use. The volume group name we use
will be genetic.

2.4 Configure the Hostname

Look at the contents of the file /etc/hostname and check it contains the fully-qualified domain
name, i.e.

Now get the system to re-read this file:

# hostname -F /etc/hostname

Also check /etc/hosts to ensure that you have the both the fully-qualified name and the
short name there, pointing to the correct IP address: localhost node1

2.5 Creating Logical Volume Manager

Type the following command:
# vgs

If it shows we have a volume group called 'ganeti' then skip to the next section, "Configure the
Network". If the command is not found, then install the lvm2 package:
# apt-get install lvm2

Now, our host machine should have either a spare partition or a spare hard drive which we will
use for LVM. If it's a second hard drive it will be /dev/vdb or /dev/sdb. Check which you

Figure 2.3: Checking available disks

Assuming /dev/sda3 is spare; let's mark it as a physical volume for LVM:

# pvcreate /dev/sda3
# pvs # should show the physical volume
Figure 2.4: Physical Volume Create

Figure 2.5: Physical volume check

Now we need to create a volume group called ganeti containing just this one physical volume.
(Volume groups can be extended later by adding more physical volumes)
# vgcreate ganeti /dev/vdb
# vgs

Figure 2.6: Volume Group Create

Figure 2.7: Volume Group Check

Note: on a production Ganeti server it is recommended to configure LVM not to scan DRBD
devices for physical volumes. The document suggests editing /etc/lvm/lvm.conf and
adding a reject expression to the filter variable, like this:
filter = [ "r|/dev/cdrom|", "r|/dev/drbd[0-9]+|" ]

2.6 Configure the Network

We're now going to reconfigure the network on our machine, so that we will be using VLANs.
While it would be perfectly fine to use a single network for running virtual machines, there are a
number of limitations, including: No separation between the networks used to manage the
servers (management) and the disk replication network i.e. storage network. We will be using
network-based disk replication. We'd like to keep the disk traffic separate from the management
and service traffic Instead of using separate Ethernet cards, we'll use VLANs. In commodity
hardware we usually have only one network interface.
We need to implement the networks: management, replication, and service.
Ideally, we would create two VLANs:
A management + Storage VLAN (vlan 100).
An external (or service) VLAN (vlan 200), where we will "connect" the virtual machines to
publish them on internet.
VLAN configuration
To be on the safe side, let's install the vlan and bridge management tools (these should already
have been installed by you earlier).
# apt-get install vlan bridge-utils

Let's make changes to the network configuration file for your system. If you remember, this
is /etc/network/interfaces.
Edit this file, and look for the br-man definition for management and storage network and br-
public for public VM network. This is the bridge interface you created earlier, and eth0 is
attached to it. If should looks something like this:

Figure 2.8: Network Interface configuration

2.7 Synchronize the clock
It's important that the nodes have synchronized time, so install the NTP daemon on every node:
# apt-get install ntp

2.8 Install the Ganeti software

Now install the software from the right package repository. How to do this depends on whether
your machine is running Debian or Ubuntu. On Debian, the available version of ganeti is too
old, but fortunately the current version is available in a back ports repository.
As root, create a
file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wheezybackports.list containing this one line:
deb wheezy-back ports main then refresh the index of available

# apt-get update
Now, install the Ganeti software package. Note that the back ports packages are not used unless
you ask for them explicitly.

# apt-get install ganeti/wheezy-back ports

This will install the current released version of Ganeti on our system; but any dependencies it
pulls in will be the stable versions.

2.9 Setup DRBD

We'll now set up DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device), which will make it possible for
VMs to have redundant storage across two physical machines. DRBD was already installed
when we installed Ganeti, but we still need to change the configuration:

# echo "options drbd minor_count=128 usermode_helper=/bin/true"

# echo "drbd" >>/etc/modules
# rmmod drbd # ignore error if the module isn't already loaded
# modprobe drbd
The entry in /etc/modules ensures that drbd is loaded at boot

2.10 Initialize the cluster - MASTER NODE ONLY

We are now ready to run the commands that will create the Ganeti cluster. Do this only on the
MASTER node of the cluster.

# gnt-cluster init --master-netdev=br-man --enabled-

hypervisors=kvm -N link=br-public --vg-name ganeti

# gnt-cluster modify -H

Adding nodes to the cluster - MASTER NODE ONLY

So let's run the command to add the other nodes. Note the use of the -s option to indicate which
IP address will be used for disk replication on the node we are adding.
Run this command only on the MASTER node of the cluster.

# gnt-node add

Figure 2.9: Add a node to the Cluster

We will be warned that the command will replace the SSH keys on the destination machine (the
node you are adding) with new ones. This is normal.

Performing this operation is going to replace the ssh daemon keypair
on the target machine (hostY) with the ones of the current one and
grant full intra-cluster ssh root access to/from it
When asked if you want to continue connection, say yes:
The authenticity of host 'node2 (' can't be
ECDSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
When prompted for the root password for node2, enter it:
Warning: Permanently added 'node2' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@node1's password:

You may see the following informational message; you can ignore it:
Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service utility, e.g. service
ssh restart
Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart job, you may also
use the stop and then start utilities,
e.g. stop ssh ; start ssh. The restart utility is also available.
ssh stop/waiting
ssh start/running, process 2921
The last message you should see is this:
Tue Nov 17 17:19:50 2015 - INFO: Node will be a master candidate
This means that the machine you have just added into the node (hostY) can take over the role of
configuration master for the cluster, should the master (hostX) crash or be unavailable.
Check the node has been added in cluster or not by following command:
#gnt-node list

Figure 2.10: Node list

Now add the remaining node in our cluster and check the status again.

2.11 Installing OS definition - ALL NODES

We need to install a support package called ganeti-instance-image. This provides ganeti with an
"OS definition" - a collection of scripts which ganeti uses to create, export and import an
operating system.

The package can be installed as follows: do this on all nodes in your cluster.
# wget
# dpkg -i ganeti-instance-image_0.5.1-1_all.deb

2.12 Update the OS definition - MASTER ONLY

First wait until the other (slave) nodes in our cluster have installed the ganeti-instance-image
package. Instance-image needs to be told how to install or re-install the operating system. It can
be configured to do this by unpacking an image of an already-installed system (in tar, dump or
qcow2 format), but in our case we just want to do a manual install from a CD image.
On the master node, as root create a file /etc/ganeti/instance-
image/variants/cd.conf with the following contents:


Aside: the full set of settings you could put in this file are listed
in /etc/default/ganeti-instance-image, but don't edit them there
Now edit /etc/ganeti/instance-image/variants.list so it looks like this:
Copy these two files to the other nodes:
# gnt-cluster copyfile /etc/ganeti/instance-
# gnt-cluster copyfile /etc/ganeti/instance-image/variants.list

Figure 2.11: Variants Configuration

Figure 2.12: Variants check

Still on the master, check that the "image+cd" variant is available.
# gnt-os list
image+cd << THIS ONE

Figure 3.13: Boot source for instances

2.13 Distributing ISO images - ALL NODES

If using DRBD, the ISO images used for CD installs must be present on all nodes in the cluster,
in the same path. You could copy them to local storage on the master node, and then use gnt-
cluster copy file to distribute them to local storage on the other nodes. However to make things
simpler, we've made all the ISO images available on an NFS share (Network File Service),
which you can attach. On every node, create a empty directory /iso:
# mkdir /iso
Now copy a test OS iso in /iso directory. We have copied a debian iso image for test. Now send
the iso image to every node by following command:
# gnt-cluster copyfile /iso/debian-7.9.0-amd64-netinst.iso

2.14 Creation of instance - EVERYONE ON MASTER NODE

For example, if you working on host3 then you will have to login to host1 (your cluster's master
node). You will then create a VM called and instruct ganeti to create it on
your host using the flag -n To create new an instance, run the following
command. (Note that we don't start it yet, because we want to temporarily attach the CD-ROM
image at start time).
# gnt-instance add -t drbd -o image+cd -s 4G -B
minmem=256M,maxmem=512M --no-start --no-name-check --no-ip-check

Figure 2.13: Instance create

-t drbd means replicated LVM (replicated with DRBD)
-o image+cd means to use the OS definition ganeti-instance-image, with the cd variant we
-s 4G means to create a 4GB disk drive
-B minmem=256M,maxmem=512M sets the memory limits for this VM. It will try to run it
with 512M, but if not enough memory is available it may shrink it down to 256MB.
--no-start means don't start the VM after creating it
--no-name-check means don't check that exists in the DNS (because it
--no-ip-check means if you found the name in the DNS, don't check that the IP address is not in
the final parameter is the name of the instance. It would be good practice to use a fully-qualified
domain name for this.
You will see some messages about creating the instance being created.

3.1 Run an instance
Now start the VM using the following command, which attaches the CD-ROM temporarily and
boots from it:
# gnt-instance start -H
Waiting for job 332 for ...

Figure 3.1: Run an instance

3.2 Verify the configuration of your cluster
Again only on the MASTER node of the cluster:
# gnt-cluster verify
This will tell you if there are any errors in your configuration.

Figure 3.2: Verify Cluster

3.3 Check detail information about an instance
Ganeti will assign a port for console access for the created VM so that we can install the
operating system on it remotely. Here is how to check it.

# gnt-instance info

Figure 3.3: Information about an instance-1

More information about
Figure 3.4: Information about an instance-2

3.4 Install a guest Operating System in an instance

We can see the console access for the VM is We will use a VNC
viewer to access the VM and install the operating system on it.

Figure 3.5: Connect an instance by VNC Viewer

By clicking “Connect” button the console will appear in front of us and we will install the OS
on instance with the IP address of
Figure 3.6: Install Guest Operating System in an Instance

3.5 Changing network of an Instance

We may not need to run this, but if we want to we can. Let’s say we have informed our cluster
“br-public” as the default network for every instance. Now we are connected to the “br-
man” network. As a result we cannot access the VM from remote network as “br-man” is not
published to internet.

Figure 3.7: Connectivity check for an instance

Now we need to change the network of the instance to “br-man” from “br-public”. Here
is how to do that:
Moving the network interface 0 to another network:
# gnt-instance modify --net 0:modify,link=br-man --hotplug

Figure 3.8: Change the network for an instance

Try to do this to move the network interface of one of the instances you created earlier, onto the
br-man. After successfully shifting the network, now we can access the instance without any

Figure 3.9: Check availability after changing the network of an instance

3.6 Testing Service Migration between two instances

In some cases we may need to change the service of an instance to backup node. Let’s say we
have an instance running with DRBD replication on as primary node
and as backup node. Now we have a situation and we need to shut
down for maintenance. We should do it without interrupting the users
from their service. So we will be migrated the service to and shut
down for maintenance.
# gnt-instance migrate
Figure 3.10: Live service migration of an instance

3.7 Instance Failover Scenario

Suppose we have an instance running on as its primary node and as its backup node. Suddenly disaster happens; has failed and went down.

Figure 3.11: Failover of an instance

Instances’ running on that node has been down and services stopped. But we can make the
service alive within short time without losing any data of that instance by following command.

# gnt-instance failover –ignore-consistency

Figure 3.12: Recovery of an instance after failure

Now if we check the instance list we can see the instance is running on as its primary node.
# gnt-instance list –o name,pnode,snodes,status

Figure 3.13: Check total instances of the Cluster


In our project we have tried our best to run the virtualization over commodity hardware and
create some VMs on it. We have successfully completed the job. Later we tried to introduce
some scenarios and recommended some standard way-out of those cases. We can suggest this
project for small and medium office if they want to move for virtualization of their services
using existing commodity hardware.
Probing deeper, one can use a web management tool for Ganeti administration. Moreover if the
cluster used for business and provided SaaS to the customers, one can work on the development
of a web interface for system administrators so that they can manage and check billing of their
uses which will be a very useful tool for provider as well as customer.
Table 1. Heading and text fonts.

Text Alignment Font Followed by:

Title Centre 20 pt. TNR, bold, small-caps 24 pt. line sp.
Authors Centre 13 pt. TNR 12 pt. line sp.
Addresses Centre 12 pt. TNR
emails Centre 11 pt. italic TNR 18 pt. line sp. (last)
Abstract heading Left 13 pt. bold italic TNR, small caps 6 pt. line sp.
Abstract text Left 10 pt. italic TNR 12 pt. line sp.
Keywords heading Left 13 pt. bold italic TNR, small caps 6 pt. line sp.
Keywords Left, left, .. 10 pt. italic TNR 18 pt line sp.
Section headings Left 14 pt. bold TNR, small caps 6 pt. line sp.
Sub-section heads Left 12 pt. bold TNR 6 pt. line sp.
Sub-sub-sections Left 11 pt. bold TNR 6 pt. line sp.
Body text Full (left/right) 11 pt. TNR 12 pt line sp. (last)
Figures Centre 6 pt. line sp.
Figure captions Centre 11 pt. TNR 12 pt. line sp.
References Left 10 pt. TNR (as shown) 6 pt. line sp

Figure 4. Spam traffic sample

1. Mollah, Muhammad Baqer, Kazi Raisul Islam, and Sikder Sunbeam Islam.
"Next generation of computing through cloud computing technology." Electrical
& Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2012 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on.
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2. Soltesz, S., Pötzl, H., Fiuczynski, M. E., Bavier, A., & Peterson, L. (2007,
March). Container-based operating system virtualization: a scalable, high-
performance alternative to hypervisors. In ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems
Review (Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 275-287). ACM.
3. Padala, P., Zhu, X., Wang, Z., Singhal, S., & Shin, K. G. (2007). Performance
evaluation of virtualization technologies for server consolidation. HP Labs Tec.
4. Regola, N., & Ducom, J. C. (2010, November). Recommendations for
virtualization technologies in high performance computing. In Cloud Computing
Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2010 IEEE Second International
Conference on (pp. 409-416). IEEE.
5. Sharma, S. (2016). Expanded cloud plumes hiding Big Data ecosystem. Future
Generation Computer Systems, 59, 63-92.

Mohammad Mamun Or Rashid received his B.Sc. (Hon’s) in Computer Science from North
South University (NSU), Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2006 and M.Sc. in Computer Science in 2015
from Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has been working in
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh as a “System Analyst” in Ministry of
Expatriate’s Welfare and Overseas Employment. His current research interests include Cloud
Computing, virtualization and information Security management system. He is also interested
in Linux and Virtual networking in cloud computing.
M. Masud Rana received the B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Dhaka
International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2014. Currently, he is working towards M.Sc.
in Computer Science from the Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has
serving as an Executive Engineer, Information Technology in Bashundhara Group also he has
more than 5 years of experience as an Assistant Engineer, IT in SQUARE Informatix Ltd,
Bangladesh and Executive Engineer, IT in Computer Source Ltd, Bangladesh. His main areas
of research interests include virtualization, networking and security aspects of cloud
Jugal Krishna Das received B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD in Computer Science all from Rassia. He is
currently an Professor of Computer Science and Engineering department of Jahangirnagar
University, Savar, Dhaka. His research interests include topics such as Computer Networks,
Natural Language Processing, Software Engineering.

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