Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Chapter 13
1. Flat rolling reduces the thickness of plates and sheets. It is possible, instead, to reduce
their thickness simply by stretching the material? Would this be a feasible process?
2. What typically is done to make sure that the product in at rolling is not crowned?
3. Make a list of parts that can be made by (a) shape rolling and (b) thread rolling.
4. Describe the methods by which roll flattening can be reduced. Which property or
properties of the roll material can be increased to reduce roll flattening?
5. It was stated that spreading in at rolling increases with (a) a decreasing width-to-
thickness ratio of the entering material, (b) decreasing friction, and (c) a decreasing ratio
of the roll radius to the strip thickness. Explain why.
6. Calculate the individual drafts in each of the stands in the tandem-rolling operation
shown in Fig. 13.11.
Figure 13.11
7. Estimate the roll force and power for annealed low-carbon steel strip 200 mm wide and
10 mm thick, rolled to a thickness of 6 mm. The roll radius is 200 mm, and the roll
rotates at 200 rpm; use µ = 0.1. A low carbon steel such as AISI 1020 has K = 530 MPa
and n = 0:26
Chapter 14
11. Assume that you represent the forging industry and that you are facing a representative of
the casting industry. What would you tell that person about the merits of forging
Chapter 15
12. Estimate the force required in extruding 70-30 brass at 700 C if the billet diameter is 200
mm and the extrusion ratio is 30. From Fig. 15.5 on p. 368, k for 70-30 brass at 700 C is
approximately 200 MPa. Noting that R is 30 and do = 200 mm = 0:200 m.
13. Calculate the extrusion force for a round billet 250 mm in diameter, made of 304 stainless
steel, and extruded at 1000 C to a diameter of 70 mm. From Fig. 15.5 on p. 368, k for
stainless steel at 1000 C is approximately 400 MPa.
14. The extrusion ratio, die geometry, extrusion speed, and billet temperature all affect the
extrusion pressure. Explain why.
15. How would you go about avoiding center-cracking defects in extrusion? Explain why
your methods would be effective.