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Pryda Timber Connectors

Bracing Guide

September 2016

A complete guide to the design, specifications

and installation of Pryda Bracing

The information in this Product Guide is provided for use in
Australia by architects, engineers, building designers, builders and Most Pryda products are manufactured using Z275 light-gauge
others. It is based upon the following criteria: steel, having zinc coating of 275 gsm (total weight). This protection
is adequate only for INTERNAL applications in most corrosive
1. No Substitution: The products covered by or recommended environments, except areas that are classified as heavy industrial
in this guide must not be substituted with other products. or those subject to high humidity (eg, enclosed swimming pools).
Under these circumstances, seek advice from experts as special
protection will be required. Note: INTERNAL areas are those within
2. Design Capacity Basis: See Codes & Standards following.
the building envelope that are kept permanently dry.

3. Supporting Constructions: Constructions using Pryda AS1684.2-2010 and AS1684.3-2010, Australian Standards for
products must be built in accordance with the NCC (BCA) or Residential Timber Frame Construction stipulate a minimum
an appropriate Australian Standard. Note: This includes Z275 steel for all sheet metal products used in an internal
appropriate corrosion protection- See Corrosion Protection environment.

In areas outside the building envelope that are exposed to

4. Correct Installation: Installation of Pryda products must be repeated wetting (EXTERNAL areas), Pryda’s stainless steel
strictly in accordance with the instructions in this guide. products or equivalent should be considered. Some alternatives
include hot dip galvanised or powder coated steel, which are not
5. Current Guide Version Used: The current version of this supplied by Pryda. For more detailed information, read Pryda’s
guide, including any amendments or additions, must be used. Technical Update on Corrosion Resistance of Pryda Products or
Users are advised to check the Pryda website, contact a Pryda office., on a regular basis for the most current
Pryda Australia warrants:
• Products in this guide are free from defects in the material
Product design capacities in this guide have been derived from: and manufacturing
• Design capacities are in accordance with test results or
(a) Results of laboratory tests carried out by or for Pryda Australia
current, relevant Australian Standards and the Building Code
(b) Engineering computations in accordance with the relevant of Australia.
Australian Standards, ie: • Pryda products are structurally adequate provided they are
• AS1720.1-2010 Timber Structures. Part 1: Design designed, installed and used completely in accordance with
Methods. this guide.
• AS/NZS1170 series Structural Design Actions.
• AS4055-2006 Wind Loads for Housing. This warranty applies only to:
• Products in this guide.
• Products used in the specified applications and not
Design capacities tabulated in this guide apply directly for damaged after manufacture and supply.
Category 1 joints. For all other joints, reduce design capacities by • Joints free from wood splitting, decay or other timber defects
using the factors as specified in General Notes (if applicable). at the joint or within 150 mm of the joint.
Design capacities are related to the Joint Group of the timber as
defined in AS1720 and AS1684. If the Joint Group of timber INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION
members joined together varies, the lower group must be assumed
for design, for example, JD5 is lower than JD4. These notes are provided to ensure proper installation.
1. All fasteners used must be manufactured by reputable
companies and be of structural quality.
2. Connectors must not be installed on timber which is split before
Special terms used in this guide are as defined in Australian or during installation. If the timber is likely to split as fasteners
are driven, fastener holes must be pre-drilled.
Standards, including:
3. Do not overload the joints during construction or in service.
Design Capacity: The maximum Limit State Design load (aka 4. Hole diameter for bolts in seasoned timber must not be more
“action”) which the product can safely support under the specified than 1.0 mm larger than the bolt diameter to achieve a snug-
load condition, eg, 1.2G + 1.5Q (dead+roof live). See General tight connection. Specified washers must be installed against
Notes for details (if applicable). the timber face.
Joint Group: Classification of a timber according to its fastener- 5. Use proper safety equipment and due care in installing these
holding capacity. See General Notes for details (if applicable) connectors.
6. Any gaps in joints between the timber members must not exceed
3 mm.
7. Do not over-tighten screws.

Copyright: © Pryda Australia - A Division of ITW Australia – ABN 63 004 235 063 - 2016
Bracing Guide

Pryda Bracing Guide


Useful notes and definitions fore effective reading of this guide


A formed steel section brace in two sizes, 5
ie, Mini Brace and Maxi Brace for use as wall bracing and noggin


A flat, tensioned steel strap in six section sizes for all bracing uses

A formed steel tension brace for roof and other bracing uses


Details of A Types and B bracing units

Tension capacities for all bracing products


Fixed to the top plate of non-bearing bracing walls to transfer 14
racking loads from ceiling plane

Concrete anchor screws for tie-down of bracing units 16

Provides information and recommendations on design, construction 17
and engineering matters related to the bracing of walls in timber
framed construction

Product Information Updates

Information contained in this product guide is subject to change.
The latest updates are available from
Bracing Guide
Pryda Timber Connector Nails
For more than 30 years, Pryda bracing products
have been developed to be structurally sound and For fixing of all Pryda bracings, it
cost effective for the bracing of roofs, walls, floors is essential to use galvanised
and other parts of timber framed buildings. They are Pryda Timber Connector Nails,
designed to meet code bracing requirements and ie, the special 35 x 3.15 mm nails
have been laboratory tested to assure their developed by Pryda specifically
strength. for fixing of our products.
Laboratory strength testing has
Specification for Pryda Bracing shown that clouts are not
adequate for this purpose as their Pryda Timber
All Pryda bracings are manufactured from G300 - heads may pop off under less than Connector Nails
Z275 ZincForm® steel or equivalent for high design load.
strength and corrosion resistance in normal, interior
uses. Higher levels of zinc coating or epoxy paints Machine Driven Nail Use
are also available to suit use in corrosive
environments such as near the sea front.
Where appropriate, 32 x 2.3 mm Duo-Fast C SHEG
(ie, screw hardened electro galvanized) machine
Product details are tabulated in the Pryda Price
driven nails (code D40810) or equivalent may be
List and Pryda Catalogue publications.
used instead of the specified 35 x 3.15 mm Pryda
Timber Connector Nails to fix Pryda connectors
Which Bracing to Use? provided that:
• One additional nail than specified in the bracing
Collectively, Pryda bracings are suited to all details (eg, 2 instead of 1, 3 instead of 2, 5
common bracing uses in timber framing. instead of 4 etc.)
• Machine driven nails are driven at nail spacings
Application Suitable Bracing and edge distances similar to the hole pattern,
Floor joists Strap Brace ensuring that these nails are not driven into the
holes or located not closer than 5mm from the
Walls Angle Brace, Strap Brace, edge of a hole.
Roof trusses Speedbrace*, Strap Brace Note: Extreme care must be taken when using
machine driven nails as the prevailing
* Recommended for this use. installation practices tend to inhibit compliance
with the above requirements.
For bracing of walls in accordance with AS 1684 Some of other pneumatic coil screw hardened nails
Residential Timber-framed Construction, see the considered equivalent to Duo-Fast D40810 are
Pryda Wall Bracing Unit Construction Guide Paslode 32 x 2.5 mm (B25110), Duo-Fast 32 x 2.5
available in this document (from page 8 onwards). mm (D41060), Paslode 40 x 2.5 mm (B25125) and
Duo-Fast 40 x 2.6 mm (D42360).
A guide to bracing roof trusses is included in
AS4440:2004 Installation of Nailplated Timber
Trusses. Speedbrace is usually preferred to Strap Fixing into Steel Supporting Structure
Brace for this use because of its special
advantages. Pryda products can be fixed into steel using Buildex
TeksTM screws or similar.
Pryda bracings can also be used for some
uncommon applications, depending on the design Information on fixing Pryda bracing products to steel
strength required. For this reason, Design framing is available in the publication titled Design
Capacities are included in this publication. Guide – Pryda Connectors for Steel Framing.

Material Thickness
All material thicknesses referred to in this guide are
the total coated thickness. This includes the zinc
coating thickness, which is typically around 0.04
mm for Z275 steel.


Bracing Guide
Note: Information about suitable equipment for
Good installation of bracings is most essential. cutting checks in the studs for Angle Brace is
Pryda recommendations as specified in this guide. available from Pryda.
Particularly important are: Max notch
20 mm
Nailing: Keep the nails away from ends or edges
of timber to assure good nailholding.
Pryda Mini
Brace Angle: Install the brace at an angle of Brace checked
between 40 and 50 degrees to the horizontal if into stud so that
possible. Otherwise, the minimum is 30 degrees, brace and nails
maximum 60 degrees. are flush with
stud face
Strap Tensioning: Ensure each length of Strap Max notch
Brace has a Pryda Tensioner, properly tightened 20 mm
prior to nailing. Tension Speedbrace by hammering
it flat over each stud and wall plate.
Pryda Maxi
Angle Brace Slots: Don’t overcut the slot (notch) Brace not
for the brace as this will weaken the studs. 20 mm checked
is the required maximum slot depth for both Mini and into stud
Maxi Brace. As Mini Brace has a shorter leg (16
mm), the studs can be checked 3 mm so that the
brace and nails are installed flush with the stud edge See also: Pryda Installation Guide for Pre-
(pictured). Maxi Brace must not be checked fabricated Walls with Pryda Bracing.
(rebated) into the stud edge because the notch
depth would then exceed the 20 mm maximum
specified in AS1684.
PRYDA ANGLE BRACE Available sizes are:
Pryda Mini Brace 18 x 16 x 1.2 mm
LENGTH 3.6 4.2 4.8
Tied in bundles of 10 lengths.
Pryda Maxi Brace 20 x 18 x 1.2 mm
LENGTH 3.6 4.2 4.8
Tied in bundles of 10 lengths.

As bracing or nogging, Pryda Angle Brace can be
installed either sitting on the surface of the timber
Uses framing or checked in flush with the surface using a
chisel or a checking head on a circular saw. To
Pryda Mini Brace and Maxi Brace can be used as install Angle Brace:
bracing or nogging of Type A Bracing Units in wall
1. Square up the wall or temporary frame ready
frames in accordance with AS1684-2010
for bracing.
Residential Timber-Framed Construction and the
Wall Bracing Units Construction Guide. 2. Use the edge of the brace to draw a straight
line where the brace or nog is to go, and cut the
slots. Note that the brace angle must be from
30 to 60 degrees to the horizontal and ends of
the brace should be 150 mm minimum from the
end of the plate.
3. Fit the brace into the slots with the the vertical
leg downwards for safety reasons. Fix it with
one Pryda Timber Connector Nail per stud
and two Pryda Timber Connector Nails per wall
Bracing Guide

PRYDA STRAP BRACE AND Strap Brace Tensioners:


Includes wing nut, bolt and washer.

NUTSERT 30 in carton (6 per pack x 5 packs)
T-BOLT SBT30N Includes bolt. 30 in carton (6 per
(nutsert) pack x 5 packs)
includes wing nut, bolt and washer.
100 per pack
includes bolt. 100 per pack

Bolt Specification: M6x30 T-bolt for SBT/SBT100 and

M6x30 hex-head bolt for the nutsert type SBT30N

Uses & Advantages Structural Performance

Pryda Strap Brace with Tensioner, is an easy-to-use, Pryda Strap Brace takes load in tension only and must
flat strap steel bracing for roofs, walls, ceilings and therefore be used in pairs, in opposing diagonal
floors. Strap Brace complies with the wall bracing rules directions. It must also be sufficiently tensioned to take
of AS1684 Residential Timber-framed Construction the load without distortion of the frame.
and has excellent advantages, including:
Installation Of Strap Brace
Saves on-site labour time as studs do not have
to be notched. The unnotched studs can often be
Floor Bracing
a smaller size and hence cheaper than notched
Pryda Strap Brace of any size, can be used as a
herring-bone bracing for floor joists - as illustrated. A
Available in long length coils for ease of handling
tensioner is not required for this use.
and minimum wastage.
1. Fix the ends of both lengths of Strap Brace to the
Easily and quickly tensioned using the Strap
top and bottom of the first joist with two Pryda
Brace Tensioner - simply by driving the hex-head
Timber Connector Nails per joint.
screw (nutsert option) or turning the wing nut
(wingnut and t-bolt option). 2. Pull each length of Strap Brace down from the top
edge of the joist or up from the bottom onto the
Pryda Strap Brace is ideal for bracing applications next joist. Tension it using a screw driver or similar
where timber braces are not feasible because of their tool and fix with one Pryda Timber Connector Nail
thickness or because timber can’t be bent, eg, exposed at each joist.
beams or rafters, or trusses.
For floor systems with trusses, I-joists or deep beams,
Sizes bracing is required for both: (a) stability during
Available sizes are: construction and (b) wind resistance during the life of
the building. The bracing can be Pryda Strap Brace or
PRODUCT ARTICLE & SIZE Unpunched Strapping. It is to be fixed to the floor
CODE members and supporting structure with 35 x 3.15 mm
SB082/15 ** 25 x 0.8 mm x 15 m coil Pryda Timber Connector Nails or power driven 2.5 mm
SB082/30 ** 25 x 0.8 mm x 30 m coil or 2.87 mm nails (as shown opposite).
Fix Strap Brace with 2/3.15Ø x 35mm
SB083/15 30 x 0.8 mm x 15 m coil
Pryda Nails to Truss Top Chord
SB083/30 30 x 0.8 mm x 30 m coil Max. 2700mm Centres
SB083/50 30 x 0.8 mm x 50 m coil
SB103/30 30 x 1.0 mm x 30 m coil
SB103/50 30 x 1.0 mm x 50 m coil
SB123/30 32 x 1.2 mm x 30 m coil
SB083/3.5 30 x 0.8 mm x 3.5 m lengths
SB083/3.5W-500 30 x 0.8 mm x 3.5 m lengths
SB083/4.0W-500 30 x 0.8 mm x 4.0 m lengths
30 x 0.8 mm x 30 m lengths Wrap Pryda Brace SB123 Under Top
GUS083/30 Wall Plate and fix with 3.15Ø x 35mm
(unpunched straping)
Pryda Nails, 2 Nails Into Side and 4
** SB082 product is not recommended for standard bracing units. Nails to Underside

Floor Bracing at External Wall


Bracing Guide

Wall Bracing
For details of bracing units see pages 9 to 11:

1. Make sure that the wall frame is close to square.

2. For Type B units, wrap the brace over the plate. Nail
the end of the Strap Brace to the top plate within
150 mm of a stud using:
Fixing to bottom plate
- three Pryda Timber Connector Nails for Type A
units or
Roof Bracing
- four Pryda Timber Connector Nails for Type B
units. To brace standard trusses, rafters or roof beams:
3. Lay the Strap Brace across the frame at an angle of 1. Use only SB123 Strap Brace (or Speedbrace) for
45 degrees approximately (30 to 60o) and with the roof bracing. Refer to AS4440-2004 or Pryda Truss
unfixed end on the bottom plate at within 150 mm of Installation Guide to establish whether single or
a stud and allowing a length of strap to wrap around double Strap Brace is required based on roof span,
the plate. Cut the strap brace to length. pitch and wind speed.
4. Straighten and partially tighten the Strap Brace by 2. Lay out diagonal opposing lengths of Strap Brace on
pulling it down onto the bottom plate. For Type B top of the roof framing at a maximum angle of 30
units, wrap the brace over the plate. Fix the end of degrees (measured on plan) to the ridge line. Braces
the Strap Brace to the plate within 150 mm of a stud are required on both sides of the ridge line and at
using Pryda Timber Connector Nails with: both ends of the roof.
- two nails for Type A units or 3. Fix Strap Brace at both ends by wrapping one end
- four nails for Type B units. around the top wall plate and the other end around
the rafter, roof beam or top chord of a truss at the
5. Fix the second length of Strap Brace in the same
ridge, and by nailing each end using the required
manner, diagonally opposing the first length.
number of Pryda Timber Connector Nails.
6. Fit and tighten the tensioners on both braces, with 4 Fit and tighten the tensioners on both braces, with
the tensioner facing into the frame. Adjust the the tensioner facing down into the roof space. Adjust
tensioner as required or until the brace is taut. Note: the tensioner as required or until the brace is taut.
Do not use Strap Brace to plumb the frame. Note: Do not use Strap Brace to plumb the frame.
7. Nail both braces to every stud crossed using ONE 5 Nail both braces to every truss or rafter crossed
Pryda Timber Connector Nail for both Type A and using two Pryda Timber Connector Nails per
Type B units. crossing.

The required minimum number of bracing units is For more details of requirements for roof truss bracing
specified in AS1684. refer to the Pryda’s Roof Truss Installation Guide or
to AS4440.

Two Nails to
Top Chord


Hammer Fixing to Top Plate

Anchorage Point - Bend Steel Brace to Side of Top Plate And

Under Plate. Fix With Five Nails to Top Plate. Nails Shall be
no Closer Than 10mm to The Edge of The Timber.

End Fixing Detail on Rafter Trusses

Refer to AS4440-2004 for Other Fixing Details.
Pulling Out the Brace


Bracing Guide


Fixing at Apex and Intermediate

Pryda Speedbrace, used as diagonal roof bracing,

provides overall stability to the trussed roof and in
conjunction with the roof battens, prevents lateral
buckling of the top chords. Pryda Speedbrace is also
suitable for use as wall bracing.

Pryda Speedbrace is applied on top of the top chord,
eliminating the difficulty of applying a brace to the
underside of the chord as is necessary with
conventional timber braces. The profile of Speedbrace
allows it to be applied without the need for tensioners
as the rib merely needs to be hammered flat where it Fixing at Ends
crosses the timber members.

In addition, Speedbrace can be spliced easily and can Fixing at Ends

be wrapped around members to provide sound and
secure anchorage.

Available sizes of Pryda Speedbrace are:
Code SDB36 SDB40 SDB50 SDB60
Length 3.6 4.0 5.0 6.0
Tied in bundles of 10 lengths.
Splice Detail
Roof Bracing
Refer to AS4440 for all other fixing details.
Pryda Speedbrace can be installed as for Strap Brace,
where Speedbrace crosses each truss it is hammered
flat and nailed with two galvanised Pryda Timber Wall Bracing
Connector Nails at each truss crossed.
Pryda Speedbrace may also be used to brace wall
Pryda Speedbrace is spliced by overlapping lengths frames.
of brace hammering flat and nailing with the same
number of galvanised Pryda Timber Connector Nails
as is required at the top plate (see diagram below).


Bracing Guide
Section 8 of AS1684:2010 – Residential Timber-Framed Construction specifies methods of determining the required
minimum amount of permanent wall bracing, ie:
Simplified method (Part 4 of AS 1684): The number of Type A bracing units included in each plan direction must
comply with Table 8.2 – which depends on the overall size of the walls. Details of Type A bracing units are specified
in Table 8.3 – and in this document.
Other constructions (Part 2 or 3): The designer must either:
* Calculate the design horizontal wind force (“total racking force” -kN) and the total capacity of the bracing included
in each plan direction to resist this force, or
* Look up the wind force in Appendix G of the code and ensure by calculation that the total capacity of the bracing
exceeds this force.
Details of wall bracing units and their capacities (in kN/m) are specified in Table 8.18 – and in this document.

The “Simplified method” applies only to non-cyclonic wind zone N1 or N2 and to buildings of limited size – see
Clause 1.6 of Part 4 of the code.

This guide provides full details of how bracing units (or “panels”) can be constructed in accordance with AS 1684
using Pryda Bracings, Stud Ties, Strap Nails and Pryda Timber Connector Nails. The details specified in AS1684
are based on the results of test on such units. Bracing capacities are for units with a lining such as plasterboard
installed. During construction, additional temporary bracing may be required until the lining is fully installed. For
information on the derivation of unit capacities, contact Standards Australia.

Wall Bracing Units - Details

Mini Brace, Two Lengths, Type A Unit

This bracing unit comprises two sections of the same wall with Pryda Mini Brace braces in opposing diagonals, as
shown below. These two wall sections are considered to work together. AS1684 has a maximum wall height of 3.0
m (except at gable or skillion ends). Design capacity of these units is 0.8 kN/m for wall heights up to 2.7 m and and
0.72 kN/m for 3.0 m height. The table values given below are the total capacity from both wall sections and
assumes that both wall sections are of equal length.

Wall Height Bracing capacity (kN) for Bracing length of EACH Wall Section (m) Note: For walls higher than 2.7 m,
(m) 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 reduce the bracing unit’s capacity in
inverse proportion to the wall height, eg,
2.7 2.7 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.8 3.9 4.1 for 3.6 m walls, take 2.7/3.6 = 0.75
3.0 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6 times the capacity for 2.7 m height

The nails used must be galvanised Pryda Timber Connector Nails, code OSNG, size 35 x 3.15 mm.

Two Pryda
Timber One Nails in
or Pryda Pryda brace ends
Mini Nail at Fix wall plates
Brace each Pryda to studs as normal
Nogging stud Mini Brace OR Use Pryda
ST3 Stud Ties
Brace angle
30 to 60 degs Pryda Mini
,preferably Brace
40 to 50 degs
Joint Detail
Brace: Pryda Mini Brace
Fixing: Two Pryda Nails each end
One Pryda Nail each stud
1.8 to 2.7 m max. 1.8 to 2.7 m max.

Note: A minimum 3.6 m wall length (i.e using two 1.8 m units with Mini Brace as opposing diagonals) will be required to accommodate
this type of bracing unit. Accordingly, a minimum 5.4 m wall length is required to achieve a maximum capacity of 4.1 kN (see table)


Bracing Guide

Strap Brace/Speedbrace Type A Unit (Racking Capacity = 1.5 kN/m)

This bracing unit comprises one section of the wall, with cross-over braces of Pryda Strap Brace or Pryda
Speedbrace as shown below. The minimum recommended Strap Brace size (SB083) fully complies with
AS1684.2:2010 and AS1684.3:2010 specifications. Maximum wall height in AS1684 is 3.0 m (except at gable or
skillion ends). Design capacity is 1.5 kN/m for wall heights up to 2.7 m and 1.35 kN/m for 3.0 m height.
Wall Height Bracing capacity (kN) for Bracing length (m) Note: For walls higher than 2.7 m, reduce
(m) 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 the bracing unit’s capacity in inverse
proportion to the wall height, eg, for 3.6 m
2.7 2.7 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.8 3.9 4.1 walls, take 2.7/3.6 = 0.75 times the
3.0 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6 capacity for 2.7 m height

The nails used must be galvanised Pryda Timber Connector Nails, code OSNG, size 35 x 3.15 mm.

Maxi Brace, One Length, Type A Unit (Racking Capacity = 1.5 kN/m)
This bracing unit comprises one section of the wall, with one brace of Pryda Maxi Brace, as shown below. Maximum
wall height in AS1684 is 3.0 m (except at gable or skillion ends). Design capacity is 1.5 kN/m for wall heights up to
2.7 m and 1.35 kN/m for 3.0 m height.

Wall Height Bracing capacity (kN) for Bracing length (m) Note: For walls higher than 2.7 m, reduce
(m) 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 the bracing unit’s capacity in inverse
proportion to the wall height, eg, for 3.6 m
2.7 2.7 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.8 3.9 4.1 walls, take 2.7/3.6 = 0.75 times the
3.0 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6 capacity for 2.7 m height

The nails used must be galvanised Pryda Timber Connector Nails (OSNG) size 35 x 3.15 mm.
Pryda Stud Tie Pryda Strap Nail SN2C or
See Joint ST3 or ST4 or SN2B on both sides of
details STS3 the frame

Pryda 30
Maxi Brace Two Pryda Two Pryda
Timber Timber
Brace angle Connector Connector
Timber 30 to 60 degs, Nails at each Nails at
or Pryda preferably stud and each stud &
Mini wall plate wall plate
40 to 50 degs
Brace Pryda Maxi Brace Pryda Maxi Brace

See Joint See Joint Note: Pryda Ezi Stud Tie (SST) may be used in lieu of
details details the other stud ties specified above.

1.8 to 2.7 m max.


Bracing Guide
Type B Unit (Racking Capacity = 3.0 kN/m)
This Type B bracing unit uses Pryda Strap Brace (SB103) or Pryda Speedbrace, a steel brace thicker than the
one used for Type A units. Note: Pryda Strap Brace (SB083) may also be used provided the below table values are
reduced by 20%. Maximum wall height in AS1684 is 3.0 m (except at gable or skillion ends). Design capacity is 3.0
kN/m for wall heights up to 2.7 m and 2.7 kN/m for 3.0 m height.

Wall Height Bracing capacity (kN) for Bracing length (m)

Note: For walls higher than 2.7 m, reduce
(m) 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 the bracing unit’s capacity in inverse
proportion to the wall height, eg, for 3.6 m
2.7 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.1 walls, take 2.7/3.6 = 0.75 times the
3.0 4.9 5.1 5.4 5.7 5.9 6.2 6.5 6.8 7.0 7.3 capacity for 2.7 m height

The nails used must be galvanised Pryda Timber Connector Nails (OSNG) size 35 x3.15 mm.
ST3 ST3 See Joint ST3 or STS3 Pryda Stud Tie
Details or one SN2 Strap Nail on
each wall face
Pryda Strap Brace
Pryda Strap
SB103 or
Brace SB103
or(see Note below) Four Pryda Timber
Timber or Connector Nails into
Pryda Mini Speedbrace wide face of top and
Two Pryda
One Pryda
Brace Brace angle Timber bottom wall plates
Nogging 30 to 60 Connector
degrees, Nails into
preferably each stud Pryda Brace
40 to 50 degs
Joint Detail
See Joint Brace: PrydaStrap
Brace: Pryda StrapBrace
or Speedbrace
Details ST3 ST3 or Speedbrace
Fixing: PrydaTimber
Fixing: Pryda TimberConnector
with 4 nails
1.8 to 2.7 m max. at each -end
4 each
and 1end,
nail -at2each
Note: Pryda Strap Brace (SB083) may also be used provided the above . Note: Pryda Ezi Stud Tie (SST) may be used in lieu of
table values are reduced by 20% or adopting a capacity of 2.5 kN/m. the other stud ties specified above.

Narrow Bracing Units

Pryda has developed the Pryda Wall Truss Brace (PWTB) to cater for narrow wall lengths, adopting a similar profile
to a floor truss. Three types of units are available, PWTB1/PWTB2 to resist up to 5.0 kN/m and PWTB3 to resist up
to 14.0 kN/m racking loads. For detailed information on the PWTBs, refer Design Guide on Pryda Wall Truss Brace.

Also available is a series of Narrow Bracing Units using Strapbrace/Speedbrace. Details of these units are available
in a separate publication tiltled Pryda Design Guide for Narrow Wall Bracing Units.

Pryda Wall Truss Brace (PWTB) Narrow Bracing Unit

for narrow wall bracing applications


Bracing Guide
Pryda’s recommendations for materials, installation and design loads are given in the following topics.

All Pryda bracings are manufactured from G300 -Z275 ZincForm® steel or equivalent for high strength and
corrosion resistance in normal, interior uses.

The Pryda Bracing products included in these units are:

Brace Product Details Product Code
Mini Brace 18 x 16 x 1.2 mm Angle Brace MB36, MB42, MB48
Maxi Brace 20 x 18 x 1.2 mm Angle Brace AB36, AB42, AB48
Speedbrace 37 x 1.0 mm SDB36, SDB40, SDB50, SDB60
Strap Brace 30 x 0.8 mm, 30 x 1.0 mm, 32 x 1.2 mm SB083, SB103, SB123
Warning: For the construction of bracing units don’t use Hoop Iron and beware of 0.6 mm thickness (or thinner) non-engineered
bracing. The latter material may be offcuts of Zincalume or Colorbond which are roofing materials having little or none of the
sacrificial protection to cut edges which is a feature of the Galvabond (or equivalent) material used for Pryda products. This
protection is required for good corrosion resistance in contact with mortar.

All nails used for bracing units must be hand-hammered galvanised 35 x 3.15 mm Pryda Timber Connector Nails
(OSNG). Pryda will not support the use of other nails unless they meet the requirements for machine driven nails in
page 4.

DESIGN CAPACITIES Compression Capacities:

Stud Spacing Maxi Brace Design Compression
Pryda tests and computations have established the Capacity (ΦNj) (kN) at:
following Limit State Design capacities for Pryda (mm) Parallel to Brace 45o
450 3.7 2.6
For the brace to develop tabulated tension or 600 2.7 1.9
compression capacities, it must be anchored
adequately at each end. In the case of Speedbrace Note:
or Strap Brace product, it is necessary to bend the As noted previously the design capacity of Angle
brace around the anchor points to achieve the Brace is limited by the number of nails at the ends.
designated tension capacities. Angle Braces on Using 35 x 3.15 mm Pryda Timber Connector
the other hand are often governed by the end fixing Nails, the wind capacity will be limited to 1.8 kN (2
capacity (nail capacities) as they cannot be bent at nails) or 2.8 kN (3 nails) in JD4 timber.
anchor points.
Tension Capacities:
Code Cross Section Design Tension
Capacity (ΦNj) kN
Angle Brace (Mini and Maxi Brace)
MB 18 x 16 x 1.2 mm 7.8
AB 20 x 18 x 1.2 mm 9.5
SDB 37 x 1.0 mm 8.7
Strap Brace
SB082 25 x 0.8 mm 3.5
SB083 30 x 0.8 mm 5.2
SB103 30 x 1.0 mm 6.8
SB123 32 x 1.2 mm 9.4


Bracing Guide
Fixing at the Top of Internal Bracing Units
At the top of internal bracing units, the wall must be fixed to the roof structure in order to transfer wind load from the
roof to the walls – see Clause of AS1684:2010 Part 2. Without this connection, these bracing units cannot
act as part of the bracing system. For trussed roofs, the connection must allow a clearance for settlement of the
trusses over time. The connection must have a shear capacity at least equivalent to the bracing capacity of the unit.
Table 8.22 specifies suitable connections and their shear capacities.

Pryda has introduced a new product Pryda Shear Connectors (PSC) to help builders meet the requirements of
AS1684. Complete details on the PSC is given in pages 14 and 15.

Fixing at the Bottom of Bracing Units (Tie-downs) – AS1684:2010 Requirements

AS1684-2010 Residential Timber Framed Construction - Parts 2, 3 and 4 specify requirements for bracing of walls
(Section 8) which include fixing at the bottom of bracing walls (aka: bracing units, bracing panels).

Fixing Requirements for Bracing Walls- Simplified Interpretation

The following table interprets Clause of AS1684:2010.

Case Bracing Wall Type Fixing Requirements – General

1 Nominal bracing Nominal fixing only – as per Table 9.4
Up to 3.4 kN/m capacity, included in
2 Nominal fixing only – as per Table 9.4 (see note below)
Table 8.18
3.4 to 6.0 kN/m capacity, included in
3 As specified in Table 8.18
Table 8.18
Determine uplift force from Table 8.23 and fixing detail from Table
3.4 to 6.0 kN/m capacity, not included 8.24 or other tie-down fixing specification – or:
4 - refer RamsetTM AnkascrewsTM capacities in page 15
in Table 8.18
- use engineering design

As specified in Table 8.18.

6.0 kN/m or greater capacity, included Where intermediate bottom plate fixings are not specified in Table
5 8.18, additional intermediate bottom plate fixings of minimum 1/
in Table 8.18
M10 bolt or 2/No. 14 Type 17 screws at maximum 1200 mm centres
are required.
6.0 kN/m or greater capacity, not
6 As for case 4 above, with intermediate fixings
included in Table 8.18

• Table 8.18 of AS1684.2:2010 nominates that bracing systems with a racking capacity of 3.4 kN/m require
only nominal fixing of the bottom plate to the concrete slab/floor joists. This reduced requirement has been
established from whole house testing programs, along with post-wind damage assessments of the
performance of bracing in housing.
• The nominal fixing requirement for bottom plate to concrete slab as per Table 9.4 is “One 75 mm masonry
nail (hand-driven at slab edge), screw or bolt at not more than 1200 mm centres”

Useful AS1684:2010 Clauses and Tables on Wall Bracing

1. Clause Fixing of bottom of bracing walls


AS1684 is subject to amendments and fabricators are advised to keep informed of amendments.


Bracing Guide
Connectors capable of transferring racking loads to bracing walls.

(a) Trusses perpendicular to wall (b) Trusses parallel to wall

Pryda Shear Connector (PSC) in application (always used in pairs)

Application & Features 3. It is preferable (but not essential) to fix the Pryda
Shear Connectors (PSC) after the roof cladding has
Pryda Shear Connectors (PSC) are used to transfer been fixed and prior to the application of the ceiling
racking loads from the ceiling diaphragm to non-load material.
bearing bracing walls.
4. The PSC are to be installed in opposing pairs on the
same bottom chord of a truss.
These connectors allow vertical movement of trusses
(to release creep deflection) and ensures that truss 5. Ensure the connectors are located adjacent to each
camber dissipation is uninhibited by over-driven nails. other and directly over the internal, non-load bearing
bracing wall to which they are to be fixed.
PSC are fixed to top of bracing walls and can be used
as a direct substitute for a pair of nail fixed timber 6. Fix each connector to the truss bottom chord with the
blocks as specified in Table 8.22 AS 1684.2:2010 and specified number of nails so that the connector is flush
AS1684.3:2010. up against the vertical face and under side of the truss
bottom chord.
Table A provide design information on how PSC may
be specified. 7. Ensure the long leg of each connector passes under
the bottom chord and is located directly over the
PSC should always be used in pairs as illustrated underlying top plate.
8. Press vertically downwards on the free end of the long
leg of the connector until it contacts the top face of the
Installation Instructions underlying top plate.
1. All trusses are to be installed in accordance with 9. Fix the long leg down to the underlying top plate with
the requirements of AS4440. the specified number of nails.
2. Discard any damaged product. 10. Repeat where marked on truss & wall frame layout.

Steel 1.0 mm G300 –Z275 Galvanised
Dimensions 30 mm wide x 300 mm (flat length)
Fixing to Truss 3/3.15 dia. x 35 Pryda Timber Connector nails or equivalent per connector
Fixing to Wall Plate 4 or 5/35 x 3.15 Pryda Timber Connector nails or equivalent per connector


Bracing Guide
Design Data

Table A provides the number of connections (a pair of PSC) required for standard braced wall lengths

TABLE A – Pryda Shear Connector Selection Chart

1.5 kN/m

3.0 kN/m

6.0 kN/m

** If nails are machine driven using 32 x 2.3 Duo-Fast SHEG or equivalent, provide one additional nail to the
table values and ensure nails are driven away from holes.

Note: W hen specifying requirement for non-standard braced wall lengths, assume a pair of PSC (with 5 nails)
is capable of resisting a maximum 2700 mm (for 1.5 kN/m capacity) and 1500 mm (for 3.0 kN/m capacity) wall


Bracing Guide
Tie-down Anchors
Suitable tie-down anchors for wall bracing units are:
Application Suitable Anchors
RamsetTM AnkaScrewsTM or equivalent
External walls RamsetTM ChemsetTM Injection 100 and 800 series or equivalent
RamsetTM ChemsetTM Spin Capsules or equivalent

RamsetTM AnkaScrewsTM and other ChemsetTM Anchors as above

Internal walls RamsetTM DynaboltTM Anchors or equivalent
RamsetTM TruboltTM Anchors or equivalent

For Design capacities and installation instructions on the above anchors, visit Ramset at or contact
Ramset direct.

RamsetTM AnkaScrewsTM M12 x100 (AS12100H) is available from Pryda.

Design Capacities of RamsetTM AnkaScrewsTM

RamsetTM AnkaScrewsTM through 35 mm thick bottom plates
Effective Anchor Uplift Capacity (ΦNj) (kN) Minimum
Depth for 35 mm Concrete
Part Code Anchor Size External Walls
Bottom Plate Thickness
Internal Walls
(nominal) 70 mm 90 mm (mm)
AS12100H M12 x 100 60 5.2 5.8 10.4 85
AS12150H M12 x 150 110 13.1 14.3 26.1 135

RamsetTM AnkaScrewsTM through 45 mm thick bottom plates

Effective Anchor Uplift Capacity (ΦNj) (kN) Minimum
Depth for 45 mm Concrete
Part Code Anchor Size Bottom Plate External Walls Thickness
Internal Walls (mm)
70 mm 90 mm

AS12100H M12 x 100 50 3.9 4.3 7.8 75

AS12150H M12 x 150 100 11.3 12.5 22.6 125

Design capacities in the above tables are based on:

• Minimum Grade 20 concrete.
• Minimum anchor edge distances – external walls of 35 mm for 70 mm wall frames, 45 mm for 90 mm frames.
• Minimum anchor edge distances – internal walls = 120 mm.
• Washers of sufficient capacity, as tabulated in the following table, must be installed between the anchor head and
bottom wall plate.
• The final tie-down capacity is limited by the minimum of Anchor and the washer capacities.

Minimum Washer Sizes for Tie-down Anchors

Square Washer Size Round Washer Size Washer Type and
Capacity (ΦNj) (kN) for Joint Group:
Pryda Code
(mm) (mm) JD5 JD4
50 x 50 x 3.0 55 dia x 3.0 8.4 10.5
Heavy Duty
65 x 65 x 5.0 75 dia x 5.0 20.8 26.1


Bracing Guide

This appendix to the Pryda Bracing Guide provides information and recommendations on design, construction
and engineering matters related to the bracing of walls in timber framed construction. It has been prepared by
Pryda engineers in response to questions from Pryda licensed frame manufacturers.


Bracing is an essential part of any building. To design and install bracing that “works” (is effective in resisting the loads caused
by the wind), it is essential to understand how bracing works. Otherwise serious building problems can arise. The following
topics are intended to simply explain the basic concepts of bracing systems.

Bracing is a System

It is most important to realise that Pryda 4. Wall plates and studs carry Wind load from
bracings and other types of bracings “work” load as part of bracing unit roof & top part
as part of a bracing system which of wall
comprises: 3. Stud Ties or Strap Nails
(if required) transmit load
1.Tthe bracing. 1. Bracing between wall plates and
resists wind load studs.
2. The fixing of the bracing to the frame,
especially the end fixing (ie, nails).
3. Any straps required as part of the
bracing unit.
4. The parts of the frame to which the
bracing is fixed, ie, wall plates, studs,
including any joints in the wall plates
(see note below). 2. Fixing (nails)
5. The connection of the braced part of into ends of braces
carry load into brace
the frame to the supporting structure,
eg, fixing of the bracing unit to the floor
system. Fixing to floor also prevents 5. Fixing to floor transmits
lateral (sideways) movement load from bracing unit
6. The parts of the building which transmit of the frame due to wind to the floor
the applied wind load down to the
footings and ground.

These elements of the bracing system are like links in a chain and all must be strong enough to take the wind load or the
whole system may collapse. For example, if the braces are not adequately fixed or if the bracing unit is not properly tied
down, the bracing system may fail.

Bracing Must Work in All Directions

Because wind can blow in any direction, the bracing Wind

system must also be effective in all directions. Therefore, Direction 2
bracing must be installed in walls along the length of the
building and walls across the width - as well as in the AS1 AS1
roof. Also, in any wall diagonal bracing should be at both
diagonals if possible, to resist the wind in both directions
along the wall.
The external corners of the building should be braced to AS1
avoid distortion of the building under wind at an angle to AS1
wall directions. Wind
Direction 1
Note: As far as is practicable, a unit should be placed at
each corner of the exterior walls. The other units are to AS2
be distributed fairly evenly throughout the interior walls. AS2 AS1 AS1 AS2
AS1684 clause requires that interior bracing
walls be fixed to the ceiling or roof frame to transfer shear
loads- see Table 8.22 of the code.

Bracing Must Be Spread Throughout the Whole Building

Wind can, of course, blow on any part of the building, including the roof. Bracing must therefore, as much as possible, be
installed throughout the whole building to provide adequate wind resistance in all parts of the frame. Bracing in internal walls
transfers to the floor structure not only internal wall pressure, but also horizontal wind load on the roof. That is one reason why
internal bracing units must be connected to the roof.


Bracing Guide
The Higher the Building, the Greater the Wind Load

The force in the bracing system for the lower storey of two storey buildings is much greater than in the upper storey or in a
single storey building due to:

1. The wind causing the load on the lower storey blows on 1 ½ storeys plus the roof, compared to ½ storey plus the roof.
2. The speed of the wind, and therefore its force, increases with height above ground. For example, the wind force at 10
m height is rated as 18% greater than at 4 m.

Therefore, bracing in the lower storey of two storey constructions is required to be about 60% stronger than for the upper
storey or single storey. Two storey constructions with a substantial area of exterior windows or doors in the lower storey,
especially with open-plan areas, can be impossible to adequately brace by conventional methods; special engineering design
and/or changes to the layout may be required.

Area of Area of
Elevation 1 Elevation 1
Area of
Wall height Elevation 2 Area of
2 Elevation 2
Wall height Wall height
2 2
Wall height
Wind direction 1 2
Wind direction 2
Wind direction 1
Wind direction 2

Single Storey or Upper Storey Walls: Lower Storey Walls:

Area of elevation (causing load on bracing) is the vertical Area of elevation (causing load on bracing) is the vertical
area above mid-height of the wall frame. area above mid-height of the lower wall frame.

Bracing Must Be Straight and Not Cut

Bracing must be straight (not bent) and not cut as any bends, kinks, distortions or any cutting can weaken the bracing
substantially. Do not cross-over Angle Brace (Mini or Maxi Brace).

Keep Nails Away From Edges And Ends Of Timber

Nails driven too close to the edge or ends of studs or wall plates can cause splitting of the timber distance
and therefore, a substantial loss of strength in the joints. Ideally, maintain the recommended End distance
miniumum end and edge distances. End Distance -20D for nails
Edge distance – 5D nails
where D = diameter of nails
Layout & Spacing of Bracing Units
To locate the wall bracing units:

On the building plan drawing, determine the lengths of external and internal walls available for installation of
bracing units.

In accordance with AS1684.2:2010:

(a) Locate a bracing unit near each corner of the building.
(b) Distribute bracing units as evenly as possible throughout the building.
Note: Maximum spacing between units is 9.0 m for N1 and N2; see AS1684.2:2010 Cl. otherwise.


Bracing Guide
Locating a Bracing Unit Near Each Corner of the Plan
Clause Location and distribution of bracing of AS1684 Part 2 specifies: “Bracing shall initially be placed in
external walls and where possible at the corners of the building.” Figure 1. below is an example of this first step.
Note that in the bottom wall at the right corner, there isn’t enough wall length at the corner to fit in a bracing unit.
Consequently, a unit is located in the closest available location, to the left.

Bracing unit Bracing unit

each side of each side of
corner corner

Windows, doors
Bracing unit
Unbraced wall
(nominal bracing)

Bracing unit
Bracing unit at corner
each side of
corner Bracing unit as near as
possible to corner
Figure 1. Bracing Locationn – Step 1

Distributing Bracing Units as Evenly as Possible Throughout the Building

Clause of AS1684 Part 2 also specifies: Bracing shall be approximately evenly distributed and shall be
provided in both directions..”. Figure 2. below shows even distribution of bracing units throughout the internal walls
in both directions.

Bracing units located evenly Windows, doors
throughout the building's walls Bracing unit
Unbraced wall
(nominal bracing)

Figure 2. Bracing Location – Final Step


Bracing Guide
Design of “Difficult” Buildings
Some timber framed buildings are “difficult” to adequately brace because:
1. They do not have enough braceable wall lengths to include all the required bracing units.
Note: This is due to the presence of many window or door openings and particularly common in two-storey
houses with large open areas in the ground floor.
2. The spacing between braceable wall lengths is greater than the specified maximum.

For such buildings, Clause of AS1684 Part 2 specifies: Where bracing cannot be placed in external walls
because of openings or the like, a structural diaphragm ceiling may be used to transfer racking forces to bracing
walls that can support the loads. Parallel chord trusses installed in the horizontal plane, commonly known as “Wind
Trusses” are sometimes adopted to facilitate this. Alternatively, wall frames may be designed for portal action.
Structural ceilings, wind trusses and portal frames require engineering design. Advice can be obtained from Pryda
engineers or a consulting engineer.

Guide to Handling Wall Bracing Jobs


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