Maltais 1997

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Cement and Concrete Resesmh, Vol. 27, No. 7, pp.

01997 Elsevier SckoceLtd
Pergamon Printed in the USA. All rights reserwd
@ 0008-8846/97 $17.00 + .00
PII S0008-8846(97)00098-7



Y. MaltaisandJ. Marchand
Centrede rechercheinteruniversitairesur le b&on
Universit6Laval,Qudbec,Canada,GIK 7P4

(ReceivedMarch 13, 1997;in finalformMay 20, 1997)

The influence of fly ash and curing temperature on cement hydration and
compressive strength development of mortars was investigated. Test
parameters included type of fly ash (two different Class F fly ashes were
tested), the level of cement replacement (10, 20 and 30% by mass), and
curingtemperature(20°Cand 40”C).The mortarphysicaland microstructural
properties were determined by means of thermal analyses, compressive
strengthmeasurementsand SEM observations.Test results confirmthat fly
ash tends to increasesignificantlythe rate of cementhydrationat early age.
Data also demonstratethat an elevationof the curingtemperaturereducesthe
long-termcompressivestrengthof the referencemortar mixture.In contrast,
an increaseof the curingtemperatureseemsto have no detrimentaleffect on
the long-termcompressivestrengthof the fly ash mixtures.02997 Elsevier
Science Ltd


Nowadays,civilengineersand concretespecialistsincreasinglyrely on modelsto predictthe

evolutionof the overallbehaviorof reinforcedconcretestructures.The reliabilityof these
models rests on a very good understandingof the influenceof variousparameters,such as
temperature and the use of supplementarycementingmaterials, on the cement hydration
kineticsand the concretemechanicalstrengthdevelopment.
Recently,numerousmodelshave been specificallydevelopedto predict the mechanical
strength developmentof concrete mixtures made of supplementarycementing materials
(l-6). Althoughthey differboth in natureand in complexity,mostof thesemodelsshareone
commonfeature.In most cases,the contributionof the supplementarycementingmaterialto
the concretemechanicalstrengthdevelopmentis attributedsolelyto the pozzolanicreaction.
The influenceof the supplementarymaterialon the cementhydrationkineticsis rarely taken
into account.
However, it is actuallywidely recognizedthat the presenceof supplementarycementing
materialscan have a significantinfluenceon the hydrationkineticsof cement.For instance,
numerousreports have indicatedthat the presenceof fly ash and silica fume particles can

1010 Y. MaltaisandJ. Marchand Vol. 27,No. 7

contributeto acceleratethe early hydrationof cement(6-11). The additionof less reactive

minerals,such as fme calciumcarbonatefillers,has also been foundto acceleratethe hydra-
tion kineticsof cementat earlydays(12).
If the effect of supplementarycementingmaterialson the cementhydrationmechanisms
has been the subjectof a numberof investigations,it shouldbe emphasizedthat there exists,
however, very few data on the influenceof temperatureon the kinetics of the pozzolanic
reaction (13). In most cases, the pozzolanicreaction mechanismshave been investigated
under isothermalconditionsat 20°C.The littleinformationavailableon the subjecttendsto
indicate that the phenomenon is, like most chemical reactions, temperature-dependent
(6, 14).
In this context,the main objectiveof this investigationwas to bring moreinformationon
the influence of fly ash and temperature on the cement hydration and the compressive
strength developmentof mortar mixtures.This investigationwas carried out as part of a
comprehensivestudy of the influenceof fly ash on the physicalpropertiesof mortar and

Test Program

In order to determinethe influenceof fly ash on the cementhydrationand the compressive

strength development,variousmortar specimenswere prepared with an ordinaryportland
cement and two differentNorth-AmericanClass F fly ashes (accordingto ASTM C 618).
The mortar mixtures were produced at a constant water/binder ratio of 0.50 and at a
binder/sandratio of 2.5. In order to evaluatethe effect of fly ash on cement hydration,fly
ash was used at a cementreplacementlevelof 10??,20V0and 30Y0(by totalmass of binder).
The mortarspecimenswere subjectedto an isothermalcuringtemperatureof 20°Cand 40”C.
The compressivestrengthand the non-evaporablewater contentof the mortarmixtureswere
regularlymeasuredupona periodrangingfrom7 hoursto 42 days.

Materials,SamplePreparationand ExperimentalProcedures

Mortar mixtureswere producedwith an ordinaryCanadianCSA type 10 port-

land cement and two different North-AmericanASTM Class F fly ashes. The chemical,
mineralogicalcompositionsand the physicalcharacteristicsof the cement and the two fly
ashes are given in Table 1. Despiteits high calciumcontent,fly ash 1 complieswith all the
ASTM requirements for a Class F ash. Pertinent informationon the morphologicaland
chemicalcharacteristicsobtainedby scanningelectronmicroscopeobservationsare summa-
rized in Table2. Themixturecharacteristicsof all mortarsare givenin Table3.

All mixtureswere preparedin accordancewith ASTM C 305 require-

ments.Prior to mixing,all constituents(cement,fly ashes,sand and water) were stored in a
temperature-controlledchamberin orderto obtaina mixingtemperatureas close as possible
to the specifiedcuringtemperature(20”Cor 40”C).
At the end of the mixingperiod,the consistencyof the mortar mixturewas assessedac-
cording to the requirementsof ASTM C 230. Test results are presented in Table 5. Each
mortarmixturewas cast in oiledbrassmolds(50 x 50x 50 mm). The moldswere filledwith
two layersof mortarsin accordancewiththe CanadianstandardCSA-A5-M83requirements.

Chemical,Mineralogicaland PhysicalAnalysisof Cementand Fly Ash



SiOz 20.61 46.25 66.28 C3S 52 - -
A1203 4.23 20.64 18.52 C2S 19 - -
TiOz 0.20 1.02 1.41 C3A 6--
P205 0.23 0.31 0.00 C4AF 9--
Fe203 3.05 5.60 2.90
Cao 61.85 18.10 7.32 Blsine(mZ/kg) 370 272 225
0.25 0.56 0.12
~ 2.61 4.50 1.52 BET(mZ/g) - 0.62 0.50
Na20 0.20 0.51 0.38
K20 0.91 0.30 1.03 % passingthe - 84.7 80.7
S03 3.47 1.75 0.16 40-pmsieve
Mn203 0.06 0.00 0.00
Mno 0.00 0.22 0.17
Cr203 0.00 0.01 0.02
LOI 2.28 0.25 0.19
Total 99.95 100.02 100.02

Immediatelyafter casting,the mortar sampleswere immersedin water

tanks which were maintainedat the requiredcuringtemperature(i.e., at 20°C or 40”C).The
temperature of each water tank was measured by thermocoupleslinked to an automatic
recorder.The isothermalconditionswere maintainedduringthe entiredurationof the curing
Approximately24 hoursafterthe initialcontactbetweenthe water and the cementgrains,
the mortar specimenswere removedfrom their moulds.With the exceptionof the samples
immediatelyrequired for testing, all cubes were replaced in their isothermalwater tank.

Fly Ash PhysicalCharacteristics
● The diameterof the various paticles rangesbetween0.5 and 20 pm. The biggest
particlesareusuallyrichin siliconandthesmrdlerareratherrichin calcium;
● The free lime (CaO)is relativelyabundant.The mean diameterof the free lime is

approximately2 pm;
. Anhydrite (CaS04), quartz and some spherical iron oxide particles were also
. Theparticlediameterrangesfrom 1 to 30 pm. The diameterof most particlesrange
from2 to 10pm;
. The particlesarerichin siliciumandaluminum;
● QU@Z isalsoabundant.
1012 Y. MaltaisandJ. Marchand Vol.27,No. 7

k@# k@3 kg/m3 kg/m3 % %
TIO-2O”C 530 nla 265 1325 128 3
; T104O”C 530 nla 265 1325 129 4:;
TIO-10%FA1-2O”C 477 53 265 1325 130 3.9
: TIO-10%FA14O”C 477 53 265 1325 139 4.2
5 TIO-2O%FAI-2O”C 424 106 265 1325 144 3.6
6 TIO-2O%FA1-4O”C 424 106 265 1325 148 3.4
7 TIO-3O%FA1-2O”C 371 159 265 1325 129 3.6
8 TIO-3O’7OFA1-4O”C 371 159 265 1325 14.4 2.9

9 TIO-20%FA2-20QC 424 106 265 1325 139 3.7

10 TIO-2O%FA24O”C 424 106 265 1325 140 3.7

Small amountsof sodiumhydroxide(12.4 g/L) and potassiumhydroxide(24.7 g/L) were

dissolvedin the waterto minimizeleachingof the pore solutionalkalis.

Comp~ ive Strenuth Measurement$. The compressivestrengthmeasurementswere per-

formed in accordancewith the requirementsof the CanadianCSA-A5-M83standard.For
each test condition,three cubes were tested. The mortar sampleswere removed from their
curingtank aboutfiveminutespriorto testing.


7h IOh 26h 3d 14d 28d 42d
1 TIO-2O”C Wn(t)lc 0.0355 0.0885 0.123 0.168 0.192 0.182
2 TIO-4O”C Wn(t)/C 0.0~87 0,0900 0.1290 0.157 0.178 0.207 0.218
3 TIO-10%FA1-2O”C
Wn(t)/C+FA - 0.0409 0.0869 0.124 0.159 0.145 0.181
Wn(t)/C - 0.0454 0.0966 0.138 0.177 0.161 0.201
Wn(t)/C+FA0.0710 0.0889 - 0.157 - 0.192 -
Wn(t)/C 0.0789 0.0990
5 TIO-20%FAl-20°C
Wn(t)/C+FA - 0.0344 o.oio2 ::;1: o.i49 ::?:; o.i59
Wn(t)/C 0.0430 0.1002 0.148 0.186 0.198 0.199
6 TIO-20%FAl-40°C
Wn(t)/C+FA0.0j77 0.0833 0.1225 0.150 0.179 0.154 0.189
Wn(t)/C 0.0721 0.1041 0.1531 0.188 0.223 0.193 0.236
7 T10-30%FA1-20°C
Wn(t)/C+FA - 0.0354 0.0739 0.105 0.145 0.142 0.158
Wn(t)/C 0.0506 0.1055 0.150 0.207 0.203 0.226
Wn(t)/C+FA0.0;71 0.0838 0.1170 0.141 0.170 0.168 0.166
Wn(t)/C 0.0816 0.1197 0.1670 0.201 0.244 0.240 0.237
9 T10-20%FA2-20°C
Wn(t)/C+FA - 0.0352 0.0746 0.100 0.132 0.141 0.136
Wn(t)/C - 0.0440 0.0933 0.125 0.165 0.176 0.170
10 TIO-20%FA2-40°C
Wn(t)/C+FA0.0555 0.0781 0.1242 0.132 0.163 0.177 0.171
Wn(t)lc 0.0694 0.0976 0.1552 0.165 0.203 0.221 0.213

................................. : ............................................

time (d)
FIG. 1.
Non-evaporablewater contentfor fly ash 1 and 2 for an isothermalcuring at 20°C (a) and

Non-eva~orable Water ContentMeasurements. The non-evaporablewater content of the

mortar specimenswas measuredaccordingto the method describedby Kjellsen (15). The
mortar sampleswhich had been tested for compressivestrengthwere crushedin small frag-
ments. The fragmentswere immersedin isopropylicalcoholin order to stop the hydration
process. The mortar fragmentswere finely crushedand oven-driedat 105”Cfor 24 hours.
After the drying period, the porcelaincrucibleswere removed from the oven, cooled in a
desiccator, and weighed.The crucibleswere thenplacedin a furnacewherethe temperature
was progressivelyincreased from 20”C to 1000”Cover a 20 minute period. The 1000°C
temperaturewas maintainedfor approximately30 minutes.Afier ignition,the furnacetem-
peraturewas cooledto 200°C.The crucibleswere removed,cooledin the desiccatorto the
ambienttemperature,and then weighed.

Increasein Non-evaporableWaterContent*at Early Days


(withrespectto referencemixture)
2r)”c 40°c
TIO-10%FA1 10hours 27 34
26 hours 9 10
3 days 12
TIO-2O’%OFA1 10hours 21 23
26 hours 13 15
3 days 20 18
TIO-3O%FA1 10hours 42 39
26 hours 33
3 days ;; 29
TIO-2O%FA2 10hours 24 18
26 hours 6
3 days 2 fl
*expressedon a unitmassof cementbasis

1014 Y. MaltaisandJ. Marchand Vol. 27,No. 7


IhIOh 26h 3d 7d 14d 28d 35d 42d
1 TIO-2O”C -2.3 17.2 26.6 37.8 43.9 45.0 49.0 51.0
2 TIO-4O”C 7.1
13.4 26.2 35.3 38.9 40.7 42.8 - 44.7
3 Tlo-lo%FAl-20°c 1.7 15.5 27.5 31.5 39.3 48.7 51.7 53.6
4 TIO-10%FA1-4O”C10.5 15.9 27.0 28.1 - 41.0 45.0 - 46.9
5 TIO-2O7OFA1-2O”C 1.0 14.0 18.7 28.2 41.1 45.9 52.3 53.2
6 TIO-2O%FA1-4O”C4.5 9.6 22.5 28.6 39.2 42.2 50.5 - 55.0
7 TIO-3O%FA1-2O”C 0.8 9.0 20.5 28.8 34.1 39.9 43.0 46.5
8 TIO-3O%FA14O”C 3.9 9.0 22.7 29.9 - 47.9 52.1 - 55.2
9 TIO-2O7OFA2-2O”C 1.5 13.6 20.1 30.8 33.8 39.9 44.1 45.9
10 TIO-2O%FA2-4O”C5.6 11.7 22.5 26.2 37.3 41.5 49.0 - 50.6

The non-evaporablewatercontentwas calculatedby the equationproposedby Xu (6):

w“ (t) W105”C
~= E = {1- y+s-cx (z- y)}- (l+s) (1)

Wn(t)/C+ FA = non-evaporablewaterexpressedin a unitmass of binderbasis;
W1o~.c = mms of the sampleafterheatingat 105”C;
WIOCWC = massof the sampleafterheatingat 1000°C;
x = 105son igitionof the-sand;
Y= losson ignitionof tie cement;
s = samlhinderratio;
c= fly as~inder ratio.

60. .

k ..................~.......................................~..................................
time (d) time (d)
FIG. 2.
Influenceof fly ash 1 and 2 on the compressivestrengthdevelopmentof mortars cured at
20°C(a) and 40°C (b).

SEMOb=mitism. The microstructuralcharacteristicsof selected mortar samples were

determinedby scanningelectronmicroscope(SEM) observationscarried out on both frac-
tured and polishedsections.The chemicalcompositionof the hydrationproductswas deter-
minedby ener~-dispersiveX-raymicro-analyses.All measurementswere made at a voltage
of 15kV.


.NOn-mpwtde water contmt. Resultsof the non-evaporablewater contentmeasurements

are given in Table4. In the table, the non-evaporablewater contentof each mixtureis first
expressed on a unit mass of binder basis (Wn(t)/(C+ FA)). Test results indicatethat the
partial replacementof cement by fly ash contributesto reduce the non-evaporablewater
content expressedon a unit mass of binderbasis (Wn(t)/(C+ FA)). This effect can be ob-
served for both fly ashes and for both curing temperatures. The reduction in the non-
evaporablewater contentis morepronouncedfor fly ash 2 (seeFigure 1).
The non-evaporablewater contentcan be also expressedon a unit mass of cement basis
(Wn(t)/C).The lattervalueswere calculatedusingequation(2):

Wn(t)/C= Wn(t)/(C+ FA)/ (1 - FA/(C+ FA)) (2)

Non-evaporablewater contentscalculatedaccordingto Equation2 are also included in

Table4 where it can be seen that the additionof fly ash appearsto significantlyincreasethe
amountof non-evaporablewater of the mixture.This effect seemsparticularlypronounced
for the firsthoursof curing,and tendsto decreasesubsequently.
In orderto better visualizethe influenceof fly ash on the early cementhydrationprocess,
the relativeincreasein the non-evaporablewater content(withrespectto the referencemix-
ture) was calculatedfor each fly ash mixture.Resultsof thesecalculationsare given in Table
5. As can be seen,resultsclearlyindicatethatthe presenceof fly ash markedlyincreasesthe
amountof non-evaporablewater at early days.After only 10hoursof isothermalcuring,the
increase in non-evaporablewater contentranges from 18 to 42’%0. Curiously,the increase
appearsto be relativelyindependentof the curingtemperatureand the typeof fly ash.
Test resultsalso showthatthe effectof fly ash tendsto be substantiallyreducedwith time.
This reduction appears to be more pronouncedfor the mortar prepared with fly ash 2. I
shouldbe emphasizedthat the validityof the results appearingin Table 5 rests on the as-
sumptionthat fly ash particlesact as inertgrainsduringthe initialstageof hydration.

we Stren.@hDevelo-nt of Mor@is.The mortarcompressivestrengthresultsare

given in Table 6. Test results indicatethat the use of fly ash significantlycontributesto
reducethe early compressivestrengthof the mixturescured at 20”C.For instance,when fly
ash 1 is used (mixturesno. 3 to 8), the compressivestrengthdevelopmentis approximately
reducedfrom 15to 25’Yo afler7 daysof isothermalcuringat 20”C.The compressivestrength
reduction clearly dependsupon the cement replacementlevel (10, 20 or 30’Yo). A similar
tendencycan be observedfor mixturepreparedwith fly ash 2 and curedat 20”C.
As can be seen in Figure 2, the detrimentalinfluenceof fly ash is markedly attenuated
when the curingtemperatureis raised from 20°Cto 40”C.At a curingtemperatureof 20”C,
dependingon the cementreplacementleveland the type of fly ash,the compressivestrength
of fly ash mortars takes fkom 25 to 50 days to reach that of the reference mixture
1016 Y.MaltaisandJ. Marcimnd Vol. 27,No. 7

(TIO-2O”C).On the otherhand,at a curingtemperatureof 40”C,the compressivestrengthof

the fly ash mortars takes only 5 to 10 days to achieve that of the reference mixture
Globally,compressivestrengthresultsindicatedthat fly ash mixturesare more sensitiveto
temperatureeffects,particularlyduringthe firsthours of curing.As can be seen in Table 6,
an elevation of the curing temperatureftom 20”Cto 40”C has contributedto multiply the
strengthof the referencemixtureby a factor6 afteronly 10hoursof curing.By comparison,
the compressivestrengthof fly ash mortarmixturescured at 40°C is approximately8 to 10
time higher that of the mixture cured at 20”C. An increase of this magnitude is very

SF.MObservations. SEM observationswere carriedout after 28 and 42 days of hydration.

Afler 28 days, most of the sphericalparticlesstill had a very smoothsurfacewith little evi-
denceof significantreactionof the fly ash itself(see Figure3).
It should be emphasizedthat very little distinctioncould be made between the two fly
ashes. Neither was it possibleto distinguishclearly the mixtureswhich had been cured at
20”Cfromthosecuredat 40°C.In all cases,etchingof glassymaterialswas rarelyvisible.In
someinstances,largeCa(OH)zcrystalssurroundinga sphericalfly ash particlecouldeven be
observed.In someothercases,fly ash particlesappearedto haveacted as nucleationsitesfor
C-S-H and sulphoaluminatehydrationproducts.For the mixture prepared with fly ash 2,
severalquartzparticleswell embeddedin the pastecouldalsobe observed.
Besidesthe presenceof the fly ash particles,the microstructureof all mixtureswas glob-
ally similar.There was no apparentdistinctionbetweenthe C-S-H morphologyof the OPC
and the fly ash paste. Both appearedto be quite dense. However,bondingbetween the fly
ash particles and the C-S-H appearedto be relativelyweak. In many instances,pits, from
which the fly ash particles had been pulled out during the sample preparation, could be
After 42 days of hydration,SEM observationsrevealedthe evidenceof reaction for the
mixtures prepared with fly ash 1. This was particularlythe case for the mixture cured at
40°C for which numerousash particleswere foundto be extensivelyetched and surrounded
by hydrationproducts.Qualitativeanalysesby EDXA indicatedthat these hydratedphases
were rich in calcium, silicon and aluminum.The reactingparticleshad, in most cases, re-
tainedtheir sphericalshapes.The reactionhad clearlyimprovedthe bondingbetweenthe fly
ash particlesand the paste.
SEM observationsalso confirmedthe lesser reactivityof fly ash 2. Even after a curing
periodof 42 days at 40”C,numeroussmoothfly ash particlescouldbe observed.Duringthe
observations,some ash particles were found to be extensivelyetched and surroundedby
hydrationproducts.In the case of fly ash 2, the extentof the reactionappearedto extremely
variablefromoneparticleto another.Sucha phenomenonis illustratedin Figure4.


Influenceof Flv Asheson the Cement HvdrationProces$. The SEMobservationscarriedout

as part of this study tend to confirmthe assumptionthat, whateverthe curing temperature,
the two Class F fly ashesdo not react beforeat least28 days of curing.This observationis
good agreementwith the previousconclusionsof many authorswho also found that most
ClassF fly ash onlybeginto hydrateafter a substantialcuringperiod (6-9). It also confirms


Fly ash 1 after28 daysat 20”C(6000X).

the results of a previous study where the influence of fly ash 1 on the consumption of
Ca(OH)zwas foundto be insignificantduringthe firstweeksof curing(16).
If fly ash does not react duringthe first days of curing,test resultsclearly indicatethat it
cannotbe consideredas a totally“inert”material.Despitevery littlepozzolanicactivity,the
presence of fly ash appears to increase the mortar non-evaporablewater content at early
days. This is particularlytrue for fly ash 1 which contributedto markedlyincreasethe non-
evaporablewater content of the mixture. Such a phenomenonhas also been observed in
previousstudies (6-9). Many authorshave attributedthis increaseto an accelerationof the
early cementhydrationin presenceof fly ash.
It shouldbe emphasizedthat conflictingreportshave been publishedon the influenceof
fly ash on the kineticsof cementhydration.In somecases,the presenceof fly ash particles
has been foundto retardthe earlyhydrationof cement(17, 18).However,there existnumer-
ous experimentalevidenceswhichdemonstratethat fly can contributeto acceleratethe reac-
tion of cement at early days (6-11). As underlinedby many authors, the study of the fly
ash/cement reaction processes is complicatedby the fact that the chemical and physical
propertiesof fly ash tend to differ markedIyfrom one sourceto another.Even within one
source,individualgrainsare highlyvariablein nature.
According to many authors,the acceleratingeffect of fly ash on the cement hydration
mechanismsis mainlyphysicalin nature(6-11).In many cases,the additionof fly ash tends
to increasethe number of fine particlesin the system.The presenceof these fine particles
contributesto increasethe densityof the matrix.The replacementof cementparticlesby fly
ash is alsobelievedto increasethe availablespacein the floe structurecreatedby the cement
grains. Finally, the fine particlesprovide additionalnucleationsites for cement hydration
productssuchas C-S-H,portlanditeand ettringite.
In the present study,the use of fly ash shouldnot have had any significantinfluenceon
the packingdensityof the matrix.The physicalpropertiesof the two fly ash are very similar.
Furthermore,the two materialshavegradingcurvescloseor coarserthanthat of the canadian
1018 Y. MaltaisandJ. Marchand vol. 27,No. 7

Fly ash 2 after42 daysat 20”C(1500X).

CSA type 10 cement. Apparently,the effect of fly ash on the hydrationcannot be solely
explainedby the “fiie particleeffect”.
Accordingto Takemotoand Uchikawa(11),the accelerationof cementhydrationin pres-
ence of fly ashes is mainlyrelated to the preferentialadsorptionof calciumions on the fly
ash particles.Thisphenomenoncontributesto decreasethe calciumion concentrationin the
liquidphase which subsequentlyfavorsthe dissolutionof calciumphases from the cement
grain. Although the assumptionof Takemotoand Uchikawa cannot be confirmed on the
basis of our results, it is probable that the accelerationof the early cement hydration is
mostly related to an alterationof the pore solutionchemistry.As emphasizedby Luke and
Glasser(19), the aqueousphasecompositionof fly ash mixturesis governedby the balance
of a numberof competitiveprocesseswhichmay occurat differentrates.For instance,it has
been shown that the influenceof fly ash on the early hydrationof cement is influencedby
the relativevolubilityof the sulfateand alkalisourcesof the cementand by the solublealkali
content of the ash itself. It is probable that the fly ashes used in the present study
(particularlyfly ash 1)havecreatedfavorableconditionsfor the hydrationof cement.
Test resultsclearlyindicatethat the influenceof fly ash on the early cementhydrationhas
to be consideredin the elaborationof any model aimingat reliablypredictingthe physical
propertiesof concrete.In that respect,the modeldevelopedby De Larrard(4) is probablythe
one which is the more adaptedto accountfor the influenceof fly ash on the concretecom-
pressive strengthdevelopment.In De Larrard’smodel,the contributionof fly ash is taken
into accountthrough a cement equivalentfactor and a time-dependentpozzolanicactivity
coefllcient.The modelreadilyaccountsfor the influenceof the type and the amountof fly
ash on compressivestrength.

ence of Fly Ash on the Lomz-termCompressweStrag3.h. Test results clearly con-

firmedthat an elevationof the curingtemperaturecontributesto reducethe long-termcom-
pressivestrengthof OPC mixture.On the other hand, data also indicatethat an increaseof

60 i
I :

............................................. ,

2oyoFAl ~:
20 25 30 35 40 20 25 30 35 40
Temperature(“C) Temperature(“C)
FIG. 5.
Influenceof temperatureon thecompressivestrengthdevelopmentof mortars.

the curingtemperatureis much lessdetrimentalfor fly ash mixturesand that it can, in certain
cases,even have a beneficialinfluenceon the long-termcompressivestrengthof the material
(see Figure5). As can be seen in Table6, an elevationof the curingtemperaturefrom 20”C
to 40°C has contributedto increasethe long-termcompressivestrengthof all fly ash mix-
tureswith a replacementlevelof 20°Aand 300A.
The effects of high curingtemperatureson long-termcompressivestrengthof OPC con-
crete have been the subjectof much attentionin the past decades.Accordingto many stud-
ies, the negativeeffects of high curingtemperatureare directlyrelated to modificationsof
the microstructureof the OPC cementpaste (13, 20, 21). Other authorshave also attributed
the detrimentalinfluenceof high curingtemperaturesto the significantdifferencebetween
the thermal expansioncoefficientsof the variousphases present in the material (22). Ac-
cording to these authors,the increasein the volumeof water and air due to a rise in tem-
perature is prevented by the rigid skeleton of the hardening cement paste. This induces
significantstresseswhichcontributeto the formationof microcracks.
The beneficialinfluenceof an elevationof the curingtemperatureon the long-termcom-
pressive strength of most fly ash mortars can probably be explainedby the fact that the
pozzokmicreaction is, like most chemicalreactions,significantlyinfluencedby the tem-
perature(6, 14,23).Accordingto Fraayet al. (23),the relativetemperature-sensitivity of the
fly ash hydrationprocesscan be explainedby the factthat the dissolutionof fly ash particles
is directlyaffectedby the pH levelof the porewater solution.Theseauthorsshowedthat the
OH- ion concentrationincreasessignificantlywith temperature.The hydrationof fly ash is
thus acceleratedby an elevationof the curing the temperature.Furthermore,accordingto
Berry and Malhotra(24),oncethe pozzolanicreactionhasbeen initiatedby heat, it will carry
on even if the temperatureis reduced.It appearsthat oncethe surfaceof fly ash particleshas
been dissolved,hydrationis mucheasier.
The beneficialinfluenceof an elevationof the curingtemperatureon the long-termcom-
pressivestrengthof fly ash concreteis particularlyinterestingfor precastconcreteproducers
which regularlyrely on steamcuringto acceleratethe mechanicalstrengthdevelopmentof
their products.Althoughfly ash tendsto slightlyreducethe 24-hourcompressivestrengthof
the mixturescuredat 40”C,it globallycontributesto increasethe long-termvalues.
1020 Y. MaltaisandJ. Marchand Vol. 27,No. 7

● Testresultsindicatethat if fly ash doesnot reactduringthe fust daysof curing,it cannot
be consideredas a totally “inert” material.Despite very little pozzolanicactivity,the
presenceof fly ash appearsto increasethe mortarnon-evaporablewater contentat early
. Test resultsclearlyconfirmedthat an elevationof the curingtemperaturecontributesto
reducethe long-termcompressivestrengthof OPCmixture.
● Data also indicatethat an increaseof the curingtemperatureis much less detrimentalfor
fly ash mixturesand that it can, in certaincases,evenhave a beneficialinfluenceon the
long-termcompressivestrengthof the material.

1. E.J. Sellevoldand F.F. Radjy, First InternationalConferenceon the Use of Fly Ash and Other
MineralBy-ProductsIn Concrete,ACI SP-79,p. 677,Montebello,Canada(1983).
2. S.E.HedegaardandT.C. HansenjMaterialsand Structures25,273 (1992).
3. F. DeLarrardand R. Le Roy, FourthCANMET/ACIInternationalConferenceon Fly Ash Silica
Fume,SlagandNaturalPozzolansin Concrete,SP-132,965,Istanbul,Turkey(1992).
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