Sensors: Immunoanalysis Methods For The Detection of Dioxins and Related Chemicals

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Sensors 2012, 12, 16710-16731; doi:10.


ISSN 1424-8220

Immunoanalysis Methods for the Detection of Dioxins and

Related Chemicals
Wenjing Tian, Heidi Qunhui Xie, Hualing Fu, Xinhui Pei and Bin Zhao *

State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology,

Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100085, China; E-Mails: (W.T.); (H.Q.X.); (H.F.); (X.P.)

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:;

Tel./Fax: +86-010-6284-2865.

Received: 19 September 2012; in revised form: 24 October 2012 / Accepted: 2 November 2012 /
Published: 5 December 2012

Abstract: With the development of biotechnology, approaches based on antibodies, such

as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), active aryl hydrocarbon immunoassay
(Ah-I) and other multi-analyte immunoassays, have been utilized as alternatives to the
conventional techniques based on gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy for the
analysis of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds in environmental and biological samples.
These screening methods have been verified as rapid, simple and cost-effective. This paper
provides an overview on the development and application of antibody-based approaches,
such as ELISA, Ah-I, and multi-analyte immunoassays, covering the sample extraction and
cleanup, antigen design, antibody preparation and immunoanalysis. However, in order to
meet the requirements for on-site fast detection and relative quantification of dioxins in the
environment, further optimization is needed to make these immuno-analytical methods
more sensitive and easy to use.

Keywords: ELISA; dioxins; Ah-I; multi-analyte immunoassay

1. Introduction

Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds, including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs),

polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of
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chemicals classified as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Most of them are man-made and released
from waste incinerators [1,2] and many other industry processes, such as iron ore sintering, power
plants and secondary aluminum smelters [3–5]. They are found ubiquitously in the environment, even
in very remote locations, such as the Alaskan Arctic and Antarctica [6], and located in soils, sediments,
air and water [7,8]. Because dioxins bioaccumulate in the food chain, they can have serious ecological
effects and can impact human health, impairing fertility and development, attacking the immune
system, posing neurological risks and causing cancer [9–11]. The multiple long-term health impacts of
dioxins have been found in victims of exposure accidents. For example, in 1976, an industrial accident
that occurred in Seveso (Italy) exposed a large population to substantial amounts of relatively pure
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). In early health investigations, chloracne was the only
effect established with certainty. In long-term studies, however, an excess of diabetes and cancer cases
were associated with dioxin exposure. Additionally, an excess mortality from cardiovascular and
respiratory diseases was uncovered [12]. Furthermore, Koopman-Esseboom et al. [13] reported that
elevated levels of dioxins and PCBs can alter the thyroid hormone status of pregnant women and their
infants. Moreover, Weisglas-Kuperus et al. [14] found that Dutch preschool children who were
exposed to PCBs and dioxins persisting into childhood might have a greater susceptibility to infectious
diseases. In order to provide guidance on acceptable levels of exposure, the World Health Organization
(WHO) has determined a tolerable daily intake of 1–4 pg·kg−1 body weight expressed as dioxin toxic
equivalency (TEQ) [15]. TEQ represents total toxicity of a mixture of dioxins, each with its own toxic
equivalency factor (TEF), expressing the toxicity relative to the most toxic dioxin congener TCDD. At
the same time, scientists have been developing methods to analyze dioxins in environmental and
biological samples, resulting in a variety of chemical analytical and bio-analytical detection methods
for dioxins [16,17].
In the 1990s, the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) published standard determination
methods for dioxins: EPA Methods 1613 and 1618. These methods, viewed as the “gold standard”,
employ high-resolution gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS). They are considered
to be the most reliable and sensitive methods for determining the congener-specific concentrations of
dioxins. These methods were also adopted and standardized by other counties and organizations,
such as Japan, WHO and European Union, but HRGC/HRMS has obvious disadvantages. First,
this analytical method can only be performed by highly trained specialists. Second, it is very
time-consuming. Usually, it takes three or four days to analyze one sample. Third, it requires extremely
complicated and expensive pretreatments, costly instrumentation and high daily running cost to
maintain a standardized laboratory. Between 1970 and 1993, it has been estimated that more than one
billion US$ was spent on determining the toxicity of PCDD/PCDFs in samples in America [18].
Currently, it is estimated that one dioxin analysis costs in the range from $900 to $1,800. Moreover,
there is an easily ignored problem on how to treat the large amount of solid matter and liquids polluted
by dioxins during the analysis process. For example, analysis of one soil sample usually produces about
four liters of liquid waste, and due to the high expense and complex detection procedures, it is hard to
perform high throughput dioxin screening in large scale environmental surveillance using instrumental
analysis. Therefore, it is urgent to develop more rapid, simple, cost-effective and sensitive methods.
With the development of biotechnology, bioassays which could be rapid, simple and offer moderate
sensitivity are being developed to detect dioxins [19]. Similar to instrumental analyses, TEQ of a
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particular class of dioxins can be analyzed and estimated according to the concentrations obtained by
these methods (Table 1). The present bioassays of dioxins are divided into two categories: one is based
on the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) signaling pathway activated by dioxins; the other, also called
immunoassay, is based on antibodies. Because the former is correlated to the toxicological effects of
dioxins in cells, making it physiologically relevant, total TEQ of dioxins in samples can be obtained.
The latter, except for Ah-immunoassay (Ah-I) using antibodies to recognize AhR directly, use specific
antibodies to identify dioxins, so it is not able to directly reflect the total toxicological and biological
effects of mixtures of dioxins.

Table 1. Principle of biological detection methods for dioxins.

Method Principle Reference
When cell lines are exposed to dioxins, cytoplasmic AhR is activated, enters the
(Ι) nucleus and makes a complex with ARNT (aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear
AhR signal translocator). The complex binds to genomic DRE elements inducing the
pathway expression of CYP1A1 gene transcripts, measured by one of the assays
below (a–e).
(a) By detecting the increase in CYP1A1 mRNA levels gene, the TEQ of dioxins is
Q-PCR deduced, compared with a TCDD standard.
Enzymatic activity of CYP1A1 is determined using the substrates
7-ethoxyresorufin or benzo[a]pyrene. The TEQ of dioxins is deduced, compared [22–25]
to a TCDD standard.
Recombinant cell lines, stably transfected with dioxin responsive
firefly luciferase reporter genes, are exposed to dioxin-containing samples. When
(c) dioxins activate AhR, the AhR-ARNT (aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear
CALUX translocator) complex will be formed which binds to DREs and induces
expression of the luciferase reporter gene. Luciferase is easily assayed in a
luminometer after addition of luciferin substrate.
The assay is similar to CALUX except enhanced green fluorescent protein is
used as the reporter gene. The TEQ of dioxins is determined by measuring the [30–32]
intensity of the fluorescence emitted by the reporter.
Samples are incubated with hepatic cytosol extracts containing AhR and ARNT.
Dioxins in the samples induce the formation of activated AhR/ARNT complexes.
When the 32P isotope labeled DNA probes containing DRE consensus sequence [33,34]
bind with these complexes, the migration rate of the DNA probes in
polyacrylamide gels will be slowed down compared to unbound probe.
(II) Dioxins are potent inducers of chloracne in humans, which is characterized by
Cell hyperkeratinization. By detecting the abnormal terminal differentiation of skin
proliferation cells exposed to the sample, the TEQ of dioxins can be obtained compared with a
-based assay TCDD standard.
(III) Dioxins in samples compete with isotope labeled TCDD for binding to AhR.
AhR ligand Therefore, the concentration of the dioxins in the sample is proportional to the [37]
binding decrease of radioactivity of AhR.
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Table 1. Cont.
Method Principle Reference
(IV) This assay is based on binding of dioxin to anti-dioxins antibodies.
Immunoassay Dioxins in the samples compete with standard congener immobilized on the plate
(a) for binding to anti-dioxin antibodies. After washing away free antibody-antigen
ELISA complexes, the antibodies bound to immobilized TCDD are detected by binding
of secondary antibodies conjugated to an enzyme, followed by enzyme assays
using a substrate which is easily measured. Alternatively, dioxins in the sample
compete with standard congeners conjugated to an enzyme for binding to
anti-dioxin antibodies immobilized on the plate followed by washing and
enzyme assays. By using a standard curve generated by known concentrations of
dioxin standards, the TEQ of dioxins can be deduced.
Radiolabelled standard antigens (*Ag) and unlabeled sample antigens (Ag)
compete with inadequate specific antibodies (Ab) and form *Ag-Ab or Ag-Ab
complexes. When the binding reaction to achieve dynamic balance, if Ag
quantity increase, Ag-Ab quantity increase, while *Ag-Ab relatively reduce and [40,41]
free Ag increase. Namely the mass of Ag is inversely proportional to the mass of
radiolabelled complexes. Complexes and free antigens are effectively separated,
and then measure the radioactivity to get the content of samples antigen.
Similar to competitive ELISA, except using Eu to label the antigen or antibody. [42,43]
According to AhR signaling pathway, the amount of AhR:ARNT heterodimer is
correlated to the concentration of the dioxins. First to immobilize AhR:ARNT
complex by DNA fragments containing DRE consensus sequences which are [44,45]
linked on the microplates. Then the immobilized AhR:ARNT complex is
detected by using anti-AhR or anti-ARNT antibody.

The detection methods for dioxin bioassays include quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR)
for CYP1A1 mRNA expression, the 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) bioassay, the aryl
hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) bioassay, chemical-activated luciferase gene expression (CALUX),
chemical-activated green fluorescent protein luciferase gene expression (CAFLUX), the gel retardation
of AhR (GRAB) assay, cell proliferation-based assay, DNA binding assay, AhR ligand binding,
enzyme-linked immunesorbent assay (ELISA), radioimmunoassay (RIA), dissociation enhanced
lanthanide fluorescence immunoassay (DELFIA) and Ah-I (Table 1). Some of them have been
standardized by different countries and organizations, such as the United States of America, Japan and
European Union (Table 2). Each of these methods has its advantages and drawbacks. EROD is not
useful for detecting trace dioxins due to its low sensitivity. Though CALUX is considered to be the
best bio-analytical method for detecting TEQ concentrations of dioxins due to its high sensitivity and
rapid detection [30], cell culture and other cellular biology facilities are necessary. CAFLUX does not
require addition of an external substrate, unlike CALUX, but its background noise is high, which often
prohibits its use. GRAB assay uses a 32P labeled DNA probe, requiring a radioactivity use license and
facility and is mainly used in research. ELISA and RIA are based on the interaction of antigen and
antibody therefore they have relative high specificity, and have the added benefit that cell culture is not
required, unlike EROD or CALUX, but RIA requires antibodies labeled with 125I or 32P, again
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requiring a radioactivity use license, and is seldom employed. DELFIA is similar to the ELISA assay,
but is more sensitive. A major drawback is its expense due to the requirement for special antigens
labeled with lanthanide. An added concern is the risk of lanthanide ion contamination. Differing from
the other antibody-based assays, the Ah-I assay, which is designed based on AhR signaling pathway,
allows an estimation of the TEQ of mixtures of dioxins. All of these antibody-based bioassays require
expensive antibodies. Despite this, antibody-based methods are the simplest, have moderate sensitivity,
and are less expensive than HRGC/HRMS, leading to the development of commercial ELISA and
Ah-I kits which have been utilized for dioxins screening [46–51]. At the same time, in order to
improve detective sensitivity, several detection technologies can be combined as multi-analysis
immunoassays, which will be described in detail later.

Table 2. List of standard bioassays for detection of dioxins.

Standard number Method Sample Detection chemicals
Soils, non-aqueous
US EPA 4020 Immunoassay PCBs
waste liquids
US EPA 4025 Enzyme immunoassay Soils PCDD/Fs
A reporter gene on a human Soils, sediments
cell line tissues, water
US EPA 4430 AhR-PCR assay Soils, sediments PCDD/Fs
US EPA 4435 CALUX bioassay Soils, sediments Dioxin-like compounds
USEPA/600/R-01/052 DELFIA™ Soils, solvent extract PCBs
2002/69/EC Cell-based bioassays Foodstuffs PCDD/Fs, Dioxin-like PCBs

Developing detection methods suitable for screening dioxins on-site is of great importance for
dealing with exposure accidents and daily surveillance. To fulfill the special requirement for on-site
fast screening, the detection system must be simple, rapid, sensitivity and practical. Thus, bioassays
based on antibodies may be the best suited for this purpose. Therefore, the present review focuses on
several practical bio-analytical methods based on antibodies for dioxins such as ELISA, Ah-I and other
multi-analysis immunoassays. First, the methodology and optimization of ELISA are summarized, in
terms of the samples preparation, antigen design and antibody productions. In the following part, the
Ah-I bioassay and its applications are introduced. Finally multi-analyte immunoassays are described.
Other screening methods based on antibody-antigen reactions have been highlighted in numerous
excellent reviews [19,52,53].

2. Detection Methods

2.1. ELISA

ELISA is based on the specific reaction between dioxins and their antibodies. Currently the
predominant ELISA systems used for detecting dioxins are direct competitive and indirect competitive
ELISAs which are illustrated in Figure 1. The basic principle of competitive ELISA is that dioxins in
environmental and biological samples compete with standard congener conjugated with enzyme for
binding to antibody against a certain class of dioxin congener immobilized on a microplate. The
substrate reacts with enzyme-linked standard congener and gives absorbance which reflects the amount
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of conjugated standard congener binding to the antibody on the plate. The absorbance is inversely in
proportion to the amount of dioxins present in the tested samples. The concentrations of dioxins in the
samples are calculated by comparison with a standard curve generated by addition of known amounts
of standard dioxin.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram for experimental procedure of indirect and direct competitive
ELISA for detecting dioxins. (a) For an indirect competitive ELISA assay, a microplate is
coated with appropriate antigens (1). Samples and anti-dioxin antibodies (Abs) are added
in to the microplate. Antigens compete with dioxins in the test sample for binding to the
Ab (2). After incubation, soluble molecules are washed away. Secondary antibody labeled
with enzyme is added and reacts with the immobilized anti-dioxin Abs (3). Substrates are
added to detect the immobilized Ab (4). (b) For a competitive ELISA assay, a microplate is
coated with anti-dioxin Ab (5). After incubation, soluble Abs are removed by washing.
Samples and enzyme-labeled standard congener are added which compete for binding to
the anti-dioxin Abs. After incubation, soluble molecules are washed away (6). Substrates
are added to detect immobilized standard congener (7).

Indirect competitive ELISA is based on the competition between dioxins in samples and antigens
immobilized on the microplates for binding to antibodies that recognize a certain class of dioxin
congener. After washing to remove soluble antigen-antibody complexes, the antibody bound to the
antigen on the plate is then incubated with secondary antibody conjugated to an enzyme which can
subsequently react with substrate to give an absorbance. Like the direct competitive ELISA, dioxin
levels in the samples can be evaluated by comparison with a standard curve. Although ELISA is a
simple assay for determination of dioxins, its respective lack of sensitivity and specificity compared to
CALUX and instrumental analyses limits its applications. To make improvements, several aspects
should be considered, including the optimization of sample preparation and improvement of the
specificity of antibodies against dioxins. The latter is related to the haptens chosen for antigen design
and the technology for generating antibodies.

2.1.1. Sample Preparation

Sample preparation is important for concentrating the dioxins in the mixture, removing potential
interfering ingredients and improving the sensitivity of the assay. HRGC/HRMS requires exhaustive
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extraction and expensive cleanup for sample preparation which is expensive and time-consuming,
while the sample preparations for ELISA assays are usually fast, simple and cost-effective. Moreover,
new methods for sample extraction and cleanup are being developed for better determination of
dioxins using ELISAs.

Sample Extraction

Samples from different sources are accompanied by distinct complex matrices, requiring different
extraction methods. In the early days, soil and sediment samples were easily extracted by shaking with
methanol or/and Soxhlet [47,54,55] or using an ultrasonic process [56], but these methods did not
result in a complete extraction, leading to compound loss or the need for further cleanup. In order to
solve these problems, several alternative extraction technologies were introduced, which resulted in
time and reagent savings. Microwave energy has been used to extract organic compounds from
contaminated soils for many years. Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) is fast (i.e., the sample
is statically extracted within 10–15 min) and solvent-saving (i.e., 30 mL per sample as compared to
300 mL for instrumental analysis). Lopez-Avila et al. [57] detected PCBs in soils and sediments with
this method. Five gram soil samples were subjected to extractions with only 30 mL hexane-acetone
(1:1), and the extraction was performed for only 10 min. The subsequent analyses showed a good
match between MAE-ELISA and MAE-GC/ECD results with a correlation coefficient over 0.97.
Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) is an alternative efficient extraction for some special samples
such as oily soils. It is a technique combining the liquid-like solvating and gas-like transport properties
of supercritical fluids. Because pure carbon dioxide (CO2) is used as solvent, extractions are
clean enough for direct reconstitution in a solvent compatible with ELISA [58–61]. For example,
Johnson et al. [51] studied the extraction of PCBs from oily soil using both a methanol shake
extraction and a methanolic Soxhlet extraction, but found that the ELISA results disagreed with the
GC confirmatory data. However, SFE with high pressure/temperature regime coupled to the same
ELISA, resulted in a good agreement between the results obtained by GC and by ELISA. Additionally,
Bøwadt et al. [62] also examined PCBs in soils using a SFE method without the need for cleanup steps
after extraction. The following ELISA performed under laboratory conditions gave reasonable
agreement with GC/ECD for determining total PCBs.
Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) uses a conventional solvent to extract samples, but at elevated
pressure and temperature. Like MAE, it is also fast and consumes only small amounts of solvent. Soil
samples heavily contaminated by PCDD/Fs from small-scale industrial waste combustion sites in
Uruguay, wood treatment sites in Sweden and a Swedish chloralkali site were put into 33 mL
stainless steel extraction cells filled with solvents. The toluene fractions, containing the PCDD/Fs,
were obtained in 43 min, which is considerably faster than using Soxhlet extraction with toluene
(15 h). The ELISA results were strongly correlated with HRGC/HRMS results (correlation coefficient,
0.90) [63]. Schrock et al. [64] also used ASE to extract sediments and soils contaminated with
PCDD/Fs. The extractions were carried out at 13.8 MPa (2,000 psi), 125 °C and three static cycles of
10 min each. There was also a high correlation between ELISA and GC results, with a coefficient at 0.99.
Selective pressurized liquid extraction (SPLE) is another relatively new technique. In this method,
sulphuric acid-impregnated silica was used for the lipid free extraction of compounds by pressurized
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liquid extraction. Similar to SFE, it also reduced the need for post-extraction cleanup. For instance,
Chuang et al. [65] adopted this method to extract sediments and soils contaminated by PCDD/Fs. The
ELISA results demonstrated that this method was an effective extraction method for a wide range of
PCDD/F concentrations in sediments and soils without the need for further cleanup.
For contaminated oil samples, the extraction is usually less complicated. For example,
Samara et al. [66] studied industrial source oil samples contaminated by PCDD/Fs, which were
cleaned up by means of Soxhlet extraction with methylene chloride (3.5 h) under restricted exposure to
light. In addition, Glass et al. [67] reported a less complicated simple two-step liquid-liquid extraction
which was used to detect PCBs in transformer oil, resulting in no false negatives at a 1.4 ppm nominal
cutoff. Moreover, using a simple oxidation of the sample extract (including 1 mL acetonitrile, 0.5 mL
isooctane, 1 mL H2SO4 and 8 mL “Quenching Buffer”) to analyze PCBs in waste oil, ELISA results
were highly correlated with the results obtained by instrumental analysis [68].
With biological samples, different extraction methods are available for obtaining reliable ELISA
results. Wiberg et al. [69] used SPLE to treat food and feed samples contaminated by PCDD/Fs and
dioxin-like PCBs. The ELISA results showed good agreement with HRGC/HRMS. Similar to
environmental samples, SPLE also reduced time and solvent consumption compared to instrumental
methods. In addition, different sample preparation methods were used for fish. Fish samples were
mixed with sodium sulfate, extracted with methylene chloride and fortified with the surrogate
congener [70]. Tsutsumi et al. [71] reported another method for sample preparation of retail fish tissue,
in which the homogenized fish sample was first subjected to alkali digestion, and then, with addition of
methanol, it was extracted with hexane and finally washed with aqueous NaCl. The ELISA results
correlated well with TEQ concentrations for dioxin-like PCBs obtained by HRGC/HRMS (r = 0.92,
n = 26). Invertebrate animals such as mussels exposed to PCBs were also studied by Fillmann et al. [72].
The samples were Soxhlet extracted in hexane-dichloromethane (1:1), and the extracts were then
concentrated to a few mL using rotary evaporation followed by pure nitrogen “blow down” The
ELISA results indicated that it was a rapid and efficient extraction for detecting total PCBs in mussels.


In order to make the extracted sample compatible with ELISA assays, samples must be re-dissolved
in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) before assay. In addition, cleanup is usually needed after extraction to
eliminate interfering ingredients. Several general chemical methods have been used for the cleanup.
Tsutsumi et al. [73] cleaned up sample extracts from retail fish contaminated by dioxin-like PCBs by
passing them through a multi-layer silica gel column and an alumina column, resulting in eluents
suitable for ELISA assays. Deng et al. [55] cleaned soil and sediment samples on a column containing
activated Florisil [74]. Nichkova et al. [56] utilized a multilayered silica gel column and an activated
carbon column to clean up extracted sediment samples contaminated by PCDD/Fs. In addition,
Van Emon et al. [75] used the same method to refine dioxins-contaminated sediment and soil sample
extracts, following the EU standard methods. For the cleanup of samples extracted from oils,
KOH-ethanol/sulphuric acid is suitable for oil samples containing > 35 μg·mL−1 PCB [76].
For biological samples containing extremely low concentrations of dioxins, such as human milk,
Sugawara et al. [77] reported that routine purification with nonpolar solvents was incompatible with
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ELISA assays. They suggested extracting human milk samples by employing an alkali decomposition
step, then passing the samples through a three-layer column, and finally evaporating the eluent with
nitrogen before re-dissolving in MeOH-DMSO (1:1) with 100 ppm Triton X-100. A fairly good
correlation between ELISA results and GC/MS results was obtained with a coefficient of 0.92.
As an alternative to traditional chemical cleanup methods, immunoaffinity purification (IAP) is a
powerful biochemical technique for a single-step separation and purification of individual compounds
or classes of compounds from liquid matrices [78–80]. IAP is based on the highly specific interaction
of an antigen in the samples with its antibody immobilized on a solid support matrix. It was originally
applied to pharmaceutical and biomedical trace analysis and in recent decades for analysis of
environmental contaminants and pesticide residues [81,82]. Altstein et al. [83] first coupled ELISA
with the sol-gel-based IAP method for cleanup of soil and sediment samples for determination of PCB
126, demonstrating that this method was very efficient in purifying PCB 126 and eliminating matrix
interferences. Shelver et al. [84] also used an immunoaffinity column for cleanup of TCDD containing
serum samples. The binding efficiencies of a spiked serum sample combined with the immunoaffinity
column were over 90%.

2.1.2. Immunogen Design for PCDD/Fs and PCBs

The specificity and selectivity of ELISAs mainly depend upon the antibodies used. Many studies
show that the design of the immunogens determines the features of the resulting antibodies [85–88].
Since small molecules seldom stimulate an immune response, it is necessary to design a hapten which
can be covalently combined with a carrier protein to make a complex for immunization. Usually two
aspects of a hapten are related to the immunogenicity: chemical structure and functional group(s). The
chemical structure is sometimes the key to produce valuable antibody. The functional groups
(e.g., NH2, COOH) help to combine chemical structures with carrier proteins by covalent coupling.
A lot of effort has been made to detect various PCB congeners. Chiu et al. [89] designed a hapten
(6-[(3,3',4'-trichlorobiphenyl-4-yl)oxy]hexanoic acid) coupled to bovine serum albumin (BSA) by
which an appropriate monoclonal antibody for sensitive detection of PCB congeners or mixtures was
obtained. The ELISA using the antibody was highly selective for PCB 77 and PCB 126, with 50%
inhibition concentration (IC50) values of 0.9 and 1.2 ng·mL−1, respectively. Altstein et al. [83] used
a 3,3',4,4'-trichloro-(3-thiobiphenyl) hapten linked to keyhole limpet hemocyanin by means of
6-bromohexanoic acid to obtain a goat 2504 anti-PCB polyclonal antibody. The goat anti-PCB IgGs
exhibited the highest affinity and lowest detection limit for PCB 77 and did not cross react with any
other tested PCBs, Aroclors or furans in any of the ELISA formats. Fránek et al. [90] synthesized PCB
126-(CH2)3-hapten mimic-BSA and PCB 77-CH2-hapten mimic-peroxidase. The antibody was highly
specific for non-ortho-substituted (coplanar) congeners, with low cross-reactivity values for PCB 189
and PCB 77 (1.3 or 1.0%, respectively) and did not recognize non-coplanar PCB congeners
or organochlorine compounds. Fránek et al. [91] also synthesized a 4,4'-dichlorobiphenyl- and
3',4,4',5-tetrachlorobiphenyl-2-azo-BSA immunogen and obtained a sheep polyclonal antibody. Direct
competitive ELISA results showed IC50 values for the commercial PCB mixture, Delor 103,104,105 and
106 (corresponding to Aroclor 1242, 1248, 1254 and 1260), were about 200, 250, 600 and 900 pg·L−1,
respectively, and the cross-reactivity to Delor 103, 104, 105 and 106 was 100, 79.6, 31.7 and 13.5%,
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respectively. Furthermore, a 3,3',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenoxybutyric acid (PCBH)-keyhole limpet

hemocyanin conjugate was also prepared by Inui et al. [92]. The resulting monoclonal antibodies,
0217 and 4444, were highly selective for 3,3',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 80) in ELISA assays
with IC50 values of 2.6 and 0.46 ng·mL−1, respectively. Moreover, Shan et al. [74] designed a
hapten (7,8-dichlorobenzo[5,6][1,4]dioxino[2,3-b]pyridine-3-carboxylic acid) conjugate with BSA and
obtained a sensitive polyclonal antibody for screening TCDD from soil and biota samples.

2.1.3. Development of Antibodies for PCDD/Fs and PCBs

Among various bioassays for dioxin determination, one of the outstanding advantages of
immunoassays is their specificity, which depends on the characteristics of the antibodies recognizing
target analytes (antigens). To date there are several successful antibodies being used for ELISA
assays of PCDD/Fs in environmental samples. Early work in this area has been summarized by
Sherry et al. [93] and Harrison et al. [94]. So far there are three main kinds of antibodies used in the
ELISA: polyclonal antibodies, monoclonal antibodies and recombinant antibodies. Polyclonal
antibodies are widely used and easy to be obtained and purified from serum. For example,
Mapes et al. [54] utilized New Zealand white rabbit to raise polyclonal antibodies against PCBs in the
development of a fast on-site immunoassay. By using this assay PCBs in soil could be detected at
concentrations as low as 5 ppm. The results of cross-reactivity studies showed that the assay was highly
specific. Chuang et al. [50] also used pooled rabbit anti-PCB antiserum (AC-3) to determine PCBs in
soil, and obtained a correlation coefficient between GC/ECD and ELISA of 0.91 for 41 soil samples.
In addition, a sheep polyclonal antibody was developed, which had no cross-reaction with 19 other
structurally related compounds, and only 5% cross-reactivity with dichlorodiphenyledichloroethylene
(DDE) [91]. Deng et al. [55] also applied the sheep antiserum raised against 4,4′-dichlorobiphenyl-
thyroglobulin immunogen to successfully evaluate eight PCB-contaminated soil samples. Besides
polyclonal antibodies used for detection of PCB congeners, Carlson et al. [95] used a novel
anti-PCDD/Fs polyclonal antiserum to measure TEQ of PCDD/Fs from soil and fly ash samples.
It is generally accepted that polyclonal antibodies are not absolutely specific and often exhibit
cross-reactivity with other molecules. In the study of Harrison et al. [96], a competitive ELISA assay
based on a mouse monoclonal antibody, which was specific for TCDD and related congeners, was
documented. The sensitivities were 100 pg/tube or 25 pg/well of TCDD. Moreover, Tsutsumi et al. [71]
used a monoclonal antibody, which was highly specific for 2,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 118),
to determine contamination of retail fish. The ELISA results for the fish samples correlated well with
the TEQ concentrations of dioxin-like PCBs obtained by GC/MS (r = 0.92, n = 26).
In most cases, cross reactivity is viewed as undesirable, and minimizing it is a common goal.
However, since a mixture of different classes of dioxin congeners is always present in environmental
samples, a general environmental screening of dioxins requires detection of certain classes of
compounds rather than individual congeners. Therefore cross reactivity among different classes of the
dioxin congeners, rather than individual congeners, is sometimes preferably considered in the
development of immunoassays for dioxin screening. A new strategy to raise suitable antibodies has
been put forward based on the notion of “generic” antibodies with relatively broad cross reactivity to
targeted compounds [97]. This approach involves either screening of antibodies raised against a family
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of target compounds or generation of specially designed analogues, often based on a fragment of the
target compounds aiming at presenting the pivotal features of the entire class [98,99]. Some
researchers have described the use of mixed antibodies to increase the working range of an
immunoassay for detecting herbicides [100,101]. A similar idea has been used to develop
immunoassays for dioxins. For instance, Glass et al. [102] first described an immunoassay for PCBs in
which two different monoclonal antibodies. As a supplement, cross reactivity was used to broaden the
assay reactivity. Antibodies that individually exhibit 20 or 50-fold differences in response between
Kanechlor 300 and Kanechlor 600 can be mixed so that the overall difference in response to those
compounds was reduced to three fold. The reported cross reactivity of a PCB immunoassay was
increased, resulting in an assay system which was better able to detect total PCBs.
Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies dominated the dioxin screening field in the past and will
continue to do so in the near future. But recent years, some researchers have begun to study recombinant
monoclonal antibodies. The technology for producing recombinant monoclonal antibodies is not novel,
originating in the medical field for generating humanized antibodies [103–105]. Before being used in
dioxin mornitoring, it was introduced for screening pesticide [106–108]. Recombinant monoclonal
antibodies are created from cDNAs encoding available monoclonal antibodies or taken from human
cells, then cloning them into expression vectors for production in suitable organisms such as
Escherichia coli or yeast. The preparation is highlighted in an excellent review [109]. Recombinant
monoclonal antibodies have some advantages over conventional polyclonal antibodies and monoclonal
antibodies. They are stable and have high affinity and low production cost. However, the procedure for
their production is very complicated and requires highly specialized bioengineering techniques. The
main advantage of recombinant monoclonal antibodies for ELISA analysis is its high tolerance
towards solvents such as methanol and DMSO, alleviating the usual problem of having to greatly
dilute the samples before assay [72,110]. Although some studies reported that ELISA system for
coplanar PCBs were tolerant to organic solvents such as 5% of methanol and 1.3% of DMSO [89,90],
these tolerances still decreased sensitivity for PCBs with standard antibodies.

2.2. Ah-I

Ah-I is another common method to detect total toxicity potential of dioxins based on the ability of
these compounds to bind to and activate AhR followed by downstream signaling. For determining
TEQ concentrations of dioxins, reporter gene assays, such as CALUX, are currently regarded as the
best method, especially for food and feed [30]. However, this still has some drawbacks, including the
need for cell culture, which requires skilled personnel and elaborate equipment, and licensing. Ah-I,
which is an ELISA-based AhR binding assay, is a simpler alternative to obtain TEQ directly that does
not require cell culture. It is a hybrid of an immunoassay and an in vitro AhR-binding assay. The
principle of this method is as follows: activation of AhR by dioxin or dioxin-like compounds leads to
conformational changes, allowing the formation of a heterodimer with ARNT which then binds to
dioxin receptor elements (DREs) in DNA. This AhR:ARNT heterodimer can be detected by an
immunoassay-based color reaction using an enzyme-conjugated antibody that binds to the ARNT or
AhR. The assay, which converts into TCDD equivalents using a TCDD standard curve, can detect the
total TEQ concentrations of the dioxin-like compounds. The detailed procedure of this method is
Sensors 2012, 12 16721

shown in Figure 2. The sensitivity and specificity of Ah-I are determined by sample preparation
methods as well as by the features of the antibody used in the assay.
Like all of the bioassays based on antibodies, Ah-I also requires expensive antibodies, limiting its
applications. One of the main advantages of this method is that it is less likely to produce false-negative
results than cell-based assays, such as the CALUX, because Ah-I is based on very specific
antigen-antibody recognition. For example, PCB 118, which is a good example of mono-ortho PCBs
in certain kind of fish, was reported to be relatively less responsive in the CALUX assay [111–113],
which may lead to underestimation [114]. However, according to studies of Tsutumi et al. [45],
amounts of PCB 118 detected by Ah-I were consistent with the results of GC/MS analysis. On the
other hand, sample cytotoxicity resulting from toxic matrices or solutions, may generate false negative
results in CALUX, but in are less likely to interfere with the cell-free Ah-I assay. So far the detection
limit of Ah-I assay for PCBs was 10 fmol.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram for experimental procedures of Ah-I for detecting dioxins.
Microplates are coated with streptavidin (1). Cell lysate containing AhR and ARNT,
testing samples containing dioxins, and biotin-labeled DNA fragments containing DRE
consensus sequences are added into the microplate. Biotin-labeled DRE binds to
streptavidin. AhR activated by dioxins combines with ARNT to form a complex, which is
immobilized by binding to DRE (2). Anti-ARNT antibody (3) or anti-AhR antibody (5) is
added to recognize the complex. Secondary antibodies and substrates are added for
detection (3, 4, 5, 6).

2.3. Multi-Analyte Immunoassay

ELISAs have been generally considered to be rapid, simple and low-cost analytical procedures and
used to detect dioxins for years. However, the sensitivity of these methods is limited. Using modified
extraction and cleanup methods, the limit of detection was 28 ± 6 pg TMDD·mL−1 DMSO
[2,3,7-trichloro-8-methyl-dibenzo-p-dioxin (TMDD)] [63]. For CALUX, the limit of detection was
50 fg of TCDD [112]. Therefore it is difficult to use ELISA assays for the evaluation of biological
samples containing dioxins at extremely low concentrations, such as in human milk and blood. Since
improvements in the ELISA assay itself may be not enough to make the assay suitable to detect trace
amount of dioxins, novel detection systems consisting of other bio-analytical methods and ELISA have
been developed for the purpose.
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Real-time immuno-polymerase chain reaction (Rt-IPCR) is a versatile and robust technique

whereby the exponential amplification ability of PCR is coupled to the detection of proteins by
antibodies in an ELISA format. Briefly the antigen is coated on PCR tubes, and then anti-dioxin
antibodies and samples containing dioxins are added. The antigen competes with dioxins in the sample
for binding to the antibodies. Biotinylated secondary antibody is added to bind to anti-dioxin
antibodies immobilized on the tube. After addition of avidin and biotinylated DNA tag, a complex is
formed between avidin and the biotinylated secondary antibody and DNA. The DNA tag is then
amplified and quantified by Rt-PCR. Rt-IPCR has been widely used in clinical diagnosis and
biochemical analysis for detection of pathological proteins and various viral antigens [115–117].
Recently, it has been introduced to detect environmental contaminants, such as dioxin. For example,
Chen et al. [118] first developed a fluorescent quantitative IPCR and assessed its potential for the
detection of antibodies recognizing PCBs in soil samples, in which the PCB concentrations were as
low as 10 fg·mL−1. Recovery rates were 95.0–105.0% and the Rt-IPCR results correlated well with the
concentration of PCBs obtained by GC/MS (r = 0.99, n = 6). These data indicate that this highly
specific, sensitive, and robust assay could serve as a potential tool for detecting PCB compounds in the
environment. However, there are several disadvantages of Rt-IPCR that needed to be mentioned.
Above all, it is hard to avoid laborious preparation to stably couple the DNA tag to the antibody. In
addition incubation and washing steps are laborious compared to other competitive immunoassays.
Finally, the sensitivity of Rt-IPCR is limited by antibody-antigen interaction.
Although ELISAs are rapid, these methods still require an hour at least for a single measurement
and need enzyme-labeled reagents. Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)-based biosensor immunoassays
(BIAs) using Biacore instruments can eliminate the need for enzyme-labeled reagents and are mostly
highly automated. BIA is mainly used to detect the residues of veterinary drugs in foodstuffs, but
recently it was introduced to screen dioxins. Using this method, Shimomura et al. [119] detected
TCDD and PCB with respective detection limits of 0.1 and 2.5 ng·mL−1, requiring 15 min for a
single sample measurement. The first food monitoring program using BIA was reported by
Tsutsumi et al. [70]. In this study, an SPR-based BIA was developed using a monoclonal antibody that
is specific for PCB 118, by which TEQ concentrations of dioxin-like PCBs in retail fish was obtained.
The quantitative limit of the assay was 1 ng PCB 118 per gram of test samples and the assay results
correlated well with GC/MS (r = 0.89). Thus, the BIA will be useful for the preliminary screening of
large numbers of fish samples before GC/MS. However, BIA is not appropriate for detecting high
concentrations of dioxins as it takes too long to complete dissociation of magnetic particles from the
gold film which acts as a SPR tag. Another drawback is that this method requires expensive equipment
and supplies.

3. Conclusions

Compared to GC/MS detection of dioxins, bioassays based on antibodies such as ELISA and Ah-I
are more rapid, time-saving, cost-effective and practical. The cost-effective features of the bioassays
are not only due to the relative low cost of the establishment of the detection system, but also because
of the low cost for the maintenance of the instruments and sample preparation and detection. However,
their drawbacks in sensitivity and specificity preclude them as a replacement for the instrumental
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method. In order to improve sensitivity and specificity, efforts have been made to optimize the sample
preparation, hapten design and development of the antibodies. Combinations of other techniques with
the antibody-based bioassays have been proposed to improve the performance in screening dioxins.
For sample extractions, MAE, ASE, SPE and SPLE methods have been proposed, among which SPE
and SPLE can save the cleanup step for the extracted samples; MAE and ASE are fast and use little
solvent. For the cleanup of the extracted samples, multilayered columns and an activated carbon or IP
are easy and effective methods. In order to obtain suitable antibodies, a well-designed hapten is
essential. In general, polyclonal antibodies are easier to obtain, but monoclonal antibodies are more
specific. ELISA assays using a mixture of various monoclonal antibodies can be employed to screen
different classes of dioxin congeners. In addition, recombinant monoclonal antibodies can be employed
in ELISA to improve the feasibility of the assay. Compared to single-analytic antibody-based analysis,
multi-analytic analyses are able to not only further improve the sensitivity and specificity of the
detections, such as Rt-IPCR; but also make the assays more rapid and automatic, such as BIAs. With
the cell-free, simple and rapid features, these antibody-based bioassays could be feasible for direct
on-site screening for dioxins. To make good use of all the optimizations, for example, dioxins in soils
and sediments could be screened on-site by using MAE extraction and IA cleanup to prepare samples,
followed by Ah-I to estimate the total TEQ. If the TEQ is relative high, ELISA can be adopted to
determine different classes of the dioxins. If the TEQ is relative low, it is better to adopt Rt-IPCR.
Alternative sample preparations using SPE or SPLE combined with BIAs can be used to screen a
sufficient number of samples in a short time.
Ah-I can be used for specific applications. Although Ah-I can provide TEQ directly in a cell-free
system, it has an obvious drawback in its specificity. Recently, more and more AhR ligands have been
found which have diverse structures. The emerging evidence suggests that various ligands of AhR may
bind to AhR in different ways [120] and these new findings suggest a possibility that once AhR is
activated by different ligands, it may undergo distinct conformational changes. If there is an antibody
specifically recognizing a certain conformational change induced by certain ligand, it would be
possible to increase the specificity of Ah-I. The question is how to obtain such antibodies. So far
antibodies used in Ah-I assays are mainly raised against short peptides derived from the AhR protein.
Using this method to generate antibodies will result in a smaller probability of obtaining antibodies against
special conformational changes compared to using full-length AhR as an antigen. With the further
optimization, it may be possible to make these immune-analysis methods more sensitive and feasible to
meet the requirements for on-site fast detection and relative quantification of dioxins in the environment.


This study was supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Program of Knowledge Innovation
(KZCX2-EW-411), National Natural Science Foundation of China (21177150), and National 863
Project (2012AA062804).


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