CFD Flow Analysis and Optimization of Exhaust Muffler
CFD Flow Analysis and Optimization of Exhaust Muffler
CFD Flow Analysis and Optimization of Exhaust Muffler
Abstract: Silencer is an integral part of the exhaust system. The silencer serves the function of noise and vibration reduction.
The exhaust gases in the combustion chamber which are at temperatures of around 1200K are released to the atmosphere at
around 323K. Temperature reduction takes place efficiently as the flue gases flow through the exhaust system. In this study, flow
analysis is carried out on various geometries and the geometries are checked for the pressure drop and temperature drop based
on which the optimum geometry having minimum pressure drop and maximum temperature drop across the flow is selected and
considered suitable. The entire flow analysis is done using ANSYS Fluent 18.0. Various Geometry combinations are used
considering the minimum pressure drop. These geometries are analysed for flow considering Standard Air, Air as Ideal gas and
Real gas as the fluid material for each of the geometries. For all the load cases the geometry which is having minimum pressure
drop and maximum temperature drop is considered suitable for structural analysis.
Keywords—Silencer, CFD, Fluent,ANSYS, Flow
Silencer is an integral part of the exhaust system. The silencer serves the function of noise and vibration reduction. The exhaust gases
in the combustion chamber which are at temperatures of around 1200K are released to the atmosphere at around 323K. Temperature
reduction takes place efficiently as the flue gases flow through the exhaust system. Apart from temperature loads, the exhaust system
also carries pressure loads, acceleration load and load due to its self-weight. Temperature reduction takes place efficiently as the flue
gases flow progressively through the exhaust system. Sound travels in the form of pressure waves which are transverse in nature. So,
to reduce the sound, these pressure waves can either be cancelled out or it can be absorbed. There are generally two main reasons for
generation of noise in an engine.
A. CFD Fluid volume
For carrying out the flow analysis on the given geometries, the fluid volume is extracted for each of the geometries and the fluid
volumes are discretized into finite elements to capture the flow.
Material properties of real gas which are obtained from the software are given below.
Table no.1Properties of Real Gas
Real Gas
Molar mass 28.96 kg/Kmol
Specific heat capacity(Cp) 1006.43 J/kg-K
Specific heat type Constant Pressure
Reference temperature 25 C
Critical Temperature 132.3 K
Critical Pressure 3758000 Pa
Reference Pressure 1atm
Critical Specific volume 0.002857 m3/kg
Dynamic Viscosity 1.7894e-05 kg/ms
Thermal conductivity 0.0242 W/m-K
(Ref: from ANSYS FLUENT 18.0 material library)
A. Base case
Flow analysis is carried out on the Geometry 1 using Real Gas as a fluid.
Fig.5 Boundary conditions Case 1 Base Geometry Fig.6 Pressure Contour Case 1 Base Geometry 1 using
using real gas as a fluid real gas as a fluid
Fig.7 Velocity Streamline Case 1 Base Geometry 1 Fig.8 Temperature drop Case 1 Base Geometry 1 using
using real gas as a fluid real gas as a fluid
B. Optimized Case
Flow analysis is carried out on the Geometry 4 using Real Gas as a fluid.
Fig.9 Boundary Conditions Optimized Case Fig.10 Pressure drop Optimized Case optimized
OptimizedGeometry using real gas as a fluid Geometry using real gas as a fluid
Fig.11 Velocity Streamline Optimized Case Fig.12 Temperature drop Optimized Case Optimized
Optimized Geometry using real gas as a fluid Geometry using real gas as a fluid
C. Summarized Results
1) CFD Analysis: The summarized results of CFD flow analysis carried out on base geometry and final optimized geometry using
real gas as the fluid medium are shown in table given below.
Table.2 Summarized Results
Real Gas
Case Geometry Mass Flow Average Pressure Average Velocity Average
Base case Geometry 1 Inlet: Inlet: 3597.06 Pa Inlet: 49m/s Inlet :423 K
0.0875kg/s Outlet: 0 Pa Outlet: 41.6975 m/s Outlet: 366.414
Outlet:- Pressure drop: Temperature drop:
A. Temperature at Inlet and Outlet
1) Experimental Setup: The temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the silencer are measured experimentally using a thermocouple
measurement in NI LabVIEW.Multiple readings are taken for about 40 seconds and the highest temperature is recorded at the
inlet and outlet of the silencer.
Fig no.13 experimental setup for temperature measurement Fig no.14 Temperature readings at the outlet
Once the temperature at the outlet becomes steady, the temperature at the inlet is recorded with the help of non-contact temperature
B. Result
The combined results obtained from experimental and simulation.
Table no.3 Combined experimental and simulation results
Experimental results Simulation results (obtained from CFD analysis)
Temperature at inlet(C) Temperature at outlet Temperature at inlet Temperature at outlet
(C ) Given as input (C ) (C )
C. Observation
It has been observed that the experimental and simulation results are in good agreement with each other.
Flow analysis is carried out on various combinations of geometry using Standard Air, Air as an Ideal gas and Real gas are used as
working fluids for fluid volumes for all the geometries. There is no difference in the results obtained using Standard air and Air as an
ideal gas as a fluid. Since the working fluid in actual case is a real gas, so flow analysis is carried out using Real gas as a working
fluid. Minimum pressure drop of 1072.5 pa and a maximum temperature drop of 64.335 C is obtained for geometry 4 which is
validated with experimental results. So, geometry 4 is considered optimum design for the flow.
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