Evaporation Experiment
Evaporation Experiment
Evaporation Experiment
Name: __________________________________________
Boiling and evaporation
To see if evaporation takes place when we boil a kettle.
We are going to measure the amount of water we pour into a kettle. Then we will boil
the kettle. After the kettle has boiled we will pour the water into a measuring jug to
see how much water there is left.
I think that:
Amount of water at the start _____________
Amount of water after boiling _____________
Put the following labels on the diagram to show what happened in your experiment.
Then write a sentence to explain what happened and why below.
Heat Steam Liquid Gas Evaporation
Year 5 States of Matter Investigation
Name: __________________________________________
Investigation planner
Members of your team:
1. What are you going to investigate? (Write it as a question)
2. How are you going to investigate this? (What procedure will you follow?)
3. What do you need to keep things 4. What equipment/resources will you need?
5. What do you think you will find out? (Give scientific explanations for your
Year 5 States of Matter Investigation
Name: __________________________________________
6. What were the results of your investigation? How can you represent these results in
a way that others can easily understand?
7. What conclusions can you draw? What data and evidence do you have to support
your conclusions?
8. How successful was your investigation? What could you do to improve your
investigation and the quality of the data you collected?